Arcturian Group Message for December 4, 2022 by Marilyn Rafaele | ONENESS OF ALL

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Arcturian Group Message for December 4, 2022
by Marilyn Rafaele | ONENESS OF ALL

Welcome, dear readers. Know that in reality, our messages are your messages for we are one and the consciousness of readers draws forth the message.

It is believed by many that the Guides and higher dimensional beings teaching and helping those on earth are different from you–smarter, better, more blessed, and holier. Call to mind the familiar images of “saints” surrounded with light while gazing blissfully skyward with folded hands. These images represent religious concepts based in duality and separation. The majority of those in the higher dimensions struggled just as you are and have through lifetimes on earth finally evolving into their present high state of consciousness. Always remember that there is only ONE individualized as many.

In these times of discord and change it is tempting to yearn for the times before earth’s ascension process began because life seemed to be simpler and more peaceful then. However, these “old times” were just as much illusion as today, in fact more illusory for much was hidden and disguised as being “right” years ago. Earth and her people have experienced the suffering of separation beliefs long enough and the time has come for them to rise above the dream state that has held them in bondage for eons.

A vital component in attaining a higher state of consciousness is the realizing, understanding, and living of impersonalization. It is the realization that the good and bad behaviors of humans are never personally theirs, but rather are superimposed over their Divine Selfhood by virtue of their having accepted into consciousness impersonal universal beliefs of two powers and separation. It is much like throwing a blanket over a bright lamp. Some blankets are every dense, heavy, and difficult to remove while others not so much depending upon the thrower.

Every person from those considered famous or important to those considered the lowest by three dimensional standards, is in reality God individualized. Therefore, the only qualities a person can or ever will have are God qualities. The human condition is much like the projecting of a film onto a person, a film created from and formed of whatever universal impersonal beliefs in two powers and separation that have been accepted as truth.

Because the high frequency Light energies now flowing to earth are exposing everything of a low density, many long standing discordant issues are now surfacing in order to be seen, acknowledged, and resolved on a higher level. One of these issues is the longstanding conflict that continues to exist between the masculine and the feminine.

Many men continue to struggle and hold to old concepts of what it means to be masculine. Many women are experiencing an increase of anger, resentment, and even hatred toward men as they move into deeper awareness and a sense of empowerment. Women angry at men and men angry at women much of which is the surfacing of old energies that have been experienced and carried through many lifetimes and into this one–lifetimes in which women were severely mistreated by men because men believed they were superior, beliefs that continue today in some countries.

Many women today lived as males in previous lifetimes and engaged in male dominant practices which has left them with a sense of subconscious guilt and sense of confusion about the whole subject but with the desire to learn and evolve through experiencing life on earth as a woman in order to heal and bring about change.

The Divine masculine aspect of God is the active, be-er, do-er and has never been or ever could be separate from the Divine Feminine which is the intuitive, caring, loving aspect of God. They are each a half of the whole and cannot be separated. In third dimensional energy where the universal impersonal collective belief is that of duality, separation, and two powers, there are always pairs of opposites. The two aspects of the ONE Divine Consciousness have always appeared physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually as separate on earth.

This is now changing as collective consciousness awakens and begins to embrace higher ideas of oneness. Men are learning that they can be masculine and embrace their feminine aspect at the same time without fear or shame. Women are learning that they can make decisions for themselves, follow their intuition, and do what they are led to do without being less feminine. However many of dense old concepts regarding male/female roles remain in those threatened by change.

Impersonalization is not limited to masculine/feminine issues but must be practiced in all situations of daily living. It must be understood that in and of themselves, human beings have no good or bad qualities of their own. The good, loving , generous, and kind nature you witness in some are God qualities expressing through them and not personally theirs. It is the same with those who engage in evil, selfish, and even violent actions. These things are never personal but are manifestations of false, universal, and impersonal beliefs in their consciousness.

At first it is difficult to practice impersonalization, especially when you find yourself at the receiving end of some negative action or words but you who are reading these messages are ready and evolved enough to go increasingly deeper with your inner journey and the truth is that the impersonalization of three dimensional appearances is a necessary component of doing that.

God alone is the real nature of every person and anything else is the manifestation of universal beliefs in separation, duality, and two powers. It is hard to remember this as you observe the war, violence, and selfishness taking place in the world, but your consciousness of the impersonal nature of error is the Light you came to bring and are presently adding to collective consciousness.

Living impersonalization does not mean turning a blind eye or saying “Oh well, God is all” while walking away from some situation needing attention. Impersonalization means allowing yourself to be intuitively guided as to what actions may be necessary or words spoken on a level that can be understood by those involved while within you are realizing; “I know you who you really are, the Christ Light of God in expression”.

Present times require impersonalization on the part of those presently on earth who came specifically to add their Light to the collective and assist with earth’s ascension to a higher dimensional energy.
​ You.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/4/22 Donations are welcomed

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NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences September 28 to October 4, 2020 by Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
September 28 to October 4, 2020
by Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. 
For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Venus quincunx Saturn, Venus trine Mars,
Saturn stations direct
TUE: Sun opposite Chiron, Mars square Saturn
WED: Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune
THU: Full Moon in Aries, 2:05 p.m. PDT
FRI: Venus opposite Ceres, Sun quincunx Uranus, Venus enters Virgo
SAT: Jupiter parallel Pluto, Mars conjunct Eris,
Mercury quincunx Chiron
SUN: Pluto stations direct

THERE’S a storm a-brewin’. At times like these, our efforts are best focused in setting boundaries and staying calm. We realize that our main work is to maintain our balance, since we cannot stop the incoming waves, nor stem the tides that are turning.  

