A Message to Lightworkers – July 20, 2018 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – July 20, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

This week, we wish to answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote us regarding the timing of NESARA’s announcement—something about which there is great speculation!

I read a lot of predictions about when NESARA will be implemented on the physical plane. I’ve never believed the “today, tomorrow, next week” predictions that have been floating around for years.

While I do not believe all the predictions I read regarding timing, I would believe information from the Collective regarding timelines. I know “soon” is Archangel Michael’s favorite response to the question “when.”

Likely meaning, any time in the next 10 years. And I understand that Ascended Masters, Angels, and other loving spirits do not deal in linear time. 

It seems that with the current group of folks running this country, allowing the physical plane implementation of NESARA will not be “soon” at all.

Must we wait until the shift to the New Earth is significantly more manifest?  
You are correct, dear one, in noting that “soon” is not an exact timeframe, and one not entirely applicable to your world and to Time as you know it.

What it means, when used by those who are oriented more to the higher realms than to Earth, is that NESARA is on the horizon—that Earth is moving into that reality in steps, not one sudden jolt.

And that of all potential realities, the timeline you currently exist in will indeed see NESARA fulfilled—publicly announced and enacted.

You are correct that it does not mean “soon” as in “next week” or “next month,” for it cannot mean that.

It is not that those times are not possibilities.

It is simply that we cannot be prescriptive in the slightest, regarding When this great transformational moment will actually occur outwardly.

You and nearly all Earth Beings came into this life under the agreement that Earth events would co-creatively enact their own reality, just as you co-create your own reality in your particular Earth life.

This means that forms of interference by those in the higher realms that would re-route, revise, or prevent certain aspects of your life or Earth life—even by way of time predictions—are not permitted, due to the provision of Free Will on this planet.

This is what is meant by Free Will! You create your own existence on all levels, both in this life and beyond it.

All must respect this, or face consequences before a very high galactic court.

Understand that when we in the higher realms step back from human affairs, it is not out of a noncompassionate or noncaring belief that human beings are not worth troubling with—far from it.

We stand back to allow you your choices—your own journey, your own evolvement—and increasingly, your own empowerment, as you more and more understand that you Have the choices of free will and evolvement, and can know full empowerment, which is the realization of your own Divinity and the unity of all things, all beings.

Now, this is not to say that interventions do not occur, for they do occur.

You bring these into your reality as you declare that they must occur, in whatever form is best.

The energies now shifting not only Earth’s vibration but human consciousness also bring in interventions.

We see only a forward movement, a trajectory of conscious evolvement that is moving ever-upward, beyond the material distractions, beyond the despair and fear, beyond the sadness you feel some days, that what you have experienced in this life and other lives has been just too much, and will your liberation never occur?

We have said many times that you yourselves are the ones establishing your own freedom, your own kingdoms, your own sovereignty.

And why is that, you may wonder, when there are so many in the higher realms who love you beyond what any Earth language could convey?

Because that Free Will determination and active co-Creation is how sovereignty and freedom are established and maintained!

Particularly after so many eons of existence in the low vibration of third dimensional frequencies.

You are the only ones to pull yourselves above the fray, the madness, the confusion, and what you call injustice, though you chose this road you’re on quite consciously, and there is not a one amongst you whom we could call a “victim.” 

And why has it all followed that self-determined path?

Because, great co-Creators, you wrote it this way.

This is your film, your canvas, your holographic projection.

And do we see now your decision to raise your voices in a song of liberation, in a high vibrational harmony that only Ascending beings could manage?

Yes! We hear you, and we witness your increasing demands for the kinds of Freedom, Peace, Joy, and Abundance that only a liberated people could create for themselves.

So the question becomes not so much “when” NESARA is birthed outwardly, but how often you and your fellow Light Warriors celebrate NESARA’s precepts, spirit, and intentions, as if it were already here.

For that is how you create in your world, dear one.

Not by waiting, and certainly not by asking “when.”

The question is never “When?” There is no question.

NESARA is here now, on your timeline, as you are here, and once enough of you fully join your frequency (in the present moment) with that which you claim to have waited for, you will wait no more.

We realize the unsatisfactory nature of our answer on some levels.

And so, as a side note, we do see things shifting upon the Earth and in Earth systems, including an inevitable dissolution of the old regime, with a speed and a determination that we have not witnessed before on your planet.

And yet—we celebrate that far, far less than we celebrate your coming to remember your own Divinity, your Unity with all that exists, and your great Love of your own journey, even in its darkest days.

Your bravery is fully seen, and your journey marks the way for life on a higher dimensional Earth, the joy and colorful brilliance of which you have only begun to envision.

And so yes, you are getting there — the “when” is up to each of you.

Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, always.


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and radio host of “The Empowered Lightworker” on the BBM Global Network. She channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray: Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018

Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018

New One Earth Starborn Mission

Energy portal structures of the frequency of the One New Earth

We, the Pleiadian Inner Earth, are a team of a light consciousness field that wishes to establish peace and harmony with life and the interdimensions. We care for life, we care for you and love you. You are a part of us; we are kindred Light Earth Star Family.

Our message is of the One New Earth: many of you are familiar with the unity consciousness field, your extended aspects through higher self, lineages’ multidimensional expression of the angelic, nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which you are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth of peace and ascension.

Frequency of the One New Earth-One Humanity

Events and circumstance will be quickening now and till 2020. You are in another gateway and timeline astrology cosmology of a sequence of events to occur for your ascension and many of you may experience the traversing in and out of the dimensions, where you feel the high and then the ungrounded out-of-alignment. “Where did I just go, and how do I get back there; and where am I now, and where is here?”

You are being shown how to connect into the frequency. How to stay connected and align through the interdimensional planes. Your higher self is guiding you through the Divine Plan, Divine Principle of One. Stay tuned-in and trust your empathic intuitive body as your guide.

We have appeared and made contact with the starseeds and emissaries ambassadors. Our contact is shifting as there now is interstellar technology that can track our appearance imprints and cause harm to our energy bodies.

