More NEW Light & Increased Negativity Denise LeFay | HighHeartLife

I AM GUILTY OF GETTING SUCKED INTO DISTRACTION…but I don’t wait for them to admit Disclosure, we all are part of the Disclosure process. ~PB

More NEW Light & Increased Negativity


You know how the old negative patriarchal consciousness people always amp up their blackhearted tricks and tactics right before big positive evolutionary Ascension Process changes arrives? What’s been going on everywhere with so many people is your clue that we’re about to enter yet another higher level of evolutionary energy, and this one is more potent and reality changing than all previous ones. That fact is causing frantic reactions in those who do not want anything to change for the better. We are evolving and what’s left of Team Dark is trying their damnedest to survive that fact.

In the past you were either a ‘sheeple’ or you weren’t. Very quickly the global sheeple herders intentionally infiltrated the ‘New Age Movement’ to better corrupt, derail, control, confuse and redirect it and the people involved in it. Because so many people in that early awakening group trying to expand beyond the patriarchal consciousness fences did not have Higher Awareness or the capability of energetic discernment and reading energy signatures of both individuals and information, what was being taught, lectured and written about was followed unquestioningly. Sounds familiar right? New Age sheeple were quickly created and with relative ease because the majority of them were not individually able to discern what was being presented and who was presenting it. Much of the early “New Age” information was just old Piscean Age religious bits and negative TD distortions covered in Aquarian Age sprinkles! Because of this, a huge portion of the “New Age” people became incredibly easy targets for anyone who wanted fast easy cash, unquestioning followers, worshipers, growing guru powers and more control over other people. In other words, same old negative low-level Team Dark shit as always. This time it was just heavily overlaid with feel-good New Age terms. [Team Dark (TD) is my blanket term for all negative focused and polarized ‘Service to Self’ aliens, devils, demons, lesser negative entities and both dead and living humans and human Portal People. So human and nonhuman, physical and nonphysical aliens, beings and humans.]

Another side effect of all this was what many, including myself have called, the Fluffies. Fluffies are people who believe in all the positive “New Age” things like positive ETs, positive thought, positive actions, positive emotions and feelings etc. What most “Fluffies” have never believed in is the opposite of positive which is negative, and on a planet where Duality has been the primary lesson on the spiritual evolutionary table for all, people polarized to one extreme while completely denouncing the existence of the opposite polarity perpetuate the old negative loops of Duality and Duality consciousness and don’t even realize it. One or the other is not Unity or Unity consciousness or integration and evolution but perpetuating old lower frequency Duality.

Another side effect of the recent ‘New Age Movement’ a couple of decades or so before the start of the physical level Ascension Process (AP) was the birth of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and ‘Conspiracy Groups’ who believed in ETs and UFOs and have fought the government(s) demanding ‘disclosure’ about not only ETs and UFOs, but plenty of other related things, events, activities and agendas on and off-planet. This group was and still is equally as infiltrated by TD people as the New Age Movement which includes the Ascension communities as well.

These conspiracies expanded into other aspects that continue today such as awareness of the ‘global elite’, ‘the deep state’ and all the rest of it. One group fighting another group to gain “the truth” about things that have long been intentionally hidden by TD. Yeah, those are exactly the aliens and humans that are going to finally give you “the truth”.

For some it’s very easy to see and See that this overall ‘Conspiracy Group’ is in many ways much like the ‘New Age’ fluffies in that they’re both intentionally deluded by those people and/or groups selectively feeding them information and disinformation, plus they’re self-deluded about that information and the people and aliens it came from and continues to come from. Hopefully everyone reading this can discern for themselves (I know they cannot but I’m saying this anyway) what dangerous and unstable ground it is to place ones entire beliefs about Earth, aliens, spirituality, humanity, the evolutionary Ascension, the elite, the deniers of the other half of Duality etc. on those who will NEVER give you the truth you’re wanting and waiting for. ‘Disclosure’ through expanding consciousness about all sorts of things automatically comes to all who live the Ascension Process and do the Inner Work on themselves. Anything and everything less than that is a waste of your precious and rare lifetime during the current Universal Ascension Process. Stop looking, waiting and expecting “the truth” to be disclosed from those who’ve never told the truth and never will. You will never find what you’re looking for where and how you’re looking for it. What you’re wasting doing this is beyond your understanding which is exactly what Team Dark intended all along; herd, endlessly distract, corral and contain as many humans as possible from utilizing the present evolutionary Ascension Process energies to evolve beyond their lowly influences and control and become free, empowered individuals. “No, no, look over here and pay attention to only this, stay focused here not over there… now stay, stay, remain mesmerized by whatever we tell you to…”


Many Conspiracy Theory groups and New Age groups and fluffies continue perpetuating Duality consciousness while everything they claim to want and need is in fact been hammering away on the top of their skulls and hearts trying to crack them open and get in to help them evolve beyond Duality and Duality consciousness and frequency and all that goes with it, including those who want you to never escape it. But no, you remain and rant against the dark alien and human masters of lies expecting to actually get somewhere down there in those delusions, con jobs and endless life-wasting game play tactics by TD all the while not really able to actually discern the information you’re receiving from both Conspiracy and New Age groups and even the Ascension communities.

Another common tactic Team Dark aliens and humans do is lay claim to everything that happens on Earth as their creations, actions and events. This is going on with the 2018 Hawaiian volcanic eruption and certain people claiming it was created by negative people to cause harm and death, fear and pain, loss of property and hopefully the biggie which is start another war. Often the people claiming that it’s negative people and/or aliens that caused or cause man-made disasters and/or global Earth changes are masquerading as “New Age” people and consciousness when in fact they’re anything but. Both Conspiracy, New Age and Ascension groups are thoroughly infiltrated with negative TD people and Portal People that most folks can’t tell or honestly discern whose who and what’s what in any of these groups or communities.

