A Message to Lightworkers – October 13, 2017 | Ascension Times

Greetings, Transformational Jedi!

This has been quite a week!

This week’s Message notes the powerful higher Light that poured onto the planet on Wednesday.

As so much occurs in the world now, we are being called to understand that far from the end of things, this is a new beginning,

And as with all births, there is a time of feeling only the disturbance of the creational force.

We can still stay centered, and allow ourselves moments where we see the new ideas, solutions, and higher energies coming forward, in our own lives and all around us.

I realize that not everyone will agree with what the Collective have to say in this post.
As always, I ask that you take what resonates with you as being true for your path, and release the rest.

And a reminder: If you ever have Just One Question you would like the Collective to answer, go to my website at https://carolineoceanaryan.com/channeled-readings-ask-the-collective/ and scroll down to “Just One Question.”

Hit that PayPal button, then email me your question. I will send you the channeled answer as an MP3 within three working days.

I may soon be offering a two-question option as well that is similar — not a live phone session, but a recorded answer to questions sent in by email.

Sending much Love and Light to all,


A Message to Lightworkers – October 13, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Transformational Ones!

We note many powerful and Earth-shifting changes occurring now, not in only the atmosphere surrounding Earth, but the vibration of Earth life itself, including empowering shifts in your own individual and increasingly unified group consciousness.

Some of you have been aware of the great influx of Light that reached the planet, with an initial outpouring and new Light-grid creation that occurred on October 11, over a twelve-hour span.*


This Light is unlike that which has reached your planet for many millions of years.


This is a form of energy once only experienced in the higher realms, and felt and experienced by those of higher consciousness, for millennia.


It has come to the planet now not only due to astrological shifts and occurrences, but because human consciousness has called out with intention and desire to experience that which you once would have once considered impossible to experience on Earth, except in rare moments of Divine insight and revelation.


This is what is meant by the term “revelation.”

It is simply the opening of a portal in consciousness that opens the way for an experience or vision which your everyday vibration and awareness do not generally offer.

You are aware of the Book of Revelation, known as the “last book in the Bible,” as if it were a definitive statement of the end of the old era.

Though written in symbolic terms, this writing, much revised over the centuries, cannot be considered a map for what is occurring in these “end times,” which are not the end of your world, but the end of an era.

You are moving forward now—some days joyfully, some days with utter exhaustion as you experience the birthing pains of one bringing forth new life—into a place in space/time that is not entirely new to you energetically, yet new to your Earth experience.

Most of you have had lives in the times of Atlantis or Lemuria, or in Inner Earth where the vibrations are still that of the fifth dimension or higher, and other higher dimensional Earth experiences, including times spent living amongst Earth-based Angelic beings or the faery realm.

Yet you have not yet experienced the feeling, the reality, of Earth life as it moves from the depths of density in the third dimension, into the fifth dimension.

You are already seeing increasing fifth dimensional aspects to Earth life, whether you realize it fully or not.

Some of that is a greater desire and even greater demonstration in many aspects of your media to tell the truth regarding what is occurring amongst the old power structure now, rather than obediently hiding the truth of what is happening, out of fear of retribution.

Certainly, some of that still exists.

Yet there is also a brave new stance taken on over the past decade or more, and growing all the stronger, as the internet and other non-mainstream forms of communication take their place as expressions of consciousness that will not be contained or controlled to serve another’s dense purpose.

You are aware as well that those who call themselves white hats in media, government, education, medicine, and other areas of Earth life, including your space programs, are gaining an increasingly stronger foothold as they come forward with histories, explanations, solutions, and inventions that would have been suppressed in past decades, and violently so in past centuries.

You are seeing unrest in parts of the world such as Spain and other countries where some of the populace are asking for an identity other than that which they were assigned at birth, or handed by an invading and occupying force.

Do not be disturbed as these last vestiges of of the old order express themselves, wherever you may see them occurring in the world.

There are also moments of great beauty, courage, and expression of higher Love.

You are seeing now groups of African-American athletes and their non-Black colleagues kneel in protest at the worship of a symbol that is duplicitous at best, having come to symbolize freedom and equality for an elite minority, and not the majority it was originally meant to serve.

We view this not as disrespect on their part, for we see into their hearts, and note the bravery with which they question a system that claims to reward them but in fact punishes them with physical and psychological injury in a Roman gladiator-style contest, as it turns a blind eye to the unnecessary deaths of innocent persons of color.

From the high heart, one is able to view their actions as grasping individual and group freedoms.

An expression not of disrespect, but of their higher selves’ desire for the dismantling of an old oppressive system as the newer one, supported by these astounding energies, comes into place.

