Tania Gabrielle: [October 17 – 23, 2022] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast + VENUS STAR POINT in LIBRA [Oct 22, 2022] Love Harmony Abundance

[October 17 – 23, 2022] WEEKLY Astrology Numerology Forecast

Oct 15, 2022 

Tania Gabrielle
60.2K subscribers

Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast – selected highlights


VENUS STAR POINT in LIBRA [Oct 22, 2022] Love Harmony Abundance [Astrology Numerology Forecast]

Oct 16, 2022 

Tania Gabrielle
60.2K subscribers

This powerful event has not occurred in about 250 years! In Numerology, it is an 11 and 22 Universal Day! Both are Master Numbers, which magnify meaning. 

Creativity/Action/Channel of the Divine combines with Diplomat/Love/Harmony/Architect of Peace 💓

A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being) and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
✨ ► https://taniagabrielle.com

Shanta Gabriel: Cycles of Life’s Flow

Cycles of Life’s Flow

By Shanta Gabriel | June 1, 2021 | 0

Dear Ones,

Who of you with a thought can stop the mighty flow of the river? The sacred presence in the momentum of your life continues whether you agree or not. When you resist the flow, when you struggle or doubt, when you try hard to follow your plan even when it’s not working, you are out of balance with life’s rhythm.

When you are in harmony, following the direction of the River of all Creation, you feel more peaceful, interested in life and inspired for new creative directions.

When you honor the seasons and moons, you are working with the natural rhythm of life. You can recognize there are cycles in nature that support you when you are alert to them.

There is an ebb and flow to these cycles that helps to show you how to manage the energy in your life. There are times of movement and also times when there seems to be a pause. Though sometimes frustrating, this slowing down is an opportunity. You are being guided to get quiet, go inside, meditate, journal and enjoy your alone time.  This is a gift, so you can also join with loved ones, walk in Nature, and have more fun. These are all ways you fill your sacred vessel with love, spirit, awareness and new perspectives.

It is as if you were surfing life’s waves and paying attention to the cycles. It’s a long way to the beach for lunch if you expend energy paddling through the chaos of the shore break. With a little patience you can sit in the calm water between waves, enjoying the spacious feeling, and maybe even making a new friend with the surfer along side of you.

You know deeply within that another wave will come soon, so you need to be prepare yourself to catch the swell just as it begins to curl. Now you can stand up and ride, exhilarated, excited and in perfect timing.

Sailors know the wind dies and no matter how hard they blow on the sail, the boat won’t move. Surfers know there is a lull in the waves. River rafters know to stay out of the circling whirlpools and enjoy the calm water before they take the rapids.

Why do you believe you must be productive all the time? Why do you think there is something wrong when you are in the ebb waiting for the flow of the river?

No matter how important your goal is, you will reach it faster when you can slow down and breathe yourself back into balance. This time is a gift allowing you to integrate where you have been with where you are being led. 

Allow Balance and Equanimity to bless the new life cycle coming your way and know all is well. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for

Archangel Gabriel

May 30, 2021


Tagged Awakening, Balance, Blessings, Creative Solutions, Divine Light, Empowerment, Evolution, faith, freedom, frequencies, Gratitude, grounding, light fields, love, Nature, peace, River of all Creation, Unity Consciousness

Shanta Gabriel: Seeding the Fields of Pure Potential

When we see the incredible differences in which people now live, it is a wonder there is agreement anywhere with anyone. There is a chasm between belief systems that seems impossible to cross.


And yet there is a yearning within our souls for connection, and at the core of our being a desire for harmony and peace to prevail on Earth. So much is said from each viewpoint with the same conviction behind the words, each believing they are right.


How can we ever bridge the gulf and create unity and peace? It seems that only a miracle of Divine proportions can make that happen.


That is where we come in. Before we were birthed into the planet, we had choices revealed to us. Our souls were advised and prepared with possible realities that could create the learning experiences necessary for the evolution of our soul’s highest destiny. We were given options for life at different times in the evolution of Earth’s consciousness as timelines were revealed. And we were offered the chance to be the change that brought necessary miracles to a world in need.


We all chose to be here now at this poignant time of the most potent change in history — when the Earth’s ability to sustain life is imperiled. It has been a rough process for new life to birth, and those who came many years ago were at the beginning of a new era. There were many obstacles, the biggest of which was human consciousness. There were no directions or clear markers to show the way, but our soul’s imperatives required us to continue to seek the path. It may have felt like a sharp machete was more valuable than a compass to get through the jungle of unconsciousness.