Team Dark aliens and humans want everyone to believe that they are so profoundly powerful that they can, have been, and still are today able to circumvent, manipulate, utilize and override Divine Source God and all Divine Source generated energies activated to evolve everything and everyone everywhere. Talk about negative ego! People that always give all credit and power to the negative as the ones behind every artificial and natural global event that happens on Earth and off, and do so while presenting themselves as people of the Light and ‘Service to Others’, should make you stop in your tracks and seriously question why they do that, repeatedly. I’ve always known why but it’s incredibly important that you make this and other related discoveries by yourself for yourself. Learning how to energetically discern for yourself is beyond important now, it always has been, but it’s become a life or death situation at this point for far too many people during this Ascension Process. The war over human consciousness is very real and it not only continues but has been dramatically amplified because their human food and fuel supply is evolving beyond their reach. Do you want to continue playing in your left brain thinking the hell out of old 3D patriarchal lies and deceptions while the natural evolution takes place all around you?

Hawaii is not the heart or heart chakra of Earth. Earth continues evolving and ascending vibrationally higher and higher and ALL of NEW Earth is an entire HighHeart planet. Do not buy the limitations, lies, distortions, human dis-empowerment and TD empowerment’s and other con jobs certain people are selling now. The Earth is quaking and volcanoes are spewing lava and fires, floods, storms and such are happening because it’s going through the Ascension Process. All past old codes and the TD distortions added to them are now impotent and cannot do or create anymore. NEW codes continue to be embodied by NEW Earth and into the NEW grids, the NEW systems and evolving human DNA and so on, and all that is about to escalate greatly following the June 2018 Solstice halfway point to this year of 11 (2+0+1+8 = 11) Mastery. Because of this, TD works harder and harder to convince as many people as possible that they are the cause of everything because they are that powerful over and above Divine Source God! They want people to believe that they are creating these Earth changes, not that they’re natural side effects of the ongoing evolutionary Ascension Process. When certain people promote, perpetuate, give credit to and try to further empower TD as All-Powerful, why do you hesitate and consider what they’re saying might be true? Some of you know better but do it anyway. You have to learn to trust your own inner sensing tools and perceptions and immediately turn away from the negativity, lies, distractions and chaos trying its best to ensnare and derail you and your incomprehensibly important Ascension Process. Get back into your heart and feel things out for yourselves from there, not strictly from your head intellect.

I’ve had two similar experiences this month while watching a certain program on TV and the other while watching a couple of videos on YouTube. In both cases I had only been viewing the TV show, and a couple weeks later the videos, for less than ten minutes when I recognized an old familiar negative energy transmission embedded in these broadcasts that quickly cause head pains, pressures and mild disorientation. This feels like something has gotten into your head, which it has, and is intentionally directing harmful transmissions into your brain and making you feel scrambled mentally with pains and pressures throughout your whole head. I’m not going to name names but I mention this because this old tactic has obviously been increased recently.

Another thing I want to shine some Light on now is that Thursday, June 21, 2018 is the Solstice and the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. In old 3D, Cancer rules the Mother, maternal energies, maternal people, home, family, nurturing and/or being nurtured or “mothered” and extreme emotional and psychic energetic sensitivity and empathy. The sign opposite Cancer is Capricorn and the Sun enters it on the December Solstice. Capricorn rules the Father, paternal energies, governments, corporations, people in positions of authority and power, careers etc. It’s not a stretch to compare the June Solstice Cancer energies with what’s in-play now in the USA. Enough said about that, don’t be manipulated emotionally to produce energy food and fuel for the negatives during the Cancer Solstice. Be aware and don’t get played or sucked down into the intentional and increased chaos and emotionally charged dramas. Let those who need to wake up do so at those lower levels while we at higher levels continue Consciously creating and much more. There’s more happening than it looks and feels at first so please hold the higher energetic focus and let the other stuff unfold and do what it will.

A bit more about the severe bottom half of the body pains many have dealt with in the first half of 2018. I often forget to include that when I use the term NEW codes, that means NEW DNA as well. Because in 2018 the old codes are gone in us and Earth and continue to be replaced and embodied with NEW codes and NEW DNA, much of these super intense pains and pressures many of us have felt this year is due to our embodying more NEW DNA. I can sometimes feel crystalline formations of Light in my bones and joints now which is great, but the process of clearing at much deeper cellular levels to embody more NEW DNA has caused some pretty severe pains at times this year. More coming but it gets easier, faster and less painful the more we embody and Embody.

It’s already obvious that its going to continue to be a rough week—and second half of the year—on a lot of different levels for a lot of people so again I ask everyone to remember who and what you really are and radiate, intend, override and consciously create from within yourself. Doing so only helps everyone else rise quicker too. ❤


June 19, 2018

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange. ❤

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice are included.



RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH: It’s ON … 144k Mass Meditation on June 21 Solstice & CRITICAL Turkey Elections Meditation June 23rd . Army of Light, You’re Being Called Up For Active Duty. Big Developments – GET ON THIS WEEK’S SHOW – Wed. June 20th

It’s ON … 144k Mass Meditation on June 21 Solstice & CRITICAL Turkey Elections Meditation June 23rd . Army of Light, You’re Being Called Up For Active Duty. Big Developments – GET ON THIS WEEK’S SHOW – Wed. June 20th | RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH

June 19, 2018 | The Unknown Lightwarrior

The fuse has been lit for Turkey. Cobra revealed 2 years ago that “in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough.”

With the nationalist secular faction of the Turkish military almost decimated after 2016’s failed military coup, (and rest-assured, the White-Hat military in the US was on the verge of doing the same, but in the end decided to go the longer constitutional route to kicking out the bloodlines & instead approached a politically savvy well-known celebrity who could fund himself – so they could work through him) …

… 16 year President of Turkey: Ercep Erdogan has received orders (some time ago) from his Zionist bloodline masters via the Rothschild & Jesuit network, to resurrect the bloodlines’ Babylonian (Babel) empire under the guise of resurrecting the Ottoman empire (in an attempt to appeal & get support from the Turkish populace).

