Saturday, June 23, 2018



VIDEO (Recommended)


The time has now arrived where you, the starseeds and the dimensional and interdimensional travellers, who came to earth to bring the light of awakening to humanity, are becoming conscious and remember on a much more profound level than ever before, your mission and real intention, why you came to earth.

We are happy to tell you that the main patterns of manipulation by the adverse forces have been removed, enabling you to make yourself fully free  from them and all bondage, misunderstandings and misinterpretations that kept you in a state of error.

And if you forgot: most of you came here many milleniums ago to bring unconditional love and higher light and information to earth, only to be blinded by the dark forces and made powerless.Thats why your true mission became unconscious and you have been kept away from your very purpose you came here for.

And “they” have been quite successful in this, more than you know, because most of you were convinced you „know“, but you did not, only aware of a fragment of what your original purpose was.

Many of you have been sinking deep into the dark dreams of amnesia, but now significant veils have been lifted and grids removed, so that you can – by your intention, prayer and heart-desire – break through all of this and remember fully, if you haven’t done it already.

Dear ones, it is very important to do this, to realize who and what you truly are as a messenger of liberation: the vibrational depth and width of a specific light and information within pure divine consciousness, and which divinely cosmic seed you have been intending to plant on earth. For this reason we ask you to open up the pathway between the realm of your heart and the Divine Source Light from infinitely above.

In this pathway of light and pure Divine Consciousnees, the true cosmic source field, the assignment you wanted to fulfill to support the ascension of planet earth becomes obvious to you.

This means that a most profound understanding from and communion and integration with the essence of the original planet, dimension or interdimensional realm you came from, has become possible. So that you can now truly bring the radiance and space, consciousness and light of this special loka to earth to make it a brighter place, to make it a happier experience and ultimately that advanced humanity can start to live a real joyful life.

Tolerance is most important between all you light-bearers, as you are bringing different information with your specific ray from your specific loka in the cosmos to this planet.

Earth is a multi-dimensional and – if you like – multi-cultural cosmic realm and it has been created to be such a one.

While you are creating a higher vibrational new earth which is a realm above old earth, all lower forces of consciousness and information will continue as is, including the souls who are not yet awakened, as an opportunity to grow in the fields of duality to learn to understand the opposite forces of light and dark and to grow the knowledge about it and most of all about themselves. To ultimately transcend duality and enter the space of unity, the space of light, inspiration, Divine Consciousness. Happiness.

We are here to help those of you who are ready, to break through all veils to reach that space of Divine Conciousness that helps you to connect to the full spectrum of your original task and mission.

We bless you.

We are very happy that this is possible now. We ask you not to fall into desperation about the situation on earth which appears to be quite dark. This is not the realm and loka with which you from now on are asked or forced to identify and to operate from. You have once chosen to connect to the higher dimensions you came from and thereby create and fortify the powers of the higher earth in which the multicultural divine life and consiousness is flowering to cooperate and to unite in the Light of the Ultimate to bring peace to the universe.

We thank you!

We are the Arcturians

Message conveyed by Ute 


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2018. All rights reserved.


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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 5:12:00 AM


Labels: Arcturians, Ascension, light-bearers, Messengers of liberation, New Earth, tolerance

Signs of A Clogged Lymphatic System & 10 Ways To Cleanse It.

Great article for recognizing a sluggish lymph system, with useful tips to help us understand it’s important functions, and flush out toxins to support and optimize our lymphatic system. ~PB

Mother Nature And You

A major part of being healthy is to ensure that any toxins that enter our system are effectively identified by the body and escorted out in a harmless fashion. There are many systems, organs, and glands in place to make sure this occurs, but unfortunately, many of them have become clogged and compromised to the point of complete dysfunction. One of those important systems that aid in the removal of toxins and has become clogged in many ways, is the lymphatic system.

Purpose of the lymphatic system and signs it is clogged

The lymphatic system is a complex drainage or “sewer” system that consists of glands, lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils. Its role is to cleanse our cells by absorbing excess fluids, fats, and toxins from our tissues and into the blood where it can eventually be filtered out by the liver and kidneys.

