PIR Health Report Self Sabotage!

Recognizing psychological childhood triggers that lead to defense mechanisms and a lifetime of self-sabotage is the first part of understanding how we may find ourselves here later in life. Practical tools and methods are then offered to help us re-pattern our learned response, re-wire out brain and overcome self-sabotage so we can function, embrace opportunity and thrive as we were meant to. I can definitely relate, as I was able to re-visit those childhood moments that caused me to shut down and give up in an effort to protect myself, or later in life, behavior responses that may quell my anxiety but only delay the inevitable need to take action. Insightful, helpful and practical information. ~PB

PIR Health Report Self Sabotage!

Jul 11, 2020


27.3K subscribers



John Smallman: Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about.

Saul Audio Blog for Friday April 3rd

As the coronavirus continues to spread globally and the number of consequential deaths reported increases daily there is much fear and anxiety being experienced.  However, although it is proving to be extremely virulent in a very small percentage of cases, for most people who actually become infected the illness will be experienced with only minor unpleasant effects.  So do not dwell on the endless flow of alarming outcomes that many are suggesting may occur.  Doing that weakens your own energy field which is then unable to provide for your immune system as effectively as it normally does.  Let go of fear and anxiety and allow Love to empower you during this period of uncertainty, as It will if you surrender to It.  You are all precisely where you are meant to be at this point in the collective awakening process, so do not try to second-guess any irreversible choices you may have already made to help you to deal with what is arising for you now.

I would like to reiterate that humanity’s collective awakening is proceeding perfectly as divinely planned, it will not be delayed or diverted, and your awakening is assured.  The intent that so many are setting daily, to be only loving whatever arises, is massively effective, and it is why those making it are on Earth at this time.  Everyone presently incarnate, and there are no exceptions, set that loving intent before incarnating.  But, and this was also fully understood, because of the spiritual amnesia that affects all who incarnate into form, and which is a major part of becoming human, it was realized that many would forget not only that they had set that intent prior to incarnating, but that they would also forget that they were spiritual beings who had come into form to assist with the awakening process.  Consequently the numbers who have incarnated to assist in humanity’s awakening are far in excess of the numbers that might have appeared to be necessary – in fact there is a very large inbuilt redundancy factor to ensure that the divine plan flows perfectly, just as Father/Mother/God intends.

As many channeled messages have informed you, enormous changes all across the world are an absolutely essential part of the awakening process.  Changes in attitudes and behaviors towards one another are occurring – whether between family members or between people of different ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic group, political or religious persuasion, and other disparate and seemingly unrelated groups – as Love starts to replace fear as the intent and expectation when people meet.   Changes in how you come together to meet, either physically or remotely – a method that is very new and that offers enormous possibilities that will lead to a great reduction in the burning of fossil fuels.  Changes in agricultural and industrial methods of food production.  Changes in diet as people choose to eat more mindfully and healthily.  And, of course, major changes in global economic practices and policies.

With, and as a result of, the present ongoing pandemic, many of the changes that are needed are now being put into effect, and are clearly visible to all because of the almost constant reportage on the mainstream media.  Quite a number of the more highly publicized ones, supposedly being introduced to protect you from one another, are not perhaps what they seem and will need to be reversed.  Others are essential, and have, until now, been put off and delayed due to lack of motivation, because those in positions who have the power and authority to implement them have been focusing on what to them seemed to be more important issues.  One could say that their hands were forced, and rightfully so.  Therefore make a point of seeking out news of uplifting changes that are being put into effect by many loving people, people who are fully aware of the need for many of these major changes, and who are taking the initiative by putting them into effect, and then share this news with friends and loved ones, and on social media – a communication format that can be put to very good use in these unusual times.

The changes are all about LOVE!  Moving from fear to Love is what your awakening process is all about, and the illusory game that has been ongoing for eons, and in which humanity has been engaged, relies on fear for its rules and guidelines.  When fear is enormously reduced, as is happening now,the desire and motivation to play the game will lose the appeal that has enabled it to be endemic – an ongoing pandemic – as people start rapidly healing from fear and ever more fully start to engage with their true nature, which is, of course, LOVE.

As so many messages have been telling you recently: “Now is the time to celebrate!  Celebration is powered by Love, and Love dissolves fear.”  Take that message to heart and do celebrate.

So while to a large extent your ‘normal’ daily lives have been badly disrupted, you now have the time and the opportunity to focus on uncovering within yourselves the real purpose of your lives in form.  That purpose has always been within you, but hidden or forgotten, awaiting your focused attention.  It is different for each one of you because you are each unique divine creations, Beings of Love, and therefore whatever your individual purpose may be it is always in complete alignment with Love.  Each one of you – even those you see as your worst enemies – are at heart, at the very center of their being, beings of Love.  You are Love and you desire only to be loved.  How could you desire anything else when Love is your nature?

By celebrating you are honoring your true desires, and also the desires of all of humanity.  Everyone loves to celebrate, therefore celebrate the amazing effectiveness of your awakening process, and give thanks to God, your divine Mother and Father, who created each and everyone of you for eternal joy, and who planned and designed the perfect awakening process for you all.

Within the game, the illusion, over the eons, many in form have acted in extremely unloving ways that have caused immense pain and suffering to others, and that is still the case today.  However, there are none among you who have not at some time, during some lifetime(s) engaged in similar unloving practices and behaviors.  And the reason for this, and it applies to everyone without exception, is because you did not know what you were doing!  You had forgotten who you were, you believed that you were abandoned, lost, worthless, and unloved, and so you reacted by distrusting, fearing, and attacking others, who, needless to say, reacted in the same way, leading to the state of division, distrust, and dislike that has overwhelmed you all at times, from individuals to nations, and encouraged an intense need to see yourselves as righteously defending yourselves against myriad others who are undoubtedly wrong and who present a great and ever-present threat to your well-being.