The two tides that are in the process of turning are Saturn and Pluto, both of which go direct this week after being retrograde since April. When planets come to a standstill to change direction, we feel their influence more strongly — and in a year that began with the life-changing Saturn-Pluto conjunction, to have both planets at a standstill at virtually the same time makes this a pivotal week in a very pivotal year.  

We can expect delays and frustrations (Saturn) this week, as well as more evidence of dysfunctional systems that must be either renovated or scrapped completely (Pluto).  

ADDING to the complexity of these days, Saturn is tightly square warrior Mars as the Ringed Planet stations direct on Monday. If we’ve been feeling controlled by circumstances recently, the pressure of this square may feel especially oppressive. It represents obstacles to the fulfillment of our desires, and tempts us to drink from a deep well of futility, if we take it all too much to heart.  

One key to navigating this square is to call upon the qualities of wisdom, detachment, and objectivity. The more we are able to keep events in perspective, and not overreact, the easier our passage through the storm will be.  

A SECOND TACTIC is to take things quite literally one step at a time. If there’s an issue to be resolved, just find the next piece of the puzzle, rather than trying to figure out how the whole picture will come together. It will be too easy to go into overwhelm if we have that expectation.  

Basically, we can’t see around the corner with a square aspect. We are mostly aware of the obstacle in front of us. That obstacle can evoke irritation at one end of the spectrum, fear at the other end, and anger somewhere in the middle.  

Actions motivated by any of these lower-vibrational emotions are likely to backfire. If you’re feeling impatient, like you have to do it NOW or you will burst, stop. Take a breath. Take your time. Consider that it might be your instinctive reactions, not the situation itself, that are creating the sense of urgency.  

IT MAY HELP to remember that with Mars retrograde right now, we are meant to be going inward to discover our true motivations. Certain obstacles may be in the way specifically to give us the time to reconsider where we are going, and why. We are also learning not to base our well-being on whether everything goes according to plan, nor on whether we feel our individual desires are being met.  

One of the take-away lessons of this Mars-Saturn square is that our well-being need not be controlled by external events. Another learning is that the fulfillment of our desires may not depend on the manifestations we once thought were essential to our well-being.  

WE HAVE two Full Moons on the calendar for October. The first occurs this Thursday, October 1, at 2:05 p.m. PDT (9:05 p.m. GMT). The Moon will be at 09°08´ Aries, with the Sun at the same degree of Libra.  

Emotional responses are always elevated around the time of a Full Moon; with this lunation in impatient Aries – and with Mars, the natural ruler of Aries, square Saturn – we can expect that feelings will be running hot, but will not necessarily be channeled maturely or to best advantage. Given that Mars is retrograde, the anger that is released now may be the result of impulses that have been repressed for quite a while, which means that the response can be out of proportion to current triggers.  

BUT, this Full Moon also represents a major healing opportunity, with the Moon just two degrees away from Wounded Healer Chiron. If we find ourselves acting out of insecurity or fear – the shadow side of Chiron in Aries – we are being directed by the universe to take a break, to sit with the part of us that is feeling these emotions, and to hold it lovingly in our awareness while we tell it that we understand,
and that we’re sorry it’s afraid.  

This inner child work, when done purposefully – and out loud – has a healing effect deep within our psyches. It is a powerful way both to help heal a fearful part of our nature, and to strengthen a part of us that knows it is competent and able to handle any situation that might arise.  

MARS is at the same degree as the dwarf planet Eris at the time of the Full Moon, with their exact conjunction occurring on Saturday. The alignment of these two warrior planets is highly energizing, especially for those who have felt ignored, disrespected, or victimized by the ones
who appear to have power and control.  

However, with both Mars and Eris currently retrograde, actions taken under this influence may not have the expected results. The advice once again is to take your time. If taking action, be sure you are inwardly composed and in alignment with your soul. Our soul speaks to us in a voice that is calm and calming, even if it is guiding us to take steps
that require courage.  

JUPITER AND PLUTO are exactly parallel by declination on Saturday. This is a similar energy to a conjunction, but calculated based on their distance from the ecliptic (celestial equator), instead of according to their zodiac degree. Some astrologers believe that the declination is the most potent type of alignment, so this event is another important factor this week.  

When working together with a higher vibrational intent, Jupiter and Pluto can manifest as strong determination and will. They enhance our ability to align with our higher destiny and support a passionate commitment to what we believe in. But, when used without integrity, they can also result in excessive pride and self-righteousness, and a relentless drive for power. How we use this energy is
up to each of us individually.

PLUTO stations direct in Capricorn next Sunday (October 4), which means that its transformational energies are heightened this week and next. Throughout this year, Pluto (with the help of Saturn and Jupiter) has been making it very clear which systems and structures do and do not work. It has also helped expose corruption in governments and social institutions. As the dwarf planet begins to move forward over the coming weeks, it will be taking us to the next level of transmutation.  

With Pluto, it is always helpful to remember that it is the planet of both death and rebirth. Its process is aptly symbolized by the legendary Phoenix, which is reborn only after being consumed by fire. The disintegration phase is a necessary step, and requires that we release what has been so that we can embrace the new life that lies just ahead.  

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK:This year, it is especially important to notice where you do not give yourself equal rights, where you habitually deny your own needs or postpone your own agenda. Libra is highly motivated by the desire to help others feel welcome and supported, but can sometimes be less aware of its own needs. Chiron’s influence in your life this year asks you to pay attention to when your mouth is saying “yes” but your gut is saying “no.” Give yourself the freedom and space to get in touch with what you really feel and think. Make the commitment to be as kind to yourself as you usually are to others. (Solar Return Sun square Pallas Athene, opposite Chiron,
quincunx Uranus)

  In Gratitude and Light,


  NorthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
About the NorthPoint Journal  

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

  Feel free to share this issue of the NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.