Thus we know that a unity field consciousness grid is important for the peace and harmony of humanity. We have consciousness grid alliances with our allies and races of interdimensionals. Emissaries ambassadors, peace makers, blue rays and starseeds, be awake to who you are, and that empathic nature and telepathic awareness are key.

It is imperative that you know who you are, your divine sovereignty, for the coming events. Your mission of empathic telepathic nature to tune into the unity field consciousness alliance will be the awakening of a divine power that you put into place long ago.

Why we are making more contact in a new way of awakening your God essence DNA is so you may know and be aware yourselves that there is discord within the treaties, deliberate assault and attacks on Humanity in attempts to weaken the Divine template. As you increase awareness and awakening of your avatar ascension bodies, there is increased compromise in the land, air and consciousness. It is why there will temporarily be more ill health, sickness and possibly fatalistic viruses.

Many on your planet already do not even know what a healthy normal sky looks like. What you see is not the natural occurrence of Gaia alone; it is a manipulation of the elements while the increase of the devices of technology are keeping you deceived and consuming.

Who we are Aree, Maree the One Earth, is an aspect of the New Earth; it is really not new but rather the unity consciousness unveiling where disclosure of Truth is being revealed of a grander expression of the Divine human and your holy sovereign power and rights.

The New Earth is a time line reality of galactic and cosmic alignment of multidimensional existence; your DNA is expanding and awakening to correspond to this response patterning and reality of consciousness: (Love); Light (Understanding); Peace that surpasseth human understanding; and Harmony (Sustained Unity Consciousness).

We are the alliance that wishes for peace and for you to know you are precious in your part of that fulfillment.

You now exist with an expanded consciousness field of unity, your God essence real and true. You are that aspect of the Creator God experiencing physicality; in the compassion of love for all beings you will evolve in your sovereign nature. This is the heart of Mary, the compassion of Kwan Yin, the Light of Christ and Sanat Kamara, the peace of Buddha, the Joy of passion, to know life serves you. Many of us exist in this unity consciousness field.

We know many of you have felt alone as you were left and abandoned; know it was designed that way so you would find your way back to the true home of Light and truth, not only for yourselves but for all humankind so that Love and Light may prevail.

You are and were never alone. You exist already in this unity field—allow this unveiling of who you are—your true essence. You are greatly and immensely loved, completely accepted and treasured; you are beloved beyond measure. Creation cares and honors you. You are learning how loved you are as you learn to relax, accept and love your unique self.

Ailia Mira: Allowing the Greatness That is You Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light

Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira
Hello Beloveds,

And so, we begin. We begin, and we love that moment when we feel Ailia recognizing the flow of energy coming into her experience. We love that moment, and we love when she allows it the translation to begin, the energy to be articulated. That’s really like a metaphor for this thing we’re talking about, about you allowing the flow of your inner reality into personal action. So today, we want to speak about your capacity to allow something that is really spectacular, and that is to allow greatness. Your greatness. The greatness that is you.

We want to talk about you allowing your greatness. What do you feel like about that? How do you feel when we say that?

The deepest intention of your embodiment is you being fully you, and you are inherently great. Do you know this? How do you feel about that? How does that sit with you? What’s your response to that?

From our view, we see that most people are not all that comfortable with their greatness, and in order for you to allow fully who you are to flow freely, you’re going to have to look at your relationship to thinking of yourself as really great, so we’re going to start today to talk about that.

Let’s begin by saying you arise from the Oneness that is. Out of that limitless, vast, luminous consciousness, energy flows into the specific form and function that is you, that you think of as your soul, your higher self, and the form and function that you are has a particular kind of purpose, and the purpose is the fulfillment of you.

You can live your lives in ways that are exceptional and so brilliant, and doing so is just a matter of allowing. You do not need to create your greatness, because it IS.

Although you will take action to bring about the forms in which your greatness is expressed in this world, that is not the same as creating the value of your being or the greatness itself, it simply is who you already, truly are.

For most of you when you think about the adventures of expressing the greatness that is who you truly are, you think about this kind of thing, and feel like, in order to be great, you first gotta make yourselves better. Most of you don’t really think of yourselves as great, already.

There’s this idea that you might become great, but first you gotta make yourselves better. First, you gotta work on yourself. First, you have to fix yourself or learn more or improve yourself or try harder, all kinds of ideas that, somehow, that who you are right here, right now inherently is lacking, is not enough to be called great, which is not true. So today, we speak to you of your capacity, and we want to point out to you how you can allow your own greatness, the naturalness of your own greatness to flow.

All of creation is flowing through you, shaped and informed by the uniqueness of the energy structure that you think of as your soul self. That energy structure that is you, has specific inclinations … What you might think of as functions, and you don’t have to figure these out.

Many people go through life thinking before they can be all they can be they must determine, figure out their purpose. Most people want to know their purpose. Many people want someone to tell them who they are.

We want to invite you to consider you don’t have to spell this out. You don’t have to determine it before you express it, it’s the only way you do express when you are in accord with the fullness of your being. It just happens.

You don’t have to have some written down definition of your purpose in order for you to express the greatness that is you. It’s very simple to express the greatness that is you, and the fun way to do that is to honor your desire.

Your desire is Creation seeking expression through you. When you allow your desires, you allow the specific functions and possibilities, of who you truly are to express. Perhaps the way you could think of contributing in your world and fulfilling your purpose, expressing your greatness, is to flow. You allow it to express and flow into this realm, when you honor your desire.

When you embrace what you want and go with it, you allow yourself to be fulfilled, and you allow others in life to be blessed by a fuller knowing of All-That-Is, which happens through the specific fulfillment of you.

You are inherently great. Great! Not sort of good, great!

You are great, and you are worthy of this greatness, and each and every one of you is really sensational. Exceptional. I can be natural, you can feel easily capable of what you will clearly feel as really great things if you let yourself know yourself this way.

In fact, most of you have done many truly great things already, yet most of you spend more time making real the things that diminish you, and looking at what you haven’t done rather then focusing on all the generous ways of being you are expressing and sharing.