The insanity of these kinds of beliefs is now becoming crystal clear, as your loving natures start to make themselves known to you by arising into your consciousness, bringing to your awareness the divine Truth that there is only Love, that anything that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, untrue, and unlivable.  Love is the power that supports you in every moment, It is the You that is One with Source, eternally and inseparably.  This ‘new’ awareness – new in so far as it is only now arising into your conscious minds, having been cloaked or veiled for eons – is changing everything.  Therefore I call on you to go within now, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and give thanks to Mother/Father/God whose Love for you – for everyone who has ever experienced life in form, who is experiencing life in form, and for every conscious being ever created – is boundless.  Then CELEBRATE!  You are divine beings awakening from the dream.

With so very much love, Saul.

The Importance of Dancing Like an Idiot | The Book of Life,

Chapter 6.Leisure: Small Pleasure                                                                                      What is The Book of Life?

The Importance of Dancing Like an Idiot

One of the strangest but also most intriguing and redemptive things that humans get up to, in almost any culture one cares to study, is occasionally to gather in large groups, bathe in the rhythmic sounds of drums and flutes, organs and guitars, chants and cries, and move their arms and legs about in complicated and frenzied ways, losing themselves in the bewilderment of a dance. Dancing has a claim to be considered among the most essential and salutary activities we ever partake in. Not for nothing did Nietzsche, a painfully inhibited figure in day to day life, declare ‘I would believe only in a God who could dance’ (a comment that stands beside his equally apodictic pronouncement: ‘Without music, life would be a mistake.’)

But dancing is at the same time an activity that many of us, arguably those of us who might most need to do it, are powerfully inclined to resist and deep down to fear. We stand on the side of the dance floor appalled at the possibility of being called to join in, we attempt to make our excuses the moment the music begins, we take pains that no one will ever, ever see our hips unite with a beat.

The point here is definitely not to learn to dance like an expert, it is to remember that dancing badly is something we might actually want to do and, equally importantly, something that we already well know how to do to – at least to the level of appalling proficiency we need to possess in order to derive key benefits.

In almost all cultures and at all points of history (except oddly enough perhaps our own), dancing has been widely and publically understood as a form of bodily exercise with something very important to contribute to our mental state. Dancing has had nothing to do with dancing well, being young or revealing one’s stylishness. Summed up sharply we might put it like this: dancing has been valued for allowing us to transcend our individuality and for inducing us to merge into a larger, more welcoming and more redemptive whole.

The Ancient Greeks were for the most part committed worshippers of the rational mind. Their foremost God, Apollo, was the embodiment of cool reason and disciplined wisdom. However, the Greeks understood – with  prescience – that a life devoted only to the serenity of the mind could be at grave risk of desiccation and loneliness. And so they balanced their concern with Apollo with regular festivals in honour of a quite different God, Dionysus, a god that drank wine, stayed up late, loved music – and danced.

A break from individualism and reason: Dionysius (also known as Bacchus to the Greeks and Romans) leading a dance. Bouguereau, The Youth of Bacchus, 1884

The Greeks knew that the more rational we usually are, the more important it is – at points – to fling ourselves around to the wild rhythms of pipes and drums. At the festivals of Dionysius, held in Athens in March every year, even the most venerable and dignified members of the community would join into unrestrained dancing that, irrigated by generous amounts of red wine, lasted until dawn.

A word often used to describe such dancing is ‘ecstatic’. It’s a telling term. Ecstatic comes from two Latin words: ex (meaning apart) and stasis (meaning standing) – indicating a state in which we are symbolically ‘standing apart’ from ourselves – separated from the dense, detailed and self-centered layers of our identities which we normally focus on and obsess over and reconnected with something more primal and more necessary: our common human nature. We remember, through a period of ecstatic dancing, what it is like to belong, to be part of something larger than ourselves, to be indifferent to our own egos – to be reunited with humanity.

This aspiration hasn’t entirely disappeared in modernity – but it’s been assigned to very particular and woefully selective ambassadors: the disco and the rave. These associations point us in unhelpful directions: towards being cool, a certain age, wearing particular clothes, liking a certain kind of often rather arduous music. Such markers of an elite, knowing crowd reinforce, rather than dismantle, our tendencies towards isolation and loneliness.

We need, urgently, to recover a sense of the universal benefit and impact of dancing. But the greatest enemy of this is fear, and in particular, the fear – as we may put it – that we will look ‘like an idiot’ in front of people whose opinion might matter. The way through this is not to be told that we will in fact appear really rather fine and, with a bit of effort, very far from idiotic. Quite the opposite; we should accept with good grace that the whole point of redemptive, consoling, cathartic communal dancing is a chance to look like total, thoroughgoing idiots, the bigger the better, in the company of hundreds of other equally and generously publicly idiotic fellow humans.

We spend a good deal of our time fearing – as if it were a momentous calamity that we did not even dare contemplate in daylight – that we might be idiots and holding back from a host of important aspirations and ambitions as a result. We should shake ourselves from such inhibitions by loosening our hold on any remaining sense of dignity and by accepting frankly that we are –  by nature – of course completely idiotic, great sacks of foolishness that cry in the night, bump into doors, fart in the bath and kiss people’s noses by mistake – but that far form being shameful and isolating, this idiocy is in fact a basic feature of our nature that unites us immediately with everyone else on the planet. We are idiots now, we were idiots then, and we will be idiots again in the future. There is no other option for a human to be.

