Seeking Solitude In Nature: A Meditation Teacher Shares Her Story

Stephanie Nash is a mindfulness coach & has worked closely with Shinzen Young for 20 years.

solitude in nature

By the time we’re 60, we will have been alive for almost 22,000 days on this planet, rarely, if ever, stopping to watch just one. By immersion into nature in solitude, we allow the natural human to become entrained to the nature of the planet we are part of.

On the 7th day, my mind was flowing at the speed of sea fog. Or maybe that was the description of my nervous system. I felt so present with a gentle flow — and my mind felt open to whatever arises. Good stuff.


I had been camping in solitude in nature — on a hill over the ocean on the coast of California — as I have done twice a year for the past 20+ years. I jokingly call it my “People Fast”, which I have always assumed I needed since, as a meditation teacher and an actress, what I do in the world involves intense and intimate interactions with people, and I figured that we always need an opportunity to “clear out” and refresh or reground ourselves.

But there is more to it than that — at least for me.

Read on and immerse into nature right now by listening to the beautifully soothing sounds of birds and soft wind noises or the relaxing ocean sounds with Alpha binaural:

Audio Player

Kay CeperaBirds In A Forest
  1. Birds In A Forest Kay Cepera 15:15
  2. Nature Sounds: The Ocean Owen Jenkins 30:00 

Solitude In Nature For Monasticization

I find this immersion into nature – in total solitude – to be the most advantageous environment for cultivating deeper states, insights, and restoration. It is my monastery.

As a mindfulness meditation teacher, I am, of course, always encouraging people to set aside time to practice – whether formal eyes-closed practice or incorporating mindfulness into daily activities – so that they are…

Read the entire article, listen to nature sounds, view animals in the wild, participate in several guided meditations, here.

Take Insight Timer with you

Blog post

Update for July 10, 2018 by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness).We return to speak with you about many events unfolding around your globe. Your world is caught in a war between good and evil. For 13 millennia, the dark cabal has been in control of your planet. With the new strategies we have provided our Earth allies, now called the Alliance, the tides have turned: the dark is losing its power while the Alliance continues to gain momentum. All the dark cabal has left is the ability to cause vexing delays, which soon will cease as well. The dark is in serious difficulty because it is running out of ways to delude the masses. The Alliance, gradually and at its own pace, is bringing about extraordinary alterations in the world.

We have shared with the Alliance one of our successful strategies, which we refer to as Fluid Group Dynamics. This strategy tends to confuse the cabal because their style of operation is more static. The Alliance is now using this fluid method to resolve all the problems confronting your world. When each individual’s talents are applied to a particular problem, group leaders change constantly, depending upon the areas of expertise required. Now, as the egotistic cabal faces their demise, they are beginning to turn on one another. Because Fluid Dynamics is not based on the ego, group members are able to work cooperatively. Increasing successes are confirming the efficacy of this strategy.


Changes to government, to the global banking and currency network, to world peace and to the world’s economic systems are merely the early stages in manifesting your prophesied galactic society. The unveiling of suppressed technologies will provide impetus to the paradigm shift that is in progress. These new technologies will supply the means for Gaia’s restoration, which will include clean air, clean water, fertile soil. You, also, will reap the benefits of restored health from vibrational technology, anti-gravity transportation, teleportation, telepathy and a host of other astounding and life-altering innovations. When we arrive on your shores, we will bring even more thrilling technologies.

The energies that emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. This global consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume of energy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these new frequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia’s new consciousness grid, lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light for all to see. Some of these truths will unhinge the public. They are the uglier side of what the cabal has created throughout the centuries. This is a time when the Starseeds and Lightworkers are called upon to help. Your understanding of the ascension process will be vastly needed to calm the masses. Prepare yourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!


Greetings. We are your Ascended Masters. A new realm is dawning. We ask you to remain patient since an imponderable number of marvelous events is being readied to be revealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A most gracious blessing is being bestowed upon us all. You must often feel that what you have been working for is farther away than it actually is. That, in 3-D terms, the life manifesting before you is a fact when, in actuality, it is pure illusion. Often it can seem as if your promised prosperity and world peace are never going to manifest. We are here to tell you that they are closer than they appear in the light of unfolding world events.


The cabal is reeling from the consciousness growth anchored by Gaia’s people into the new energy grid of Light. It has assumed a momentum that ensures its Victory. We descended from the bliss of full consciousness into a realm beset by horrors. Despite this adversity/unfavorable turn, the Anunnaki and their minions failed to obliterate our most sacred thoughts. We retained our memories. Our divine service as Ascended Masters has always been to grant you mercy and succor from the depredations of the dark.
Over the past few decades, you have watched your lives held seemingly in limbo, as those who work for the Light sought how best to restore the right and natural order of this realm. A plan exists to restore the old ways of Lemuria and make rubble of the tyranny employed by the cabal that has kept you enslaved for millennia. It is to merge all of you into the greater community of Love, Light and mutual caring! It is destined to bring you closer to understanding the glorious realm of your desire, to helping others and to attaining the joy of inner achievements. To that end, you are to expand in consciousness and grow in grace. Hosanna in the highest!!!
Today, we brought you another message about what is developing on your world. You are on the verge of things that, on one level, are deeply longed for but that, on another, will be truly shocking to many. Rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding around you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Walking in Your Empowerment by Jenny Schiltz