Most humans are focused upon and looking at the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and amplifying all that. Sustaining that. Making those gaps more real than the things that feel good, the things that flow easily and naturally. Today, we’re going to invite you to drop that.

What if you just stopped doing that?

What if you just give up this need to diminish yourself? What if you decide, “I’m gonna no longer put myself down. I’m gonna no longer look at myself as less than.

What if I were to consider and start to look for evidence that I am enough?”

We want you to realize, the things that show up in life that you think are the evidence that you’re not enough, or not yet worthy, or not yet good enough… they are not the evidence that you’re not enough. They are the manifestations of your belief that you’re not enough.

So if you were to start looking for all the ways that you are really fabulous, the demonstrations or the evidence that you are fabulous will open up and increase, because you make real and important what is real and important in your life by investing your energy in it. If you want to notice more of your own greatness, pay more attention to you and what you are doing well and you might also consider casting a wide net over what ways you are being, that might be worthy of your attention, appreciation and celebration.

What if, right now, you decide to take us at our word and discover your greatness? Start to look at, “Where am I doing brilliantly? Where am I so natural, so effortless? Where do I feel so easy?

When am I following my desire and letting myself flow?” That’s an even easier way to discover yourself. “What if I allow myself to focus on embracing my desires, and know that in fulfilling my desires, I allow my greatness to shine?” That’s the easiest way to do it. That way, you don’t have to think about it – or as you’re inclined, overthink it! You don’t have to name it. You don’t have to have labels. You don’t have to write down a mission statement. You can just know, “When I am feeling ease, and when I am in the flow and when I am present and feeling good, I am clearly being, who I truly am and who I truly am is just brilliant and I can trust in that.” What about that?

If you embrace what calls to you and let that flow, and let yourself be in a state of expectancy about it, allowing it to come about, enjoying the pleasure that realizing what you want and what you prefer gives to you, when you believe you can have it, you will be great. You will be great. You will be great in ways that only you can be great, and you can make this happen more fully, and be more aware of it, once you refuse to continue investing in limiting thoughts about you.

What if you gave up the need to limit or diminish how magnificent you are? What if you gave up the idea that if you’re really successful, it somehow makes other people feel less? What if you gave up the idea that you have to earn it? What if you gave up the idea that having what you want requires hard work and suffering? What if you refuse to invest your thinking in those kind of thoughts?

What if you started thinking, “Having what I want is easy and natural, and it’s when I push too hard and struggle and suffer that I actually make it hard for what I want to come to me?” What if you thought that?

What if you gave up the idea that anything is too good for you? And we mean, for the you that you naturally, already, intrinsically easily are. What if you started to think, “I’m worthy and deserving of everything I desire,” what might that feel like if you made that thought solid in your awareness – made that thought feel like fact.

Well then, life would shift, and fast.

If you were to make real the knowing that you are worthy and deserving of everything you desire. If you made real with your attention the idea that everything you desire is your version of the best life has to offer, and realize – you are constantly getting clear about it, if you allowed yourself to relax into the knowing that, “Based on me and who I am, what I think the best things life has to offer will show up as my desires.”

If you were to allow yourself to practice feeling good about those things, and practice feeling good when you think those thoughts, and enjoying the pleasure of what you prefer, and believing that you can have what you prefer, and that you deserve it, and that it’s flowing to you because it’s a match for you, you would feel your emotions shift. You would feel pleased with you and pleased with life.

You would feel a sense of life getting lighter. You would feel uplifted. You would feel elation, and of course, you can know in that feeling that you’re reshaping life as you know it. Your feeling are always indicating the degree of alignment you are in with all you’ve become.

Creation is constantly responding to that which you make real by investing your attention in it.
What you invest your attention in shows up, no matter what it is!

No matter if it’s something you like or something you dislike, no matter if it’s something that’s a distortion or a limited view of who you are, or it’s the real clear understanding. Whether you invest your attention in it now or later, whatever you invest your attention in, you’re making more of in the world and in your experience of the world, so why not make more of, think more about your intrinsic greatness, and the greatness of others?

Why not start to think of everyone as divine and capable … and capable of learning how to do this? Why not be a demonstration of this by investing in the thoughts that empower you to flow and shine?

What if you allowed yourself to think of your life as something you are facilitating? That you are here as a vehicle for all of Creation to express here as you?

What if you paid attention and cared so much about how you feel, knowing what your feelings mean, and caring so much about them that you really learned how to let all of Creation express clearly through you? Without evaluating it, without thinking, “I need to work harder or be better.” Just focus on how you feel, know that when you’re feeling good, you’re allowing it to flow.

Don’t you see how good this could be, how fulfilling it might become? And trust us when we say how great you really are and how great your experience of being you could be! You could live life in an exquisite state of fulfillment, pleased with you and enjoying all of it and everyone else. In this aligned state you become unconditional. When you focus on your flow and empower it, by letting yourself be who you are, you become unconditionally expansive, expressive, abundant and free! And you vibe that to everyone you meet. Imagine that.

You have the capacity to contribute so much more to this beautiful planet, by being you! Being happy, allowing more, and thinking highly of you is how you let it happen. It’s not hard work. It’s not trying harder. It’s not making yourself better. It’s simple empowering your alignment, letting yourself flow.

So what if you started right here, right now to honor yourself, knowing that greatness is natural and easy, and that you are entirely deserving of that experience?

And furthermore, in that viewpoint, thinking those things, practicing those thoughts until they feel normal and natural and real and easy and fun to you, feeling the deep sense of naturalness in your own greatness, in your own exceptional beauty, in your own uniqueness … When you’re in that viewpoint, you are completely in sync with all you’ve become, and this, beloved ones, is also how we see you.

We are complete.

NorthPoint Journal Your guide to planetary energies for May 8 to 14, 201 7 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Journal

Highlighted Aspects this Week
TUE: Sun trine Pluto, North Node enters Leo/South Node enters Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Uranus
WED: Jupiter opposite Pallas Athene, Full Moon 2:42pm PDT (9:42pm GMT)
THU: Mars square Neptune, Mercury trine Saturn
FRI: Mars trine Jupiter
SUN: Mercury semisquare Neptune

A SIGNIFICANT SHIFT occurs this week when the Moon’s Nodes change signs on Tuesday. This event draws to a close an evolutionary process we have been working with for the past 19 months, and begins the next 19-month phase on our collective journey of growth.