  To learn more about private astrology sessions, please visit the “Personal Readings” page at To schedule a reading, please email

  NorthPoint Journal copyright 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

A Message to Lightworkers – June 28, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – June 28, 2019
Caroline Oceana Ryan 

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we see that many of you are coming into a time of Integration, which our writer was speaking about with someone today—a time of integrating your higher self, your soul’s presence, and your most authentic life intentions, into your spirit, mind, and body.

Several things may occur to you as you think of doing this: “It’s too difficult—I might fail at it,” or “I don’t know howto be my higher self!” or even, “Am I allowed to be that insightful, Joyful, and empowered?”

And we would say, you are more than allowed.

With these energies pouring in now to your planet and solar system, integration with your higher self is actually now a requirement of your daily life.

We would encourage you to open up and to welcome the process—to welcome the process of releasing feelings of stress and worry, of sadness and disempowerment, of smallness and powerlessness.

Are these pleasant experiences, to feel any of those? Of course not. You don’t need them!

A great part of your life path now is engaged in moving out of those feelings and experiences, and breathing fully into your power, realizing Who you truly are.

Consider for a moment what this means for you, on a daily basis.

As you integrate with your higher self and merge more often with your soul and its incredibly wealth of resilience, Joy, wisdom, and self-assurance, you begin to relax into Knowing that All Is Well, even when outer situations challenge you.

Santa Fe Sky – Photo by Jennifer Scalia

You begin to see that you are not on the Earth only to wrangle with challenges and pain (past or present), but to reign over the circumstances of your life as being only an outer projection of what you have chosen to experience—a choice made either in this life or before coming into it.

You begin to grasp that in this great holographic projection that you call everyday life, you are the Creator and the Originator, the Experiencer and the Reformer, all in one.

You are not at the mercy of what feel or look to be “outer realities.”

You are in fact their author, and can revise anything you wish, beginning first with how you feel about those situations—how you view them, what you believe them to be, and whether or not you see them as having power over you (and they have none, unless you allow that).

Is this a simple transition to make? Does it happen quickly?

Some of it, yes—as soon as you determine to stay in your body and your heart-space as you view everyday life, releasing the impulse to allow your mind to determine and interpret what is happening, letting it tell you how endangering, annoying, or Wrong that situation or person is.

As soon as you decide that your focus now comes from a higher place—from your calm and Peaceful higher aspect, not your confused lower, smaller self—you begin processing experiences and ideas from that higher perspective.

And that perspective is a miracle, compared to how you have been taught to view life.

That perspective lives in a place of ongoing unconditional Love for yourself and all others.

Does that mean that everything that happens to you or others is OK and wonderful?

Well, no, as you still live in many paradigms of duality in which the denser “realities” of life will strike you as unfair and unjust many days.

But remaining in your body, not trying to heal or fix or change the situation or person immediately, and staying responsible for your own well-being before you take up responsibility for another—this will free you from entering absorbing the density, sadness, and destruction of a painful situation.

In that moment, you end the practice of giving up your power.

You begin to transform the situation by holding space for its healing, from a place of detachment.

Photo by Lynne Newman

The detachment and release of dense, third dimensional Earth systems and circumstances does not come to you from without.

The only way to free yourself, and to empower others to free themselves from all the illusion, is to know that no matter how seemingly difficult a situation may be—yes, even when children are kept in cages and cement block cells, away from loved ones and denied proper food and medical care—no matter how dreadful that may feel to be, there is still the chance to know inwardly that their souls are more powerful than any outer situation they encounter.

You may be wondering now about those souls that have been fractured and impaired by life experiences that were too traumatic for them to bear, and we are aware of this.

We would say that your Universe has made a decision, in moving into a new Sat Yuga of Peace and Healing, to bring in the higher Light that can heal the souls that have suffered more than they could bear.

And that reintegration and healing on a soul level is being offered more Earth souls now than ever before.

If you have a hard time believing this, it will be harder for you to co-Create your own soul healing, reintegration, and empowerment, and therefore, your own Earth life empowerment.

Is that where you desire to be?

Will you allow the ego-mind and the personality, and the brainwashing of religion over your many Earth lives to run you to the degree that you surrender all choice, all power, all renewal over to them, as if those influences were your lord and master?

Is that why you came?

We would say, you came for the opposite of that.

You came for the liberation not only of a planet’s population, as dramatic and powerful as that is, but for your own freedom, re-formation, and enlightenment.

That is your path, and no one can take it from you.

Photo by Lynne Newman

You may begin today—right now—to look at a situation in your life that has been causing you pain or consternation, and put your hand over some symbol of it, or your own heart, and tell it, “I bless and release you to your higher good.”

Then hand it over to your guides and higher self, and as your higher self stands before you, step into his or her energies.

Stand up and do this now if you like, living out the visualization fully by walking right into your higher self’s presence as they stand before you.

Know that as you daily hold the intention to BE your higher self, not only to be guided by them, that you are indeed achieving this, in beautiful ways.

And that in this, as in all moments as you Ascend on your path, dear ones, you are never alone.

Namaste, friends!

We welcome you to your new Earth life, and celebrate with you all that that holds, as you create ever higher forms of Earth life.

For this you came.

