Shedding the Cocoon – March 2018 ENERGY FORECAST by Emmanuel Dagher Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

Hi my friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with you in this way. As always, we have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

March will be a time of Divine Alchemy at its finest, as we are called to “shed our cocoon.”

By the end of the month, we will feel like a completely different person from who we were at the start of it!

With all of the internal and external changes that took place in January and February, many of us chose to hibernate and hide from the world for a bit.

Pulling back in this way can often feel like a setback to the mind. Yet there’s a great healing that occurs when we are able to pause and go within for a while.

Shedding The Cocoon

During the month of March, a new vigor will be reignited within each of us that will help give us the energy and willingness to shed the cocoon we’ve been dwelling in.

Creative expressions, ideas, and projects we had previously shelved will make their way to the forefront of our consciousness.

Connections that we’ve had with people, places, and experiences that are important to us will be reignited and strengthened.

An important aspect of shedding the cocoon is that it also invites us to reflect on the behaviors, patterns, belief systems, and stories the mind has created for itself and grown accustomed to.

When we reflect, we help ourselves get clear on whether or not we really want to carry a certain energy forward.

At the beginning of March, we will be guided to reflect on the things we are ready to let go of, so we can make room for what we want to experience more of.

When letting go of old behaviors, patterns, and stories that no longer feel good to our Spirit, the mind often becomes more sensitive, because it thinks that it is losing something it needs.

If you are someone who notices their mind is feeling more sensitive than usual (producing thoughts that are fearful, pessimistic, or judgmental), instead of being hard on yourself, be extra loving and gentle with yourself.

This helps the mind move into a greater sense of peace and understanding that it’s actually not losing anything by letting go of the old patterns it has identified with, but gaining much more of what it desires.

The human part of the mind simply desires to receive comfort, safety, love, and attention—that’s all!

When the mind receives these four things, it will always be on board to expand, grow, and flow with your Spirit.

By mid to late March, we will find ourselves feeling more grounded, present, and ready to come out of the cocoon completely.


Once we have freed ourselves from the cocoon, a great sense of curiosity and a desire to explore will emerge.

There’s a prominent belief in the collective consciousness that being curious can bring negative repercussions.

This belief is actually the mind’s way of trying to be in control the best way it knows how, by keeping itself inside the imaginary structures and walls it has created for itself.

At our core, we are Spiritual beings. Spirit is naturally curious, because it naturally expands and evolves.

As a Spiritual being, we know that we are not confined to anything or anyone, ever.

To the mind, this type of free and open awareness can be overwhelming, especially for those who have focused on developing more of their left brain, which is the organized, rational, structured-thought part of the brain.

However, we have and will continue to be nudged to equally develop our right brain, which represents the creative, nurturing, spiritual, and loving aspects of ourselves.

The right side of the brain is the part of the body that our Spirit communicates with first, because it can process and understand the information in the easiest and most digestible way.

As we continue to develop this part of ourselves, we become clearer vessels for guidance from our Spirit, and are fully able to embrace the part of ourselves that is naturally curious.

Towards mid to late March, you may find yourself feeling guided to explore more.

Exploring can come in many different forms. You may feel guided to explore more internal aspects of yourself, such as your thoughts, your gifts, talents, desires, etc. …

You may also feel guided to explore more of your outer world, by physically getting out there and experiencing more of your immediate environment.

You can do this by traveling, or by getting involved in different communities that resonate with you.

Sometimes just being out in Nature more and listening to the sounds of a stream or the wind in the trees, or tuning into the presence of the rocks or the trees—feeling their spirit and vibration—can offer you an energy that helps restore you to the feeling of being your true self.

Creative expression, or giving to others, such as in volunteer work, can also help to bring us back to who we really are—back to our own higher vibration.

March will be an excellent time to be curious and explore all things that resonate with us, as this will enrich our lives in ways that will help us experience a quantum leap in our growth and personal expansion.

A Technicolor Perspective

As we move through all that March is bringing our way, we will find that towards the end of the month, something quite extraordinary will be happening.Perspectives, ideas, experiences, people, places—things we once saw in a particular way—will be changing.

It’s not just that these things are changing themselves. Our perspective is also changing, by evolving and growing past our previous capacity for understanding.

We will find that we no longer operate in the old paradigm of duality, rooted in the belief that there’s only right or wrong.

This will allow us to see and experience life more in a multidimensional way.

The best way to describe it, is that rather than operating from a black-or-white mindset, everything becomes technicolored.

Life looks and feels very different and much more satisfying in technicolor!

When we choose to see in technicolor, we see, receive, and feel things we’ve experienced before.

Sounds, tastes, fragrances, shapes, colors, and textures suddenly radiate more beauty and hold more life.

We are able to honor and respect other people’s perspectives and ideas, even if they are different from our own.

It becomes easier to embody energies of compassion and love for all, including for ourselves, because we are open and connected.

Our mind may be wondering right now how we’ll get to this technicolor way of seeing and experiencing life.

The thing is, the mind doesn’t need to know “how” this is going to happen.

All that is asked of us, is to be loving and gentle with ourselves as we navigate through the month of March and beyond.

Everything else will take care of itself.

Being loving and gentle with ourselves allows us to naturally ride the waves of evolution that are impacting us all naturally at a core level.

We don’t have to “do” anything else.

As we reach the last few days of March, we will notice ourselves coming back into a state of play, ease, and joy. These will feel like they’ve kept their distance for a while.

However, when these energies show up, we will be able to embrace them from our new technicolor world.

And what an awesome experience that will be!

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,


15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies By Vera | The Wake Up Experience

15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies

Processing Abstract Visualization

So often we hear about lightworkers being here to transmute energies and raising the frequency of the planet to help humanity ascend. In the article “Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork” we had a closer look into the Universal energetic dynamics at play and why there is no way around the pain we experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good methods to ease the process of transmutation and to get back into balance again. This process is like a boot camp to prepare you for the mission you came here for: Helping humanity and planet earth to ascend. It is not for the fainted heart and not a walk in the park. But there are many helpful tools to make it as smooth as possible and learn how to be an alchemist – because that is what energy transmutation is all about. And: The rewards are real! Doing the work is so worth it. Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix.



The whole ascension process does not have the goal to keep us in pain. It is a deep cleansing process to free us from old belief systems, fears and pain. It is meant to spark us, motivate us to heal and go for our hearts desires and dreams. We are to become a true free spirit, our true authentic self. What we will become after the transformation goes beyond our wildest imaginations! When we are living fully anchored in 5D, we live in a place of deep inner peace, harmony , oneness, community and unconditional love. We are the forerunners to show others the way. Therefore, everything that is not serving us for this goal is stripped off of us now. All the 3D stuff we got so used to! And that can hurt as hell. That being said, here are some helpful tips to navigate your own awakening journey and move forward as quickly as possible. And please: Don’t be upset over alleged setbacks. You are always moving upwards, although it might sometimes feel like being thrown back to zero. It is not the case. See it as taking a step backwards to reintegrate, recalibrate and to prepare for the next big leap forward.