They are in their way doing as the majority of humankind are doing now: requiring that what they experience, and even the air they breathe, be blessed with the kind of freedom that ensures dignity, safety, and respect for all.

These are not simply momentary glitches in the old order.

These actions and that of many others, such as the brave mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and those within the Hollywood system coming forward to report the criminal actions of those in power there, requires a democracy that unquestioningly and consistently serves all, regardless of a person’s ethnicity, beliefs, gender, or other social identifiers.

In releasing and refusing the victimization placed upon humanity for so long, and in taking in through every cell of your being this astounding new higher Light vibration, you are in fact becoming an entirely new race of beings.

A higher race vibrationally—one in which the Light of your souls pulses through all the more powerfully as each day you resonate more and more fully with the new Light data and energetic waves pouring over your planet.

And so we may now call you god-men and god-women, and not only the humans you have been known as for millennia.

For why would you not recognize the incredible growth, grace, joy, and creative expression of your Divinity, as it pours forth through every aspect of your new humanity, freeing you to be New Earth Beings of higher Light and higher Love.

We bow to you, as always, dear ones.

Do not be disturbed by the waves of change and the apparent disturbances and shocks they can bring, in any given moment.

For none of this defines you.

You yourselves are defining the moment, defining the Earth, defining what many call the New Human Template.

And we bless you and give thanks for all you are and are becoming in this glorious new day.

We see and we celebrate the Divinity within you.

Namaste! We are with you, always.

*For information on the great onrush of Light that reached the planet this past week, see https://radiantroseacademy.com/calendar/ascended-masters-conclave-2017/ andhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy7ZfSA70i8&t=160s

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan


If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.



Recent: A Message to Lightworkers – October 6, 2017

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author and speaker who channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.


A Message to Lightworkers – June 9, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The Powerful Influx of Light: August 2016 Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher

A monthly forecast created with the intention of providing you with clarity of what’s going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts support and remind you that you are not alone on this journey. These updates serve over 200,000 + unique readers every month.
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The Powerful Influx of Light


August 2016 Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher

Hi my friend,

How have you been feeling the past several weeks?

The Intense Energies


The month of July left many empaths and sensitive souls feeling disheartened, confused, and defeated.

On the surface, this might seem like it has to do with the chaos going on in the world, which is constantly delivered to us via media outlets that incite trauma, shock, and fear.

But even if you are not someone who pays close attention to the world’s state of affairs, you’ve probably noticed that you have not felt like your usual self lately.

Why is that?

That is happening because along with the turbulence happening in the world right now, a great deal is coming up internally within us.


This is a direct result of the influx of Light being downloaded into our solar system—and into every cell, fiber, and molecule of our inner and outer being.

This powerful Light is coming directly from Source Energy, with no filters or fillers.

A Powerful Influx of Light


The current high influx of Light is setting a precedent, because never before in human history have we seen this much higher Light come in at one time.

And the reason for that, is that we just could not have handled it before now.

The heartening news is that Source Energy/our Higher Self only gives us what it knows we can handle.

So although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good.


The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe.

When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed.

Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family.

If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, either emotionally or because you are being triggered by what’s going on in the world right now.

You can move things along more quickly, by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What valuable lessons am I meant to receive from reacting this way to this experience?
  • When was the first time I felt triggered by something similar to this experience?
  • Is my reaction something new? Or does it feel familiar, as if I’ve reacted this way many times before?
  • How does it serve me to react this way?
  • What would my life look like if I reacted in a different way, that feels more expansive and productive?

The answers may not come right away.

But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box.

In simple terms, we are changing our internal dialogue, so we don’t remain fixed in a mindset that keeps us on a mental hamster wheel.


That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation.

When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel.

We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time.

Preparing for the New


When we move through a high influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse.

This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we are starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of.


Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect.

The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we are getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew.

Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time.

Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago.

This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this lifetime, but knew in a previous lifetime.

Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past.

If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning.

The World Unites


On August 5, 2016, the Summer Olympic Games will begin.

The Olympics were originally created with the intention of promoting comradery, good sportsmanship, and excellence.

Over the years, the energies have evolved to create a global unity grid, bringing the world together in a peaceful way, to show that through teamwork, dedicated practice, and camaraderie, anything is possible.

For several weeks in August, countries around the world will be putting aside their differences and walking together as “One Family.”

This is big, and always creates a major boost in elevating the consciousness of humanity.


During the Olympic games, billions of people around the world will unite.