Dancing provides us with a primordial occasion on which this basic idiocy can be publicly displayed and communally celebrated. On a dance floor filled with comparable idiots, we can at last delight in our joint foolishness; we can throw off our customary shyness and reserve and fully embrace our dazzling strangeness and derangement. An hour of frantic jigging should decisively shake us from any enduring belief in our normalcy or seriousness. We will no longer be able to bully others, persuade them of our superiority, humiliate them for their mistakes or pontificate at length on weighty matters. We will no longer worry how others see us or regret a few things we said to intimidating strangers. The gentle aches in our limbs and our memories of our moves will remind us of anchoring facts that will guarantee our ongoing sanity and kindness.

Whenever we have the chance to invite others around, especially very serious people by whom we’re intimidated or whom we might be seeking to impress, we should remember the divine Dionysus and dare, with his wisdom in mind, to put on Dancing Queen, I’m so excited or We are Family. Knowing that we have Nietzsche on side, we should let rip with a playlist that includes What a Feeling, Dance with Somebody and Hey Jude. We should lose command of our normal rational pilot selves, abandon our arms to the harmonies, throw away our belief in a ‘right’ way to dance or indeed to live, build the intensity of our movements to a frenzy, gyrate our heads to empty them of their absurd worries, forget our jobs, qualifications, status, achievements, plans, hopes and fears – and merge with the universe or at least its more immediate representatives, our fellow new mad friends, before whom the disclosure of idiocy will be total.

Looking like an idiot shouldn’t be a risk: it’s the point.

Around us might be a formally shy accountant, an efficient dental nurse or a white haired school principal bending and flinging their arms in the air, throwing their heads back, contorting their bodies. After a few songs, something astonishing will begin to happen: it won’t matter any more that we said a slightly out of place thing in a meeting two weeks ago, that we haven’t yet met the love of our lives or that we still don’t understand very much at all. We will feel a part of something far more important than ourselves, a supportive community in which our individual errors and doubts will cease to weigh so heavily and punishingly upon us.

Through a dance, we glimpse a huge project: how we might more regularly experience ourselves as vulnerable in front of other people in order to become better friends to ourselves and more generous and compassionate companions to others. The true potential of dancing has for too long been abandoned by thoughtful people to stylish ambassadors who have forgotten the elemental seriousness of allowing themselves to be and look idiotic. We should reclaim the ecstatic dance and uninhibited boogie woogie for their deepest universal purposes: to reconnect, reassure and reunite us.


NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your weekly guide to planetary influences September 2 to 8, 2019 by Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
by Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Sun conjunct Mars, Venus square Jupiter, Uranus quincunx Ceres
TUE: Mercury conjunct Mars, Sun conjunct Mercury
WED: Venus opposite Neptune
THU: Mercury trine Saturn
FRI: Mercury square Jupiter, Sun trine Saturn, Venus trine Pluto, Uranus trine Juno
SAT: Mercury opposite Neptune, Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus
SUN: Sun square Jupiter, Mercury trine Pluto, Mars trine Saturn

IF YOU KNOWwhere you want to go, and what you want to create, this is a great week to make progress in that direction. Four planets–Mars, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus–are grouped in results-oriented Virgo, movin’ on down the road together like the determined foursome in The Wizard of Oz.

We can even link each of these planets to one of the four friends from the story: The Sun, as central character of the tale, is Dorothy, our inner heroine/hero who is on a mission to find her way home. Mercury is the Scarecrow, whose dream is to be able to think clearly and find solutions to problems. Venus is the Tin Woodsman, who seeks the compassionate heart he believes he doesn’t have. And, Mars is the Cowardly Lion, who has far more courage and greater leadership qualities than he suspects.

And where is Toto? Ah, he is in the picture, too. Juno, the asteroid of committed partnership, is also in Virgo, following just a bit behind the four planets, exactly like Toto in the story.

ALL OF THESE PLANETS in Virgo have clear objectives, and are willing to do the work needed to achieve their goals. They are working well together, keeping their common mission in mind. And so, this week, we are better able to align heart, mind, and spirit in support of our central goals.

However, the soundtrack of the movie hints that there are challenges to be overcome before we reach our own personal Emerald City. Neptune is opposing the Virgo group from Pisces, representing the scarlet poppy field that waylays the gang, putting Dorothy and the Lion to sleep. Distractions, disillusionment, and addictions can lull us into apathy or escapism, requiring that we keep continually refocus our intentions.

At the same time, Jupiter in Sagittarius is in square aspect to the Virgo planets. We can imagine Jupiter as the Wizard of Oz himself, who has his own agenda–getting rid of the Wicked Witch of the West and finding his own way home. Jupiter can be inspiring and energizing, but it can also send us off on detours that do not necessarily contribute to progress toward our goal.

AND WHAT ABOUT that Wicked Witch? Even though we haven’t yet come face-to-face with our main antagonist at this point in the story, we’ve heard a lot about her, and we’ve already seen evidence of her impact–just as we’re aware of the Saturn-Pluto alignment of January 2020, and are already seeing signs of how that planetary event is affecting our personal and collective lives.

We also can’t forget that Saturn is traveling hand-in-hand with the karmic South Node right now. We are clearly seeing where certain systems are outdated and are no longer functional. We observe this in social and governmental structures, and ways in which we have structured our personal lives as well.
ONE OF OUR PRIMARY cosmic assignments at this time seems to be to find within ourselves the discipline and maturity to lift ourselves above fear-based living. Once we know our Virgoan ethics and values, it is our task to live in accordance with those principles.