1) Be grateful


First of all, tell yourself again and again, that THIS IS HAPPENING FOR A REASON. See the bigger picture and start expressing your gratitude for everything that happens for you, the good and the seemingly hurtful or bad things. Nothing happens to you, everything happens for you. Be grateful especially to those people that hurt you the most on a human level. They are the ones that love you the most on a soul level. They push your buttons to show you where you still carry wounds and where healing is needed. They show you what blocks you from ascending. In the beginning, you might not believe it, but just keep going.

“Those people that hurt you the most on a human level are those that love you the most on a soul level.”


It takes some time to reprogram our software from fear to love. A good trick for energy transmutation is having two journals: A (low frequency) ego journal and a (high frequency) love journal. When you are upset, give your ego all the space to judge, blame, cuss, and spit all the anger out onto paper. Once it is done, take some deep breaths and then re-read the ego/victim story. Find the points in the story you can be grateful for. What does that situation show you or teach you about yourself? What wounds does it show you that still need healing? Who did you meet that you might not have met because of the situation? Then, take your love journal and re-write the story into a story of gratitude. After you are done – burn the ego journal pages. You don’t want to read that low-frequency stuff again. Of course – you can re-read your high frequency soul journal as often as you like. It will help you to stay in higher vibes.

You can also use a gratitude app to put down everything you are grateful for and thank the people involved and the Universe for the experiences and lessons. Especially the allegedly shitty moments are those that deserve the most gratitude energy, because those are carrying the biggest potential for growth and transformation. Recognize them as chaotic integration phases that are very necessary to get you to a higher level. That is something we even learn in classic Change Management: A system can only be changed when it goes into chaos first. A rigid structure can never be transformed – no matter if you look into physics, biology or chemistry… that law is always the same. By rewriting our ego anger, resentment and fear story into one of gratitude, forgiveness, fun and love, we are transmuting the low frequency to a higher one.


2) Disidentify with your Ego


Our ego sits exactly between the mental and the emotional body and creates a lot of chaos with our thoughts and feelings. (for more info on our energetic bodies, please go here). It is a master in leading our mind away from the NOW, projecting fears that we experienced in the past into the future. We are caught up in “should have, could have, if I would have” thoughts and are coming up with scenarios what could all happen and interpreting and judging actions of other persons or our own. We blame ourselves, we blame others, we blame the Universe. Our ego has got us so wrapped up in fear patterns that we are unable to see the bigger picture and love that is trying to shine through. We are too blind to see that all of this is perfectly orchestrated and is happening for a purpose. That is why it is so important to calm down our little 24/7 chatter box in our head and teach our ego where its rightful place is. It was always meant to be an advisor and only protect us from real life danger (when we could be eaten by a lion for example). Then of course, a fight of flight response is not only helpful but necessary. But our ego is so overtrained by the news, marketing, education, politics etc, that it causes a fight or flight response all the time, pretending we are in life danger, no matter if we have a misunderstanding with our partner or parents, a performance review talk with our boss etc. That is unnatural behaviour and our ego is actually supposed to be quiet most of the time. So how do we get it back to its natural behaviour?

“We are so used to identify with our thoughts, that we do not even think of the possibility that those could be an illusion.”


We are so used to identify with our thoughts (and also our emotions, but we come to that later), that we do not even think of the possibility that those could be an illusion. We ignore the possibility, that there might be a reality outside of our thinking patterns. That also happens for spiritually very advanced people. The spiritual ego is hard to detect and can be a real big block in our ascension. “I know how it works. My method and knowledge is the only truth. I have been on this path for so long, I don’t need any support or feedback.” Those are just a couple of examples how you can detect the spiritual ego at play.

When still in ego mode, we are blaming, we are judging, we are chasing, we are fighting… because we act out of fear. Thus, it is really important to reprogram our mind and teach it that WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS. To do this, every time you catch yourself in thought spirals, take a step back and observe yourself. Observe your ego. See it as this little child that is afraid to die. So love it, thank it for just wanting to protect you, tell it that it is not necessary though. It can help to give your ego a name when you talk to it. That helps to disidentify with it.

Ask your ego two questions when panicking:

  • Am I or someone else dying because of this?
  • Does the planet stop turning because of this?

The answer is no? Tell your ego that there is no need to be protective right now as there is no life danger and send it back to sleep. You can say something like: “See it is not necessary to protect me right now. Sit back, relax and go on a long vacation. You have been working so hard for such a long time, you really deserve a break!”

It will fight hard to stay in the lead and shoot all fears it has got onto you. Stay calm. Caress your ego when it freaks out, tell it that everything is okay and secure. Tell it that you hear its advice and are thankful for it, but that it is just not capable to see the fuller picture. Tell it that you will therefore not take the advice and follow your heart, but that this does not change your love for your ego and that you will not abandon it but help it to grow. You will have to do that very often in the beginning, because the ego does not want to lose its power. Don’t give up. It will get less and less aggressive. If you show it your love, tell it how much more you can be together with a fusion of heart and mind, it will start to trust your heart and step by step will surrender.

Another very helpful approach is to practice being in the NOW. Meditation is something that can be very helpful. Integrate it as a daily habit and start practicing being in the NOW. That is hard! You will realize even more, how the mind jumps from past to future constantly. Learn to watch these thoughts flying by without interpreting them or clinging on to them. Tell yourself: Those are just thoughts passing by, it is only energy. They are not me, they do not define who I am. Meditation does not necessarily mean to sit like a Buddha for hours and make ohhmming sounds. All it means is to find a way how to be in the NOW and experience oneness and inner peace in a worry free zone. You can have that feeling and the connection to the collective consciousness anywhere. Find out what is best for you. Nature, running, surfing, skating, skiing, hiking, painting, playing music…. To come into the NOW: Focus on your senses. Feel, smell, touch, taste, hear, see what is going on in the moment. In these moments, thoughts cannot exist. All you can do is feel a moment, not think it.. Once your ego surrendered, you become the free spirit your supposed to be, and your mind becomes a powerful creator. Your thoughts are the basis for manifestation. If you think fearful thoughts, you create a fearful reality. When your thoughts come from a place of love, you create more and more love for you and around you.


3) Forgive Yourself and Others

 Abstract sound waves

This, for many is the hardest part to do. Because our ego loves to blame and judge others and ourselves to make them or us feel miserable, unworthy. It keeps us in a victim role. Often, we do not even realize it, because we are so stuck in our old belief patterns based on human ethics and morale. “This is just not the way one should behave. Friends don’t do that to each other. If he or she would truly love me… “. Just some examples to help you detect whether you are still in ego/victim mode. These sentences are full of conditional thinking. Those are sentences of conditional love. To reach unconditional love, we have to leave the human level and go onto the soul level.

