This discussion is about our need to access Self-Empowerment to manifest a better future for ourselves, both individually and collectively, through meditation and visualization. They will be doing another show livestreamed Sunday at 11pm UTC, (4am Monday EDT)  where they get more into predictions and current events. ~PB


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“‘That’s when I really learned, of the power that we have, and what I’m seeing out in in the world today is, we’re all concentrating on what’s going on, and that’s when you know we are empowering the dark side. We’re winning, we already won, but it’s just that we have to manifest it, and manifesting it is people going into their power… and the way they get into their power is by closing their eyes and taking the time to get down inside in find out why am I here? because when you close your eyes and get down inside yourself, you find out that there’s only one, and you’re the one, then you have the power to do anything you want in this life.

I designed the communities, and I want to start all over the world where your housing and that is free, and we use crypto currencies. The power of crypto currencies, people don’t realize that the crypto currencies are going to set us financially free. That’s one of the things I want to touch on Sunday, is the power that we have in what’s what’s coming up, if we just step away from what I call the image of the beast, and that’s the television and the media and get on with our lives and and step into who you are, because the best you is standing right next to you. And that best you standing right next to you, can do anything that they want, anything. They have the power to do absolutely anything, when you can step in to it immediately.

You know, John the Baptist should say repent! That means Metania, what’s that mean? Change your consciousness! Change it into taking on, ‘You are the One. There’s only One, and you’re part of the One. You have all the power in the world to do what you came into this world to do.

So, you know, my message is, turn off the television set people, and get on and create the life that you’re meant to have, and that life is a life of abundance and joy. That’s the only thing that people have to do. They have to realize, it’s.. you know, you close your eyes, you come up with a vision, and then open your eyes, and the vision will come, and the only requirement of you is to be freaking happy, because its on its way!..”

-Gene Aikens

Tania Gabrielle: [July 27 – August 2] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

[July 27 – August 2] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

Jul 25, 2020

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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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Shanta Gabriel: Seeding the Fields of Pure Potential

When we see the incredible differences in which people now live, it is a wonder there is agreement anywhere with anyone. There is a chasm between belief systems that seems impossible to cross.


And yet there is a yearning within our souls for connection, and at the core of our being a desire for harmony and peace to prevail on Earth. So much is said from each viewpoint with the same conviction behind the words, each believing they are right.


How can we ever bridge the gulf and create unity and peace? It seems that only a miracle of Divine proportions can make that happen.


That is where we come in. Before we were birthed into the planet, we had choices revealed to us. Our souls were advised and prepared with possible realities that could create the learning experiences necessary for the evolution of our soul’s highest destiny. We were given options for life at different times in the evolution of Earth’s consciousness as timelines were revealed. And we were offered the chance to be the change that brought necessary miracles to a world in need.


We all chose to be here now at this poignant time of the most potent change in history — when the Earth’s ability to sustain life is imperiled. It has been a rough process for new life to birth, and those who came many years ago were at the beginning of a new era. There were many obstacles, the biggest of which was human consciousness. There were no directions or clear markers to show the way, but our soul’s imperatives required us to continue to seek the path. It may have felt like a sharp machete was more valuable than a compass to get through the jungle of unconsciousness.


To birth the miracles necessary to make positive change happen? The way is now open. In fact, it is so open it can feel like viewing a vast spaciousness with no perimeters or boundaries. It is both awe-inspiring and frightening in its grandeur.


The strangeness of the landscape is balanced by the discovery of the hearts of people all over the world who have awakened into the Divine Light. Our hearts have become surprised and soothed by the loving compassion and understanding we encounter in the evolving souls who are appearing in our fields of awareness.


We are also comforted by scientific breakthroughs that point to new opportunities to take advantage of what is being revealed to us.  We are being shown our ability to recognize a vast open field that is available for us to seed, grow and nurture into something truly beautiful.


The true discovery is that we know how to do this. Our souls thrive in the Light of new awareness that brings a sense of belonging after a lifetime of alienation. It is time to nourish that ability and step into our roles as harbingers of a New Earth that can be created by the connecting links of higher frequencies.


The time has come for us to step into the roles we were born to play. We are gifted with the ability to now recognize that Divine Light is a malleable tool in the hands of those souls who have been prepared to create a new consciousness on the Earth.


Life is unfolding and there is momentum. Remember that it does not need to be as hard as it was earlier in this lifetime. We can now hold the frequencies for a greater field of awareness containing the qualities that create the change necessary to birth a new planetary reality.


It is the time to step into our roles as the Earth Keepers, transformational leaders, and the overseers of conscious evolution. The fields are so open now that it is necessary for us to be alert and aware of what is possible. And the answer to that is — Anything!


You are being invited by the Presence of the Divine to create a new reality fueled with Beauty, Love, Harmony and the Peace you always wanted to experience. These are pure desires of your Soul and they are valid.


To have your desires manifest, it is necessary to stop believing that these exalted realities cannot be experienced. When you call for a greater truth for your life, do not allow yourself to sink under the weight of what is appearing as an unsustainable reality for life on the planet. Do not succumb to the chaos and destruction that appears real as the old structures collapse. What you are seeing is an overlay for the rich fertile soil that is waiting to burst into fruition.


Know that there can be an economy and a health-care system that works for everyone to promote wellbeing. Hold to the possibility that the Divine Masculine energy can support men to protect and care for others rather than destroy. Know that the Divine Feminine energy is refining our energy systems so we can be co-creators for a foundation of wholeness and balance in the world.


We came to hold the vision of this New Earth reality and seed the way for the Infinite Potential that awaits all humanity in the quantum field. It is time for the pure expression of our Soul’s Highest Reality.


There is support for you that has never been available. There is a community of awakened souls who share your vision and want to work with you in this expanded creation. All the resources required are also here and available.


We can block this opportunity with our beliefs that these ideas are not possible, or we can turn our attention to the creation of new life at this Altar of Pure Potential. The choice is yours.


See a new reality base that holds Compassion, Acceptance of differences, Loving Kindness, Equality, Abundant Resources, Beauty, Harmony, Inner Peace, and Wellbeing. As you do, you are seeding the quantum fields of pure potential. We came for this. Your time is now. And so it is.


Shanta Gabriel

June 21, 2020

A Message to Lightworkers – January 31, 2020 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – January 31, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

We would say, that though for many this is a time of feeling stuck in old situations that can feel immovable, yet we see in your energy systems an increased flow of newer channels of thought, feeling, and realization that indicate new growth, new co-Creative moments.

Remember to concentrate each day not only what you do not wish to experience, but on what you are already creating.


And that creation begins with an image or an idea.


It does not begin with the outer appearance of what you desire; the actual “showing up” of one situation or object.

By then, the work is done.

We speak to you often of moving beyond appearances, though this is a tiresome thing to hear for anyone living in a still-dense world, heavy laden with 3D images and situations.

Be assured that while you are living out the remainder of the Old Earth, the New one is nevertheless beginning to take form.

Photo by Jen Scalia


The Fae Elders wish to speak:
“Greetings, fair beings! We are rejoicing to have this moment with you!

You are all of you in a place now where it will increasingly occur to you to feel Lighter, happier, more assured of your daily living experience as being fulfilling, and not simply tiring or repetitive.

Yet you are wondering, some of you, ‘How shall I leave the last of the third dimension?’—meaning, ‘Shall I Ascend as I wish to, by developing my Lightbody?

“Or shall I release all physical form and return to the purely etheric, the old-fashioned way?’

We would say Joyfully, that you may do as you wish—there is no Pass or Fail here, no one keeping score.

Yet we see you enlivening and “Lighting up” your Lightbody each day.


Your merkaba vehicle is indeed spinning faster—it envelops your being!

And as it does so, it draws to it increasing capacity for realizing and experiencing fulfillment, inner calm, a sense of Knowing that surpasses your language at present.