In our birth charts, the North and South Nodes respectively show the qualities that we are called to develop in this lifetime and the traits we must leave behind for greatest fulfillment and success in all areas of life. When we consider the placement of the Nodes in the context of a general forecast such as this Journal, they indicate a growth process we are collectively engaged in, as well as the tendencies we are working as a society to overcome.

WITH THE NORTH NODE moving into Leo and the South Node moving into Aquarius, we are evolving out of excessive reliance on information and the intellect to guide our choices. We are called to leave behind old patterns of detachment, aloofness, and separation. In their place, we are developing a more heart-centered approach to life, one that carries with it greater capacities for involvement, belonging, and leadership.

We’ve already seen hints of this shift with more people engaged in social activism recently. Over the next year and a half, more who have been reticent to risk involvement will come forward to take center stage. The Leo North Node will inspire many to find the inner confidence and enthusiasm needed to become the leaders they were meant to be — and that the world needs.

ALSO ON TUESDAY is the last exact Mercury-Uranus alignment. We’ve been working with this influence in some ways since the first conjunction on March 26, but even more directly over the past two to three weeks.

There are always surprises associated with Uranus, so we want to remain flexible over the coming week. On a purely mundane level, it does feel like a continuing Mercury retrograde phase, with the usual/unusual electrical and technological glitches. For instance, a few days ago, my desk computer suddenly gained two cursors on the screen, neither of which would respond to the mouse. The same day, my travel laptop suddenly lost its cursor completely, resulting in several hours of frustration as I tried to figure out what to do.

Thankfully, both issues finally resolved — one of them after doing a complete shutdown of the system (no doubt a clear lesson for me). The other unexpectedly and seemingly repaired itself, after hours of my trying to fix it. I’m still not sure why it happened or why it “unhappened” — another lesson!

Perhaps one takeaway of these types of issues is to realize that as much as we think we “know” or believe we can figure something out logically, there are influences at work that many times defy reasoning or practical solutions.

A SCORPIO FULL MOON occurs on Wednesday at 2:42pm PDT (9:42pm GMT). This is the Wesak Full Moon, defined as the first Full Moon of the year while the Sun is in Taurus.

According to legend, at Wesak the Buddha and the Christ come together to link the East and West, uniting the world’s major religions in a shared holy day. It is a sacred event for many, and a time when we all may choose to tap into the spiritual qualities of Love, Compassion, and Unity.

THE FULL MOON is also aligned with the star Alpha Muscae. According to astrologer Roderick Kidston, the influence of this star:

” … manifests in weird and wonderful ways. There is a lot of emotion here, even emotionalism, frequent drama and sometimes melodrama. Totally unplugged, Alpha Muscae loops the loop and files around, taking you anywhere and everywhere … Evenso, a sense of mystery and magic is seldom far away, and any creative activity can take wing to extraordinary places. With this star there is sometimes a sense of the proverbial ‘thin line between genius and madness.’”

Combining the effects of this stellar influence with Mercury and Uranus being joined at the hip this week, we could be in for a wild ride! Or, preferably, an awakening of consciousness that takes us to equally spectacular places.

PLANETARY ACTIVITY in the last half of the week reflects our possible responses to events on Tuesday and Wednesday. At first, we may feel a bit lost, not quite sure what we want or what to do (Mars square Neptune on Thursday). If we can surrender to this temporary space and allow ourselves to be in a place of not-knowing, Friday’s Mars-Jupiter trine offers all the inspiration and energy needed to take us to the next level.

It also helps that Mercury is trine Saturn on Thursday. In the midst of possibly confusing times, this aspect provides the mental discipline and patience needed to take our journey one a step at a time.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is potentially a very creative year for you, Taurus. As you tap into a wellspring of passion and inspiration, a channel opens allowing you to express your essence in new and profound ways. Be open to the insights that flow, but also be willing to wait patiently for clear directions to reveal themselves. Trust is key, and letting go of the ego’s need to have it all figured out immediately. Happy Birthday!
In peace,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

Deactivating the Energy of Lack (Limitation) The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira

26 April 2017 Post Pic

Deactivating the Energy of Lack (Limitation)
The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira

Greetings Divine Ones,

We are here because you are here, and in your focus, and in your desires, and with your heart, and because of your aims, you have summoned the energies, the knowing, the insights, the connections, the collaborations that serve you in this time/space reality, in the fulfillment of your desires, and we love that.

We are here to speak with you today about activating the energy of abundance. Deactivating the energy of lack or limitation.

We are happy to be here and we are happy to be of service in this way. We are very keen to participate in life on earth and we are keen to participate in any way that benefits those of us embodied here, which is you. We love the inter- dimensional play that is happening, as more and more of you wake up and remember the unseen world from which your embodiment came about.
More and more of you realize how you got here, and then choose to live in full knowing of who you really are. We especially enjoy the times in which you come together with each other in a conscious co-creation like this. There is tremendous amplification of the experience for all involved, no matter where we are focused.

As you live with this expanded reference point in your life, your sense of what’s possible opens up, and if you allow yourself to feel it, the knowing of the tremendous support that is yours becomes visceral and real for you, and you start to feel a lot lighter.

This is a wonderful way to live on earth, and we feel you soar as you feel the possibilities for your experience open up. You were meant to feel good, and to know your capacity, and to feel free, and to have fun, and to be in your knowing. You are meant to bypass the history of living in limitation and instead, focus on confidently feeling completely at liberty to express yourself, and discover what you like.

You were meant to be here feeling good, feeling capable, feeling free, having fun, being in your knowing, discovering what you like, discovering what you prefer, discovering what pleases you, and choosing freely to have experiences that do please you, living in ways that suit you, having more fun day after day after day.

