Adronis Update – Human Guardians from the Future & the Cosmic Administration (& the months to come)

 WOW! This is amazing, only just discovered this guy! Very encouraging news! 75% detained at this time…It won’t take long to reach a state of 100% containment of the Dark Regime! Looking Glass Technology is about 90% accurate! ~PB

Adronis Update – Human Guardians from the Future & the Cosmic Administration (& the months to come)

Aug 24, 2021
Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings
40.5K subscribers

In this update video, Brad Johnson channels Adronis and he shares profound insight regarding the human guardians, cosmic administration and what lies ahead for the Earth coming into the new year.



•Premiered Jun 13, 2021
Krishi Shikkha
421K subscribers

Exclusive update with special guest Gene Decode

DUMBs/Earthquakes, Jab Antidote Protocol, Financial System, Geopolitical Update


•Premiered 15 hours ago
Krishi Shikkha
421K subscribers

Exclusive Update with Cirsten W.

Deep State Arrests, False Flag Shootings/CIA MK Ultra, DEWeapons, Geopolitics, Trump, PsyOps,

Cobra: Planetary Situation Update | The Portal (Thursday, May 6, 2021)

The Portal

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light Thursday, May 6, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear all Chimera space fleet, except for a small number of TR-3B and other reverse-engineered craft, operable in suborbital space by the negative military under direct or indirect orders from the Chimera.

A certain number of Chimera underground bases, with most of them not very deeply underground, is still remaining and they are very difficult to clear, because they contain Chimera-controlled Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and other star race hostages who are controlled and guarded by physical Chimera spiders. Those bases also still host a large amount of captured human children and adults. The main Chimera base under near Bukavu in Congo is still intact with both spider queen and king and a few other Chimera spiders inhabiting it.

Quantum anomaly around Earth is clearing nicely, but with enough remaining anomalous quantum fluctuations very close to the surface of the planet to still prevent physical manifestations of Ascended beings and their Lightships (external merkabas):



Quantum fluctuations directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected. Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks. Also, most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the Light forces are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive.

The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia.

On the surface of the planet, our meditation for peace in Ukraine has been quite successful and the war has been averted this time:

People are fighting against medical tyranny and there are already large liberated areas such as Florida:

There is a lot of fear-based disinformation circulating on internet of vaccinated people shedding spike proteins and infecting everybody. Spike protein shedding is far less dangerous than many people fear, although it moderately increases the chance of getting prion disease:

Also, vaccines do NOT block your Ascension process, they only decrease your vibration frequency to a degree.

Current vaccines are only a Trojan horse for a potential future technology that the Cabal wants to develop, a biochip that would be inserted into the body and would be tied to a global online digital currency system after the Great Reset for all financial transactions, the so-called “Mark of the Beast”.

DARPA made one step further in this plan by connecting vaccines and biochips:

Needless to say, this “Mark of the Beast” plan will NOT be successful.

Here it is interesting to know that Anthony Fauci, one of the frontmen of the Great Reset, is connected with the Abys family which is a black nobility family from Switzerland:

Abys family was one of the “controllers of Daat”, occultly speaking.

The next phase of the plan of the Great Reset Cabal is to engineer a global cyberattack that would take down the internet, which they would then resurrect with a new online financial system under their control:

All bitcoin, cryptocurrency and Tor fans need to know that Bill Gates has secretly installed a backdoor keystroke logger into all Windows operation systems so the Cabal knows everything about your bitcoin transactions:

Speaking of Bill Gates, the real reason why Melinda divorced him is because she is afraid of the guillotine:

According to sources, the Nuremberg style trials that are approaching will include a public trial of many Cabal members for crimes against humanity which will result in somewhere between 500 and 5000 death sentences. Cabal criminals will be publicly executed mainly in the USA, China, Japan and a fourth country which must not be named. Those criminals will then be gathered on the etheric plane by the Light Forces, will undergo another trial by the Galactic Court at the Ganymede sorting facility and then be processed in the Galactic Central Sun.

Many lesser Cabal criminals will be arrested, then rapidly tried by military courts, then transported off planet by the Resistance and sorted through the Ganymede sorting center. Those among them unable or unwilling to correct their crimes will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will be taken to correctional facilities across the Galaxy where they will be able to “work out their karmas”.

About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda such as corrupt city mayors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, hospital managers, doctors, journalists and even some who were posing as “light workers”, will be arrested at the time of the Event and will serve their term. It is interesting to know that a few past members of my team who betrayed the Light will be among those arrested.

After all this is done, the Light Forces will address so-called injustice nodes and many more people among the surface population who have seriously wronged others will serve their term with house arrest, community work or financial fines.

