A short update on the energies | Aisha North

I’m liking a lot of alone time lately..and I feel fine!

aisha north

As the days begin to change shape in the way of the length of the Sun’s stay over the horizon, so too will the energies bathing your planet morph and shift in such a way, you will all feel these undulations speak to the very depths of your being. Not only that, you will also feel how your body will reciprocate, by speaking back in a new language. For now, your earthly vehicle and these heavenly messengers will begin to commune with each other in a very new way, one that will have many implications for all. You see, this speeding up of the particles that has been going on for quite a while now will literally move into a new phase, one that will enable those hitherto “sleeping partners” amongst your own particles to begin to stir very vigorously as they are being engaged by the vibrational field created…

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