“To reach unconditional love, we have to leave the human level and go onto the soul level”.


Classic forgiveness work does not go there. It stays on the human level. We might understand the situation of the other person better and why they acted that way. But it still f*cking hurts. Forgiveness becomes effective, when we add gratitude into the equation. Gratitude for the lessons we learn. For the growth opportunities we receive.

That means to accept that there is a higher purpose and bigger meaning behind everything we experience and that our soul chose these situations to expand our consciousness and grow. A wonderful method to do so is Radical forgiveness by Colin Tipping. He has a lot of information and free tools on his website. It is a great method to transmute energies from low to high frequencies quickly.


4) Accept, embrace and let go

Beauty girl cry

The second body that needs healing is the emotional body. It hosts our female aspects, the feeling side. This is where we get into the hard stuff. This is where the real boot camp starts. Here, we have to face our deepest fears and hurts. We have to be brave, and it is not much fun to experience all the hurt and all the past wounds we had buried so deeply and locked away forever as we thought. But, if we want to ascend and live in the 5th dimension, locking away is not an option anymore. We are presented with everything that still needs healing to be able to move into the higher frequencies of 5D. How do we handle that?

When pain comes up, the most important rule is: Don’t fight it, don’t blame anyone or yourself but just accept this as a necessary part of your healing and be grateful for the release. This will transmute the low fear frequencies into high love frequencies quickly. Don’t identify with it. WE ARE NOT OUR EMOTIONS, these are just energies we are experiencing. They do not define who we are. So accept them, embrace them and then let them go. And that is done by acting out the emotion. If you feel sad, cry, if you feel angry scream and hit a pillow, go running etc. whatever helps you to get it out of your system. Follow what your body and system wants you to do and feels like doing in that moment. You are guided perfectly – also in dealing with the pain. In those challenging and painful situations, tell yourself, that this too shall pass.


5) Heal your Inner Child

Silhouette, group of happy children playing on meadow, sunset, summertime

The inner child is the wounded, abandoned and hurt part within ourselves that recalls those bad memories and delivers the “energetic software” to our ego with the protection strategy we once came up with to avoid pain or punishment. This part of us is fearful and sabotaging us as an adult. Working with the inner child is often not successful because our adult self is supposed to take over responsibility and give our inner child what it would have needed in the past. Our grown up self often is in such a bad place, that we do not want to take over any responsibility because we do not feel capable. On the other hand our inner child just looks at our grown up self and is kind of saying: “What, this person is supposed to take care of me and I am supposed to trust him or her? Look at him/her! He/She’s a mess! No thanks… I am better off alone with my learned protective strategies…”.

In addition to that, when people work with their inner child, they often forget that there is not only one version but five versions that have different topics according to the state of evolution in growing up: The infant, the toddler, the pre-schooler, the schooler and the young adolescent. To successfully heal the inner child, we need to work through all of them and reclaim all of them to come to a complete healing of the past and rewriting the story. It is recommended to seek support for inner child healing. A neutral person can help to guide and will make sure that neither the adult nor the inner child is sabotaging the process.


6) Redirect the Energies and find Joy

Colorful Aura - Colors Spectrum Background with a Dark Center.

Colorful Aura – Colors Spectrum Background with a Dark Center.

When you are a little more used to the emotional breakouts and not as overwhelmed anymore, you can start to redirect these energies and transform them. This can be arts, journaling, supporting others, dancing, sports, …whatever you like to spend your time with. This is the first step into the direction of finding joy again. Step by step add more things that you enjoy. What makes your heart sing? When do you forget space and time? Traveling, singing, dancing, star gazing, hiking, knitting, painting… Discover what is right for you. Ask your inner child what you truly enjoy and let it come out to play. Discover playfulness. It is very important for us to find joy again and come into the NOW. This will help to even out the emotional break downs. Step by step, you will lift your frequency by adding more joy. The higher our frequency gets, the less space for low frequencies of fear based emotions such as guilt, shame, sadness, anger etc. The darkness within us will be absorbed by our light.


7) Love Yourself and treat Yourself well

Baby kissing a Mirror

Even when in emotional turmoil, always treat yourself the way you would want to be treated by a caring friend. Take good care of yourself, make yourself a cup of tea, buy yourself some flowers, light candles for you, spoil yourself with a massage, watch a funny movie and so on. Laughter and humour can help immensely. Look down on your 3D self, taking a 5D perspective and smile about the programming and the struggles they cause. See it like watching your own “Truman Show”. A big lesson to learn for us is to enjoy time on our own and getting rid of feelings of loneliness. This is a giant step into direction of self-love.

Another wonderful tool for self-love is mirror work. Sit in front of the mirror and look yourself into the eyes. See the beauty and wisdom reflecting back at you. Tell yourself in the mirror “I love you”. “You are beautiful just the way you are”. “You are perfect”. These are just examples for affirmations. Come up with what fits for you. It might take a bit until you start believing yourself. Unfortunately we are all misprogrammed through all the beauty and fashion magazines, telling us what beauty supposedly is. Learn to say “fuck that” and keep telling yourself how beautiful you are.



8) Appreciate your Body

Spiritual Awakening

Our physical body is the densest part to heal. Our physical body is like the external drive of a computer where all the old emotions are stored that we suppressed and did not release. Additionally, the physical body is changing from a carbon based to a crystalline structure to be able to handle the much higher 5D New Earth frequencies on a permanent level. During this process, we experience all kinds of very uncomfortable ascension symptoms.

In addition to that, we struggle with our physical body, because it is not the way we want it to be. We think we are too slim, too fat, we don’t like the shape of our nose, of our eyes, we have too much or too little hair etc. So what to do about that?

Again, mirror work is a very good exercise. Stand in front of the mirror and start thanking your body and all the organs and parts. Appreciate what they do for you every day. Your body is your vehicle and lets you experience life. It lets you feel, smell, touch, hear, sense, walk, breathe… There are so many things our body does for us, we take for granted. Processing and digesting food, moving, keeping our heart beating, transport vitamins, amino acids etc to the right places needed and cleansing out substances that are not good for us. Very often. we prefer to ignore its warning sigs and blame it instead. It just lovingly wants us to know when it is time to take a break and rest. So appreciate the pain as well, watch it and find out what it wants to tell you. Again, be aware that our idea of beauty and a perfect body is shaped by social programming. Recognize that this is just an illusion and tell your body how much you love it.