Here it is important to understand that many past injustices will be settled and healed through truth and reconciliation commissions, through mediation and through forgiveness.

Many people who were incarcerated across the planet for minor offenses such as marijuana possession or petty theft will be released from jail immediately after the Event.

All this will bring much needed closure, so a dark and unjust chapter of human history will close and a new, better one will open.



Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files.

Some Disclosure hints are already here:

With less primary anomaly remaining, quarantine Earth is finally opening up, and suborbital flights will be available for the surface population starting from July 20th:

As we are getting closer to the Event, there is much activity behind the scenes in militaries across the planet that can not be reported, except for a few hints here:

You might want to read this sci-fi novel which includes both the pandemic and the Event, and can bring an interesting perspective:

You might practice using the violet flame to purify the energies in those challenging times:

Or plant more cintamani stones in locations worldwide to support the positive energy grid.

A Japanese team has taken this photo of a beautiful Galactic Confederation cloudship after a successful cintamani mission in Aomori, Japan:



Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra at 1:31 PM Labels: Bill Gates, biochips, Chimera, Cintamani, disclosure, mass arrests, quantum anomaly

3D to 5D Consciousness: Mainstream media taken over by White Hats, DUMBS bombed by Alliance, Vatican Arrest Updates, & more

Mainstream media taken over by White Hats, DUMBS bombed by Alliance, Vatican Arrest Updates, & more

Mar 20, 2020

11.6K subscribers

We are living in very exciting times! Catch all the action of what is going on in the world that is not covered by the Media. The White Hats in the Military took control of the Mainstream Media, DUMBS were bombed by the Alliance, Vatican arrests update, Celebrities that have been arrested under the guise of being positive for Covid-19 and the latest info on GESARA being implemented worldwide.


FM 144: System Shutdown (15.03.2020)

März 15, 2020

FM 144: System Shutdown (15.03.2020)

First of all, there is no reason to panic about COVID-19, not more than about a conventional flu. The virus was successfully contained by the Light Forces weeks ago. What we are seeing here is probably the largest orchestrated global media (fear) campaign the Cabal has ever conducted.

The only problem is this fear, which is pumped into the minds of the people and especially into the Ley Lines of planet Earth. Therefore, the highest doctrine at present is: do not panic, stay calm!

According to the LFs, the situation is as follows:

As mentioned in posts before, the Dark Ones know that the game is over and that the Light will strike the surface – which means the end of their dominion.

We are experiencing the retreat of the Dark Ones from the surface below the surface, where they want to entrench themselves in order to escape the Light.

The network of the Cabal is gigantic and they have infiltrated all areas: politics, finance, economics, science, military, healthcare, entertainment, sports … list is endless.

People in such high positions of power can’t withdraw all at once just like that  … that needs a really, really good reason … like a global pandemic … in combination with a total economic collapse.

It is interesting to see how many reports are just coming in from politicians, high-ranking military, nobles, celebrities etc., which seem to have fallen ill with CV or are going into self-quarantine because of it:

According to the LFs we see here the retreat of the Cabal into prepared underground facilities, where they want to hold out the Event, COVID-19 is only a pretext.

Of course they do not want to leave the field just like that. They are currently causing a complete shutdown of the system and forcing humanity into quarantine and social isolation, which is to be enforced by military force if necessary, which is why many countries have issued holiday bans for police/army and have activated their National Guards/Civil Defence Forces.

This lockdown is also visible on the energetic levels, where parts of the planet are covered with a black energetic shell …  this is to prevent the contact of the surface population with positive extra-terrestrial beings … but this is taken care of.

According to the LFs, this is the situation… but at the same time they try to calm down, there is no reason to panic, apparently things are going according to plan.

I can’t tell you exactly what’s gonna happen or how long it’s gonna take. The LFs just keep insisting that it is important to stay calm now, it is also good to stock up some supplies, keep in touch with your Starseeds comrades via internet, social media, do your meditations, but most important: stay calm – all the seemingly chaos is part of the ascension process (and besides, the sky has not been as chemtrail-free as it is now for a long time)!


Xekleidoma: Light forces versus dark forces – Opposition organized to counter the dark | PREPARE FOR CHANGE

Light forces versus dark forces – Opposition organized to counter the dark 

Such a thing as the complete opposite of the absolute force of Light and divine Love was unthinkable, it had never been seen in the history of creation. But here it was, developing under the leadership of the fallen angels who had turned against Source and the spiritual order. The dark expanded their activities and sphere of influence and as a reaction the spirits of Light decided to contain the dark so that it wouldn’t spread further into the universe. As far as I understand the dark have directly affected 3 galaxies, the Milky Way, Andromeda and one other neighbouring galaxy. Out of more than 100 billion galaxies that exist this is a tiny portion, but nevertheless the impact on creation is huge as everything is connected and fully conscious spirits have unlimited perception. There are no quick and easy fixes for the error in creation that we know as evil, its inception was unexpected and Source itself was hence unprepared for it. That means Source and the spiritual order had to come up with ways to tackle the problem of evil, and the primary anomaly that is at the root of it. This is how the light forces came about and thus the battle between the Light and the dark commenced. It is the mother of all battles, all other conflicts are dwarfed by it.