If the populist rival Turkish Presidential candidate Muharrem Ince doesn’t win the upcoming elections on Sunday the 24th of June … a full-blown regional war (which Cobra asserts will be short, but extremely intense) might … and probably will, break-out.

The failed military coup in 2016 by the secular nationalist faction of the Turkish military put the region on a timeline where war did indeed breakout. Ancient prophecy states that Damascus would fall just before the apocalypse. Not only has Damascus already fallen, the entire country of Syria has fallen.

The burgeoning 144k has been called up to active duty once again, to fulfill its Goddess mandated obligation to attempt put Turkey on the timeline where the positive factions’ rival presidential candidate Muharrem Ince wins, and Islamic extremism (wholly created by the bloodlines) is finally abolished in Turkey with a return to secularism & individual liberties …

So this week … because of the critical nature of what’s ‘coming down the pike’….we have special guests “Summer” & “Turkish Patriot” … members of ‘Team Turkey’ – Lightworkers  and “boots on the ground” in Turkey.

We’ll talk more about:

  • who Erdogan really is, and his loyalties

  • how he rigged past Presidential elections

  • the current state of the positive faction of the Turkish military, and whether they’ll be able to back Muharrem Ince by preventing a rigged election, the way the White Hats of the Pentagon did in the 2016 US Presidential elections

  • the Cabal hierarchical structure running the situation in Turkey, and Erdogan’s place within that.

  • … and how all this will decide whether the Cabal’s long prophesized wish for a war between ‘Gog & Magog’ will actually manifest … and how this all dovetails directly into one of the main tenets of biblical scripture.

That’s right folks … this is the latest way the Cabal/Darkness is trying to start WWIII. It failed to start it via Iran manufactured dispute … it failed to start it via the Syria manufactured dispute … now it’s trying to start it via Turkey, which is it’s best & probably final hope.

Gog is meant to be the US, Israel, the G7 countries. And Magog would be Russia, China, Iran, etc. But to quote George Soros:  “everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong” ….(with the plan to destroy the known world).The US had been lost….”But we are still looking at the possibility of complete destruction of a large portion of the Middle East – an area of the world that is extremely important for anchoring Goddess energy on this planet.

Not cool!

So make sure you join this Wed 9PM EDT (for the live broadcast, or download the recording the next day) … to help prepare yourself for what’s at stake … what we stand to gain or lose … and to gear-up for the two 144k Mass Meditations this week to put things on the highest possible timeline outcome for humanity.

Mass Meditation details & links are below

The Planet Has Reached The Point in The Ascension (Positive) Timeline Where Turkey Takes Center-Stage …

& What Happens There Decides How Far Up In Timelines We Go After The ‘Turkey Showdown Fork-In-The-Road’.

… And that’s, that!

What Do WE Do About It?

We being:

… the down-trodden.

… the beaten & battered

… the long forgotten, largely dormant & un-activated … SLEEPING GIANTS.

… that is, the surface – Army of Light.

… the sacred, the ‘mythical’ … 144k

… what – do – we – do ?!

Our Choice-Point Has Arrived!

One of the biggest blocks/woundings that I and other healing practitioners have found when doing one-on-one healing sessions, is shutting down the traumas that resulted from ‘negative choices’.

Choices in present & past lives that did not honor your soul-path & purpose … and thus put you on a negative timeline.

That’s a lot of ‘cleaning up’ which resulted from negative choices in previous lifetimes. It’s one of the main reasons why this life-time has not been what it could’ve been … in terms of manifested joy … freedom & abundance.

A choice-point has arrived again …

Let’s Not Repeat Any Mistakes Of The Past

Do what you’re here to do.

Our boss … Goddess, is begging us to do just that. Without asking for anything in return.

Because this is what we are …

This is who we are …

What will you CHOSE … come the day of decision?



144k Mass Meditations

(Mass Planetary Clearings, to fast-track us to the Event)

June 21st Solstice Meditation:

Date: 6:00am EDT (US time) Thursday, 21st of June

Click here for your time zone:

Duration: 1hr

At the time of this 144k Mass Meditation, join the global LIVE guided meditation by clicking this link:

… or by calling this #: 310-807-5232

Turkish Presidential election (Pivot-Point) day

Date: 6pm EDT (US time) Saturday, 23rd of June

Click here for your time zone:

This meditation will begin at 1:11 AM in Turkey – on the day of this critically important election.

Duration: 1hr

At the time of this 144k Mass Meditation, join the global LIVE guided meditation by clicking this link:

… or by calling this #: 310-807-5232

We have the backing of extreme high levels of Light, but we have to show up.

All of our higher-dimensional aspects can’t work through our physical bodies, if we don’t show up for duty!

What Will You Chose?


Empowering Exercise to Help You Increase Your Psychic Abilities with This Simple Technique

After the interview with Summer & Turkish Patriot, I’ll provide a very empowering training which will help you prepare to totally shift the energies and raise humanity to even higher timelines during these 144k mass meditations.

Discover the 5 foundational techniques for seeing energy and the non-physical more easily.

Be sure to call-in or just listen in, to make the most out of these energy clearing sessions …

 … to re-claim humanity’s power & freedom!


Link to the radio show & call-in #:

(hit the Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.


To connect with the Lightworkers of Turkey


To join a special meditation created for the night before the elections –  by the Turkish Sisterhood of Rose groups:

and on the

Brand New website for the 144k:

The Exo & Geo Political News Analysis segment will be very brief, (if at all) due to the urgent situation in Turkey & the Cabal attempt to use the incumbent President there to fulfill their religious Satanic prophecy of WWIII (Gog vs Magog).

It’s time to stop them!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) … clearing … energy surgery … DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power …

go to:


… hit the Share button below first. This must go viral.