Thankfully, Saturn is in harmonious trine aspect with all of the Virgo planets this week. This should help us hold strong in our integrity, stay on track with our ideals, and focus on each step we need to take along the yellow brick road that leads to our higher goal.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You have the capacity for great focus this year. Once you have defined the growth you want to achieve, your dedication, energy, and discipline will take you far. Be sure to be kind to yourself, as the voice of your inner perfectionist may be especially demanding. Remember that the new definition of unconditional love is to hold the energy of Love under all conditions. This means not allowing yourself to be waylaid by the poppy field of self-criticism, but staying as much as possible in the higher light of integrity, intention, and self-acceptance. Relationships also figure prominently this year, especially with those who share your ideals and goals. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, conjunct Venus, conjunct Mars, square Jupiter, trine Saturn, opposite Neptune, square Ceres)

In Gratitude and Light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

A Message to Lightworkers – June 7, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Joyous One!

This week, the Collective’s Message addresses something I’ve been thinking about a lot these past months.

They address the feelings so many of us have as we navigate these times, and see so much of our lives changing, whether it’s work, health, home, family, or some other vital area.

Even our inner perspective and preferences are changing — how we eat, sleep, dress, and respond to life.

Sudden change can be really scary to the ego-mind and personality.

It can feel as if your moorings have dissolved underneath you, as changes happen in your own life or the lives of those around you.

And, what so many of us tend to do, is to expect huge positive change to just happen on the Earth due to the energies now coming in. We keep waiting for big news . . . 

When in fact, (surprise!) you and I have to experience huge shifts before Earth and humanity can experience it. We’re the doorway for the changes we’ve requested. Yikes . . . 

As we’ve said before — if you’re feeling very pressured or alone right now on any area of life, please know that you can lift yourself to a higher level by doing what calms you.

High vibrational music, tapping, meditation, a funny movie, time in Nature, energy work, a channeling session with the Collective — whatever helps you take on the perspective that you are Bigger than any one situation in your life, more powerful than anything that could ever happen to you.

You are not alone.

Call upon your Spirit team of Angels, guides, and higher self for assistance and wisdom throughout the day.

And call upon your soul–ask it to hold a higher level of Light for whatever you’re experiencing now, and to infuse you with its inspiring energies.

All Is Well, despite appearances some days, my friend!

In Divine Love and Light, 

P S  Minnesotans and those nearby! 

Please join us on June 22 & 23 for another Joyful and amazing Star Gathering at the Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato, Minnesota!

Last year the Collective spoke about the Star Children. This year they’ll speak on Abundance, offering transforming energy work in that area.

Come for one or both days — go here for details!


A Message to Lightworkers – June 7, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

And we see that among the many daily pressures and expectations you hold yourself accountable for, you are also dealing with powerful Light data flowing in from various parts of your Universe, including your own souls.

Understand that in these days of solar flares and solar winds, and astrological shifts that impact humankind in numerous ways–upending the old cycles and patterns that have been in place for millennia, and drawing in new and higher forms of experience—that your own souls are also answering to this influx of higher Light.

Their messages reach you on a cellular level, which you then download and decode as you sleep, as well as during your waking hours.

These inform you of the various aspects of your soul mission that have been ongoing, though unseen by you until this time in your Earth life.

Though mainly unseen, you and your fellow Light Bearers came in with rare and powerful Earth missions.

These energies are not trying to hide from you their deeper meanings and unknown languages.

They are beyond language as you know it, and are flowing into your every cell, to not only upgrade your Earth self into the New Human forms, but to enlighten your Earth consciousness.

We are aware that this can feel to be causing a bit of a cataclysm some days.

You are not only bearing up under the strain of this drastic shift, but dealing with the outer results of these energy shifts in your own life.

You will not now draw to you the same kinds of circumstances that you have created for so long in this and other Earth lives.

Your co-Creations will now take on a whole other shape—one that serves the Light on a higher level than previously.

And so at first, it may seem that you are in a sort of earthquake, where nothing is so stable as you once thought.

You may have recently faced or are facing a health or financial crisis, or lost your home, your job or your business.

You may be seeing either new or old relationships falling by the wayside, as if they never quite belonged to you.

Even your clothing may not feel right to you anymore—not the right styles or colors.

You may be having intuitive moments where you feel, almost for no known reason, that your entire economic system will have shifted by a particular time in the future.

Or that housing and energy sources will transform by a particular time in your life, even if you don’t see that happening yet as a mass movement.

You may also be wondering why, if your cells are holding more Light, you don’t seem to be getting younger or healthier.

Wondering why you seem to be more tired, sadder and more fatigued some days rather than less.

You may even be asking, “Why did I even come here at this time?” as one shift after another affects your entire being.

We would say, that this is entirely normal and understandable. Yet we would like you to move beyond that moment by offering yourself and your entire transformative process as much patience and support as possible.

You have been asking why Life seems so strange now, why things don’t fit or flow the way they used to, and why so much seems to be asked of you that it feels to be far too much some days.

And that is because you are correct—all has changed, and is continuing to change. 

Life is not at all as it was, and will never be again.

These are the shifts you have required, demanded, requested of your own souls and the Universe, not quite realizing that in shifting the Earth and your own resonance out of the lower frequencies, much would be required of you beyond what you were offering at the time.