So you may not always have words for the frequency of Knowing of how fully Loved you are.

You may not always have the right notes for that particular song, the right steps for the dance, so that you are able to consciously move into it, lightly and easily.

Yet it is forming within you!

We see it, and though we appear only to speak in riddles and metaphors at the moment, we use such to transmit to you your own higher self ability to grasp that which at the moment sounds to be highly ephemeral; almost impossible to reach.

Yet you are reaching it! And we dance with you, dear ones!

We would not say such if this were not true.

And so —celebrate!


Spin often, in your heart-mind, the star tetrahedron within you—as large as you, and greater!


Spinning Merkaba Vehicle

As you image this, you allow it to draw to you those circumstances required now for your ongoing Ascending into not only great Knowing, but the experience of Divine energies now becoming part of your overall consciousness.

Previous to now, you had a higher self whose higher intent, focus, and ability to Love were somewhat a mystery to you, as you dwelt in lower vibrational Earth.

Now you enter that great mystery school of Earth learning that is a cosmic and galactic journey—a greater expanse awaits you, even as we speak . . .

Do we speak strangely, dear ones, so that you feel we make little sense?

Yet your inner self understands, and receives this news with the inner Knowing that the boat has finally arrived at the shore, ready to convey you to the other side of the sea.

We wish you Joyful, expansive feelings as you sail, without regret for anything left undone in the third density.

This journey, this time of transition will afford you opportunity to finish what you have left undone, which is more a matter of healing and release than of great outer action, though some days that may also be needed.


Can you conclude that your grace is sufficient, dear ones?

Can you love even that smaller self who may feel like holding back, clinging to the old, sustaining the ego for reasons of habit, clinging to survival thoughts?

We stand round the Violet Flame that Transmutes all within it.

Pass into that Flame the lower self, and all its attachments and contracts, its mistaken identities and accidental falseness.

Merkaba Vehicle

And we send you the notes of your song, that you may sound only those vibrations that spring from your higher self, in all ways, at all times.

We thank you for your assistance in healing Lady Gaia, and we return now to our quieter role of working with you in your sleep states.

And yet, we are ever at your call, dear ones!

Speak to us, as we hear you, always, and reply on higher levels.

We send much Love!”

We thank our Fae Elders for their beautiful message and energy transmissions, and we ask you to let go of preconceptions of what your journey may turn out to be, for you are still writing that story.


But we assure you, All Is Well, dear ones, and that there is no end.

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of “The Empowered Lightworker.” She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

Arcturian Group Message for OCTOBER 20, 2019 by Marilyn Raffaele | Oneness of All

fantasy art scenery wallpaper phil mcdarby 02

Arcturian Group Message for OCTOBER 20, 2019 by Marilyn Raffaele | Oneness of All

Dear readers, once again we come to you with great love and respect especially during these times when so many are experiencing chaos and seeming loss–the birth pains of bringing forth a new earth, new collective consciousness, and more evolved humans. Be not afraid or doubtful based on what you see but know that mankind is well into the evolutionary changes that have been unconsciously desired and sought throughout time.

Once an individual attains some measure of spiritual awareness, they are never forced to incarnate. You chose to be on earth at this time. Many wanted to be here during these times but were not permitted because their Light was not yet of a sufficient level to assist in earth’s ascension process.

You who read and understand these messages are here to serve the Light as examples and teachers. This does not mean that in order to do this you must first become a spiritual guru, channel, or teacher in the ordinary limited sense of these titles. You become these things and much more as you begin to secretly and silently align with Truth in each now moment while going about your ordinary daily activities.

The three dimensional belief system based in duality and separation has created gods, saints, and royalty. It has taught for eons and still teaches that some individuals, as well as a nebulous male god in the sky are better than you and must be looked up to and even worshipped. In reality, these designations simply represent facets of separation, the belief that those who have attained some “man ordained” qualification either by birth or experience are more valuable, wise, loveable, and “holy” than everyone else.

A “saint” is nothing more than a person who has fulfilled certain three dimensional concepts of spirituality. Many of those declared saints were not awake to real spiritual truth. Because you are creators, a person who spends 24/7 thinking about and concentrating on the stigmata, or some concept of a God experience will easily create it for themselves.

This is why it is important to let go of all concepts regarding what spirituality must look like in order to be authentic. Allow your personal evolutionary process to unfold, trusting that your Higher Self knows what is right for you and when, which may be totally different than someone else’s experience.

Three dimensional titles mean nothing in the larger scheme of things because even though there is individuality, all life is in and of the ONE and only life. This does not mean that you cannot give honor and respect where it is deserved, but to worship and seek to emulate some saint, famous person, or three dimensional concept of God at the expense of one’s own divine nature is idolatry.

Most souls do not incarnate for the purpose of becoming famous or to attain that which will make them valuable, loveable, or important to others according to three dimensional standards. However, most incarnating souls forget and lose sight of their purpose when entering into the denser energies of earth.

There is nothing un-spiritual about pursuing a career or activity that results in fame and glory. Often a person is drawn to some activity and is very good at it because they have done it in other lifetimes. Professional perfection or fame of some sort may well be the necessary component to one’s chosen Light work–a way to show others that a person can be famous, rich, or physically beautiful while living a high level of spiritual awareness.

Those in positions of authority or fame of some sort have great responsibility because they are looked to as examples by those who as of yet have not realized their own uniqueness and thus often imitate them. The only spiritual error of any life choice is in using it solely for service to self and in looking to it rather than within, for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual validation.

Make these times a time for rejoicing rather than suffering, for prison walls are coming down and allowing those inside to wake up and begin experiencing the realities of their already perfect consciousness while the prison masters scurry about pulling out all stops in a futile effort to maintain the status quo.

We wish to speak of compassion and how it is not always seen in its truest form. Compassion is a state of consciousness able to understand, accept, and unconditionally love without becoming an enabler or doormat. Many still falsely believe that in order to be a loving or spiritual person they must just allow what another does to them physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Compassion never denies a situation but rather sees through it to its underlying components while at the same time taking whatever human steps are necessary and understandable for self and the other. No matter how well intended, giving words of truth to someone who has not yet attained a consciousness that is able to to align with them is folly.

This is why the practice of proselytizing or forcing one’s beliefs no matter how true on another represents a false sense of ego–the belief that only the proselytizer has the right answers and everyone else is wrong.

Proselytizing can be harmful in many ways. It creates guilt, false beliefs, and often the loss of a person’s already present spiritual foundation (frequently more evolved than what is being taught). Every evolving soul eventually attains a state of consciousness in which the beliefs of others no longer have the power to cause doubt or questioning.

Compassion does not align with another’s low resonating energy as sympathy does. It is very important for those who work professionally in medicine, psychology, law, social work etc. to understand the difference between compassion and sympathy. Those in these fields of work are exposed every day to dense frequencies of sadness, pain, suffering, and victim consciousness.

When you work with others from the level of sympathy–“I feel your pain” rather than from compassion– “I recognize your pain” you align with the other’s lower resonating energy which then feeds from yours leaving you feeling tired, drained, and unable to provide understandable but high level solutions that can help the person’s situation.

Even if this is not your professional work, most of you are finding others being increasingly drawn to you confiding their pain, problems, and sad stories. This is happening because as a person becomes more spiritually evolved their energy field broadcasts more Light and because everyone consciously and unconsciously seeks Light, those with little of their own are drawn to yours.

This happens for those in physical body as well as those on the other side which is why it is important to keep your energy levels high and filled with Light at all times. You can ask your Guides to help you with this and when you feel yourself slipping into density, stop and center while visualizing yourself in golden/white Light. Lower resonating energy cannot enter in to the higher, but the higher can allow itself to slip into the lower.

