Today I had the unpleasant experience of checking my FB account only to find they had THREATENED me and accused me of SPAM for sharing a warm-hearted New-Age post by someone I found on telegram. I posted it back in SEPTEMBER and provided the telegram link to the account of that person. Suddenly TODAY nearly 2 months later, they took exception to it. (I previously was suspended for 12 hours last month sharing in May 2021 another post of hers, which had no violence, threats or uncivilized content.)  They claimed to be short staffed and thus unable to monitor except through A.I., and thus I did not have an opportunity to explain why I disagreed with them. So instead they THREATENED TO RESTRICT MY ACCOUNT ACCESS IF I BREAK THIS “SPAM” RULE AGAIN!  Here are screenshots of the response I wrote and pinned on FB, and why it matters in the fight for #FreeSpeech


Phoenix Boulay

8h  · Shared with Public


FB when I like or 💓 something I have posted, it is NOT “SPAM”!
👇see comments.


Phoenix Boulay The reason I like or💓 it is usually because I am sharing something I did not author, with an outside link, and I am weighing in that I like or love the article, etc.

You repeatedly and erroneously accuse me of “coordinating” or “spamming” by liking my own posts in some sort of vapid popularity contest. I could care less who, if anyone, “likes” or loves my posts. I am just not that shallow. I am honoring the author and crediting them with a link to the source, not claiming it as something I wrote.

Yet you have repeatedly threatened to restrict my account, and you have restricted it in the past for simply being respectful to the source of the content! I’m not claiming articles as my own. I’m simply wishing to share it, which is what I thought Facebook was all about!

Obviously because I have friends and family on Facebook I don’t want to have my account restricted or lose it considering the many years I’ve been on here, but half the time you threaten me like this, you don’t even give me adequate opportunity to respond, because you’re short-staffed or some A.I. bot made a wrong assumption about what my human heart’s intentions were!

Artificial intelligence simply cannot recognize the intention of a human heart and you need to stop judging and condemning people, based on this LACK of heart-wisdom intelligence in your AI.

This is very dangerous to be treating fellow human beings like this, subjugating us to the AI which is often wrong, and it can’t even spell half the time. It’s wrong and it’s unfair. I hope my comments asserting why I have disagreed with your decisions have been helpful to you improving the quality of your service it is because of these events that I spend more time on Telegram and it seems that you are always flagging telegram posts which are simply posts I shared that are expressions by the author of the original content.

Human beings are evolving towards a heart-centered Consciousness, and a I will never attain that.

Phoenix Boulay Be sure to read the first comment above. Maybe instead of punishing me for these imagined misdeeds and completely misinterpreted intentions, you might consider hiring me to help you correct this problem that affects so many people and turns people off to your platform, driving them to platforms like telegram, that are not just for messaging but have channels and chat groups. They only censor violence and porn. Admins deal with trolls and troublemakers, human to human.

Phoenix Boulay
Some of you don’t understand the rampant censorship that occurs on FB and twitter, and especially as relates to Geopolitics or New Age philosophy. Centrist U.S. citizens like me and Conservatives are sick of it. We resent the implication that because we are Patriotic, and love the U.S. Constitution and Rule of Law, and Pledge Allegiance to the flag/values of this once great nation, that those acts somehow makes us “domestic terrorists”, which is the other thing they like to constantly accuse us of: “coordinated harmful activity”. BULLSHIT!

It’s a SOCIAL NETWORK, so it’s normal to find like-minded people to discuss common interests with. No one I know is involved in coordinating harm, It goes against our innate philosophy of SPEAK TRUTH BUT DO NO HARM. These kind of wrong assumptions, whether by A.I. or humans, will lead to the demise of Big Tech as people get sick of the lies and unfair accusations. (I hear FB is changing their name, but to what? CCP & Company? That name would fit their “social credit score” Marxist agenda, IMHO.)

As for the New Age part, they know that by treating us unfairly, like 2nd-class citizens angers and dismays us, so it lowers our vibration, and they will do anything to stop Disclosure, The Event and Ascension…stop anything that will lead to higher consciousness, and people thinking for themselves. Stop anything that helps people raise their vibrational frequency, and attract more positive experience through the Law of Resonance.

Now when I say “they” I mean the ones behind this, I don’t specifically mean FB, since they are just a front for Deep State Cabal operatives who have infiltrated social media, the CIA, FBI, the Administration, the Courts, the Judicial system and Corporate America and more. They know they are losing the silent war, because they cannot stop the Awakening of humanity, try as they may. They can only delay. But Awakening is inevitable. Awakening is to the benefit of all of humanity. They seek to divide us by categories, but we are all in this together.

Phoenix Boulay In my phone this post shows up twice. I’m only writing on the second one not the first one. I think sometimes posts made by cellphone post twice, a glitch in the cell network, and then they think you’re trying to self-aggrandize to get more likes when it’s just a technology glitch, because when I’m on the computer the post does not show up twice even when I refresh. I think they display it this way so that you’ll delete one and when you delete one you actually delete both because there is only ONE that the technical glitch displays twice… and that is their real agenda with this “glitch”, to delete content they don’t agree with or like.

Phoenix Boulay FB I hope you have found my insights helpful so you can improve your software and user experience instead of alienating the very people who are social on your social network.