To birth the miracles necessary to make positive change happen? The way is now open. In fact, it is so open it can feel like viewing a vast spaciousness with no perimeters or boundaries. It is both awe-inspiring and frightening in its grandeur.


The strangeness of the landscape is balanced by the discovery of the hearts of people all over the world who have awakened into the Divine Light. Our hearts have become surprised and soothed by the loving compassion and understanding we encounter in the evolving souls who are appearing in our fields of awareness.


We are also comforted by scientific breakthroughs that point to new opportunities to take advantage of what is being revealed to us.  We are being shown our ability to recognize a vast open field that is available for us to seed, grow and nurture into something truly beautiful.


The true discovery is that we know how to do this. Our souls thrive in the Light of new awareness that brings a sense of belonging after a lifetime of alienation. It is time to nourish that ability and step into our roles as harbingers of a New Earth that can be created by the connecting links of higher frequencies.


The time has come for us to step into the roles we were born to play. We are gifted with the ability to now recognize that Divine Light is a malleable tool in the hands of those souls who have been prepared to create a new consciousness on the Earth.


Life is unfolding and there is momentum. Remember that it does not need to be as hard as it was earlier in this lifetime. We can now hold the frequencies for a greater field of awareness containing the qualities that create the change necessary to birth a new planetary reality.


It is the time to step into our roles as the Earth Keepers, transformational leaders, and the overseers of conscious evolution. The fields are so open now that it is necessary for us to be alert and aware of what is possible. And the answer to that is — Anything!


You are being invited by the Presence of the Divine to create a new reality fueled with Beauty, Love, Harmony and the Peace you always wanted to experience. These are pure desires of your Soul and they are valid.


To have your desires manifest, it is necessary to stop believing that these exalted realities cannot be experienced. When you call for a greater truth for your life, do not allow yourself to sink under the weight of what is appearing as an unsustainable reality for life on the planet. Do not succumb to the chaos and destruction that appears real as the old structures collapse. What you are seeing is an overlay for the rich fertile soil that is waiting to burst into fruition.


Know that there can be an economy and a health-care system that works for everyone to promote wellbeing. Hold to the possibility that the Divine Masculine energy can support men to protect and care for others rather than destroy. Know that the Divine Feminine energy is refining our energy systems so we can be co-creators for a foundation of wholeness and balance in the world.


We came to hold the vision of this New Earth reality and seed the way for the Infinite Potential that awaits all humanity in the quantum field. It is time for the pure expression of our Soul’s Highest Reality.


There is support for you that has never been available. There is a community of awakened souls who share your vision and want to work with you in this expanded creation. All the resources required are also here and available.


We can block this opportunity with our beliefs that these ideas are not possible, or we can turn our attention to the creation of new life at this Altar of Pure Potential. The choice is yours.


See a new reality base that holds Compassion, Acceptance of differences, Loving Kindness, Equality, Abundant Resources, Beauty, Harmony, Inner Peace, and Wellbeing. As you do, you are seeding the quantum fields of pure potential. We came for this. Your time is now. And so it is.


Shanta Gabriel

June 21, 2020




May 16, 2020
98.7K subscribers



I hope you all are doing well, getting through things the best you can, being patient and kind to yourself and others. Its kinda like a test (metaphor)… who can rise above in consciousness beyond the dramas of the world as they appear, see beyond duality and remember our true power within. Even if we struggle at times- it’s OK! You cannot fail! Your Infinite Self is all Divine mercy, love, Faith, forgiveness.

In the beginning, Source & ourselves- agreed to experience polarity to ascend to higher states of consciousness more quickly… experiencing polarity, then rising beyond it is how Egos/Souls get off the wheel of Earth Realm death/rebirth and the dream of good vs evil.. it is an experience that can seem so fixed when you’re in it, but there is always a greater part of you with you, within you & beyond the experience. It doesn’t matter if we/you are awake, how long we/you been on this path- it takes constant daily work and it is a choice.. that’s the beauty of polarity- the ability to choose. We can rise in consciousness- or fall further into the dream. Either way, all are redeemed- all is One. Everything that manifests is our own Creation, but to create conscious or intentional change- we have to develop (self control of destructive functions of the personality) the ability to take responsibility for our own Creation, look deeply at & within ourselves and decide to change our thought patterns, our reactions, our concepts to change our ways(not by suppressing.) We are using our own consciousness/mind/heart/creative force- the Infinite, to manifest aspects or time segments of Creation on the material plane/outer world, that already exist.