Dr. Taryn Crimi: What to expect from the energy of the Summer/Winter Solstice | Angelic Guides

What to expect from the energy of the summer/winter solstice

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the energies of the winter/summer solstice now streaming heavily upon you, many of you will now begin to feel urged to once again move toward manifesting your dreams and desires. Many of you have felt as though you were stuck within a holding pattern that left you feeling unmotivated, uninspired and for many quite physically tired. As we have said time and time again, there is a time for integration and there is a time for acceleration. You are now entering a period to rapid acceleration. This is what we would like to further discuss at this time.

For some of you the thought of rapid acceleration may seem daunting, however there are still very many others who will welcome this period as they will be delighted to once again feel inspired, motivated and even compelled to begin to take the steps necessary to ground their dreams and desires here in the physical. For many of you, you will find that very large chapters are closing at this time, however with every proverbial door that closes another one is soon to open. Galactic cycles, collective cycles as well as individual cycles are in the midst of coming to a close; which of course will welcome new cycles, patterns and energy to begin.

As you all have passed through a strong integration and release period you are now ready to once again move forward. We do realize that it may seem as though you are continually met with similar obstacles that you cannot seem to escape, but we assure you, you are releasing in a much greater capacity than you currently realize.

Several months ago we encouraged you to choose your dreams and targets wisely as there will soon come a time where you will see your thoughts and focuses manifest into form in the not too distant future. We said:

“We remind you to choose wisely what you wish to plant, as you will find your harvest to be stronger and larger than years before. If you wish to plant your desires you will witness your dreams come to life. Do not let your fears get the best of you because you do not see how your dreams could possibly manifest, we remind you, things are not what they seem to be. This is why we say, plant your seeds wisely, for in a few months time you will reap the harvest of your seeds.”

The time has now come. You will begin to see the beginning manifestations of all that you have tirelessly worked on in the beginning months of this year. For those of you who have worked diligently on releasing all that no longer serves you, you will soon reap the benefits of carrying a “lighter” load.

Though you will likely begin to feel the sudden bursts of energy, insights, motivation and determination that seemed as though they had escaped you these past several months, we would like to remind you that force is not necessary in order to manifest your dreams and desires. Certainly effort is still required though force will only further delay what you wish to create. When you feel the urge to force the outcome that you wish to manifest, remember to take a moment, step back and allow for the path of least resistance to be presented to you.

You will witness the seamlessness of divine timing and synchronicity in your lives. We encourage you to keep your minds and your hearts open to the boundless opportunities, blessings and gifts that will soon be presented to you with greater ease than ever before. This is to be expected. Place your trust in yourself, in your ability to create all that you have dreamed of.

We encourage you to place your feet upon the path to creating the world you have yearned to live within. A full leap of faith is not required; all you must do is begin to take the first step to creating your dreams. And so we remind you, believe, allow and accept.

We hope that we have served you in some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Click here to download your Free 35 minute channeled message to learn “How to Manifest Anything You Desire”


You are more than welcome to browse the Angelic Guides website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge and/or personal guidance please check our shop/store for more guidance…
– Dr. Taryn Crimi

Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Jennifer Hoffman: Fathers Day and Father Energy

Father’s Day was June 17 in U.S., a day when we celebrate our relationship with our fathers. Some of us don’t have a lot to celebrate, as our fathers may have been absent, unknown, or so emotionally distant that we cannot find a reason to celebrate our relationship with them. My father has been dead for nearly 30 years and while I spent much of my life being angry with him and wondering whether he cared about me at all, I now understand so much more about him and can actually be grateful for the gifts he gave me instead of focusing on how he ignored so many opportunities to show how much he loved and cared about me. (the photo is of my father and me, taken quite a few years ago!)

Fathers mirror our lessons in power and love, often through their limitations instead of their abilities. My father was, as were many of the men of his generation, emotionally damaged. Orphaned during WWII at age 4 and adopted by strangers at age 7, much of his life was lived with the question of what happened to his family and why he wasn’t worthy of being with them. He was quiet, withdrawn, and emotionally disconnected. Yet, there were a few times, like the first time I was rejected by a boy I liked, and he comforted me, told me that I was beautiful and would one day find someone who loved and appreciated me, that he was loving and supportive.

I wanted him to be strong and powerful, to protect me and to show me that he loved me so I could know that I was lovable. But he didn’t love himself or feel worthy of love, based on his life experiences, so he could not give that kind of love to me.
My father, like so many men of his generation, was consumed by grief, anger, sadness, powerlessness, and had no idea how to express his emotions. For their generation, emotions were for women, and ‘big boys don’t cry’. What I now know is that he couldn’t give me what he didn’t have and although he may have wanted to, and I think he did, he simply did not have the skills or knowledge to be emotionally present for himself, so he couldn’t be there for me either.

I feel that I know my father better now than I ever did before, and I am at peace with the person he was, instead of being angry at the person he was not or, as I have learned to accept, could never be. It took me a very long time to figure that out. I had many expectations of my father and was very angry because he did not meet them. I could not appreciate his pain because I wanted him to fix mine, to show me that I was powerful and worthy of love.

He lived with me during the last few months of his life and that gave me an opportunity to see the depth of his emotional suffering, the feelings of unworthiness, the deep hurt at having been separated from his family, the grief he held within him, and how closed his heart was. In the moments before he died he told me he loved me, that he was proud of me, and apologized for not being a better father. It had taken him over 30 years to say that to me and it was the healing and proof of love that I needed.

It was also a choice point for me and I could accept it and move on or be angry and reject this gift because it was too little, too late. I chose to accept it (not right away though), grateful that he loved me enough to find the courage to say it, even if it was in the last moments of his life. I now know, with the understanding that comes from experience, wisdom that comes with age, and compassion from being a parent, that my father’s emotional limitations were his gift to me. I could choose to be like him, or I could choose to be as emotionally open as possible and to end the legacy of grief, hurt, anger, powerlessness, and emotional distance that was the legacy of that generation.