As you view great corruption in religious, financial, governmental, and other institutions, and require that the Universal forces shift humanity out of that experience, understand that humanity itself must shift first, in order for that to happen.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

For as you know, all that is experienced is called in by the overriding vibration of the one doing the creating.

So that in asking for no more corruption in “high” places, you were requiring a shift in Earth’s timeline that in turn, required a shift in your owntimelines—an upward swing in vibration.

Otherwise, the criminality, the violence, the ongoing humiliations, lies and degradations would only continue.

You may understandably be feeling that it was the vibrations of the old “power crowd” that needed to shift, not your own!

It may have left you wondering, what in the world is happening, that youare the one undergoing a series of shocks—rather than theybeing the ones to experience the shakeup?

We assure you, those perpetrating crimes upon the Earth and throughout the Universe are most assuredly feeling the results of the very shifts you yourselves came in to participate in.

You didn’t come in to simply observe these shifts—that would not be in keeping with your Light Bearer/Earth Changer roles.

You came in to raise the vibration you had sustained for so long on the Earth, to move it to higher levels, to higher octaves than what you had experienced in other lives while in a human body.

And in doing so, you have shifted all around you, including those areas of life that you send Light to daily—the darker, denser aspects of life that you have never understood, never wanted to even look at, let alone realize you may have supported in one Earth life or another.

You came for your own soul growth, undoubtedly.

Yet in a larger sense, you came to assist the soul growth of the planet.

Though you may think of Archangels, benevolent and highly evolved ETs, and Ascended Masters as being well ahead of you, you would not be here on the Earth now if you did not resonate with their reality, their outlook, their amazing gifts and wisdom.

There is an aspect of your spirit and soul that not only understand these beautifully Light-constructed ways, but sees through every Earth circumstance as an opportunity to Love more—to Love yourself, Love others, Love the Earth and all who aid Her now, more powerfully and in ways that heal and transmute.

That is a very different response than feeling let down by life—hampered or oppressed or denied what you need.

The Universe does not wish to take good things from you, and is not doing so.

You and your higher self are in the process of prying your grip off of what you have previously thought you needed yet which no longer suits your increasing vibration, till there is little left but what you really require—even if, for a while, that is only the breath in your body.

At that level, all is clear. You live in the Present moment, and see your true self, minus ego attachments and outer labels.

You view life as a moment-to-moment existence that can only bring you more Joy, more fulfillment, more beauty, more Love.

Not only because good things are headed for your doorstep, but because it is you yourself who are creating all of that, minus the veil set in place so long ago by a false self, created to be a minion in someone else’s empire.

Does the slave resent the losses experienced when the master disappears, or is imprisoned?

In that moment of realization of freedom, there is a fear that life is not as it was, that familiar sights and persons might not be there anymore, that regular meals might disappear, scant though they were.

Your ego-mind will most assuredly be alarmed at the release of old forms, energies, thoughts and manufactured belief systems that, though not terribly inspiring or fulfilling, have nevertheless been what you have expected and known for millennia.

And so as you travel this new territory—this newly created corner of the Universe—we ask that you release the need for things to be as they were.

That you flow with the stream of higher Light happening all around you.

Resistance to inner and outer Change—resistance to the shift of frequencies on the planet and within yourself—will only make this transformation all the more demanding, bringing on a feeling of energy drain and loss.

We would say, if you can image each day, particularly while in the shower or bath, or while swimming, that you are flowing down a river of Light, and that that river is flowing out to a beautiful, brilliant blue sea, full of higher Light and the energies that create new worlds—this will assist you in knowing that despite outer appearances and inner resistance at times, All Is Well.

Likewise, sitting, walking or lying up on the Earth each day and experiencing Her Love for you, and giving to Her all you can no longer carry, will also relieve you of the feelings of overwhelm or strangeness at this new life you are building.

Is this the simplest road to travel—the most cheerful and lightest you could have chosen?

No, dear ones. Yet it is the most astounding, most new-birth-oriented, and most miraculous one you knew of.

You have chosen this path, and it thanks you, as the Earth and all Her beings thank you.

You have come here with great purpose, and you shall not be held back from its completion.

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of “The Empowered Lightworker.” She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences April 1 to 7, 2019 by Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

Receiving the New Earth in Yourself Pamela Kribbe channels Earth

Receiving the New Earth in Yourself
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth

Dear friends,

I am the voice of Mother Earth. I welcome you all from my heart. Feel my living presence in your midst; I am here with you all. I am literally present in the cells of your body. I flow in each tiny cell: in your blood, your organs, your limbs – I am in everything. I share my consciousness with yours and share this life with you.

Open yourself to me and experience my healing power – and take your time doing it. Allow my power to flow from the ground beneath your feet up through your being. Imagine the splashing sound of a stream and let that pure water flow through you that brings refreshment and renewal to your being.

Feel my energy flow up through your feet, your ankles, and your lower legs. Know yourself to be sustained by me; know that I care for you. I know the rhythms and the pace of nature, and I live by those natural rhythms and not by those created by humans according to clock-time. I feel the time and the rhythms that are born from within.

Before I want to say something about this new era, and the arrival of the new Earth, I ask that you first receive my love. That you allow me to go deeper and deeper within you with each breath. That you let my energy flow through your legs up to your waist, so you feel that you may rest and let go. That you may relax deeply like a child who is not yet fully living according to clock time and the standards of society. In the beginning of his or her life, a baby is more a child of the Earth; it moves with natural moods and emotions, with the rhythms of day and night, of play and rest.