This unified field will soften our hearts to receive and anchor the higher Light of Source Energy, so that we can then move into our fresh new beginnings.

If you’ve been going through a challenging time, know that things will start to ease up for you soon.

Just remember to breathe, and take time to enjoy the magic life has to offer. Birds still chirp in the morning, and the wind still blows a beautiful breeze.

And though it may not always appear to be so, all is well.

Till next time,

Peace and progress,


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Please make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there’s anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.


©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.




by Patricia Cota-Robles

March 14, 2016



We are in the midst of an incredibly powerful influx of Light. This involves the Eclipse series we entered on March 8th with a New Moon Solar Eclipse and the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that will occur on March 23rd. This Full Moon is also the Passover Full Moon which will initiate myriad celebrations for Passover and Easter.


On March 20th , in the full embrace of this Eclipse series we will be blessed with an additional influx of Light from the Equinox, which will greatly empower the shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness taking place within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth.


On Easter Morning, March 27th , we will receive a monumental influx of the Resurrection Flame that will permanently seal every particle and wave of Life on Earth in the NEW HIGHER frequencies of Light Humanity and the Earth will assimilate during this Cosmic Opportunity.


The Company of Heaven revealed to us that when this influx of Light is sealed on Easter Morning, the Earth and ALL her Life will be vibrating at the highest frequency of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity and the Earth have reached since the Birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012. They said that never again will any part of Life on this Planet be able to sink to the chaotic frequencies of separation and duality we were experiencing prior to the March 8, 2016 Solar Eclipse.


This revelation confirms what we have always known in our hearts, which is that our Ascension process will unfold step-by-step. This particular step will actually move us forward in the Light a quantum leap.


During this activity of Light, we will offer the collective cup of our consciousness as a Holy Grail through which the Light of God will flow to greatly assist in accomplishing this facet of the Divine Plan. Together, we will exponentially intensify the influx of Light we are receiving during this Cosmic Moment in March 2016.


God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be an Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth.


by Patricia Cota-Robles


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I invoke for myself this Sacred and Holy Day I invoke on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. This is possible because WE ARE ONE and there is no separation.


As One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, we invoke our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven to assist the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to God Victoriously accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan.


Beloved Legions of Light throughout Infinity, we ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity in any way during the sacred Eclipse Series, the Equinox, Passover, and Easter which we are in the midst of at this time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the New Solar Frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. Weave this purified energy into the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that every single electron of precious Life energy being released by the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth will be used to manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love, our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, and OUR RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNSS.


Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you expand Your Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love which is pulsating within the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame. Create from this Sacred Fire a Heart of Love. Allow this Heart of Love to expand and expand through each person’s Heart Flame until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.  (pause)


Now the Legions of Light from every Ascended level of Being project their Love into the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is. This matrix is the Body of God within which every particle of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its being.

This unprecedented influx of Divine Love flows through our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix and floods the Earth blessing every man, woman, and child. As this Gift of Divine Love bathes the Earth, every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on this Planet is lifted out of the chaos into a Higher Order of Being.  (pause)


The Light of God now flows into the mental body, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the superconscious mind, and the physical brain structure of every man, woman, and child on Earth.


This Gift of Light from our Father-Mother God balances the right and left hemispheres of each person’s brain, and activates their spiritual brain centers. Through this activity of Light each person’s pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of their brain are restored to their full Divine Potential.


Utilizing this powerful Gift of Light, each person’s I AM Presence now recalibrates the circuitry within their physical brain structure enabling them to withstand a higher frequency of Divine Consciousness. This activity of Light heals the fragmented circuitry that has prevented Humanity from communing with their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.


The I AM Presence pulsating within each person’s Heart Flame now creates the sacred space that enables that person to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each one to communicate with their I AM Presence and with the Company of Heaven on a conscious level while reaching ever higher into Christ Consciousness.


As I hold the focus of my attention on the Light of God that is flowing through every person’s physical brain structure, I clearly see Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies being flooded with the resplendent Light of God.


This multidimensional, multifaceted, free-flowing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing the I AM Presence of each person to take full dominion of this experience.


Now, all is in readiness. Through their I AM Presence, every person on Earth will participate at both inner and outer levels in this activity of Light, which will raise the consciousness of the masses and assist every recalcitrant soul to shift from a consciousness of separation to a consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for Life.



I continue to breathe rhythmically and deeply. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are with me now as I greet this sacred moment from within the peace of my I AM Presence. I AM One with all Life. I now realize that I AM One with ALL Humanity and together we are standing forth as the collective 5th-Dimensional Solar I AM Presence on Earth.