Yet you don’t always feel like life is this way, and we know that bothers you. But if you could just let yourself know that when life doesn’t feel that way, there’s nothing wrong, you would have an easier time of it. If you would let yourselves know that when you have a bad day or when you have a few days when you’re kind of irritated or a few hours when you’re kind of unhappy or a moment when you suddenly feel displeased…if you would let yourself know that nothing is really wrong, you would find that gloomy stuff and that gloomy feeling lifts faster and you feel good again more quickly.

You feel as good as you let yourself feel and yet, generally, the changing feelings in your experience happen pretty gradually. The rising and falling of vibration tends to happen rather gradually. Most often, it happens incrementally. By and large, you don’t tend to go from bliss to hatred, or from hatred to bliss. You tend instead to move in smaller increments where you start out feeling kind of calm and content, and then you feel eager and things start to feel like more fun and you smile more and there’s a sweetness, and then elation, and joy. That’s more like what happens.

In the other direction, it tends to feel like boredom, and then boredom often goes to irritation, or dissatisfaction and then you get kind of annoyed or unhappy, and then sometimes you get angry.

The movement tends to be more gradual and this is beneficial to you. It’s beneficial to you that things take time to develop because you get to refine your focus. The fact that the momentum you’ve got going requires your focus to continue is also beneficial. This means you’re in charge. This means when you withdraw your focus, momentum will fade out and the experience that corresponds to that will stop showing up. Isn’t that liberating?

The stuff in life that keeps happening that you don’t like? Stop paying attention to it. Let it peter out. We talked about this a little bit recently.

Today we want to talk more about the states of mind you’re in that really ultimately can be boiled down to a simple point of view that doesn’t serve you and how to help yourself not be in that state quite so often. How to let that state peter out. How to let the active vibrations of the things you don’t like stop being the active vibrations that manifest for you.

The way to do this is to notice when they’re happening, and the way you notice when it’s happening is you notice you don’t feel as good, and before it gets moving too fast, withdraw your attention from it, and see if you can put your attention on something that gives you sense of relief, or something you do like and have, and want to continue, would welcome more of.

This small and subtle shift will serve you well. It’s such a simple thing, but it has power, and it has power because you are powerful beings.Your attention is how you flex your muscles, it’s how you distribute and apply your power. Your attention is the way you are powerful, and in order to really liberate yourself from a life of limitation and the transactional ways of creating that most people experience, you have to begin to really consider that your attention is your power.

Your attention is how you flow energy.

Everything you pay attention to is amplified, and has active momentum. Pay attention to what you want to continue, and learn through practice, gradually, to build a habit such that when you notice you don’t feel good, you realize it means you’re focused in ways that don’t serve you. Find your own methods for dropping your attention from the things you don’t like and shifting to something you won’t mind repeating, or reoccurring.

These things you don’t like, they can’t happen to you if you don’t pay attention to them. Or if you don’t pay attention to something that has the essence of that experience going on. Everything that comes into your experience is a refection of your focus of attention. The essence of it shows up in your life and sometimes the actual specifics of it.

The essence of everything you don’t like is lack.

The essence of everything you don’t like is, “I don’t have what I want.” That’s the essence of everything you don’t like, so if you’re focused on lack, you will manifest all kinds of variations of lack in your life, and lack is the thing that you dislike most. It’s the most frustrating experience for you, and it enrages you like nothing else. It makes sense that it would, because it’s entirely at odds with who you truly are, which is unconditional empowerment.

When you’re thinking about what isn’t the way you want it to be, that’s lack. When you’re noticing the way people are and you’re feeling annoyed, that’s lack, too. They’re not the way you want them to be. You don’t have what you want. When you’re looking at your checking account and thinking it’s not enough money, that’s lack, too.

When you look at your house or your body or your friends or your business, and in any way think, “I don’t have what I want,” that’s lack. All the ways you focus on what is, that you don’t like, are the essence of lack.

Lack is, “I don’t have what I want. I don’t have what I want. I don’t have what I want.” It’s really the source of everything you don’t like in your life. Everything you don’t like in your life comes from all the times in which you’re focused on, “I don’t have what I want.” Anyway in which you can spend less of your day focused on, “I don’t have what I want” is going to feel better to you and from this different focus, life will get better, too.

The reason it feels better to you is the real you is abundant! The real you is capable. The real you has access to everything you want all the time, and that’s the way you want your life to feel because it’s who you really are.

When you’re focused on what you have that you like, you feel like you!

You think it’s the thing that you have that makes you happy. It’s not the thing that you have that makes you happy, although it might be entertaining and fun. The reason you feel happy is you’re in a state of mind that correlates to who you really are. Who you really are is abundant.

Any version of lack will amplify an experience of lack because creation is amplifying everything you pay attention to. It doesn’t matter if you’re paying attention to it and completely hating the experience of, you’re energetically saying, “give me more of it,” because your attention is on it, your attention is power.

Anything you pay attention to, you get more of, and when you’re paying attention to it, if you’re thinking, “I don’t have what I want,” guess what? You’ve just expressed a vision of your life in which you don’t have what you want.

You’ve just said, “The way I see my life, is I don’t have what I want.” You just put out there a vibration that says, “My vision of my life is I don’t have what I want. My vision of my life is I don’t have what I want here, and I don’t have what I want here, and I don’t have what I want here, and I don’t have what I want here, and that’s my vision of life,” and Creation says, “Okay.” So you get more of that.

Understanding this is the most important shift in your life to make if you want things to go better for you, because feeling, “I don’t have what I want” is the essence of all the things you don’t like.

All the things you do like are the essence of, “I like that I have this. I like that this is happening for me. I like that this is going on for me. This feels good to me.”

Underneath all of this is: are you feeling capable or not? Are you feeling capable or not?

The real you is capable and anytime you don’t feel capable, and anytime you don’t feel like you’re abundant, you’re not going to feel like you and you’re not going to like it. The real you, the eternal you, the soul self you are, the field of light from which you emanated into this embodiment is continually in an experience of abundance and clarity and empowerment and everything you want is yours.