Phoenix Boulay https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/06/01/defend-say/

I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote Investigator

QUOTEINVESTIGATOR.COMI Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote InvestigatorI Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It – Quote Investigator


Redefining Truth, Conspiracy and Spirituality

Redefining Truth, Conspiracy and Spirituality

Phoenix Boulay

11 hrs

I do not agree with much of what is in this article (below), although I found the term amusing. I would re-define it and say, I am a Conspirituality Therapist, I will take you to a Deep State where you will join #TheGreatAwakening -but it won’t be a sit-back-and-relax journey, it will be a seat-of-your-pants rollercoaster ride. If only I could show you, through virtual reality goggles, take you on a trip, into my world.

The person who wrote the article seems to have gotten their definition of Conspiracy Theorist from Mainstream Mockingbird Media. No critical thinking involved there! He should talk to military personnel involved in human trafficking rescues before casting aspersions on things the MSM dismissed as looney. People are SO afraid to have a conversation about things they clearly know nothing about, perhaps because they might learn something dark that will make them uncomfortable. Easier to dismiss and feel superior. Some of the things the author mentioned are complex and can’t be explained in a 30 second soundbite, which is where normal people get their information about such things. If you take everything at face value, you will have a shallow interpretation of what is actually transpiring. I would say there are a LOT of Conspiracy Theorists who utilize critical thinking, including those in the Truther and QAnon movements, which are not at all as they have been portrayed by Mockingbird Media. Trust me, I wish I could unknow some of what I’ve learned, I wish I could unsee, unhear, some of what I’ve seen, and heard. But knowing what I know compels me to act.

While it’s true that some of the spiritual communities attract misguided souls who can’t face harsh realities and want to be “saved” (by E.Ts, Sananda or whoever). Old School New Agers know we are playing the long game and we must take action and be actively involved in planetary liberation, and that it is not about “staying positive” or overnight Nirvana, it is about working in teams, personal and group intention, consciousness, awakening and participation. For example, there are also literally MILLIONS of people that participated in one of several Mass Meditations 2 weekends ago, on April 4th/5th, with the collective intent to shift the paradigm to a positive timeline and wrestle power from the dark (Controller-Dominators /Cabal/Bad Actors) to the visionaries (The Alliance/White Hats/Good Guys).

Just because the average person doesn’t see what is obvious to millions, doesn’t mean it’s not real, doesn’t make us crazy, delusional, etc. all the words slung at us. Are we always right? No, but nobody is always right, because humans have free will, thus timelines (potential futures) can shift and play out in a different trajectory. Many of the “conspiracies” turn out to be true or have truth in them. The easiest way to find out is to follow the money. But when you do research, use a different browser than Google, they censor search results. Try it, you’ll see.There is a connection to one political party’s politicians and relatives who work in media, which partly explains part of why the media is biased. I don’t mean a few people, I mean dozens and dozens. Research it. There are also puppet-masters, wealthy individuals who thrive on controlling the masses through fear, and funding chaos and disruption, often operate slush funds under the guise of charities.

It’s not my job to educate anyone, I just share things I believe are of value, and those who understand appreciate that. Yet there is nothing more irritating then when someone with limited scope and a closed mind tries to school me on their version of “reality”. I am sick of being ridiculed and made an outcast by normal people simply because I am more observant, informed and aware. I have nothing to prove, time will tell, as it often does. The shit is about to hit the fan in this country. You will be shocked when you learn some hard truths. I was, and I’m used to this stuff! You’ve been seduced by those with their own agenda, who do NOT care about you as much as they care about their own power and wealth. There is a war for your consciousness, so wake up, Neo! It’s getting late! We need to take back our sovereignty, liberate the planet (and humanity) and co-create peace on earth!

My rant above was a response to this article  on Medium, which ignores many inconvenient truths:


Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, September 20, 2019

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message

September 20, 2019


With the young people of the world showing more and more independence and determination to bring about changes, the old regime cannot last much longer and must make way for the changes necessary to move Humanity firmly onto a new path that is opening up for them. People are sensing that changes are imminent and are eager to move onto a new path that is free from the old dictates that have become outdated. There are many souls who have incarnated at this time specifically to serve the people and help them understand what is required of them. They have a different outlook and understanding of events on Earth and know that they have an important part to play in bringing the new into being. The old energies are being played out never to return, and already the new vibrations are beginning to lift people up, and their sights are set upon creating a pathway to the New Age.



Time is running out for the old energies of confusion and disruption, and there is a new energy emerging that will leave the old vibrations behind. The time for suffering is up and in the near future a new and heartfelt approach will be taken to bring it to an end. Some souls are so involved with the old energies that they will find it hard to release themselves from them, but be assured help will be given providing they are responsive to it. Those higher Beings who oversee Humanity’s evolution are guiding you onto a path that will move you on from which you will never look back. The old ways can no longer influence your future unless you allow it, so be aware of the opportunities placed before you and take what is presented to you. Many, many souls are working hard to get you going in the right direction.


Many of you now know that you are not of the Earth and you do in fact come from a number of different sources. You all came to the Earth to learn about life and be tested, to see if you could find your way back through spiritual growth and awareness. It must be stressed that you accepted the challenge knowing that in the ultimate you would be guided back. The road has been tough and hard and through it you have become more spiritually aware and understanding, helping you to evolve to a new higher level. All will ultimately be revealed to you but has been hidden from you to allow your evolution to progress without interference.


