3 from Joni Patry: September 2021 Predictions: Prepare for the Big Change! + Time to Get Ready! Update on Crucial Events Coming September + Neptune Opposite Mars: September 2, Economic Changes and Scandals

The reason I appreciate Joni Patry so much is that she knows her Vedic Astrology, and understands the corresponding cycles and patterns of human behavior and collective transformation. She often points out historic events as examples of what kinds of things we can expect when the same or similar aspect cycles back again. Everything is seen through the eyes of Divine Guidance and our role and need for taking personal responsibility to make the most of supportive aspects to improve our quality of life. These videos are chock full of helpful information so we understand larger cycles at work that affect the collective and how personal choices impact outcome. Life is always in flux, so by being informed, we are better able to flow with change and revelations to align with our higher destiny. ~PB

September 2021 Predictions: Prepare for the Big Change!

Premiered Aug 27, 2021

Joni Patry
106K subscribers

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Time to Get Ready! Update on Crucial Events Coming September

Streamed live on Aug 28, 2021

Joni Patry
106K subscribers

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Pooja Fauzi Alagan

Pooja Fauzi Alagan

1 week ago (edited)10:00 the power within, planets in retrograde
Rahu in krittika
great awakening
dreams are self healing
subconscious mind and the universe
21:59 first week September, so powerful. Planets in exaltation. Manifestation.
second week September. Mars combust. Anger and war. Sun and Mars comes together October 8th.
Eclipse in December. War, Afghanistan, spiritual truth.
Saturn square Uranus. December grand finale , around 30th.
Victoria eminating orange orb. Everything is energy
evolution of technology. Alien tech.
nuclear testing and aliens cleaning up our mess.
when things get difficult, it’s when huge awakenings evolve. Planets 2023-24. Healing of planet. The truth is out there. 40:14 Joni answers questions on travel restrictions. New moon conjunction with fixed star Sheet. Worst star. 43:10 astrologic magazine. Bitcoin
more on topics featured in next magazine issue. Vastu ( Indian Feng shui) .
Victoria’s YouTube
dreams about eagles
the eclipse. Bad!

Neptune Opposite Mars: September 2, Economic Changes and Scandals

Aug 31, 2021
Joni Patry
106K subscribers

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Tania Gabrielle: [Aug 30 – Sep 5] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast Aug 29, 2021 + Virgo NEW MOON [Sep 6-7, 2021] Make Positive Conclusions!

[Aug 30 – Sep 5] WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast

Aug 29, 2021

Tania Gabrielle
56.8K subscribers


Listen to FREE SEPTEMBER 2021 Forecast Excerpt:
FREE Training – “Discover Your Divine Blueprint”
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


Tania’s Vlog & Blog ► https://taniagabrielle.com

#starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology #weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon

Virgo NEW MOON [Sep 6-7, 2021] Make Positive Conclusions! Astrology Numerology Forecast

Aug 23, 2021

Tania Gabrielle
56.8K subscribers


Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of August 25 to Sept 1 ~ Podcast + Virgo New Moon – Divine Timing Is Here! Real Manifestations and Developments Begin

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of August 25 to Sept 1 ~ Podcast

Aug 25, 2021
Molly McCord
117K subscribers

The end of August brings opportunities to clean up, organize, and take care of our energy with responsibility after the powerful transitions of the month. Soul contracts have changed, as well, as new ones are arriving. A significant timeline shift has occurred, and it is vital to honor your own path and speed now. Mercury enters Libra on August 29, where the Messenger planet will stay until Nov 5 due to an upcoming retrograde in late September. There will be opportunities to stand in your power and needs now without reverting to previous parts of yourself. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.

Thank you for watching! I appreciate all of your high vibes and what you have contributed to my new YT channel! Many blessings~~ Molly

[Much more in the YT description box]

Virgo New Moon – Divine Timing Is Here!
Real Manifestations and Developments Begin

Aug 26, 2021
Molly McCord
118K subscribers

Busy, busy! The Virgo New Moon at 15 degrees on Sept 6 involves conversations between all the planets (rare!) and a number of supportive trines to each of the personal planets. Something big is being prepared to get off the ground in your life, and this is the new door of potentials opening up. The Sun and Moon in Virgo are receiving an energetic trine from Uranus in Taurus by exact degree, and Mars in Virgo is trining Pluto RX in Capricorn, giving you physical energy to move towards what you want now.