You veer out of sync with all that you are anytime you’re thinking, “I don’t have what I want.”

A different way of living, the joyful way, the abundant, capable, clear way of having an embodied experience starts with realizing you’re free to focus on what you want.

The leading edge ways of living begin with exploring the infinite possibilities of focus available to you in each moment. All of this starts with learning you have more flexibility in every moment with how you use your attention – discovering first hand, your infinite freedom.

We would suggest the empowered way is to focus on what you easily love. We suggest that you notice what you already have that is to your liking, and to pay attention to that, and give your attention, day in, day out, mostly to that, and to learn how to do that.

On that topic, we spoke recently about how much information is coming at you each day and how much content all of you take in. We want to say clearly, none of it need be eliminated. What matters is how you feel when you’re taking it in; that will indicate your state of being – you know this because of how you feel. You know what the point of view is that you have about all this content by how you feel. If you feel good in the receiving of it, the more feeling good experiences are being created. If you feel less than good, if you find yourself in consuming content of any kind, that you feel yourself tiring or fading or getting irritated or annoyed, then the point of view you have is one of lack. What you’re looking at, you’re holding it in a point of view of, “That’s not what I like. I don’t like that.” So you’re creating more experiences of lack, and stuff you don’t like when you’re focused like that.

You don’t have to eliminate anything in your life in order to have the experiences you want, but it might be easier in the beginning to focus on the things you love, and really get that momentum going so that you’re more inclined to bring that unconditional point of view to everything.

It might be interesting to ask yourself, “How can I be focused in this moment and feel pretty good? What can I look at that might give me a little ease? What can I pay attention to right now if I’m not feeling so good that might help me feel a little better, or maybe just feel relaxed or fine?”

These soft and gentle intentions for better alignment are beneficial. You have infinite choices in your world and in your mind in terms of what you pay attention to.

In your mind, you have desires you could think about. You could think about why you like them, why they’d be fun, why you are excited about them coming. You have your imagination, you even have memory from which to choose. So there’s everything you have access to focus on in your consciousness, and everything you have access to focus on in outer reality — there’s a lot of choices and you’re free to choose. There are a lot of different things from which to choose where you use the power of your focus, and there are always things you can pay attention to easily which feel better.

Being love, this whole Soar Fest is about being love, and we’ve talked about how there’s only, really, unconditional love, nothing else is love, and unconditional love is entirely natural, and unconditional love is what you feel in a state of alignment.

So, alignment is the goal and unconditional love flows forth from alignment, as do all other good things you wish to experience. Alignment is clarity, alignment liberates an experience of unconditional empowerment and unconditional love, and everything we’re talking about here with you.

Everything we’re suggesting and inviting you to play with, and explore, is for the singular purpose of empowering you to be who you really are, the sovereign, unconditional, powerful eternal being you are.

Today, we suggest you pay more attention to your feelings with an understanding that less good feelings typically come from, “I don’t have what I want.”

Today, see if you can reduce the amount of your day that you’re spent focused on lack, and whenever you realize your attention is in any way in a point of view that is, “I don’t have what I want,” or, “That’s not what I like,” recognize it as a lack, or limited point of view.

Learn to realize that point of view isn’t accurate or beneficial, it’s just one point of view – you can choose another. That view is not beneficial because it takes you out of alignment with your wholeness. You won’t feel as good in that point of view, plus you’ll generate more experiences like that.

So, since it’s not the only point of view, choose a different one! Learn you can choose a different one – do it for yourself! Choose a different one when you think of it, and it doesn’t matter how long it’s been going on. It’s not earth shattering, it’s not devastating. Don’t make a big deal out of it if you find yourself not feeling good, but notice it. Notice it, and become a master of it!

Discover your capacity to make different choices when you find yourself feeling less than happy, and find out firsthand that those little shifts actually create a wonderful momentum and that wonderful momentum will feel better, and when you’re in more alignment, unconditional love and joy is your experience and that experience? You will like that, and what comes of it, a lot.

We are complete.

We are the Council of Radiant Light.


9th September 2016 – 10th October 2017: Jupiter in Libra: Beyond the Watershed By Sarah Varcas

Jupiter in Virgo, Jupiter in Libra, conscious relationships, compassion, deep truth, patience, wisdom, faith, divine timing, eco-spirituality, compassion, unity consciousness


9th September 2016 – 10th October 2017:
Jupiter in Libra: Beyond the Watershed

By Sarah Varcas

Jupiter enters Libra on 9th September. Spending about a year in each sign, its entry into a new one signifies a shift in terms of how we make sense of the world and our experience within it.

We have had the opportunity to learn much while Jupiter travelled through Virgo: a chance to look beneath the rocks and stones in our life, to peer into its dusty corners and generally spring clean our thoughts, feelings and attitudes. It has reminded us that we are part of an infinite whole. Not a solitary being living in a void. This fact comes with responsibility which we can no longer shirk in favour of speedy outcomes and rapid ‘progress’. Every moment of our life has an impact and consequences; every decision made and word spoken; all that we do, say and are, within and without.

Whilst journeying through Virgo, Jupiter illuminated our relationship with Mother Earth and the deep betrayals that human kind has inflicted upon her. It asked of us a recommitment to honour this beautiful planet, not exploit and neglect her in equal measure. The consequences of our everyday choices are felt not only in our own lives, but in our environment both near and far, each choice as a pebble in a pond, rippling through the collective energy field which connects you and I with everything, everywhere. We simply cannot wash our hands of the profound responsibility we carry as guardians of this planet and all life upon her.

When Jupiter enters Libra it begins a year of relationship rectification during which we can forge deeper and more enduring bonds, with those whom we love and those whom we instinctively don’t! We can no longer afford the luxury of dismissing all who don’t ‘make the grade’ or ‘come up to scratch’, validating only those who share our views, beliefs and priorities whilst warring with the rest. Such divisiveness is feeding endless hatred and conflict in this world and we cannot continue down this path without desperate consequences none of us want to see!