Allow your Lightwork to be wherever you are–to come to you. There is no need to seek it out. It may be as ordinary as someone in a grocery line that you intuitively know is in need silent spiritual recognition. A teacher may be intuitively guided to a troubled student needing someone to talk with. It could be a friend or relative that is receptive and desirous of learning more about the spiritual truth you know.

When you live from compassion, you live at a higher level of awareness in which others if ready and receptive, can be lifted higher. This is how true healing takes place but it is then up to the other to keep themselves in that state of higher awareness. Your job is never to carry another indefinitely out of a false sense of love, that is enabling not love and may be taking away their chosen lesson.

As earth energy becomes increasingly high and intense, more will find their way to you at work, home, in a crowd, or at a party–wherever– for help of some sort. This is why you chose to be on earth at this time and this is how concepts of duality and separation will dissolve into the nothingness that they are.

Be in the world as fully as you desire or are guided to be, but be not of it.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/20/19

Donations are welcomed.

©2019 |

Web Version

A Message to Lightworkers – August 23, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – August 23, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very glad to have this time to speak with you today.
Our writer [channeler] has asked that we address the fires burning in the Amazon Rainforest—what it might mean, and how the average person can help to preserve human, plant, and animal life in that region.

And we would say, that it is a shock to see so many acres of beautiful green going up in flames, so that if you feel a range of emotions—anger, sadness, or feelings of helplessness—that is understandable, and an indication of your empathy both for the people and animals who live there, and for the green plants and trees, air and soil of that region.

We would say, go beyond those emotions when you can, to a place of clarity and Peace, so that the recipient of your thoughts and feelings about that part of the world—the forest itself and all her beings—receives the reassurance and calm of your vibration, more than the density of it.


This is similar to what we have been saying over the past month or more, in that there are numerous plans taking place (many squashed before they can occur) that mean loss of physical life to people, animals, and/or trees and plants, as well as contamination of soil, air, and water.

And these appear at times to be entirely accidental, or entirely planned by those who prefer to see Earth and Her beings destroyed before they will be free.

And yet, there is far more to it than that.

Some of what is taking place is a purification and a rebirth of old Earth energies, so that as the New Earth emerges, yes—there will be a difference in terms of where coastlands end and begin, and in terms of what forests are planted and which are brought down, and the forms of living that certain tribes and nations have sustained for thousands of years.


Photo by Jennifer Scalia

None of this will make sense at times. None of it will appear preferable to you, because you have been carefully trained to expect life to carry on as it always has.

So that even shifts such as children leaving for college or to live on their own, or an elderly parent being moved to an elder care facility, or certain political or social regimes shifting over time, will feel unnatural and an opportunity to feel rattled, sad, or displaced in some way.

We would say, that is understandable given the old Earth stance that things should always carry on as they have in the past.

But that old perspective will no longer work now.

It cannot flow easily and happily with life as it is becoming on an increasingly fifth dimensional planet.

Now, we do not say that trees burning so that that region may be used for mining or any other destructive activity is a good or pleasant thing.

What we do say, is that those planning destruction for the sake of their own gain, or to maintain a psychological hold over a population, are planning their own demise, on one level or another.

In these times of increasingly faster manifestations in forms of higher Light the Earth has not seen for millennia, there is no planning of the old density with assured success.

Even that which occurred in September of 2001 did not go off entirely as planned by those who created the events of that day.

Rather than lowering the vibration of the planet, the entire world came together to express Love and support for those who transitioned, and for the families of those whose loved ones had moved on.

In that moment, the entire planet shifted to a higher vibration, in which Love was more easily expressed and more highly valued than it had been for millennia—and that vibration of interconnection and compassion continues to this day.


And so we look at the fires of the Amazon, a region of green and brilliant Life upon which at least some of the planet’s well-being has depended, and we see human beings more aware than ever of the precious, invaluable presence of that green luminescence which is also your own Spirit life, infused in the living beings around you.

We see you reaching out from a Spirit and soul level to comfort the indigenous peoples, animals, plants, and trees of that region, as well as its soil, air, and waterways.

And we see you determined to bring in the rains by your own visualizations, etheric commands, and all other forms of intervention your own Divinity is fully capable of enacting.

Photo by Sherri Bausch


There are ways to regrow forests far more quickly than what you saw in third dimensional Earth, as there are ways to purify water, air, and soil that you have not yet tapped into in a mass movement.

Yet that is not to say that you cannot or will not reach those solutions and forms of healing for yourselves and your Earth.

We would ask, that as you pray in Angelic and other higher forms of healing and assistance, not only to stop the fires and preserve life in the region, but to protect it from further dense interference, that you visit the region etherically and move the energies of calm, Peace, and healing to that place where outwardly you may only see aggression.


We assure you, nothing is out of control on your planet that you cannot resolve in ways that bring the current forms to a higher level than they were previous to the emergency.

There are numerous ways to heal the ravages of illness, flood, contamination, or fire.

One form would be to first anchor within your own energies the Love and calm of the higher realms, calling on your higher self to enter your being as much as possible, so that there is as little space as possible between you vibrationally.


Then go into the vibration of the unrest, whatever and wherever it is, and lift the vibration of that situation to the one that you are carrying from your higher self and/or the higher realms.


Go into the flames, in this situation, and calm them as if you were rain falling on them, or simply as flames dampened by the vibration of quiet and release.

We would say, that as the Earth releases much that has plagued Her over many, many centuries, She will indeed appear at times to be unleashing an agonizing pain or self-destructive expression that does not look to be positive or helpful to Her overall transformation.

And yet—has your own Ascension journey been so simple, so free of discomfort and rebirthing pains, that this would surprise you?

You are aware of the shock of energetic lifts that occur all at once, and the uncomfortable releases that result.

These can feel like a tearing away of what you have known for so long, and which seem to be utterly illogical, unhealthy, strange, and unplanned.

We would say, release the need for “business as usual” in Earth life, and in your own life, and with every single shocking event or ongoing situation, say, “I Am here to assist in this.”


We do not mean by this that you and your fellow Light Bearers have planned violent events or situations simply to grow from them.

Photo by Michelle Kidd 

Rather, you have come in at this time, to a planet in turmoil, precisely because for one, you knew She required your help and you answered that call, and for another, because you desired to remember your mastery and your Divinity—the Oneness of all Life—in the context of human passivity and victim consciousness.

Is that too great a challenge for most? For some, perhaps, but not for you.

You would not be unhappy about the developments of one situation or another if you were not here to address it with your fellow Light Beings in ways that transform it from the inside out.

And so we encourage you to take a moment right now—to call in your higher self fully and to feel the presence of him or her fully with you.


You may not feel very different physically or emotionally, and that is all right.

Call them in, and require that their presence, their mastery, and their vibrational capabilities come in to you in ways that your physical and mental/emotional aspects can integrate easily yet fully.

Then travel inwardly to those situations of unrest, suffering, or shock being felt by so many on the Earth now, and shift the resonance of those situations to a far higher level—one of Peaceful outcome, resolution, and Earth’s and humanity’s higher good.


Be willing to release all to their higher good, without demanding that all flow as only you would prefer.

Simply move the atmosphere of Peace and well-being into each situation, and require your higher self and Divine Self to revisit that area periodically, to re-instill those higher vibrations until they naturally resonate on that frequency on their own.

You may wonder whether this is the kind of intervention that is allowed, and whether it interferes with another’s free will choice.

Ask yourself, Is this my planet? Did I come here for a reason?


Did I come merely to observe, as so many are doing now in their ships surrounding the Earth?


Or am I here to fully participate, and reclaim the sovereignty and Divinity that are naturally mine, which have been denied me for so long?


That is your own question to answer, dear ones—we leave that journey to you now.

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of “The Empowered Lightworker.” She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Spontaneous Consciousness Expansion Evolves into Full Consciousness Expansion & Embodiment AS All Live Their Highest States of Original Pure Source Consciousness Here



This starts with spontaneous expansion or intentional expansion and evolves into full expansion…

The reason all can’t at first maintain and sustain is due to many things….