Allow my energy to flow into your heart, then fill your chest, your shoulders and arms with that gentle energy of naturalness, of rhythm and relaxation. And then let that energy flow up into that poor head of yours – so full and overloaded. You think so much, and thinking puts pressure on you as a natural being, as an organism that is connected to the Earth. Feel how your thoughts are like electric currents in your head, how that constant mental churning constricts your awareness, in the sense that it consumes so much of your consciousness. Thinking, worrying, reasoning; wanting to think about the future; the planning, providing, controlling. Those currents in your head are often powered by fear: a sense of threat that tells you that things will go wrong if you are not continually making an effort to control everything.

Now, imagine my energy, the gentle energy of Mother Earth, the natural rhythms of the land, of the animals and the plants. Envision how this energy arises to the top of your head, your crown, and brings rest there. Let the excess thoughts drain away from you and realize you are not the part of you that often identifies with excessive thinking. If you want to know who you really are, then with your attention and awareness go – literally – to your heart and feel the space there. There lives in your heart a desire for more ease, more fluidity, more surrender. But at the same time, you have become stuck in the clutches of fear that is the engine behind the many thoughts in your head.

So there are two streams in you: the grinding thoughts created by fear of what is going to happen in the future, by fear of those around you and of unknown danger; and at the same time, there is that wonderful flow from your heart and a desire to be in the now and to surrender to life. Be here now, with your awareness, and feel the silence.

Your heart is ready for the new. There is a deep desire in your whole being to take the next step, to let go of the fear that tyrannizes you. This is the call of the new Earth. It is my call, because I also feel that desire. I also would like to be more in peace and harmony. I myself am in the process of developing fully, which means I also learn and grow from all I experience through the life on me: the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, and humanity. I live and learn through you and I feel a pressure, a movement toward a greater and more all-inclusive consciousness – it is unstoppable.

I am about to change and I feel that you want to come with me, because the time has come for change. There has been a lot of pain, a lot of suffering on Earth; a deep struggle by humanity, especially with itself. Fear and self-judgement have deeply affected you inwardly. It is as if you no longer know how to live; the naturalness is gone. You have to search very deep inside yourself to find your most spontaneous impulses, your deepest inspiration, because you have learned to live on the periphery, the outer edges of who you are.

That is something truly sad, and I observe that as the greatest pain in people: they have learned to ignore their unique, unlearned impulses. They are no longer true to that which lives deep inside them, in their original being, which has a unique shine for everyone, because everyone is different.

It belongs to my inner mission to combine many life forms on this planet in a harmonious way. My highest ideal is that each being, in its own way, can let its light shine, and then that all these unique light forms be bundled into a beautiful whole, a gem of many colors. The promise of the new Earth is that each one rises to their own potential and that everyone is exactly right, precisely in their own way. This is the necessary step in order to make the whole more complete.

It is my deepest inspiration to give form to that promise, which is why I am calling on you to believe in who you are, to go back to your own center. You desire this from your heart and want nothing more than that. However, there are also voices of the old, of the fear that makes you resist. Voices that tell you it should not be this way, that it is not the intention; that you have to fit in, have to adjust; that you should not be different.

Feel that voice of fear for a moment, the energy that wants to hold you back and keep you away from your radiant self. Do not analyze that impulse from your head, but feel it from the quiet space in your heart. Do not try to analyze where that voice is coming from, but feel for a moment from inside the tone of that energy and what that does to you. Fear is often the origin of many emotions, such as the need for control or power, to struggle, to be unhappy or tense so you can never really relax. Fear is almost always the root-emotion of every other emotion. Try to look at it with gentleness as a flow that exists and has determined this Earth with all its life forms.

Look at the fear and you might see a color around it, or feel a vibration that emanates from that flow of fear. By consciously observing it, you detach from it, you rise above it. You can even feel the fear itself in your body as the fear takes hold of you, in your muscles, in your heart, in your stomach or your belly. However, when you consciously observe it, something transforms it. You say: “I see you, fear, but I don’t go along with you.” Fear can only become  permanent if it is fed, for example, by your thoughts.

When you look at fear with an open heart, without wanting to intervene, you no longer feed your fear. It will still well up as an old habit that does not die immediately; the fear is still present, over and over again. However, when you recognize this energy and do not go along with it, it gradually recedes and possesses you less and less. This is the real work that faces you, the discipline that is demanded of you. Not the discipline of hard work or adapting, but  of a keen awareness, a staying alert when the fear strikes, a becoming bigger than the fear, a drawing nearer to your heart instead of to your head. Come back again to the silence of your heart.

I ask you to now connect with your inspiration, your inner light, the uniqueness inside you that you came to bring to Earth, because you know it will give you joy if you express it in this earthly world. Feel the power of that light to surround you, the light that comes straight from your soul. While the Earth energy, the healing power of the Earth comes from below, upward, you now experience a flow from the Heavens, from above, downward. That is your soul’s light. But if you feel nothing, simply stay in the silence; it does not matter if you do not feel it clearly.

Being present in your heart in an open way is the main key: then there will be change. The soul comes to you and can make itself known in many ways. In some persons that will be through meditation, while for others when practicing an art form or doing something they enjoy. The flow comes to you because it belongs to you; you do not have to create it. It is already there and dances around you.

Now imagine that the flow comes to you and you receive it in whatever form presents itself. If you like to visualize, you can imagine that your inner child comes to you, this time beaming and holding out a beautiful gift that symbolizes your inner light. Let the streams of Heaven and Earth mingle within you. Your soul is cordially invited to be here, to move in all the cells of your body so that there is a dance between the consciousness of me, the Earth, and that of yours, your soul.