Setting things straight.

I want to repeat that evil has no purpose, it was never meant to exist or be created. It is not a tool for spiritual growth and it is not meant to prove the splendor and magnificence of love and goodness. What use are the myriad qualities of true love if they cannot be experienced by everyone? That is why there is no task of greater importance than accomplishing the correction of primary anomaly which will end all evil. The power of the dark must be overcome, and all those who have chosen to serve the dark forces will have a choice to either repent, come clean with what they did and embrace the Light or have a soul reset. A soul reset means that the traits of the soul will be deleted along with its knowledge, memories and experiences and the soul will begin its spiritual development from scratch.

The weapons that the light forces use are totally different from the weapons the dark forces use. The dark uses fear, limitation and privilege, punishment and reward, lies and deceit, violence and destruction, repression and hunger, depression and isolation, turning the basic needs and motivations of people against them. The Light uses love, empowerment, inspiration, truth and revelations, harmony, freedom and nurturing, humor and expansion of consciousness, reinforcing the natural characteristics of people as divine spirits. The utmost that the dark can achieve is winning people over to the dark and destroying their contact with higher self, thus carrying on evil practices and maintaining its position. The Light is stronger than the dark as it is where we came from and what we are essentially made of. The reach of the Light is boundless and so is its purpose. The Light entails creativity, beauty, adventure, fulfillment, delight, euphoria and ecstasy but it is by no means limited to that.

The light forces have made much progress in liberating planets from dark rule and a great feat was accomplished with the galactic peace that was brought about by the treaty of Anchara in 1995. Since then the dark forces that didn’t agree with the peace treaty have retreated to a small number of holdouts. They are renegades as they rejected the decision of the Anchara alliance that they were part of and sought to keep their own little dark kingdom. In 1996 the Archons relocated from Rigel to Earth and Earth is now the last stronghold of the dark forces in the Milky Way and beyond. They have boobytrapped Earth with strangelet and toplet bombs, which are based on the opposite principle of nuclear bombs. Instead of splitting radioactive atoms up in a chain reaction and causing a devastating explosion they will squeeze subatomic particles together when activated creating a black hole. This is the main reason why the dark forces on planet Earth have not yet been defeated, they are using the residents of Earth as hostages. As the light forces care for humanity on Earth, they need to approach the situation with extreme caution. I would like to use the analogy of a mikado game, where sticks (toplet bombs and other interconnected control technologies) must be removed one at a time without disturbing the rest of the stack of sticks. This is one of the reasons why it takes considerable time to deconstruct the power structure of the dark forces on Earth. While many people may have the impression nothing much is changing for the better, a huge stealthy war between the dark forces and light forces is being fought over this great prize called the blue pearl by benevolent extraterrestrials, which is planet Earth. The initial triumphs of the light forces have mostly been taking place out of sight of the masses in the solar system, in higher dimensions and below the surface of our planet. Some people are a bit more aware but don’t understand what they can do effectively to reduce the grip that the dark forces have over planet Earth. This is all due to the deep programming that humanity on Earth has been subjected to.

The Resistance Movement.

One of the key groups of the light forces is the Resistance Movement. It actually originated on planet X, a planet with intelligent life located in the far reaches of the solar system beyond Pluto that used to be occupied by the dark forces and was liberated in 1999. Many freedom fighters from planet X then moved to Earth and joined freedom fighters from Earth in underground bases that were established since 1975. The main objective of the Resistance Movement (RM) is to overthrow the rule of the Cabal. The RM uses advanced technologies to monitor activities on the surface of the planet from within the underground bases. Before the reinforcements of the millions of freedom fighters from planet X joined, the freedom fighters from Earth were already in contact with Agartha, and they were heavily besieged by Cabal troops. Their situation was quite dire between 1996 and 1999, but the joining of millions of operatives from planet X turned the tide. Since then with the help of above ground intelligence officers and secret agents the RM has regained the terrain that was lost below the surface and destroyed many DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) that were built by the Cabal with tax funded black operations budgets. The Cabal’s intention was to equip the DUMBs with all necessities for prolonged underground stay, move underground with hand picked assistants such as scientists, professors, doctors, nurses, military staff, architects, builders etc. and then unleash hell on Earth with a third world war that was planned to decimate the surface population with nuclear weapons, biological weapons and famines. After such destruction and pandemics, the world would need all the help it could get and would accept total and overt Cabal rule in return for the rebuilding and curing offered. That plan has been thwarted by the RM and all DUMBs have been either destroyed or taken over by them in cooperation with the so called white hats, officers and soldiers in the positive Military.