The physical body (and field) has to go through an entire re-writing process, the physical reality has to be fully constantly re-coded, re-calibrated, re-tuned and re-aligned, emotional/physical and mental density must be purified, cleared, cleansed …. and one’s heart must be fully open all of the time so that their own higher mind consciousness can come online and the “fusion process” (up the spine and on a cellular level) can occur. There is a massive “break-down” and dissolving of linear constructs once held in place, an immense integration process that becomes priority for ease to be “the new way”, and a full surrender, on every level, of ego-separation consciousness where each “turns their whole life/body over” to a whole new everything….. ↓↓↓

Every where there is still any ego matrix programming held inside, then duality will present. Increasing polarization/polarity assists with dissolving/dismantling this. Often, until each is FACED with that which is not PURE LOVE, there is no comprehension, because it’s not been EXPERIENCED YET…..

3D/4D WILL ALWAYS EXPERIENCE SOME SORT OF BATTLE, because they are dimensions/realities perceived through separation and duality still. 5D experiences all through Unity, which is a polar opposite within itself. These can cross-paths and sometimes co-mingle, so that conscious options can be introduced… yet conscious choice will always prevail … even when it’s perceived this is not the case it is…. It’s just very different than each’s unconscious aspect has the ability to yet understand. ♥

3D was an intricately designed illusion that unravels as each begin to fully awaken/wake up. Emerging out of an “old illusion” where the external has a “hold” on all… is beyond intense for awhile, overloading, shorting out and overstimulating the nervous system to make everything “too much”, so that each will pull away, clear their field and go deeper inside to learn to connect, gain the ability for self love and self respect and to consciously choose to no longer compromise by allowing the “old ways” as an acceptable reality anymore….

4D is where each remains with their body, as many things occur. It’s where each “starts” to become conscious and “believe”, “hope”, “wish” and DREAM for a “whole new world”. It’s where each learns to TRUST FULLY in their own Divine Connection in order to fully listen, trust and honor what the “invisible” ENERGETIC WORLD presents…. over the “physical” of before. It’s where each’s heart starts to truly open and all the “pain and hurt” pours out, it’s where the immensity of “darkness” is felt (separation from SELF AS PURE SOURCE LIGHT), where voids get bigger to clear out “hell”. It’s where confusion sets in as things no longer make logical sense… It’s where survival mechanisms kick in, as well as control and safety mechanisms become visible. It’s where manipulation energies become visible and start to no longer work… it’s where “time” appears to speed up and slow down and the wake/sleep state start to change. It’s where each’s desire for happiness start to become more important than any “thing” anymore… It’s where each start to connect inside, yet highest vibrational matches are not easily found, because there is still too much programming held within each’s physical body form….. It’s also where each’s Higher Self/Future Self/Soul appears to awaken and become accessible. I say “appears” because technically the human aspect is awakening, the Soul was only dormant, suppressed and hidden deep deep deep within, buried beneath all the protection mechanisms, emotional stuff and belief systems that maintained separation INSIDE, which is depicted in the external as a REFLECTION BACK, A MIRROR of what each HOLDS and has to work through on an individual basis in order to consciously shift and raise their own overall vibration OUT OF that frequency bandwidth/dimension….. experience….. It’s also where the “merging” process begins, yet it still limited by each’s own conditioning, hesitation, inability to listen/honor/trust and (what appears to be very real) fears…. This dimension is where DUALITY becomes VISIBLE and each gains the capability to resolve/dissolve this consciously and being the UNIFICATION PROCESS of experiencing and living ONEness from within….. while the body continues to clear density binding it to this physical dimensional experience…..

And then…. there comes a MOMENT that’s separated across what is perceived as many moments/different experiences that will eventually culminate into ONE…. where not only “ascension of consciousness” (returning/remembering) occurs, where each achieves the ability to live from this “Ascended State”, each then gains the ability to complete reconstruct their entire reality through a RE-BIRTHING process involving the physical body/LightBody that’s deeply involved…… This is where each “enter” (re-birth through), the birthing canal of 5D…..

Some feel like they can’t breathe, are squished, in a vice and being pulled/contorted in a multitude of ways. Not only with their bodies/energy, but the external starts to morph in deLIGHTfully and bizarre ways too….. as “other dimensions” start to become visible and “appear” holographically and through EXPERIENCES that supersede all things once understood…. Now, in the 4th Dimension of Consciousness, this will present “differently”, as there will be an immense FEAR around this “imaginary yet tangible” experience that “blows each’s mind and challenges what “reality” was….. which is the point. In the 5th Dimension, this is an exciting experience, one full of wonder and opens up all new realities to explore, play with and activate to come forth. In the 4th Density, DNA rewriting/repair accelerates and the physical body starts to go through “unexplainable” and “uncomfortable/uncontrollable” things too…. and because this entire process is not yet fully understood, attributed to everything ELSE other than what “all really is” (multi-dimensional DNA EVOLUTION) and an immense cleansing/purification process of all that is not PURE.

4D is where all remain as they play out their own duality within. It’s where the fighting starts, the hurt and pain and emotions start to surface, yet finger pointing and blame (dis-empowered states) still exist. Transcending this is a part of Ascension, moving to the 5th Dimension if you will… by bringing all into UNITY FULLY from within, taking back your power and no longer accepting the “old ways” in your own reality and allowing everyone else to go live their own experience out and shifting to a place of deep respect for all….. meanwhile all remain in 4D as each’s DNA completes this immense process of coming into full consciousness WITH THE BODY so that physical body ascension can occur…. This part of the process can take years and be quite extreme. It takes great patience, self care/love and respect to honor, support and return our bodies to full consciousness here…..

4D the foundations for realities start to waver, shift, move and even “appear” to collapse (restructuring/realignment process)

5D is many things…. It’s re-birthing ourselves and learning everything anew… literally, how to walk with this ever changing physical LightBody, how to talk and speak as Light, how to treat each other and ourselves from the deepest level of respect, love and care… how to play and have fun and experience JOY without feeling guilty or the need to stifle our light… how to live from our own Deep Sacred Connection and not separate off/go back to sleep/unconscious anymore… and how to Master the Quantum Jumps, how to Master all as Love, how to fulfill much higher roles here and how to work consciously with the grids of our planet on a Universal/Galactic/Cosmic Level without playing out ego distortions anymore…. It’s learning to OBSERVE ALL and SEE how all actually works, in order to maneuver, navigate and shift all over to very different realities than before. It’s the establishment of all new systems, a whole new foundation for reality to exist upon, it’s the LIVING AS OUR HIGHEST EVERYTHING as the example, assisting all with opening up to a whole new world that looks nothing like the old….. It’s a UNION, A PARTNERSHIP… as the other dimensions open up to, to provide sustenance, stability and continued opportUNITY to continue to expand/grow and LIVE HEAVEN ON EARTH fully from within…. 

It’s the formation of creation, the materialization of matched vibrations, the ACTualization through REALizations and the ability to shift all through Consciousness fully…. by BEing and HOLDding the Unified Field in place from deep inside and expanding this fully out… so that we MASTER THE PHYSICAL through our Consciousness, a natural and organic purity, innocence and simplicity that transcends all things of the ego matrix program…..

5D opens up access to 12D Templates and the “building and creating” processes of 6D-11D serve many purposes of returning all to full consciousness on every level again. Once full Soul Union/Embodiment occurs, then the other dimensional templates activate the codes, yet the “how” on these is only comprehensible as each actually accomplishes each fully from within. These templates govern each’s “new earth lives” here…. these apply to absolutely EVERYTHING and when all is applied/incorporated through full connection consciousness and Divine Alignment, then the “physical” is no longer confusing… as it’s a conscious vibrational response returned.