“A healthy nutrition plays a vital part in our ascension process”


A healthy nutrition plays a vital part in our ascension process. The energies coming in are extremely tough on the adrenal glands and the thyroid. Food that does not resonate with these frequencies can tax the system further. Low vibrating, dead and processed food can hurt our body very much. Red meat, junk food, sugar, white flour, alcohol, dairy products and additives are just a couple of examples that are damaging our system during the awakening process quite heavily and can even cause serious addictions and illnesses. You will realize that your cravings change throughout the ascension process. You might need more or less food – depending on the energetic activities around you. Say good bye to the idea you have to eat three times a day. Only eat when you feel like it. Your body is very sensitive during the awakening phase. Even green tea or herbal teas with too many different substances in it can make the system go berserk. Start treating your body with healthy food. Enjoy the taste of a freshly prepared meal with love. Make it a special event and be grateful for the healthy meal you are enjoying. When it comes to food, start to observe what makes you feel alive and what makes you rather tired. We are all different and not everyone can handle the same foods. Learn what your individual system needs. Just follow your cravings. During ascension, we can feel like being pregnant and crave the most awkward things. And we are pregnant… with our new authentic selves to be reborn :-). When you crave weird things, make it as healthy as possible. Chocolate: Go for dark chocolate possibly with coconut or rice sugar instead of white sugar and milk. Pizza? There are wholegrain and nut cheese alternatives. Be careful with soy. It has a high estrogenic effect and can bring the body even more out of balance. Lemon Water throughout the day, Apple vinegar (one spoon in the morning undiluted) and Himalayan pink salt (to season your food or in your lemon water) can be real life-savers when going through emotional and physical pain, as it has a very calming and cleansing effect. The good thing is: After your body has transformed, you can eat what you want – your body will not take in any poisoning stuff anymore. You become immune.

“After your body has transformed completely, you will become immune to poisoning ingredients.”


Give your body what it was actually invented for. Movement! It was not made for sitting 10 hours in front of a computer or on a couch. Yes, there are times we need to just lie and recalibrate. And that is perfectly fine. Also here, follow what your body asks for. Movement does not mean you have to become a marathon runner, a walk in the park and lying on the grass to recalibrate improves your situation quickly. In times you feel more energy, go doing what you love. Running, cycling, dancing, yoga… this will keep your system healthy, helps to unblock stuck energy and release it. It is very likely that you will experience an emotional breakout while moving your body. Again: Be thankful for the release and act it out.

Another big body related issue we all have to deal with is the programming of sex and nakedness being something dirty and shameful. We feel we don’t deserve to enjoy our nakedness and finding pleasure in sex. Also here, a reprogramming is necessary. Again, the mirror is of great help. Do the same exercise as above, but this time naked. Appreciate every bit of your body and appreciate your naked self. Start loving yourself and your body, stroking it softly. Snuggle into yourself. Be brave and explore without any shame.

“Learn that masturbation is something beautiful and natural to experience and can help to cleanse your whole energetic system from blockages”.


Learn that masturbation is something beautiful and natural to experience and can help to cleanse our whole energy system from blockages. Sexual energies are very sacred and are actually the creator energy directly from Source. It is time to find back to this powerful energy and to use it for our ability to create, manifest and to heal this planet. This is the ultimate physical form of self-love. Very often, you will experience an energetic release e.g. through crying while masturbating. This is a great way of transmuting energies quickly into higher frequencies. Be thankful for it.

Our body is a miracle. And we can steer and create it very well. Nothing is set in stone. We are not a slave of our genes, we are the master of it. If you want to find out more about how much you can influence the functioning and well-being of your physical body, check out the amazing research and work in “Epigenetics” of Bruce Lipton.


9) Sound Healing

Abstract sound waves

In our awakening process, we often realize that we cannot listen to certain music anymore that we used to love. That is because we become oversensitive to these frequencies. As our own frequency rises, we do not resonate with certain music tunes anymore.

Music expresses the unseen rhythm and energies of the universe. Music is vibration put into sound so we can hear and feel it. Music and sound can change vibes and therefore can be a major support in changing vibrational patterns. It can help to push old fears and energies to the surface for healing. Most of the music produced for the masses today is recorded on 440 Hz, which is a frequency in disharmony with the natural frequency on this planet and creates a constant disharmony with our body. 440 Hz supports the left brain (rational thinking, logic) while 432 Hz is opening the right brain (intuition, feeling). The introduction of 440 Hz as concert standard goes back into Nazi times. Without wanting to open up a conspiracy discussion, it was certainly useful to the rulers at this time for people to be in their left brain functions.

While 432 Hz music in general has a very calming effect and is perfect for relaxing and grounding – as it is in line with the natural frequency, music in 528 Hz is the heightened frequency of the heartbeat of the higher dimensions and of unconditional love. 528 Hz music is perfect to bring up old pain to surface to release it. Once you have cleared everything out, 528 Hz music is supporting to connect to the higher dimensions and to unconditional love.

10) Keep your Power


The awakening process can be very confusing, upsetting and painful. This leads us to have more questions than answers and our logical brain and ego wants answers. Fast. It is more than tempting to ask others for advice, get psychic readings to find out more about our situation and the next steps we should take. There is one big issue with that though: We are giving our power away to others. We make ourselves dependent again. Awakening is about self-love and trusting our own abilities. It is only our ego searching for these answers outside. Through our heart, we are connected to collective consciousness, to Source, the Universe, God, whatever you want to call this higher intelligence we are all part of. To truly become enlightened and awakened, you have to go within, find your own light, your own truth. The only guru you need is you.


Of course – that does not mean to make it on your own and not reaching out at all. It is important to connect and share with others to realize you are not alone and to find your own path and your tribe. Nevertheless, a good teacher/guide only gives you the tools, not the solution. He or she asks the right questions and is not giving the answers.


11) Sharing

Share your love, your experiences, your concerns with other likeminded people. Find your tribe that gets you and vice versa. Sharing is a wonderful way of redirecting energies into something useful. Even smallest things like thanking a waiter or holding someone the door will change the energy quickly.


12) Grounding and Rebalancing in Nature


Nature is healing. That is where we come from. We have more in common with nature than we think. Because we all consist mainly of water. So does nature. And water has a wonderful characteristic. It communicates and transports information quickly. The smaller amount of water adapts to the larger amount of water. So when we are walking barefoot through grass or a forest, when we hug trees, we take a swim or just put our feet into natural water, we are surrounded with the natural frequency. Which is carried as data by the water in the grass, the trees, the lakes, the sea, the rivers etc.

When our system and cells are in chaos because we had a bad day, a fight, an emotional breakout, spiralling thoughts etc. getting in touch with nature/water rebalances us quickly into the natural frequency, as we as the smaller part of water adapt to the bigger one. Second best option: Take a seasalt bath at home, or program the water before bathing in it with 432 Hz sounds. Just let a song play (there are plenty on youtube and spotify) in the bathroom, before you enter the bathtub.


