John Smallman: The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

by John Smallman

2010-01-27-saul-audio-blog-for-monday-january-27th.mp3  Saul Audio Blog for Monday January 27th

Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well.  Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable!  It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant.  Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.

However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form.  It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.

Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects.  BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies.  There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present.  You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.

Who is it then, that sets that intent?  It’s the sense of awareness in your field of consciousness through which you know that you exist – your ability to imagine – and it is that which makes the decision to act on what you imagined.

In truth you are far freer than you think you are, but you choose to be limited by your bodies.  Over recent decades many people have been able to make their bodies faster and stronger, both physically and mentally, through various kinds of training, and the results of this can be seen in the new records being set in athletic and academic contests all over the world.  Nevertheless, bodies are limiting because you intended them to be, but you yourselves are not limited except in so far as you believe yourselves to be.  And because humanity generally believes itself to be limited, restrained, restricted, that is what people generally experience.

To awaken is to let go of and discard limitations, and in so doing to set yourselves completely free from all limits or restraints.  Your true state is one of absolute and complete freedom, and deeply buried memories of this are what drive you to push boundaries, to seek more from life than seems possible to humans in form.  Many reach a level of freedom that is far advanced from what their parents experienced, and they are then often happy to settle for that higher level of freedom.  Others believe that they can never achieve the level of freedom their parents experienced, and settle unhappily at that lower level.  A few believe that they should not be limited at all, and spend their lives pushing the boundaries of human abilities and freedoms to ever higher levels.  Your individual beliefs set your limitations for you, and those beliefs are strongly influenced by the collective beliefs of the culture and society in which you are living.

Now is the time to release those invalid and limiting beliefs, beliefs that anchor you in the past, in past memories of limitation – “I can’t possibly do that, what would people think?” “I could never learn how to do that now, I’m too set in my ways.” “The way I’m living my life is working for me, so why risk changing it?” – that appear to offer safety and security.  Limiting beliefs are like veils or screens that prevent you from seeing the enormous possibilities that life offers you because, out of fear, you refuse to question them by opening those veils and screens and looking beyond them.

Fixed and unquestioned beliefs are self-imposed limits that further add to the basic limitations that are a major aspect of being in form as humans.  These are most easily seen in others – who support religious persuasions, economic views, philosophies, or political convictions different from your own – whereas they are often extremely difficult to see in oneself.  That egoic and fearful need to be right, with which so many are infected, has led humanity into vicious conflicts overthe eons, conflicts that cause endless pain and suffering for vast numbers of people, and which never lead to resolution of the issues that appear to have led to the conflicts in the first place.

Experience is gained when mistakes or errors are made and the reason for them is investigated and understood, and there are numerous situations occurring daily in which this happens.  One of the lessons that is learned over and over again is that humans do make mistakes and errors.  Learning what caused them, and then taking steps to prevent their re-occurrence, leads to wisdom.  Unfortunately, mainly out of fear, defective or dishonest judgments are often offered in attempts to fault others for errors that occur, in order to shift blame from those responsible to those others, so that they themselves can avoid being shamed and punished.

In recent decades much progress has been made in understanding the reasons for human error, and new laws and guidelines have been introduced to reduce and, where possible, prevent errors from occurring.  However, when mistakes are made, those responsible – often people who are at the senior management levels of the organization involved – are almost invariably filled with fear and horror, and will engage in almost any kind of subterfuge to avoid being held responsible.

The way forward is to change the way mistakes are dealt with, so that those responsible can file truthful reports about what has occurred in the knowledge that they will be lovingly assisted in dealing with the sense of horror and guilt that arises within them as a result of their mistake, and thus helping enormously in the prevention of further occurrences of a similar nature.

Obviously, if criminal negligence or criminal intent is found to be the cause of the event, those responsible must be called to account, then, after a full investigation has been carried out, they must be given the loving support necessary to enable them to change the misguided beliefs that led them to behave as they did.

Remember, you are all – and there are absolutely no exceptions – beloved children of God, perfect, just as you were created.  The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed so that you awaken.  Until then it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions.  When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does.  This is an essential step on your path to awakening, and it is the way in which Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, always interact and engage with all of creation.  It is how you will experience life when you awaken, and thus eternal joy will embrace and envelop you.

With so very much love, Saul.

John Smallman | January 27, 2020 at 5:56 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Johnsmallman’s Blog

Jamye Price: November 2019 Ascension Energies – Separation and Unity

November 2019 Ascension Energies – Separation and Unity

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

October Review

As we move into the final quarter of 2019, the focus on Transcending Duality comes to the forefront. Here, we anchor the freedom (the over-arching energy of 2019 according to Areon) within that resides in that neutral point between two opposites.

October presented an opportunity to enhance our creativity with Life as we find the strength and compassion to expand into our true power—Love. Perhaps you felt the pull toward inner clarity of boundaries, outer clarity of focus and the need for independence and healthy interdependence.

October was a fast-paced energy, which ultimately Areon says will be the speed of it. When it feels like things are moving fast, it is ever more important to relax into the flow rather than trying to force it. As the spiraling speeds towards the center, relaxing into the flow helps you move through it better.

November Energies

For November’s path of Transcending Duality, I was shown the energy of moving from Separation to Unity. Separation is how our physical senses create this experience. We are in separate bodies having separate perspectives. Yet, it’s only part of the story.

We are also connected, of course—from our DNA in family to the family of humanity to Earth family. In order to truly have Unity, it begins within. It is an empowered state of being within that creates interactions (connecting) from mutual respect rather than deception, greed and overpowering.

Separation is merely subtle information of self that distorts or disharmonizes the flow of information within, which can create an experience of confusion, fear or pain to name a few. It never truly disconnects, full/absolute separation does not occur. The work then is to reconnect the aspects of self that have “separated” because of fear and denial.

I was shown that separation has become an addiction, something that many are not in control of choices around because the denial of the unconscious is strong and the power of our subtle bridge is misunderstood. As we learn to work with the rules of the subtle realm, in addition to rules of the physical realm—where we are most practiced because of our physical senses.

As we lean into our natural multidimensionality, we begin to balance both the physical and non-physical (most directly our thoughts and emotions) into the full flow of creation, which is the engine of duality. However, when we utilize both we don’t polarize from one or the other, we neutralize into connection of both creating new form. Like the subatomic model.


November will ask us to look within and heal separation so that our unified field has its full power of flow. Your resonance, a subtle realm rule, will lead your experience into more creative Love. When the loving ones are empowered, the interactions will have a deep intent of Love. It is the natural evolution, all leads back to Love, the energy of connection.

As you look inward through November, and continue finding more unconditional Love within, you are (re)discovering your innate divinity and strengthening your sacred flow into this world. Rather than separating from empowerment, November, the month of 11.11, calls you to unify the self into your mastery.

As you observe separation, seek a thought or feeling (your subtle bridge) that creates connection within you. As you observe unity, seek a thought or feeling that amplifies connection within you. Take your power, which your inner realm focus. This propels the October energy of Creative Love into your experience.

Happy November & 11/11!

DAILY OM: CHOOSE LOVE ~ By Madison Taylor

By Madison Taylor

Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.

Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.

It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible. In the relative, dualistic world of positive and negative, darkness and light, male and female, we make choices and we learn from them. This is exactly what we are meant to be doing here on earth. Underlying these relative choices, though, is the choice to be conscious of what we are, which is love, or to be unconscious of it. When we choose to be conscious of it, we choose love. We will still exist in the relative world of opposites and choices and cause and effect, and we will need to make our way here, but doing so with an awareness that we are all made of this love will enable us to be more playful, more joyful, more loving and wise, as we make our way. Ultimately, the choices we make will shed light on the love that makes us all one, enabling those who have forgotten to return to the source.

This world makes it easy to forget this great love, which is part of why we are here. We are here to remember and, when we forget to remember again, to choose love.

Singularity, Uniqueness and Connection by Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life

|This article is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The separation that is being created by the ascension cycle is a process of spiritual distinction designed to allow new levels of energetic frequency and vibration to co-exist on the earth. It is the unfolding journey of multi-dimensionality as a many level process which allows everyone to experience this energetic cycle of transformation in their own way. This is the creation of ‘heaven on earth’, the integration of higher frequencies into the density of the third dimension. It is a separation that brings attention to singularity which is un-animity or the awareness of the single soul that all energies are part of, the uniqueness which is the spark of divinity that each of you embodies, and the connection that all energy shares in their un-animity.