We choose our parents, even our distant, hurtful, absent, or wounded fathers, so that we can heal ourselves. The belief that fathers should be or should have been ____________ (fill in the blank) puts the burden of our healing on them and limits our ability to learn and heal from our shared journey.

Whether they were horribly abusive or lovingly kind, there was a reason we chose them and when we can be compassionate and forgiving with them and ourselves, we can release lifetimes of anger and disappointment and accept them for who they are, human beings doing the best they can with what they were taught and know. Whether you were well or poorly fathered, your father is part of your soul group, an important aspect of your healing journey and another mirror of your healing.

Father’s Day usually happens in  Solstice week, which is a celebration of the longest day of sunshine and the sun represents the father in astrology. It’s one more reason for us to re-align ourselves with a higher perspective in all of our relationships but especially, the ones which we struggle to understand or come to terms with because we feel that they were lacking in so many ways.

There is another aspect to consider as we decide whether we are going to spend our lives resenting our fathers for their poor parenting and emotional skills or move beyond those emotions and view them with compassionate kindness and understanding, and that is the awakening of the Divine Masculine energy. We celebrate the rise of the Divine Feminine, after eons of suppression, which was part of our Atlantis Legacy and which I write about in my book, The Atlantis Legacy, which you can purchase on Amazon at this link. The Divine Masculine energy represents the rejoining of the masculine to its heart center, which it has been disconnected from for as long as the Divine Feminine has been disconnected from its power.

Through countless centuries of war, death, domination, and control, the masculine energy has had its heart broken and is consumed by the grief which is a by-product of its trauma. It is now time for it to be reconnected on a heart level, so men can be whole and complete once more, reunited with the unconditional love that is part of their divine blueprint. We see it in today’s younger generation of fathers who are caretakers and providers to their children in ways that fathers in my generation never were.
By forgiving our fathers, we release this old energy and can open the portals for a profound energetic rebirth to occur to bless future generations with parents who are equally loving, compassionate, supportive, and aware of their power in ways that allow them to express all of the love in their hearts to everyone in their life. And in doing so we can end the masculine paradigm’s legacy of grief which has been such a powerful limitation to the reconnection of ourselves to our own divine center, and to each other.

Here is a Father’s Day exercise for you — What one thing do you wish you could have received from your father? Is it acceptance, praise, approval, love, validation, respect? Write it down as a sentence – – The one thing I wanted from my father was

Now give yourself that energy for the next 7 days. Whatever you wanted from your father (that he did not give you) is something you need to give to yourself. Be gentle with yourself as you give yourself that energy that you have waited your whole life to receive, often from someone who could not give it to you. This is one of the lessons of our soul groups, what we most want from them is what we must learn to give to ourselves.


If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.

Copyright (c) 2018 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

Energetic Congruence, Christed Awareness, Martyred Healer, Empowered Master, Life Re-Vibed, High Vibes Wealth, and Enlightened Mastery are trademarks of Enlightening Life OmniMedia. High Vibes Living® is a registered trademark of Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.

Arcturian Group Message for JUNE 17, 2018 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

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Greetings once again dear ones. We are well aware of the troubling activities and chaos tempting many of you to fall into fear and doubt. Always remember that in spite of appearances, what you are witnessing is the exposure of old programming, secrets, and three dimensional creations. High resonating energies of Light are illuminating and paving the way for their removal because denser energies cannot exist in the higher more refined ones.

All is well in spite of how things may seem. The world needs to become aware of these things before it can change. Do not lose hope dear ones, for you are creating a new world with your awakened consciousness as you bring in and hold the Light, assisting those now ready to awaken and creating space for the many evolved souls now arriving.

Some are coming as walk-ins and some as newborns, but a large number are already here as children and teens who have come specifically to assist in the ascension process of Gaia and mankind through their evolved levels of consciousness. Most of them are not yet aware of their mission, but see and understand the world from a more evolved state of awareness than most. Do not force these young ones into box’s of conformity in the belief that there is something wrong with them. They are very old souls in very young bodies.

As more and more individuals awaken, Light frequencies automatically become stronger and more dominant. Understand that much of the suffering you are witnessing at this time represents pre-birth choices made by individuals for the purpose of changing world consciousness through exposing how many commonly accepted beliefs serve only a few while bringing pain and suffering to others.

Many who up to now have lived fully enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation, are beginning to awaken and recognize the suffering brought about by some commonly accepted beliefs and laws many of which were created brought about by nothing more than self righteous moral authority.

Mankind is beginning to awaken. Know that a great deal is going on behind the scenes that the general public is not yet aware of. Your news sources do not give you the whole picture, so keep that in mind when you tune in. Your job as awakened ones is to hold the Light within and without at all times in spite of appearances which does not mean sticking your head in the sand while shouting “God is all”, but rather simply doing what is necessary from a higher state of awareness.

There were and are many desirous of being on earth at this time but who were not permitted. Only those with something to offer the ascension process and the strength to do it have been permitted during these powerful times.

But… “What about the terrorists, the troublemakers, the violent and un-evolved ones?”

The terrorist state of consciousness is one that is fully enmeshed in the energies of duality and separation. Many of them have had limited experience on earth and are only able to live out from the three dimensional belief system which is all they know. It is their state of consciousness. However, these dear ones are necessary at this time in order to bring about and expose issues of duality and separation. Know that every one of you has been the “villain” in one or more lifetimes during your journey of awakening.

You are right where you need to be at this time, doing what you need to do, and doing a fine job of it even if it seems as though you are doing nothing. Being the truth while not allowing outer appearances deflect you, creates an atmosphere in which change can happen. Know that all is proceeding according to plan. The spiritual journey is now a matter of be-ing rather than do-ing.