Benevolent extraterrestrials.

The RM is actively supported by benevolent extraterrestrial beings of various races and from many star systems, among which the PleiadiansSiriansArcturians and positive Andromedans are foremost. They are organized in the Galactic Confederation, which is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations lead by ascended masters. Then there is the Central Race, which is the oldest race of intelligent beings in the Milky Way galaxy; they live in the central part of the Milky Way as their name already suggests and they are the most highly developed of all races in our galaxy. The Central Race was in contact with the civilization of Atlantis on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. A special group is called the Ashtar Command, which is a section of the Galactic Confederation specifically dedicated to liberate planet Earth from the dark forces.

In general all planets and civilizations outside the solar system are of the Light, the ones that were once under dark rule have all accepted the Light of Source as their guidance and reference. They all seek to enrich and expand the creation in harmony and diversity with all other beings and civilizations as that is the natural way. Nobody suffers any lack in any way as they all take care of each other and all live in service of each other. Nobody needs to be superior or dominant over others as they all know and recognize that true power is within and we are all deeply connected. That is why their positions of leadership are filled by the most knowledgeable and wise individuals. Among the benevolent extraterrestrials are beings from higher dimensions as well as physical beings like ourselves. The beings from the higher dimensions (9th to 12th density) communicate to beings from middle dimensions (6th to 8th density) which in turn communicate to beings from the lower dimensions (3rd to 5th density). The basic distinction between higher and lower dimensions is that lower dimensions are more concrete, shaped and relative while higher dimensions are more abstract, moldable and absolute.

A special group of benevolent extraterrestrials are the star seeds, which are souls that lived in various dimensions in various star systems and have decided to come to the aid of humanity on Earth by incarnating here and living among us, giving us examples through their lives of spiritual love and wisdom, engaging in activities that change the lives of people and the course of history and teaching the higher principles of harmonious coexistence and mutual benefit. These star seeds are often manifesting as revolutionary artists, excellent scientists, freedom fighters, lightworkers and light warriors. We know the most recent generation of them as indigos or new age children. In many ways they are making a great sacrifice by leaving the perfect life they had on a peaceful and abundant planet and coming to the deeply troubled place which is our planet.

Archangels, angels and spirit guides.

Apart from the extraterrestrial intelligent beings who originate from star systems throughout the Milky Way and beyond, there are the angels and archangels who have never incarnated into physical form. They are servants of Source who’s function it is to steer the creation in line with the divine plan and be the metaphorical hands of God in the universe. The archangels are particularly powerful and they include Michael, Gabriel, Chamuel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Adonael, Anthriel, Aquariel, Ariel, Azrael, Barachiel, Iaoth, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Oriphiel, Raguel, Ratziel, Sabrael, Sealtiel, Tzaphqiel, Zachariel and Zerachiel. Each archangel has specific qualities and specializations and you can call upon them when you need help with something fundamental in your life. The angels and archangels (apart from the fallen angels) have never been subjected to duality, evil and suffering, so they are as pure as when they were created from Source. The archangels confront the Archons and try to persuade them to change their ways and return to the Light, and some Archons have indeed returned to serve the Light. Archangels when depicted show certain specific features, but I must remind people that these features are merely an expression of their energy and character in a visible form that we humans can easily relate to, and should not be taken as literal representation of who they are. They don’t have the limitations and weaknesses that humans usually have and their vibration is much, much higher than any human.

Spirit guides are often highly developed souls who are presently not incarnated that offer spiritual support and guidance from the higher dimensions to those who are incarnated in physical bodies, and also intervene in people’s lives in situations where it is necessary to make sure they can fulfill their mission in life. I know this for a fact as it happened to me once as a child when something told me authoritatively to stop when I was cycling; I did and just a few seconds later two cars smashed into each other right in front of me as one driver was recklessly hastily reversing his car out of a parking lot and another unsuspecting driver came driving up.

Healing, transformation and triangulation.

Many people who finally learn that the conspiracy theories are not just theories but have real substance, that there does exist a shadow government that greatly determines the conditions of our societies and our world at large and thereby also the quality of our lives, they get angry and vindictive. They feel betrayed and cheated. That however doesn’t help, as it doesn’t change anything for the better. I am not interested in getting even and taking revenge, not anymore. Ultimately it doesn’t matter who did what, who is guilty and corrupted, who bartered away our divine rights as spiritual beings and made our lives miserable in every conceivable way. The only thing that really matters is cleaning up the incredible mess that primary anomaly has caused, stopping the senseless killing, ending the unnecessary suffering and destruction and recreating peace, balance and the glory of Love on Earth.