Singularity is the presence of the one soul that unites all beings in the universe. You are part of the un-animus, the single soul energy which has an infinite number of expressions. Just as one drop of water is part of an ocean, each of you is one aspect of the one soul, a soul sea whose vast expanse includes all souls. The collection of all of the soul energy is the journey of congruence, the awareness of the Divine emanation that all share.

Uniqueness is the expression that each of you embodies as a spark of divine light. While you are part of the un-animus or one soul, how you choose to express that soul energy is unique to you, your soul mission, your life path, and your healing. Only you can embody the single spark of energy from the soul sea that you have chosen for this lifetime. Only you are the unique expression of that spark of divinity in the world. And only you are able to use that energy for your journey of healing to wholeness to congruence.


Connection is the energy that binds all of the unique sparks of divine light to each other. All souls are connected energetically so that what occurs within one soul’s experience is available to all. This is also reflected in your shared connection to the Earth’s energy grid, it is all one big energy system. You are never separated from this connection and can never be separated from this connection. Even when your spirit leaves the physical body you are still connected to all other lights, all other souls, and the earth, forever.

Singularity, uniqueness, and connection are the embodiment of the Divine Trinity, mind/body, emotions, and spirit. It is the flow of energy through this trinity structure that creates the movement from healing to wholeness to congruence, which expands the 3D paradigm to receive higher frequencies, and then which opens 3D to greater aspects of multi-dimensionality. The flow of energy from divine to human creates the divine presence of heaven on earth. It is the portal to multi-dimensionality that is expressed uniquely through you as a divine human. This is your journey home.

The ‘healing’ of the earth is created by remembering the singularity of all, the unique spark of the soul sea that you embody, and the connection you have to everyone and everything, everywhere. Your ascension is part of the overall ascension cycle, what you create for yourself you create as a potential for all. Each person’s unique journey includes connection and all are part of the singularity of the unanimity that is the divine spark of light you each embody as the emissary of light you are for Source, the ascension path, and for each other.


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Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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John Smallman: You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal.

You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal.

by John Smallman

 Saul Audio Blog for Friday May 26th
Humanity’s awakening process appears very strange to many who are just now becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a very temporary human experience.  As they feel the nudge or hear the call to attend to their inner life, their spiritual life, having given it very little of their time or attention so far, it seems a little threatening and rather demanding.  New interests or occupations often appear a little threatening to humans because they have become accustomed to following a regular routine that works for them and they do not like to change it, and new interests or new occupations always demand change.  If sought they can be exciting and energizing, but if it seems that they are being imposed upon them they resist quite strongly.  With the latter scenario they often go into denial and refuse to address the subject – change!  Change is the only unchanging aspect of the illusion!

Now, on Earth, as those of you who read messages channeled from the spiritual realms are well aware, enormous changes are occurring, changes that can seem to be catastrophic as the old order and the routine it managed collapses. Conflict and violence are arising in many unexpected places as the karmic inheritance of thousands of life-times on the Earth plane come to the surface of humanity’s collective awareness to be acknowledged, accepted, forgiven, and released.  And because the pain and suffering that is being unveiled is so intense, many are in shock.  The safe little world in which so many sought refuge is proving to be nothing of the kind.  It truly is providing an intense wake-up call for humanity, as it leads you toward your awakening into full consciousness, and that, despite all the appearances to the contrary, really is a reason to rejoice.

To rejoice raises your vibratory field, and it inspires you encouraging you to allow your creative energies to flow.  When they flow freely and you engage with them or run with them your motivation to do so intensifies.  You are creators just as God is, and when you are operating creatively, without judgment or anxiety, joy fills your heart.  To create is to be God-like, and because God created you in His own image and likeness you are, like Him, creators.

The human sense of being separate, an individual being apart from all others, encourages a sense of inadequacy because of the limitations that being human imposes upon you.  That is, you see others doing things that you cannot do, and you feel less than them.  You then try to make up for that inadequacy by working harder, studying harder, and getting more qualifications in order to compete with those others and win.  But the whole point of being human is to recognize your own creative side and develop that, which is quite different from any one else’s, in fact it is unique because no one is the same as anyone else.  When you honor your own uniqueness, your own individual creative abilities, and then allow yourself to develop them, you find satisfaction and contentment, and no longer need to measure yourself against others and judge the differences between you as good or bad, right or wrong.

And then, of course, conflicts do not arise.  Conflict arises because your egos keep calling out: “me, me, me!”  And they do that because they feel unsafe, threatened not only by the competences and abilities they see in others that they cannot see in themselves, but also because they do not recognize as valuable their own different creative abilities.

You cannot be as someone else, you can only be yourself, and yet in many cultures there is a continuous and ongoing collective judgment suggesting that if only you could be like someone else you would be much happier, and so would those whose judgment of you you choose to accept as more valid than your own.

But you are you, God created you perfectly as you, and He does not want you to try to be like someone else.  To try and be a better person by being like someone else is to disown yourself and to disown the beautiful being that your loving Father created.  It is in effect a negative judgment of God!

However, God does not take offense, He is perfect, infinite, unconditional Love, and he completely and utterly accepts everyone.  He makes no exceptions because He created you all as perfect aspects or parts of Himself, except that you are not parts or aspects of Him, you are One with Him.  To judge you would be to judge Himself and that makes no sense.

You need to focus intently and regularly on the divine truth that you and God are One.  You need to keep reminding yourself of this.  You have a saying in the large world-wide self-improvement community “Fake it till you make it!”  Well, you have already made it, you are, due to religious, cultural, ethnic, and various other influences that have affected your human growth and development, just refusing to be aware of this.

The original choice to experience separation from God by building the illusion and moving into it included the choice to then be unaware of your divine heritage.  You wanted to undo your eternal relationship at One with God and go it alone, detached, unzipped, disconnected from the Source that is You!  And with your enormously powerful creative energy you managed to construct an environment where it seems that you are alone, a very small and insignificant being in a vast and overwhelming cosmos.  But of course you are that cosmos and all else that exists!  There is only God.  There is nothing apart from Him, and therefore you are Him, but with almost all awareness of that sublime state absent from your awareness while you are in human form.

To awaken, as you are doing, is to once again know yourself as One with God, inseparable from Him, and eternally creating with Him for the delight and joy of doing so.  And that joy is utterly beyond description and beyond your ability to conceive of in your severely limited state of being as a human.  You chose limitation because the idea amused you, but you did not realize how intense that limitation would be or how weak and feeble you would believe yourself to be while confined within a human body.

The body is essential for your sojourn in the illusion and it can provide pleasure and enjoyment as well as pain and suffering, but it cannot possibly embrace the fullness of the energy field that is God, that is Love, that is Reality.  Were it to attempt to do so it would disintegrate instantly and very violently, and you would require a very long period of rest and recuperation from the shock of such a terminal event.

The awakening process has been carefully and divinely planned to ensure that it occurs smoothly, gently, and with an intense experience of being loved.  When you feel the Love that is being offered to you, you will be unable to resist It or retreat from It because Its attraction is so strong.  It will draw you Home, which is where, at the deepest level of your being, you always are.

To awaken demands nothing of you.  All you need do is to allow it to happen.  You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal, and you are very reluctant to release your hold on it.  It seems to most of you that your human body provides the only form of life available to you, and even if it is very painful you do not want to let it go.

The purpose of going within daily to that holy inner sanctuary where the Light of God’s Love burns continuously is to become gently acclimatized to Love.  Love is POWERFUL!  You have no idea how powerful It is, and when you know yourself once more as Love, as you will, joy and wonder will flood into your heart – the Tsunami of Love – as you become once more aware of Who You are, the divine and perfect child of God, forever at One with Him in brilliance and glory.  All wants, needs, and fears will have dissolved as the Oneness that is God and You are once more consciously recognized and most lovingly embraced.  There is a well known saying: “Home is where the heart is!”  And that is true.

With so very much love, Saul.

John Smallman: Fear is a tiny and unreal space that you have set aside within yourself.

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday May 6th

There is only the One.  All that exists is contained most lovingly within the One, eternally, and without break or interruption of any kind.  There is no outside, both inside and outside are just imaginary concepts that were helpful within the illusion as you constructed it and set up the boundaries within which you chose to play your games.  It has been a very effective place to play your games because it has seemed so real to you.

But that realism has come with a heavy price of pain and suffering that has lasted for eons, feeding on itself voraciously, and it is now time for you to release yourselves from the nightmare of chaos, confusion, and conflict that it has become.  All games have to to have an end, otherwise they would not be games, and when they reach that moment you awaken by turning away from them and by focusing your attention on the Love that is the Home in which you have your eternal existence in constant joy.