I now reach up into the Infinity of my own Divine Consciousness. As I AM lifted up, all of Humanity is lifted up with me. In this frequency of Divine Consciousness, Humanity’s free will becomes one with God’s Will, and Humanity’s Divine Consciousness is reclaimed here on Earth. Humanity’s Divine Consciousness reveals the profound Truth that We are One. This Higher Consciousness pulsates with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life.


Within the embrace of Divine Consciousness, Humanity experiences an endless ocean of Light that flows from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into our Crown Chakra to be anchored in our Heart Flame. With this influx of Light each person KNOWS, “I AM That I AM. I AM the Open Door for this celestial ocean of Light. I AM the Light of the World, and my time for higher service to Humanity and ALL Life is at hand.


Now, this cosmic ocean of Light intensifies, flowing unimpeded through Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. As each person assimilates this Gift from On High, they release into the Light all thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories that are based in the consciousness of separation or duality from ALL time frames and dimensions both known and unknown.


The I AM Presence of each person now affirms, “All that I AM, all of the God Perfection that flows into my Crown Chakra of Enlightenment is manifesting through me now as the New Earth. I AM at peace on the New Earth. I AM resting in supreme God Confidence. I AM opening the 5th-Dimensional Stargate of my Heart to full breadth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God and the Powers of Light throughout Infinity. I AM ready now to Love ALL Life FREE!


Instantaneously, I see the Truth of every person on Earth. I see every recalcitrant soul as a precious Child of God, no matter how far his or her behavior patterns or life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. I perceive all of their human miscreations and their unbalanced energies as innocent primordial energy entering my awareness now to be transmuted back into Light and Loved free.


I happily greet my wayward sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity and all of their unbalanced energy the same way my Father-Mother God would greet them. I greet them with Love from within the embrace of Peace, Detachment, God Confidence, and Supreme Authority.


Within the Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Love I take these fallen souls into the Divinity of my Heart, and I hold them in my arms of Light as I would an injured child. They cannot overwhelm me or control me in any way, nor do I need to fear them or shun them. I simply hold them and Love them until they surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to rejoin the Kingdom of Heaven which is pulsating within the Divinity of their own Heart Flame.


As these precious souls surrender to the Light, their consciousness is raised and they begin to remember that they are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. With this sacred knowledge, they once again find their proper place in the Universe. In perfect Divine Order, they are set FREE to live and cocreate the patterns of Love and Oneness on the New Earth.   (pause)


As this activity of Light continues to expand and expand,

I affirm to all Life everywhere:


Precious Children of God, come unto me and be raised up into

the Light and Love of our Father-Mother God.”    (repeat 3 times)


As an Instrument of God, I AM accepting these precious souls and their unascended energies into my 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Flame so that I can Love them FREE. I AM in Holy Communion with my Father-Mother God, and as my recalcitrant sisters and brothers enter my Heart Flame, they are also in Holy Communion with my Father-Mother God.


Now rather than feeling rejected and thus perpetuating their negative behavior, my sisters and brothers feel accepted and Loved as the innate Children of God they are. They voluntarily release themselves into the Light, and they become One with all of the great forcefields and momentums of Divine Light throughout the whole of Creation.


I rejoice that recalcitrant souls and their unascended energies are finding their way Home through me, and I release myself into the Peace of KNOWING:


My I AM Presence is handling ALL imperfection perfectly.”

(repeat 3 times)


Beloved Father-Mother God, from your glorious Heart I came into being and into your Loving Heart one day—when my service here on Earth is through—I shall return. In deep Humility and Gratitude, I thank you for the privilege of having Life and for my physical embodiment during this sacred time when Divine Love and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are being permanently established on Planet Earth.


I offer you the cup of my consciousness as a Holy Grail through which the Light of Creation will flow to fulfill the Divine Plan for the New Earth.


Beloved Father-Mother God, from this moment forth with every breath I take, empower me with the ability to radiate the Love of my I AM Presence to every particle and wave of Life evolving on this Planet.


 And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717


This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


©2016 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics by Anna Merkaba

This Sheldan Nidle interview by Alexandra Meadors brings a lot of clarity to those burning questions you have… ~PB

Alexandra Meadors 3-24-15… “A Highly Informative Q & A With Sheldan Nidle: Revelations Have Changed Our Future! March 24, 2015″
Posted on 2015/03/26     by kauilapele


Thanks to William who informed me of this. Immediately upon seeing it I felt it wanted to be posted. So here it is. I have not listened to it all as yet, but I felt that many would resonate with Alexandra’s questions for Sheldan, and learn some more about what this “Sheldan Nidle” person is all about.