Your governments may hide the truth from you about ET’s but it is unrealistic for them to think that they can continue doing so. You not only have ET’s working amongst you, some are revealing their identities, as it will soon be time for a worldwide newscast announcing their presence. Only a small percentage of you are aware of the truth surrounding this subject and it is time to prepare the ground for enlightenment on this subject. There is a degree of fear amongst some people who are ill informed about ET’s, which is why the whole question of making an announcement is being handled very carefully. You have had sightings and contacts with them for over 70 years when the first big ones took place, and in spite of the subject having been largely ignored by your Press people have become knowledgeable of the subject. You are no longer in isolation and it is time to meet some of your closest friends such as the Pleiadians who have guided your progress.


A great time awaits you when the remnants of the last Age can be shaken off. Already many of you are aware that major changes are afoot but few comprehend the totality of them. All that you could possibly wish for will be yours as you are projecting your wishes into the future and at some time they will manifest. So keep your focus upon all that is good and positive, and do not be distracted by what is going on around you. Changes are happening all the time around you and will continue for a long time until you have fully entered the New Age. It is not an easy process as people tend to be attached to what they have become used to for many years. However, progress marches on regardless of even the Cabal and their minions, who must yield to the overpowering need to let humanity enjoy the advances in technology that will make life so much more easier and enjoyable. Naturally some have come into being because they could no longer be held back, but many more that would considerably lift the standard of life are still waiting.


It is so evident that Mother Earth is also in the throes of massive changes that cannot be held back and the result is some discomfort for you. Having entered a new area of space she has to adjust and does it in a way that causes a minimum of damage and inconvenience to you. In the long run it will all be beneficial to you and welcomed. Your scientist can predict the coming of major changes so that the people can be forewarned and do what is necessary for their safety. Naturally progress will be monitored and ample warning given if you should be in areas that are at risk. Be assured that events on Earth are always closely monitored. It may seem incredible that you are considered to be so successful for having passed the Marker and you do not realise what a great achievement it was against all expectations. That is not to say that you were left without outside support and you can be certain that all of the time you were being assisted. You are all greatly admired for having undertaken the challenge to experience life without memory of your real background and destiny. Now it is appropriate for the truth to be gradually released and not in a way that would overpower you. However, in a manner of speaking time is no longer on your side and progress must be made so that you move with the times. One day you will look back and fully understand why matters occurred in the manner in which they did and you will not be disappointed.


In the distant future but not too far away you will realise how difficult it was to introduce new advancements and also that it was largely due to those who have vested interests in the way things are now, and are reluctant to accept change that affects them. It is understandable that having invested much time and money into developing their market they do not like the idea of change. In a minor way at present you can see that the introduction of the electric car is considered a threat to the industries that rely on the present motor trade for their income.


Everyone will ultimately gain from the changes that will take place, and the medical industry will greatly benefit from them as will those who use their services. Already things are changing at a rapid pace and it is only “money” that will delay the introduction of new methods of treatment. Not for the first time we will mention that eventually the surgeon’s knife will no longer be needed, and that should give you plenty to think about. Progress will be made regardless of any conditions that exist at present. So take heart from the future prospects and know that all will turn out well, no matter how long it takes.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



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Mike Quinsey Message, July 27, 2018


You wonder how much longer you have to wait until events start to take place as promised. The truth is that on a higher level all is in the “now” and it is difficult to pinpoint a date for an exact happening. The most that can be said is that certain ones are destined to occur regardless of any other activity, particularly attempts by the dark Ones to prevent them happening. When the higher powers declare that certain events are to take place, you may rest assured that they will. They are beyond interference from the dark Ones, and can ensure that progress follows a path that leads to success.

Progress is not exactly held up but often concealed in such a way that knowledge of it is kept from those who would interfere with it. We know that some of you cannot understand why we tolerate such actions of the dark Ones, but bear in mind that you live on a “freewill” planet and we cannot interfere with the decisions you may make. As you might say, once you have made your mind up you have to be prepared for the outcome, for “better or worse.” Of course you are prompted in such a way that you understand the likely consequences of your actions, and hopefully you will respond to the influence to take the best action in the interests of everyone.

Regretfully, whilst a certain degree of chaos is taking place, people can be rushed into making rash decisions, and the turmoil continues. However, you are slowly leaving the old vibrations behind and with the improvements particularly through the higher vibrations, the trend will continue in a lessening of the negative activities until they will eventually cease altogether. It is all to do with your destiny, and having passed the marker there is a whole new vista ahead of you. You are already in year five of the New Age and soon you can expect to learn more about the changes that are already beginning to have an impact upon you and your Earth. Looking way ahead you are destined to enter higher vibrations in a new area of space. Some will be afraid of the “unknown” but be assured that all changes and effects of them will be to your liking.

You will no doubt be aware that some of the big national companies are in some cases struggling to keep afloat. They are having to size down to keep afloat, and some groups are reducing their numbers to also ensure they keep afloat. Clearly these are unwelcome changes, yet they cannot be avoided as there is something of a “sink or swim” situation to be faced. The changes are a sign of the times you are experiencing, and in the far future will be seen as a precursor to those changes to smaller and more manageable businesses. Of course you will see problems ahead, but in the meantime there will be gradual changes along with new technologies that will enable you to eventually become completely independent. You have a saying ”small is beautiful” and so it is, as you will eventually find out.