While you are still asleep and dreaming, as you are presently, the illusion continues to appear very real and very threatening as all kinds of catastrophes line up to invade your personal space, the space that you spend so much time and energy defending against such terrifying possibilities.  To awaken you just need to let go of those defenses, because they effectively hold within your space everything you fear, instead of keeping them out.  They cannot keep them out because there is no outside.  Fear is a tiny and unreal space that you have set aside within yourself where you have chosen to remain separate from Love, from God your eternal Home.  But it is completely unreal and seems real only as long as you choose to believe it exists.

You are all being called to awaken from the games that you have been playing so enthusiastically, to become consciously aware that they are unreal, and to come Home to the infinite Love that awaits you patiently because It knows that you are coming.  It is with you always, because It is you and you are It, One with Source, Mother/Father/God.  When you awaken your joy will be limitless in every moment, just as your heavenly Father intends.

Many of you are going through enormous emotional upheavals and turmoil at this time as all the issues that have been buried or denied for eons come to the surface for acknowledgment and release.  There are guilt, fear, anger, and resentment in many forms that have been clung to either in shame or in the hope of restitution.  But truly it is all quite unreal.  You invented the games and you invented the rules, and games and rules are inevitably judgmental, often harshly so.  Now is the time to terminate them once and for all.

The first step is to forgive.  Until you forgive, yourselves and others, you cannot move forward because a refusal to forgive – even if it is inthe form of an unawareness of the need to forgive – is a refusal to love, and as there is only Love there is nowhere for you to go.  You feel lost, unworthy, shame-filled, unacceptable and unlovable, as you continue clinging to the illusion in your belief that it is real and that you can find refuge there, but those feelings are aspects of the games and are themselves unreal.

God created you perfect and so you remain eternally perfect.  However, as you look around you and engage with other game players, all humans are game players, you encounter judgment on every front – judgment of and by friends, family, work associates, political activists, religious proselytizers, those of other ethnicities or nationalities – the list is endless.  And judgment always leads to blame and then conflict.  As long as you choose to need to judge so long will you close yourselves off from Love.

Love is with you always, you are eternally held in Its divine embrace, but like distraught infants fighting free of a mother’s loving grasp, you absolutely refuse to allow it access.  You prefer to wallow and weep in hurt rage as those whom you believe should care for you, honor, you, love and respect you, wait for you to make the first loving move.  And even when you do choose to make that first move, it is made cautiously and reluctantly for fear that your overtures will be rejected.  When that is your attitude it has a very powerful effect on your energy fields which then send out the message: “Keep Away!”  And yet, underneath all the rage everyone of you wants only to be loved.  It is extremely confusing for you.

If you will first of all go within to your holy personal sanctuary where Love always resides awaiting your acceptance, and while there set the intent to forgive yourselves for all of your errors and mistakes, even if you see them as unconscionable affronts to or attacks on others, you will be fully supported by those in the spiritual realms who watch over you lovingly in every moment.  You will find it in your hearts to forgive yourselves because, deep within yourselves, you know that in truth you have done nothing wrong.  How could you ever do anything wrong when you are eternally held within God’s divine embrace?  What you sense and experience as sins and omissions are but aspects of the unreal games that you have been playing, games that you are choosing to terminate finally and permanently.

Often it is easier first to forgive others, as in surrender and humility you see them as they really are: hurt and frightened children seeking desperately for Love.  You then recognize yourself in them and are able to extend forgiveness to yourselves.  Later, as your spirituality consciously deepens and intensifies, you will come to understand that there truly isnothing to forgive because nothing has happened.

Then you will recognize that, yes, there is only Love, that, yes, you are Love, and so is everyone else.  It cannot be otherwise because all that exists exists within Father/Mother/God, the divine Source that is All, and that is You!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

John Smallman: Reality is a very simple concept that is absolutely perfect in every way


Saul Audio Blog for Sunday April 23rd

When humanity awakens, as it most surely will, joyful amazement will flood across the planet as the GOOD NEWS fills ALL the media – the mainstream and the alternate channels!  Truly that moment is closer than you dare to think!  Incredible healing has been occurring planet-wide during the first months of 2017 and the results of that healing are about to become very visible.  Humanity’s interest in The News” has for eons been mostly focused on The Bad News,” and that is changing very rapidly now because people are tired of the endless reports of calamities, conflicts, and catastrophes and want good news.  You need good news because it inspires and uplifts you causing your energy signature to rise, filling you with motivational enthusiasm for life, and showing you that you, each individual one of You, has a powerful and extremely important part to play in the collective awakening process that all are presently undergoing.

Humanity’s collective intention to awaken has been building and strengthening over the last seven or eight decades and is now ready to burst into the awareness of all who do not make a very conscious choice to remain unaware and in denial of their true nature, their spiritual nature, their only nature, as beings of Love.  Love cannot be resisted or denied endlessly – although it has been resisted by humanity for far to long – and that period in your evolution in which so many of you have been denying and resisting Love is about to end.

Love is your nature and you are about to reclaim It.  The illusion, by your collective choice, has hidden it from you for eons.  However, when something is hidden it is not lost or forgotten, it is just displaced or misplaced and it will be found.  Your awakening process is the project that you have most willingly undertaken in order to uncover and become once more fully aware of your true nature.  As a result you are starting to see Love in all kinds of unexpected places, and all those seemingly disparate places are, at a very deep level, fully integrated and connected with each other.

As you are continually being reminded, there is only Love, all else is unreal, and the truth of that can no longer be meaningfully denied by anyone who is willing to go within, relax, and allow the Love that resides there to make Its Presence felt.  When that Love within is experienced for the first time it dumbfounds because it dispels all doubt about the existence of God as well as demonstrating to the ones experiencing It that they are of infinite value, of infinite worth, and are the eternally beloved and totally acceptable children of God.  It is mind-blowing, unforgettable, and it dispels all fear, once and for all.

Fear is the block, the obstruction, the wall that you built to make the experience of separation from your divine Father possible, and now it is being demolished.  As the demolition progresses cracks are appearing in the illusory barricade that you inserted between your selves and the field of divine Love in which all that is conscious, all that has ever been created, is eternally present and at one with God.  And through those cracks Love is flowing constantly to infiltrate every heart that is at all open to allow It in.  That is why It is appearing in so many unexpected places, places that, as humans, most of you would judge as evil, lost, corrupt, or unworthy.

Just remember that THERE IS ONLY LOVE!  Whatever you perceive as sinful, evil, dirty, unworthy, and unacceptable is unreal!  The children of God have taken many forms in order to play the games that the illusion suggests and encourages, but that does not and cannot change their true and eternal nature.  God’s children are eternally perfect aspects of the One from which there is no separation.

God, Love, One are the numberless and uncountable connections that join all together within the field of consciousness in which all existence occurs.  That field is all-encompassing, it has no limits or boundaries and there is nothing beyond it.  You cannot fall out of it, or under it, or from it into somewhere else – hell, purgatory, limbo, for example – because it is ALL, it is EVERYWHERE, it is REALITY!

You are all divinely taken care of from the moment of your creation because you are born into that divine field which constantly provides you with everything that you could ever need or desire.  You are infinitely L O V E D !  And because you are loved and created by God there exists nothing that can harm you; there is no opposition to God because God is All.

Truly, Reality is a very simple concept that is absolutely perfect in every way.

Whereas the illusion is a very complex quagmire of confusion, disagreement, conflict, suffering, and intense pain.  You know that because you are experiencing it, and that is why you have finally made the collective decision to awaken.  Within the illusion the only way to effect change is to make a collective choice, a collective decision, and that is what you have done – and that collective choice and decision is to awaken from the dream that is causing you so much pain.

In Reality there is only one choice, only one intent, and that is the Will of God.  It is not authoritarian, it is not demanding, it is not controlling, it is an ongoing loving, cooperative and exciting venture in which all exercise their full creative potential to produce a Whole that is one with themselves and God.  This brings out a deep smile on the Face of God as He delights in His children’s impassioned and unbridled joy in their wondrous achievement.

Reality is a continuously flowing state of creation expanding forever in joy.  Reality is filled with all the brilliant creative concepts of God’s beloved children as It flows forever outwards, expanding Itself perfectly and beautifully to harmoniously accommodate all those gleefully and jointly created concepts.

With so very much love, Saul.