Published on Mar 24, 2015

You will love this interview! Sheldan Nidle and Alexandra Meadors share an informative review of some of the hottest topics reviewed by our online community. You will hear a concise recap of what is unfolding now, what was done to prompt these changes, and what we can look forward to. Sheldan and Alexandra are discussing the possibility of a monthly presentation on specific topics! Stay tuned!

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

A short update on the energies | Aisha North

Just breathe and go with the flow.

aisha north

As many of you have noticed already, the heightened anticipation that is announcing the arrival of these new frequencies will make their voices heard in many ways. For some, the irritation it causes may feel like an itch you cannot scratch, because the vibrations themselves will set off reactions in your body that can be likened to an indefinable irritation that you do not know where it stems from, but that will cause your attention to be drawn to it anyway. For others, you will feel the highs of an euphoric uplift that may suddenly be replaced by an unexpected low, one that will cause your mind to cast about trying to find an explanation for this sudden dip in emotional temperature, but it will be an explanation it will fail to find for there will be no identifiable cause for it anyway. Nevertheless, your mind will likely find a…

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A short update on the energies

These “short” updates are getting longer and longer! But never-the-less, they seem to “sum up” what we are experiencing.

aisha north

Here we are again, ready to impart another message into your system, for as you already know well by now, these missives are not just simply a conglomeration of words, they also contain layers of information that may not be visible to the untrained eye, but will be very noticeable indeed to anyone who chooses to connect fully with what it is we are trying to convey. Let us explain. It is not by accident that you have been drawn to this space, for the signature frequency that is yours, is one that matches very well with the inherent frequencies of these messages, and so, the two are made for each other in every way. You see, in order to assist you through this ever ongoing ordeal that this continuous process of elevating the frequential status of this planet may be likened to by some of you, it is indeed…

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A short update on the energies | Aisha North

I’m liking a lot of alone time lately..and I feel fine!

aisha north

As the days begin to change shape in the way of the length of the Sun’s stay over the horizon, so too will the energies bathing your planet morph and shift in such a way, you will all feel these undulations speak to the very depths of your being. Not only that, you will also feel how your body will reciprocate, by speaking back in a new language. For now, your earthly vehicle and these heavenly messengers will begin to commune with each other in a very new way, one that will have many implications for all. You see, this speeding up of the particles that has been going on for quite a while now will literally move into a new phase, one that will enable those hitherto “sleeping partners” amongst your own particles to begin to stir very vigorously as they are being engaged by the vibrational field created…

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Arcturian Group Message for January 18, 2015 by Marilyn Raffele | ONENESS OF ALL

Arcturian Group Message for January 18, 2015 by Marilyn Raffele | ONENESS OF ALL

“Greetings dear ones. We come to say that much is happening on your planet that cannot yet be seen with physical eyes. However, you are beginning to feel change in the energy of your personal world as well as on the universal level. You may begin to notice more camaraderie among those around you–a sense of oneness that did not seem to be there before. You may notice it within some group you are familiar with like a club you belong to or in family gatherings. You will notice more unity and less sense of separateness.

These changes are the result of the high resonating Light now pouring onto earth and available to all who are receptive. Every particle of Light feeds the consciousness of an awakening world. Many who were previously oblivious or blindly accepting of world conditions, now find themselves to be more aware and quickly growing weary of the constant bickering and adolescent behavior of so many self serving world “leaders”. Seeing with new eyes, they are beginning to take note of those who serve only to feed their pockets. The eyes of mankind are opening and personal power is beginning to be reclaimed.

Thus, as society awakens, it automatically begins to move into its power. Even a small thing like signing a petition, helps to activate world energy into new directions. It is not about giving energy to some negative appearance, but rather it is about taking whatever human footsteps may assist others to notice, on their level of awareness.

You are in the midst of awakening to who you are, realizing that you are and never were less than those who hold power of some sort or another. Appearances will not change until you change them, for the outer manifestations you see simply represent the consensus consciousness of the majority which at this time is still heavily enmeshed in duality and separation.

The whistle blowers of the world are courageous souls, not to be reviled as many would have you believe. They are helping to awaken those who blindly accept everything they are told–the sleeping ones who have given away their power to those claiming to own it. Despite personal danger to themselves they speak words that need to be heard. Those who stand to lose personal power or wealth from this information would have you believe that these people are criminals. No, they are serving to assist the people of the world to wake up, open their eyes, and hopefully take back their power.