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of “The Empowered Lightworker.” She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

The Akashic Records of August 2018 by Jen Eramith (an excerpt from the Monthly Message)

“The energy this month swings back and forth – and sometimes swings in all directions. If you remember the metaphor for July as a tornado or hurricane spinning around, now you have a broken sign swinging from its post in the remnant wind from the storm. The potential for the month will feel as if you are swinging, and with every swing you face a new direction. Your outlook will change moment by moment.

The changes you experience this month will be erratic and it may be difficult to find a sense of rhythm or to establish your pace. You will find that time seems to go quickly and then suddenly very slowly. You will find that optimism comes easily and then suddenly you are in despair. Productivity will come and go and it will not happen in a rhythmic way that you can rely upon. You will need to be adaptable. Work with what comes up rather than setting expectations or trying to force things to be different than they are. You will find some days are incredibly productive, light, easy, and fun. You will find other days will be very difficult, slow, and sluggish. You will find one day a certain person will be fun to be around and then the next day they will be difficult. You will find yourself changing moods quite rapidly and you will find other people doing the same. So be adaptable. Do not waste time by trying to make things different than they are.

As you go through the enlightenment process, this month offers a golden opportunity for you to explore how to adjust to rapid change. This will include learning how better to read your environment, to sense the truth of what is present for you in the moment, and then work with it rather than pretending it is not there or trying to force it to be something that it is not. If you can do these things, the swinging motion of the month can offer quite a fun ride. If you continue to try to make things something other than what they truly are, then you will find yourselves feeling disoriented, frustrated, and maybe even scared. You cannot afford to be in denial. The world is changing rapidly, and you are called to participate in making the world more filled with love than ever before. You must face this work, roll up your sleeves, and engage as the changes occur. Do not wait for things to slow down or become easy before you participate.The sense of disorientation will appear in both in your personal lives and in the collective world. You will see that it will be difficult, even impossible, to choose a path and move forward with it. As soon as you get your bearings and take a step forward, everything will change. You will come around a new corner and everything will look different.

The primary thing that will serve you this month is to be as adaptable as you possibly can. Change, then look again and change again, then look again and change again, and so forth. This is an opportunity for you to practice being on an accelerated enlightenment path. The ability to change without losing your sense of self is central to being an enlightened being. This is like a master class in exploring how to change without being attached to things staying the way you thought they should be, and yet to retain a sense of self to continually come back to who you truly are, what you truly believe, what is really most important to you. You must continually return to those things over and over again without becoming defensive, reactionary, angry, or bitter. Seek to find a sense of elegance and grace as you spin around and around…”



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NorthPoint Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for June 11 to 17, 2018 By Pam Younghans


Photo: “Old Moon in the New Moon’s Arms” (photo by Yuri
Beletsky of the Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TWAN,
posted on

NorthPoint Journal
Your guide to planetary energies for

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Sun quincunx Pluto
TUE: Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Mercury enters Cancer
WED: Mercury sextile Uranus, New Moon 12:43 pm PDT (7:43 pm GMT), Mercury square Chiron, Venus enters Leo
THU: Sun sesquiquadrate Mars, Venus square Uranus, Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune
FRI: Venus trine Chiron, Mercury opposite Saturn
SAT: Uranus semisquare Neptune, Mercury quincunx Mars

THE AIR is ubiquitous and contradictory. It is everywhere, but due to its invisibility, we rarely ponder its presence. It can be hot or cold, pristine or polluted. Even when it seems still, it is constantly moving — but unless we are a dog who can track scent, we are unlikely to catch its subtle flow. It is essential to our very existence, but we usually take it for granted.

Our thoughts are similar to air — ongoing and yet changing from moment to moment. Invisible but all-pervasive. Pure and uplifting or dark and polluted. And, unless we practice mindfulness, we are usually unconscious of our train of thought, letting it move at random from one track to another.

WE HAVE A NEW MOON on Wednesday of this coming week. It occurs at 22°44′ Gemini, and perfects at 12:43 p.m. PDT (7:43 p.m. GMT). Gemini is an air sign, ruling our thoughts and ideas and our ability to communicate same. A New Moon in Gemini is a time to consider how we want to direct our thinking process rather than passively allowing our minds to dictate our flow of consciousness.

Our thoughts are the doorway to our emotions. As we go through life, we consider our experiences as good or bad, happy or sad, joyful or depressing, and of course all variations in between those extremes. Our feelings, then, are strongly affected by how we choose to think and what we choose to think about. If our minds are intact and healthy, the choice is truly ours, even though at times we all feel under the control of our thoughts.

THIS CONNECTION between thoughts and emotions will be even more apparent starting this week, due to Mercury entering sensitive Cancer on Tuesday. Mercury represents our thinking capacity; with the planet in Cancer until June 28, our thoughts will more naturally turn to those issues that provoke an emotional response throughout the next couple of weeks.

In the positive, Mercury in Cancer increases our capacity for empathy and for communicating in a caring way. As we hear information, we open our hearts and allow ourselves to feel what another feels. But, in the negative, Mercury in Cancer can increase our sense of vulnerability, so that we more easily become defensive and may shift quickly into fight-or-flight mode.

MERCURY is the planetary “ruler” of Gemini and so has a significant role in the lunar cycle that begins with Wednesday’s New Moon in Gemini. At the time of the lunation, we find Mercury involved in a tense t-square configuration, being very closely square Chiron in Aries, and opposing Saturn in Capricorn.

According to astrologer Bil Tierney, a cardinal t-square such as this propels us into “activities that require much aggression, courage, straightforwardness, and active personal effort.” The t-square requires that we “develop greater self-discipline, inner timing, outer patience, and a general sense of thoroughness and organization” if we are to succeed in our ventures.