Doubt is always based in the belief of separation and has been dominant on earth throughout your hundreds of lifetimes. Doubt has become a habit that is ingrained in almost everyone until they consciously decide to move beyond it.

When doubt arises, remind yourselves that since there is only ONE, you can only be in and of that ONE for nothing else exists. Therefore, every quality embodied within IT, must also be yours regardless of appearances to the contrary–order, harmony, abundance, intelligence etc. etc. simply forever are–held in place by Divine Law.

We wish once again to speak of love, for love is the foundation of all that is–the connecting energy between all living things within the ONE. Love is the glue of life, unfolding and revealing itself on new levels as an individual evolves.

In the third dimension, love as well as everything else, can only be understood and interpreted according to the attained consciousness of the individual. Love, the energy between living things, is often felt, interpreted, and then acted on by the un-evolved consciousness through actions of violence, rape, war, and abuse. However, the reality and cohesiveness of ONE expressing ITself in infinite form and variety never changes or is affected by these false interpretations.

Those who ask; “How could God allow this?” do not understand the God knows nothing about illusory dreams. Atrocities do not exist in Divine Consciousness. This is what waking up is all about, the understanding and living of this truth.

We see many struggling to attain a deeper understanding of love, but seeking it through the many false ideas about love that flow from three dimensional concepts and beliefs regarding love. Love is and can only ever be selective, conditional, and limited when understood through beliefs of duality and separation.

“How do I love a government that seeks to torment its own people? How do I love those who kill and maim and believe that their position of authority is a free pass to cause harm and suffering for others? How do I love the drug or alcohol addict who selfishly causes so much hurt and pain to everyone around them? How can I love what I see happening in the world? How do I love?”

Dear ones, these questions are asked at some point by everyone seeking spiritual awareness. Allow yourselves to let go of the hundreds of three dimensional concepts of love, and especially the one that says love is always emotional. Shift into understanding love as the law of oneness. Yes, emotions are often involved with the many forms of love, but the reality underlying love in all its forms is Oneness.

You are the energy of love every time you do or think expressions of oneness, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant that expression. It may be as simple as helping a suffering animal, opening the door for another, making someone’s life a bit easier in some way without being asked, or recognizing the true Divine nature of an un-awake and obnoxious person. Love can be as simple as courageously saying “no” if and when it is appropriate.

As you attain an ever deepening consciousness of what Love really is, your thoughts and actions will automatically begin to reflect it. You become Love because in reality you are consciousness and not just a physical body. This is what makes a spiritual master appear to be different or more blessed than ordinary humans. No, the masters are only different from everyone else in that they know who they are. They are awake.

Love does not and must never exclude self for how can anyone be outside ONE? Many serious truth students exclude themselves when they experience the arising shame and regret of past actions in the light of their new state of awareness. Never resist, but rather allow these emotions to come up for you to acknowledge, but not give power to. They are a part of your awakening process now ready to be released from cellular memory.

For example; “I was hurt because someone did not include me in some thing I felt I should of been a part of and I responded with angry words and actions and feelings of resentment. Now I am ashamed. ” Ask yourself; “What was I believing at that time that caused me to act this way?” You will quickly discover that most of these experiences were based in beliefs of separation–“I am not loveable. I am always on the outside looking in.” Now ask yourself; “In the Light of what I now understand to be the truth, could this possibly be true?”.

The energy upholding the third dimensional belief system is always; “You will never be good enough.

Feelings of guilt and remorse often linger long after being recognized for what they are. Do not resist or panic in the belief that somehow you have failed, because resistance simply endows something with power. Rather, allow these emotions to flow, experiencing them without labels of good or bad. Thank them for reminding you of what you may still be holding on to, send Light to your cells telling them that it is time to release all old and finished three dimensional energies, and then simply move on with your day.

It is a process. Old energies recede as you are able to move beyond giving them importance or power over you. At some point these things simply dissolve into the nothingness that they are because you are longer feeding them with your energy.

In a quiet uninterrupted time, visualize each undesired aspect of yourself as a small girl or boy standing back awaiting recognition and acceptance. You may not even realize that you have rejected some part of yourself, but will discover it when you see the child come forward or hide awaiting acceptance.

Invite each child to you one at a time and allowing yourself embrace, love, and accept him/her. Until you can unconditionally love and accept all parts of yourself as simply being facets of who you were along the way or even now, you will not have the fullness of love to flow to others.

Learn to love and accept all of yourself no matter how obnoxious or unloving you may now see your actions or words to have been. Apologize if you are guided to, but do not waste an inordinate amount of time reliving or trying to fix some long ago experience. Know that very action taken and every experience experienced in every lifetime, has been a step along the evolutionary highway for everyone involved Nothing is or ever can be random within ONE.

Old memories have no power over you other than the power you give them. Life on earth is about learning and evolving through experiences until such time as one’s spiritual evolution is able to flow from within. All is well, nothing is ever wrong. Everyone in your life, so called enemies as well as friends, are a part of your and their evolutionary plan.

Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need, when you are ready for it, and how to guide you through it if you allow, trust, and do not choose some form of resistance.

Evolution is a not a journey for weaklings and doormats, rather it is a journey for warriors, and you are them.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/17/18

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NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for June 18 to 24, 2018 By Pam Younghans

Photo: Solstice sunrise over Stonehenge (photo credit:
​Max Alexander, STFC, SPL, posted on

NorthPoint Journal

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Neptune stations retrograde
TUE: Venus quincunx Saturn, Venus conjunct North Node, Mercury trine Jupiter
WED: Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Mercury trine Neptune
THU: Sun enters Cancer/Solstice 3:07am PDT (10:07am GMT), Venus opposite Mars
FRI: Mercury conjunct Pallas Athene, Sun sextile Uranus
SAT: Mercury opposite Pluto, Sun square Chiron

FROM EARTH’S PERSPECTIVE, the Sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky this week, marking the solstice and the change of seasons. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin solstitium, which means “sun-stopping.” If we monitor the Sun’s location, we will observe that the point on the horizon where it appears to rise and set, reverses direction after this day.