Do what you can each day to awaken others but never in a preaching or proselytizing way. It must be done with love and kindness and respect for the others belief system. Often it is not words, but simply your energy field filled with Light that helps to awaken another who is receptive. Speak the deeper truths only when guided to, when a person is ready to hear or is seeking truth, always trusting your intuition.

We wish to speak of trust–a very misunderstood word. Trust in its truest sense reflects a state of consciousness able to rest in awareness, living the experiences of each moment from center which often appears to the world as a doing nothing. In reality, doing nothing is to hold blind faith in some concept, person, or thing–which is often seen as trust.

Blind faith comes from accepting third dimensional concepts of God, angels, saints, or even the government without question, simply because it is what you have been told. Blind faith is ignorance dear ones, and represents the surrendering of personal power to an unknown something deemed to have power–it is not trust. This is not to say that the angels and Beings of Light are not there to assist you, but to assist you, not do the work for you.

Trust is the natural offspring of a state of consciousness imbued with spiritual truth and not dogma or rites and rituals handed down and accepted from generation to generation. Trust is the living out from and resting in a consciousness aware and knowledgeable of what is real and spiritually true.

Trust simply becomes natural at a certain level of awareness, but is never attained through forever looking outside of one’s self, for no matter how much the teacher or path may be revered by society, at a certain point the spiritual journey must become a solo one, a shift to one own Center.

This is not to say that you will never be guided to some book, class, or teacher along the way but it is to say that you must always listen to your intuition, and when something feels finished, don’t be afraid to leave it and move on. Many paths and teachings are only needed for a short while–steps along the way to be left behind at some point which then allows new and higher phases of the journey to begin.

Trust manifests as the student learns to withdraw energy and power from outside forces and place it where it is, in Divine Oneness. Trust is aware of what is, instead of 3D concepts of what is. The journey through third dimensional lifetimes has been a stepping and falling, stepping and falling but at some point growth begins to come by Grace and fear dissolves. The spiritual student finally understands who and what he is, and is able to rest in that awareness. This is Trust.

All of you are ready for this, dear ones. All of you are spiritually aware on levels enabling you to begin living, moving, and having your being in true Trust. It is only the world’s continued dependence on concepts and beliefs that keeps it in bondage. Trust lifts the burdens from your personal back and removes the mental drive to “do, do, do”, which is the focus of intellectual thinking as well as can be found in many metaphysical teachings.

The metaphysical protocols were necessary in the beginning, and are still important for the newly awakening, but you are no longer beginners. You have completed that phase and are ready to shift from the “do, do, do” mentality into “Be, Be, Be”. Now it is about growing beyond the metaphysical (taking a bad picture and making it into a good picture) and moving into mysticism (the conscious realization that in reality nothing needs changing).

Rites and rituals serve their purpose but for most of you, are finished. The journey is now about a consciousness shift transferring power from the without to the within– whether the without be “good” or “bad”. Every belief in some power outside of yourselves must be let go of, and each letting go helps release you from any bondage to it. Know that even “good” appearances are concepts.

Letting go of something does NOT means you cannot or will not ever again enjoy the finer things of life, nor does it mean you cannot take part in some religious ceremony or service. It simply means that you no longer imbue these things with a power they do not have, whether over you or for you. You begin to see the reality behind all appearances and understand the truths being represented through rites and ritual, knowing that in and of themselves they have no power.

Because the outer is an expression of one’s state of consciousness, as he shifts from a consciousness of duality and separation into a consciousness of truth and Oneness, he will find that the outer forms begin to manifest in new and higher ways. Never fear the loss of something, for if you carry the substance of it in consciousness it will re-appear, often in some new and better form. For example; An attained consciousness of wholeness and completeness often manifests outwardly in simple things like finding the perfect parking spot but can and does also manifest as the right partner, job, or new order and peace in your life.

Mind is the interpreter of one’s state of consciousness translating it into forms appropriate for each individual. If living alone represents wholeness for someone, their attained consciousness of completeness will not manifest outwardly as a partner. Likewise, a consciousness imbued with concepts and beliefs of duality and separation must appear as experiences of both good and bad–duality.

This is the purpose of the physical, emotional, and mental clearings you are experiencing now. Even those awake and evolved still carry cellular memories from past lifetimes lived fully in a consciousness of duality and separation and these need to be released and cleared.