I mentioned in Feb. Energy Update there would be “major turning points- earthquakes of change, wisdom, knowledge” (earthquakes means earth=manifestation/physical form, quakes=things shaken up) and seems like many are moving into new time segments, experiences manifest diff. for everyone- it depends on the person/situation and what has been focused on- where attention is alot of the time, and what is within the depths of the Soul/Subconscious.

I will be posting a Divine Feminine/Masculine Reading Soon for Mid May XO

Patreon: https://Patreon.com/alunaash
I want to share some of the activations/shifts/manifestations I’ve experienced over the last several months incase it is helpful for anyone. Some may experience Flower of Life/Merkaba/Oneness activations in the coming months or near future. It took about 2 months to really tune into the Subtle/ether body with the physical body then about another 7 months for integration after my experience and I have been able to see the change in my Rainbow Body and my outer reality in huge ways ever since. Its like opening the bridge/direct link to Source- Superconscious Mind through/by integration of Objective & Subjective Spheres (opens the Flower Of Life ) Integration to Oneness is a process… dual aspects at all levels integrate into one field- individual, collective, planetary, solar, galactic, Cosmic, moving the individual beyond the spheres of consciousness where dual mind operates to Superconscious Mind of the Infinite Self. It is only when we have gotten beyond the dream of good vs evil that we can fully be living in and from the Inner Heart- Subtle Body Gateway to your Infinite Self and All that exists. It is not an easy thing at first- most of the world is divided in beliefs and heavily divided in politics, but when the memory awakens and you become it all- you see it is 2 sides of the same coin. And in time, your mental body is attuned to this state of awareness and can observe from a detached place while not being sway in attention or picking sides of Light/Dark. It just Is.

** If you are going through major life changes- in times of doubt, hold onto your Faith in your Infinite Self- it is worth it! This is an individual journey, we can help one another, but cannot do the inner work for another or remain dependent on another. It’s constant work, no one has it easier then another as far as potential… If one person can get out of difficulty, then another person can too. And at some point we all have to figure it out in our own way- even if its not easy. We are each responsible for own own thinking/feeling/attention. Trying to focus on all that is good- to attune your mental body, is helpful. Outer changes are the result of inner change- it is a new path opening up. Staying focused on your energy, your state of consciousness and what you are putting into your photosphere (aura) is important.. it doesn’t matter if the whole world is focusing on negative or evil (for the purpose of ascension to rise beyond dual aspect within)- your True Nature is Life/Spirit within the inner Heart of Life and the more we stay in this space of knowing- we are in alignment/harmony with Cosmic Law and are uplifting others through the thought currents/ vibrations we are sending out through our mental body.



Anna Merkaba: Reminder – HEART – Pleiades

Greetings our beloved children of light, the following transmission is transfigured through a cellular bridge of consciousness, in order to implore to all the tragedy unfolding in your world as a masquerade for the ever unfolding, gently guided awakening process of your world:

“We greet you now in this moment of history of your planet and all the planetary bodies existing within your cellular structure of the cosmos. Cellular structure of the cosmos as is known as the galaxy in which you dwell. And all such galaxies, and all that exists. For all is divinely guided and perpetuated by the will of unity consciousness. Unity consciousness which has brought you into the awareness space within which you are presently finding yourselves in. Unity consciousness is that which has allowed said events to occur in your world. Events of great magnitude and magnification of all that has indeed been hidden from view, exposing for all to see the necessity of change in the current times.

Blessed are those of you who forego the undesired effects of said reprogramming, and are able to tune into your hearts codices and remain in your hearts space, apart from the agenda that your media is imploring you to believe, for in truth, the energies of your planet are rising, sequencing a new era to promptly land on your shores, a new era of benevolence and might, benevolence and cocreation, benevolence and true understanding of all that is.


And so, in the turbulent times in which you are finding yourselves in, the duality of your world is compromisingly displaying itself for you now, prominently displaying itself and presenting itself for examination, and unification. For indeed through the separation that you are currently experiencing, much unity is obtained, for all are focused on one outcome, and one outcome only for your planet, and all its inhabitants to be shielded and protected from the “enemy” that you see before you in a form of a “virus”.