Lisa Rene: Violating Laws of Nature ~ Shifting Timelines Blog December 2016 | Energetic Synthesis

 “..Death culture is effective in mass producing, marketing and amplifying an array of negative forces generated for the pain, suffering and torture of humanity, and is a socio-political tool used to cultivate human suffering and convert the energy it generates to continue to enforce the enslavement of the human race…” ~Lisa Rene



This is a very deep, thoughtful and pertinent examination of the energetic implications of the dominant and pervasive Death Culture that seems to rule the world. As we awaken, we must not be afraid to see and challenge the enormity of the dehumanization, pain and suffering of people, and the irreverence for all of life, in order to stop the cycle and heal. Unity Consciousness can only thrive in the face of this massive hoax with full Disclosure of the harm that is actually occurring, revealing how it is interconnected with everything we experience, whether we are aware of it or not. Human beings and the Earth herself are living entities that record and preserve these events, and those participating in the harvesting of life force energy by harming others will be held accountable once we awaken and recognize that Death Culture is not human in origin, but part of a negative alien, harmful agenda that thrives on control and disregard for others, who are used as disposable tools for instant gratification in their quest for power and money. Not for the faint of heart, but extremely important “must-read” information. ~PB


Violating Laws of Nature
Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
December 2016Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

This month we are attempting to comprehend the social engineering that shapes earth based human culture into an anti-human, anti-life or death culture.  Until we have an accurate assessment of where this is coming from, we cannot take responsibility for our part in it, or shift out of it into true freedom and conscious co-creation.  It has recently become clear that all crimes against humanity perpetrated in this last cycle, will be known on the higher planes and intergalactic communities. Those who operate behind the scenes with impunity on earth, who feel above the Natural Law, are on record. May we be supported in moving toward greater disclosure and truth, while embodied here, to support the full realignment with the Natural Laws of this Universe, both individually and collectively.

Upon deeper reflection, most people have some intrinsic awareness about the Natural Laws and the consequences of actions that occur when Violating Laws of Nature.  Most people will follow Natural Laws as plain common sense in order to avoid pain, such as knowing that if they ignore the Law of Gravity, and step off a cliff, it is highly likely they will cause pain to themselves or die, or that if they disregard the Law of Thermodynamics and touch a hot stove, they will burn their hand and it will hurt. As a result of these immediate and dire consequences of cause and effect, people follow the Natural Laws most of the time in their day to day, and they do not need an authority to tell them to follow these laws to ensure compliance. However, when the cause and effect of a natural law is not immediately recognized or understood, because it is separated by time and space for a length of time, many people easily Violate the Laws of Nature and ignore the consequences of doing so. If the human population could comprehend that repeatedly Violating the Laws of Nature is directly associated with the destructive consequences of the long-term cause and effect of co-creating with the anti-human or death culture that currently displays the massive pain and suffering in our world, would we take steps to stop it?

Re-educating people to recognize human value, virtue based ethics and to have respect for life, means that we also reorganize the social structures that shape our culture to support life by following the Natural Laws. The current global society is founded upon the anti-human ideology that originated from the reptilian mind, a mind of selfishness, greed and instant gratification that is Violating every Law of Nature. Common sense tells us if we continue to Violate the Laws of Nature through the same 3D systems that function without regard for human life, earth or nature it leads to only one conclusion, the eventual death, destruction, ignorance and genetic deterioration of the human species. Rather than hoard seeds, genetic material and technology in locked hermetically sealed underground vaults at the North Pole, and publicize to the masses that the space program is sending humans to Mars to ensure the survival of the human race. Have we considered why the Global Elite will not cooperate with disclosure and put an end to this insane anti-human death culture from destroying the planet? Why are trillions of dollars being funneled to establish Mars Colonies, which already exist, when those massive resources could go towards helping to heal the people on the earth?

Humanity must change the way that they think and learn from the mistakes that have been made by co-creating and allowing the death culture to be the dominate culture, and what we expose our children and future generations to. By acknowledging that we are not alone in this world, anytime we attempt to achieve larger goals we will have to learn how to communicate and cooperate with others in more positive ways. We build caring, connected and successful relationships by behaving with virtue-based ethics, which build strong moral character. People are made strong through the consistency of ethical conduct, adhering to transparency and trustworthiness, while focusing on the greater wellbeing and positive objectives of the entire group. This is the cornerstone of building a humanitarian based culture of World Humanism and recognizing that human ethics, morality, and virtues have nothing to do with the oppressive religious beliefs or the self-indignant forms of confirmation bias that are used to shame humans into submission to angry gods. Virtue-based ethics are the core principles that are based in following the Universal Natural Laws, which are needed to stop Violating every Law of Nature. Humanity needs to be reeducated to learn the consequences and effects that have occurred in the world today that are based upon the lack of ethics that exists in the current death culture.  If we cannot identify and recognize the lack of ethics that exists in the death culture, we will not be able to fully dismantle its diseased social structure, as it has grown like a deadly virus to infect and pervade every area of earthly life. Effectively, this is an essay to study and comprehend the social engineering put in place that shapes earth based human culture into an anti-human death culture. Engineering that violates every law of nature, for the purpose of alien genetic modification, hybridization and the intended extinction of the original blueprint of the human race.

Death Culture

The current 3D timeline in which humans have existed on the earth over the last hundred years, has been socially engineered through technological mind control, violent entertainment and predictive programming in the media to promote a death culture. Social engineering is a type of mind control that seeks to manipulate people from their own right to privacy by controlling the way they access information. Controlling what it means to be knowledgeable and self-informed, so the fabricated social structure can exploit them with misinformation, making it easier to control of their behaviors. Thus, today, many people are unable to identify and recognize the clear signs of death culture programming as a result of the Controller Anti-Soul agendas, because it has been interwoven into many of the day to day structures that make up the fabric of society. Why do the Controller structures promote and financially reward all organizations and media that promote death culture programming into our world?  Death culture produces the myopic mental polarization of attention upon purely physical sensations and material pursuits. It does not look deeper towards taking any responsibility. There is no accountability, moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to increasing world pain and human suffering. Instead, the mainstream death culture programming thrives in producing, marketing and exploiting human suffering, pain and trauma, therefore, spreading the destructive lifestyles that lead to mass killing, disease and slavery. If we cannot identify or recognize how the death culture programming has generated great harm to impact our personal lives, children, families, communities, businesses and nations, we will not understand what we must change inside ourselves in order to heal our society.


Death culture is an anti-life society driven by the rejection of all things spiritual, and having no reverence or regard for life. Anti-life cultures refuse to recognize the sentience of soul, deny the purpose of life interrelated to higher consciousness evolution, as well as eliminate moral principles and considerations of the long term consequences of mass produced harm and killing. It seeks to remove the fundamental humanitarian ethics away from what is deemed scientifically proven as hard facts, as the only source of credible knowledge or higher truth. Death culture is explicitly designed to reject the inherent consciousness existence of all living things and eliminate the possibility that they are spiritual-energetic or intelligent entities, therefore, rejecting them as sentient beings. If humans cannot perceive the sentience within living things, the myopic mind justifies reckless harm and killing for business, even for sport or for personal pleasure. There is a denial of the energetic costs of great suffering, which are not ethically or morally considered.  The anti-life society is founded upon having no value or purpose for life, and thus has no remorse for the suffering of sentient beings.


Thus the more emotionally traumatized, weakened, and mind controlled people are the more easily they are led into committing murder, and carrying out the alien handlers many violent crimes against humanity. There is no empathic value for the human bodies and animals that they discard as easily as any other consumer product. Death and killing becomes impersonal, we do not stop to feel the implication of the painful suffering that lives on. Mass murders and death are not emotionally processed to know that those victims also had loved ones, any one of which could have been your wife or husband, your child, mother or father. Death culture is used to promote the destructive lifestyles of the Archontic Deception Strategies, in order to permanently damage the heart, soul and brain into dissociation. Dissociative behaviors eliminate all traces of true human empathy and remove the accountability towards the ethical implications that are behind the operations of the world social–political-military-corporate structures.


Internal Walls of Separation


When people are mind controlled to believe that this is the only life there is and that there is no purpose, that there is no intelligent consciousness energy that transforms into another plane during the death of the physical vehicle, many exist in the disconnected black void, which generates the internal walls of the separative state. In the human energy field, the result of emotional trauma from the damaged heart center can be observed as Internal Walls of Separation that fragment the mind and consciousness body. These internal walls are generated in the human energy field from self-rejection, painful emotional trauma and destructive harm that results in splitting or dissociation. It is the goal of Satanists to purposely generate these internal walls of separation in order to spread trauma based mind control, alternate personalities, and dissociative states in people that easily accept the death culture. These internal walls are generated most easily during early childhood, and therefore this makes children the targets of these satanic forms of severe abuse.