When your consciousness flows through into the physical world, it touches everything: the people around you, as well as the living beings who cannot talk and communicate on a conscious level, but still feel everything. When your soul’s light is streaming through you, you bring an angel vibration here and you bless the life around you.

As a human being, you have a  precious awareness within you. More than any other creatures on Earth, you have a free will, a free consciousness that can choose. It is the power of that consciousness – when it is in balance – that touches all living creatures on Earth, inspires them and triggers an acceleration of their growth. Know that not only are you in need of me, but that I also am in need of you, that your consciousness inspires me. It is through our cooperation that the new Earth is born. I invite and welcome you; I create joy in us.

Thank you very much.

Earth  February, 2015

© Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan


John Smallman: The apparent separation that humans experience is but a trick of the ego.

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday January 16th

As you are well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world both within humanity, and within the planet herself and all the life forms she so willingly supports.  This is a time of great change that has been divinely planned for eons, it is indeed very stressful for all, however, it is a necessary part of humanity’s awakening process.

Taking time out at least once daily, to relax your physical bodies and then quieten your minds, is an essential requirement as you all struggle to release emotional/psychological stuff within yourselves individually, and within the human collective, that you have denied or buried in order to avoid the pain of dealing with it.  It has to be seen and released.  Do not engage with it or attempt to analyze its purpose or its source.  Instead observe it, thank it for rising into your awareness to show you that it needs to be released.  Then all the bitterness, resentment, anger, and judgment that has plagued humanity for so long – as your own egos have attempted to blame others for the pain and suffering that they have caused you – can just fall away and dissolve into the nothingness from which they arose.

All sentient life is One with Source, there is no separation!  The apparent separation that humans experience is but a trick of the ego.  Your egos were originally provided to assist you in operating and directing your human bodies while you chose to experience form, physicality, the material environment, temporarily.  Wise ones, who have awakened from the dream that is the material world, and who have realized that they are not their bodies, but are, in fact, spiritual beings having a temporary bodily experience, in that awakened state become aware that there is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God.  In that awareness they can clearly see that It has chosen to experience Itself in myriad forms because doing so offers It experiences that are not available to It as One vast and infinite field of pure Consciousness.  And so they return to full awareness that there is only One, and that each and every sentient being, including each human, is the One expressing and experiencing itself in myriad different ways.

However, because in human form, in the earthly environment, physical bodies are vulnerable to many forms of pain and disease, the ego was provided to be fully aware of the physical environment in which your human forms had their existence so that you could quickly and easily move away from areas or situations that were dangerous or threatening.  Over the eons, and through many human incarnations, your egos forgot that they were all part of the one, and, as seemingly separate entities, began to compete with each other for what seemed like limited resources, which led to conflict, pain, suffering, and fear.  In fact fear became the major motivation driving humanity, it became a seemingly essential aspect of your nature in order to help you survive.

But fear was only intended as a momentary wake-up call, to get your immediate attention so that you would move quickly away from danger.  All sentient life has a fear sensor, but only humanity makes it a long-term focus of their attention, thus draining their energy and motivation, as they consider myriad possibilities of events or circumstances that could cause them pain or suffering – myriad possibilities which, for the most part, will never arise, or are at least extremely unlikely to do so.

Fear is meant to be a momentary experience leading to instant and appropriate action, it is not meant to be a constant presence distracting you from the joy of being alive.  If this is how you are experiencing it then you need to become aware of precisely what it is that is causing you to be constantly fearful, and then stand back from it, become aware and understand that it does not require immediate preventive action to ensure your physical survival, and then let it go.  By doing this you teach the part of you that is in fear to realize that there is no immediate threat, thus massively reducing the sensation of fear that has effectively been immobilizing you.  Focus your awareness on the fact that in this moment there is nothing to fear, accept the truth of that, and then move forward enjoying the mystery and wonder that is your life.

You know, deep within yourselves, that all is divinely taken care of because you are One with Source, that you and Source are One and that no harm can come to You.  Yes, your body or the bodies of loved ones can be damaged, but You are not your bodies, you know that you are eternal beings fully capable of living in joy in every moment of your existence, and that anything that causes you pain or suffering as a human cannot and will not last.  Just being aware of this divine truth will enormously reduce any sense of pain or suffering that you are undergoing.

Every day on waking set the intent to be only loving whatever arises, then, during the day, if you feel that you are under attack, do not engage by defending yourself, just silently send love to the one who seems to be attacking you, and move away.  If you do this you will find yourself moving into a state of peace and acceptance, instead of continuing to suffer inner turmoil.  Remember, that anyone who attacks is in intense pain – there is never any other reason to attack someone – and in truth, an attack is but a desperate call for Love.  Therefore always respond lovingly – even if only silently and discretely – knowing that your response is always effective even if you cannot see any positive results.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jennifer Hoffman: Release or Repeat, Continuation or Closure

This is a channeled message from ArchangelUriel.

Every aspect of your life on earth is purposeful, meaningful, and focused on a single objective, to resolve karma which is experienced as incomplete and dense energies that remain in the earth’s grid from past life trauma. Each person who creates these energies must eventually return them to a divine state. This is your soul mission and each lifetime’s purpose is to complete that mission. Therefore, every life choices revolves around the choice to release the energy or repeat it, to create closure or to continue it.

There is no right or wrong way to do this and there is no right or wrong choice. A choice to release is no better than a choice to repeat, it merely indicates that the learning is incomplete with that situation and another energy cycle is required. This also applies to closure or continuation. If you are not ready for unconditional closure, then you will choose to continue the lesson, no matter how painful, traumatic, unrewarding, or challenging it is.