MASTERY is not control… it’s the opposite. It’s the full surrender of all need to control and a tuning in process where all becomes visible through OBSERVATION and each’s ACT is consciously chosen and no longer comes from the ego programming of before. It’s where each elevates/raises/expands their own Consciousness even further and shifts out of the old to disconnect any “hold” that it once had, therefore dissolving the emotion and belief that “it” holds power anymore…. It’s the ability to SEE energetically and understand through combining fractals and shifting to a different/alternative view/frame… and seeing from many different perspectives that have nothing to do with “personal”… as all becomes a Quantum Equation instead. It’s where all is GEOMETRIC instead of linear, vibrational instead of fixed and experienced through the PURITY OF LOVE where Unification exists…

Returning to full consciousness to our human aspect is a “big deal”, yet to us, it’s not, it’s very natural, organic and simple… we all just have to fully open up to allow ourselves to do this and choose to stop functioning from our “lower” aspects of before, by breaking through/down that programming, releasing those conditions and shifting to a much higher place within ourselves and then holding this at all times…. to allow our physical to re-align vibrationally to return a vibrational match. Where we compromise, we shift out of this place/space and if we do not “catch it” and shift, we experience the “alternative” again….. to assist us with clearing that habitual programming and learning to live fully from our hearts consciousness where our minds are no longer separate, our bodies are no longer separate… where we are fully EMBODIED and LIVE from our DEPTHS naturally and organically …. which creates a “safe place” of comfort and “home” for all to live this way too. ♥

Our Earth/SOULar System/Galaxies continue an immense MERGING PROCESS, which exacerbates the cleansing process of all DENSITY of “lesser dimensions” within each. All is multi-dimensional and operating on a 12D Template System that continues to accelerate through increasing PHOTONIC ACTIVITY which increases polarity/polarization, yet how this plays out/shows up in each dimension is vastly different as well. The POLAR OPPOSITES and bi-polar/pole flipping process increase within each as well….. the shaking of the earth is the new gridding systems constantly activating and coming online and creating “fissures” and “rifts” to allow for immense restructuring and energetic releases too….. The increased and heightened emotions of 3D/4D play out differently too…. because these realities are more physical, there’s more physical “acts” that occur to resolve/dissolve/clear out heavy duty distortions held deep within, which “allowed out there” to exist through each’s own “forgotten states” and separation programming held within…..

5D + is living out and experiencing REALities very differently because of where all function from and the depths of their own Sacred Connection dictates the “how” all is experienced here…. Because all is through Consciousness, then the polarization is utilized to SEE and becomes a part of an equation for “how to reply/respond/deal” through full Consciousness instead of a dis-empowered mentality and separation/duality…. Each comes to/holds Unity and ONEness within and has the ability to unify all through LOVE, where each is truly ready, open and consciously shifting all to a COHESIVE ONENESS where Divine Synchronized Flow prevails….

Organically and Naturally Tilting the Vibrational Scales
As Collective Ascension continues to accelerate, each’s body clears the density held, each anchors light within and holds it and completes each integration cycle fully, the gridding systems continue to strengthen that connection and build/construct new holographic templates and guidelines that substantially shift realities continually now…. As each holds/Embodies and stabilizes the “NEW” FULLY with their own every act and thought, the axis for realities “tilts” and new balance is able to be brought forth….

Cosmic alignment is an intricate process that works through each’s DNA, activating all new codes and deleting the old ones, if you will. As each fully embraces the FREEDOM OF NEW EARTH THROUGH CHOOSING UNIFICATION, PEACE AND LOVE… then old earth versions of realities are able to go offline naturally vs. the harshness of the unconscious ways of before…

Universal Consciousness/Cosmic Consciousness becomes available as each surrenders fully to allow the opening up of PORTALS through each’s heart gateways and corridors where all intrinsic knowledge is held. This full surrender of self allows for expansion to occur and for new power to come forth through a much deeper connection than before. This full surrender opens up a new “allowing” where unification can occur. This “new” place we function from inside (home) activates all new realities to come forth, opens up access to infinite “other dimensions”, making the/our “lower dimensions” visible for transcendence to be able to occur….. giving each the ability to SHIFT to a much higher state of consciousness than before. Functioning FROM this place/space inside is “how” all comes forth….. it’s also how the old goes easier, because “we” are not holding onto it, believing it, perpetuating it, supporting it, recreating it and allowing it as “reality” anymore…….

BIRTHING A WHOLE NEW WORLD/EARTH … and Living this fully is what’s available to all fully embracing this now….. Each can focus their energy on the old or creating, building, living and inJOYing the NEW FULLY…. It’s each of our focuses, priorities and dimensions our consciousness occupies, dimensions our bodies occupy that dictate our experiences here… Close your eyes, connect DEEP inside and expand expand expand…. SEE what was not visible, what’s always available when your heart is fully connection and you are in-tune fully from within. ♥

I love you! Keep shining your light and being your most magnificent version too! ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. Remember foggy-groggy is an important part of dissolving inner veils, clearing density, yet also rewriting processes and anchoring heavy duty powerful photonic light inside, which correlates to anchoring heaven on earth from within….. Integration and acclimation are key. Constantly. Honor your Photonic LightBody, be patient and present, allowing for plenty of self-care, self-love, connection time, so that when the integration process is complete, you can accomplish living, creating and holding your new realities in place with greater ease. ♫ Your body/field are the CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE…. and everything you/we experience is a result of y/our own consciousness here. ♥


Aluna Ash- 9D
Premiered 14 hours ago

#NewEarth #TheEvent #PoleShift

The Being that came to me is saying that more & more will be having these experiences.

*** yes, these waves are one right after the other & will only be picking up. Each month is more. July is the 13th moon cycle, activation ppint and eclipses- which is connected to the Incarnation process meaning it creates a huge shift in energy on the planet. All energy is different, all shifts are different.

I have experienced The Event physically already, and many others. It is a continous multidimensional process that is unfolding collectively.

We are REALLY being pushed right now from the depths of our Souls, and its not easy. Be kind to yourself. I believe the solar energy coming in activates the energy of the transits even more too.

** I should have clarified- we still go through the process of physical transition when that time comes, but before that time comes, for many we are going through the spiritual, alchemical merge that takes place (for most) only during the at physical transition.

Channeled Messages:

-Next wave hitting: around June 13th

-July is setting off the imprinting energy for the whole bunch of New Souls (which are Master Souls) coming in after the eclipses (Solar & Lunar) The eclipes imprint the energetic signature of the Souls prior to incarnation. So your imprint is the eclipse the took place before your birth.

-The Sky will look different more and more as more of the waves come. Its a frequency/dimensional shift- more spectrums of light will be seen.

-From what I’m getting, it seems like July will be one long cosmic wave. Right now we are and have been, clearing and integrating for the energy to come.

Things seem to change more rapid as Pluto hits “new degrees” when it comes to the government. Planets/spheres/realms are important with how things operate- all connected, like a timing transmission system. Pluto spends about 30 yrs in each sign. So Pluto in Capricorn the restructing is a long process. The recent Souls coming in with Pluto in Capricorn AND Pluto South Node are very important with the restructuring along with the children that have been here since Pluto entered Capricorn.

*I was getting a lot about “Pluto and new degrees in Capricorn” in connection to government structures. Which lead me to March 2020. March 2020 is significant with solar activity.

-A message from the Earth:
“those that think they own me, have alot to learn. Those that think I’ve been taken from THEIR ownership have even more to learn.” Basically we ALL are guests- she, the Earth, is the being which allowed us to experience this reality. She is not owned, has never been owned and will never be owned. New Earth is her taking back her divine sovereignty as a being from ALL that have claimed ownership of all races/ all bloodlines. She is not anyones to own. She is a being of her own.

***I still have my emails, fb, insta, messenger notifications on mute due to a partial “isolation” practice during last stage of meditation & purification practice I’ve been doing, but they will be back on soon!