Growing this state of separation from childhood to adulthood makes it much easier to allow the fear based thought forms of the death culture to take total control over the person’s unconscious impulses and conscious mind. Without gaining control over their unconscious mind and conscious thoughtforms, people are deeply programmed to accept and carry out the death culture and victimization agendas in every area of their lives. Some of these destructive agendas are subliminally carried out in extremely compartmentalized layers of the corporate cultures, that model the accepted standards of behavior that contribute to the social and psychological environments. Many times people have no idea of the lack of ethics and corruption they are actually involved with, when in business the real bottom line is always about product and profitability over human ethics and moral considerations. What they are supporting is masked behind faceless corporate entities with massive power structures all feeding into the frenzy of profits in the death culture. Secrets thrive in multiple layers of compartmentalization, rank and pay grades throughout organizations. For strategic obfuscation, it blurs the lines so the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, and refuses to ask another in a power position for an explanation to ensure accountability. The internal walls of separation that have been built inside the energy body of humans have also been built as the energetic foundation in many of the secretive corporate cultures and organizations to which we are exposed. We co-exist in the psychological and emotional terrain of psychotic levels of mass manipulation, committing fraud and deception, while rewarding the people that can monetize it and navigate between the legal loopholes. Most dictators and despots responsible for the most brutal crimes against humanity, such as directing the weapons of genocide, eugenics, poisoning and drug experimentation against the public, were committing these crimes in ways that were perfectly legal at that time.


Whose Interests are to Increase Human Suffering?


Humanity has been groomed and continually conditioned to behave in accordance with the low standards of morality and ethics that the death culture has set as the dominant social structure. These values are modeled over and over and over, which human beings learn from a very young age. We may naively believe that our global society grants others moral consideration when taking into account humanities larger interest to reduce suffering and increase the quality of life. But it is clear that the current system of multinational corporate political control and its unlimited power is designed to greatly increase human suffering in all ways, and to monetize and gain from its impact.


The belief system generated in the social-political-corporate culture is that you are either the victim or the victimizer, so you better do what it takes to be on the top rungs of the ladder of the hierarchy, so that you will not be subjected to what happens to those on the bottom rungs of the hierarchy. As people are desensitized to the constant barrage of these mass dehumanization agendas, extortion, blackmail and murder become the price to pay for running successful businesses, maintaining the duplicity for marketing public appearances, for every day survival or even just personal convenience. Death culture applauds and rewards those organizations, which grossly benefit from the suffering of those on the bottom hierarchy. Multiple billion dollar businesses based on child porn, sexual slavery or exploiting forms of violence or dehumanization, that serve the NAA global objectives, seem to easily escape public scrutiny, accountability or legal prosecution. The manifestation of the death culture is evidenced in the extremely low quality of human wellbeing that plagues our global society, in the high incidence of poverty, slavery, drug addiction, rape, child trafficking, pedophilia, depression, anguish, suicide and mass murder. Over the last hundred years the death culture has become the central dynamic that underlies the Controller structure, it is the dominant influence behind the global social order. This anti-human social order spins out the mainstream media narratives for gaining full acceptance for the corporate profit made on the backs of the suffering of the human race during wars, mass murdering, sickness, imprisonment and slavery.  Death culture is the currency of power that is behind many worldwide industries that spread destructive lifestyles through mandatory government compliance for the people to be in consent with unethically manufactured products that lead to even more human suffering and death.

Redefining Sentience by Quantifying World Suffering


Death culture inherently rejects any topics that would include credible conversations in the larger global communities around redefining the nature of sentience, consciousness, spirit, soul and intelligent energy as essential factors that make up human beings and exist independently of religion. These important factors of redefining sentience and consciousness in relationship to quantifying the nature of suffering as it exists in the worldscape, must be addressed in order to truly comprehend the massive problems that humanity faces today that are the result of the anti-human culture. The skyrocketing global statistics of human trafficking, sexual slavery, pedophilia, mental diseases, addiction, rape and violent crimes across the world, tell us very clearly that the current corrupt systems in power are not put there to serve humanitarian interests. Essentially, corporate conglomerates driving world economies are allowed to pay for board positions in the regulating authorities tasked with enforcing safety policies in their own industries. While they can legally bribe associated political powers that continually lobby to negate corporate accountability to the moral and ethical considerations that should be made for ensuring humanities wellbeing and future. If we dehumanize people by stripping them of sentience and soul, we treat them as faceless numbers or only as consumers for profit, we reject their humanity and dignity to make them appear subhuman.  It’s much easier for people to commit harm against others when they think of people as faceless numbers in the sea of masses, subhuman, or totally separate from them.


All living things have sentient consciousness, and the pain and suffering that occurs while in the body continues to occur while out of the body, especially when that pain remains unrecognized, hidden and unhealed. The physical body of all living things is the repository that holds some type of sentient soul consciousness and makes up an energetic-spiritual body that is interconnected to larger collective consciousness bodies. Therefore, the energetic and spiritual consequences of destructive actions, those dark actions that intend to generate harm, suffering and emotional trauma in the human race, do not leave the physical realm just because the body has expired. When a person, animal or living thing is harmed, or killed traumatically and suffers, the energetic result and vibration of that harm and suffering is embedded into the memory of the earth body, and the memory of that person and all those interconnected with them. The energetic result of that unhealed pain can also attach itself to the pain body of many other people, or if it’s a massive global trauma, it impacts the entire species memory.


Clearly understand that the spiritual-energetic implication of all human torture and pain inflicted on life forms, no matter how big or small, is recorded in the earth field, and this information does not clear, transit or neutralize, until that pain is witnessed and spiritually healed. Imagine how this accumulative pain as an energetic thing impacts the wellbeing and sanity of the people on this earth, who are not aware that this collective pain is connected to how they feel every day. Could this be symptomatic of the massive epidemic of pain numbing drugs that millions are addicted to just to relieve some of their suffering?


Cycle of Pain – Problem, Reaction and Deceitful Solution


It is important to realize the cycle of emotional pain and human suffering is perpetuated repeatedly from those groups of people that have endured tragic pain. This leaves the imprint and residue of that pain to be carried by the family lineage and the rest of the human race that is on the earth. That pain continues to accumulate in the earth and the human race, until the cause of the cycle of pain and suffering is identified, recognized, and cleared from the earth and the people. The cause of pain and suffering must be identified in order to stop the painful recycling of previously recorded pain, which if left hidden, continues to recycle and generate even more pain and suffering consciousness fields back into the earth.  It is impossible to find effective solutions for human suffering and pain, when the people are deceived and given misinformation by those who protect their selfish interests.  We cannot inoculate disease and starvation, end war and senseless killing, and stop co-creating the world to increase human suffering and slavery, until we get to the real cause and root of the problem. Real solutions start with full disclosure and global transparency. Solutions will not work when they are created from misinformation and carried out by those who are compromised by committing fraud, deceit and manipulation of the public to engineer the death culture.


The accumulated intent to cause grievous harm, pain and suffering against any individual, species or planet, manifests as an energetic consciousness fields that holds the historical record of events in the blueprint. The consciousness blueprint of the earth and humanity is protected in a series of holographic discs, which record and describe the entire history, as well as whom and what was involved. Many people on the earth are responsible for the pain they generate, which they must learn to balance, and then there are those who are egregiously exploited. The collective pain body converts itself into planetary miasma and this is like toxic waste. This waste product, when it’s not cleaned up, can cause many diseases and harmful genetic mutations to manifest in the future generations, as well as in nature and animals.


For those who do not experience seeing and feeling the direct suffering and pain of humanity and animals who have died in extremely agonizing ways at the hands of others, I am here to tell you this is recorded in the earth fields. It is being observed and recorded and the information is indestructible. All crimes against humanity perpetrated in this last cycle, will be seen and known on the higher planes and intergalactic communities. Any person or entity on earth that believes that their destructive actions and plans for conspiring to produce grievous harm against humanity on the earth will remain unseen and hidden in the web of complex cover-ups, is mistaken. This information is collected and retrieved by many of us that have been sent to this earth for this reason.


Another purpose behind the death culture is to generate as much human harm and suffering as possible, in order to convert that suffering into methods that monetize pain by offering expensive solutions that exploit desperate people. Temporary and deceitful solutions are mass marketed to address human pain and suffering to people that are usually marginalized and disadvantaged, and may include gross financial extractions into large debt, perpetuating the addiction cycle, and then leading them into complete submission to further dehumanization agendas. This formula of problem, reaction and then providing a deceitful solution produces more human suffering, and makes it easy for dark entities to exploit the person’s consciousness bodies. This creates a dissociated human body functioning as an energetic shell that is used for enforcing consciousness enslavement. By continuing to blindly support the death culture, it further spreads more harm and suffering into the world in order to produce a desperate and despairing population that is easily controlled and manipulated.