Unfortunately, due to…

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Tania Gabrielle: Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast June 25-July 1: Career Expansion + Full Moon in Capricorn

Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast June 25-July 1:
Career Expansion

Published on Jun 23, 2018

FREE excerpt of JULY’s Premium Wealth Forecast: http://taniagabrielle.com/lp/premium-…
FREE MasterClass Training on how to read YOUR Birth Code: http://goo.gl/ECSW32
Tania’s DAILY Quotes on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taniagabriel…

Wealth Astro-Numerologist and Psychic Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World. Renowned as a gifted channel, Tania unlocks the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being. By decoding a person’s birth-code, name and forecast, Tania guides her clients to claim their true destiny and life purpose. Her primary focus is on teaching spiritual principles to manifest practical, real-life results.



GLOBAL SYNCHRONIZED MEDITATION: Turkish Presidential election (Pivot-Point) day Date: 6pm EDT (US time) Saturday, 23rd of June


This meditation will begin at 1:11 AM in Turkey – on the day of this critically important election.

Duration: 1hr

At the time of this 144k Mass Meditation, join the global LIVE guided meditation by clicking this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio/2018/06/23/144k-mass-meditation-turkish-presidential-election-pivot-point-day

… or by calling this #: 310-807-5232

Update for June 12, 2018 by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Selamat Balik! We come with more exciting news to discuss with you. After 13 millennia of unopposed control, the Cabal finds itself struggling to adjust to a sudden surge in growth of consciousness. This new element scares them and is truly changing everything. As we reported in an earlier message, a new coalition of forces, to which we refer as ‘the Alliance’, has come together as a most compelling group that we have grown to respect. They continue to mystify the cabal, wreaking havoc on them in every way possible. The cabal remains bewildered as to why their arsenal of tried-and-true methods continually backfire on them.

We have been assisting the Alliance in a number of ways. First, we are complementing the forces they have assigned to the removal of the current US regime. Second, we are providing the necessary resources to allow the Alliance to put into effect a new hard-backed currency system on your world. Finally, we are expanding our liaison and diplomatic personnel so as to be ready to furnish the services required for a more harmonious reality on your world. Many events are about to manifest and become known. Your prosperity funds are being made ready. The magnitude of this step has prompted us to send out a special detail of ships to watch as this program unfolds. No major problems have been encountered thus far. Your world is poised for freedom!


We are delighted to report that your old reality is being shifted because it ultimately leads to disclosure, which makes it possible for us to move more quickly to the next step, an unprecedented global first contact with you. In previous years, we watched as the dark ones dashed the dawning of a new governance. Despite these early difficulties, we knew that you were eventually to triumph over the dark. The dark is slowly fading into historical oblivion. We have patiently watched as our Earth Allies and new Alliance friends suffered through their early growing pains. They have shaken off their hatred and wish only to propel the cabal out of power. New governance is to set the stage for our arrival. For far too long, surface humanity has been exiled from its extraterrestrial origins.


We also observe that your Sun has shown unusual activity. In part, this is due to the massive increase in inter-dimensional energies surging toward her from the galactic core. They affect your solar system, the entire galaxy, and beyond. These energies are causing an increase in the polar ozone holes and aberrant weather patterns around your globe. This can interfere with your radio communications and larger electrical power generators.


Namaste. We are your Ascended Masters. We arrive to be your spiritual mentors and to reassure you about what may appear to be a most bizarre series of events. Right now, new monetary systems are materializing. With them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can well imagine, these announcements are to change your reality forever, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most unparalleled transition.


Since your fall into limited consciousness, you have had extremely limited access to direct communications with your Higher Self, the Ascended Masters and the spiritual realms. This is to change forthwith. We encourage you to seek our guidance. We may come to you in dream time, or in your meditations. Set a time each day to connect with us. Talk to us as though you were conversing with a friend. The energies now available on your planet encourage clear communication with the spiritual realms. Break the lingering bonds of silence and trust we are here for you.


We wish to end this message with a word about kindness. The definition of kindness is “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” From this moment, may we all begin a growing and evolving relationship founded on mutual respect, kindness, understanding and open communication. Recognize and act on the inspiring expressions of charity and kindness that stir in your hearts. Learn to stand firm for the Truth while, at the same time, radiating kindness. Being gracious thus becomes the key: it sets the tone for whatever you see or say, and how you respond to the phenomenal and enduring reality you create for yourselves.