Jupiter in Libra releases a balm of understanding and connection on the seas of hatred and division, so stormy in recent years. But it is we, each and every one of us, who must apply that balm in our lives, every day, seeking understanding, cultivating compassion, embracing difficult truths and making decisions that foster peace and diffuse strife. Many won’t do this, such is human nature! It’s tough, to turn toward one’s enemies and see their beating heart as one with our own. And it is even more challenging to stand up against injustice, exploitation and abuse whilst recognising that each and every one of us is more than our behaviours, beliefs and feelings. That life itself is sacred, whatever form it takes.

These are profoundly challenging times with many pushed beyond their limits of tolerance and understanding, delivered into the fractured worlds of hatred, rejection and revenge. At his time we are invited to reflect upon our own relationship with these feelings, to face the person inside of us who may feel they cannot take much more. Jupiter in Libra tells us we can. That what feels like our limit is in fact a watershed, leading to a new way of seeing the world and our place within it. Faith is important now, in ourselves, in life, in the unfolding of all that must come to pass to birth the Aquarian Age. Faith in our ability to shift and change as necessary, to create a new world from the ashes of the old.

The contents of this post originally appeared here.

Sarah Varcas

The Crashing Matrix and Last Ditch Trans-Everything Agenda by Zen Gardner | Shift Frequency


The Crashing Matrix and Last Ditch Trans-Everything Agenda


Zen Gardner – The outdated matrix programming by the engineers of deceit can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities.  The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer in the face of this massive Universal shift we’re undergoing.And it’s driving them nuts.

Just look at the desperation we’re witnessing. Crude military and police state maneuvers are only one aspect, of course working in concert with dastardly economic manipulations and an outlandish propaganda barrage. The biggest clue is seeing the previously incremental and now hyperbolic use of technocratic programs from mass surveillance and data gathering to the advent of cyber warfare and artificial intelligence, while crazed maniacs at CERN try to crack into other dimensions.

The magnitude and desperation of their insane agenda has become completely transparent to just about anyone.

This last techno-based stage is a draconian move to try to delete our innate humanity before our awakening reaches critical mass. They’ve openly admitted this. Hence their attempt to transmute everything from genes and humans to automated monsters and geoengineering. Agreed, when it comes to realizing what’s happening there are the entranced apathetics who swallow anything, but we’re witnessing what’s bound to lead to a total meltdown of their dark designs before our very eyes.

If you can’t see it, look again.

The Proof is in the Dot Connected Pudding

First of all you’re in the wrong mindset if you’re looking only for data or left brained evidence that they are in their death throes, although it’s out there for those who can see. When we come to understand the vibrational workings of our holographic reality everything takes on new dimensions and opens us up to understanding these more esoteric notions.

Those with awakened hearts can feel this. I say hearts because much of what we need to grasp or at least track is intuitive and somewhat metaphysical. Taking all of the information and dot connecting and personal spiritual experience together paints very clear pictures, we just need to trust what we’re seeing and learning. When we explore these realities we’re sensing, we start to notice how they’re manifesting.

Forbidding free speech, shooting civilians with no cause, obviously propagandized news, wars with no possible end, deliberate poisoning, starvation and dumbing down of populations are all completely transparent. Add these next levels of technotronic and genetic morphings and the picture is as plain as day.

They’re as obvious as the desperate, flailing, and dying aberrant parasitical species that they are.

It’s kind of a conscious or spiritual symbiosis we’re experiencing as our awakening dissolves their machinations. They all work together. But ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical as “evidence” in conjunction with such obvious manifestations is why this world has devolved into its current state. Previous enlightened civilizations and earth connected tribes took this type of understanding to heart. Our current imposed paradigm does nothing of the sort.

Of course, because it only exposes their perfidy.

They Can’t Control the Shift

Their programs can’t keep up with the changes the cosmos is bringing to our planet and race. The perfect metaphor. While they’ve literally gotten away with murder for millennia and are working furiously to enforce their “programs” at so many levels, the time’s up.  We have news for you boys, you’ve been superceded, or should I say “super seeded”. The new upgraded paradigm is taking over one awakened light infused body at a time. It’s just a matter of time before your whole wicked system crashes.

The shift is moving through their lower level grip and on into massive human empowerment and transcension beyond the net they’ve laid for humanity.

It’s got to be frustrating the hell out of these creeps. Imagine, the very thing you’re trying to encase in every way possible keeps morphing before your eyes and slipping through the grate. They can throw up matrix program after program but their perceived petri dish subjects just keep finding ways to survive and grow beyond their control or even imagination. What irony the Universe has.

But again, this reality is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps it’s those who grasp this that transcend. Something to think about.

Hence the Transhumanist Agenda – Things They Think They Can Control

Humanity is getting out of hand, in their eyes. All the while we’re being empowered not only by our own awakening and resultant commitment to truth, but also by a fundamental vibrational shift we’re undergoing. No savior, no galactic battlestars. It’s us, and an organic consciousness evolution at the deepest level with a living, expanding and all enveloping Universe.

We’re awakening with Creation Itself.

Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications of such a liberating concept. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer. While this has been known for eons and is now finally being identified, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional powers and entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why genetic engineering and the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This attempt to fundamentally change human nature and the merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers. Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.

The Time the Warrior Arrives

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us but our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition. We can ignore it or respond. The sanctity of our free will cannot be violated. Either we fully awaken and get paddling and ride the wave or it crashes on us and perhaps dissipates on the shores of time for lack of recognition or response. And the whole cycle may need to be repeated. Not a nice destiny.

I don’t know.

I know I’m not coming back. I’m pretty sure I’m done with this insanity while doing my damnedest to change things this time around. If enough of us did it won’t get repeated, but time will tell. Not many seem to be willing to respond, even though their lives and their children and grandchildren’s lives are at stake as well as the future of humanity. Talk about self imposed defeat and debilitation.

But people are waking up.

Either way, the matrix will collapse over time. We have an opportunity to make it this round. Let’s take it. The true civilization of love, peace, harmony and abundance awaits manifesting.

Is it time?

I think so. It is for me.

How about you?