So what should you do whilst the changes are progressing, and the simple answer is focus more on your own needs and live up to your intent to lift up your vibrations, assuming of course you are pressing for personal Ascension. Of course you should in any event be working towards the same goal, and human nature means that you are always seeking a way to evolve more quickly. However, you will need a lot of help and guidance if you are unaware of the way your lives are set up, and organised to give you opportunities to evolve. Clearly progress is much more likely if you too are aware of how your life plan is set up to advance your spiritual progress. You have to be awakened spiritually and understand how much help is given once you have become aware of your true self. It follows that every soul eventually wakes up to their true selves, and realizes that they are much more than just their physical body, and that there is no such thing as death inasmuch that all souls are immortal.

Few people have the full story as to what is happening at present to make it possible to take a great leap forward. So much is at the ready as progress takes place and short of announcing the great changes that are held in abeyance, little information can be released until it is totally safe to do so. You have come a long way to reach this position, and no announcements will be released yet to reveal what is taking place that is positive and certain to uplift humanity. Slowly but surely those of the Light have taken over important positions that must be in their control to enable the final thrust to be made. Victory is in sight and what a joyous time that will be, and celebrations will be in order.

You who are incarnate upon Earth at this time, number amongst those who can be considered as privileged to have been chosen at such a special time. Your presence will help stabilize the Earth and at the same time help the vibrations to rise. You will undoubtedly have already lifted up your vibrations, and can help create peace and harmony through your presence. You have looked everywhere for God and it has been quite a revelation for most to know God is inside each soul, and has been there all of the time. God loves all of his creations without exception, and God’s love is all encompassing and eternal and God bears no judgment where human souls are concerned, God is the embodiment of Universal Love. God is All that Is.

The mysteries of life are too complicated for most people’s understanding at their present levels. However, each soul is enlightened according to their present needs and their Guides are always ready to advance their understanding when it is apparent that they are ready. Every care is taken not to move things forward too quickly to give time for new information to be fully understood. There is no sense of trying to rush matters, and each soul will travel their chosen path at whatever speed suits them.

It is worth bearing in mind that as you go through each incarnation, you take on many different personalities. You gain experience in as many ways that are possible, meaning that you will be a man or woman according to what best brings you the experience you need to further your evolution. Often you will incarnate with those who have been part of your family in previous lives, but not necessarily in the same roles. You are no doubt starting to realise that great care is taken to ensure that your life plan is well suited to your needs. Having agreed to one you nevertheless still have the option of exercising your freewill, but at all times will be encouraged by your Guides to fulfil your agreed plan.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to: www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/new_subscribe.html

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, February 23, 2018


The future is in the hands of every soul, whilst some will project specific changes that they would welcome, others simply wish for the better without necessarily being specific. The net result is that as a Human collective you will determine what the future holds for you. You have already been informed of new advancements that have in the meantime been developed and simply await the right time to be introduced. Be aware that there will always be those who try to hold onto the old ways, so be assured that progress cannot be stopped. You are in a new cycle and with it will come many changes that will affect various aspects of life. The trials and tribulations of the old cycle will not return, and you have everything to gain that will lift up the quality of your lives. You had effectively been kept in a time warp and denied many improvements that you have since become aware of, that cannot be denied you for much longer.

However, no real progress will be made until specific changes take place concerning certain people and the positions they hold in authority. Things cannot move on whilst those that have a different agenda cling to the old paradigm, and if necessary enforced changes will have to take place. To that end the Light workers have been removing many of the dark Ones to make the changes easier, but it is those who command authority in high places that are harder to remove. However, progress is being made and the most important changes will take place in due course. Nothing can stop the vibrations from continuing to rise up, and these are affecting the whole Human Race, that is gradually leaving the old ways behind. In time, anything or anyone holding on to the old lower vibrations will have to change or be moved to another path that reflects their level of evolution.

Slowly but surely your friends from other dimensions will now be able to visit you, whereas previously most of them were stopped so as to not “interfere” with your evolution. Again, because you have progressed beyond 2012 you have proved that many of you are ready to meet them. You have already been given information regarding your mentors – the Pleiadians and they too will meet you as and when it is appropriate. You are entitled to start feeling excited at the thought of what is being lined up for you to experience. It should make all of your previous experiences well worthwhile.

As Human Beings you have much more to learn about yourselves, because you are immortal Beings having had hundreds of lives, yet shielded from knowing about them so that you could concentrate on the challenges before you. You took on an important one that meant you had to rise up into the Light, from a position where you were in a lower vibration. Sufficient of you were successful, so much so that the marker of 2012 was passed. Relatively speaking, the few have exceeded expectations and all have benefitted from it. You really cannot yet comprehend what a wonderful, even amazing achievement it was, after previous cycles when you were unsuccessful. You can feel elated because you now have an easier path that will be full of wonderful surprises.

So what should you do in the meantime, and the answer is to firmly set your sights on Ascension, and ignore the distractions of the remaining dark Ones as their power is diminishing all of the time. You are now heading for the greater Light that in your perception is changing in a way that will be wonderfully acceptable and uplifting. Times will become joyful events as the darkness disappears all together, and you exist in a glorious Light and you will feel the love it emanates. By then you should also have a closer link with Higher Beings of Light who will help you reach the next stage in your evolution. You will always be experiencing and learning of new things, so that one day they will make you an entirely independent Galactic Being.

