Anna Merkaba: Reminder – HEART – Pleiades

Greetings our beloved children of light, the following transmission is transfigured through a cellular bridge of consciousness, in order to implore to all the tragedy unfolding in your world as a masquerade for the ever unfolding, gently guided awakening process of your world:

“We greet you now in this moment of history of your planet and all the planetary bodies existing within your cellular structure of the cosmos. Cellular structure of the cosmos as is known as the galaxy in which you dwell. And all such galaxies, and all that exists. For all is divinely guided and perpetuated by the will of unity consciousness. Unity consciousness which has brought you into the awareness space within which you are presently finding yourselves in. Unity consciousness is that which has allowed said events to occur in your world. Events of great magnitude and magnification of all that has indeed been hidden from view, exposing for all to see the necessity of change in the current times.

Blessed are those of you who forego the undesired effects of said reprogramming, and are able to tune into your hearts codices and remain in your hearts space, apart from the agenda that your media is imploring you to believe, for in truth, the energies of your planet are rising, sequencing a new era to promptly land on your shores, a new era of benevolence and might, benevolence and cocreation, benevolence and true understanding of all that is.


And so, in the turbulent times in which you are finding yourselves in, the duality of your world is compromisingly displaying itself for you now, prominently displaying itself and presenting itself for examination, and unification. For indeed through the separation that you are currently experiencing, much unity is obtained, for all are focused on one outcome, and one outcome only for your planet, and all its inhabitants to be shielded and protected from the “enemy” that you see before you in a form of a “virus”.

And hence, the truth is such that behind the seeming plethora of misinformation  a grand opera is played out, in which that which no longer belongs on your planes of existence, no longer belongs on your shores is being removed, and a new coherent cooperation ensues. For in truth albeit the seeming separation, all are coming together now, with one purpose and one goal in mind.

And so, your world is changing rapidly for you now, as has been showcased to you for years leading up to this very moment, and this is of a positive nature, for all is unfolding as it should, as has been intended by your universal unity consciousness. The duality must go, and unity prevail, oneness, unification, for the good of all involved.

For in truth, you have always been ONE UNIT separated only by the illusion that you have placed upon yourselves in order to experience the veil of forgetfulness, the veil that has placed you onto various octaves and created a disharmonious song for you to experience such duality of being, duality of existence in the physical form behind the veil of forgetfulness, and yet it has always been your desire to unite into one whole, one whole from which you have all originated in order to experience a different world, a world of remembrance, a world of inner knowing, truth and complete connectedness to the ONE, to the source of all that is, in order to experience  true heaven on earth as it was meant to be.

And so, in order for such experience to unfold, it is of uttermost importance to release, let go and purify all on a collective conscious level, for all must change, and nothing can stay the same as it has been, for in order for said experience to occur all must let go of their identities in order to truly shine through with the light of their souls, the light of their souls, and their heart codex.

All must align onto one octave and join together in order to beat as one universal heart, and sing one song of benevolence, cooperation, trust, peace, harmony , bliss and love.

And yes indeed for many of you this may sound absurd, this may sound as if you are being asked to give up your identities and be part of a group, be part of the “herd”, yet in essence, the true intentions is for you to remember the uniqueness of that which you are, and to shine your light through, bypassing all the programming that you have indeed acquired on your journeys on this planet, and to finally tune into the understanding of that which you are and the understanding of BEing, Being and, yes indeed Being part of a group, part of society in which you can truly shine all the color and share your brilliance and uniqueness, instead of following the dogmatic path that has been laid out for you in ages prior.

And so, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT begins with FREEDOM from outdated belief systems, outdated dogmatic thinking patterns, outdated societal structures, in order to connect you to the truth, and align you with the right path for your own souls journey.

And so, how does said experience presently unfolding on your planet play into the the grand plan? The answer is simple, the grand plan is to align all to their very unique and at the same time UNITED octaves of BEing, by shedding the particles and particulars of the past and releasing all that no longer works in the present reality and bravely walking into a completely new territory which has not yet been experienced on your earthly shores.


And so, and thus, the events unfolding before you are asking you to LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND TUNE INTO THE VERY CENTER OF YOUR BEING IN ORDER TO CONNECT TO THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS AND DRAW THE TRUE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT WHICH IS OCCURRING IN YOUR WORLD, THE TRUTH that we spoke of before is unfolding in your reality by shining the light upon your “media” and allowing all to SEE the TRUTH to see that indeed that which is being presented to you is not at all what it seems, to learn to HEAR your OWN truth, and MOST IMPORTANTLY TO FIND BALANCE, PEACE, HARMONY WITHIN amidst the chaotic unfolding.