Today, we have discussed the events that are unfolding around you. These events are creating a new reality where, at long last, you are to see the restoration of full consciousness. With it will unfold the remaining potential of physical Creation. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Update for June 12, 2018 | Update for May 29, 2018 | Update for May 15, 2018

Update for May 1, 2018 | Update for Apr. 17, 2018 | Update for Apr. 03, 2018

Sheldan Nidle Updates (from January 3, 2006)

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 22, 2018

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

June 22, 2018 

The uncertainty in the world still continues with no apparent end in sight. However, those who are working for peace and needed changes are hard working to ease Humanity into an era that must come, as the vibrations continue to lift up. The essential changes are in respect of those who are ready to take over important roles running the different countries. A few are still controlled by those who serve self and are not allowing democratic rule to take place. It will come because it has to so that despots and the like make way for those with a more liberal approach to politics, and put the people first.

You have now long passed the marker and the new approach to life must manifest very soon, and put you on track to achieve world peace. The first steps have been taken with the curtailment of the use of nuclear weapons. The mood on Earth has changed considerably and there is an upliftment towards global peace. As you must realise, you cannot undo centuries of antagonism and deceit at a stroke, it takes a change of leadership with those who see the greater picture and care for the Human Race. Suitable candidates are at the ready to emerge and lead you ever onwards, and manifest the benefits of new inventions that herald the arrival of the New Age.

The people of Earth have begun speaking with one voice and demand change for the better, and are no longer prepared to be denied advancements in many areas of technology that are deliberately held back. At the higher levels ideas are projected to those who can develop them, but hitherto very few have been allowed to see the light of day. Those with vested interests in maintaining the old ways that are profitable for them, are beginning to find it harder to thwart attempts to introduce advancements in technology and make them available to everyone. Progress cannot be stopped forever, and from the higher levels we are assisting and protecting those fearless ones who continue with their efforts to carry Humanity forwards.

The Earth continues its onward journey into new areas of space, and the new vibrations are playing their part in bringing changes about on a global scale. It is all part of the changes you brought about by lifting up your vibrations that took you out of the old ones, and onto the path of many changes that are yet to come but are in progress. Be assured many souls are working for your advancement, and have the authority to take whatever steps are necessary to succeed. You will therefore realise that you are never alone in your fight to remove the dark Ones, who will nevertheless use any actions regardless of the outcome to prevent your success, but they will not achieve their goal. On a Galactic scale the Blue Avians are still monitoring your Earth, and quietly observe all events on and around it. They await the outcome of changes that will in the distant future allow open contact with you.

The future lays very much with young people that have incarnated for the sole/soul purpose of speeding up the changes that will set the pattern for the future. They already have a different approach and view the problems currently being experienced, and are supremely confident that they can overcome them. Their presence is already being felt, and they are finding paths that will eventually put them in the forefront. Some ask what can such young people possibly know that will help us with our present predicaments, and the answer is that their present age is of no consequence as they are old souls with much experience of working with the Light, and are eager to apply their knowledge and skills to carry mankind forward. You will soon see them coming through as their achievements are noteworthy, and will soon become public.

The bad news invariably makes the front page headlines, and television news but before long there will be less interest in the sensational news that is often overstated. You might note that some of such newspapers are losing readers, who now seek real news and are also interested in global activities. The mood is changing and the truth is being demanded, as for too long you have been fed a diet of soap operas and events that have been sensationalized. Be assured that Editors are only interested in sales and soon change their policies when turnover becomes seriously affected. News and articles have been taken over by the Internet, and less people buy newspapers, and in time they will virtually disappear due to lack of demand. In fact quite a number of things that you take for granted will change, but at the same time it will be moving you into the New Age. For example the combustion engine is doomed along with the many industries that have been grown up around it. You cannot stop progress whatever you do, it is far better to anticipate it and make the most of it so that you are not caught out.

In view of the success of making the first full message available to those of you who requested it. I will transcribe any future ones that I consider to be extra special, and will as before first send out an extract, and when requested a full copy. It means that the “extracts only” from a full message that I have typed out as below for example, will be clearly indicated as such. I will be including a message extract from time to time with my weekly messages. With those you have the title of the Kryon video recording as below, so that you can listen to the full message through the Internet.