Knowing that happiness and joy beckon it will give you the strength to see yourself through the remaining days, until you will be lifted up. Your future will be so different to what you are presently familiar with that in some ways it is almost impossible to describe. To have perfect health, a body that does not age, to create for your own needs, and be relatively free to move around by the power of thought, must sound a very attractive idea. Think big and the more you do so, the quicker you will reach that level of existence. Encased in the cocoon of lower vibrations you rarely sensed your true potential, yet many felt that there was a lot more to life than they were experiencing. You are now in a position to increase your awareness and understanding as your consciousness grows with your ever increasing vibrations.

You have an incredible potential to be whatever you wish, and there need be no limit to your ambition. You are becoming free from earlier life plans that were needed to enable you to rise up out of the lower vibrations. However, you will still be able to get guidance from those who could tell you what would be the most sensible and rewarding path for you to take. Now you have evolved into the higher levels, you will have more freewill to choose which path to take. Through your achievements you have gained the trust of those around you and more of them will be now able to openly contact you. It will help speed up your evolution, and you will have a much better idea of which direction you wish to go in. With the helpful advice of your Guides, you can be sure that you will find the right choice for this particular time.

Things on Earth at present do appear to be in a muddle with no clear sign of which direction Humanity is going in, yet behind the scenes there are those who have the power to mould the future. At all times great Beings oversee Humanities progress and ensure that karmic reasons apart, you do follow a path that furthers your evolution. Clearly you do have an input, but in acknowledging the guidance of those who can see the greater picture, you will almost certainly follow their advice. In fact at all stages of your development you have help and advice, and are never left without someone to turn to if you need help.

Time continues to slowly change as the new cycle unfolds, and pulls away from that which is of the old energy. People that are unaware of reason for what is happening feel unsettled, and the future is just waiting to be revealed that should leave people in no doubt that New Age has truly commenced. The dark Ones are losing power rapidly but will fight until the last hour when they may capitulate. Certainly they are being severely weakened by the continuing arrest of their minions. Because of the nature of what is being done in relative secrecy, it is difficult to get updates on the progress being made, but it is clearly diminishing the power of the dark Ones.

This message comes through my Higher Self and I leave you with love and blessings.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.
Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at
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Mike Quinsey Message, February 02, 2018

Mike Quinsey Message, February 02, 2018  

The momentum is building up that will hasten the first changes, heralding the beginning of the introduction of new measures that will signal the New Age is really under way. There is an underlying sense of urgency so that the new can begin to replace the old that has now served its purpose, and is no longer suitable for peoples current needs. The old ways of confrontation will be replaced by the urge to move on and settle old issues in an amicable manner, without the use of force or threats of retaliation. Changes must come very soon and people will look up to the bigger powers to set a good example of peaceful co-operation.

Major decisions will be necessary to change the role of the armed forces, that will be looked upon as the peacekeepers of the future. Universal agreements will have to be made to run down the arms race and war activities must cease, and eventually will be unnecessary as all countries agree on a peaceful coexistence. It will take time to achieve but such changes, are coming, regardless of present feelings about the need to be prepared for warlike actions. The idea of war is in any event no longer an option, and those who harbour such thoughts will find that their attempts will be rejected and blocked.

Humanity has moved on from the days of old and realises that there is more to life than the continual wars that have filled your history books. The many lessons that needed to be learnt have long gone since you passed the marker, and it is time to reject anything that goes against the idea of peaceful cooperation. The warmongers will be gradually removed from their positons of authority and power, and new appointments will be made of people that are more suited to handle the welcome changes that will bring world peace. Be assured that the plans for changes will go ahead, and pave the way for a peaceful and settled society that can enjoy their new found freedom and happiness.

The sooner people realise that they have a wonderful opportunity to plan their own path to Ascension, the sooner they will benefit from the opportunities that are now waiting to be taken. The baggage that you carried with you from the last cycle is no longer a hindrance, and the path ahead is straight and uncomplicated. Set your sights upon your objective and head straight for Ascension. Let no one or anything else delay your progress, and be assured that as time passes the tasks you face will become easier. You simply cannot be affected by anyone else unless you allow it, so be determined to go all of the way with complete confidence. This New Age allows for others to help you on your way, and you will find that your Guides will come close to you should help be required. There is a parting of the ways with those of the dark Forces and it means that your progress will become easier with little or no difficulty, and those who would delay your progress will be unable to prevent your success.

Humanity has been patiently waiting for what should be the first of many beneficial changes. At present it covers revaluation of the currencies commencing with the Zim, and all appears to be ready and waiting for the signal to commence. The set-up has required some extensive arrangements that have been no mean task, as will the eventual changes that will be brought all together. Timing is of the essence as no mistakes can be allowed to occur, and each transaction must be fluid and above board. It will all be seen as well worth waiting for, and as the first of many changes that will bring the New Age into your reality.

So much is lined up ready to propel you into a new era that you have been hearing about for quite a long time. Some still do not grasp the fact that war and all that is associated with such actions, is going to be gradually phased out as it has no place in the higher vibrations. Also the people have spoken and made the necessary changes that entitle them to live without the threat of war. As the vibrations continue to lift up so the negative actions will begin to cease. The all-powerful Light will however still continue to bring about changes where the vibrations have been at their lowest. Before long a point will be reached when the lower energies can no longer exist at the new level, and absolute peace will descend upon Earth.