Listen to your heart dearly beloved children of the stars, remember the reasons that you have come onto this planet, remember the true calling of your heart and follow suit, follow suit and keep your vibrations high for all to experience said high vibrations. For your participation in creating positive vibrations is of the highest importance and we ask you to stabilize all the fear based programming within you, to pinpoint said programming and to release said programming into the light for healing and transmutation, we ask you to be diligent to your chosen momentum and to abide by the principles of LOVE harmony and bliss vibrations, remembering your power and walking steadily on your path.


For indeed you have been prepared well for the mission at hand, you have been prepared, preordained, preorganized and equipped with all that you need in order to rise above the plethora of negativity and lead the way for humanity enlarge, lead the way, for all to follow suite and awaken to the truth of their inner being, the truth of their hearts uniting into one solid front in order to finally align with all that is and a new journey for all of humanity to begin. It is that which has been chosen by all to experience on your planet, it is that which has been requested, by every being that resides on GAIA and it is that which is to unfold in proper succession and make way for a new age unfolding before you. Stay true to that which you are, stay true to your hearts.”


That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! To book a Merkaba Distant Energy Healing Session with Anna please click here.  For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

All inside the Head – Unity Consciousness here we come! | The Wake Up Experience


Pretty intense experiences at the moment, huh? We are going through seemingly endless thought spirals, anxiety attacks, big old ego programs related to aggression, control, manipulation, frustration, disappointments etc. We have a hard time to focus, often feel disconnected. We have weirdest food cravings, a lot of need to rest, not knowing what to do with ourselves, lucid dreaming, intense headaches, the eyes blurry as never before, and the whole body is just going berserk with wildest symptoms, skin break-outs, infections, ascension flu, hot and cold flashes etc. And our mind is hopelessly lost, all it can think is: WTF??? Where is the emergency exit?


I had already written about the ego patterns showing up now everywhere. What I have not written about yet, because something was holding me back until now, is why this is happening. It seemed as if the ego releases had to be worked through to a certain point so that we would all be ready to integrate this new information. I am also still getting used to the fact, that the information I get through now is much richer in terms of clear information. Before – it was a much more intuitive way of just feeling. And now I receive very clear facts of what is going on. The masculine energy is helping us now to reconnect to unity consciousness through the crown. Through the heart, we are connected with the life-flow – the feminine energy. Through the mind, we are connecting to pure wisdom and consciousness.


The Restructuring of the Brain


So what are we experiencing? Yes, it is Human evolution while being alive… We are going through huge physical upgrades now that are at the moment mainly related to the brain. The whole brain is being rewired and restructured. Old structures are dissolved and new structures established. New synapses are built, and the amygdala (where fear patterns/ego patterns were processed and played out based on mistrust) is reprogrammed and upgraded to become a processor for unconditional love  and light – the higher dimensional energies. The amygdala could be seen as the center of motivation, and now we are switching completely from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation coming purely from our essence.

“We will no longer be driven by outside motivation factors. Instead, we will be driven by our essence and will only do what we love.”

We will no longer be driven by outside motivation factors, such as money, fame, career, materialistic possessions etc. Instead, we will be driven by our essence and will only do what we love. Money is no longer seen as a survival tool, but as a creation tool. We are shifting from mistrust to trust, from fear to love. While going through this process, we come online and offline concerning the connection to the Divine Masculine (wisdom, focus, action, creation). We sometimes feel we are shut down, before we go through intense waves of fear patterns showing up, before feeling connected with our essence again. Like a pendulum, we are swinging, before finding back into the center. Where sacred union happens within.


Ego Programming is dissolved


With the dissolving of old structures, old ego programs stored in the brain cells are set free and come up intensely. It can be very overwhelming and it can feel as if we are going through a huge storm of darkness. As shown by natural laws, the best way to deal with it is to move to the center of the storm. And that means to move right through the walls of fear, resistance and frustration and see what is behind it: Nothing. It is just an old movie being projected into our reality, but the moment we step through the screen where it looks so frightening, we come back to peace. Accepting it as is and just letting it pass through will transform it quickly. It asks pure honesty from us towards ourselves. Anything that still triggers us, gives us an opportunity to look into the mirror to see what is still keeping us separated from our own truth and essence. Our ego might go into: “No, this time it is really not my issue”. And yet we know… everything we experience is our own creation and energy. And people treat us and situations play out according to our own energetic patterns. Only when we take full responsibility for our own creation, we can shift.