Like I keep telling people, our Galactic Family are not coming to save us, they are coming to help us with gifts of advanced technologies and guidance, so we can heal ourselves and save ourselves. We will clean up the mess we’ve made of life on earth and restore our Mother Earth/Gaia to her pristine 5D state, so she can support us as we evolve into 5D consciousness. Then we can live in symbiotic relationship with her. Win-win. ~PB

Walking in Your Empowerment by Jenny Schiltz


The other day as I was waking I saw very clearly in my mind a metal circular door, with lots of markings. I found myself standing in front of it and as I stood there waiting for it to open I heard clearly “put your hand on it”. Laughing to myself and feeling a little silly, I placed my hand in the smooth spot and the doors opened. I stood there surprised and a little in shock as I realized I was looking into an observation deck of a ship. I walked in and was happy to see my highest aspect looking out the vast windows. She beckoned me over and I looked out the window at the beautiful earth below and was just amazed at the sheer number of ships in the sky.

I asked her if the ships were there for a mass landing as I had seen a few posts saying that landings were imminent. She shook her head and told me no, that a mass landing would bring about fear, panic, and utter chaos. None of which is beneficial in helping people to break free of the control matrix. She did say however, that more and more contact is being made, but on an individual and group basis. This can come in dreams, meditations, and journeying. That people need to simply open up to receiving and put away their logical mind which can interfere with contact. The minute you say “I’m imagining this” or ”It’s not real.” the experience ends.  I tell my clients who do this to tell their thinking mind that they are playing when they go into meditation, because giving yourself permission to play can help stop the logical mind from judging the experience.

As we were talking, Sananda and a few other Ascended Masters entered the room. They explained to me that we are in a critical time. Too many are getting lost in the “Savior” stories. That the belief that ships will descend to save us is no different than the belief in the Christian rapture.  Both of those stories are designed to take the responsibility of fixing our lives out of our own hands. The deep truth is that only we can save ourselves. We must each do what it takes to save ourselves, whatever that means for us.  Another part of the “savior” stories that we have been playing out is the belief that we can save another. Too many are martyring themselves trying to save another at great expense to themselves. It was explained that we cannot change another, but we can be the example. We can show a different way, but we must honor each person’s individual choice. Sananda also explained that each person is being tested during these times. Can we hold our light in the face of chaos and adversity? Can we come from a place of non-judgement and by doing so, truly be the example?

The most important thing they explained to me is that each person must walk in their own power, their own sovereignty. To become the walking master means to understand at the core that YOU are the one that affects your life the most. YOU are the creator of your own destiny. To think that another has control over your life is to give your power away. Can we in the face of reality crumbling maintain the focus on our own growth, our own mastery?  They explained that it has never been more important to empower ourselves to be the highest version of self in every moment.

There was an urgency to this message. Things are going to continue to unfold, truths exposed that have the potential to trigger great outrage within us and the collective. It is up to each us to remain centered, balanced, and loving. It is up to each of us to continue on the path of remembering who we are as the world wakes from a long deep sleep.

At the end of the meeting, I was told that there were body upgrades coming that would require us to rest more and to use every tool that we have learned to move through the next phases. I returned from this incredible meeting to find myself knocked down for a few days with the upgrades so intense they reminded me of what I experienced in 2014. This time however, I knew that on the other side of the stomach pains (explosions), body aches and shivers would be a huge jump in frequency and greater clarity.

I hope that this message finds you well and walking in your mastery and remembering that no one is more powerful in your life than you. Thank you to all who read, share, and support these transmissions.



For information on having an Intuitive Healing session with Jenny Schiltz and your guides please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to 

Click here for information on Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Picture credit: unknown

ET Summary Of Earth Changes ‘Mini Ice Age Explained… This Is The Most Critical Information Of Its’ Kind’

Red Shaman took good notes during the 4-day webinar on Earth Changes with The Group through Steve Rother, and shares them with us here.

Red Shaman Intergalactic Ascension Mission

ET Summary Of EARTH CHANGES ‘Mini Ice Age Explained… This Is The Most Critical Information Of Its’ Kind’   

‘This is the most critical information of its’ kind.’ 

Here are notes from a four-day webinar on Earth Changes With The Group Through Steve Rother.  

View original post 1,671 more words


Greetings everyone. Before I begin this channeling I would like to tell you what I was told by my guides and what I was shown. The Avalanche Portal that is coming up on October 23rd is exactly as the name implies, it is an Avalanche of experience.

This portal is an incredible amplifier of EVERYTHING that is within us. An amplifier of BOTH polarities, which means that whatever you are going to walk with into this portal with on October 23rd will be amplified.