I continue with the inclusion of an extract from a Kryon message as below, it is a short extract that is certainly relevant to our present period of time.


“You are changing this planet that appears to be in trouble. Those who are creating problems in the world will come and go. Light is starting to make a difference over dark, and the dark is re-acting. Those who will not evolve or advance will disappear. In a free society and civilization you must be left alone when it comes to consciousness, you must be left alone to decide. There is a barrier of isolation, and how we would love to reach through and turn on the Light. You have been told that Light is starting to make a difference over dark that it is reacting and continues to react in survival to save itself. By observing something you change its reality/attributes. You are designed to be here, there is a benevolence of God. You stand at the cusp of change.”

For the full message simply enter the title in your Internet window. On occasions there will be more than one recording of the subject under the same title.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at


You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to: www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/new_subscribe.html


Solstice Energy – 21-Jun-2018 by Kara Schallock | Soulstice Rising


We have been in a major period of receiving high dimensional Light. This Light shines on childhood patterns, which have had a way of creating separation. However, there has been a clearing, which also may have had the effect of letting go of certain family members as well as the patterns set up then. Old emotions and beliefs of abandonment, invisibility, feeling unloved, as well as energies of anger, frustration, judgment and hate also are shown to you so they may be released and transformed to Love. These energies may also overflow into other areas of life, yet they began in childhood (as well as in other lifetimes). When released and transformed you may experience more Peace, more Joy and more Freedom, as if a weight has been lifted from you. All of this helps pave the way to the Solstice.

Also know if you have been feeling a sense of separation, depression, sadness and/or lethargy as well as wanting off the planet, it is the continuous wave of Light that helps see these clearly. Shame and unworthiness may surface as well. Whatever you experience can be seen in a variety of ways for as you are multidimensional, so is everything else. Whatever and however you are, will or have experienced what I have shared or other issues not written here, it is all for your transforming to be more Love.

Remind yourself that you are not alone in this, even while it may feel like it at times. Whatever you are experiencing is for your highest evolution, which requires a great healing/wholing within you. You may feel as though you’re stuck or even retreating at times; you are never doing these things. If you find yourself blaming circumstances or others for what you are experiencing, release it; you have chosen all you are experiencing. Be open to all of it; accept what you feel. Do not try and move beyond anything, for that is a clever way your separate ego holds onto it. You may experience discomfort until you honor it, release it and transform it to Love. If you experience pain anywhere in your body, it may very well mean that that is where you hold onto the past. Be sure to rest, reflect and be compassionate with yourself. Take care of you; love you. Breathe and stay balanced.

The energy is shifting and expanding. We are vibrating at ever-higher levels as we merge with our Souls. This is not necessarily comfortable, as it calls for a great change in how we perceive ourselves, others and the world. As we shift, our Love and Light is greater and so we shine brighter and inspire others. Accept and allow. As we come into alignment with who we truly are, we also make everything easier, as we are flowing rather than resisting.

We are also in another phase of our bodies changing. Our food choices may shift yet again. As our cells and DNA change, we may eat less and choose different foods and drink; follow what the body wants; it guides us perfectly. We may find ourselves eating less; this is because our main diet is Light. Notice that what you once loved, you may not want anymore. Our vibration is shifting higher. How we eat not only affects us; it affects the planet as well, for there is no spearation between us and Gaia. The shifts in eating and drinking help to strengthen and energize us.

Not only are you connected to everyone and everything (Oneness), Oneness also means that whatever you think, feel and do, others feel it too; just as you feel what others are doing or not doing. It doesn’t take being in a person’s physical space, for energy knows no distance. If you have loving thoughts, those thoughts touch all. If you have judgmental thoughts, those radiate out as well. You need not send whatever energy you choose, for just being that thought or feeling or action touches all. Energy is vibration. What you think, say, feel or do creates a particular vibration. What vibration are you creating? If you complain or gossip, that energy flows out and attaches itself to whomever you are complaining or gossiping about. If you have loving thoughts and feelings, you create a vibration of Love.