These lessons will be strong this week — especially on Wednesday and Friday, when Mercury is in exact aspect with Chiron and Saturn, respectively. If we follow Mr. Tierney’s advice to “consciously analyze our impulses to see if they actually help us move ahead toward the realistic attainment of our goals,” we can channel this energy into tangible accomplishment.

THE MESSENGER PLANET is also “out of bounds” right now, which means it is traveling outside the plane of the Earth’s orbit. When Mercury is out of bounds, we have the opportunity to stretch our minds beyond their usual confines, and to be open to alternative views and ideas.

But, as Emily Trinkaus writes in the current issue of The Mountain Astrologer, Mercury being out of bounds and ruling the New Moon “could also bring in a ‘wild card’ kind of energy — unexpected or over-the-top communications and connections.”

Astrologer Pamela Welch wrote that “people with an out-of-bounds planet tend to know no boundaries and accept no limits. However, an out-of-bounds planet can also be negatively expressed, leading to abnormal or unstable behavior which is outside the accepted standards of society. Its energy can indicate a tendency toward mental imbalance or at the very least create a lot of pressure and stress in an individual’s life.” 

As an example of how an out-of-bounds Mercury can play out in life, radio talk-show host Howard Stern, who loves to shock his audience, has Mercury out of bounds in his birth chart. Mercury was also out of bounds at the time that Donald Trump was born.

WEDNESDAY’S NEW MOON is aligned with the fixed star El Nath, which has a reputation of being aggressive and quarrelsome. Roderick Kidston tells us that El Nath is “a star for warriors (spiritual as well as literal), for activists and advocates and sometimes for agitators.”

But there are positive potentials in all this energy:

“When El Nath is working well, it seems to bestow vigour and strength, along with the opportunity to gain from talent and generally get on well in life. [The key is] to keep your focus and don’t get too carried away, either by excessive, unfocused enthusiasm or by complacency.”

URANUS AND NEPTUNE are exactly semisquare for the third time this Saturday. This is a long-term influence, with the first two exact aspects occurring in August and October 2017, and the fifth and final aspect occurring in May 2019.

Uranus and Neptune were aligned from 1991 through 1993, and this semisquare marks their first challenging aspect since then. ­­­­­­­Many of us experienced major changes during those years; Uranus implies that it was a radical or unexpected change, and Neptune indicates there was some disillusionment or denial involved.

With these two transpersonal planets now semisquare, it’s time to reassess where we are with respect to those changes. As we understand the deeper implications and higher purposes of what occurred, we can move beyond any lingering attachment to the events. This opens us to new potentials in our growth in consciousness and in our spiritual awareness.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! My next teleclass, covering July through December 2018, is set for eclipse day, Thursday, July 12! The working title is “Entering the Chasm,” and I’ll be including more details in next week’s Journal. I hope you can join us, either live or in replay!

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: As a Gemini, you are very aware that the mind can be either a life-enhancing tool or a liability. This year brings you an even greater appreciation of that truth, along with opportunities to construct new thoughtforms — not through self-denial or harshness, but through a combination of self-care and objectivity. As you maintain that centerpoint of calm balance, you are able to successfully navigate your way into new experiences that invigorate and enliven your life.

In light,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.



Beloved masters, for many years now there have been so many new inventions and scientific breakthroughs, along with an overwhelming amount of philosophical and spiritual information bombarding the minds of humanity, that the human brain can hardly absorb the countless theories and new concepts without going into overload.
You are in the midst of a monumental process – a complex procedure of choosing and manifesting your destiny for the New Age, which will gradually become your more refined, expanded reality of tomorrow. Your choices − especially the focus, clarity and power of your thoughts and actions, will determine how quickly your desires will manifest in the material world of form. It is vitally important that you learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration abilities, and stay in control of your emotions and mind chatter. The gifts and opportunities or Divine dispensations that are being offered to you require / demand a corresponding strong, personal discipline, along with a high level of responsibility.
Becoming sharply aware of your emotions and your thought patterns is a critical component within the process of cocreation, for it will determine the quality of the vibrational patterns you will send forth into your personal Twelve Ray Creator Wheel.**

The frequencies of the Seed thoughts you plant in your personal Wheel of Creation will determine the quality of what you will manifest, and they will also determine what you will experience in your everyday life – whether positive or negative. These occurrences will be your barometer as to what kind of vibrational patterns you are sending forth into the world of cause and effect. Your primary task / goal at this time is to develop a state of mindful awareness, as you move deeper and deeper into the core Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind; this is where you will find all the strength and guidance you will ever need. As you develop your cocreative abilities and become more proficient in your personal mind control and visualization abilities, you will understand how important it is to constantly monitor the frequency patterns you are radiating forth out into the world. Always be mindful that you live in a world of vibrating, neutral cosmic energy – the forces of Creation – which are waiting for you to mold them into anything you can imagine. You create your own Heaven or hell. You cannot blame anyone else for the reality you are presently experiencing.