Cravings and physical Symptoms


Rewiring the brain not only causes intense headaches and superblurry eyes, it also takes an enormous amount of energy and lots of building blocks: protein. Cravings for sweets, carbohydrates and proteins are very normal at the moment. Also heavy greasy food cravings come up in between because we tend to fly high with the current energies and need some grounding. It all just seems wild and crazy, and it can easily call up feeling guilty of wanting to eat stuff we would consider as unhealthy, ethically not correct etc. We are learning to overcome beliefs and dogmas, not only about certain methods, rituals, lifestyles etc, but also about food. Instead of listening to what others say what is good for us, we learn to just listen to our own body and system what is needed at a certain moment. We learn that it is much more a question of living and eating in a very conscious way and with gratitude, whether it is a vegan salad or a burger. When we exit the plane of duality (3D/4D) there no longer is a right or wrong way of doing and being. It all just is.

When we exit the plane of duality (3D/4D), there no longer is a right or wrong way of doing and being. It all just is.”

In line with all the restructuring, remaining fear patterns are just pushed out now from the cells in the whole body. And the body uses all mechanisms it has available to go through the transformation process as quickly as possibl. Puking, emotional breakouts, shivering, fever, infections, skin break outs, etc. All outlets are used.


Lucid Dreaming/Sleep Patterns


Another side effect of the restructuring of the brain is lucid dreaming. Many are experiencing lots of dreams where they are not sure whether it is real or not. It feels like shifting between realities, and that is actually what happens. As we are entering the fifth dimensional frequencies, we are preparing for a new state of being, that we don’t have to sleep anymore. At the moment, we still experience an intense need of sleep/rest, which has to do with the physical body going through intense transformation. The new way of dreaming is actually an alignment of the brain with the current reality we are now entering. Sleep was necessary in the third and fourth dimension, because it was the only way to connect to our spiritual essence to recharge with Source energy. During the day, the connection was cut off through the programmed fear blocks. As soon as that connection opens again fully, sleep is no longer necessary as we are always connected to Source energy. So our sleep patterns will be confusing for a while, until we have found that new balance.


Brain Fry/ Energetic Paralysis


Lots of people are also going through what I would call brain fry. The brain is just not able to process all of what is happening and it just shuts down. We could compare our physical body to the hardware, the new energetic grid as the software, and the brain/amygdala as the processor to give the impulses to the hardware. While the brain is still going through the rewiring, the processor is not able to read the new software yet. The electromagnetic impulses are too strong for the old structure. This is experienced as a sort of energetic paralysis. We get impulses but don’t really know what to do with it. A feeling of “I just don’t know what to do with myself”. It can be quite frustrating and yet it is absolutely normal and will pass. We are now learning to just be patient and let things unfold although we don’t understand what is going on and coming. We are approaching a new zero-point field now, connected to the eclipse. As soon as we are sitting in the center of the storm, we experience a sort of nothingness. A kind of waiting for something nice to happen, yet we don’t know what. This is common before big energetic shifts.


The old reality is collapsing and whether we like it or not, ego-based free will is not tolerated any longer. The sooner we accept and surrender, the easier we shift through. Although it is very challenging for many of us right now, it is also fascinating and magical what is happening. We are becoming the new human to co-create new earth.




The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg


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Steve Rother: ~ A Balancing Wave ~ The Beacons of Light – Re-minders from Home January 2018

Steve Rother:
The Beacons of Light – Re-minders from Home

January 2018

~ A Balancing Wave ~ 


Beacons of Light  January 2018
Presented Live 12/16/2017 by Steve and Barbara Rother

 ~ A Balancing View ~

NEW Audible Light

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Greetings from Home. I am the Scientist of the Heart.

I have joined you this day to tell you about some interesting things taking place on your planet over the next several months. There will be opportunities appearing and many will see openings where they once found resistance. There is a shifting taking place and these new alignments are opening as humans evolve. Dear ones, you have had to experience massive changes to arrive here. There was no easy way to do that, but you have made it and are ready to move to the next level. You will find that it is up to you to choose whether or not to step through these new openings. These opportunities are entirely yours and you can move through them with your own energy. Let us share with you more about as the energy is changing planet Earth itself.

Pushed in the Timeline

Some time ago you were pushed into the timeline. Now earth is edging toward the other side of that push. What happened was that two neutron stars collided some time ago, sending a wave of energy that was predicted by Einstein many years before. That wave hit planet Earth in a massive wash, which started to shift your timeline because gravity and time have a relationship. It felt like the rug was being pulled out from under everyone, which created a panic wave. In turn that feeling caused many to overreact and move in ways that they normally would not, which caused somewhat of a separation that is still in progress today. The entire process was like a boat moving through water sending out incredible ripples, which are rippling through your world even today. But we tell you, something exciting has recently happened when all of your telescopes were fixed on an asteroid stretching some three miles across as it passed Earth. Such a large mass has not come this close to the Earth in recent times. Due to its proximity to Earth, it brought another small gravitational wave that is counteracting the original massive one that started back in late 2015. Humans and Earth have a much higher sensitivity to gravitational changes than is presently known. The tide will turn again with opportunities for hearts to come together as one. Humans will begin looking toward unity consciousness and see the ways they are alike, instead of the ways they are different.