Many adjustments need to be made in how the world is organized and ruled, the abundance of nature must be restored, the environment must be cleaned up, wealth needs to be redistributed from the opulent to the poor, more time should be spent on creative endeavours and less on mass production, procreation must be approached with much more responsibility, degrading and violent movies and images must be eliminated, true spirituality must be restored, ancient secrets and hidden technologies must be revealed, people need to reconnect directly with Source and undo their detrimental mind programming and emotional wounds must be healed. These are the tasks that are set before humanity and they will be initiated as soon as the rule of the Cabal is terminated and the light forces assume power. Humanity will get increasingly direct assistance from benevolent extraterrestrials after the liberation of planet Earth from Cabal rule.

There are many methods of healing work, as this too is a creative process. You can even devise your own methods following your intuition and inner guidance. Let me mention just one that I have used myself: activate the hand chakras by visualizing a brightly glowing light emanating from the palms of your hands and make it as strong as you can; then visualize the planet floating between your hands as you position them sideways below the planet and feel the planet absorbing the healing energy from your hands. Then slowly lift your hands upward making the planet move along between your hands and feel the world gradually dropping its heaviness from the dark practices. Remember that you are on your path to become a god, so don’t be shy to make a big impact.

Transformation is an inner process that essentially revolves around pinpointing the most basic and fundamental causes of problems and then eliminating them by simply making a new choice. It has been compared to peeling the layers of an onion until you get to the core of it; only by identifying the core of the problem can you successfully solve it. This can be done on an individual level as well as on the level of a group or society. In each case it requires a certain amount of maturity of character and above all absolute self honesty to pinpoint the root cause of the tribulations. Without the willingness to reflect on yourself as an individual or itself as a group or society problems will persist and are even likely to grow worse. To soften this sometimes painful and confronting process it can help to apply self forgiveness.

Triangulation is an utterly essential tool to consciously reconnect what seemed to be disconnected and reconcile what seemed incompatible. The application of this exact tool is what made the immensely important Treaty of Anchara possible. The principle of triangulation is to recognize that everyone seeks to make decisions and take actions based on his or her needs, desires and judgement of the situation that the person finds himself or herself in. If a person perceives it to be impossible to make the ideal choice, namely the choice that meets the best interests of all, then that person will choose what seems best in his or her small self (ego) definition of interest regardless whether and how it harms the interests of others. That is why the scope of interest and perspective needs to be expanded and more deeply understood to include all options, all interests and all solutions. Then a holistic blend can be attained that resolves disputes and feuds.


Holism: getting ourself whole again.

So much artificial division and separation has been created between human beings on this planet that it is mind boggling. At times my heart weeps when I consider how this world could have been without the dark forces messing it up; it could have been a paradise or close to it. If it wouldn’t have been for the protection offered by the light forces no human life would exist anymore on Earth; they have prevented the very worst scenarios from happening. Currently there is an agreement between the dark and light forces that neither side will directly interfere with the affairs of individual humans, both sides concentrate on influencing and determining the macro situation and general status of the planet. Without the help of the light forces humankind on Earth would either have destroyed itself in a nuclear holocaust or would have been eaten by reptilians. The light forces will intervene directly and decisively in planetary affairs as soon as the main retaliation mechanisms of the Chimera group (primarily the strangelet and toplet bombs) have been completely removed. Also when I look at my personal life things could have been much different and I’m sure many will share that sentiment; Archons tend to obstruct us from reaching our dearest goals and sprout ideas in people’s heads to rip to shreds what others have meticulously built. In this way people hinder each other to accomplish a more heavenly experience of life.

The egg of Columbus is to become whole again on all levels and in all aspects of our being. That requires a holistic or what would be better termed wholistic approach. It requires cooperation between people, dedication to the issues of real importance, diversity in talent and unity in purpose, determination to succeed, courage to stare danger in the face, embracing feminine energies and a burning passion to live. Understanding that the genuine interests and aspirations of others are our interests and aspirations and acting accordingly will make all the difference in the world. Entertaining such an attitude will provide lots of inspiration for your own life and many people will be happy to help and support you in your own endeavours. These traditions that are not wholistic (and there are quite a few around the world) should be challenged and questioned regarding their desirability and sustainability. It is also crucial that people see and admit their own faults first and do something about them before targeting the faults of others. It is very easy to find something negative about someone else and highlight that in great detail, but what does that accomplish? It is much preferrable to highlight the strenghts of others and stimulate these qualities, as that will create a more positive environment and supportive feedback loops. People who tend to overburden themselves with responsibilities and tasks should seek to delegate some of that burden to others who are not as active and who spend plenty of time on idle things. It’s important to be kind and gentle to people of good will and to be strict to people who avoid taking responsibility for their place of residence and who neglect their wider environment.