** Instructions for creating Your Personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel with illustrations can be found in our Study Manual: REFERENCE & REVELATIONS * GLOSSARY & ILLUSTRATIONS. (RHV)
You are a Spark of the Divine Creator, and when you were given the gift of individualized consciousness, an awareness of your Divine, independent nature, you were encoded with a permanent Memory Seed Atom which stated: “Go forth and create worlds without end in my name.” From that time beyond remembering, you have been experimenting, striving, learning, succeeding at times and failing many times as well; yet, you have steadily made progress and are now being given an opportunity to become a full-fledged participant in the creation of a new Golden Age.
Integrating and perfecting the virtues, qualities and attributes of your many Higher Selves is a gradual process. The multitude of Sparks of your God Self contain a wealth of information, and each individual Facet has many wondrous experiences and successes to share with you, along with a great infusion of Divine love, bliss and joy. Each Seed Atom of your Higher Soul Self that you integrate will supply you with more wondrous gifts of God Consciousness: abilities, talents and wisdom beyond your wildest imagining.
It is vitally important that you learn to be a conscious, directing agent of all life forces. In order to become a proficient cocreator, you must hold an idea in your mind long enough for it to register clearly within the brain. All events and created manifestation of form are evidence of energy and mind force: the use or misuse of force. 
Remember, the breath is the conductor of the vital Life Force energy. In the years to come, humanity will understand that the breath is sacred – it is the gift of life – and you will learn to not waste it. As you inhale each breath, be aware that it is the only breath you are assured, for it may very well be your last breath. It is vitally important that you to take time to ponder on and integrate the important concepts of Creation that we are relaying to you. You, the Star Seeds, who have attained the required level of harmonious frequency patterns, are now ready to put all you have learned into practice. As you do so, those around you who are still struggling within the confines of the restrictive lower-Dimensional environment, will be awed at what you are accomplishing, and gradually they will begin to follow your example. As you are aware, teaching by example is the most effective way to get the attention of those around you. A truism from the past also applies: “By the fruits of your labor, you will be known.”
**  Become a bystander, an observer, not a participant in all the negative drama that is constantly going on around you. It is the state of your emotions that draws you into the maelstrom of negativity. If you are radiating harmonious, higher frequency patterns, you will be immune to the discordant energy around you.
**  You are in the process of expanding your conscious awareness of what is occurring around you, and so it is vitally important that you maintain a detached state of mind.  You are developing a new way of thinking, which is based on personal mental and emotional control.

** First comes Self-awareness, then Soul-consciousness, followed by Galactic-consciousness and eventually Sub-universal-consciousness. You are striving to tap into the streams of Infinite Awareness, as well as the vast Light Pyramids, which contain the Cosmic Manifest for the complete Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universal experience – a transition into a HUMAN evolutionary advancement and into the more refined frequencies of the AGE OF AQUARIUS.

**  You are also developing a heightened, controlled sensitivity to those you interact with, which includes an empathetic, but somewhat detached viewpoint. This is an integral part of developing nonjudgment. You will diligently seek, claim, and live your truth to the best of your ability. It is vitally important that you allow all others the same right.

**  Do not allow anything or anyone to disturb your serenity. Develop a high level of forbearance and sensitivity, and diligently practice being patient and slow to anger.
**  While seeking Self-mastery, part of your testing will be that you will have to experience, overcome, and possibly even move beyond some of the trying relationships with the people in your life who are not ready or willing to move forward on the spiral of conscious Soul-awakening. Each and every Soul must choose the path they will follow. You are only responsible for your own spiritual evolution.

**  It is imperative that you do not abdicate your search for personal Spiritual-awakening and Self-mastery because of a false sense of duty or loyalty to those who are seeking to continue to draw on your energy, or because of those who demand an unreasonable amount of your attention and time.

My brave Ones, now, more than ever, you have the tools of manifestation at your fingertips. You must step out of your comfort zone, and release all that no longer serves your greatest good.  Each of you knows where this applies in your personal life – it has been staring you in the face for months and even years — and will become even more unbearable until you finally relent and release that which is holding you back.  As you become more proficient as inspired cocreators, no longer will you focus your energy on creating the small, mundane desires of the past. You will have established a constant flow of Adamantine Particles into and throughout your physical vessel, with the remainder flowing out into the world of form. You will have programmed in the smallest detail that which you wish to manifest for your personal comfort and enjoyment. Your constant mantra will be: “All my needs and desires are fulfilled even before I realize what they are, which will always be for my greatest good and the most beneficial good for all.”


You will have meticulously outlined your path of service to humanity, which will be in perfect harmony with your Divine mission for this new era. You will have a constant, clear and beneficial connection with your resident OverSoul-Higher Self, and you will graciously and easily follow the Path of Light that ever winds higher and higher into the more refined realms of existence. Be assured that I will always guide, direct, inspire and protect you as you journey forth into the unknown. I radiate the eternal love of our Mother/Father God to each of you. I AM Archangel Michael.

​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Your future self is emerging with this massive shift in consciousness…

Your future self is emerging with this massive shift in consciousness…

Your future self is now emerging as all of us are going through immense energy upgrades to prepare us for the New Life on planet earth as she has now ascended into the 5D.  What we believe to be the physical reality of life on planet earth, exists no more.

Some will try to cling onto the 3D with all they’ve got and in the process, will find that the more they cling, the more they will find that they are grasping thin air.
The truth is that a lot of us have been through the process of total disintegration in the last few years, and now are leading humanity home into the new World.  We had to lose everything, and find we could hold onto no-thing, and now have emerged in a much higher consciousness state than ever before.  We do not take life in the physical world so seriously anymore, for we have found that whatever we tended to lose in the process of our higher awakening, is not needed in our new life anymore.

We have done it, been through it all, and felt ourselves carried on the wings of angels.  We have learnt not to attach to anything or anyone anymore, only to have preferences.

The truth is that in the next 144 years, all will disintegrate which no longer serves the collective of the planetary whole and therefore humanity.  We are here on this planet but by the grace of Mother Earth – let us remember this!  We are but passengers and crew.  She can at any moment decide to shake us off her, like a dog will shake off flees.  She can choose to allow us to evolve into the 5D and higher WITH her, or she can choose to cause mass destruction and evacuations, like happened in the past.