That will start to open many doors and hearts on your planet, but it is still up to you to take hold of this. Re-member, dear ones, when people get set in their ways they tend to hold on tightly by justifying their decisions and actions. We ask all of you to look deep within yourselves. How can you open your hearts and see the many sides of a coin? In the true fifth dimension, how will you use many of your senses that you have not used before?

All Eyes in the Universe Are Upon Earth

Back in 2012 Earth stepped fully into the fifth dimension, but that did not necessarily mean that you have lost your third dimensional ways. There are many who are still trying to use the third dimensional attributes inside the fifth dimension, which is causing much of the wave of separation to stay much longer than it needed to. It was not simply an asteroid traveling by or just a gravitational wave that hit planet Earth. There were many things taking place simultaneously, all working together within an area to help humanity move to that next level. Now it is well underway, so we ask you to celebrate this and add your energy to the change. Celebrate the opportunity to move back into unity consciousness in a way that you have not been able to do for some time. By adding your energy, it will have the effect of a doorstop holding a door of opportunity open. It is time to awaken and play your part. For the first time in quite some time, you will start to feel the wind at your back. Look for it, use it, and step forward into your truth. When you do so in a way that makes space for others to speak their truth as well, you will start a whole new fifth dimensional ripple of empowerment.

Dear ones, all eyes of the universe are upon planet Earth, for something amazing has happened. You have not been the most technologically advanced planet throughout the universe. In truth, many other beings have been far beyond your technical capabilities. However, you are the only planet of free choice, the only one without a predetermined direction or outcome. You literally had to move through these experiences by making choices within yourself, and the fascinating thing is you have moved more than any other game throughout the universe. We tell you, dear ones, no game throughout the universe has ever shifted a collective dimensional reality the same way that humanity has.

Being able to move from the third dimension through the fourth to acquire all these new imprints, while landing firmly in the fifth is amazing and quite unexpected. You are still figuring out how all these different attributes work. Even physics has performed differently in the fifth dimension than in the third or fourth. Although you do not spend much time in the fourth dimension, you have gained many of the imprints that were necessary for you to shift. This collective dimensional shift has never happened anywhere before; all eyes of the universe are upon planet Earth and humanity is evolving right now. Our greatest dream for each and every one of you is to start moving further into light body, recognizing your spirit first and your humanness second. To do that, it will require going deep within your heart and evaluating yourself and everything around you in a slightly different light. You will view it from a different perspective, having an opportunity to see things as they truly are from Home rather than the tainted vision that you have had in the third dimension.

Dear ones, even your own physical bodies are changing. You will be gaining new attributes and senses. We have told you all along you actually have closer to eight senses than five. Other than the chakras, you typically have no idea of how you move energy into and within your physical body. You will start to learn how to discern it and use it, for you will learn how to carry more light within you. Even your own vision is changing. Visible light is only a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and you will begin to be able to see in wider ranges. Many humans are also starting to hear inter-dimensionally, and some are quite worried about the sounds you are hearing. You may be starting to feel a magnetism from your other dimensional realities. This is not the collective dimensionality of the third fourth and fifth dimension, but the multidimensionality of humans having eleven different experiences at one time.  These dimensions are separated by magnetic walls of energy, and what is happening now is that you are starting to be able to feel through those walls. The magnetism of the heart is moving through the walls at incredible speeds as they start to disintegrate, bringing about many opportunities.

Losing Separation

Understand dear ones, you are living on the planet of imperfection so you have had to hide your perfection between all eleven dimensions. That separation gave you the opportunity to pretend to be a human, to pretend to be separate from each other. As people feel these walls dissolving and the connection to others gets stronger, it is causing much fear because they feel they are losing their identity and uniqueness. This is causing many to act out rather boisterously as they try to hold onto their truths in the same way they did within the third dimension.

Be patient, dear ones. Know that there is no right or wrong, for this evolution will carry forward into light body as many who wish to go. It is not about a judgment; it is not about leaving behind those that are too slow or not good enough to go into the next level. All will have the opportunity, although there will be some that stay behind and simply choose not to move. Do not judge them and know that they are part of you as well, by helping to provide the ladder that is needed for you to open into that next dimensional reality. Dear ones, you have made it into the fifth dimension. Now we ask you to start fully letting go of the third dimensional pieces that sometimes hold all humans back.