Mercury in Libra is making a trine to Saturn RX in Aquarius, bringing stability and clarity to communications, ideas, and the direction ahead. Both planets are creating an Air Grand Trine with the North Node in Gemini, encouraging you to stay open to new ideas and possibilities that are coming together.

Venus in Libra is squaring Pluto RX in Capricorn, while also trining Jupiter RX in Aquarius, helping her stay positive and focused on the road ahead even if an area of life feels heavy or unfair for a bit. Much more to share in this New Moon video.

Thank you for watching! I appreciate all of your high vibes and what you have contributed to my new YT channel! Many blessings~~ Molly https://www.instagram.com/moxiemolly11

Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:

Discover more about Molly’s 10 bestselling books, spiritual teachings, consciousness topics, and more: http://www.ConsciousCoolChic.com

Business development support and resources for healers, spiritual experts, authors, guides, and solopreneurs: http://www.MollyMcCord.online

[Much more on the YT description box]



Aug 22, 2021

Tarot by Janine
95.5K subscribers

Check out Tarot by Janine’s new video where she shares her spiritual gifts and insight into her spiritual world to help with navigating this seemingly insane and tumultuous time! She receives guidance to help us to remain peaceful, calm, strengthened, grounded, clear and spiritually connected for our times! Join in!

If you would like to support Janine and Guy with the channel, here’s a “Buy Us A Coffee” link –

Thank you for the Love and support! All our videos are for entertainment purposes only, just our opinion as we see in the cards-intuitive-psychic interpretation- and not presenting as fact! Enjoy!

Contact and follow Tarot by Janine For all inquiries, booking private readings and to request a question to be aired – https://www.tarotbyjanine.com


Aug 25, 2021
Tarot by Janine
95.6K subscribers

Check out Tarot by Janine’s new video where she does a reading looking into the current situation in the United States with rumors and reports of Psyop direct transmissions and the FDA approval! What’s really going on? What will we see next and who will we see emerge from the shadows? Join in!

If you would like to support Janine and Guy with the channel, here’s a “Buy Us A Coffee” link – https://ko-fi.com/janine12

Thank you for the Love and support!

All our videos are for entertainment purposes only, just our opinion as we see in the cards-intuitive-psychic interpretation- and not presenting as fact! Enjoy!

Contact and follow Tarot by Janine For all inquiries, booking private readings and to request a question to be aired – https://www.tarotbyjanine.com

Cobra: Hold the Light | The Portal

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hold the Light

Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now reaching its peak. Dark attacks in the last few weeks have collapsed about 40 percent of the Light grid on the surface of the planet, and thankfully the grid is slowly recovering in the last few days.

Non-physical dark forces are using their scalar technologies and entity possession to keep the surface population in a state of fear and induced mass psychosis:


This fear is like a cloud around the planetary surface and even most of the Lightworkers have succumbed to it.

Light Forces have communicated that it is of the utmost importance to go within, connect with the Light and hold the Light no matter what happens in the outside world in the next few weeks and months. If enough people hold the Light, this will ensure the most positive possible outcome in the current challenging situation.

There are many scary news in the media but ultimately there is no reason to be afraid for the vast majority of people reading this blog. The vaccines are NOT being used to depopulate the planet, and vast majority of people taking the vaccine will NOT die. After the Event, the Light Forces will be able to reverse and heal ALL negative side effects of the vaccines with their technology.

Light Forces have also communicated that it is very good for people to minimize their exposure to mainstream and alternative media and rather spend more time in nature, meet each other in small inspiring groups, listen to the music or do whatever it takes to keep the vibration high. If you feel so guided you can also meditate and clear the energy of Lightworkers and of the planetary energy grid with the violet flame.

Tachyon technology can help people maintaining high vibrational state of consciousness:


Also, cintamani stones, worn individually, can help a lot for that purpose, because they are the highest vibrational matter on the planet:


As non-physical planes are getting cleared, the Pleiadians are getting closer to the surface, as you can see in this video: 

And the following cloudship has encircled Mount Fuji a few days ago:

Marco Polo, an ambassador of the Venetian black nobility families, made contact with negative Cabal families in China already in the 13th century. This was the beginning of long and successful cooperation between Eastern and Western Cabal factions which was greatly expanded with Jesuit presence in early Qing court in Beijing in 17th and 18th centuries.