Many people are still uncertain of where they stand and cling to that which is familiar. However, what is coming is so far removed from what you experience now, and in every respect will be a great advancement to what you are familiar with. Life will be made so much easier than it is now, inasmuch that you will not spend so much time providing for your daily needs, as you will have devices that create exactly what you need and that includes food items that you use on a daily basis. There is almost no limit to what you can “create” and that includes clothing and other essentials.

You will quickly become independent and consequently have so much more time for yourself and the pursuit of your interests. Travel will also be possible to anywhere in the world in next to no time by methods that are yet to be introduced. Much is being worked upon that will greatly uplift your quality of life, but perhaps you will put a longer life top of your list, as with the higher vibrations comes less in the way of aging until eventually it does not happen at all. Obviously not all of these changes will come overnight but you have so much to look forward to, as you are destined to become Galactic Beings.

Many of you are going all of the way to Ascension, and if it is your ambition project it as your strong belief and you will be helping to make it become your reality. The fact that the vibrations are continuing to lift up means you will also be doing the same, providing you maintain your focus upon your goal and do not allow anything negative to pull your vibrations down. It may sound like a hard challenge, but providing you keep to your task you will find yourself becoming stronger and more purposeful with comparative ease. Never lose sight of the fact that at all times you have your Guides in attendance who will do their best to keep you on track. They are always near to you so invite them to accompany you on your path to Ascension.

If you doubt your own ability to stay the course to Ascension, bear in mind that you have earnt this opportunity to ascend, and although some souls can do it in comparative isolation, the upliftment in vibrations that has taken place since 2012 is an opportunity for any soul to rise up. However you must apply yourself to the task, and with help and firm intent there is no reason why you should not reach your goal. However, you cannot take others with you who have not sufficiently raised their vibrations. Stay positive and if you can also help others on the way, so be it.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.




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Wake up Call: Horus, January 21, 2018

Wake up Call: Horus, January 21, 2018
by Nancy Tate

I’m going to let you know what is coming for the people to begin to open more more and more. They will find that there is more to this life on earth than they had originally thought in this lifetime. They will begin to open up to what they know to be the reality of life on this earth and how it will become the way to live in so many instances. This is what is called the beginning of the new age of miracles, and we are all awaiting the fullness of being able to work with you and set the table for the brightness of truth to spread forth and become the everyday appearance of the way it is around the universe and about to be on this planet earth.

I am here this morning in order for you all to be able to comprehend what is taking place around the world and the intervention of being able to accept the funds that are awaiting distribution. It is a matter of all of the obstacles to be removed that would be interference once the funds have begun to be released. It is a matter of all of those who have been in service only to themselves to be removed and returned to their origins in order for them to be cleared of the old energy they have been operating in. Then they will be released back to the freedom they came from and allowed to move forth in the Love energy from which they were created. You all had agreements to walk the paths that were planned for the transmission of what could be experienced on earth, and then to claim the right to be able to return to your origins, observe what was expressed, and then be able to move forth in the Love energy in a way that all of us know is the purity of that Love in peacefulness, and joy that is the purity of The Creator in every moment.

Today is the beginning of the newness of what I have been speaking. I say that because today is the expression of every day, and every day is every moment of the expression of the clearing of the old and the return to the new moments of expression that are upon us all. It is a matter of us all being told what we are experiencing is the old way of being, and how we are beginning to release that old way and allow our momentary expression to move forward in the way we are already creating.

We are all one, and as we see this in every step we take, we will be able to move forward in a way that gives us the Oneness in expression of ourselves and each other in a way that we have long forgotten is our natural, harmonic way of life. As we do this it will all come together in a way that shows us that what we have been experiencing on earth has contributed to what we realize has been a gift to us in the momentary expression of how to live in the harmony that we all knew was the way we would be forever in peace, joy and Love of all existence. In that way, we will all move forward in that energy in ways that we will create that we have only just begun to bring to our lives in this moment.

That is my message for this day, and I know that it will awaken some of you to what it is that you will find an answer for in at least one question you’ve had in these recent times of change. I am pleased at your expression of how you are bringing to your lives the answers that you have been looking for. Love is all there is, and you are fully in it in this moment of truth within, that you express forth in your life of Love.

Thank you dear Horus,

Much Love, Nancy Tate


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Thanks, from Nancy Tate

Doreen Virtue changes her message. Here are my thoughts.

Doreen Virtue changes her message. Here are my thoughts.

Although I will continue to follow Doreen Virtue, who has helped multitudes of people around the world with her psychic gifts, it looks like she may no longer be posting the weekly Divine Guidance/Angel Messages, so I will not necessarily be posting her new “Heart to Heart with Doreen Virtue” (Jesus/Bible messages), after this one, because they do not resonate with me. However, I feel much gratitude for her body of work, and I continue to use her cards, self-healing videos and podcast meditations. I have great respect for her, although her views differ from mine.

Her recent contact with Jesus and subsequent changes she has made has stirred much controversy in both the New Age and Christian communities. HOWEVER, DOREEN VIRTUE HAS NOT “DENOUNCED” EVERYTHING, as she explains in this video. She points out that many of the rumors are not true, so she has taken the time to explain what has transpired in her life.  I think it is best to listen to Doreen express her own views in these 2 videos before passing judgment.