13) Watch Children

We can learn so much from our children. Just watch them play. They are completely in the NOW and not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Maybe you are even brave enough to play yourself. Sit in a swing, build a sandcastle or play boyscouts and go exploring…


14) Don’t try, allow


No matter what you do – practice to let go of control and let things unfold. Instead of making concrete plans, just know what you want. The universe will take care of the “how”. Go with the flow and trust that you will get what you wish for or something better.


15) Find Correlations and get to know your System


In general, on all healing levels, always look for correlations. What makes you think, feel, or experience body symptoms or emotions in a certain way. Observe your environment and what is going on with other people around you or on the planet or in the Universe. You might find out, that the fatigue you are experiencing comes from too many people around you or an EMF field close by. Or your nervousness always starts after having eaten a certain food. Your sudden emotional break out might be caused by earthquakes or solar flares. Finding these correlations takes the drama out of the equation and you can appreciate your body as a radar system that gives you clues about the energies around you.

Here are a couple of helpful links to check for correlations:

Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions:


Astrology/Energy Forecasts:


Solar Activity/Geomagnetic Storms:


“All these healing exercises ultimately have one goal. To lead you back to self-love and freedom.”


All these healing exercises ultimately have one goal. To lead you back to self-love and freedom. The first important switch we have to flip is from fear to love. The second important switch is to focus on our own healing and mission, away from external influences. You are all that counts. That way, you will find your true and authentic self. And with it, the answer to the question, who you truly are and what you came here for.

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg


If you enjoy what you are reading and would like to support me in continuing to live my mission and share what comes through me, I am very grateful for your donation. Thank you ❤

Here are your Angel Messages for November 2 – 8, 2015 from Doreen Virtue

Here are your Angel Messages for November 2 – 8, 2015
from Doreen Virtue

This week’s energy is much lighter and less intense. It’s a good week to take it easy, and reflect on your desires and dreams. Take the time to rest, including playing soft gentle background music to quiet your mind so that you can hear your own thoughts.

You are in a state of cocooning like a chrysalis preparing to become a butterfly. It’s a time of introspection, dreaming, and planning for your next chapter.

You have the ability to fully reclaim your divine power this week, by releasing fears about being powerful. Your true power is the only true power: Love.

Note: In this reading, Doreen is working with the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards, available at all bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at:

To watch the entire reading, please click on:

Ready For A Major Breakthrough? It Starts With Fire | Ascension Lifestyle

Ready For A Major Breakthrough? It Starts With Fire
| Ascension Lifestyle


Fire Soul.

You know, your soul has signed up for a lifetime of being fused. Purgatory.

Phoenix souls disobey many natural laws. They fall, they die, they resurrect and soar, stronger than before. Knowing they’re going to die over and over again. It’s insane and not for the faint of heart.

But having those magical Phoenix traits, you’re aware of your depth and strength. You can handle your mission. You can stand to look into the abyss, sensing the heat that’s going to kill you, with terror in your eyes, your ears ringing, heart racing, knees shaking, tears pouring down your cheeks – knowing that it will happen.

Well, of course there is something like a choice for you. There is always an alternative, even with your back against a wall, you’ll still find a way out, a plan B.

But if you refuse to be fused, it will get worse even. The pangs of yearning in your soul, the awareness of what you can be and of what is actually calling you, the anguish of denial, that doesn’t let you sleep at night… because you can hear it. You are called.

You know your truth. The truth. The whispers have been with you since the day your senses started working. The terror won’t stop, it will push you towards the edge, mercilessly. You can make it a slower and more straining process, but the flames are inevitable.

Don’t be stupid, just think of the countless times you’ve been burning. Of course it’s terrible.

But what’s the alternative, really? Running through life, with your hands before your eyes, pretending to be invisible: “I can’t see you, so you can’t see me!” Is that what you’ve burnt and died for a zillion times before? To try your hardest to put things on hold this time?

Yes, you are tired. Yes, it sucks. It’s freaking unfair. Why not pass the ball to somebody else? Taking a well-deserved time out.

It could have been so nice: you’ve imagined yourself staying in that lovely bubble of predictability and safety (aka your comfort zone). You did everything you could to avoid things that could have you waking up.


Blinders, earplugs, TV, addictions, friends who are asleep themselves, keeping yourself busy with stupid boring day jobs, with attempts to be perfect and to juggle all the masks you’ve taken on over time.

You tried to starve your soul, that sucker. It never shut up! It constantly made you wake up with that hollow feeling in your tummy, that feeling that something was essentially off. “I don’t see you – you don’t see me! Lalalalalaaaahh!”

But there is some serious magical stuff going on in your environment which is beyond your capacity to control. ‘External triggers’.

Oh the joy and the giggles, that sound – like a million little bells – through the entire Universe. Synchronicity. Magical encounters. “Coincidences”. Catalysts. Soul-shaking Awakening.

And you can’t resist it. It washes over you. It pulls you into depth, darkness, fire, it drowns your bullshit in love and digs out your gold from places you’ve never known existed.

Damn, and there it happened again: You find yourself in the flames, screaming. Although you’ve been there so often, you still hate the “shit, I’m dying in the flames again”-part.

Yes, after the burning it’s so obvious how blessed you are for having such a fiery and strong soul. How much needed it’s been to shed some old layers of crap again.


Even the “wow, I’m soaring, like always after death”-part is an ambiguous event: You feel the refinement, the increased focus and energy, your magical oomph is deeper, louder, more magnetic.

If you make the mistake to buy into the stuff your mind is making up, even the rising can be awkward. The doubting whether you’ve just gone crazy, the fear of soon finding yourself in a straight-jacket. The not believing you can do this. The fear of owning your power.

“What power?”, you ask.
Well, start with the power of braving the fire. Of harnessing the elements on your behalf to work potent magic in the world. The power to direct energy and attention in ways that alter reality for you and for others. The power to cut through the BS and see the big picture of things. The power to tear up illusions.

“Really? I can do this? But how? Are you kidding?”
By using the courage and strength that you gained with every survival, every conscious choice of death and resurrection, like it’s the most common thing in the world.

It is, by the way, but most muggles don’t ever get there, you can’t do this when you’re sleeping. You can’t dream it to make it happen, you have to fucking show up and do it.

That’s what you’ve always done. You kind of forgot about it. This was for your protection. Are you ready to remember your power? Are you ready to use it?

That magic wand you crafted yourself? It wasn’t just for fun. The crystals you’ve always carried with you because they made you feel better? Not coincidental at all. The pull towards the stars, and studying the planets? Makes sense. The feeling of your chest expanding to the point of physical pain? That’s the space that contains your shining soul, and with it the capacity and the urge to love. Not just a bit, but fully, whole-soul, divine love of All-That-Is.


Notice something? The closer you look at it, the more the puzzle of your oh-so confused life becomes an image of magic and purpose. Those triggers that you used to hate? The pangs of Awakening? Divinely orchestrated to get you the fuck over your fear.

The experiences you’ve had – that’s the fabric others write novels about. That’s true for the terror and the miracles you’ve encountered. Your soul is holding the Universe together. Don’t you think it’s about time to honor that and contribute with all you’ve got, everything you’ve learned instead of remaining in denial, just because you’re scared of the fire still?

You unite the elements in your heart, alchemized to gold. Sprinkle it everywhere, goddamnit. It’s there, it’s you.
Get the fuck over your endless overthinking and doubting the good things. You’re a magical and powerful soul.

Your resistance isn’t a bad thing in general, though. It made you get through the blaze unharmed and stronger than before. It made you hold on to life, over and over again.

But look, you’re filled to the brim with magic, you have to put it somewhere, otherwise you explode. Or implode. Both scenarios don’t sound very alluring or desirable. This all is energy, don’t waste it. You’re on fire. Share it, turn up the heat, let the gold flow over. Create, share, be magic. Because that’s what you are.

You’re magic, through and through. Don’t break our hearts by refusing to be it, to be you.


It might look like life the way you knew it is about to collapse and fall apart. You have no clue what this all means and it feels kind of scary.

Trust that something enormous and magnificent is about to emerge, and it is going to fill the void that you’re in right now. Remember: enormous and magnificent like your soul defines it, not the way you expect it or wish for it.

Be open for a major shift. Go with it. You will be engulfed, it will be terrifying and amazing. You will survive and be spit out a different person. You’ll get there. And it will be so worth it.

There are cracks filled with light, you’re a work in progress. You never could imagine how things will turn out. Trust, sweet soul! This is happening for you.


Your time is *now*.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor 
Lina Boldt


 Lina Boldt is a seeker, healer and writer, she has a Ninja-warrior survival record, and can often be found in the thick of deep transformational work, which made her gain quite some expertise in breakdowns and breakthroughs. Her current mission is all about surrender, and she can’t live without chocolate.

Website: Disobey With Grace
Facebook Group: for non-conformists and messy souls

– See more at:

Originally posted at


Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics by Anna Merkaba

This Sheldan Nidle interview by Alexandra Meadors brings a lot of clarity to those burning questions you have… ~PB

Alexandra Meadors 3-24-15… “A Highly Informative Q & A With Sheldan Nidle: Revelations Have Changed Our Future! March 24, 2015″
Posted on 2015/03/26     by kauilapele

Thanks to William who informed me of this. Immediately upon seeing it I felt it wanted to be posted. So here it is. I have not listened to it all as yet, but I felt that many would resonate with Alexandra’s questions for Sheldan, and learn some more about what this “Sheldan Nidle” person is all about.

Published on Mar 24, 2015

You will love this interview! Sheldan Nidle and Alexandra Meadors share an informative review of some of the hottest topics reviewed by our online community. You will hear a concise recap of what is unfolding now, what was done to prompt these changes, and what we can look forward to. Sheldan and Alexandra are discussing the possibility of a monthly presentation on specific topics! Stay tuned!

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

The Phoenix Rising : Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015 | Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn | Starchild Global


1 Bennu Bird3


The Phoenix Rising : Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015
Archangel Michael
through Celia Fenn | Starchild Global

posted on 18 March 2015

Beloved Family of Light, this is a most powerful and awe-inspiring time in your Planetary Evolution! You have begun a period of intense change and dimensional shift that is changing the nature of your Planet profoundly. At this Equinox moment of Spring for the North and Fall for the South, the energy of Renewal and Regeneration is being powerfully activated in the manifestation of the New Reality and the New Earth.

The Phoenix is the symbol for this powerful energy of Fire that is rising on the Earth and doing its work of Transmutation and Transformation. From the Ashes of the Old, the New is seeded and is arising!

The Phoenix Energy is particularly strong at the March Equinox, together with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. The New Solar Light Codes are being installed, and a New Beginning awaits the Planet.
This will be followed on the 4th April with a Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, where the Water Element will be the dominant transformational element. The Lunar Codes will be imprinted on the Cosmic Waters and the Waters of Earth to bring forth a “New Creation” and a “New Heaven and a New Earth”.

At the same time, there is a grand opening on the Galactic Levels, and Earth is not only anchoring in the 6th and 7th Dimensions of Higher Consciousness, but also reconnecting directly with the Galactic Teachers and Masters from Sirius and Orion, who stand ready to once again share the wisdom of Ascension and Higher Consciousness with those who are open to receive these teachings and wisdom.

Solar Shift: The New Solar Codes and Rebirthing the Phoenix
on the Equinox/New Moon in Pisces

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The Equinox, New Moon and Solar Eclipse align on the 20th March, which is also the beginning of the Fire Sign of Aries which begins the Zodiacal year. The Fire energy of Aries energizes the Phoenix energy, as it springs forth in an act of Regeneration and Recreation for the Earth.

At the moment of the Equinox, when the seasons change and when the day and the night are of equal length, it is as though the Earth takes a deep breath, or a pause, on its journey around the Sun. At the same time, all living beings readjust their inner time keeping mechanisms, to allow themselves to connect with the deep changes in seasonal and elemental energy that is taking place. This is even more powerful when there is a New Moon which is also a Fire Moon (Phoenix), and when that Fire Moon is also in Eclipse, allowing New Planetary Solar Codes to be integrated into the Cycles of Solar Light in the Solar/Solaris system.

As citizens of the Earth, you will feel these powerful shifts in your own physical body, in your society and in your environment.

In the Physical Body, you will be receiving Fire Codes or Solar Light Codes via the Pineal Gland and into the Light Body and the Physical Body. This is an intense Gold and Diamond Light that activates very strongly. You may experience these activations as an intense Joy and Ecstasy, as the Golden and Diamond energies activate on the cellular levels. You may also feel an intense pressure in your physical system, that translates as physical effects such as migraines, high blood pressure, muscular spasms, pain the Solar Plexus and small domestic “accidents” as the unstable energy may render some of you in an ungrounded state. We urge you to strive to remain focussed and grounded in this period.

You may also find that people around you are angry and explosive, and prone to emotional outbursts. Remember, Beloved Ones, that everyone is integrating these energies, and those that are not awakened are having to do this without the benefit of knowledge and information that would assist them. So they are anxious and fearful and not really sure why this is. Your work is to remain focussed in your Heart and in the energy of Love and Compassion, so that this beautiful energy of the Diamond Heart can radiate out into the Earth.

In your physical environment, you will find that Nature is responding to the energy of the Phoenix. In the Southern Hemisphere, where there has been a very hot and dry summer, there have been many destructive Wild Fires in South Africa, Argentina and Chile. In each case, huge areas of Forest and Vegetation has been consumed in this Fire Dance, as Nature facilitates the energy of Transformation and Change, making way for the Seeds of the New.

In the Northern Hemisphere too, you should prepare for a “Summer of Fire” as this energy moves through the Summer in its function of clearing and cleansing and making space for the new. This will be felt most strongly on the social level, where the fires of change will burn in people’s hearts as they confront the old with the intent to destroy what no longer works and seed the changes for a new way of life.

The Sirian Story of the Bennu Bird

Bennu Bird 1
The Master Teachers of Ascension from the Sirius system taught your ancestors, the Ancient Egyptians, about the Cosmic mechanisms of the cycles of Destruction and Birth that form the basis of all life in your Galaxy.

The Bennu Bird was the name which they gave to Cosmic Bird of Creation. ( The name Phoenix was given later by the Greeks.) The Bennu Bird flew across the Cosmic Waters and alighted on a Mound that was rising out of the Waters. When the Bennu Bird called out with Sound, Creation began and the Earth emerged as a Planet with Life forms.

But, as the Sirian Masters taught, it was the habit of the Bennu Bird to burst into Flames and destroy itself after a Cycle of time. But, from the Ashes of the Bird, a new Bennu Bird would arise and fly off to begin a New Cycle of Creation.

So, Beloved ones, there was always and only One Bennu Bird in creation, but it was infinite, and always renewing itself in the Fires of Creation.

Beloved Family of Light, you are privileged to be living at a time when the Bennu Bird is going through this process of Destruction and Renewal, and to be a part of the process.

Lunar Shift : Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra and the Waters of Creation Recoding a New Balance in a Multi-Dimensional Star/Planet

Jean Luc WaterLights

On the 4th of April, the Full Moon will fall in Libra (Aries), the house of Harmony and Balance. There will still be tension with the Fire Energy in Aries, but the incoming Light Codes for the Lunar Eclipse will be those of Water, the Galactic Element of Creation, blended with the Air Element of Harmony and Beauty.

The Sirian Master teachers also taught that the Cosmos and the Galaxy were fluid, and spoke of the “waters” of the Cosmos, and the Earth as a “boat” that sailed on the Cosmic Waters. In this Cosmology, the Earth emerged from the Galactic Flow of Space and Time and took on existence and form. The “Tree of Life” grew out of this original creation impulse, and many of your Spiritual traditions on the Earth teach of the “Tree of Life” as a symbol for all of creation on the Earth.

At this time, the energy of water will be powerfully recoded with the Light Codes of Diamond Creation, the Creation Codes for the New Earth. A New Tree of Life is emerging on the Earth!
You will feel the flow of the water energy as an urge to be Creative, to renew your life and relationships in some way and to engage with the Earth and the environment in some of these processes of social and environmental renewal. Beloved Ones, this is a powerful time for the “New”, for new projects, new careers and new directions. At the same time, you may also be surprised at the failure of the old, as old relationships, careers and projects that seemed so good suddenly fall away and come to an end. You may need to traverse the void for a while as you follow the flow of Cosmic Creation, but you can be assured that something new will arise in its place.

The Rising of Osiris and the Global Celebration of Easter

osiris water

The period of the 3rd to the 6th of April is also celebrated as the Christian festival of Easter by millions of people around the planet. This is done in remembrance of the death and resurrection/rebirth of the Avatar Yeshua.

The life of Yeshua is a reflection of an earlier teaching of the Masters from Sirius and Orion. They taught that a Radiant Being from Orion called Osiris came to the Earth with his partner, Isis. Together they assisted Humanity in the period after the dstsructive trauma of the fall of Atlantis.

The Sirian Masters taught that Osiris died, and was brought back to life as a Master of the Dimensional Change to become infinite and Eternal. This feat was celebrated annually in Egypt together with the rising of the Nile River, and the process of Ascension and Rebirth was associated with Water and the return of Abundance to the land.

So, when the Avatar Yeshua and his partner, Mary Magdalene, came to the Earth, they too were part of the teachings of Ascension and Transformation, or Alchemy. The death of Yeshua and his subsequent “ascension’ to the Higher Dimensional Form is what is celebrated at Easter.

So it is, Beloved Family of Light, that the death and rebirth of the Cosmic Avatar became a Template, or pattern, or archetype, for the transformation of every human who has activated the Light Body in the process of Ascension to Higher Consciousness and Infinite Being.

Beloved Ones, this powerful Avatar energy will also join with the powerful elemental Water energy to raise the consciousness of Humanity on the Planet at this time.

Dimensional Doorways : Anchoring the 6th and 7th Dimensions of Light on Earth

At this time also, the process of anchoring in the 6th and 7th Dimensions of Higher Light on the Earth will be completed.

The Earth is now truly Multi-Dimensional, and those who have activated their Multi-Dimensional Light Body, and opened and centered in the Heart, and grounded into the Earth Star Chakra, will now also have the ability to move into the 6th and 7th Dimensions of Light and Consciousness.

The 6th Dimension is a Magical Realm of the Imagination and Creativity. It is a Flow Dimension where Light flows into ideas and patterns, and where dreams are originated that will flow into manifestation.

The way to access the 6th Dimension is through creativity, through song, dance, poetry, music, film, or any form of creative expression that lifts you from “mundane” reality into the Magical Realm of Creative Possibility and Pure Potential.

Those who master the 6th Dimension will be the Dreamers and Creators of the New Earth Reality.

The 7th Dimension is the Spiritual Home, the Shamballa, of those who have mastered the Bridge between Heaven and Earth, and between Spirit and Matter. It is the home of Masters and Avatars who are skilled in flowing with Divine Creative Intelligence in order to create and manifest according to the Divine Plan as guided by the incoming Diamond Light Codes.

The access to the 7th Dimensions, in turn, gives access to the 8th Dimensions and the 9th Dimension.
The 8th Dimension is the Solar Dimension where Beings of Pure Light and Consciousness work to direct the Golden Light and the Diamond Light into manifestation in the Solar System. These are the Shining Ones whose radiance can be felt as Inspiration and Love.

The 9th Dimensions is the Galactic Dimensions where beings of Pure Diamond Consciousness hold the powerful forces of Creation and Destruction at the Great Central Sun.

These are the primal elements of Fire and Water , the two first elements of Creation that emerge from the Void to create the essence of Divine Manifestation.

And so it is, Beloved Family of Light, that as you work with Fire and Water on the Earth, and as you hold the Void within and so create, you are also working with the 9th Dimensional patterns of Original Creation.

Beloved Ones, the Cosmos is a miraculous home, and you are now at the point where you are working with the powers and creative passions of the 9th Dimensional Galactic Heart. Be conscious, be aware, and feel how your own Heart is beating and pulsating in response to this new connection to the Galactic Heart.

It is a time to celebrate the Dance of Fire and Water and the Rebirthing of All in the New Earth.

The Diamond Codes

If you would like to learn more about the incoming Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and how they relate to Conscious Evolution and the Light Body, you can explore the new book by Celia Fenn called “The Diamond Codes: Light Information for the New Reality”.

DC book cover small

Eclipse-Equinox Global Reboot ~ March 20th, 2015

Yes, it’s been intense!

Infinite Shift

How are you flowing with the intense cosmic energies? This week we are in the midst of some of the most extraordinary astrology of our lifetimes! Since 2012 humanity has been bombarded by a series of sharp 90 degree squares between evolutionary Pluto in Capricorn and revolutionary Uranus in Aries.

The final 7th square occurred on Monday/Tuesday (March 16th/17th depending on time zone), creating a massive lightning bolt of omniscient Light infusion streaming from the Great Central Sun. It’s no coincidence the photonic geomagnetic surge erupted in a severe solar storm on Tuesday, visible in a stunning display of light in the night sky over parts of the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

The photon Light encodes advanced consciousness into our mind, heart and DNA – activating ancient knowledge sealed in the Akashic Records for centuries since the fall of Atlantis. The momentous astrological events this week act…

View original post 691 more words

Forgetting Love is not possible by John Smallman | Jesus through John

Transcending F.E.A.R. and limitation…BEing in the NOW….

Jesus through John

  Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday March 21st

To experience Oneness is really not that difficult, it is just a question of waiting patiently and allowing it to happen.  To allow means that you do not attempt to be in control of the moment, of the situation, you just accept what arises, and if nothing arises do not concern yourself about it because nothing arising is very, very close to Oneness.  Oneness is a state of alert attention, a state in which you observe – your feelings, your thoughts, your environment, noises and smells, people or things passing – but do not engage with any of them so that you are always ready for and aware of the next thing, thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in this now moment, the only moment that has real meaning.

It is a very peaceful state in which you are simply present, nothing…

View original post 1,061 more words

“Behind the Scenes” – March 2015 Energy Forecast by Emmanuel Dagher

Energy Forecast 2015 Banner

“Behind the Scenes” – March 2015 Energy Forecast
by Emmanuel Dagher

My Dear Friend,

We have so much to catch up on! How have you been feeling lately?

There was a palpable shift that occurred after the 19th of February that brought many of us an overall sense of peace, even though there were a few days in between that still had some residual effects of Mercury in retrograde.

For those mindful that their reality is a direct result of their projected ideas/thoughts about it, those few days provided clear feedback as to what things we can continue to polish up, as we enter a gentler year ahead.

The Equinox and the Total Solar Eclipse

Beginning in early March, the energies start to build toward the equinox (spring for the Northern Hemisphere, autumn for the Southern Hemisphere).

This occurs on Friday, March 20 at 6:45 PM EDT (10:45 PM GMT). To add to this already exciting time of transformation, we will also be experiencing a total solar eclipse on the same day as the equinox!

So what does this mean for us?

The equinox serves as a doorway between the spiritual and physical world, enabling a powerful renewal to occur. This renewal elevates our consciousness to be able to seed greater love and wisdom into the very real, present moment.

It’s Divine Alchemy in its full glory!

The equinox is also a time when the creative gifts we’ve been nurturing throughout the summer and winter months can fully be realized and expressed, to inspire the kind of world we’d like to experience more of.

An equinox is an ideal time to:

  • v Simplify our living space/environment, so that we are able to release many of the things we haven’t been using. The general principle I follow is, if I haven’t used it in the past year, it can now find a loving new home with someone who will truly benefit from receiving it.
  • v Try something new that feels to be out of our comfort zone.
  • v Switch up our routine every few days over the next few months, to keep ourselves open, fresh, and available to the opportunities presenting themselves to us.
  • v Begin a new class or spiritual practice, to reconnect ourselves to our true nature of love.
  • v Forgive any and all people, places, and experiences in our lives that still trigger us emotionally in any way.
  • v Create a balance between our Divine Feminine aspect (our creative, nurturing, playful side) and Divine Masculine aspect (our passionate, action-oriented, motivated side).
  • v Begin a new project or creative venture that feels more aligned with our heart’s desires.

If any of these suggestions feel expansive and joyous to you, know that it’s a confirmation that it may be time for you to integrate them into your life, so that you can make room for the fresh new blessings that are aligned with your heart’s desires.

In addition to the equinox, we will also be gifted with a total solar eclipse on March 20. This will magnify the equinox energies, which can feel quite intense for those who are quite sensitive or emotional.

To not be affected in a challenging way during this time, all that is required is that we be more mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions.

This will allow us to be open and available to the powerful energies of the eclipse and equinox, and work with them in a much more productive way. It will also help us to dissolve any lingering residue of resentment or discord we may still be experiencing.

During a total solar eclipse, meditating on the Sun strengthens our internal Sun (located in the solar plexus/stomach region), which represents our Divine power. This helps us to express ourselves more openly and freely, without holding back. It also helps us build confidence in ourselves, including our gifts, talents, and overall presence in this world.

So it’s safe to say that this month will be a time of great internal and external transformation that can be significantly pacified through mindfulness and spiritual practice.

Behind the Scenes

As we are all internally and externally shifting, there’s even more magic going on behind the scenes.

Have you had profound dreams lately? Are you remembering more and more of them?

Are you feeling waves of energy move through you that sometimes feel like electric currents running through your body?

Are you noticing more and more sparks (mini shooting stars) in your peripheral vision? Are you finding your appetite is fluctuating a bit more these days?

What about feeling a bit more sensitive to the people and experiences around you?

Our Spirit is now fully focused on lifting the veils within our minds right now, so that we will be able to understand, digest, and integrate our True Self into the reality of every present moment.

This is BIG! This is what IS anchoring a “heaven on Earth” type of collective reality.

For millennia, the conscious mind has conditioned itself to operate and function mostly in linear time. Now, with the help of our Spirit, the Universe, and all the Beings of Love whom we each resonate with, the mind is being taught how to thrive outside of linear time, so we can be at our most powerful.

What we are seeing in the world is the transition out of the “fear” that the mind created and got comfortable with, as a result of thinking it would lose its identity if it entered nonlinear time—that it would no longer exist.

However, our Spirit is showing our mind right at this very minute, that this belief could not be further from the truth of what’s really happening.

The mind is being shown how much more of its unique self it will get to experience when it is no longer confined by linear time, where it uses fear, lack, doubt, worry, confusion, guilt, shame, or judgment to cope with life’s challenges.

Our Spirit and the Universe are now opening the doors to ultimate freedom, where we are fully able to recognize our eternal, whole, and True Self once more.

To speed this process along, all that’s asked of us is to be willing to love and have compassion for our mind. The mind’s only mission was to keep us safe the only way it knew how, and for that we are grateful.

It’s also important to make sure we are well hydrated, getting plenty of rest/sleep, continuing with the spiritual practices that help us live in the present moment, and putting nourishing, real foods into our body.

This will support our Spirit with the blessings it is creating for us now.

As always, I am so grateful to share this journey with you, and am holding the space that this month is a phenomenal one for you!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


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