#galacticCouncil #theShift #Spirit #awakening

Vera Ingeborg: Fast Forward – Good Bye Wake Up Experience

Fast Forward – Good Bye Wake Up Experience

Art by Alex Voinea

Dear fellow explorers,

Can you all feel it? The shifts in our reality and our way of thinking, being and acting?

I had been writing about this since a couple of years, that the Age of Authenticity and Co-Creation is underway. Energetically, we were able to experience that for a while already. Now – we really start embodying and building it. Utopia no longer is Utopia – with your contribution, your individual function – it starts becoming the new reality.

The fog is lifting and the big picture becomes clearer, with each puzzle piece falling into place. And we all are these individual puzzle pieces. We carry our unique essence – our individual function that no one else can contribute with but us.

This is the reason why I am sending out this last newsletter through the Wake Up Experience. It is complete. It has served its purpose. It will stay as a database for those that need to find this information. Nothing new will be added, nothing else will be changed. As every organism does at some point, the Wake Up Experience has reached its maturity. And it will stay as long as it has its purpose.

Me – Vera Ingeborg – as an individual organism and part of a much bigger organism am moving forward, too.

We (my partner Agustí and I) realized, that a lot of people are talking about new earth, or – when less conscious – complaining about old earth and the old system. Nevertheless, nobody has a clear idea or vision of how this new paradigm could look like. We feel it, but we cannot see it or experience it. As long as people do not have a reference point of how the new looks like, there is no choice they can make to move forward as there is no alternative.

All of us – also you reading this – came here to build this new system. To make it visible. To inspire with a new lifestyle and new ways of being and doing. A system that is so attractive and inspiring, that people will want to live in this new way. It automatically makes the old system obsolete.

After a year of building the structure, the content and the flow of Fast Forward – the blueprint for a new model of society and a way of inspiring this change – more people have joined and are joining in to co-create and to build. This blueprint is based on a universal source code, the DNA of this new earth organism. No human being or group of human beings controls it, the source code does. Each individual who aligns with this new frequency, integrates and embodies this code, automatically inspires others to do so. The old world was based on the principle of living „from the outside in“. The new world is based on living „from the inside out“.
Fast Forward is an organism on its own and the source code is so strong that it does not allow any compromise or manipulation. It shows each and everyone where old ideas, ways, fears or patterns are in the way. We have experienced it ourselves many times, that the source code held the mirror for us to see where we did not align, where we still were trying to make something happen, where we still had attachment. Only when we had dissolved this old pattern, we could enter the flow of Fast Forward again. Although frustrating in the moment when we experienced it, it is also giving us so much peace. Because we know that we don’t have to control any of it – we are just the ones translating this code into a manifestation. We know that we can trust the impulses and the flow – although we might not understand it in the moment.

It is very exciting for us to see and experience how it unfolds, and that this hurricane of love is unstoppable. It is a peaceful transition, not fighting for or against anything – it is simply doing things differently. Fast Forward touches and transforms everything we used to believe to be true – whether in politics, health, education, business etc. and it triggers energetic releases and expansion of consciousness through beauty and play. It creates the content for new earth – the reason to live – creation for the sake of creation.

Purpose replaces money as the driving force.
Curious? On the Fast Forward Movement website, you can find a first introduction and you can sign up for the newsletter.

There is much more to come and to be shared, and it is all beyond exciting.
We are very much looking forward to explore, discover and build this New Earth with you. See you there!
Much love
Vera and the FFellows

Lisa Transcendence Brown: CURRENT COSMIC ENERGY UPDATE: Mass Exodus & Changing Dimensions ☼ Awakening To Remembering


Tuning into the Cosmic Energies and Varying Collectives occurring, as a part of the Grand/Great Awakening Processes, in varying stages, phases and vibrational frequencies (bandwidths), with each bandwidth “playing out” their relative roles….. 

As each collective awakens, through the activation of Photonic Light, which occurs on a cellular level within each’s body (LightBody), each dimensional body (carbon based, crystalline, plasma), experiences “REAL”ity very differently…..

I started a sharing/writing last year that I never completed (it had to take a back seat to our other service roles here), which broke down each dimensions LightBody, starting with the 3rd. Until each becomes fully aware of how all works (from inside), then everything is speculation/supposition and so not understood…. because of how each “measures” and “sees” is still through fractals/old parameters of “what reality is”….

For this sharing/article, I will break it down a different way and at some point, complete that article/writing and release it/provide it for those it may assist….

Right now, we have a MASS EXITING occurring… from the “Group Think Mind” of “mind control”. Now, I do not use these words to support “I’m a victim”, yet the opposite… of the POWER THAT EACH TRULY HOLDS when their own deep inner sacred connection is the POWERFUL FORCE within their own reality and each functions from this place/space inside. Re-establishing our own deep inner-connection with PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS, will take on many “forms” along the way. As each moves through each Lightbody DNA upgrade/phase, more awareness, more information, more understanding of HOW ALL COMES TO BE CREATED becomes visible… yet at first, without this VISIBILITY (ability to see multi-dimensionally), the version of the “truth” is still a bit “slanted”, based upon “individual stories” vs. the much bigger picture that doesn’t involve “I was a victim” anymore….

As each AWAKENS to their own SUPREME POWER inside… to the awareness, realization and understanding that they were deep asleep and living deeply embedded in realities that were blanketed in “untruths”, held together by “fears”, an illusion we all “bought”, because it’s a part of the “being deep asleep process”, which is also a part of “breaking out of that prison/programs/conditioned beliefs (hell)” and deciding to shift perceptions, shift beliefs, shift “alliances” and eventually “shift versions of Earth’s we live on”…. (from Old Earth to NEW). Many are unaware there’s totally different Versions of Earths all running simultaneously, at the same time and for each to “shift” over to a different/alternate/higher consciousness version, each must open their hearts to allow PURITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS to EMERGE from within…. and “how each gets here” is not what anyone “thinks” or is “typical”. This is the most “untypical, un-orthadox, un-conforming, illogical process” (to the human aspect), because HOW isn’t a linear process and the “ways” are not typical or “normal” or available in “one video or book”…..

At first, “leaving” or “going against” everything one has been told, conditioned to believe and “thought”, it’s scary as hell… (which is the point), as the conditioning was meant to “keep” everyone in a reality SO SCARED to GO AGAINST… that the programming becomes the belief which then dictates the physical reality…. of how all “lived”. Because each’s WHOLE LIFE was built upon a facade…. built upon fears and beliefs so drilled in, so deeply embedded, so “marketed” as true, with books, education and entire societies/communities/cities constructed to uphold this “illusion”, to make “unconsciousness” easy… when it’s time to emerge from the illusion, from the deep state/sleep/slumber/amnesia of what IS REALLY REAL… CONFUSION, fear, anger and blame are the “first parts of this awakening” process… because each “feels duped”, yet this is a part of the illusion too.

RIGHT NOW, we are in Mass Exiting (once again), as the “next collective” (a much larger one) emerges from the illusions, emerges from the deeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeep sleep, where illusions and distortions ruled…. and due to “acceptance”, were allowed to have control, because FEAR is the ENERGY THAT HELD ALL THERE…. yet….

These COSMIC RAYS AND CONTINUALLY ACCELERATING SOLAR (SOULar) Activity, the increase in ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCIES do many things, all important in this mass awakening/ascension process for all on “this planet” (and beyond). These ultra-high photonic, sonic, gamma, (and so much more) frequencies GO STRAIGHT to the cellular body/DNA, straight to the program, go straight to the constructs, straight to the SOURCE of where all was “housed” (within the body), to activate, stimulate and create a disruption in the old frequencies that kept each “bound” to that dimension/density/reality…. These Cosmic/SOULar Frequencies are LIGHT ENCODEMENTS that disrupt the old “signals” that held the old illusions in place. They go straight to where EACH’S DNA is “waiting” to be activated to AWAKEN FULLY, yet the human aspect is unaware of all still, because there are so many programs, mentalities, beliefs, illusions, distortions to clear in order for one’s PHYSICAL BODY/LIGHTBODY to awaken enough through CONSCIOUSNESS to clear the heavy-duty density held within….