Heart to Heart with Doreen Virtue: Trust in the Lord


IMHO, the difference between “fortune-tellers” and someone sharing their psychic spiritual gifts from God is INTENTION. Doreen has always had only the best of intentions, so that has not changed. What has changed is now that she has come to understand her gifts on a deeper level, she knows she must make sure God is the source of her messages before sharing them. She mentions towards the end of the video that God and Jesus do not want us to JUDGE others. Here is Doreen’s full statement, along with the video that she posted last week on her FB page:



as well as on YouTube:


Doreen describes her experiences with Jesus


Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 21, 2017


Can you believe that you are over half way through the present year. If ever you needed proof of the special times you are now in you need look no further. Changes are likely to come thick and fast that will propel you into the New Age, so that you can enjoy the advantages and benefits to be gained. Nothing will stop them coming into being and as you must know by now, the ultimate is to reach the point when Ascension will occur. We see the whole picture as all is in the “Now” and can assure you that all proceeds well and in accordance with the plan set by great Beings who monitor and follow your progress. Some souls will not be ready to ascend and that is to be expected, and their path is also planned to ensure they continue to evolve. It is one that meets their needs and enables them to continue evolving. All of you at some stages in your evolution are guided by Higher Beings, who are dedicated to their work that will not cease until all of the Human Race has ascended.
You are at a time in the new cycle when it is being established, which is why many of you seem to be getting nowhere fast. The turmoil and upsets experienced are all part of the changes that are getting rid of the old so that it can move forward into the higher vibrations. You have one foot in the 3rd dimension and the other one in the 4th dimension and before long both will be in the higher 4th dimension, and all of the problems associated with the lower vibrations will have been left behind. It is a slow but positive transition that requires no action on your part beyond doing all you can to maintain a high level of vibration. That requires a dedicated approach to your actions to ensure that you are positive in all of them. Negativity and fear will only pull your vibrations down so you must endeavor to avoid getting involved in situations that may create it. Keep calm and help to raise the vibrations by keeping your own steady, and send out loving thoughts where you find discord or negativity.
The truth of your history has been deliberately withheld and distorted to keep you in the control of the Illuminati. However, it is no longer possible to hold it back and it is slowly being made known to you. The history of Man is quite different to what you have been led to believe, and in the last century many archaeological findings point to a different path of evolution than the one traditionally accepted. Big establishments have been part of the cover up, and many finds that would have had a great bearing on your understanding have been hidden from you. For example in the last 100 years or so, many finds have revealed the existence of giants upon your Earth. In biblical times reference has been made to them as being very tall and having red hair, and tombs of such giants have been found in the Utah Mountains.
One of the most incredible finds in the 1920’s were in a burial ground in the west of Catalina Island, when several thousand skeletons were found of a blonde haired race over 7 feet tall. They were evidently also a fair skinned race of high intelligence, and their King was 9 feet 2 inches tall. Many artefacts were also found including the remains of a megalithic “Stonehenge Era” Temple. You might ask what happened to the evidence and why is so little is known about such a discovery. There were also skeletons of 8/9 feet tall giants who ruled in America a long time ago, and from their artifacts it was obvious they were also very intelligent. They also found a room holding the preserved remains of extinct animals such as dinosaurs, and that gives an indication of how old the remains must be. It is clear that many species of Man have existed over a very soon long period of time, and the truth of your past cannot be denied or hidden much longer.
The list could go further but the point has been made regarding your “lost” history. The most remarkable conclusion has been made based upon evidence found and recorded, indicating that at one time Giants even existed that were up to 70 feet tall. Yet the skeletons were Humanlike and clearly have a place in your evolutionary chart. Even in recent times your more open and aware historians have realized that so much evidence still exists that proves the real history of Man. It is important to understand the facts of your evolution from which you will realise that you have had earlier Solar Cycles where you had reached a highly evolved stage. They ended and then another Cycle began which as it developed took you further than you had progressed previously. So now you are about to reap the rewards of having greatly advanced your evolution to a point where you have the greatest opportunity to ascend. Every effort you make to prepare for Ascension will be worth every experience you have gone through. It is a wonderful time in spite of the happenings on Earth, and bear in mind that you and Mother Earth are ascending together. A new Earth and a new you, what better way to make progress and at last leave the heavy cloying vibrations that have been a continual challenge. Yet you have persevered and will joyously claim your place in the higher vibrations, and enjoy release from the demands on you that have made life extremely difficult at times. You are nearly ready to ascend and many old friends and relations are waiting to lovingly greet you and welcome you back. You will soon forget the traumas of your recent lives on Earth, and enjoy peace and harmony that will seem like utter bliss compared to your time in the lower vibrations.
As you have often been informed, no experience is wasted as each one that bears any importance on your life has been planned and enacted to give you the experiences you need to evolve. It is therefore advisable if possible to make your peace with anyone you have had problems with and sort them out. You can only do so much in this respect but having tried you can rest easily knowing that you have done your best. Look upon life experiences as though you are in a play and when the curtain comes down all involved can go back to their normal lives. After all, karma is like playacting and you keep on repeating it until you get it right. Your ego’s can be demanding but they have been built up by you and can also be brought into harmony and peace by you.
If you are reading messages like this one you are clearly well on the path to Ascension, having already expanded your consciousness beyond what you may call the normal level. As time progresses it should become clear that a divide is taking place between those who are preparing themselves for Ascension, and those who have not yet lifted themselves up. It should not be assumed that sources such as this one are the only means of preparation or the only pathway, there are many people with good intentions who have their own way of expressing them. Beautiful souls can appear in any walk of life so accept those who follow a different path to you.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at