Astrologically, a chart run for the solstice is said to provide insights into events that will transpire over the coming season — for the June solstice, this means summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and winter in the Southern.

THE SUN enters Cancer and marks the solstice on Thursday at 3:07 a.m. PDT (10:07 a.m. GMT). The North and South Nodes are emphasized in the solstice chart, speaking to the potential for increasing polarization over the next three months. During this time, we will have clear choices, individually and collectively, that can either move us in the direction of our greater evolution or keep us stuck in old patterns.

The chart also contains two cardinal t-squares, a fixed grand cross, and a grand trine kite, so we have lots to explore. But let’s start with the location and condition of the Moon — Luna is always important as a barometer of the public’s emotional state.

THE MOON is in Libra for the solstice, bringing forward themes of partnerships and alliances, and the values of peaceful and equal relationships. Libra also rules trials and lawsuits, negotiations and diplomacy, so these issues are likely to be highlighted in our shared experience.

The Moon is also involved in one of those cardinal t-squares mentioned earlier, being square Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Cancer. This puts the Moon at the all-important apex of the configuration, which astrologer Bil Tierney says indicates “hair-trigger emotionality” and the tendency to “easily take offense.” Mr. Tierney writes that our way through this emotional landmine is to:

“… exert greater self-discipline or control in the manner in which we vent our feelings. This can be better accomplished once we allow ourselves to feel what we feel more deeply, to reflect upon the reasons behind our actions, and to deliberate before we outwardly respond to these feelings.”

THE SUN is part of the other cardinal t-square, being opposite Saturn and square Chiron. This configuration brings out the “mama bear” in protection of those who are victims of systems and the misuse of authority.

It usually takes a great deal of courage to stand up to authority figures, and to break rules, even if they are clearly wrong-minded. But the Mama Bear is one of the most ferocious of all archetypes, driven by the instinctive need to protect those who are young and vulnerable.

And, with Chiron in the mix, this is our opportunity to heal the aspect of ourselves that is fearful, lacks confidence, and feels controlled by those with seemingly stronger self-determination.

THE FIXED grand cross in the solstice chart involves Jupiter, Venus and the North Node, Mars and the South Node, and Uranus. A grand cross adds complexity to any chart, and increases the necessity of change, since otherwise we continually hit our heads against a wall. 

The alignments of Venus and Mars with the Nodes are particularly significant. Venus represents the feminine/receptive principle; her alignment with the North Node in Leo indicates we are at a point in our evolution where we must learn to express power in more heart-centered, creative ways. Mars, representing masculine/assertive principles, is at the South Node in Aquarius, revealing the need to overcome isolationism and aggressiveness.

Jupiter in Scorpio complicates matters, exposing more secrets and darkness that may rile our anger and increase finger-pointing, creating deeper divisions. And, Uranus in Taurus throws a wild card on the table, activating sudden or unexpected changes in the status quo.

A grand cross indicates tension that requires us to bring the best of ourselves to the situation. All of this push-pull is designed to focus our attention on the need to embody and express the best qualities of Venus/North Node in Leo: generosity, warmth, and courage of the heart.

THE KITE PATTERN is an indicator of potentials for opportunity and success. This configuration stimulates heightened creative and spiritual possibilities, while increasing our capacity for empathy. It can elevate our thinking, helping us to be open to inspiration and creative solutions.

In comparison to the influence of a simple grand trine, which is dormant energy until we take the initiative, a kite is highly activating, propelling us forward. For this reason, it often seems to manifest situations that are part of our larger destiny.

Pluto in Capricorn is at the focal point of the kite on the solstice, at the point that astrologer Erin Sullivan calls “the exit point” of the pattern. This means that the opportunities inherent in the kite formation are catalyzed in “plutonian” ways — through exposing secrets and revealing truth, through clearly seeing ways in which we have given our power away to those in authority, through a willingness to face and overcome fears and negativity, and through a deep awareness that we can no longer settle for superficial fixes.

NOTE: Please see right-hand column on this page for news about my upcoming teleclass! Hope you can join us!

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year provides you with experiences to heal your capacity for taking charge of your life. If you have felt overly vulnerable and overwhelmed by events in the world, find sustenance in the fact that a new courage is growing within you. Through your determination, you are developing a new level of self-assurance that cannot be undermined by discouraging situations. Harness the strength of your convictions, and you will emerge as a new, more self-confident version of yourself.

In light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.

PAO – Sheldan Nidle Update for June 12, 2018


PAO – Sheldan Nidle Update for June 12, 2018

Selamat Balik! We come with more exciting news to discuss with you. After 13 millennia of unopposed control, the Cabal finds itself struggling to adjust to a sudden surge in growth of consciousness. This new element scares them and is truly changing everything. As we reported in an earlier message, a new coalition of forces, to which we refer as ‘the Alliance’, has come together as a most compelling group that we have grown to respect. They continue to mystify the cabal, wreaking havoc on them in every way possible. The cabal remains bewildered as to why their arsenal of tried-and-true methods continually backfire on them.

  We have been assisting the Alliance in a number of ways. First, we are complementing the forces they have assigned to the removal of the current US regime. Second, we are providing the necessary resources to allow the Alliance to put into effect a new hard-backed currency system on your world. Finally, we are expanding our liaison and diplomatic personnel so as to be ready to furnish the services required for a more harmonious reality on your world. Many events are about to manifest and become known. Your prosperity funds are being made ready. The magnitude of this step has prompted us to send out a special detail of ships to watch as this program unfolds. No major problems have been encountered thus far. Your world is poised for freedom!