This is as much a physical process as it is an energetic one. This is an immense emotional process for awhile, clearing all the hurt, betrayal, inner-pain, anger, hate and distrust, blame, shame, guilt and so much more…. and the process “takes as long as it needs to take”, which is often years, because not only must the emotions clear/cleanse the body, the thoughts, the physical density, the beliefs, the resistance and the HOLD THAT EACH’S EGO HAS… every bit has to be “reworked” vibrationally, literally…. in every way. All while the physical reality is being aligned too. Every compromise, every acceptance of anything not PURE, every suppression, every avoidance, every linear thing created/held, every attachment, every lack (power, love, inner-connection), must not only BE REVERSED… all new everything must be created to replace the old…. NEW UNDERSTANDINGS, new access, new ways… of doing things, of thinking, of acting, of living…. our entire lives have to be re-built, re-aligned and re-configured to align on a Universal/Soul/Cosmic Level… which is not an easy task, because “outside” isn’t where we go to get our answers (except at first, when we seek/utilize guides to point us inwards to find our own truths/answers, which is the opposite of giving our power away to anyone else)…..

Part of the process, for awhile, when collectives are EXITING the old ways, when one has not fully come into their own deep-sacred connection/power within, they will seek outside for “others” to tell them what to do…. because the old way was “rely on others, rely on someone else to think for me”, because each doesn’t yet “know how” to “think” for themselves… this will create another distortion/parallel experience, if you will, if there are any impurities within the seeker, any compromise of soul/self, any “hand my power over to others”, then the cycle of “repeating” an experience to learn WHAT NOT TO DO/BE will occur, as it’s a part of each’s “learning process” here. There’s often alot of drama when this happens, because of the depth of the emotions each still holds and the depth of DEPENDENCY ON OUTSIDE vs. SOVEREIGNTY, which is a part of the transition out of 3D/4D into 5D/NEW Earth Realities….

Let’s talk about NEW EARTH for a moment… because I see so many that still don’t understand. NEW EARTH IS A VIBRATIONAL REALITY that operates at the FREQUENCY OF SOUL LOVE, where each awakens to beauty, magic, magnificence and a profound sense of PEACE, HOME, bliss, magic and all of this JOY and AMAZINGNESS that we all disconnected from/forgot/were disconnected from, while living beneath the veils (within). As we sleep, as we rest, as we reconnect with nature, as we all go through our own “Dark Nights” (Ego Dissolution/Death), what AWAKENS/EMERGES within US is OUR OWN LIGHT…. is our CONNECTION WITH/AS PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS, where OUR WHOLE LIFE CHANGES, because we’ve REMEMBERED the ABUNDANCE, we’ve REMEMBERED the FREEDOM, we’ve REMEMBERED THE PURITY and the brilliance and our own INNOCENCE, without the distortions/separation/programs… and then it’s a process of re-structuring, re-building, creating, re-aligning EVERYTHING WITHIN US and OUT THERE with these “new understandings” (realizations/awarenesses) that DON’T CONFORM TO THE OLD….. This is a process, years and years and years of linear “time”, yet because we don’t “live” from the linearity anymore, because we function from ZERO POINT, PURE PRESENCE, every dimension/reality/possibility opens up…. through our LIGHTBODIES and our SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS DNA activating 24/7, as linear goes out the window, our bodies have to continually go through an immense re-writing process through the INTEGRATION OF LIGHT(CODES) that re-do everything FOR US…. and because we function from an “EGO SURRENDERED STATE” our ACTions are PURE… which can be “read” energetically by all tuning into this… OUR LOVE, on a SOUL LEVEL, on a Cosmic Level, on a Galactic Level, every level… can be felt…. this is our ENERGY SIGNATURE that CONNECTS US ALL as PURE SOURCE LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS here….  For each one of us to come to LIVE FROM THIS PLACE/SPACE fully, we all had to be “faced” with everything “not pure”. It’s a part of the process of CHOOSING and re-aligning all of our realities, which is what collapses/dissolves the old unconscious dimensions, as they were all held in place by each one of us, because we believed “that”, because we conformed, because we allowed, because we became submissive… without any awareness that we were…

AWAKENING CHANGES ALL — First, there’s each’s AWAKENING, THEN ASCENSION BEGINS... this is a totally different PART/PHASE of the whole process… where each RETURNS to a Christed/Pure State of Consciousness, through DIVINE SOUL UNION WITHIN…. this is where everything starts to become VISIBLE ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL, one that’s not personal in any way, one where there are no victims or perpetrators, because “access” starts to return….

NEW EARTH IS ASCENDED EARTH…which means each LIVES AS THEIR ASCENDED ASPECTS, as pure love, as Conscious Light BEings, yet there are varying levels of this too, as this accelerates all new phases relative to various LightBody phases, as each EMBODY’S FULLY and re-aligns their whole life too….. This is not an “easy” process of re-constructing our entire reality according to all new “codes”, because the more unconscious and deeply embedded/asleep we were, the more we go through to awaken and ‘re-do”.

NEW EARTH IS EXPERIENCED FROM DEEP INSIDE. IT’S OUR PURE LOVE and OUR DEEP SACRED CONNECTION, IT’S A FULLY REMEMBERED STATE where our bodies and physical realities are constantly shifting into much higher states of consciousness than before, yet the oscillation rate of these cycles INCREASE to be so “fast”, that all linearity goes and we live from a fully Quantum State of Consciousness that doesn’t’ function like linear/dense realities did. We all gain the abilities to TUNE OUR CONSCIOUSNESS to varying levels and frequency bandwidths, which open up portals, gateways, passageways to varying dimensional realities that already exist (because all has already occurred) and we function from ‘THOSE’, while we “do” our every day, which is very different than the old ways, in every way. How we move through all, how we see, how we do all… becomes very simple, because the density (slowness which is relative to processing speeds/light) is very different too….

NEW EARTH IS WHERE WE LIVE INSIDE, as Photonic Light BEings, as Soul-Star-Light BEings, with photonic/plasma access and realities that are fluid, synchronized with a Cosmic Rhythm and Harmony that’s always “in-tune”. When it’s not, we know it and we honor this, yet our capabilities are different, because of the PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY WE HOLD WITHIN…. We treat everyone with immense kindness, we truly care, we are able to maintain our own Deep Sacred Connection with all, so we never shift out of pure gratitude, appreciation and living from an abundant state, which means that we don’t hold the conditioning, programming and limits of the old. We share, we support, we inspire, we uplift, we live from PURE JOY and recognize all… We see everything, without the blinders/cords/illusions of before. We see PURITY and we SEE lack…. which gives us the ability to assist/guide others who are open to accessing/achieving this within themselves fully too, yet we have no desire to take on the responsibility of others energetically saying they are not ready to do what it takes to live PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS from within themselves yet. We understand what compromise creates, we understand how we each have to choose, because in the choosing, we take responsibility and are saying WE ARE READY TOO. The responsibility we speak of is not like the old ways…. it’s a very different responsibility (many argue this, yet that’s ego matrixes too). Our RESPONSIBILITY is to HOLD THE HIGHEST STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AS LOVE HERE and to SHOW THE WAY, LIGHT THE PATH and BE THE ONES/THE CHANGE and to create the space and hold it for all others to choose this fully too.


It’s a Crystalline/Christed “matrix” that is connected and woven through LIGHT. It’s a NEW SYSTEM that we all CREATE AND LIVE as Ascended (Returned/Remembered) Light BEings here. It’s us inner-connected, us as ONE, it’s WE CONSCIOUSNESS through UNITY and PURITY and UNITING to BE NEW EARTHERS here. WE Shine Light, WE Share as Light, WE affect all as LOVE and we hold the “new” in place… as the “new” is not “new”… it’s what we all “lost”/disconnected from/forgot, while living beneath the veils….