Since in the last few decades the Western Cabal factions were greatly exposed through the alternative media, the black nobility families and the Jesuits have decided to move many of their key people from West to China and in 2016 they have partnered a new alliance with Xi and the Chinese Communist Party as the visible Chinese front and World Economic Forum as the visible Western front. Their goal is New World Order dystopian society with China as the world hegemon.

To achieve that goal, they have released the coronavirus and the Wuhan lab is still developing new strains, with some sources claiming that they have also developed the delta variant and planted it into India. It is not a coincidence that Shi Zhengli, the famous Bat Lady from the Wuhan lab, is warning about coronavirus mutations:


Partnership between Eastern and Western Cabal factions in the pandemic creation is clearly visible:


To achieve their New World Order goals, to secure rare earth minerals needed for their global high tech dystopia, and to secure cash flow from the drug trade and human trafficking, China has started changing the regimes of their neighboring countries. The first country to fall was Myanmar and the second one was Afghanistan:


Joe Biden and Mark Milley were not incompetent players in this game but instead willing slaves to their Chinese handlers:


The following meditation can help healing the situation in Afghanistan and you can join if you feel so guided:


The only positive aspect of the Afghanistan situation is that Russian special forces were able to rescue several Pleaidian hostages that were kept in secret prisons in Afghanistan by the US military since late 1990s.

Next country the Chinese want to subjugate is Taiwan. China wants to secure its semiconductor and microchip industry. For that purpose, since March they have killed some key positive Dragon members in mainland China and arrested some others. This has weakened the Red Dragon forces in mainland China who have until now been keeping the invasion of Taiwan at bay, as now they have to keep a very low profile in order to survive. This situation is finally being addressed and the Light Forces are taking action to resolve this.

On August 28th the first of the two exact Eris Pluto squares will be taking place:

On that day, many protests against coronavirus restrictions are scheduled worldwide and according to intel sources they might turn violent. Light Forces are asking those who feel so guided to meditate and to clear the energy of the protests with the violet flame in order to remove the negative violent energy and to encircle the protesters in white Light to protect and support them. If the critical mass of 144,000 protesters gathers worldwide on that day with a unified message, this can begin to turn the tide in the battle between the positive and negative timelines.

August 30th is set as a trigger date to start a global revolution by certain groups.

In Australia, truckers are doing it:



One commenter on my blog made an interesting comment on how this may play out:

In France, groups allegedly connected to the Positive Military are planning it. According to sources in France:

The other interesting strategy the protesters have is to start taking over the mass media:


It is impossible to predict how all this will manifest, but between now and the end of October a Kuiper Belt object named Altjira is in exact conjunction with Rigel, the star of the Orion dark forces:



This is the time of great purification of Rigelian forces that invaded planet Earth in 1996, and after this purification is over my mid/late October, it will be expectedly much easier to manifest the dreams of the Age of Aquarius on the surface of this planet.

Toplet bombs inside implants have not been cleared yet, and they are still the main factor preventing the Event:


One commenter on my blog has explained the situation very clearly:

The next two months are a key time in human history and we need to hold the Light. Every person counts.

Victory of the Light! Posted by Cobra at 3:28 PM
Labels: Altjira, Dragons, Eris, Light, Rigel, Tachyon, Taiwan



Forever Unlimited Consciousness ✨, [24.08.21 03:08]

Many people are having a very tough time right now…. leaving jobs, moving, or forced out of either one of those. Losing friends, division within families is part of it. Simply for making a personal choice they want you to think is the dominant mindset.
😒🖐💉🦠🤖 vs 😏💊🇺🇸🥰

However, holding to one’s own autonomy is important. 🧘🏻The more we take care of ourselves in this way, being true to ourselves, the more we will draw like-minded people into our lives whose hearts align with our perspective. Then we begin to see that we are not alone in this, even if, like me, you live in an area where your view is the exception.

America would not have risen to be the great country it was, is in our hearts…and still can be, without people who were willing to buck the system 🐎 and stand up to tyranny. ⚖️🗽Look to 🇫🇷France, fed up with lack of true representation, look to 🇦🇺Australia, which is pretty much fed up with it’s 6th lockdown. It is human nature to desire autonomy and freedom. Why else do so many around the world want to come to the USA? 🇺🇸

Here in the United States, I sincerely do not want us to have civil unrest and division, nor do I want forced mandates and lockdowns. This is not about a virus “threat” (that has a 99% survival rate), it is a control agenda, about conformity and obedience. It utilizes a planned infiltration with violence to induce fear and enforce those controls through chaos and restriction.