Proponents of the Death Culture


Death cultures across the world hold general beliefs that life is meaningless, or the physical body is meaningless, therefore, nothing in the world or in the physical realm has any true purpose or value. Some of the proponents of the death culture would say that killing a person, killing children or animals, murdering or raping any kind of life form is ultimately, neither right nor wrong, because morality and ethics are nonexistent. Other proponents of the death culture may say that blood sacrifice, or killing other people and living things in the name of their God, are pious actions that will get them to nirvana in the afterlife.


If we enlarge our perspective to include the NAA, or off planet Satanics, those who share this same sentiment of death culture in regards to promoting their destructive agendas impacting humanity and all of earth, they simply treat humanity like we treat farm and laboratory animals. Many people in high positions of power, also treat humans like farm animals, or a commodity to be exploited in any way for profit. The predator mind belief systems run the mind control programs of death culture, which allows these interdimensional entities to easily abduct, experiment, genetically modify, have sex with children and traumatize the unaware citizens of the earth to live in the lowest vibrations of survival, victimizer consciousness and spiritual poverty. These dark entities have no value for the earth or humanity beyond harvesting its energy resources, because the basic principles of morality, ethics and interconnection with sentient intelligence are nonexistent to them as a relative truth. They look at humans solely as their food and energy source, the same way many humans may look to the necessity of the cow, pig and chicken slaughterhouses or injecting diseases into laboratory animals. This is a sobering thought when humanity comes to finally realize, we have been complicit with co-creating the death culture in the world society, which has allowed many more off planet predators to aggressively infiltrate the people in power and exploit the entire planet even further.


Certainly the NAA holds the belief that having sex with children and torturing human beings is without value or consequence for any of the pain and trauma that is caused by their deceptive and destructive actions, either in the short or long term. They feel they have the right to treat humans in any way that serves them, just like a human may expect to have rights to take ownership of some kind of property.


It is important to remember, as above so below, and the NAA carry out their destructive agendas on the earth, because humans let them in by not recognizing what they are participating with. When we see something labeled as performance art that depicts cannibalism, throwing pig’s blood on the walls, and glorifying torture or sex with children, we can no longer call that performance art. It is Satanism, period. It has a harmful agenda behind it no matter what label it has. Free right to expression should not include perpetrating harm or deception, with intent to steal power and manipulate control over others. Through social engineering the design for humanity is to accept the death culture as the organic result of humanities inherently degenerate nature. Humans are brainwashed to believe in original sin and that degenerate behaviors as sourcing from humans, when non-humans are explicitly involved. Why would any sane human seek to create destructive images of killing its own species and having sex with its own children as an art form? The answer is, those behind this agenda to make humans suffer are not human. As humans continue to carry out the death culture belief system to justify the hatred that accepts the killing, victimization and exploitation of other humans, these satanic forces infiltrate and control more of the people of the earth, especially those in positions of power.


Moral Nihilism


The preponderance of moral nihilistic belief in science and society has generalized thoughtforms that are used to promote and spread the death culture in humanity. It explains morality as a complicated set of constructed rules designed to potentially gain control or take advantage over others in some way, but that morality is without universal consequence and is not a relative truth in any sense. Thus, human’s lapse into errors in judgment when thinking in moral terms, because there are no moral features in this world, as nothing is right or wrong.


The primary worship of materialism and all types of addictions to the sensations of the flesh, are the main characteristics of Satanism and how it operates to enslave others in the larger fields of collective consciousness. The depravity of such addicted individuals reveal narcissistic to psychopathic profiles, many perceive themselves as self-entitled to use other people as worthless objects to satisfy their base desires. Many will exert dominating forms of aggression to intimidate and control, or to further annihilate any living thing, including children or people that get in the way of agendas that promote selfish gratifications and personal power. Satanics are stuck in the time and space of the earth body, unable to evolve beyond being controlled by their base impulses and many addictions to the material world, like vampires desperately thirsting to prey on others in order to satisfy their never ending cravings. Like any drug addict, in order to get their addictive craving quenched, they sink into the endless cycles of addiction while they further descend into the bottomless pit of depravity and corruption. The energetic field of such a person appears to be completely derelict and grotesque, where the remnant of the person that is left, is continually haunted by the shadows that force them to act in servitude to these agendas run by the collective dark forces.


Death culture is effective in mass producing, marketing and amplifying an array of negative forces generated for the pain, suffering and torture of humanity, and is a socio-political tool used to cultivate human suffering and convert the energy it generates to continue to enforce the enslavement of the human race.


The current governance in the world culture is based on the false pretense of promoting anti-soul agendas that are socially engineered by the Power Elite at the behest of serving the alien handler’s off planet interests. If we apply the scientific definition of sentience to represent only that which exists in the material realm that can be perceived by the five physical senses, effectively we live in a dominate world culture that maintains we are all separate. That all people experience themselves as fully disconnected from the sentient intelligence that exists within all life. Humanity is consistently influenced towards glorifying a death culture and consistently mind controlled to believe that we are fully disconnected from other people. This enforces the belief system that we have no ethical or moral responsibility towards caring for other people, animals, nature and seeking to improve the conditions in which we live. The majority of people descend into promoting survival instincts and flesh sensory experiences that generate unethical, immoral actions based in self-destruction, while people in power endorse selfish greed so that they can maintain power and control over the population.


We share this world with many other life forms that we can physically see, and not physically see, yet these life forms are not included by mainstream science as life forms having sentient intelligence, or as entities that have souls. How would the ideas of moral nihilism be impacted if humans could feel the pain they create in others and feel the suffering consciousness of every living creature? To experience the fear and pain created when that creature is brutalized at the hand of others, to feel the pain of living creatures when they die exposed to extreme states of cruelty? And to know that this pain and cruelty does not leave when the body is killed, it stays there in the land, in the sentient field, right where the act of brutality occurred, until unconditional love cleanses it.  In truth, this is my greatest wish that all humans on the earth that brutalize others through destructive actions, could feel the painful results they have created in the world, as the suffering we see in the world is caused from their own choice to repeatedly carry out destructive actions. Once you truly know how intense the suffering, genetic deterioration and slavery caused in the world is, a sane person does not want to create any more harm. This has nothing to do with mental judgments of right or wrong, or self-indignant morality it is a Universal truth.


Imagining the Life Culture of World Humanism


Imagine we lived in a world where all people wanted to live in harmony with the Natural Laws. Therefore, all people were treated with love, dignity and respect, to be equally educated in creating balanced and holistic lifestyle with others. Others who also choose to live in a world based in love, peace and unified cooperation, where everyone is supported to actualize their greatest evolutionary potential and inner creative genius.


Imagine we lived in a world where fundamental human needs were the basic right for all people of the earth, and that the global society worked together to co-create a more benevolent and peaceful world, a world without war, mass murder, slavery, religious violence and tyrannical oppression. That the world goal was to apply humanistic ethical philosophy blended with Universal principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness, which inspires that these Fundamental Human Needs are necessary and to be met for all human beings on the earth.


Imagine that we co-created a world where humanity placed the highest value on ethical conduct in authentic leadership and only allowed those spiritually developed people that consistently demonstrated honesty, integrity and trustworthiness in communications and truth telling, who were competent in their areas of expertise, to be of service to the population. Our leadership would not perform actions opposed to their understanding or have understanding, which was not expressed by their actions. Their combined activities coordinated to lead the people to unified goals based on the same core humanitarian values. These true humanitarian leaders and visionaries could help bring in the learning sanctuaries that are available to all people, and would focus on uniting others, wholeness, healing, self-leadership and fulfillment for everyone in the community.


Our learning, healing, creative arts and spiritual sanctuaries would be dedicated towards humanities higher knowledge and furthering consciousness development and exploration, would have unlimited resources to give to the future development of our children, species, and to support the unique purpose and consciousness signature that is inside of each person. Imagine that all people are valued for their unique contribution and from birth, have the available resources to develop and expand themselves in their unique areas of interest or fields of expertise.