And hence, the truth is such that behind the seeming plethora of misinformation  a grand opera is played out, in which that which no longer belongs on your planes of existence, no longer belongs on your shores is being removed, and a new coherent cooperation ensues. For in truth albeit the seeming separation, all are coming together now, with one purpose and one goal in mind.

And so, your world is changing rapidly for you now, as has been showcased to you for years leading up to this very moment, and this is of a positive nature, for all is unfolding as it should, as has been intended by your universal unity consciousness. The duality must go, and unity prevail, oneness, unification, for the good of all involved.

For in truth, you have always been ONE UNIT separated only by the illusion that you have placed upon yourselves in order to experience the veil of forgetfulness, the veil that has placed you onto various octaves and created a disharmonious song for you to experience such duality of being, duality of existence in the physical form behind the veil of forgetfulness, and yet it has always been your desire to unite into one whole, one whole from which you have all originated in order to experience a different world, a world of remembrance, a world of inner knowing, truth and complete connectedness to the ONE, to the source of all that is, in order to experience  true heaven on earth as it was meant to be.

And so, in order for such experience to unfold, it is of uttermost importance to release, let go and purify all on a collective conscious level, for all must change, and nothing can stay the same as it has been, for in order for said experience to occur all must let go of their identities in order to truly shine through with the light of their souls, the light of their souls, and their heart codex.

All must align onto one octave and join together in order to beat as one universal heart, and sing one song of benevolence, cooperation, trust, peace, harmony , bliss and love.

And yes indeed for many of you this may sound absurd, this may sound as if you are being asked to give up your identities and be part of a group, be part of the “herd”, yet in essence, the true intentions is for you to remember the uniqueness of that which you are, and to shine your light through, bypassing all the programming that you have indeed acquired on your journeys on this planet, and to finally tune into the understanding of that which you are and the understanding of BEing, Being and, yes indeed Being part of a group, part of society in which you can truly shine all the color and share your brilliance and uniqueness, instead of following the dogmatic path that has been laid out for you in ages prior.

And so, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT begins with FREEDOM from outdated belief systems, outdated dogmatic thinking patterns, outdated societal structures, in order to connect you to the truth, and align you with the right path for your own souls journey.

And so, how does said experience presently unfolding on your planet play into the the grand plan? The answer is simple, the grand plan is to align all to their very unique and at the same time UNITED octaves of BEing, by shedding the particles and particulars of the past and releasing all that no longer works in the present reality and bravely walking into a completely new territory which has not yet been experienced on your earthly shores.


And so, and thus, the events unfolding before you are asking you to LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND TUNE INTO THE VERY CENTER OF YOUR BEING IN ORDER TO CONNECT TO THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS AND DRAW THE TRUE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT WHICH IS OCCURRING IN YOUR WORLD, THE TRUTH that we spoke of before is unfolding in your reality by shining the light upon your “media” and allowing all to SEE the TRUTH to see that indeed that which is being presented to you is not at all what it seems, to learn to HEAR your OWN truth, and MOST IMPORTANTLY TO FIND BALANCE, PEACE, HARMONY WITHIN amidst the chaotic unfolding.


Listen to your heart dearly beloved children of the stars, remember the reasons that you have come onto this planet, remember the true calling of your heart and follow suit, follow suit and keep your vibrations high for all to experience said high vibrations. For your participation in creating positive vibrations is of the highest importance and we ask you to stabilize all the fear based programming within you, to pinpoint said programming and to release said programming into the light for healing and transmutation, we ask you to be diligent to your chosen momentum and to abide by the principles of LOVE harmony and bliss vibrations, remembering your power and walking steadily on your path.


For indeed you have been prepared well for the mission at hand, you have been prepared, preordained, preorganized and equipped with all that you need in order to rise above the plethora of negativity and lead the way for humanity enlarge, lead the way, for all to follow suite and awaken to the truth of their inner being, the truth of their hearts uniting into one solid front in order to finally align with all that is and a new journey for all of humanity to begin. It is that which has been chosen by all to experience on your planet, it is that which has been requested, by every being that resides on GAIA and it is that which is to unfold in proper succession and make way for a new age unfolding before you. Stay true to that which you are, stay true to your hearts.”


That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! To book a Merkaba Distant Energy Healing Session with Anna please click here.  For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Tania Gabrielle: [March 23 – 29] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast + NEW MOON in ARIES [March 24] Fearless Beginning + 22:22:20:20 MARS/JUPITER/PLUTO Equinox Stellium s!