In truth Mother Earth, never has shaken off anyone.  It was human beings who destroyed Atlantis and what was before her and then literally reshaped the earth, by using weapons and things in war, which caused havoc and the sinking of land masses.  So, in truth she has tolerated that, but now with her rising to her original state in the 7th dimensional state, with the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy, those who cannot evolve into those higher dimensional states with her, will just loose form.

Each dimensional state has vibrational energy frequencies.  The higher the vibrational frequency band, the higher the evolutionary state of all which exist in that frequency band (dimensions are just that, energetic impulses of life existing on that frequency band and holding form.)   The lower life in the lower frequency bands, cannot move into the higher frequency bands, without starting to disintegrate and deteriorate.  This is simple science, so we need heed this.

When you are living in a much higher frequency band, you need a much higher vibratory physical form.  That is why our physical bodies have been steadily upgraded since 1994, with the massive cosmic convergence and Intergalactic Federation decree that life on planet earth must evolve now, as the shackles and bonds of the 3D world has been steadily coming off.

On the 24 May 2017, she has now officially ascended into the 5D, and therefore then the ancient Crystal Pyramids and the crystalline pyramid grids, and Lightning Rod of the Earth have now fully become operational again, and will steadily now be reactivated to their highest potential, as and how life on planet earth can adjust to this.  In my new book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom” I go into details regarding this, and I have recorded my whole journey of discovery and reactivation of this grid plus pyramids plus, in my book.

In this in the last few weeks, massive energy centres have been reactivated.  It is reactivating the 7th dimensional energy grids of the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal pyramid grids – as said before, in stages.

Once this energy is released, it has a ripple effect on all of life on planet earth.  For these grids are directly linked to the 7th Central sun and the Sun Discs, and therefore the energy frequency IMPULSES of energy from the 7th Central Sun is busy reactivating all which has been dormant for billions of years on planetary scale.

This is highly advanced technology and it is not for the uninitiated to know about.  However, what I am trying to get across here, is that this process now is on full throttle and on track.

We cannot go back into the 3D world anymore.  It has left us, it has gone.

We are now being intensely and utterly upgraded in our physical bodies, including every single cell and DNA strand, the pineal and pituitary glands with the third centre of the small tongue, and then other hidden centres in the bodies (all 12 of them) will start being reactivated so that we will start losing the spoken languages, and the written and will start communicating telepathically again, and energetically.  So, we will start remembering how to use the Super consciousness energy fields and high technology again, with teleportation, bilocation etc.

This is a massive upgrade now going on and therefore we cannot afford anymore to lag.


The Keys to this all lies WITHIN you, more than without!

For the keys and codes of your soul will get activated as you are ready to step up in evolutionary consciousness.  This goes with the upgrading up your physical body and thus then all the other 12 energy bodies.

Each one of us is differently created energetically at SOUL level. Therefore, the upgrading will not be the same for all of us. Remember this.  It will be that 70 people are together in one single room, and three will rise into the 5D and higher and the rest will not be able to.  This is how this works.


This is a type of energy upgrading which goes beyond human mind’s limitations of understanding, into the conscious state, where there is all understanding.  The key to this state lies via the SOUL and the soul groups and the cosmic interconnectedness.

Let those who have inner eyes – see.

Let those who have inner ears – hear.

Let those who inner intuitive knowing – know.

I have spoken.

(Judith Kusel)

Judith Kusel

Your future self is now emerging as all of us are going through immense energy upgrades to prepare us for the New Life on planet earth as she has now ascended into the 5D.  What we believe to be the physical reality of life on planet earth, exists no more.

Some will try to cling onto the 3D with all they’ve got and in the process, will find that the more they cling, the more they will find that they are grasping thin air.

The truth is that a lot of us have been through the process of total disintegration in the last few years, and now are leading humanity home into the new World.  We had to lose everything, and find we could hold onto no-thing, and now have emerged in a much higher consciousness state than ever before.  We do not take life in the physical world so…

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Shekina Rose / Blue Ray: Increased Empathic Sensitivity

Increased Empathic Sensitivity

You have a divine incarnation of empathy of great sensitivity, a holy encodement gift of sensory intuitive awareness that would enhance the vibratory field of humanity and awakening dormant Angelic Devic DNA intelligence and higher divine octaves. This would restore the holy kingdoms, brother and sisterhoods of light and Galactic heritage, creating the new earth and new timelines.

Much is happening in the heavens, the skies, relationships, the energies, the dimensions, the world; other people that you might know are having sudden defensive reactions to your path and who you are. There are shifts and disclosures taking place at different levels that are creating increased purification of your energy bodies, where you are addressing your own creations and releasing deep outmoded thought forms, emotions, soul contracts and timelines.

You may be seeing the world differently even from where you were a month or a year ago. Seeing and experiencing other-worldly beings, energies, information, technologies, nature, the devic kingdom, animals and trees may be revealing their communications and visuals to you.

You may be intuitively guided to see and know things in your skies where others are not. Your desire and choice create awakening for you to experience these creations, other realms and perimeters of reality. You are the wayshowers and forerunners creating this movement.

In raising your vibration, choose love and forgiveness, knowing when to let go and walk away. Bless others in seeing their true light essence even when they are not and when they are being hurtful and attacking you, as this is a lack and disconnection to love and source. They are choosing not to go to the light source within as that part of them wants you to feel and be at that lower vibration to disconnect further from Source light.

You are on the very brink where an increase of the population, the starseeds, light emissaries will be able to see these disincarnate beings and negative attachments to these lower and dark emotions. You will also be able to see the light emanations from Source to each other and the Galactic families. The ones who choose to accompany the darker, lower thoughts and emotions become a vehicle for a physical presence on the earth plane, where these disincarnate malevolent beings are able to attach through them and exist and create more chaos, war and fear in the world.