Imagine that our communities and societies are founded upon organizational policies and programs that are based in shared humanitarian values of co-creating World Humanism, shaping our communities through modeling behaviors such as:

  • Unified Cooperation and Service to Others
  • Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy
  • Respect, Dignity and Harmlessness for All
  • Honesty, Integrity, Truth and Transparency
  • Fairness, Forgiveness and Humility
  • Consciousness Expansion, Higher Learning and Synchronicity
  • Co-creating Responsibly with Earth, nature and animals
  • Legitimate Admittance to participate with the Intergalactic Community


World Humanism is based in the re-education of human value, which emphasizes the importance of shifting anti-human ideological beliefs such as the death culture, into humanist based ethics and related philosophical and egalitarian principles. All human beings deserve humane treatment in order to live upon the planet with dignity, with basic access to meet their Fundamental Human Needs. Our goal is to apply humanistic ethical philosophy blended with the spiritual egalitarian principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness, which inspires direct knowledge or “Gnosis” of direct consciousness and awakening experiences.


Mainstream Humanism defines itself distinctly as the disconnection of the human being from its inherent spiritual-energetic intelligence or Soul, in an attempt to remove the concept of Humanism away from the learned bias and practices of religion. It is impossible to separate humanity from its sentient Soul body, and truly practice an ethical based Humanism aligned to Natural Laws. Once direct knowledge of the sentient soul consciousness is known as a reality, this fact is experienced without the need to control others through religious bias, or conform to religious rhetoric or scientific atheistic judgments.


Ascension essentially encompasses a Universal perspective towards the compassionate practice of World Humanism and includes the entire spectrum of life, of all inhabitants of the world no matter what race, religion, belief or creed, to be equally deserving of benevolence, empathy and compassion.


These are some of the clear examples of how other advanced races beyond our Solar System co-exist and live together, that are actively participating with the Intergalactic community and Interdimensional Free Worlds. The inhabitants of earth are fully excluded, until these global problems of destructive violence and world suffering are directly acknowledged and steps are taken for disclosure. Disclosure is what is required to end wars, and stop directing covert and overt militant weaponry that is used to mind control the population, as well as perform senseless killing.  It is true that based upon the clear evidence of continued violent warring, weaponry and destructive behaviors, some in the Intergalactic community believe the people of the earth are criminals and hybrids that should remain sequestered in this system of consciousness imprisonment. Many are wary and distrustful of the people that come from the earth. I hope someday the people of the earth will rise to change that perception.


Virtue Based Ethics


Virtue based ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge, which leads to spiritual freedom. More simply, a virtue can also be defined as a character trait that is positive. Expressing those virtuous qualities causes more positivity to ripple out into the world, which is the direct result of that person’s behavior. When a person expresses virtuous qualities in their behaviors and interactions with others, it contributes to the co-creation of personal wellbeing and happiness and also helps others to reach that feeling of wellbeing. In the spiritual context this is experienced as blessings, feeling a blessedness that guides your path forward, which allows the human being to flourish and feel happiness and contentment in their life. The sentient intelligence of the Soul-Spirit, if we listen, will always lead us to express many kinds of higher quality virtues. Because the soul’s purpose is to guide each person to experience their own fulfillment of spiritual purpose, and to flourish in peace and contentment, while developing the deeper connection with higher consciousness.


We create the state of wellbeing, happiness, peace and contentment in our life when we have disciplined ourselves to achieve the natural flow of expression of the higher qualities of virtues and ethics that allow the person to succeed and fulfill their higher purpose. Another way to express this is that when a person practices virtue based ethics in every area of their life, no matter what difficulty, adversity or challenge comes their way, they can defeat the obstacles in their path through the dedicated practice of expressing, behaving and committing to the strengthening of virtue based ethics. The state of success as measured in the material world as material power or resources is not the same as fulfilling ones spiritual purpose in life. Many times we can observe people that have gained vast material wealth, power and influence, and yet they remain unfulfilled, unhappy and lost in life. Achieving our spiritual purpose, and being able to support the aims of our spiritual purpose being able to share and spread virtuous qualities with others, is the key to peace, happiness and fulfillment, with or without material or monetary rewards.


Through the life experiences that are led by the Soul-Spirit to achieve ones spiritual purpose by developing strength of character and strength of the spiritual body, that person is lead through experiential knowledge, which is also called gnostic knowledge. Gnostic knowledge cannot be taken away once it has been achieved. By living through the experiences, the knowledge gained from that experience becomes an embodiment, an attribute and quality of that person’s consciousness development of gaining higher knowledge through the expression of many virtues. When a person authentically expresses and communicates their understanding of inner knowledge and virtues that they have gained through life experiences, they cannot act in opposition to what they know. When they live to fulfill their spiritual purpose this is essentially the same as living in truth. The virtuous person is who they are in every moment, that behavior which is natural to their expression and there is no need to represent them selves in any opposition to what they truly are.  This is similar to viewing nature, a bird behaves like itself, and it does not pretend to be something that it is not.  The central feature of virtuous qualities is that they are applicable to the spiritual fulfillment of purpose that is universally regarded as virtuous qualities for all sentient beings, in any kind of setting they exist. However, a character trait that may be regarded by a culture that discriminates in its views on gender, race, or other factors, are not included as qualities that apply to the universality of virtue based ethics.


When we develop the strength of character in which we are in the process of fulfilling our purpose, we can more easily perceive the right or erroneous actions of our behavior, through our intention to not harm others. Gaining discernment about our ethical conduct is to take right action in the world and that we consider the consequences of our actions on the short and longer term. What is the consequential impact of our actions on the people around us, and the natural environment? Are the actions we take of benefit to the people, or a detriment? Inquiring on the consequential impact that our actions have on others is taking personal responsibility and being accountable to our actions.

People should realize that the origin of virtue based ethics or concepts of morality are not based in the judgments and biases of religious interpretation, but is the ancient knowledge based on the natural interpretation of the Natural Laws. It is time to dispel the myth that religious dogma and judgments from God are the source of virtue-based ethics that have been used to guilt and shame people in order to control them. Virtues, ethics, and morality do not originate from religion or spirituality, and thus the true knowledge of virtue-based ethics should be no different for atheists, agnostics, religious, spiritual or any other person.  The origin is within the Natural Laws of creation and thus, governs all of humanity in achieving their highest purpose of personal fulfillment.


We exist within multi-dimensional layers of electromagnetic fields with billions of harmonic waves resonating within and around us. Our mind, our consciousness, our thoughtforms are the interaction in-between these waves that are producing qualities of sound, tone and color. Each belief or thought we have produces resonances in the larger fields that are harmonizing or discordant. Our brain and mental body is structured upon these harmonic waves, and thus our mind must conform to and develop within the laws of nature, which are the morphogenetic fields that form the instruction sets, the blueprint of higher thought or spiritual knowledge.  When we align our mind to harmonize with the blueprint that holds the intelligent information for fulfilling our highest purpose, we strengthen the color waves that connect to the larger unified field, and our purpose begins to reveal itself to us clearly. We will be continually led into the natural flow of right action, considering the ethical conduct for consequential impacts and developing virtuous qualities that benefit the whole. How these virtues and ethics are arranged and expressed have universal application. But they are also specific to the heart based spiritual qualities that each unique soul and spirit is striving to learn, express or evolve, as their consciousness moves in between time and space to experience life and a particular station of identity. Virtues and Ethics are the foundation of a storehouse of experienced knowledge and truth, and for each of us we must explore that content inside our own heart, spirit and relationship to the Universe.


GSF Behavior


Many philosophers of ancient wisdom have written in depth treatise on ethics, morality and virtues, and most all of it has basis in following Universal Natural Laws, which are guidance mechanisms left for the people. However there can be no strict adherence to exacting labels that try to define and describe the nature of ethics, as all aspects can be interpreted differently by each and every person.  That is why each person must find the true meaning of virtue-based ethics in the contents of their own heart and soul. An inspirational quote by Marcus Aurelius demonstrates the value of making a difference through being ethical:


 “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”


And with that to consider, we leave you with another guidance mechanism of GSF behavior, which applies to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, for continued inspiration to make a difference in the world every day and to fulfill your true purpose in life.


(GSF) Empathy and Compassion: We feel connection to life and have compassion and kindness for others that feel pain because we can empathize and relate to sensory feelings and emotions. We care about what happens to Life, whether its earth, human beings, animals, nature, plants or trees. We realize that we are a part of something larger and have kindness for ourselves and others, as this end cycle is very challenging for many. With this compassionate understanding we do not allow intentional harm or self-martyrdom in our sphere of influence.


(GSF) Mental Openness: We are able to consider and be open to many different ways of being, thinking or life philosophy without feeling threatened, defensive or sarcastic. This is a state of non-judgment. Discoveries and new learning opportunities are valued as desirable and supported in others. Mental flexibility for greater intelligence and creative problem solving is available for the mutual beneficial exchanging of ideas. Mental openness allows intuitive development and higher sensory perception.