[March 23 – 29] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 22, 2020
40.5K subscribers

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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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NEW MOON in ARIES [March 24] Fearless Beginnings!
Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 11, 2020

40.5K subscribers

22:22:20:20 MARS/JUPITER/PLUTO Equinox Stellium
Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 20, 2020

40.5K subscribers

#starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology


Beloved masters, humanity is in a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, under the direction of St. Germain along with his Twin Flame, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension. The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and more advanced Souls learn how to harness and project its magical, transformative properties. The Seventh Ray of ceremonial order, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization will be the Over-Lighting Ray for these next 2000 years as the Earth spirals into a closer orbit in relation to the sun of this solar system.

The First Ray of Divine Will / Power / Purpose will be the second most important, active Ray for the next cycle of 2000 years. The Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray will accelerate the transformation process by returning discordant vibrational patterns to neutral Light substance so that, through your loving, conscious intention, you can return to balance and harmony within your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. Once this is accomplished, you will more easily become true co-creators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth. You are to seek personal Ascension; however, you must also assist your brothers and sisters and the Earth to evolve and ascend as well.

At the turn of the TWENTIETH CENTURY, a Divine dispensation was declared, and the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain, was allowed to bring forth the mystery teachings of the Seventh Ray / Violet Flame. Before that time, just as with the advanced teachings we are now bringing forth unto the masses, the knowledge of the Violet Flame and its Divine alchemical properties was reserved for the Ascended Masters and their chosen disciples. Advanced Souls called Chelas were recruited, and the I AM Teachings were conveyed to qualified teachers. Invocations / decrees were taught to the students who expressed an interest. For several years the number of devotees grew; however, they could not keep up the momentum, and interest in decreeing gradually waned until it faded completely from the consciousness of all but a few of the faithful.

What was called decreeing in the past is now called affirmations; however, the results are more dramatic, for you have been given even more advanced Sacred Wisdom teachings. When you have the ability to draw forth (magnetize to you) the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness, of which the Violet Flame is a component, you have at your disposal the full Spectrum of the Light components of manifestation. When you bring forth a powerful thought form via affirmations and breathe or radiate that thought out into the world of form, you magnetize to you and radiate from you the elements needed to manifest that thought form in its material expression.

The Violet Flame will also accelerate the vibrational frequencies of the components of any discordant patterns of thought so that they can be dislodged and purified by the Sacred Flame. Faith, perseverance and forgiveness of yourself and others are an important part of the accelerated transformational process. You will be performing a great service if you will make it a practice to consciously see this blessed energy blazing up from beneath your feet around you, and then radiating out in an ever-widening circle. By doing so, you will join other dedicated Souls in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity back into the frequencies of Love/Light. As you draw forth and radiate the Divine Essence of the Creator, you will help spread this wondrous transforming Light, which will facilitate in the healing of the Earth and humanity.

As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence, in a never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness. Ascension is mind-expanding, the passing from one state of consciousness to a higher state of Being. We are endeavoring to assist you to gradually expand your awareness to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings, the galaxy and even beyond.

You are slowly withdrawing your attention and your energy from your old, dysfunctional Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality; therefore, it will gradually fade away and cease to exist, for you are no longer feeding it energy. No longer will the focus be upon the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being, and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness. A Self-master seeks his/her own highest truth and then lives that truth to the best of his/her ability. A master strives to view the world and its great drama from a higher vantage point, so the bigger picture is available. Gradually, time will become malleable, for you will move beyond the linear time/space continuum. In the not too distant future, your natural way of seeing will become more panoramic, and your peripheral vision will expand to a degree. This phenomenon has already happened to some of the leaders of the Way.

There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true, and it will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies. Your Earth Mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the eons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth. It is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your Ascension and the Earth’s Ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.

Dear hearts, we know it is painful to experience or observe as vast populated areas are destroyed and many lives are lost. The closer to home an event happens, the more painful and disconcerting it is. However, if you are to become World Servers, and bearers of the Sacred Fire of transformation – the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light – you must rise above what is occurring in your personal arena, your city, even your country. Yes, we understand that the devastation which is occurring around the world is a travesty: the wildfires, destructive flooding, tornadoes, droughts, and the pain and suffering caused by the ongoing wars that are taking place in many areas around the world.