When your actions are congruent with your thoughts and feelings, you manifest. And as always, what you attract is connected to who you are within. If you are not congruent, you will not manifest. This could explain why many are not manifesting currently. We each have the Power to change anything in our lives. First we release, then what we release transforms, then we can put our focus on what it is we wish to shift. It’s quite simple. If you want more Love, be more Love. If you want more Abundance, be Abundance. This means to act as if…take that trip if guided, replace the old clothes with new ones if guided. Money is only energy; besides, Abundance is not only money; it includes all aspects of life. Realize too that we are all in different stages of Ascension. We are all on a “continuum of Light.” Therefore, to compare ourselves to another is meaningless. Being on a continuum also means that we constantly shift non-linearly. There is no such thing as A to B to C. You may experience great ebb and flow, depending on what helps you evolve. Regardless, be congruent in body, mind and Heart.

The Solstice occurs on June 21 at around 4 a.m. (MST). As we are in the Solstice energy, there is a great power surge, which we have been preparing for. This Solstice energy increases the pace. You may experience more things to release as well as the Power of Love. One is not separate from the other. You may release and feel Love at the same time, for we are multi-dimensional beings. There is a push to be who you are and to share your gifts; however and whatever they are. It is a push to see Love in everything. You may notice where you don’t have much Love in certain areas. Amp the Love up.

Also, there is more merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine (Be-Do-Be-Do). There are electro-magnetic charges, which affect both ourselves and Gaia. The electro-magnetic energies sumbolize the union of both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The union of both helps us be more balanced in our being and doing. The Divine Masculine supports the Divine Feminine and propels us to take action on our inspirations and aspirations.

The timing of the Solstice is not limited to a certain date, as there is no actual time in the higher dimensions; there is only Flow. Be in Allowance with however the energies flow within you. What has been hidden from you will certainly reveal themselves to you so that you may choose to release what has been hidden or not. Much is revealed personally and globally. Just don’t get distracted by what is occurring globally. Focus on self, for in doing that, you help the Earth. You may see and understand how life is changing one step at a time. The Power of the Solstice continues to help you be more conscious and aware and certainly many more will be awakening. Don’t be attached to how this looks though; everyone has their own way of waking up.

During this non-time of the Solstice, you may experience some physical changes as well, including sleeplessness, headaches, louder ear ringing and in different tones. It is a time of assessing where exactly you are and what you focus on will definitely be manifest in your personal world…more than before and as you maintain congruency in body, mind and heart. There is and will continue to be much flux as you ebb and flow. Do not be concerned if it feels you ebb for a bit; you will flow again, as everything shifts. Focus on how you want to feel. If you do not like what you see, change your perspective. Integrate into your daily life how you want to perceive and feel. For instance, if you want more Patience, be patient. If you want to be more Compassionate and tolerant, be these.

Know too that by accepting exactly who and where you are is the key to moving forward. Hoping and wishing things were different is not not way forward. Embrace yourself as is while you, at the same time, focus on how you want to feel in the future. Of course, what you focus on in the moment is what you create in the future…one step at a time.

Note: I am so very grateful for those who donate as they are guided to. I especially am grateful for those who are donating on a consistent monthly basis. They include Adrianna H; Choong G; Joy on your Shoulders; Quantum Solutions; Jan T; Shannon J.A; Janyse F. and Julie R. Thank you, I am lovingly grateful for you.

Again, here is my Facebook page: https:/www.facebook.com/karademonet.1.

~ ~ ~

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!


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A Message to Lightworkers – June 20, 2018 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – June 20, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have the time to speak with you again today.

We see that you are, as you enter this solstice time, in the throes of what might be called birth pains for some, and what feel to be closer to transfiguration for others.

Please know that you do not go through this process alone.

As you feel surging up within you the pain, shock, anger, or loss of past experiences, whether from this incarnation or another, you are guided at every moment by your spirit guides, Angels, and higher self.

Speak to them as you walk this demanding path, which though needed to cleanse your energies for your Ascent into fifth dimensional life, can feel to be a review of some of the worst aspects of the third dimensional life.

We are aware that many of you are judging yourselves harshly for even having these feelings.

You are thinking that perhaps now as you are Ascending, all should be a matter of Light and higher realization, of Joy and fulfillment.

And indeed, it can be.

But the release of the lower density vibrations from the Earth requires the release of that which you too have carried, for many centuries, in many Earth lives.

And so, as these feelings of shock, pain, or anger arise—let them.