A warning and an encouragement.

I would like to summarize the pages so far by stating that the world called planet Earth is not normal by any standard, on the contrary: it is totally crazy and insane. We are used to living in the conditions that we’re all too familiar with, such as crime, hate, wars, pollution, overpopulation, famines, economic crises, poverty, abuse of power, corruption and so on, but these are all problems that can be solved if we all take responsibility for our own life and the entirety of us and if we halt anyone who behaves in destructive and disruptive manners early on. Some people are so sick and twisted that the only solution will be to remove them from the planet and that is what will be done by the light forces, some extremely nasty people have already been removed. The thus far for the better part invisible war between the light forces and the dark forces is one of life and death; once the dark forces lose the war, it will quite literally result in their undoing. There has been a serious danger that the Light would be extinguished on this planet, which would be even worse than the current state of suppression and contamination of the Light by the dark. That danger has mostly been dissipated, but as long as the dark remains in power it continues to cause damage which might not be reversible. So a final push must be made for the total victory of the light forces over the dark forces, and for that I would like to invite you to do your part in the best way you see fit.

Human beings were not meant to wither away in a mind numbing or even degrading job sitting in front of a computer screen in a dull office day in day out, at an assembly line making long days for a meager pay or in a quarry collecting the crumbs of value such as minerals or metals. Life should be much more exciting and interesting than this, not just the few hours in the weekend that you get to spend on your hobbies and favorite pursuits, but all of your life. If the technologies that have the potential to make people virtually independent from centralized distribution systems would have been allowed to be put into mass production and sold at reasonable prices then we wouldn’t need to work hard and would still have enough means to live comfortably. So the key question is: do you want to keep living as a wage and tax slave, being indebted to the banks from your adulthood until old age when you’ve finally paid off your mortgage and have no vitality left to do the things you always wanted to do if you would just have the time and money to do them? Or do you want to break free from this madness, this system of legalized theft that serves mostly the twisted worldview of the occultist clique that fooled us into this scheme from our early childhood? If you prefer the latter, then dare to take a stand and don’t be concerned about the moronic reactions you will surely get. In a world where people have unwittingly been made into slaves and have reluctantly accepted that role it is absolutely necessary to confront them with the facts, even if it upsets them. Don’t spit out the whole story for them in one go, it’s better to gradually expand their awareness. In the upcoming pages I will give inspiration, share ideas and offer alternatives that can be put into practice in service of the great undertaking of our final liberation from the dark forces.

Unicorn Stag


2 with Jordan Sather: SSP William Tompkins Final Interview + Jordan’s guest appearance on THE WAR ROOM at Infowars (videos)

Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview – July 23rd, 2017

Published on Jan 28, 2018

As a young boy, William Tompkins’s photographic memory nearly landed him in hot water with the Navy when they found his publicly displayed models of Navy ships included specifications that were top secret. However, when the Navy found that it wasn’t a spy who made these models, but young Tompkins, they took interest in his capabilities and recruited him into their Navy Intelligence to work on classified programs. From 1942 to 1946 while in Naval Intelligence, Tompkins was a part of a top secret espionage program where he would debrief Naval spies that were embedded on German secret aerospace programs, and disseminate the advanced information he was receiving to corporations and research centers around America. After the Navy, Tompkins worked within highly classified think tanks designing advanced weapons for aerospace companies, including North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft Company. He came forward late in his life to disclose all he knew about extraterrestrials on our planet and secret space programs operated in secret by our very own government. Find information related to Tompkins and more @
Next webinar on February 3rd, 2018. . . .
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Jordan Sather was a guest Friday on THE WAR ROOM at Infowars

President Trump Set To Unveil The Secrets Of The Universe

Published on Jan 26, 2018
President Trump has reignited the American passion for exploration, which will once again reach into outer space. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:
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The Portal: Taiwan Conference Report / Solar System Situation Update by Cobra

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Portal: Taiwan Conference Report /

Solar System Situation Update ~ by Cobra

Taiwan conference was a huge success. Because Taiwan is one of the main centers of the positive Dragon forces, it could grow a very strong Lightworker and Lightwarrior community. The conference took place very close to the location where Taiwanese Dragon families hid their gold after they escaped from mainland China after WWII.


During the conference, we took important physical and energetic steps towards the financial Reset and a new fair and balanced financial system.