I know some do not care for my sharing of more serious subject matter, but I seek to simply bring more attention to those topics, not to frighten anyone.  We should be beyond fear at this point, because their actions are so transparent, even if some refuse to see what is transpiring, or even look. We the People should be uniting against tyranny, not fighting each other.  This is a spiritual and psychological battle where the enemy seeks to vilify you for disagreeing with the status quo, as they gaslight you into surrender. They want you to be afraid to express yourself. HOLD THE LINE.

We are Sovereign beings, each gifted by God with intelligence, heart, soul and spirit, ✨within a sacred vessel, our body. Nothing is worth acquiescing or compromising this gift of life, vitality and body wisdom.  Be strong. Be resilient. Have faith. Reflect before action. Meditate. Trust in God and in your own ability to navigate, as we collectively move into uncharted territory.  Never give up. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with.

We are living through a paradigm shift. It is not without growing pains. We are in this together, for the long haul. We are learning to care for ourselves better so that we can bring more to the table to be there for those who need us, those we love and care for. So much love, abundance, creative expression, healing and advancement is just around the  corner for humanity. Advanced technology to heal our bodies and our planet. This is not the Eve of Destruction, it is the relinquishment and clearing of what no longer serves us, to make room for something better.

This journey is all about consciousness. As we elevate our thoughts, lighten our hearts, find gratitude and joy in the simple things, remember our traditions, we become immune to the fear narrative, because in higher vibration, the lower energies are diminished. Sure, we are battle weary, so take breaks from the noise, spend time in nature to reflect and refresh yourselves, rekindle your spark.🔥


(continued below)  👇🏽👇👇🏿👇🏾

Forever Unlimited Consciousness ✨, [24.08.21 03:08]
(continued from above) 👆🏼👆🏾👆🏿👆

Whether your style is to softly red-pill 💊those you meet with simple truths, (this is how I meet like-minded people while living in a sea of conformists) or stand up shouting and waving a flag🇺🇸 —be true to yourself.  Remember to smile and express joy and  gratitude, be kind to all, including those who are angry, afraid or think they know better. Some day they will see. Just focus on your passions, walk your talk. Be you. No one is better at it! Don’t isolate yourself. We are all in this together. Let’s make it a beautiful journey. These are amazing times!

Phoenix Boulay
August 24, 2021


Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians

Vaccine Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians

% buffered00:0403:33 12738 122 0 First published at 12:08 UTC on August 22nd, 2021.

channel image



164 subscribers

BREAKING! The ‘Stew Peters Show’ has obtained footage and slides of multiple patients’ blood that was examined after being inoculated with the shots being called ‘vaccines’ for COVID-19.

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to d… MORE

SensitivityNormal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

“Worst day by far…” – “Utterly horrendous!”

I honestly feel like so many people were tricked into becoming Trump-haters that they missed the obvious: Biden has dementia and is unfit to be in a position of such power and responsibility. He is quickly leading humanity to the edge of the abyss of darkness, IMHO.
I think this was all done DELIBERATELY! This administration has done nothing to protect citizen taxpayers and EVERYTHING to help non-citizens get the best of us, take advantage of us. We ALL come from immigrants, that is not the issue. The issue is the lack of screening of newcomers and limiting numbers so as not to overwhelm the system, never mind the fact we should never be arming and equipping our avowed enemies. They are bringing people here to hand them our rights that they have not earned, at our expense, and it is only a matter of times where the weapons we supplied will be used against us. As we see, those who used Biden for this agenda are already kicking him to the curb so they can seize power. God help us all, indeed. “The darkest hour is just before the Dawn.”

Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay, [22.08.21 15:50] https://t.me/SAMcKay
[Forwarded from The Gateway Pundit Media]

“Utterly Horrendous… People Who Have Done Multiple Tours Say It’s the Worst Thing They Have Ever Seen – People Dying Outside Airport Gate” – Sky Reporter Tells of Horror Outside Airport (VIDEO)

SKY News reporter Stuart Ramsay tells it like it is at the Kabul Airport this weekend. Stuart calls the situation, “Utterly horrendous!”

Stuart Ramsay described the scene, “It is utterly, utterly horrendous… People in the front are being absolutely crushed and we believe people have died this morning. People who have done multiple tours say its the worst thing they have ever seen… I can’t see how really this is going to stop until they close the doors and leave.”

This is a man-made catastrophe thanks to Joe Biden and Democrats.

Biden surrendered and then armed the Taliban.

God help us.



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