Return to your breathing, to your heart-based inner self, look at the feelings, see them for what they are–vestiges of the old–and let them go.

Know that you are not alone in your journey of cleansing, renewing, and releasing all that you cannot carry with you into this new realm.

Compounding these experiences of release is your increasing awareness of the crimes being committed by those who answer to the lower order, now being exposed in the stealing immigrant children from their families and the incarcerating of both parents and children, who are being held in unacceptable conditions.

You are coming into your mastery increasingly now, and so you will not be shocked when we caution you to remain as calm and centered as possible while taking in information regarding how both parents and children are being treated in these situations.

Recall our Message of June 6, in which we explain that these children and youth are powerful Emissaries of Light.

They have come to anchor the energies of liberation and Truth, and to aid in expelling and expunging all that must be released and dissolved now, as Earth enters a new era and increasingly, a new and higher dimension.

The shadows must be exposed even as they are expelled–that is what you are viewing now.

And so be careful not to inundate your senses with news stories and images that will lower your vibration and send you into a spiral of shock, sadness, and despair.

You wish to assist these children and their families, and lowering your own vibration is the last thing that is needed at this time.

Instead, several times a day and before you sleep at night, surround and fill yourself and all of them in the highest Light possible.

Call upon and visualize all of the Angels of the higher realms, all Light Beings now assisting Earth, including Galactic family members.

See them surrounding and uplifting the vibration of this all similar situations, flowing encouragement and Love all those being held, and exposing those who are perpetrating this upon them.

Surround and fill the whole of Washington, DC and its government buildings (particularly the White House, Justice Department, and halls of Congress) with that same brilliant, empowering, and uplifting Light.

Intend and visualize clearly that those who in the past have not had the courage to speak up and act with conviction, do so now, actively supporting, protecting, and freeing these ones who have come forward to bravely anchor Light into the issues of imprisonment, racism, and child abuse.

Affirm in that moment, that the entire tide of Divine Justice now begins to flow into issues and into places in the United States and the entire planet, where it has not flowed for many centuries.

Yes, you are this powerful. Yes, Now is that time.

For this you came.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and radio host of “The Empowered Lightworker” on the BBM Global Network. She channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights


Thursday, June 21 welcomes the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, as the Sun enters Cancer.

The Moon rules the night… while the Sun governs daylight.

At the time of the Summer Solstice, Sun-light is at its peak.

This marks the halfway point in our natural yearly cycle as we check-in to our progress from six months ago.

First a gentle reminder to check out our Special 50% Off SALE on all online training programs – before they disappear!

Get your discounts here!


Your inner power, all the ways in which you SHINE are represented by the Sun.

Light illuminates our path, so we can SEE, accept and make adjustments along the way.

  • This moment in the middle of the year is always a wonderful time to take a look at your life as the Sun shines a spotlight on you.
  • Visualize your dreams for the season ahead as you initiate strong intentions for the next 6 months.

Every horoscope sign the Sun moves through holds new treasures.

In Cancer we are immersing our hearts into the realms of the Moon (planetary ruler of Cancer) – love, feelings, home, family, our past, heritage and parents. Cancer nourishes and nests.

Cancer is a beautiful, fluid WATER sign – vulnerable and sweet.

Heart-to-heart connections are deepened now…

Blessing the Solstice this year are two wonderful transits – both EXACT on June 21:

  • Mercury trine Neptune enriches your imagination and inspires you to the core as you get a deep understanding of ideas and profound spiritual insights.
  • Venus opposite Mars brings passion, love and magnetism – being super creative brings your energy into balance!

So, a wonderful intention for this solstice could be:

“I feel the petals of my heart unfold… I trust that all is always for my highest good… I love and am open to being loved…”

Be present with that feeling.

21 is the number of Truth. Both the winter and summer solstice occur on the 21st. We are in the 21st century.

When you tune into truth, you feel blissful… at peace.

The truth is, that which brings you happiness is what creates ultimate balance, bliss and harmony.

Mending all internal and external conflicts FREES YOU UP to express your love fully as you are freed up to feel totally aligned with Source.

Be in this serene place.

Listen to the most exquisite music to nurture the petals of your heart…

Love and Light,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Be sure to get your Summer Solstice 50% off discounts on all online training programs now… before they disappear!