(GSF) Emotional Stability: We accept emotional states as impermanent and like a beautiful painting we can choose and accept emotions as a wide spectrum of color. In pain or joy we can apply learning and appreciate that we have feelings, senses and wide emotional spectrums. When feeling pain or disappointment we have no need to lash out and harm others. We are aware, allow feeling emotion without over identifying with that state to points of overwhelm. Through emotional balance (soul healing) we do not allow any influential substance (i.e. drug, food, sex, shopping) to overtake us or keep us dependent through emotional addiction.


(GSF) Responsibility: We are accountable to our actions and accept responsibility for our words, commitments and energies. We are realistic and dependable only committing to that which we are capable and are genuinely sincere. We are aware of how our language and behavior impact others, the environment and act humbly. We are conscientious in everything that has our energy stamp and recognize to create quality in our life and with exchanges. Quality is a byproduct of energetic responsibility.


(GSF) Honesty: The ability to be honest with one self, honest in the assessment of others, honest in the circumstances of reality through a commitment to emotional clarity. Stating and representing the true conditions of circumstances as neutrally and harmlessly as possible. We know that honesty is always the true pathway in our relationship with God that leads us towards spiritual maturity and freedom.


(GSF) Autonomy or Sovereignty: To achieve the strong foundation within the spiritual self to become confident in facing life decisions and making choices supported as a self-governed and spiritually motivated individual. With self-autonomy we do not need to manipulate or control others. Within the world context, it is the capacity of a clear individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. God Source engenders the knowledge and growth to spiritual autonomy when in partnership with Divine Will and Service. God is your partner in Love and parent in Life.


(GSF) Reality Assessment: To be able to assess the current environment and conditions realistically and truthfully in order to make informed choices without needing to control the outcome or engage in power conflicts. To discern conditions based on internal resonance and not external judgments or mass acceptance. In the spiritual context, to feel or read the energy signature in order to integrate its intelligent information with the external circumstances, in so that an informed decision can be made.


(GSF) Unified Cooperation: Recognizing the interdependence between all living things with the desire to engender cooperation between groups and all living systems. Cooperation is valued in order to unify the whole in energetically beneficial exchanges for creating holistic systems. Cooperation becomes the natural behavior to align groups synchronistically in a naturally self-organizing system arranged upon a core spiritual mission or humanitarian philosophy. Unified cooperation is only successful in environments of honesty and transparency where self-interest is sublimated to the caring of the larger group interest. In commitment to heart based transparency and non-judgment, group trust can be formed and bonded.


Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. May we pray together for Peace on Earth during this holiday season.


I am God, Sovereign, Free!


Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!


With a Loving heart, Lisa

My tags:
Lisa Rene, Violating Laws of Nature, Human Ethics, Morality, Death Culture, Dominant Ideology, Separation, Trauma, Dissociation, Human Suffering, Cycle of Pain, Satanic Agenda, Corporate Entities, Unlimited Power, Monetization, Victim/Victimizer, Exploitation, Corruption, Awakening Humanity, Sentience, Sovereign Beings, Honesty, Transparency, Cooperation, Autonomy,


What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally. 02/13/2015 by John Smallman

What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally.
02/13/2015 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Friday February 13th

As the energy of the divine field of Love continues to intensify all across the planet, bringing enormous changes to how you perceive one another, expect world peace now!  Because more than 95% of humanity most earnestly intend for it to materialize it will come into being.  It is your natural state.  War and conflict are not, but have enveloped you because your sense of separation has filled you with fear.

That fear is lifting because so many of you have, over the last several decades, met freely with people from other races, creeds, cultures, and religious faiths and discovered that you have far more in common with one another than you had imagined, and have realized that what divides you is simply fear and distrust of the unknown.  And you now see that that is not something you need to fear.  The unknown is yourself, the shadow side that has been buried and denied by every single human being, the normal desires and feelings that being human entails.

What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally, and in your separated state you have closed down your awareness that you are eternally and unconditionally loved by God Who is Love.  That is what separation means – a strongly felt absence of Love! Separation itself is unreal!

The love that the vast majority of humans experience is always conditional, and that is not Love.  The result is that there is not one amongst you who has not at some stage felt deep within themselves a sense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and that is so intensely painful that you have had to bury it and deny it.

Even those of you who are consciously following a spiritual path based on God’s infinite and unconditional Love for all of creation, do, like all others, experience that sense of abandonment, of worthlessness.  We in the spiritual realms, no longer trapped in form, keep reminding you, through those loving souls who act as channels or go-betweens twixt humanity and the spiritual realms – Reality – that your underlying sense of worthlessness, of not good enough is utterly unwarranted.

As divine creations of an infinitely loving God none of those anxieties and self-doubts are, or ever were or could be, in any way valid.  Love is everything that exists, there is nowhere beyond or outside of Love, and as we keep telling you Love is always without conditions of any kind.  And every single one of you is held securely and eternally within the field of divine Love.

You have an old saying “all is fair in love and war,” (The proverb “All is fair in love and war” has been attributed to Lyly’s Euphues, published in 1578).  And many of you have at times fought for the love of another thinking that it was “the honorable thing to do,” because you thought it showed that you were serious, and that the one for whose love you fought would thereby be impressed.  That attitude led to and encouraged war – “love of country,” a political slogan to divide and conquer, “love of God” a religious slogan with the same aim.

Humanity’s interpretation of love and its apparent meaning has caused untold suffering over the eons, but that insane interpretation has been slowly unraveling, mainly as a result of the increased amount of questioning that self righteousness and dogma have been exposed to over the last few hundred earth years.

Initially to question “authority” was severely frowned upon, mainly by those who considered themselves to be the authorities.  But, more recently, the slogan “question all authority” has gained an unstoppable and irresistible momentum, leading to whistleblower’s revelations about the endemic corruption worldwide that those in positions of worldly power have engaged in and kept hidden from the populace for eons.

Lust has been mistaken for love for a very long time, and because of the intensity of that feeling and desire – for sex, property, money, or power (all of which can become irresistible addictions, and, of course, all addictions are simply desperate calls for Love) – it has tended to override and in fact crush or bury the normal feelings of honesty and integrity which are absolutely essential in relationships of any kind and at any level.

You were all created free by God.  You then used your freedom to build the illusion – an unreal place of severe limitation – immersed yourselves in it, learned to believe that it was real, and then almost convinced yourselves that it was the only reality.  Some of your scientists are still working very hard to prove that that is indeed the case!

As more and more people began to claim their freedom to think and behave as they chose, instead of being controlled by the authoritarian mores imposed on them by religion and society, respect for the rights of individuals to live freely and unjudged, following whatever personal lifestyles suited them, has grown.  The understanding of the meaning of the word “free” has also grown, and so has the understanding that “to love is to set free.”

It is this growing awareness throughout humanity, although frequently not yet clearly expressed, that Love is your nature and that Love is the only solution to any issues or problems, that is leading you forwards towards your awakening with such rapidity.  That moment is close.

The wondrous effects that the Tsunami of Love is bringing about all across the world are quite amazing, and all of you are aware of at least some of them.  When doubts arise within you about Reality, Love, God, the divine Source, and the plan for humanity’s imminent awakening, remind yourselves of the occurrences or events of which you are aware that prove conclusively for you that you are not being misled, that you are not insane.

Ask for a Love squeeze from your favorite saint, angel, the divine Mother, Jesus, or to whomsoever it is that you address your worries and concerns.  Expect to be comforted, to feel the Love that envelops you, and you will.  Even the slightest or faintest impression or sensation you experience is the result of your call to us and of our instantaneous response.  You are never alone, forgotten, or abandoned, it is just your immersion within the illusion that produces that sensation.

Continue to hold the intention for yourselves and for humanity to awaken.  You are on Earth at this moment to do just that.  You knew that you would find it very difficult at times because the illusion seems so dark, so impenetrable.  But you also knew that you could not and would not fail because you are never alone as you hold your brilliant Light on high, showing the way to so many who, without your Light and your Love, would have given up.  On Earth, as humans, you really can have no idea of the immensity of your power and how it is spreading constantly across the world bringing hope, comfort, and yes, certainty, to so many who would otherwise succumb to the numbing unbelief that the illusion feeds on.

You are all divinely honored, blessed, and filled with Grace in every moment, and the task you have set yourselves under God’s constant guidance will be achieved exactly as God intends. No other outcome is remotely possible.

With so very much love, Saul.