Meaning if you will have a “negative” outlook on your life, ALL These fears and apprehensions will be amplified! All of your fears that you have not had a chance to deal with just yet, will be brought onto the surface for you to examine and finally LET GO of. If you walk into this portal with a positive outlook, beaming with excitement and anticipation of most beautiful experiences that await you, as well as focus only on the positive outcomes in every situation, this portal will bring you MUCH success, abundance, health, and everything and anything you can possibly imagine for yourself.

This portal will reflect back to you what YOU ARE.  This portal brings an opportunity to move onto a NEW PATH. And to truly immerse yourself into your own self! It will showcase to you your strength (if you allow) and weaknesses (if you allow), and will propel you onto new heights only, and only if ,you will be able to LET GO and TRUST that all is going according to DIVINE blueprint of your being.

Therefore in the days leading up to, during and post this portal it is HIGHLY important to make time for YOURSELF. To truly open up to your own soul, having the courage to see yourself for who you truly are, letting go of fear, and embracing yourself with LOVE that you give to OTHERS.

This time is all about YOU. Allowing you to go to the depths of yourself and emerge with the knowledge of what you are doing here. And not just knowledge but an actual pathway, a roadmap if you will, of what you are to do with your life.


Therefore it’s highly important to examine the fear that may come up for you. Running away from it is futile, you will need to face it head on, understanding exactly where it is coming from, working with it, and releasing it. Once again I will say that I have written numerous guides on how to do just that which you can find on my blog at

I have also received a message from Arch Angel Metatron which I was told to incorporate into this channeling. I will talk about it after the channeling from the Hathors, it’s quite an important message to assist you in preparing for this portal.

Once again you can work on yourself at any given moment in time, however there are certain days where certain portals open up for us to partake of.

To sum up: the coming portal is to be celebrated, and utilized to the best of your capacity allowing it to stir you in the right direction for your soul.



So having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy:

“The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalanche portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanche portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

For through the encounters with the divinity of your being, through the strength of perseverance, through the abundance of thinking patterns, through the recalibration of your thought processes, through the allowance, and release of all that no longer shall occupy your frames of existence, through all that is all that is not, you shall find the necessary decrees, the necessary steps to take in the fruitful discovery of where you presently are and where you are yet to be.

WE the Hathors, the forefathers of your known world. The foremothers of your know existence. Are standing by you, ready to assist you in all that you are. Ready to guide you. Ready to be guided by you. Ready to assist all our children in reaching the highest destination of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


As I promised here is a short message to all of you from Arch Angel Metatron.

“Dearly beloved children of GAIA, as you move through ascension corridor of your own creation, you shall assist GAIA in spreading her wings once more, you shall assist her as you are assisting your own selves, and in doing so you shall raise your vibrations ever so much. For the true essence of being lays in the understanding that you all are connected with the divine, you all are connected with your very own selves, you all are connected with GAIA and all of the universe. For all is ONE and one is ALL. And so, you are to seek out a stone of high purity and abundance, a stone that shall bring you closer to the understanding of that which you are , a stone that shall release the lay lines of your being and align you with the lay lines of GAIA.

The exquisite formation of extraordinary desires inset in the classification doctrine of GAIA’s purest form of expression, can be found in the aragonite directive within the structural element grids of her being.

Through the aragonite principles it is then plausible to establish an understanding with the connectedness that many on you planet are lacking and are indeed desiring to experience. For the frequency that this particular design carries can permeate through your being at high capacities and re establish the link long lost to the archonic influences of your known world.

Through the aragonite principles the accords can be reset, resurrected and directed to the very core of your being, to the very core of that which you are. And a such opening the channels of communication not only with the deity of your choice, but most importantly with the one that you are longing to connect with, and that is yourself. As the principles abound on your planet, many more encounters with the divine insetting shall be acquired through the knowledge of the past , the knowledge of the future, and present moment in time.”


For those of you who do not know about Aragonite.

This is a strong stone to heal the earth, and to heal you… both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy… and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The vibration of these stones aids you to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of Aragonite Star Clusters will balance and support your lower chakras… and provide you with a feeling of stability within your life.

These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Using them is one of the useful methods to relieve stress… and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment… and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotions.

Aragonite Star Clusters have a strong spiritual vibration and are excellent to aid meditation. As during meditation, they are known to bring visions of forgotten memories… both from this life and past lives. It may be challenging to have these memories that you would rather have forgotten, come back to your attention.

As this is quite common when using these stones, it is highly beneficial to use the Aragonite Star Clusters before meditation, to enable you to be more prepared.

They will clear your auric field of disharmony, then balance your chakras. The energy of this stone may bring your vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit.

Once it has succeeded in raising your vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

Meditation with this stone may vividly bring back old memories, both from this lifetime and past lives. Once you have released these memories, the subsequent meditation with these stones will be quite different.

Once again thank you for listening. I love you all and am sending you an AVALANCHE of prosperity, abundance, health, love and light!

Source about the crystal is from :


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –