Dorothy Morgan: Making Space for what is Next May 27 – June 2 Astrology Forecast

Making Space for what is Next May 27 – June 2 Astrology Forecast

Published on May 23, 2019

Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer – Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003. She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner. She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year. Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month. Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.

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Jacqueline Lasahn: Aquarius Lunar Eclipse: Free Your Wings

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse: Free Your Wings

“Every Individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the whole universe.” Alan Watts

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse: Free Your Wings

Take a leap and fly towards the sun,
the sky is a door.
Go and let go.

Freedom is not for the chosen few.

No patience for untangling the web.
Persistence of vision
through the labyrinth of mirrors.

The speed of light will free your wings
as you step into the unknown.
Go and let go.

Your breath and the universe are one.

“I’ll tell you right now, the doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door; if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much that you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Lunar Eclipse Aquarius. Jacqueline Lasahn, Intuitive Astrologer
Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

July 27, 2018 1:20 pm PDT

Eclipses are always a bit or a lot strange, eh? The irrational is enhanced and we find ourselves in a particularly unstable time.

Emotions are aroused and seek expression, although there is rationalization, distancing or difficulty in expressing feelings and many are apt to “act out” rather than “feel in”.

Impulsiveness runs high and perhaps there are a series of circumstances when caution is thrown into the wind and we just have to run with it.

The eclipse axis in air and fire may result in…..

read the rest HERE

D.L. Zeta: Summer’s Sound and Fury: the Cancer Solar Eclipse joins Retrograde Blitz | Celestial Vision

Summer’s Sound and Fury: the Cancer Solar Eclipse joins Retrograde Blitz by D.L. Zeta | Celestial Vision

The energies of today’s partial solar eclipse in Cancer are in full force now, bouncing off this summer’s powerful retrogrades and other energies. These energies are bringing life-altering change to our doorsteps while tossing new potentials and challenges into the mix. The energies of the solar eclipse have been filtering in these past few weeks and will dominate until the August 11 solar eclipse. The July 27 lunar eclipse will amplify the themes of this week’s solar eclipse.

Mercury joins a slate of other retrograde planets from July 25 to August 19, adding issues of communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment to the mix. There is the potential to become vague and error prone during this time and the energies could sideswipe us in any areas where we are out of balance. We are asked during Mercury retrograde to go within and commune with our higher self.

There is a bigger picture to the major shifts taking place this summer. We are truly entering a new phase of the changes that began in recent years, manifesting the next level of the new earth.

Manifestation is a big word this year.  This is truly a time to remember that when you ask you shall receive.  You will need to see through the swirling chaos and shifting energies with your inner eyes to step past the illusion that may feel more dense than usual.

Manifesting works when you ask for what you see for yourself and acknowledge that what you seek is for the highest good of all.  Align your dreams and wishes with the highest good, ask and open to receive.  Be sure to include the well-being of all living things in your requests.  Hold ill will toward no one.  Allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. When you stand firmly in your purpose everything is possible now.

This is a good time to study your astrology chart to gain insights into your purpose and understand the possibilities and challenges currently on your individual path. This year’s planetary retrogrades make for a time of spiritual contemplation.  Fast, go on retreats, set off on a journey to discover your true path. Ask your higher self to bring you daily guidance and wisdom.  When you ask for answers to the issues before you and open to receive the universe will bring what you need.

This is a year for generous deeds and doing good work.  Forgive the past, forgive yourself.  Neptune is currently retrograde, providing a wonderful opportunity to see the world with new eyes.  Crystal clarity brings certainty.  Light shines through clouds of self-doubt.  Meditate to see the world with your inner eyes.  Everything that seemed daunting and complex in the past appears simple from this perspective.  Any way in which you have been deluding yourself falls away.  Truth shines on us like the morning sun.  During this time it’s important to be willing to see what lies beneath the surface.  Read between the lines, listen to the spaces between words.  Expand your field of vision.  Things are possible now that may have seemed beyond your reach in the past.

The fiery Mars retrograde brings the potential for flare ups and eruptions.  Mars retrograde combined with this week’s partial solar eclipse in Cancer sets the stage for a possible crisis that affects a relationship, an event or your sense of self.  This potent cocktail of energies could trigger deeply buried subconscious fears from earlier in this life and from past lives.

Events unfolding now may seem fated.  Old patterns may reappear.  Everyone now will need to practice patience as the heated energies push our buttons. This can be an emotionally painful time. On the other side of this period we will enter an energetically tranquil time that resembles the calm after the storm.

This week’s solar eclipse is powerfully opposed by Pluto, the planet of transformation.  This is the time to transform things in your life that are holding you back.  With this eclipse in Cancer, we may find its affects centered on our home life, relationships, intimacy, safety and security and creativity. Emotional sensitivity may rule this passage and we may find our intuition off the charts.   This is a time for hard work and perseverance in order to activate the potentials of this eclipse.

This solar eclipse signals the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.  The influence of a solar eclipse generally lasts six months but the August 11 solar eclipse will supersede this week’s eclipse.

This is a good time to examine old patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving your highest good.  You’re able to gain traction in leaving behind old ways of being and start anew.  When you release limitation and open to new, creative ways of moving forward, the universe supports and assists you.  Writing down intentions and desires can be especially powerful during this time.

It is important during this time to welcome changes that arise.  Events now are helping you gain awareness of destructive habits and behaviors.  Some events now will happen outside your control.  This is to help you realize you don’t need complete control over others or your environment.  You may feel a bit bruised by this eclipse and the energies of this time but if you open to the changes unfolding you will find blessings beyond what you may have imagined.

The fact that opposing Pluto is in retrograde figures into the mix. Pluto urges you to transform the negative, destructive or limiting part of your life. Right now, Pluto is asking us to reflect on issues of power and control.  Let go of any ways you have controlled or manipulated others. Let go of others who have sought to control or manipulate you.  This is not the time to indulge in power trips.  This is a time to release.  It will come become clear this month which habits, addictions or prejudices you need to release.

It becomes more important than ever to stand up for your rights.  Overcome adversity, addiction or illness.  This is a time when you are able to transform a personal crisis into a success and a turning point that changes the course of your life.  A crisis could bring awareness of ways you have held yourself back from realizing the happiness and success you seek.  Powerful forces are playing a role in our lives now. The way forward is to surrender your power and control to a higher force.  Trust your instincts and higher guidance.

Posted on Friday, July 13, 2018 at 01:19AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Emotional Independence – December 2017 Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher

Emotional Independence – December 2017
Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher

Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect this way with you again. December is a big transitional month and we have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

The first few days of December will offer us a quiet and contemplative space that will give us the opportunity to reflect on the past year, our present reality, and the next steps to take to get ready for all that’s coming up in the new year.

Fine-Tuning Our Reality

As we move into the first few weeks of December, this is the perfect time to fine-tune our intentions and choices, to ensure that they are aligned with what we truly desire to create more of in our lives.

All of our experiences, whether they feel easy or challenging, provide powerful feedback that allows us to be completely clear on what we do or do not want to create more of.

When we view each experience as an opportunity to fine-tune our reality—feedback that lets us know whether or not something feels enjoyable and expansive to us—then challenges no longer become something that hold us back. They then become something that helps propel us forward.

It also then becomes much easier to operate as the empowered observer, rather than the disempowered reactor.

When we become the empowered observer, it’s much easier to free ourselves from the stories, attachments, and resistance the mind identifies with to keep itself safe and comfortable—to hold back from having to change anything.

As we view all of our experiences as pure feedback, the old patterns of being hard on ourselves, others, and the Universe begin to dissolve, because we no longer operate from a reactive space, but a neutral, empowered one.

Knowing that every moment gives us the chance to fine-tune our reality allows a sacred openness to enter our lives that creates more flow, joy, and ease.

December offers us the opportunity to resolve and let go of any extra cargo we’ve been carrying around with us that may have been slowing us down or holding us back from receiving the beauty and blessings life always makes available to us.

This extra baggage can include unhealthy relationships, thoughts, patterns, jobs, environments, and anything else not aligned with your highest vision, and you with theirs.

Mercury Retrograde: A Time to Create Emotional Freedom

Mercury will be in retrograde from December 3 to December 22. Even though Mercury in retro can be a challenging time in some ways, under the surface noise, it is actually a great time for letting go of the extra cargo we have been carrying, and the struggle associated with it.

This is because those 19 days offer us a great opportunity to let go of codependence—needing others to be or act a certain way, before we can be happy.

It is vital that we take responsibility for our own happiness, and no longer depend on others saying or doing what we prefer so that we can feel safe or satisfied on an ego level. Because when we become codependent in our relationships, it’s easy to lose our sense of self.

Taking full responsibility for our own happiness means we are no longer seeking it in other people or outer circumstances. That is the way to true freedom!

Of course, the mind’s defenses always like to tell us otherwise.

It will often come up with excuses, such as, “But I have to stick with this job I dislike, because I don’t have time to look for another job, and it pays well!”

Or, “I love my partner and want to be with them. It’s not my fault that I get unhappy when they don’t act the way I need them to.”

None of this unusual. We see situations such as these in others, and we see them in ourselves. Yet these beliefs are simply an easy way to not take full responsibility for our own happiness.

The mind will also tell us sometimes that if we are emotionally independent, we will end up alone.

This leaves us spending our time trying to please others, or looking for ways for them to please us. That drive to shape outer events until we feel safe then becomes our biggest motivation in life.

And that only results in letdown and sadness, and the constant, unsettled feeling that only the things outside of ourselves can make us happy.

These ideas can be hard to face. But it’s important to be truthful with ourselves and face our old patterns, so we can heal them completely!

It doesn’t have to be hard to create emotional independence. We simply need to learn to turn within to find our core emotional strength, instead of looking for it outside of ourselves.

To start building a healthy emotional independence, we can begin now to:

  1. Let go of the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect
  2. Make our well-being a priority, by consistently giving ourselves self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance
  3. Release the need to always be right, and to have to prove ourselves
  4. Change up our daily routines every few days, to keep our energy fresh and enlivened
  5. Find ways to include creative expression, fun, and play into every day
  6. Share love and compassion with others, without buying into their beliefs or expressions of fear and lack
  7. Set goals we know we can achieve, and take steps to joyfully create them
  8. Decide to look and feel our best from now on—in ways that are right for our own individual well-being—by nourishing our bodies with super-healing foods, exercising/moving the body daily, and taking care of our appearance in ways that reflect outwardly the beauty we carry inwardly
  9. Express thanks to the Universe every day, for all we have and all we are

Even if we only incorporate one or two of these suggestions into our daily routine, they can help us shift our focus and our energies, supporting us in creating a positive sense of self and healthy emotional independence.

While the energies of Mercury Retrograde can result in a bit of turbulence—challenges in the workplace, mechanical devices breaking down, rough travel, miscommunication with others—they can also crack the lid off of old issues that have bothered us for some time, or put things into a whole new perspective.

For instance, we might hear from an old friend or partner we’d thought no longer wanted to keep in touch with us.

Or we might suddenly find some object we thought we had lost for good, or return to an old project or idea that now finally works out for us.

We might find a solution to an issue that has weighed down our energies for some time—or finally see the truth of a situation or relationship that we hadn’t been able to see clearly till now.

Because Mercury Retrograde offers us such transparency in how we think, speak, and view everything, it can be a help in putting a new light on old or current issues, ideas, or relationships.

Keep an eye on what comes up for you during this time—it might surprise you!

Big Changes Coming: Saturn Enters Capricorn

During the third week of December, Saturn enters Capricorn, after a three-year transit through Sagittarius. This is BIG news!

With Saturn in Capricorn, we become more focused on being the creator of our lives, rather than buying into the illusion that we are just the bystander.

Saturn in Capricorn will be about us creating our own magic, rather than relying on the belief that it comes from anything outside of ourselves.

The most important qualities to focus on while Saturn is in Capricorn are: self-discipline, focus, organization, and optimism.

By integrating these four qualities consistently into our lives, we will experience great gain and achievement over the next few years.

This can especially happen in the areas of career, relationships, happiness, and prosperity.

Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice

Beautiful energies will be coming to us from our sun on the December 21 winter solstice (summer solstice for those in the Southern Hemisphere). These are energies of renewal and co-creation.

For millennia, this time of year was wonderfully celebrated. The ancient cultures knew then what we have almost forgotten in the modern world: that the energies of the sun pouring in powerfully during a solstice can increase the effects of our focus and intentions.

They can beautifully support us in manifesting things that serve our higher good, and the higher good of everyone around us.

Energies for renewal and manifestation will be stronger during the solstice, so have your intentions ready! Write them out as affirmations, create vision boards, or spend some time visualizing what you want to create.

Use the active energies of the sun to support you at this time, as your mind, spirit, and overall energies especially come alive, wanting to create and express in beautiful ways.

Find some joyful way to express your love for your life and your own visions.

After the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer, so it is also a celebration of light returning to the Northern Hemisphere, as well as a celebration of the light power of the Sun.

Now is the time to be clear on what you want to create. Allow the joy of this co-creative season to flow like a current that carries you smoothly into your new creations.

December is an exciting month that will carry us into the New Year with a sense of joy for all the Love, creativity, and fulfillment that we are already creating for 2018!

Until next time,

Miraculously Yours,


p.s. Club Miracles is now open to new members. If you’d like to receive ongoing healing and support that nourishes you on a Soul level, come see if this monthly healing service that I offer resonates with you. The bonus gifts included in the premium and premier packages will be available for just a bit longer at

DAILY OM: Focusing on Friends and Family ~ Step into healing your family relationships this month.

Focusing on Friends and Family

by Madisyn Taylor

Step into healing your family relationships this month.

Dear friends,

Welcome to the start of the holiday season–which is why we are focusing on friends and family this month. I hear from so many of you who struggle with family relationships that can leave you feeling depleted and unsure of your next steps. Indeed our familial relationships can be some of the most confusing and complicated that we will experience. We all know by now that these difficult relationships can be our best teachers, but there also comes a time when we need to get to a place of peace. This will look different to all of us depending on our circumstances.

Each of our paths will be different, and we may all need a different approach to reaching what we feel is a good outcome. I’m grateful there are so many wonderful and healing modalities available to help aid us in a resolution that best suits our needs. Please know that the perfect family doesn’t really exist. In this age of Internet perfection (where everything is faked and Photoshopped), we may be led to believe that perfection exists in every family but your own. In reality, every family can have drama, and it is up to us how we respond to it. All we really have control over is our response.

Know that there is always help available to either repair these relationships or help you navigate the often stormy waters. I have listed below several courses we offer in the genre of family wellness. As we head into this holiday season with our families, I hope that you can put some of these tools into practice in your own life. Use your sacred friendships to help keep you strong, and hold space for you along the way.

Combating Emotional Vampires by Dr. Judith Orloff. This is a six-week online course with 14 lessons that help you learn how to recognize if you are being emotionally sapped by another person and how to deal with it. Included are practical advice and action steps to help you protect and rid yourself of people who are not good for you. There are also meditations to help you stay centered.
more info

Protect Yourself From Control Dramas by Dr. Jody Janati. This is an eight-week online course designed to help you identify as well as protect yourself from common control dramas that arise when people become defensive. Learn to recognize these behaviors: intimidator, poor me, interrogator, and aloof. Also included are a step-by-step guide to three successful techniques and 101 things to say and do. more info

Release Yourself From Family Karma by Sara Wiseman. This four-week online course will teach you about the seven karmic shadows that are written into our family histories. You will be guided through healing the shadows that are present for you in your family line. When you are finished with the course, you can expect to experience shifts in the way you think about your family. more info

Letting Go With Forgiveness by Ana Holub. Receive a new course each week for eight weeks. Some of the topics covered are getting past denial and distraction, the wisdom of forgiveness, unwinding limiting beliefs that aren’t true, releasing pain from your emotional body, learning your soul lessons with gratitude, and so much more. more info

I know this isn’t the most fun topic in the world, but it is so necessary. Thank you for continuing to do the hard work and continuing to improve your life and shed the old. Not only does this help yourself and your family, but it helps everybody around you and, eventually, the whole. Have a wonderful month and happy Thanksgiving to those in America.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor

Jenny Schiltz: Energy Update – Letting It All Go

Energy Update – Letting It All Go

Energy Update – Letting It All Go

by: at: 22nd Oct 2017

under: Ascension help, Energy Update, My perspective

The change in the air is palatable. We know that things are moving much quicker now and there is a weight of responsibility with this knowledge. We are being asked to let go of it all. All that we thought we were, all that we identify with and all the limitations we have put on ourselves.

Some are feeling deep depression and anxiety. This can be due to feeling the pull of the higher timeline while pieces within are still operating from a lower perspective. This is causing all that we have not completely healed within to be pulled up at a deeper level. It is the time we clear up all that we were not ready to face before. It can feel like torture until you realize that it can be the final goodbye to that pain if you are willing.

Others are finding the need for quiet and stillness. There is much shifting within and the deep changes require patience. It is a fascinating time as some are finding that their guides are backing off to allow for the integration of the higher self. Others are finding their higher-self embedding deeply and this is allowing access to greater contact within the universe. It is as if a quarantine has been lifted and access to All has gotten much stronger.

This is the time of disclosure. While it isn’t “out there” yet, it is happening within. It is time we own all of our stuff, all of our dysfunction, and most importantly our stories.

Spiritual teachings tell us that we must not identify with our stories that they are simply illusions. Yet, I am reminded of Sananda saying “To look at your life and call it an illusion is to negate the incredible work you have done.” What I am coming to understand is that we need to honor our stories, but let the emotions that tie them to us go. Our stories, our history, what has happened to us, are what has shaped us into who we are now. Often it is through difficult life experiences that we grow the most. We have been forged, purified and strengthened in the fire.

It is understanding that you can honor your stories without having them limit your perception of all that you are. When we are unable to let go of the emotions that we attach to events in life, these can then become part of our identity and secure us firmly into a reality we don’t want to be in. Releasing these emotions can be much like the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Except, it is crucial to add forgiveness and the releasing of judgments we have of self and others. We cannot wish away the truth behind our experiences with positivity and love and light. We must feel it, own it and then and only then can we release it.

Looking at the #metoo movement (where women are admitting to being sexually harassed or abused) we can see where people are moving into the stages of release. We can see where some are admitting things for the first time publicly, for others it gives an outlet to release anger and sadness. There is also a grouping that is saying #metoo and in those simple words, they realize that the events no longer hold power over them.

Each person needs to be allowed their process and it doesn’t matter how messy it may seem. If you haven’t been able to release it yet, now is the time to honor those emotions and how they have changed you (for the good and bad), release all judgments and set yourself free. There is an external energetic push to heal all of this now. Allow the energies to help you leave behind the pain of your stories and turn them into your story of triumph and overcoming.

All change happens from WITHIN.

What I have come to understand is this not only means within ourselves but within institutions, belief systems, and concepts. I came to this understanding while discussing the education system with my highest self in regards to my 9-year-old daughter. I have offered to homeschool her or to find a school that is better suited for sensitive children. Her answer to me has been the same since she was five “Mom that is where I need to be.” There are moments when I know she is speaking from a higher wisdom and I simply have to trust even if I don’t understand it. I turned to my team for understanding and they explained that all change happens from within.

This does not apply to just within the person but within institutions like schools, government, healthcare and even concepts such as how women are treated in this society. This is one reason that so many are feeling the pressure to “get back out there”. It is time to shine the light in all areas of life on earth and allow change to happen. It is time to see where each of us has played a part in what has been created and help fix it by simply shining the light and our truth.

We are also being asked to let go of the ways that we have identified ourselves on this spiritual journey. I remember merging with Archangel Raphael and my guides telling me, “Don’t identify with this, for you are so much more.” As we awaken and find our 3D identity stripped, we can cling onto new identities. These also must go as we step into the new. It is not that it is a problem to claim yourself as a lightworker or however you define yourself as long as you understand that is an extremely limited definition of all that you are in your totality. We are being asked to let go of the box we were put in or that we created for ourselves and to instead experience ALL THAT WE ARE.

While it is a challenging time energetically, physically, and collectively, we are being asked to let go of all resistance we still have and simply let go.

This was illustrated for me during a lucid dream:

I was on a whale watching boat and the seas were extremely rough. I was standing on the back of the boat with another person when a huge wave came and knocked us off. We hit the water just as a whirlpool was created and we were being sucked down. I looked over and the other person was fighting with all his strength to not be sucked under. I began to fight as well when my higher-self says “Stop fighting, you have a life jacket on.” So I stopped, took in a big breathe and allowed myself to be pulled deep below the sea.


The suction began to ease, the sea began to calm. I opened my eyes to see whales swimming nearby as I began to rise towards the surface. I looked over to see that the person who had fallen off the boat with me, had lost all his air and had died in the struggle. I reached the surface took a giant breath of glorious air and saw the sun shining brightly.
I heard my higher-self say “All of you have life jackets, stop resisting and allow it to help you.”


Upon returning from this vision, I asked my higher self what she meant by we all have life jackets and she said that the soul’s natural disposition is to always rise to the light, it is our life jacket.

Feel your life jacket and know that even though you may feel like you are being sucked under, that you will rise again. Your soul knows no other way.

Sending you all lots of love and calm seas. Thank you to all who share this work. It means more than you know. ❤

Jenny ❤

For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to


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One Ascension Level up! What the different Waves experienceby Vera Ingeborg | The Wake Up Experience

Note: By no means does this blog intend to put stamps or labels onto people and put some people over others. No one is better or worse, as we are all part of the whole. The categorization used in this article is only there to help understanding symptoms and the awakening and ascension process better. The transitions between the waves are fluent.


After we had just experienced some seemingly lasting peace and balance, we are now pushed into the next phase of awakening and ascension heading into the Solstice Gateway that has opened already. It can feel like being back to square one. Deep grief is triggered to the surface, which is especially related to people that are dear to us and we need to let go of for now as they are not able to hold our frequency yet. And this causes a sensation, as if none of the work done had had a lasting effect. Of course. that is not the case. We are simply moving through the next level into the next layers. It can be compared to a computer game. Once you have mastered one level, then you are re-playing it with a higher degree of challenges. You had to train and prepare mentally, emotionally and physically to be able to reach that next phase. Again, although many are tired of the term… it is a blessing in disguise. More than ever, it is important to trust the energies and the universal flow, knowing that nothing is as it seems to be on the surface. 

We have entered another intense energetic gateway to not only receive a lot of new information and upgrades but also enter the next level of detachment and letting go. The individual processes differ – depending what Ascension Wave people are in (see this article for more info on the ascension waves). The first movers have now entered the phase of embodiment, mainly dealing with the physical body. The early adopters are now getting into their core fears to finalize the cleansing of their emotional bodies. The early majority is still flip flopping between mental spirals and emotional breakouts, without really understanding what is going on and why they are so sensitive to all these energies around them all of a sudden. The question of “Who am I, and why am I here?” is keeping them busy, paired with the sense of “something is wrong here”. The late majority and the non-adaptors are still asleep and are not even realizing that this energetic shift on the planet is going on.

I will split the current symptoms and experiences into the different waves for a better understanding why not everyone is experiencing the same things at the same time.

First Movers / Innovators

In the first four months of the year, the first movers had managed to dissolve their last core fears that were still stored in their emotional bodies. The emotional and mental bodies of this wave are now shiny and clean. Nothing and no-one can trigger them anymore, as there are no fear-frequencies left that people could resonate in them. The first movers are now fully ready to assist people with biggest trauma and pain, as it will not drain them anymore.

“First movers can only feel compassion as they passively remember how the pain once felt, but they cannot actively recall it anymore. They cannot suffer with people.”

They can only feel compassion as they passively remember how this once felt, but they cannot actively recall the pain. They cannot suffer with people. Being anchored in this neutral zone automatically has the same effect with everything that goes on in 3D. The first movers have completely left the old 3D timeline and are no longer able to relate to any of the drama and chaos going on in the 3D reality. They cannot even receive and take in this information anymore. Reading a newspaper article on Brexit or the situation in the US feels like reading a text in Swahili. Like a radio station that you are too far away from and can no longer tune into. All of this is perceived as an unreal and fake hologram – a system that keeps itself busy and distracted without making any sense from a higher perspective. First movers are living completely in the now and a heart centered and heart led life. They have logged out of the system as far as possible, not having any obligations or dependencies. The mind’s only function now is to set intentions.

Although the feminine and masculine energies are well balanced now within the individuals of this ascension wave, there is an extremely large proportion of those that were the carriers of more feminine energy (not gender related). So even this wave, so well balanced now on the energetic level, still has to deal with the physical balancing – most of the time without having a divine partner around. On a physical level, that can still cause a feeling of loneliness – as most of the counterparts are still part of the early and sometimes even late majority wave (energetically speaking, for more info read more here).

After a couple of weeks of relief and feeling pretty balanced and centred, this wave has now entered the period of embodiment and physical release. And that is very logical as the physical energetic body is the densest of all of them. Now that the other energetic bodies around it are clean, the road is clear for the cellular releases of deep trauma that was stored into the physical body when the emotional body was overloaded.

And that lead to some surprises within the past weeks. After an accelerated time, now everything seems to move very slowly. All of a sudden thought spirals and emotional breakouts were back, and yet it felt different. Deeper. Older. Repeating the past somehow but also somehow unreal. This is how cellular memory releases feel like. As the body pushes them out, they take form in worries and doubts and nothing seems to work to stop the mind. And you can’t. It is simply an expression of energy in the mental body. Like a projector in the movie theatre playing that movie for the last time. In a second wave of release, the emotional body is doing the same thing, expressing this memory in emotions. Deep grief, anger, disappointment are expressed for the last time. The last wave of release is the physical body either shaking it out through muscle twitches, or an overwhelming longing to have deep tissue massages or similar will assist the physical body to let it go. This can take several rounds and will result in an absolutely healthy, self-sustainable and well-balanced physical body, aligned with and in perfect harmony with all other energetic bodies. So it is very important to listen closely to the needs of the physical body.

“It is a time of deep resting and integrating with an intense need for sleep. These cellular releases are happening in parallel to major DNA upgrades, which adds into physical stress.”

It is a time of deep resting and integrating with an intense need for sleep (although sleep often does not feel like sleep anymore but more like a resting while being awake). These cellular releases are happening in parallel to major DNA upgrades, which adds into the physical stress.

Despite all of this, the first movers manage to stay pretty calm and just embrace and accept what is, with the deep knowing that this is the next level. In between the physical releases, they are well-balanced and neither unhealthy and extreme bliss waves nor despair waves are experienced anymore. They have let go of any need of control and are fully trusting the flow and live according to the universal energetic laws.

 Early Adopters

This ascension waves is now truly getting to the core of their fear. They are triggered and people push their buttons, until they truly surrender to let go. Dealing with the core wound is the deepest emotional pain imaginable. The release is no fun, and has to be done in waves, because letting it go at once would be too much for the own system to deal with. So, although it seems relentless, this is the sign that you are indeed reaching the core and are almost done with cleansing your emotional body. Death wish is quite common in this wave right now.

“People of the early adopter wae still tend to drop back into the human perspective and into victim consciousness, trying to figure out what is going on with their mind.”

People of the early adopter wave still tend to drop back into the human perspective and into victim consciousness, trying to figure out what is going on with their mind. Those are the last attempts of the ego to get back into the lead and to distract you from staying in your authenticity and heart center – where you are connected to Source and all that is. There is still mistrust in the process left and a need to control things to reach a certain outcome.

Members of this wave can still feel very drained by other people, especially when they work as coaches and/or therapists, as they are still resonating parts in them that are related to the core fear. This will stop immediately after the core fear has been completely transformed. The inner child plays the key role in this healing and it needs full attention and compassion to understand what is truly needed now.

Early adopters still tend to get caught up in the drama that goes on on this planet. Terrorist attacks, wars, political events, stock market developments etc. are still causing worries, anxieties and fears. They often fall back into the pattern of trying to solve things on the outside, forgetting in those moments, that the only way to change things in to go within and change oneself. That is the only way to shift into a different reality in a different frequency. Early adopters are permanently switching between 3D, 4D and 5D frequencies, as they are mentally and emotionally not able yet to fully anchor in 5D. They are switching between heart and mind. The result are intense bliss waves followed by deep pain again. All of this is part of the final balancing of masculine and feminine energies within. Also in this wave, there is a larger proportion of the carriers of the more feminine energy (not gender related), but often, divine counterparts (energetically, not physically) are part of the same wave.



This wave is also receiving physical / DNA upgrades and has also to deal with physical ailments. These are not related to cellular releases though. Partially these are ascension symptoms, partially it is the physical body supporting to push the rest of the core fear out of the emotional body, preparing for cellular releases once completed.

Early Majority

The early majority had been triggered into their awakening process by all the chaos happening on the planet right now. This feeling of – something is very wrong here, and there must be a different way to live became more and more present over the last months. The longing for a different life and for true freedom was awakened and yet the members of this wave still have a hard time to accept this inner soul calling. They are still trying to talk themselves into “no, everything is great, and I should be happy with what I got”. Nevertheless, they get triggered every time they interact with people from the first mover and early adopter wave, as those are mirroring back to them their true desires and wishes: Being authentic and free, not having to live up to others expectations anymore.

“The early majority feels inspired and annoyed at the same time, as the comfort zone had become so dear to them. And yet, they somehow know deep down inside that they are lying to themselves and that this is not the life they want.”

They feel inspired and annoyed at the same time, as the comfort zone had become so dear to them. And yet they somehow know deep down inside that they are lying to themselves and that this is not the life they want. With every trigger, they feel more uncomfortable. That can result in anger, frustration, disappointment with self and others. All of these are signs that the ultimate grief of not being able to be their true self in their momentary world and reality is surfacing. At the moment, they are still suppressing most of it. Change is always very scary when you still have expectations for a certain outcome and the need to control things. Nevertheless, their souls keep pushing now and they have these moments of being in the heart, getting first glimpses of what living a heart-centered life truly means and how beautiful it feels to be completely in the moment and in the flow. The question of “Who am I and what is my purpose” keeps them busy. They are getting more sensitive to the energies around them as well and experience some ascension symptoms for the first time and some “paranormal” experiences, such as astral travels, out of body experiences, intense deja vus etc. are common. They need more alone time, and many are entering their dark night of the soul, not seeing any sense in living anymore. The balancing of masculine and feminine energies has just started in this wave. Depending on whether carrying more feminine or more masculine energies, the processes differ. The one’s with more feminine energies have been experiencing more emotional cleansing first, while the one’s with more masculine energy had gone through more thought based and mental spiralling. This starts to flip around now, which leads to a lot of uncomfortableness and fear of the fear.


The Late Majority, the Laggards and the “Non-Adaptors”

Nothing has changed for the Late Majority, Laggards and Non-Adaptors since the last article. So I am just copying what was written back then:

These groups are just wondering about all this chaos on the planet and are trying to solve it for themselves by going into the usual and well-known fear patterns and relying on the beliefs they have learned.

These groups are presently still completely asleep and still experience their reality from a fear based ego perspective. They are in competition mode and believe in the theory of the “Survival of the Fittest”. Spirituality to them is absolutely bollocks and people experiencing this need a medical treatment in their view. They can only see and feel the human drama and are either going into victim or perpetrator mode.They interpret, they judge, they blame. For them, the world is a dark place where everyone is on their own and needs to fight hard for their existence. There is only fear and lack frequencies with rare moments of joy. The ego is in the lead and keeps them in the past or in the future, constantly projecting things that are not real. Their energetic system is completely closed including the heart center, so there is no way they can feel the new energies and the unconditional love that comes with them. They are absolutely convinced that the matrix they are living in is the only reality. Nevertheless, they experience the increase in energies physically. They also have to deal with physical symptoms and headaches. Depending on the stamina of their physical body, heart attacks, strokes, cancer etc. can show up quickly and unexpectedly, as the physical body is not able to deal with these frequencies very well. Many of these souls have chosen to not make the transition into the fifth dimension while being alive.

“It is so important to recognize, that neither is better or worse or further advanced or lagging behind. We are simply at different stages energetically, but we are all part of a bigger organism. Everyone is important.”

It is so important to recognize, that neither is better or worse or further advanced or lagging behind. We are simply at different stages energetically but we are all part of a bigger organism. And everyone is important and has an individual task in the overall system. Once we realize that linear time is an illusion itself, non of these labels or categories matter anymore. We have all made our choice what we want to experience and how, and we are always responsible for our own reality. We create our own reality with our energetic frequency we are emitting – this is what we resonate with while moving through our experience called life.


If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of Energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created for you, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you!

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~ Planet Earth ~ Beacons of Light May 2017 Presented Live 4/29/2017 From Steve Rother and the Group

The Beacons of Light – Re-minders from Home

May 2017

~ Planet Earth ~

Beacons of Light   May 2017    Presented Live 4/29/2017

From the group with love.

Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia.

I join you this day to share with you more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons. Let me explain first by talking about the masculine side of Merlin and what is now taking place.

Moving backwards in time

As you may know, that aspect of me can move backwards through time. In truth, that is the only way that we can move. Merlin traveled backwards because it provided him a unique perspective that allowed him to perform all sorts of magical feats, which got everyone’s attention so he could deliver a message. The interesting part about it is that so many people tried to emulate him after that. How does one learn to walk backwards in time? What does that even mean?

Actually, you are all about to find out. You have gone through a major shift which is bringing forth a conclusion to a very long story. As we go forward, we will share more about that. The most important part to understand is that you placed yourself here for a very specific reason. You are here at this exact junction of time and space, because that was incredibly important to you. In truth, many of you are in back up plans. What does that mean? Well, you had parents and a family all picked out with contracts that you were scheduled to begin. However, something happened and you had to wait another generation, which would be too long. It was so important for you to be here now that about 20% of the planet is actually living out a back-up plan. This often means that you have a different set of parents than originally chosen and different contracts. This often makes them feel completely like outcasts, as if they do not belong. The sad part is that many have become accustomed to that. Yet here you are awakening every day with a new energy. You feel it is shifting and changing at the speed of love, which is substantially faster than the speed of light. Well, here you go but what is actually taking place on Earth right now?

A density that causes fear

Well, dear ones, it is obvious that all sorts of things are taking place. In the area of politics the amount of changes that are taking place globally are quite interesting. It is a fascinating process, because there is a density on Earth which is causing people an incredible amount of fear. There has been low-level fear for a long time already. What happens when a human carries a level o fear? Perhaps they say, “Oh, I can kick that. I will just keep a stiff upper lip and walk forward. I can just move through it.” Well, you have tried that. Many of you worked in different ways just to figure out which is the easiest part for you to fill that energy. Ever since Merlin showed up on your planet and that part of me integrated with humans, the experience left an impression that one could move backwards in time. Unfortunately that is simply not possible for humans. Here is the interesting part, because there is only one piece of time that is real and that is right now. The future only represents a potential. No one can actually live there, although often people attempt to live in their past. It is only a memory, but it can be changed as well. We have given you many modalities that do exactly that—help you to re-set your vibration and energy. Now, here is the biggest challenge that Lightworkers on planet Earth are experiencing right now.

You wanted to be here right now to bring in a gentle, calming energy

When the energy becomes very dense, people fall into fear. They carry that low-level fear until it reaches a critical mass level and then they explode. Often that explosion is anger and sometimes it is acting out. It may be when you are told you cannot do something, so you go ahead and do it anyway. It brings out the contrarian in almost everyone to some degree and that is what you are seeing on your planet in very big ways globally…not in one city, not in one country, but globally. The energy of density is so hard right now that people cannot  find their way or lean against those comfortable spaces that they used to use to rejuvenate. That’s why you will see more and more people acting out. We would love to tell you that this is going to come to an end, and it will at some point, but it is going  to be a while. Many of you signed up specifically to be here at this moment so that you could be a part of this gentle energy, calming every heart so that they can receive the upgrades and the light from Home.

Now, the good news is that humanity has been moving at incredible paces especially the last eight years. The vibrational rate has been absolutely astounding. Yes, it is incredible and getting even better so watch for this as it continues. But here is the challenge. When “normal” people feel density or an energetic roadblock, the very first thing that happens is they step backwards. Everyone may experience different aspects as well, not just the physical aspect of running into a wall or having your path blocked. This is often about things that you wanted to do. Perhaps you want to create something or move in a certain direction, but you seem to be blocked. It does not seem to work out, which adds to that frustration level. That in turn adds to the anger, increasingly adding to the overall anger levels of planet Earth. However, you also step back emotionally and in thought patterns.

Fear causes you to step back into old believe systems

We have told you before that most belief systems are BS, which is why we call them belief systems. It is not the beliefs that concern us, it is that you take these entire systems as fact. So, if you have a core belief it means that you must believe all these other things around it as well. That can be problematic and is what actually separates those who are searching for the light. Over here you call it one thing such as religion, over there you call it another. It helps to segregate these so that you can relate to them personally, but now that separation is something is starting to get in the way. What happens when people fall into fear? They take a step back just like hitting that wall. If you are having an emotional crisis, you will take a step back into those emotions you were experiencing two or three days before. Whatever that safety zone was, you will instinctively try to put yourself back into that so your belief systems are exactly the same. Perhaps you even evolved past an old belief system into something new that you were working with or trying on, then again you hit that wall. You try to accomplish exactly what you accomplished before thinking to yourself, “This used to be successful for me, so why isn’t it now?” That is the challenge that is now taking place on Earth. The news that we have for you is that it is not possible to go back into belief systems and the timeline, even in the physical body.

We will be talking about rejuvenation, but that is quite different from time. Rejuvenation is adjusting the cells and the intricacies of your body. Time itself is movable, expandable and contactable, though not to the degree you would like to be able to walk backwards in time. So, what we are going to ask everyone to do is to simply be aware  of taking any steps back into old belief systems, patterns such as addiction, or ways of feeling such as trying to fill an emotional need.. As soon as you can honestly see and acknowledge it, the system starts to dissipate all by itself.

Why we tell you every time:  Treat each other with respect and play well together

There are many modalities that can help clear your energy field. There are many healers on the planet right now for that very reason. We also tell you, the healers on planet Earth are going to increase. They are being called in at an incredible pace and the E family is now here in a very large perspective. The E Family was very small in the beginning, when they were all about working with people to try to empower them. The E stands for much more than just empowerment, but that is part of it. They work together incarnating in a society—sometimes even Earth—at critical points when a decision is being made about going one direction or the other. And you would be there, dear ones. Not to push it into one direction or another but to make sure that the human rights were there, because that is what allows you to evolve…your equality. Treating each other, just like each other, which is what we tell you every time we leave you. Nurture one another and play well together. That is becoming more critical now than ever before. Your planet is in a state of constant separation and it is your job to slow it down. That is why you came and what this is about. Welcome Home. You are creating a whole new energy right here on planet Earth and it is yours.

The Family of E is here to help harmonize society

Now we have told you before there are so many beautiful things coming. Please understand, dear ones, there is no backwards movement on the timeline. You are constantly in the now moment. Awaken to that moment and take everything that it has to give you. Know that even though you may revisit it again, because it is actually circular time, not linear. If you make the most out of this moment right now, then at the point it does come around again you will have very little work to do. It will be a support instead of a detractor. You are planting the seeds of your own future with your thoughts. Keep it up. Now, all the rest is starting in very important ways and you are starting to see a huge collection of energy on Earth. It is actually in some ways causing some of the disruptions and upheavals, but you know how to deal with it. You have seen this before; you have been there to help societies harmonize. That is the one big thing that is missing from planet Earth right now, for everyone is in this fear. Re-member, as soon as you step into fear you separate. Just look at all the political things that are happening and it is easy to see that most of them have been about separation rather than unity. We also tell you, dear ones, you are right at the precipice of changing that direction. The recessional wave came in very hard but it also means that when it turns around, it will also jump and move very quickly as well. And that is your work. It is what all of you have been working with and we could not be more proud of you for that.

You can only move forward

So know, dear ones, to move forward is the key especially in things like relationships. All relationships—whether it be a relationship you have with your dog, cat or your wife, your lover, whoever it is, you never can move backwards. You may want to think that, “Oh, we will go back to the times when we first got married. We will go back to the times when things were so fun for us. We did not care if we had problems or not.” You do things to actually try to put you back in those timeframes. Does it work? Never. You can only move forward. Now, that is the good news.
Relationships go through these different levels of incarnation and during those times when they are moving through the levels is usually when they tend to break apart. They find more differences than similarities, so they start to move apart in different ways. Know that coming back together does not mean stepping back. If you are going to come back together with someone, it means you build up something moving forward. Very simple. Create your reality of things that you want to see in your future not holding them back by your past. Your past is only a memory, so when you are ready you can let go of every part of it.

We honor you, dear ones, in ways you do not know. You are leading the universe. You are at a critical junction of time and space where you are making decisions that are going to affect more beings than you have numbers for. Keep up the good work. Know that we are right behind you. It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play well together. I am Merlia, come up and see me sometime.


Greetings, dear ones.

We greet you this day as a collective. Not as any one of the singularities which make up what the keeper calls the group, but we greet you this day as a collective because the message is quite important. To everything there is a season; there is a time for everything. What is taking place is really magnificent to watch especially from our perspective. We see infinite souls living on every aspect of light, who basically leave the beauty of the infinite to become finite for a very short of time.

You put on one of these bubbles of biology that you wear and step into the game pretending to be a human. You have done very well with that, for you have your own cycles that you all go through not only collectively but as a group of energies. This also has to do with the Earth herself, for she has just completed the third 26,000 year cycle since Lemuria so literally things have changed quite a bit. We have talked quite a bit about the cycle, the shifting energy of the masculine vs the feminine, force vs power. And we are going to take the vs out of all of it now because both can exist somewhat harmoniously.  Obviously, there are times when you need the masculine side of things and other times where you need the feminine side. Of course, the challenge has been that the masculine has been somewhat dominant energies for quite some time.

The Family of E comes in at critical times to make a difference

In truth, Earth herself has a cycle of energy. It is really fascinating that people are today talking about Mars and what once happened there. Because of several things that took place Mars basically lost her magnetosphere, the magnetic shell around a planet which keeps all the solar radiation and the solar winds off, making it a nice place to live. Your sciences are finding out about that as they discover even more. At some point, they will discover forms of life—not human life—on Mars. We tell you, dear ones, you were there for you have done this over and over again. You come and work on a planet and its  people, then the collective rise and try to bring parts from Home to ground them in your experience in the finite. Although it is very difficult to do, many of you are experts at this. Many of you have done it over, over and over again. Once more you are here en masse right now. The Family of E as Merlia was talking about what happened before. In the beginning, the Family of E was only about 20 souls. Not that long ago it was nearly 0.1%, but today it is almost approaching 1% of the planet. What is the Family of E? These are the spirits who have gone throughout the universe in various forms and incarnated at critical times when they could help to make a difference. They have pushed the societal rules past the critical mass that it was waiting for. Yes, you have done this again and again. Most of your ideas are about human rights, or actually spirit rights, because in truth that is really what you are. So, let us explain why it was so important for you to gather here and why it is now that the Family of E is gathering en masse on this one planet. Things are changing and shifting, for to everything there is a season. For the Earth herself there is a season.

Planet Earth is dying

Dear ones, the Earth is dying. There is no easy way to say that, for she literally is on a downward cycle. Recently you have just passed a mark of no return. Let us explain some of what has happened, what lies ahead and why you put yourself in this situation. You must understand, dear ones, even if Earth were to die you will not. Although you have a part of you which is absolutely of the Earth, it is only a small part. Re-member, you have done this before. Many of you have invested in energies and societies, changing the collective in such beautiful ways when you stepped forward into a new game.
So, what is taking place with all of this? There is no argument about global warming, for it is absolutely real and will continue. You are entering the hottest year on record. That is not a secret—you have had three of them already and this will continue for a while. Both ice caps of your planet are melting and will completely disappear in less than 50 years. There is a cycle and season to everything, although the Earth was not due to end at this point. However, this effect has largely to do with the pollution of planet Earth and the disharmonies that humans have worked with using parts of her at will without ever wondering or caring how to her to re-balance. This has taken its toll, so you are going to see several things happen in rapid succession. These events will push your timeline of what you thought was going to happen very quickly.

First, both ice caps are melting. Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice at an incredible pace and you will start to see the results of this. In Greenland there is an ice shelf that has broken off and is about to drop into the ocean. It will do so later this month or next and that will cause water levels to rise at an increased pace. The water levels have already been rising, but they are going to continue to do so but at a much faster pace than anyone expected. Humans are not prepared for what is coming. One of the things taking place is that permafrost will begin melting at an increased rate. Permafrost is actually what you consider to be land mass in many parts of the world. However, as it melts it releases into the atmosphere an incredible amount of methane which is going to speed up the process even more. You have been worried about putting carbon into the air, but methane is almost 90 times more damaging. You are going to be releasing a lot of it through a natural process of simply melting ice. It will speed things up in several ways. That is only one of many things that are happening so quickly that it is hard for humans to keep up with.

Earth’s magnetism

We can tell you all of the negativities of what to expect and how to work with it. Right now it is not generally being reported, but all you need to do is look at the number of species that have left this planet and the number of new species that have come in. They are not close to matching each other. The planet has been shutting down, but was it supposed to at this time? No. It was due to go on for another millennium, at least a 1,000 more years. However, she is literally being choked off. It is a process that not only includes the warming of the planet, but also the reduction of magnetism. This is exactly what happened to Mars. Actually, it is very typical that a planet would lose magnetism just before a polar switch. A polar change has already happened on Earth some six times, and you are about to see another one if you make it that far.

After the global warming comes the ice age

After the global warming, which will happen very quickly, you will see a sudden shift that will result in an ice age. We are especially concerned about the ice age. Even though it was originally to be a mini-ice age, which could have easily been survived despite some hardship, now it is looking more like a catastrophic event. So, why would we say all of this? Why would we give this kind of bad news, when we pride ourselves on making you feel good and helping you to re-member who you are? That is why we are here, dear ones. Many of you are in back up plans, as Merlia explained. You simply had to be here no matter the cost or the timing, because you hold answers. Is all this definite? Can we mark on our calendars that the Earth will die on a specific day? No. Re-member that you are on the planet of free choice and you are still in charge. Right now, the collective is moving in one direction and you have just passed the point of no return. What is your job now? Is it just to calm people down as the world ends? Of course not. We tell you that the world does not have to end, because you are on the planet of free choice.