To become a World Server, you are to continue to strive to make the transformative changes in your personal life that are necessary to return to a Self-master’s state of balance and harmony within. However, you must also dedicate some of your time and energy to World Service by joining your Soul Group in the Fifth-Dimensional World Server Pyramid where you will affirm, “I ask for my highest good, the most beneficial outcome for all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.” By doing so, you align your will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God. Then you are to spend however much time seems appropriate to BREATHING IN LIGHT AND BREATHING OUT LOVE. This is the process that will speed up your ability to access the full Metatronic Light of this Universe, which contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light now being made available to those who have stepped onto the path of Ascension. (An explanation about the World Pyramid and its benefits, along with an illustration, also more information on the Violet Flame, as well as many affirmations and exercises can be found in:


If you have been following our teachings for some time, you are aware that before you began your journey out into this Sub-Universe, you were given a Divine Mission. That mission included an assortment of tasks or lesser missions, and you were also offered many other opportunities as your expertise in manifestation increased, and you became accustomed to the great diversity in form and expression.

As StarSeed, those of you who answered the clarion call, which ultimately placed you in a physical body on Earth at this time, were taken to a star system in a galaxy that is composed of pure Amethyst Crystalline Energy of the VIOLET FLAME. There in the Celestial Amethyst Hall, from the Amethyst Throne, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst accepted your vow to become a KEEPER OF THE VIOLET FLAME.

An etheric Amethyst Seed Atom, which contains the vibrational frequencies of the Violet Flame, was placed within your Sacred Heart. The Violet Flame contains the vibrational patterns of the love and compassion of our Mother God, as well as the frequencies of forgiveness and transformation. It also contains Adamantine Particles of Love/Light which are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation; however, they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving, compassionate heart.

As this powerful Seed Atom is activated, the Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell that carries the vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will blaze forth into your auric field, and it will enhance the activation of your ascending Body of Light. Refining your Soul Song, harmonizing your etheric Auric Field, and using the Violet Flame are instrumental in the process of Ascension. The Violet Flame removes discordant vibrational patterns so that you may more quickly expand and grow in radiance. As a Keeper of the Violet Flame, you are also to actively send forth the gift of the Violet Flame to those you are led to assist, as well as out into the world-at-large.

Faithful Ones, the time has come to divulge more of the complex design of the Universe so that you will better understand the magnificence of your home among the stars. No, you do not have one specific home location, for you are a citizen of the Universe. You, the Star Seed, have helped to create many wondrous planets and galaxies, and that is why you have been given such an important part to play in the future expansion of this Universe. You have often heard the sayings: “As above, so below,” and “The microcosm is representative of the Macrocosm.”

We have spoken before about the new Golden Galaxy that is in the formative stages; however, we have not elaborated on the Galaxies of the Rays and their function in this Sub-Universe. A Galaxy was created specifically for each of the twelve Rays of God-Consciousness, and although the frequencies and colors of the other eleven Rays are also represented within each galactic structure, the colors and frequencies of each galaxy are predominately those of the Ray it represents. The galaxy of the Seventh Ray is composed primarily of Amethyst Crystals from the deepest purple to the palest violet. It is the home base of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Lady Amethyst, and from their Amethyst Throne within the great Celestial Amethyst Hall, they send forth their great Rays of Refracted Creator Light to the multitude of Great Central Suns throughout this Sub-Universe. These galaxies are the chakra system for this Sub-Universe, and they contain a high concentration of the vibrational frequencies which each Ray represents. These galaxies could be called Universal storehouses of Divine Creator Light. When it is time for a particular Ray to take a predominant role in a particular quadrant of this Sub-Universe, our Father / Mother God radiates a greater amount of that Ray into the Galactic Centers so that the Archangels of that Ray can radiate more of the attributes, qualities and virtues of God-Consciousness to the designated galaxies, solar systems, planets, to you and all sentient Beings.

Beloveds, we know some of the concepts we relay to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, your Sacred Mind will open the well-spring of knowledge you have in reserve, and gradually, you will remember and understand. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael.