THE VEILS ARE INSIDE, IT’S THE SEPARATION ALL HOLDS, IT’S PHYSICAL MATTER/DENSITY as well as immense unconscious programming represented by suppressed/repressed emotions/thoughts, beliefs/mentalities of less, lack, fear, judgement and the ABSENCE of PURE DIVINE LOVE.

NEW EARTH …. you/we BECOME and ARE NEW EARTHWE, as multi-dimensionals can see/experience all from a multi-dimensional level and choose from a multi-dimensional level too. One cannot just “say the words” that sound intelligent or pretty or cool… HERE ALL HAVE TO LIVE IT, BE IT and our ENERGY SPEAKS FOR US…. as all is VISIBLE HERE…. because we live as ENERGETIC BEINGS, WE READ ENERGY, WE COMMUNICATE ENERGETICALLY and words are only use to describe, teach, explain and bring into a higher state of consciousness, what “isn’t yet”.

In the beginning, NEW Earth isn’t even real. Then it becomes a place we see in our sleep or waking state DREAMS…. then we start to experience it through subtle inner-actions that are silent, connected and peaceful, pure and innocent… yet then the process begins of “HOW TO LIVE THIS ALL OF THE TIME”, which is where all of our parts come in….

We sleep/dream ourselves awake and anchor dreams from our “dream state” into/through our physical here.

THESE COSMIC FREQUENCIES and PHOTONIC LIGHT assist with transitioning from parallel to parallel to alternate realities and clearing distorted ones…. these photonic frequencies do everything only understood as/after we go through it all… as the KNOWLEDGE FOR HOW comes through our own actual experiences here, otherwise it’s just regurgitation, just like old earth realities were….

A fully SOUL ALIGNED REALITY is SIMPLE and not creating fractals/parallels to experience (learn from) anymore.

As each come to TRULY UNDERSTAND that there’s not just ONE VERSION OF EARTH RUNNING ANYMORE….. it makes it easier for each to “choose” a much higher dimensional version than before. As each truly come to understand (get it deep within), that NEW EARTH IS OUR PHYSICAL REALITY EXPERIENCES that are a VIBRATIONAL MATCH TO US… (as is old earth, yet focusing on NEW EARTH right now)….. EACH STARTS TO PAY ATTENTION to what they are holding, transmitting, allowing, believing, calling forth and surrendering to, understanding that it’s OUR OWN ENERGY and HOW WE SHOW UP/ACT that determines the experiences we all have here.

We’ve reached another nexus point, a turning point if you will, another one, because these are always occurring as we all continually up-shift, while anchoring/integrating/holding higher states of consciousness from within us and radiating this out to affect, shift, recode all…..

When I awoke to the words “Mass Exodus“, I had to go look up Exodus to see what it meant. If everyone drops the “linear” and looks at the energy/metaphor… it relates to masses exiting the “slavery of humanity” phase, which correlates to the “survival mode” where enough hearts have opened fully for more to transition through higher awareness, instead of living by the old conditioning held in place by “fear”.

Yes, clearing fear, judgement, lack is an immense process, because it means going deep within. We are going to see the most intense DARK NIGHT for many collectives going through their own “exit”/transition processes of resolving separation/duality within, so that their own LIGHT CAN BURST THROUGH and be their own Guiding Light too…

The process of RE-CONNECTION and REMEMBERING and ONENESS occurs within each one of us as we are ready and our hearts open enough, as our walls of Armour/protection come down, as our own distortions come up for us to see/clear and as WE DO THIS OURSELVES… We can be guided, we can be assisted… along the way, yet no one can do these parts for us, we have to do them ourselves… and the human ego aspect has been convinced/convinced itself it’s not able/capable/can’t and “needs” something/someone else to “help”. Yes, we have to open up to this, if we were so strong we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be vulnerable, open and “seen”, yet there’s a huge difference in opening to that softness and relying on others, which is just “displacing our own POWER” again….

NEW EARTH…. all are Sovereign and not playing out lack games, not blaming others, not taking on others stuff and clearing the immense DISTORTIONS OF LOVE. OUR LOVE IS PURE…. and through this purity we will hold all to a place of Sovereignty, because we don’t see the lack. We see the stories, the BS, the games that the ego plays, yet we see the beauty, the purity and the magnificence of EACH when all are LIVING AS PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS LIGHT too…

A NEW EARTH EXISTENCE means that you live free from the old distortions, free from the lack, free from the programming/CONDITIONING and you live from your Quantum State too…. It means that you show up, you hold your own, you are kind and you “get it all” with your whole being and you don’t bring your lack to the table, because that’s all the old BS programming and illusion that we all see beyond. NEW EARTH is YOU LIVING AS A NEW EARTHER… you living as LOVE… you fulfilling your highest roles/purposes/missing, without “needing” anything… because you’ve cleared your own akash, because you’ve REMEMBERED and you are excited to share, excited to uplift, excited for all to UNITE, to create, to strengthen the NETWORK of all of us who are RECONNECTED on an ENERGETIC LEVEL with Gaia, Universally, Cosmically….

NEW EARTH IS YOUR “CREATION”, it’s you LIVING YOUR MAGIC AND JOY… and it’s you being visible, open, honest, REAL and not making an apology for not conforming to the old lack systems of old earth anymore…. because you’ve TRANSCENDED THE BELIEFS, the programming, the mentalities and the ENERGY of SEPARATION from deep within you too… you are not projecting your “stuff” and you are not taking on “others” “stuff”…. that was the old ways too… IT’S ALSO you/all of us fulling higher service roles. 

NEW EARTH is you respecting all… from the DEEPEST MOST SACRED AND CONNECTED PLACE WITHIN YOU… living from this DEEP SACRED RESPECT with your every act, with your every breath and not accepting any less ever again…. because you don’t have to, because you woke up and YOU’VE REMEMBERED YOURSELF AS PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS too.

Drop the ego games, drop the “fronting”, drop the “pretending”, drop the “stories”, drop it all…. as THAT is your DIS-EMPOWERED and DIS-CONNECTED STATE of Consciousness…. IF YOU TRULY OPEN YOUR HEART AND MIND AND WHOLE BEING and UNIFY TO/FROM/AT your absolute highest FREQUENCY OF PURE LOVE and you walk as this throughout your day, you live as this with your every ACTion, you breathe this as your ONLY REALITY then it’s guaranteed that your “REAL”ity will “change”. This is because YOU ARE BEING LOVE and you are treating others with kindness, consideration, respect, compassion and taking all into CONSIDERATION – BEFORE you allow your old programming to enter back in. WHEN YOU HOLD THIS EXPANDED STATE ABOVE ALL AND YOU LIVE IT FULLY…. NEW EARTH WILL BECOME YOUR ONLY REALITY TOO.

Location will not matter, the people won’t matter… because the LIGHT YOU HOLD DICTATES….and once you are able to hold this fully “no matter what”, then your physical will start to take new shape, open up new opportunities, open up new possibilities and “take you in new directions”, because you changed your whole vibration to a whole new dimension, so the next steps are to move your body to the new physical dimension or to experience the new physical dimension as it arrives for you!  ♥

As you LIVE FROM NEW EARTH INSIDE OF YOU…. NEW EARTH WILL “APPEAR” (MATERIALIZE) OUTSIDE as a vibrational/energetic response to you…. This is how we all do/did it. This is how we “know”. ♫

Happy magical everything. “How long is up to you”. “When” is too… as time is not linear, it’s vibrational and relative to the amount of LIGHT HELD… as we go “up” in vibration and “expand” out…. to experience the vastness of multiple dimensions all simultaneously, which is how MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH IS EXPERIENCED for all of us here. ♦


Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