But often those choices are made from a desire to see healing and completion in others, and not from your own healing perspective. Can you be healed if you notice that others involved in your karmic cycle and soul groups are not? While you may believe your life is a purpose to heal others, it is a purpose to heal yourself, to release dense energies created by soul trauma, to forgive yourself and to create closure in all 3D pathways. What others choose to do with their mission, purpose, and energy does not influence your own healing unless you allow it to.

The desire to be in the higher frequencies of joy, peace, and prosperity are dependent on release and closure for it is only when you are ready to allow yourself to experience your life in the congruent harmony of its full 5D energetic expression that you can choose this path. But you must do so without looking back, fearing that you are not finished, that others are not healed, and that you will be judged for your choices. The Universe does not judge what you do for others by being in service to their healing. Instead, you judge yourself based on what you see others doing. Yet this is something you cannot fully know so you assume a healing mission where it does not exist.

Instead of being a servant, your mission is to be a master of your own energy. Instead of being a servant to others’ healing, you are to be a source of inspiration that they can choose when they are ready to release their own lessons and give themselves closure. This is not a lonely path unless you judge your own healing, growth, and ascension path based on what you see others doing.

Release your own guilt and shame at being in joy when you feel others are not.

Acceptance of others’ choices is your karmic release and the pathway to release and closure to fully express your potential and complete your ascension path. Be true to your own path as that is where you will find the joy, love, and peace you seek and you can inspire others to heal through your mastery and not as a servant to their healing path.


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John Smallman: To awaken is to let go of fear.

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We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing.

You may ask “Why?  Are we not all already perfect divine creations?”  And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source, there is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox!

Thus joy never ceases, it just expands and intensifies.  However, words – verbal or written language as used by beings in form – are a totally inadequate means of communing.  All are in divine relationship, and relationship is a state of communing.  Humans, as social beings, understand this very well, although, of course, there are times when you wish to rest from relationship, to have quiet time within, at your holy inner sanctuary.  However, when you awaken and find yourselves fully aware that you are One, in every moment, then relationship is constant but unintrusive, a peaceful state which is always present if you choose to engage, offering Love and making no demands.  A state that is difficult for most of you to imagine because you have all experienced many demanding relationships.

As humans, your relationships are most often founded on need, and are not free from commitments of one kind or another, although of course love of others is very frequently part of them.  However, Love, capital ‘L,’ is neither a commitment nor a demand, It just is, always present, always available, ubiquitous, and, when you open to It, It embraces you immediately in total acceptance and without conditions of any kind.

It is your nature, so unless you block It out or refuse to accept or acknowledge It, It is everything you are.  The only reason that you do not feel It, or that you remain unaware of It is because of choices you make, and one of the major ones is the choice to believe yourselves unworthy of God’s Love for you.  God never judges you, all negative self-judgment and self-blame that you experience is ego-driven.  Egos are fear-driven, believing that they need to protect you at all times from the constant, and sometimes seeming all-consuming threats of the environment that you inhabit as humans.

To awaken is to let go of fear because you become fully aware that there is nothing to fear.  You are divine and eternal beings created from and existing in an eternal state of Love.  BUT, you chose to experience life in form as a human, and your human bodies are subject to fear, suffering, and pain. Then again, the events and relationships you experience or encounter as humans are part of the life paths you planned for yourselves before you incarnated for the lessons that you wished to learn.  There are no accidents or coincidences – at a higher level you chose them – they are all opportunities for you to learn, and the lesson is always that there is only Love.

The more you can hold and manifest the intent to be only loving, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourselves, the less you will suffer.  Yes, you may, and most likely will, experience illness and damage to your human form as you are nudged to pay attention to the lessons being presented to you.  But you cannot understand the lessons through intellectual reasoning and analysis, you have to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary, and rest there quietly with your mind/brain as still as you can manage, so that then you can become aware of your intuition, your guidance which will lead you through whatever experience you are undergoing until you get that ‘Aha’ moment, and the lesson presented will become will become clear and meaningful to you.

And the lessons with which you are being presented are not for you alone.  As you live through them, those with whom you associate in any way will find lessons there for themselves.  Remember, you chose to incarnate at this pivotal moment as humanity blossoms spiritually, because you were keen and willing to assist in the process.  It is an enormous challenge for all involved, very demanding of your patience and acceptance as you deal with all that arises for you.  And you all, without exception, have what you need to succeed in this magnificent venture – constant and limitless support from those in the spiritual realms, which, of course, include your own higher or spiritual selves.

What you incarnated to do, and are doing, is absolutely essential, and cannot be done by anyone else, you each have your own individual parts to play, and you will each achieve what you incarnated to accomplish.

But, of course, as humans your awareness of the unfolding of this divine plan is severely limited, so that it often seems that you are struggling in the dark without even a small flashlight to light your way.  Therefore, go within at least once daily, and preferably more frequently – waiting in traffic, waiting in line, waiting for someone to arrive.  A moment here and a moment there adds very powerfully to your ongoing intent to be loving whatever arises, even though you may get no sense of it.  Just renew your intent, in the moment, and then continue with whatever you were doing, knowing that you are making an enormous difference.

You are all dearly loved and highly honored as you follow your seemingly individual paths toward awakening.  Your awakening is divinely assured, and when it occurs you will awake into amazing joy.  Truly the brilliance of God’s divine plan for His creation is utterly beyond meaningful description, it can only be experienced, and you will all experience it because it was designed with you in mind, in God’s Mind, where you all have your eternal existence.

With so very much love, Saul.