As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included: www.StarQuestMastery.com




The Violet Fire of transmutation, the Seventh Ray qualities, virtues and attributes of our Father/Mother, are brought forth through the energies of beloved Archangel Zadkiel, Lady Amethyst and St. Germain, and are being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist us in these times of monumental change. The vibrational patterns of evolution and transformation will continue to grow in strength, and they will be a major factor in the ever-accelerating awakening that is now taking place. The SEVENTH RAY is the only RAY, which is radiated downward from the higher realms, and also radiated upward from the powerful Violet Flame Clusters deep within the Earth’s great caverns. Your Amethyst Crystal will amplify your ability to call forth and use the magic elixir of the Violet Flame. It will help you to release negative thought patterns, encodings and imperfections of the past and replace them with Seeds of mastery. The Violet Flame is the gift of the coming Age and will be the predominant Ray/vibration on Earth for the next 2000 years.



** NOW AVAILABLE AS AN EBOOK: ON WINGS OF LIGHT ** Archangel Michael’s first book of messages was on the best seller list in Holland and has sold thousands of copies around the world. After being out of print for some time, this new e-BOOK is the only way to get a current copy of Archangel Michael’s first book of wisdom teachings. This highly personal volume lays the foundation for all the messages to come, and out of all his books, this one is Ronna’s favorite. You too can benefit from the wisdom in its pages, so be sure to get your copy. $15.00

** REFERENCE & REVELATIONS * GLOSSARY & ILLUSTRATIONS * Companion STUDY MANUAL for Archangel Michael’s seven books of messages. This booklet contains in-depth descriptions of the most important concepts, terms and illustrations that AA Michael has used in his messages over the past 26 years. $15.00. Includes a comprehensive GLOSSARY.

**SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY©* This STUDY MANUAL incorporates all the major techniques and tools, as well as many meditations. It is a compilation of some of Archangel Michael’s most powerful teachings. $15.00

**OPENING TO CHANNEL * Developing Your Telepathic Communication Skills.

Expanded consciousness and mental telepathy are aspects of your Divine heritage. However, this ability must be reactivated and practiced, if you wish to become a proficient and clear channel for the higher cosmic wisdom teachings of the New Age. $15.00

**YOUR SACRED QUEST© * ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S THIRD BOOK OF TRANSFORMATIONAL MESSAGES. This book is a treasure chest of necessary information for integrating the skills of Self-mastery. $15.00 ** www.StarQuestMastery.com

Happy Palindrome Day! 02/02/2020 Manifestation Mirror


An eight-digit ubiquitous palindrome date will happen only 11 times in the years between 1000 and 9999:

01/01/1010 (1010 years ago)
11/11/1111 (909 years ago)
02/02/2020 (well, today!)
12/12/2121 (in 101 years)

#PalindromeDay #GroundhogDay2020

Repeating Angel Numbers – 2’s and 0’s (20, 200, 202 etc)

The 2 vibration is all about balance, harmony, peace and love.  2 is also the number of duality and polarity.
When the 2 and 0 combination repeatedly appears in your life, the angel’s message is to do with ‘Divine Timing’. Certain factors need to fall into place before your desired result can come to full fruition and you are asked to be patient whilst things are being organized behind the scenes by your angels and the Universe. The message is to hold onto your faith and trust and be patient for a little while longer.

Sacred Scribes

Dorothy Morgan: New Moon Scorpio Weekly Astrology Oct 21 -27 Uranus Is Active too

New Moon Scorpio Weekly Astrology Oct 21 -27 Uranus Is Active too

Oct 17, 2019
12.3K subscribers

This week we have many opportunities to examine our relationships, be creative and express our passion. As we move toward the New Moon in Scorpio that is opposite Uranus, the “Great Awakener” many opportunities will be presented.

Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer – Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003. She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner. She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year. Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month. http://nhastrologer.com/

Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.

Support Dorothy become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/DorothyMorgan…

Thank you for watching and subscribing to my videos! Don’t forget to comment, subscribe and share.



On-line Astrology Classes and mentorship program. Learn one on one with Dorothy. https://nhastrologer.com/classes/astr…

Please come to my web site for your own personal and private sessions.


Dorothy Morgan: August 5th – August 11th Jupiter – Uranus Change Directions

August 5th – August 11th Jupiter – Uranus Change Directions

#astrology #nhastrologer

Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer – Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003.

She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner.

She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year.

Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month.  http://nhastrologer.com/

Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.

Support Dorothy become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/DorothyMorgan…

Thank you for watching and subscribing to my videos! Don’t forget to comment, subscribe and share.

Lots of Love,

On-line Astrology Classes and mentorship program. Learn one on one with Dorothy. https://nhastrologer.com/classes/astr…

Please come to my web site for your own personal and private sessions.