Creating an Empowered Society

Belief systems will begin to fade in favor of individual beliefs.  Instead of judgment in seeing things as right or wrong, up or down, good or bad, and love or fear, start using discernment. Simply take what is for you at this moment without judging that something else as being bad. Look for the good in everything. Reflect the light in each other because that is how you empower yourselves, dear ones. As you empower the people around you, suddenly you are in an empowered society. It is as if you are working back in the days of Mu when you all had these open hearts and connections to each other. There are so many of you right now on the planet who are carrying this tremendous opportunity for empathy. The empaths are here in great numbers. Many of you have been in hiding and understandably so, because it is very difficult to be of such a high vibration on such a low vibrational planet. It is truly that high vibration that pulls everything up into it and you have made more of a difference than you will know until you return Home. We are so incredibly proud of you. Look forward to what is coming, dear ones, for there is no sadness in what is happening. We will say it again, just wait until you see what is coming.

You have earned your way into a higher vibration by taking steps that have never been taken before anywhere. There are more games like yours happening throughout the universe, than you have numbers to count in your systems. When you consider that, perhaps you can understand why you are so incredibly honored. You are stepping forward. Yes, it is difficult and painful at times. Sometimes it means you must live on a harsh planet in order to awaken everyone to move toward it, although you will never all believe the same things. There are a million ways Home, dear ones, so do not think that only one belief or a single belief system will get you there. Only those who are looking toward a unity consciousness will be able to make the biggest difference in what you are experiencing. We ask you to love each other unconditionally. Know that no matter which side you think you are on, in truth you are all in this together. Step forward into the new light and take your place in the Family of E on planet Earth, because this is now about empowerment. Find the ways to empower those around you in any way possible. Dare to step up, to step out of hiding, because now is also a time for your voice to be heard. It is not about who can shout the loudest, but those who stay the most in harmony with those around you. You have traveled a long way, dear ones, and some of you have spirits that are somewhat tired.  You have worked so hard and invested so much in this grand experiment of the planet of free choice. Know that you are no longer the only planet of free choice, for there are others that have started to replicate the miracles that are taking place here right now. You have already won the game and that is beautiful.

Enjoy this journey whenever you can, find the light within and reflect it back out. Pull that light through to help you understand and trust that you are truly spirit first. You have earned your place to be here and we are incredibly proud of you dear ones. Take this beautiful wave of magnetic energy and let it stir your heart to the highest of highs. Know that above all, you are loved. It is with the greatest of honor that I greet you in this way and ask you simply to treat each other with the greatest of respect. Nurture one another every chance you get and play this game well together.

I am the Scientist of the Heart.

The Christ Grid and Unity Christ Consciousness by Timothy Robert

Lee van den Heever

is with Frano Toich and 12 others.

A powerful message that moves me deeply and confirms work of Spirit that I
have been called to do .. thank you .. we ARE doing this 💖💖💖


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Timothy Robert

The Christ Grid and Unity Christ Consciousness

So we’re here to Help this Planet including Humanity in its Shift back to the Higher Frequencies.
To Higher Frequency Bandwidths.
Also called Higher Dimensions.
Or Higher Timelines.

Where we Anchor ourselves in the
already present Omniversal Unity Christ Consciousness.
With Our Planetary Christ Consciousness Crystalline Grid.
The Crystalline Grid.
The Christ Grid.

We are here in this unique moment in time where Our Solar System is moving through an intense Photonic Cosmic Radiation Region in Space. Assisted by ElectroMagnetic impulses likely also via Stargates, our Shift is Happening.

As I observe it, a long period of Intense Galactic Cosmic Rays will contribute to this Shift in Frequencies, and a/o to our Evolution to Cosmic Crystalline Beings by activating dormant ‘Junk’ DNA, most likely including Rejuvenation and Longevity Instruction Sets.

Being in and living from our Heart, we contribute by focusing on and infusing Love Energy while constantly raising our Frequency.

We may contribute by being on a more dedicated Mission such as doing Gridwork or Collective Healings or Transmutations.

Some fully rely on their Heart and Higher Self, others are fully Guided by an outside Team of Spirits.

Some walk or feel Called to walk in Service Alone, while others are walking or feel Called to walk in Service in a Sacred Partnership.

Some are hardly present in nor aware of the 3D. Others are fully in the 3D, aware, and sometimes actively exposing Truths or actively trying to Help Change the World in other ways.

Lightworkers and Darkworkers, Angels and Warriors, Dreamers and Awakeners, Leaders and Followers, we are here in many roles.

We Ultimately Create what we Imagine. Be it Illusion or Reality. We Help this Shift by constantly focusing on Raising Frequencies and not giving the Fear-Driven Lower Frequency distractions more attention as needed.

Some say the Shift is happening with or without our active participation. Some are sure our assistance is Key. Others say the assistance of Higher Beings is Key. And others are sure about that our Shift is being controlled and manipulated by Higher Beings and ExtraTerrestrials who are ‘Saving Us’.
Some see the Shift as a Cosmic Event for our Solar System that would occur even when Humans were no longer living on this Planet. Others are sure that the Shift of our complete Solar System is driven by events on specific dates such as 11/11, 22/11, 12/12 in our Humans-on-Earth-made illogical Calendar System.

All is fine to me, as long as we participate and focus on Love and not on Fear.

Much Respect for the Mind Focused Participants.
Much Respect for the Heart Focused ones.
Much Respect for the WayShowers, ForeRunners, Second Wavers, Activists, Pacifists, Leaders, Followers, Anyone who participates in whatever role.

Ultimately, we are Shifting our Illusion, or we are Shifting our Reality. It’s All Inside of Us, and it’s All Existing Outside of Us Already.
We Shift our Bandwidth of Frequencies towards an already existing Unity Christ Consciousness level.

It is Our Light that helps Shift Our Planet

We Can Do This Shi(f)t

💜 L o v e W i n s 💙

2017 True Infinity Me

Meg Benedicte: 11:11 STARGATE ACTIVATION

As we approach the final days of 2017, the solar system travels the gateway to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the massive black hole of the Galactic Center, which lies at 26-27° Sagittarius. When we connect to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core it brings us closer to the emergence of our divine existence.

It takes 2,000 years to pass through the band of gamma photons streaming out of the Galactic Equator. The solar system is now fully infused in the ‘purification’ that naturally occurs from the surge of brilliant gamma photon light. This is evident in increasing solar flares, earthquakes and volcanos, coastal flooding, wildfires, melting ice caps, intensifying storms and shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere and the acceleration of time towards zero point.

During this period of rapid change, we will enter an eternal space of NO TIME ….marking the emergence of 2000 years called the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness. Earth is moving into an eternal NOW with the collapse of 4th dimensional spacetime as we ascend higher in frequencies to the 5D earth plane. The Photon Belt not only impacts the solar system, but also the DNA ‘transceivers’ in your intra-cellular human ‘radio’.

The Ascension process involves balancing opposites, as you transform your energy field from polarity to singularity…you are shifting from living in separation to creating a Unified Field! The Wayshowers have traveled to Gaia to initiate the crystallization of the human genetics and ascend into the League of Light.

It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Gateway opens to higher, ascended realms. On this special day, we will experience a rare moment of intense clarity and connection with of our own Divinity. 11:11 is a sacred Ascension code that activates the neural network in the brain and godseed codes in the DNA to access higher dimensions of Spirit.

Envision the number 1 – it looks like a column or antenna, and acts as a direct conduit between the spiritual and physical world. 1 represents initiation, invention and new beginnings that flow to us in the form of ideas and inspiration. Number 11 represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between intention and manifestation. In ancient mythology the sacred geometry of 11:11 represents the masculine and feminine circuitry linked in eternal connection!

The number sequence of 11:11 also signifies the gateway between the 3rd dimension and the 5th dimension. 11:11 opens the stairway to heaven, your direct lifeline to Source Creator. We will be broadcasting the 11:11 Stargate Activations on Saturday, November 11th. Step into zero point at the Great Central Sun and accelerate your personal ascension!

Join other Lightworkers around the world in creating the New Earth paradigm, register here:

We are so grateful for your sponsorship, we couldn’t broadcast these monthly shows without your support. Artwork from

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Shanta Gabriel: April’s Escalator to New Life: Taking Your Gyroscope on the Road

Shanta Gabriel: April’s Escalator to New Life

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:25 AM PDT

Taking Your Gyroscope on the Road

Dear Ones,

Moving through April has been like stepping onto a vibrant, high-powered Cosmic Escalator.

We have been required to release of hectic mental and physical activity with the willingness to let yourself be carried into an expanded awareness of the new life that is awakening on the Earth. Whether you resist and turn to walk back down the stairs or try to move faster by running up, the speed and movement of the escalator will not change, and you will have only created stress in your inner being.

Far better to surrender to the flow of this Escalator of New Life, being very clear about what you want to experience when you get off the escalator when the time is right.

Oh, you may not know what it will look like, but you surely know deeply the experience that you want to feel, because your intentions are very clear. That deep power of Well-Being within, the sense of Calm Certainty that you can bring to every moment, that expanded perspective that leaves you Alert and Aware of your opportunities: all the qualities of consciousness that you desire to fill your life with, these are the frequencies that you need to hold as you ride the Cosmic Escalator that April has been offering.

Here is your big chance to take your Gyroscope on the road! That inner balance that you drank into your being at the Equinox has given you a powerful tool to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of April’s fiery realms. When you have set forth the advance intention to allow your inner Gyroscope to function as a fully-illuminated resource in the center of your solar plexus, the adjustments will be automatic, without needing your full focus of attention.

We also offer you access to the Violet Flame that was lit in the heart of all humanity in December 2012. This Violet Flame is offering you the ability to transmute all discordant energies within and around your field of activity as you navigate through this new world you are all experiencing.

There are many prayers and affirmations that have been decreed for hundreds of years. These can be used to intercept the ego as it tries to assert its power and disrupt the clear current of energy working within your escalator this month. The ego is not comfortable with surrendering to the flow of God’s Love working in and through you. There is the habit of needing to DO something, ANYTHING, to stop the discomfort of the unknown process you are all involved in as the Evolution of Consciousness at work.

Decrees and Affirmations work as a powerful tool that we can use to empower ourselves in the midst of upheaval.

This is the time you have been waiting for – the ascension of humanity awakening to the Harmony of All That Is. You are experiencing a new world awakening in the 5th Dimension. Bring what you have learned into the present moment and let these tools support you as you are carried on the Cosmic Escalator of your life. It will be as you make it – as you decree, so will it be.

A very simple Violet Flame decree is being offered that you can memorize and use to transmute the impulses and patterns of your egoic thinking. It calls on your I AM Presence, the greater eternal part of you that illuminates your Soul’s journey through life. When you allow yourself to bask in this Divine Presence and receive the Love, your guidance is fully engaged and working for you. You can begin to trust that you are a part of the Infinite Being that blends with your most human self and anchors Light on the planet. This affirmation will still your mind and allow your heart to bring more of the Divine Love you crave into your life.

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Sweep out of me every limiting discordant thing. Consume it in the Violet Transmuting Flame this instant,

And set me free in the clear comprehension and feeling of my own Mighty I Am Presence as the only activity in my human form and world.

I AM that Violet Consuming Flame that is all Mastery and all Power to change all things into Divine Perfection right Now.

I AM that I AM in action here, Now and Forever. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. So Be IT.

Violet Flame by Linda Zadkiel

Though they may feel awkward and stilted, these vibrant affirmations awaken dormant memories of Unity Consciousness and align your thinking with Divine Thought. When you repeat them, you will experience a vast improvement in your ability to stay focused on Truth and that which is in Harmony with your Soul Purpose. As revealed by the Ascended Masters over the centuries, students of the Light who find the decrees helpful are blessed in the process of freedom, bringing balance into your center – being awake, alert and aware.

New Life has been unfolding throughout the month of April on this Cosmic Escalator of Life.  A beautiful new birth in your life will be the result of this time.

You can feel more centered and at peace when your mind and heart in alignment with the great I AM that you are. And So it Is.

Shanta Gabriel
Inspired by Archangel Gabriel
April 20, 2017

The post April’s Escalator to New Life appeared first on Shanta Gabriel.

You were created to experience the bliss of Union in every moment. by John Smallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday June 21st

Here in the heavenly realms, the state from which you seem to be so far removed, we are in celebratory mood as your awakening draws ever closer. I know you have heard this before, but words are extremely limiting and so we have to repeat ourselves very frequently to ensure that you “get” the message that we are charged with delivering to you. Namely, anything that is not of Love, of God, of Source, is unreal, of the illusion. You are Real, the illusion is not! But the illusion’s seeming reality constantly confuses you and leads you to make unwise or erratic choices that in the moment that you make them seem appropriate. Then, when things do not work out as you had hoped, fear and anger arise.

Dreams, nightmares, and general illusory states of consciousness are the indicators pointing to the unreality of what you are experiencing as life as humans. That is why, when you come to awareness of the unsatisfactory nature of your lives, that you are drawn to seek real meaning in life; the lives most of you lead are not satisfying.

You were created to experience the bliss of Union in every moment, and within the illusion that most definitely is not what you do experience. So you seek meaning, but mostly within the ongoing dream where no answers can be found. We commune with you, when you quieten your busy minds and let us in, in order to offer you the guidance that will lead you Home. We are always here for you and we always hear your calls, but due to the many distractions with which the illusion presents you, constantly, it is frequently very difficult for you to hear us. That is why we keep emphasizing your need to enter the peace and quiet of your inner sanctuary every day to commune with us, your guides, angels, and spiritual mentors, so that we can assist you with your inevitable and imminent awakening. How long do you want to go on sleeping and missing all the joy that awaits your awakening?

For many of you a quiet mind is an unacceptable condition, a condition that you need to correct by thinking. But it is only when you temporarily cease thinking that you are open to “hearing” us, that is sensing and feeling the intuitive ideas that we suggest to you. It is those ideas that bring you peace, a sense of belonging, of divine purpose, enabling you to lay down your worries and anxieties and rest in the assurance of knowing that where you are is precisely where you are meant to be in this now moment.

And that relieves your stress and lowers your blood pressure. It is very good for you! When you allow yourselves to let go of stress inducing worries and anxieties you move forwards towards your awakening, and be advised that you can no longer regress because the human collective has made the irreversible decision to awaken. That is why we are in a celebratory mood, well, hardly a mood! We are in a state of anticipatory celebration as we see what lies ahead for you.

So, please, make a determined effort daily to enter your holy inner sanctuary and call on us for assistance in your awakening process. THEN just relax, allow all thoughts, worries, or anxieties to just fall away. You can do that, and we will help you. When you do you allow God’s Love to suffuse you, bringing you into a state of unaccustomed peace and contentment in which you engage only with the now moment, the only moment there ever is.

It is in this now moment that peace, joy, ecstasy, in fact eternal and infinite Love can be momentarily experienced, bringing into your awareness the wonders that await your awakening. Most of you are burdened with utterly invalid feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy that were inculcated into your personal belief systems when you were children by those who were assisting you to grow from childhood to adulthood. And those caregivers were only passing on their own beliefs which they “knew,” from their own human life experiences, that you needed to accept and honor for your own good and safety, earthly or eternal.

They were of course misguided, but they were doing their best for you. Don’t judge or blame them, understand that they, in their limited understanding, were doing what they honestly believed was in your best interests. Just be aware that you were given invalid information with the best of intentions, let it go, and forgive those who led you astray. They were, on the whole, acting from love.

Remember that within the illusion, where you are experiencing a very limited form of consciousness while living as humans, that the concept of love is severely misunderstood. It is thought that true love involves sacrifice and self-negation. This is most definitely not the case. You, every human without exception, is One with God, with Source, and therefore you are Love! So, being Love, it is your divine nature to LOVE Yourselves. When you love yourselves you are then in a position to love others. If you are taught to discount yourselves, as so many of you were, to refrain from loving yourselves, then, as long as you accept that insane belief, there is no way that you can possibly love another, because you have shut Love out of your lives, out of your hearts, hidden It behind the veil of the illusion. That was a free will choice you made as you entered the illusion to prove to yourself that you had no need of Love. Insanity!

Love will flow through you to all with whom you interact in any way at all, and to Earth and all life forms, when you love and honor yourselves. When you don’t love and honor yourselves love is blocked, leading to enormous unhappiness and suffering. Planetwide this has been the case for eons, but now, since the middle of the last century, this state of denial of love, in which sacrifice is demanded instead, has been in the process of being released, and signs of this are apparent everywhere.

Love conquers all. And Love, the Tsunami of Love, is opening every heart. Some are indeed resisting, but, as the “aliens” in one of your sci-fi movies stated so forcefully: “Resistance is Futile.” Humanity’s awakening into Love is divinely assured, all that you need do is go within, daily, and allow that Love to suffuse you totally.

Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | June 21, 2015 at 12:29 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Jamye Price: Weekly LightBlast: Creating New Support

Weekly LightBlast: Creating New Support

As you find your strength within, you are creating an engine of potential that fuels Life. Humanity is learning to balance give/receive. The receiving aspect has been villainized as selfish, greedy and even wrong. Indeed, one can polarize to the harmful potentials of receiving without giving. Just as the resistance to receiving was taught, the push toward giving as the salvation of the soul was emphasized. There are positive and negative aspects to any physical duality experience, so giving to depletion and not honoring the Self does not honor the Life that you are. It does not teach others to honor their own strength. As you Create New Support in your experience, you receive in balance to giving. And you give Life the greatest gift of all, your thriving. Life then continues and thrives.

You are in a time of rising into unity consciousness. It is a progression, for it requires the strength of healthy boundaries, and an empowered connective heart flow. This is the balanced give/receive that allows you to create change that benefits All Life. You are an individual human within a collective of humanity. You are both one and All, the paradox of duality merging into the connection of oneness. The diversity in unity creating a harmonic symphony. Your independence is as vital as your interdependence. Give and receive, Dear One, for as you receive, you honor another’s mastery in form. That Creates the New Support of humanity Loving Life. Separation reaches for connection, while honoring its beingness of form.

As we sit to Blast Creating New Support, we are honoring our differences as the reflection of Life’s diversity thriving. We are finding new ways to share our Light and our Love as we receive the glory of another and reflect our beauty into the world. We are appreciating the flow of Life, challenging us to new heights of ecstasy and finding new depths of strength. We are bold in our power to Love Life, unrelenting in our focus on new potentials and willing to hold the vacuum of space forming the future. We are supported and supportive, allowing Life to co-create itself through the Self it Loves. Blast on!

You can watch video version here.