Technologies will support the clean-up

You are going to see a tremendous energy and compilation of technologies, which will move forward in several different areas. Already you are looking at taking humans off the planet and finding new colonization throughout the galaxy and those efforts will intensify. Also, your technologies have reached a level where they are about to explode exponentially. One of those explosions is the particular material called graphene, which is being called the first 2 dimensional material. It is the thinnest material that you can find at only one atom thick. What you will discover is that graphene has a tremendous number of uses, such as taking the salt out of the water as well as being the base of a new series of computers. Graphene was based in graphite but many are now using other materials in the same way, so this is only the beginning. By combining the existing technologies together with the huge advances being discovered nearly daily, you are going to focus a tremendous amount of energy on what you can do to help clean up Earth. During the next four years, you can make a huge difference on this planet. Every little bit of cleanup work you do, by reducing your own carbon emissions and working in harmony with the Earth, will extend the life of Earth 10-fold. It can easily be done. Although there is a mark in the sand now that is rather definite, you can move it. If anybody can do it you can, for you have done it before.

The Family of E is here to work with the spirit

Many of you are directly from the Family of E. You have come to actually change a societal movement or reverse a societal dead end. Usually you see that happening with human rights or spirit rights, but now you are starting to see all new aspects. So, what is your job? Is it to focus on the technologies that might save Earth? No, you have a much more important job to accomplish. It is the evolution of your spirit that can impede your experiencing this. It is very simple, dear ones, for you have already been talking about moving into light body and changing your own physical structure. It is happening now in preparation for what is taking place and there are many aspects of this. Every time you can raise your vibration, you can raise the collective human vibration of Earth. Doing so not only affects the Earth, it also helps to settle the Earth. You will begin to see wild swings, not only of the Schumann resonance but of everything else. Your job is to be there with the spirit. It is why you pushed other people aside to be exactly where you are right now. We tell you that lovingly knowing that your purpose here on Earth had to have a space, so space was made. Now here you are—what piece do you have for the next 50 years? What would you like to bring to the table? Now is the time. We tell you, dear ones, you have done this before. There have been lifetimes that you never experienced any difficulties, because you evolved. You moved to that next level, stood back and watched a beautiful transformation happening in front of you.

We also find it very fascinating that you are interested in reviving Mars. It is so magical that it happens to be your closest planet, but you are going to find others. We will also re-mind you that Earth has been found by another planet. We have mentioned this several times over the last four years. Of course, they have no way of reaching you because they are many light years away. In truth, they have roughly the same technologies that you have, similar in some areas yet very different in others. Generally, they are even the same level of vibration that you are and even what you would consider to be in a humanoid form. They found you through their devices, or what you would call telescopes here. But they do not know how to reach you, so they will continue watching and waiting as this energy starts to shift. Let us also talk about spirit because that is not limited by a physical location, even on another planet. We tell you, dear ones, all eyes of the universe are on Earth right now. They are waiting to see what is going to happen, waiting to tell the story of an evolution with a miracle ending. Here we go!

An evolution with a miracle ending

Many of you know in your hearts this is true and what that feels like. Dear ones, we do not tell you this to instill fear. That is not why you came from Home. It is you that holds the answers to alleviate the fear to step forward and be in harmony with the Earth. We are not telling you this is definite, we are saying that this is the timeline today. We challenge you to change it. We challenge you to go into your heart and shift every part, make a new energy on Earth and soon you will see that from your news sources and scientific sources. You will hear much more about everything speeding up and that there are so many different aspects of it. It is going to happen. Why, but what is your part of that? What did your spirit come here to do? You are here now and it is absolutely the time to start connecting with that 100%. Make every moment count and you will enjoy the ride. Know that you have answers and the Earth does not have to end. Although you will be hearing what you would consider to be very bad news in the near future, take it lightly. Re-member that you have an important part to play here. Watch these beautiful events unfold and be there to assist them whenever possible. Your light and the work that you do internally within your heart makes a huge difference on this planet—much more than you can see–and right now is the time to be working with it.

Dear ones, we love you in ways that you still do not know. You have very limited uses of love on your planet. As much as you try, it is very difficult for you to emulate the total unconditional love on the other side. But we have it, and you will feel it. Are you in a difficult situation? No. You simply put yourself here because you do have the answers. Listen to that spirit deep within. Try to follow the crystals that you placed on your own path so that you would know the way, and enjoy the ride. Celebrate it, dear ones, for you have a beautiful outcome to create. Are you ready?

It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in these ways and we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. You are about to create a new game. Play well together.


The group

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

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Espavo LLC. is a non-profit conscious corporation dedicated to spreading Light through Empowerment

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Copyright 2000 – 2017

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Here are your Angel Messages for February 27 – March 5, 2017 with Doreen Virtue:


Here are your Angel Messages for February 27 – March 5, 2017 with Doreen Virtue:

It’s a week of getting in touch with your inner strength and divine wisdom. You’re extra-intuitive and are receiving a lot of realizations and epiphanies about the truth of yourself and situation. If your faith is being tested by challenges, keep the faith as your positive expectations can lead you back to God’s light and miracle. Focus upon solutions, to feel empowered and positive.

From the Healing With the Fairies Oracle Cards at:

Doreen’s fundraiser auction for her rescue animals is at:

Mon/Tues: Look Inside Yourself -Have courage, find inner strength, See the need to make changes, face truth
Wed/Thurs: Positive Expectations – Have faith, bring Light into darkness, pray for solutions
Fri/Sat/Sun: Letting Go – Release attachment, Let Go + Let God, Co-Creation, Go Within, let answers come to you

New Energies and Contact being made from Venus by Jenny Schiltz

New Energies and Contact being made from Venus by Jenny Schiltz


This really is an exciting time, Ascension is in full swing. The energies are increasing to levels we have never experienced before. We are now receiving energy being sent directly to us from Venus. This energy is pure love and it is helping us to see even more clearly all the areas in our personal and collective world that do not resonate with this frequency. Once we see it we can than heal it and change it.

A being from Venus began contact with me on 12/23 in the dream state. The being that came to me had symbols on his burgundy robes that glowed. I tried to access them outside of dream state but was unable just yet. It seems that we must go through a calibration period so that we can accept and understand the frequencies being given.

On Christmas Day my little one was drawing with her new water-color pens and she shows me a picture she completed. She said that it was for me and immediately I noticed the symbols and they matched what I saw in the dreams. She requested that I put them on facebook because she said my friends needed to see them. I questioned her on how she knew to draw these symbols and she told me she just knew she had too. I have posted the symbols here:




My next experience with this being came in meditation. This is where he explained that he is from Venus and is considered part of the Angelic Realm, just from “a different house” then we have accessed before. He told me I could call him Lord Tolin. He explained that he and his grouping are now able to access earth and give assistance in the ascension process.

Below please find a brief video that gives a greater explanation and suggestions on how to make contact with this group. I hope that all of you are well and are finding peace and balance in the energies.  Thank you to all who share this work, it does mean the world.




For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to 

Click here for information on assisting your integration, click here: Obtaining a Soul Retrieval

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies and offers Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2017, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

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