You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group”  1/18/15



The manuscript of survival – part 432 | Aisha North December 30, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 432 | Aisha North
December 30, 2014

“Let us serve up some more information on the matter that you are all created from. For this is in every way all about matter, and about how this matter comes into being and indeed seemingly ceases to exist. For as you know already, this is in actual fact all about energy and of the transformation of such, for there is never anything that ceases to exist, it is simply transposed into another stage of being. In other words, what was once created will always BE, but it will never be the same for eternity. That goes for all of you, but it also goes for all of the stars on the firmament, and indeed, the very firmament itself. For the firmament is no such thing as “firm” or intransient, it is at all times a living organism fluctuating between the different stages of creation, going from “birth” to “death” and all of the stages in between simultaneously. And you are a part of this at all time fluctuating mass of matter, blinking in and out of “existence” – or rather – perception – on a regular basis.

For this Creation that you see before you is nothing more than an illusion, created of a myriad of dancing particles coming together to form different forms, whether that be of the gaseous, the liquid or the solid kind, and then, it will change back into its individual particles when the time is right for it to do so. And so, on and on it goes, and from as early as you can cast your minds back, mankind has been searching for that elusive template that can explain all of this in a logical manner. And so, you have searched ever outwards and the ever inwards as your abilities to reach further than your own inborn senses have allowed, and you have found much, but the more you discovered the more perplexed you became, for it became more and more clear to all that what you found merely confirmed that this answer was even better hidden than what you thought it was.

But now, you are indeed approaching a time in space that will bring you closer and closer to this secret, for now, you are beginning to become mature enough to seek in the right direction instead of sending off inquiries into all of the blind corners. For now, mankind stands before a golden age of true discoveries, discoveries that will not simply supply you with so many of the answers that you have searched for for eons, it will also supply you with the answers to questions you have not even thought to ask. And so we say, prepare yourselves for an age of discoveries that far surpasses anything you have ever experienced before, and where you will make those fabled quantum leaps in all areas of your lives, and you will not just do them once, you will do them repeatedly. For now, you will leave behind all of the outmoded models of thinking, and when you do that and allow the information to flow freely, not just for you as individuals but between you all as a collective, then you will truly begin to tap into that vast ocean of light that will literally sustain you forever. For then, you will not only dream of solutions to your problems in a very literal sense, you will also find a way to create them by allowing your individual resources to be pooled together in such a manner it will make all of the old inhibitions melt away. And with them, any restrictions as to what you as a species can be capable of will fall to the wayside, and you will rise again as the golden ones you really are.

For you are no longer the creatures of habit that you used to be, the ones that disallowed themselves from entering their own greatness, the ones that clung to the same old, same old in every aspect of their lives and through that, served to uphold and feed a form of civilization that was untenable for all, so too the very planet on which you live. For now, you have stepped away from that, and soon, you will step fully into your true roles as re-creators not just for yourselves, but your whole civilization in such a way, there will be little or no remnants left of the old, except perhaps in a museum here and there. For now, you stand poised before an age of expansion, and expansion that will bring with it more light, more space and more freedom for all. And it will be given freely to all, and there is no way that any of these gifts can be hoarded by a few. For you can have all that you need, but you will not be able to take more than you need, not at the expense of others, nor at the expense of the world in which you live in. And so, what you will begin to realize is that you have literally moved from an existence based on the archaic idea of lack, an idea that has only served to bring you all including your planet into a state of total imbalance, and now, you will begin to notice that you have moved fully into a state of being that is all about balance, because it is all about abundance for ALL.

Of course, this will not be apparent to all, neither will it become fully apparent to any of you from the very onset, for it takes time to readjust yourselves after eons of living in a very different atmosphere indeed. But this is what you have already created, and so, it will come to you, like drops of golden light that will slowly but surely permeate every single particle of your being. And yes, we do mean that in a very literal sense, for this change is one that occurs on a cellular level, by changing the very forces of nature that are the building blocks that your human body and indeed everything that surrounds you are made of. For you are all matter, matter made from the dynamic movement of energy, a dance of life, created from particles that again are created from energy interacting with itself in such a way, it begins to coalesce into the tiniest fragments of Creation, and these again come together to form atoms, molecules and then on and on until you stand there complete. As a human being, as a plant or a rock or a drop of water or what have you – you are all cut from the same cloth, the very fabric that everything in your universe is made from. And now, thanks to what you and so many like minded souls have taken upon you to do, this very fabric in itself has changed, because the very frequency it carries has been reset and retuned in such a way, everything that it again creates will be different from what it used to be.