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Thanks, from Nancy Tate
You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,
for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 07, 2017

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 07, 2017

These are times when the truth can no longer be hidden by the various countries involved in exploration in the Antarctica. So much has been discovered under the ice that they would rather no one else knew about, but the enormity of their finds is such that it is impossible to keep it all secret. Humanity deserves to know the truth of its past and a correct version of its history. The problem is that all countries are trying to obtain advantages over each other by keeping their discoveries to themselves. It would be exciting for you to learn of your true past that many people would find so unbelievable they would consider it to be fiction.

The truth is a rare commodity amongst the various governments of the world, but it will have to change as they are accountable to you for their actions. History is being uncovered that will take you back further than the last Ice Age and reveal advanced civilisations of that period. You are by comparison living in the Dark Ages, and even so have only made great steps forward largely because of alien technology. However, all is not lost when it comes to advancing your civilisation to a point that it should have reached by now, as many technologies and new inventions are ready to be given to you at the earliest opportunity. They will enable you to take a great leap forward into what will truly be the New Age.

When you all incarnated upon Earth you knew that you would be severely tested, but at the same time would also eventually benefit from great advances that would result in you living in peace and enjoying life. It is as you might say “tying up the loose ends” from one of the darkest periods in Mans history, that will have no place in the future so it is necessary to clear away the old vibrations to make way for the new. As individuals you can all make a difference by maintaining your vibrations so as not to be affected by things going on around you. Your presence will help uplift others who are unaware as to why there is disruption in their lives. For some people changes result in fearful consequences and attract the lower vibrations to them.

Be assured once again that you are always being protected by your Guides, but they have to respect your freewill although they will do their utmost to influence you for the best outcome. Sometimes they have to leave you to it when problems arise, as for karmic reasons it may be your place to work things out. However, in most situations they can help you along and work with you to obtain the most desirable result. You will most likely have heard the saying that “what you do to others you do to yourself” and it is explained through the Law of Attraction. It means that for every action there is a reaction and it is called karma. It can be either positive or negative it makes no difference, so be careful what you do to your fellow travelers.

Without a life plan it would be aimless and lack purpose, whereas every soul has one that is decided before incarnation takes place. Most souls believe that they are creating their own pathway, but it is pre-planned to ensure you experience as intended. You are all looking for soul growth and aiming for the time when you can finish your travels in the lower dimensions. Very few religions teach the truth regarding reincarnation, and you should be told of your need to continue raising your vibrations through each life you have on Earth, as you cannot move into the higher dimensions until you reach the required higher level of vibration. It is why the emphasis is on putting every effort into your life’s work to rise up.

Life can seem to be very hard depending on how much you have to learn. When those key times arrive it is important that you try to understand what lessons are to be learnt, as they are extremely important to your future. Should you successfully handle them there is no reason why they should ever have to be repeated, but if you fail the reasons will be discussed so that when another opportunity comes up you are more prepared to handle it. No matter how much a soul drops down there is always a way back and many higher Beings will give you every help. The aim is to enable every soul to sufficiently grow in consciousness so that they can rise up in vibrations and ascend. So never give up and know that help is always there for you, but sometimes it has to be first requested to avoid interfering with your freewill.

Bear in mind that you will get what you need to fulfil your life plan, and that it is not necessarily what you want. Just be aware that events will come into your life as they are needed to ensure you have every opportunity to make progress. If you miss out the first time around you will always get a further opportunity to succeed. Also know that your thoughts and actions attract like energies so you must guard against idle thoughts. Try to project pure and positive thoughts at all times and do not wish harm upon another soul. Every ones karma will ensure that they account for their negativity and learn lessons from it.

When communities were first formed it was the beginning of cooperation between people from different areas or even countries. It happened when it was realised that great benefit would be gained by drawing people together and sharing their knowledge and abilities. It was a great step forward that grew very quickly and eventually led to townships being formed. Today you have great cities that have served the people well, yet as new ideas are expressed it is apparent that people are now at crossroads. The old ways no longer seem to be able to meet peoples requirements, yet moving into a new direction seems to be beyond a Governments ability. It is compounded by financial systems that are not up to the purposes for which they are needed, and life has stagnated without any real direction to go into.

Changes are called for, but where are the people who can understand what is needed and have the ability to get things done. Whilst matters stay in a chaotic condition little will change until the right people with foresight and determination come forward. Yet so much is being done on a small scale by many individuals that will pave the way for a sudden change in your fortunes. It is a time when those who will lead you need to take some bold steps forward and take charge of a new way of life. You need direction and leadership of the right kind that will take charge of events on Earth. It is planned, and very soon there will be many changes that will propel you into a New Age.

There is much work to be done and once Mankind senses that there is a plan to lift him up, a wonderful period of cooperation will commence without the presence of those who would destroy your achievements and prevent change. The beneficial changes are already being discussed and with the right people in charge will go ahead. The timing is dependent upon many factors but be assured that changes are imperative, and they will come regardless of any attempts to stop them.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.


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