   We are delighted to report that your old reality is being shifted because it ultimately leads to disclosure, which makes it possible for us to move more quickly to the next step, an unprecedented global first contact with you. In previous years, we watched as the dark ones dashed the dawning of a new governance. Despite these early difficulties, we knew that you were eventually to triumph over the dark. The dark is slowly fading into historical oblivion. We have patiently watched as our Earth Allies and new Alliance friends suffered through their early growing pains. They have shaken off their hatred and wish only to propel the cabal out of power. New governance is to set the stage for our arrival. For far too long, surface humanity has been exiled from its extraterrestrial origins.

   We also observe that your Sun has shown unusual activity. In part, this is due to the massive increase in inter-dimensional energies surging toward her from the galactic core. They affect your solar system, the entire galaxy, and beyond. These energies are causing an increase in the polar ozone holes and aberrant weather patterns around your globe. This can interfere with your radio communications and larger electrical power generators.

Nameste. We are your Ascended Masters. We arrive to be your spiritual mentors and to reassure you about what may appear to be a most bizarre series of events. Right now, new monetary systems are materializing. With them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can well imagine, these announcements are to change your reality forever, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most unparalleled transition.

Since your fall into limited consciousness, you have had extremely limited access to direct communications with your Higher Self, the Ascended Masters and the spiritual realms. This is to change forthwith. We encourage you to seek our guidance. We may come to you in dream time, or in your meditations. Set a time each day to connect with us. Talk to us as though you were conversing with a friend. The energies now available on your planet encourage clear communication with the spiritual realms. Break the lingering bonds of silence and trust we are here for you.

We wish to end this message with a word about kindness. The definition of kindness is “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” From this moment, may we all begin a growing and evolving relationship founded on mutual respect, kindness, understanding and open communication. Recognize and act on the inspiring expressions of charity and kindness that stir in your hearts. Learn to stand firm for the Truth while, at the same time, radiating kindness. Being gracious thus becomes the key: it sets the tone for whatever you see or say, and how you respond to the phenomenal and enduring reality you create for yourselves.

   Today, we have discussed the events that are unfolding around you. These events are creating a new reality where, at long last, you are to see the restoration of full consciousness. With it will unfold the remaining potential of physical Creation. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Tania GabrielleWeekly Astrology Numerology Forecast June 18-24: Creation & Persuasion

Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast June 18-24: Creation & Persuasion

Published on Jun 15, 2018

FREE excerpt of JULY’s Premium Wealth Forecast:…

FREE MasterClass Training on how to read YOUR Birth Code:
Tania’s DAILY Quotes on Facebook:…
Wealth Astro-Numerologist and Psychic Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World. Renowned as a gifted channel, Tania unlocks the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being. By decoding a person’s birth-code, name and forecast, Tania guides her clients to claim their true destiny and life purpose. Her primary focus is on teaching spiritual principles to manifest practical, real-life results.

Cobra: Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation | The Portal

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Cobra: Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Activation | The Portal


Time has come for a huge number of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of this planet.
From now on, those groups will be supplementing the planetary Cintamani energy grid in transmitting the energies of Compression Breakthrough. They will also serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala.


Positive emotional connections between members of the planetary Soul Family mandala will speed up the process of the Compression Breakthrough.
Many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have already been created and you can join them. Over 50 groups are already listed here:
Many more groups are being created daily, and if you have a physical group that meets regularly and has three people or more, you can have it listed on the above list so that people who live in your area can join. To have your group listed, please contact

General instructions for your group are very simple.
First, your Sisterhood of the Rose group is a Goddess Temple:
Second, do the Return of the Goddess and Goddess Vortex meditations. Instructions for both meditations are here:
Third, you can do the Sexual Healing meditation:
1. Relax your body and watch your breath for a few moments.
2. Visualize a brilliant white light entering your physical body and all energy bodies as you inhale, then exhale that white light into your surroundings.
3. Now visualize a soft pink rose bud in your heart chakra. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.
4. Visualize a red rose at your intimate area. As you breathe that rose starts to bloom. Keep doing this for a few minutes.
5. As you inhale, the sexual energy of the red rose is rising up your energy channels to the pink rose at your heart chakra.
6. As you exhale, visualizing the loving, healing energy of the pink rose descend into the red rose at your intimate area creating a loop of energy. Repeat this for a few minutes.
When you keep meeting regularly doing those meditations, your group will become a powerful channel of Goddess energy and will greatly assist in building the planetary network of Light.
Goddess wants Light and Light it will be!

Multidimensional Hitstorm – ECETI News by James Gilliland | Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence


Hang on we are going through what seems to be a multidimensional hit storm. Almost all the healers I know, light workers, even family members have been seeing what can in most cases be seen as total insanity. People acting like they are possessed or under the influence of something dark. We are all getting a crash course in loving detachment. We are also being pressed to shield up and learn how to clear unseen negative influences. Everything is surfacing, the deep state is being exposed, the lame stream media are proving to be professional pathological liars, friends and family are losing it yet we are not clear on the source. It seems to be coming from multiple sources.

Could be psychotronics, some are seeing dark portals opening up, many healers are seeing people with so many attachments, astral beings, greys, reptillians and serpent beings they don’t know what to make of it. Many are having their whole worlds turned upside down especially those who aligned themselves with the lies and deceptions. Their icons are falling, the masks are coming down and everything they be-lie-ved is turning out to be a lie. Their egos just got sucker punched. The powers that were are imploding. The only solace I can offer is this too shall pass. It’s a process and chaos sometimes is necessary. We need to hold space, process our own issues as they arise, monitor ourselves and continue to clear any unseen negative influences. Remember a lot of these thoughts and emotions are not yours. Get out in nature, meditate, find ways to separate yourself from the chaos till it works itself out. Again we cannot stress how important it is to do clearings.



Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

1.Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

2.Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Quan Yin, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.

3.Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.

4.Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.

5.Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.

6.Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.

7.Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.

At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.
(see James’s book Reunion with Source for Advanced Healing techniques)





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