For now, you are all singing to a very new tune, and this is the tune of abundance and light, and because of that, what you again create will all carry this same signature, the brand new signature of the brand New World, and through you, all of this new will come about. And so we say know that even if you will still hear the echoes of the past ringing in your ears, and even if you will still see the shimmering shadows of the old world paraded before your eyes, know that this is simply the remnants of the old vibrations fading away. Granted, they might linger on longer than you perhaps thought would be possible at this stage, but know that it is all fading away even as you yourselves will begin to feel more and more of your own new existence literally solidify into a tangible form that you will be able to see, feel, taste and touch instead of just detecting the energetic presence of it through your own heart. But again, know that this is indeed an ongoing process, one that will have to take the time it needs to take in order for everything and everyone to be able to fully function within it.

For this is not something that will be an “overnight sensation”, or rather, the energetic sensation of it will indeed be felt instantaneously by all, and for many of you, it has already been felt as a very tangible presence within, while for others, this new arrival has yet to make itself heard. But as a collective, it will take some time before it all literally sinks in all the way, or rather, before it fully emerges in all of its glory on all sides around you. So remember to check in with yourself every time you seem to be adrift on that old sea of despondency and despair, for it is merely the dying embers of yesteryear still casting its shadows over you from the theater of broken dreams still being played out on the outside. For we cannot repeat often enough that it is your inner vision you must hold on to, the one that will never fade away, the one that will only continue to grow bolder and more prominent as the days and weeks continue to unfold. For that is your true world now, and it will begin to materialize in so many ways now that you have finally decided to let go of the ever weakening illusion that used to be your old habitual haunts, but is now no more than a relic of the old and misguided intentions of mankind.

So step aside and let that bedraggled train of limiting thoughts pass you by, and instead step inside that golden chariot you have created for yourself, for that is the one that will allow you to serve your true purpose of helping the New to unfold fully by letting the very essence of your being take the driver’s seat. And this chariot will take you all away from the lower reaches and all the way into the lofty spheres that will enable you as a collective to make all your dreams literally come true – in every sense of the word and in every aspect of Creation. For remember, what you do, you do for ALL, and through you, the New Man, the New World and indeed the New Universe will be created from the vibration you have already set. For you have set the tune, and now, everything will fall into place like a magnificent orchestra creating a masterpiece of a symphony by allowing themselves to literally fall into step and tune with everyone else. And as a glorious collective you will rise from the ashes created by the very idea of separation, for in this, you will once again become ONE, not just with yourself, but with All of creation.”

Beloved family of light!

Tomorrow will be the last day in a year that seems to have gone by in a flash, while at the same time it has been so full of transformative moments and profound experiences it feels as if it has contained more than a lifetime’s worth of powerful energetic shifts, magical encounters and incredible events. We have not yet exited 2014, but everything in me tells me that we have already stepped into the New – in every sense of the word as the CCs like to say. For as 2014 went by, we shed more and more of the old, and over the last few months we have been through such a deep transformation I can only liken it to a rebirth – of me, of you, of this Pond and the world we live in.

What a ride it has been, and what a joy it has been to take this ride by your side! One of the high points for me this year was to finally meet some of you face to face during that magical week in Crete, for then, I could see with my own eyes that what is taking place here at the Pond – and in this world – is real. For YOU are real, this is real, this community that we have created here is made up of living, breathing, shining souls, and together we will continue to make the world of our dreams become a reality. And I know in my heart of hearts that 2015 is the year when we will begin to see this New World literally come into life – and it will come into life because WE will make it happen.

As the Sun sets for the very last time in 2014, I will raise my glass in a toast for us all and for everything we have achieved this year. For we are the true pioneers, the ones who have chosen to “go where no man has gone before” by daring to step away from the old and allowing ourselves to begin to acknowledge our own greatness and to BE the Gods and Goddesses we really are. And I will raise my glass in a toast for everything we will achieve in the upcoming year. For our work is not over, but my heart is already singing with joy when I think about the magic we will create together in the days, the weeks and the months ahead.

What a blessing it is to be a part of this family of light, this wonderful collective of shining souls! Thank you all for BEing here at this moment in time, thank you for stepping into you, and for sharing that ever brightening light with us all! For without you, this Pond would not be the vibrant hub it is now, and without you, this world would not be changing the way it is changing.

I want to end this last message of 2014 by inviting you all to the very first Gathering around the Pond of 2015. For this upcoming Sunday, January 4, we get the chance to breathe even more life into the New World and to do it in the way that only we as a collective can do. I wish you all a wonderful, light-filled New Year, and hopefully I will have to chance to meet you all in person soon. Until then, I send my love, my joy and my gratitude all wrapped up in a warm winter hug from me to every single one of you. You are amazing – WE are amazing, and this world is going to become even more amazing than we can imagine because we are all here and we will do all we can to make it so.

With all my love – always, forever

Aisha ❤