During the same weekend, ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining. Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be taken care of before the Event happens. We will deal with the plasma situation in detail in one of near future blog posts.


As a result of the cleared physical bombs, there was great relief among the Light forces and a lot of intel that was previously classified has now become safe to be released. This short release by David Wilcock appeared just a few hours after the clearing of the physical bombs and I was surprised that he has revealed so much so early while the operations are still ongoing:


There is a fleet of motherships of the Galactic Confederation positioned just outside of our solar system and this fleet presents a barrier through which no space vehicle of the Chimera group can escape. The unholy four were secretly hoping that Chimera would provide them with the escape route beyond this solar system towards Barnard’s Star just before the mass arrests, as this was the promise the Chimera gave to those top cabalists.


It is true that Chimera controls a few fragments of the once powerful physical Draconian and Reptilian fleet, scattered and hiding on some minor asteroids in the main asteroid belt and in the Kuiper belt. This information was top secret until now because the Reptilians were threatening to retaliate to a relatively small number of human hostages that they still hold captured on those asteroids. This weekend, the Light forces of the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadian Fleet, the Sirian Fleet and the Resistance Movement have begun an operation to clear the entire solar system completely.


Until recently there were also fragments of the Draco/Reptilian fleet, hiding in asteroid belts of Barnard’s Star and star named Wolf 359. All those fleet fragments have already been cleared out completely.


It is also true that Chimera controls a system of subterranean strongholds, with Long Island being their only major access point to the surface. These subterranean strongholds of the Chimera are totally unrelated to DUMBs (deep underground military bases). All DUMBs have been cleared already and Negative Military and the Cabal has no access to Chimera strongholds, so they are stranded on the surface.


You need to understand that people involved in the secret space program / breakaway civilization did not have access to the Chimera locations inside our solar system and under the surface of our planet and were mostly even not aware of their existence.


This intel was classified until now as Chimera still has human hostages in those underground places and scattered on some locations in our solar system (NOT Moon and Mars) and liberation of those hostages must be carried out with utmost care.


Those locations are the places where the scalar plasma grid technology is operated from.


More intel will follow when it will be safe to release it.


Posted by Cobra at 3:21 PM

Labels: Chimera, Reptilians, strangelet bomb, White Dragon Society

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Portal: Taiwan Conference Report /

Solar System Situation Update ~ by Cobra

Taiwan conference was a huge success. Because Taiwan is one of the main centers of the positive Dragon forces, it could grow a very strong Lightworker and Lightwarrior community. The conference took place very close to the location where Taiwanese Dragon families hid their gold after they escaped from mainland China after WWII.


During the conference, we took important physical and energetic steps towards the financial Reset and a new fair and balanced financial system.
During the same weekend, ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining. Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be taken care of before the Event happens. We will deal with the plasma situation in detail in one of near future blog posts.
As a result of the cleared physical bombs, there was great relief among the Light forces and a lot of intel that was previously classified has now become safe to be released. This short release by David Wilcock appeared just a few hours after the clearing of the physical bombs and I was surprised that he has revealed so much so early while the operations are still ongoing:

There is a fleet of motherships of the Galactic Confederation positioned just outside of our solar system and this fleet presents a barrier through which no space vehicle of the Chimera group can escape. The unholy four were secretly hoping that Chimera would provide them with the escape route beyond this solar system towards Barnard’s Star just before the mass arrests, as this was the promise the Chimera gave to those top cabalists.


It is true that Chimera controls a few fragments of the once powerful physical Draconian and Reptilian fleet, scattered and hiding on some minor asteroids in the main asteroid belt and in the Kuiper belt. This information was top secret until now because the Reptilians were threatening to retaliate to a relatively small number of human hostages that they still hold captured on those asteroids. This weekend, the Light forces of the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadian Fleet, the Sirian Fleet and the Resistance Movement have begun an operation to clear the entire solar system completely.

Until recently there were also fragments of the Draco/Reptilian fleet, hiding in asteroid belts of Barnard’s Star and star named Wolf 359. All those fleet fragments have already been cleared out completely.
It is also true that Chimera controls a system of subterranean strongholds, with Long Island being their only major access point to the surface. These subterranean strongholds of the Chimera are totally unrelated to DUMBs (deep underground military bases). All DUMBs have been cleared already and Negative Military and the Cabal has no access to Chimera strongholds, so they are stranded on the surface.
You need to understand that people involved in the secret space program / breakaway civilization did not have access to the Chimera locations inside our solar system and under the surface of our planet and were mostly even not aware of their existence.


This intel was classified until now as Chimera still has human hostages in those underground places and scattered on some locations in our solar system (NOT Moon and Mars) and liberation of those hostages must be carried out with utmost care.
Those locations are the places where the scalar plasma grid technology is operated from.