Love, Zen

Zen Gardner is a Guest Contributor for Shift Frequency

SF Source ZenGardner.com  July 2015

This entry was posted in Environment and tagged , , , , on July 27, 2015.

Jamye Price: There was an interesting timeline shift on 05-05-2015.

There was an interesting timeline shift on 05-05-2015.
by Jamye Price
Thursday, 7 May, 2015  (posted 8 May, 2015)

When I sat to meditate in the morning, I was shown that a collective past pain experience has healed to a new level, for humanity has grown strong enough to create a new choice, a new timeline track.  This is a direct result of the changes that we went through in April related to the shifting of dominant brain waves (easier access to Alpha and Theta), as well as the releasing of shame and other experiences that we each healed.  Because of our healing, we have opened a door into a new level of empowerment.

It was shown to me through the allegory of the Arthurian/Camelot storyline.  The aspects of humanity that the Arthurian story represent are now beginning to complete for many.  The Arthurian story has many layers of information; relationship, leadership, Avalon (dimensional overlap into sacred space), magic, dragons, and much more.  The weakness that has shifted is mind manipulation.    This effects relationship, leadership, your creativity, your ability to access your sacred space and higher dimensional frequencies.

This short channeling came through on March 12, 2007 from the energy of the collective consciousness archetype of Lady Guinevere.  It pops into my consciousness occasionally as we move into a new level of progress.  On May 5, 2015, I was shown a profound difference in this energy.  Because of the effort of many to heal within, to heal their kingdom, the manipulation of humanity no longer has the impact it had.  Are there still those manipulating?  Yes.  Are there still those susceptible to it?  Yes.  Yet a critical mass has been reached that is affecting the viability of manipulating humanity out of their personal empowerment.

It is the same battle for freedom waged centuries ago.  There is always the One that resists.  And when the hour seems darkest, the new Light emerges.  Courage is the key, for there are those that need to be led to their freedom.  And they wait for you to have their courage for them.  It is the way of it, some hear the calling from within, and some do not.  It is a new battlefield, the battlefield of the inner worldThere are those that want the labor of many, the new serfs.  It is not your destiny this serfdom.  You know not why you toil for another.  This freedom march has begun.  It is a battle that is to be taught within.  Speak the words.  Live the courage.  It is at hand.  Prepare.

There has to be a keyhole of entry in, and a key that matches it.  If you have an imbalance of need (more like desperation, not like we all ‘need’ air to breathe), you will be susceptible to the ‘key’ into your kingdom.  Your kingdom is your heart and your mind.  Your kingdom, your inner world, is your freedom.  When you are balanced, you are able to think clearly, wisely, and connectively – with your heart.  Your mind is open and quick and you are able to find new solution.  This is what the state of peace does for you.

This channeling came through on May 5, 2015.

The Mists of Avalon still sit heavy in the air, yet as you clear your brain fog you begin to see in a new way.  You cannot brazenly force your way forward, you must feel with your sight and proceed with care.  Are you being called forward, desiring to move, allowed and welcomed?  Proceed.  Your magic is within.  It will Light your way and burn back the fog of forgotten magic so commonplace.

Honor the Life around you and recognize that it will give way to receive you, it will give readily to be taken if it is received with Love.  As you honor the Life within you, All Life desires to share that sacred space.  As you hold care for what you allow within, Life seeks its own resolution to earn access to the treasure you share with those that don’t squander your value.  Choose more.  For you choose what enters your heart and mind.  You hold the keys to your inner kingdom.  Wield them well.

These are the main ‘keys to the kingdom’ that have shifted because of this new level we have reached:

Getting embittered by loss into maintaining empowerment and Love through challenge

Seeking retribution instead of (internal) resolution into finding a new win/win from challenge, always beginning from within

Duty and obligation being external control mechanisms rather than internal choiceinto compassionate, healthy boundaries of give/take

What do you do with these?  You observe yourself, you focus your internal world, your kingdom, on healing, opportunity, new possibility, more connection, new choices, reaching out to receive and give in new ways, etc.  You continue your work of healing yourself and interacting with Life from empowerment.  You start letting your heart lead you more, and let your mind follow your heart, your passion, your Love of Life and the human condition.  You shine your light brightly because you do not need to hide yourself any longer.  You let go of the past, you forgive easily and move into new creation, because you are limitless in your ability to create.  You become the spiritual warrior that knows life isn’t about fighting your way to the top, it’s about rising into being the best you that you can be.   

Posted by Jamye at 2:28 PM

Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics by Anna Merkaba

This Sheldan Nidle interview by Alexandra Meadors brings a lot of clarity to those burning questions you have… ~PB

Alexandra Meadors 3-24-15… “A Highly Informative Q & A With Sheldan Nidle: Revelations Have Changed Our Future! March 24, 2015″
Posted on 2015/03/26     by kauilapele


Thanks to William who informed me of this. Immediately upon seeing it I felt it wanted to be posted. So here it is. I have not listened to it all as yet, but I felt that many would resonate with Alexandra’s questions for Sheldan, and learn some more about what this “Sheldan Nidle” person is all about.

Published on Mar 24, 2015

You will love this interview! Sheldan Nidle and Alexandra Meadors share an informative review of some of the hottest topics reviewed by our online community. You will hear a concise recap of what is unfolding now, what was done to prompt these changes, and what we can look forward to. Sheldan and Alexandra are discussing the possibility of a monthly presentation on specific topics! Stay tuned!

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

A short update on the energies

Believe in your dreams, not your fears. ~PB

aisha north

As the days continue to shift in length and the darkness seems to linger on a little bit more each day in one half of your planet, know that there is indeed another kind of rebalancing going on, one that is far more profound than the regular shifts of the seasons. You see, this incoming light has once again managed to break through another line of defense, and when we say defense it is actually one that is found within you all. Or rather, one that used to be there, but is now being dismantled even as we speak. For this defense or perhaps we should dub it self defence is one of these innate mechanisms that mankind have relied upon for such a long time in order to safeguard themselves from any profound changes, changes that would entail for them to literally step away from all they hold true…

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