More intel will follow when it will be safe to release it.
Posted by Cobra at 3:21 PM

Labels: Chimera, Reptilians, strangelet bomb, White Dragon Society

A Remarkable Statement on Extraterrestrial Life Posted by Steve Beckow on September 27, 2014

Get your tickets here, folks, for a free ride to the Pleiades!

Submitted to OpEdNews for publication – with appropriate changes!

I was just reading an article that Genele sent me, which talked about the “remarkable statements” that people like Paul Hellyer, Edgar Mitchell and John Podesta have been making. (1)

They’ve been saying that extraterrestrials – or galactics, as we call them – are here and that they have been visiting us for some time.

We lightworkers have been making “remarkable statements” like that for some time now. But I realized that if we want to have our remarkable statements heard, it isn’t enough to make them at one time and be done with it. They have to be made over and over again.

So here’s a certifiably remarkable statement.

Yes, extraterrestrial life exists. Yes, it’s here and has been for some time.

We don’t call them “extraterrestrials” here. We call them our star brothers and sisters.

They’re here around the Earth in millions of cloaked ships. They exist, not only on other planets in other star systems such as the the Pleiades, Sirius, and Andromeda, but on different and higher dimensions than us (which is how they become invisible).

They follow the universal laws like the Law of Freewill so they don’t interfere with us much. One of the reasons they came here was to ask us not to interfere with them. When we set off nuclear weapons in space, we cause death and destruction in their worlds on other dimensions.

They put a stop to the explosion of all nuclear weapons in space and any nuclear weapons exploded on Earth with hostile intentions. Have you noticed there haven’t been any lately, despite all the threats (and some attempts to launch them)?

At least not since suitcase-sized nuclear bombs (as well as thermite) were used to bring down the World Trade Center. I wonder who had access to that Earthly technology?

They’ve mitigated manmade pandemics, manmade tsunamis, manmade hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and wildfires (think HAARP). Just go on Youtube and look at the spaceships passing through the Icelandic eruption cloud. Or ask yourself how a meteorite about to hit Russia could have fragmented at the last moment and notice the spaceship passing through it.

But they can only go so far in interfering with our freewill. If we want to kill ourselves, to rape and pillage ourselves, they’re obliged by the law of the universe to stand back, more or less, and allow us to do it.

Much of our technology came from them. How do you think the computer sprang up in such a short time? The silicon chip at the heart of it was back-engineered from the downed Roswell spacecraft – by Hughes Aircraft, a company I worked for. All kinds of things have extraterrestrial origins: teflon, kevlar, velcro, fibreoptics, anti-gravity technology, you name it.

They worship the same God as we – how could it be otherwise since there is only One? But they actually worship, and serve, and know that God, whereas most of us simply mouth the words.

They’re human like us. The human template, it turns out, is actually common throughout the universe. This universe, that is. There are other universes.

If you really want to know the whole story, they peopled the Earth. We’re their great, great, great, great grandchildren. They’re our ancestors.

They’ve sent us world religious leaders like Krishna. Where do you think a blue-hued person comes from if not from Sirius? And, yes, I’m serious.

It isn’t them we should be afraid of. It’s us. They’ve come, in a manner of speaking, to save us from ourselves.

If they hadn’t, a fact which most people don’t know about, we’d have been dead from a nuclear World War III. Forces on this planet were planning it and it’s only through galactic intervention that you and I are eating our Wheaties today and watching football on TV.

Have you not heard of the destruction of the deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) in 2011?

That’s where the planners of World War III were to go to to last out the nuclear winter they would have caused. Now they have to stay on the planet’s surface, like the rest of us “useless eaters” (their words), and enjoy their handiwork.

Yes, there have been abductions. The U.S. Government since Eisenhower has been working with one galactic race that we know of, a lower-dimensional set who did not honor the Law of Freewill.

They were allowed to abduct people and extract genetic material for their dying and sterile race and return them. In return, they supplied the U.S. Government with technology to be distributed to the people.

It was never distriubuted and those species are gone. The benevolent species, our benefactors, sent them packing. Have you heard of an abduction recently?

The white hats who remain are our protectors and they’re bringing about a shift in our consciousness which anyone can feel if they take stock of their spiritual and emotional state right now.

We have a glorious future ahead of us, in concert with our star family. And I think that’s about the most remarkable statement I can make in the course of this remarkable statement.

For more on this subject, see this area of the Golden Age of Gaia website: “Disclosure” at


(1) Arjun Walla, “NASA Brings Scientists & Theologians Together To Prepare World For Extraterrestrial Contact,” Collective Evolution, Sept. 25, 2014, at