Often, your biggest mission to change destiny and the course of your direction and theirs is to not engage in these lower dimensions and entanglements. Many of the sensitive empaths are feeling a strengthening of their purpose and path—by seeing these discarnate energies and recognizing them immediately for what they are—out of synch with your vibration and having the innate ability to transform them by holding to their own Love and Light power within or walking away to live to Love another day/way.

Sometimes it can feel like a psychic attack; this can also occur if you are a Blue Ray Transmuter as when you go into an area where thought forms or spirits need release. What happens is they see your Light and are wishing for release; if this occurs, open a portal of divine Light to Source and send them Love and compassion, with no entanglements or attachments. You can also ask the Holy Spirit Christ Light and the angels to take them.

What is psychic attack? The projection and intent of negative energies, conscious or unconscious, to inflict harm upon you.

Symptoms of psychic attack, entity attachment and/or that your energy field is too open and exposed:

(Note: You may want to consider consulting a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension; and though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.)

Jealousy and envy directed toward you

Thoughts and feelings that come out of nowhere of dread and negativity

Like you just stepped into a dark energetic vibration

Being with someone or somewhere where you feel your life force is being drained

Sudden anxiety

Not feeling yourself

Bad dreams

Wanting to argue or defend yourself when you are usually not like that

Unable to concentrate

Being scattered / unable to complete daily tasks

Low energy and depression; take notice especially, empath super sensitives, that you do not have lost souls and spirits in your field; get cleared

Suddenly doubting your path and soul’s purpose; be aware when you feel this way after watching certain movies or TV shows and with certain people.

Psychic Protection and Important to Remember 4th Dimension Collapsing

In the past it was easier to keep blocking old emotions and traumas, separation from spirit; now the crystalline sound frequency is so high it is breaking the karmic collective from your bodies and systems. And many times you are vibrating at such a divine frequency of Light that you activate the fear and wounded nature in others without your knowing and their unhealed parts can attack you.

Remember to not get into entanglements and attachments with others who are projecting and saying negativity toward you. By engaging in negativity with them or thinking it, you are allowing yourself to be involved in their entanglement that can allow cords to attach to you.

What you can do. Say aloud or to yourself:

I am surrounded by legions of light, Archangel Michael power protection of the Archangels realms, the Mighty Elohim, Blue-Fame angels, Rose Ray in the Violet flame to hold all my parts, energy and fields in integrity and Highest Love, I am and call all authority in the power of the Universes, all ascended beings, as I decree my I am Christos unfolding divine presence  of oneness and unity.

 “At the highest point where my soul meets God at the point of Creation, I release you in peace. I return our connection to the most benevolent cause and highest Divine Plan of Love and Light. Restore all my energy fields to integrity and in divine alignment of the Creator Source. I accept All of God, Life, Source, planetary ascension to serve me as I Am that I Am.”

Energy Alert! It’s going to get interesting and it’s prediction time – Jennifer Hoffman December 24, 2016

Message from Jennifer Hoffman:
Energy Alert! It’s going to get interesting and it’s prediction time
December 24, 2016
It’s Christmas Eve and it’s also the beginning of 3 days of very intense energy. I am sharing this with you because it’s the holiday season, when families get together, which can also be intense. We have rare planetary alignments happening that are going to amp up the energy in a very big way. You could feel great and that may be how you experience it. But the people around you may not take it so well and they may be challenging. Be detached, stay focused on your own intention for the peace, love and joy you want in your life and that will help you stay grounded.
I talked about this on the Wednesday, December 21, 2016 radio show, you can CLICK HERE for the link the show page.
I also want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday season. No matter how you celebrate or recognize this day, it’s the sentiment that counts. And this is the season for peace, love, and goodwill to people everywhere.
We are ending a rather challenging year and a 9 year cycle, one more week to go and we enter into a new cycle. If you are waiting for the 2017 predictions, I will be publishing them this year again, as I have since 2008. This year will include some special energy exercise to help you get closure with 2016 and the period from 2007 to 2016, which was our 9 year cycle. And we’ll have some karma clearing exercises too, as we are getting closure with that too.
Watch your email for the announcement later today and have a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and a joyful and joy-filled day.
You can view my Facebook page here, please ‘like’ my page so you can receive updates of my posts, videos, and more.
Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman
Intuitive master, Author, Energy Savante,
your guide to High Vibes LivingTM
PS: The radio show archives are available at this link and I invite you to explore some of the topics I have covered since our first show on May 21, 2008.

Inspiration for the Week: Accepting What Is by Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel helps us to grow into new levels of Alignment with our Highest Soul’s Reality.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment

I have noticed that when I am in judgment about “what is” and resisting my present reality, it causes extreme stress in my physical and emotional bodies. It is the awareness of my stress level that finally pushes me to remember that my state will not change for the better until I release the clutches of that part of me trying to control things. I can then focus my attention on what I really intend to experience in my life and trust the Universe will provide whatever is in the forefront of my attention.

Sometimes this process seems easier than at other times…

I remember receiving this message and especially the difficulties I experienced with the concept, “accept what is.”

How could I even consider accepting the horrendous and traumatic occurrences that are happening in the world? How could I accept what appeared in my life as the loss of all that I considered valuable?

It is a challenging concept, especially in this era of instant world-wide information with more awareness about what is transpiring not only in the lives of others, but in the life of the Earth and its sustainability. Yet what I have learned is that nothing can change unless I accept “what is.” I have to be very clear about what it is that I am experiencing so I can ask for something different. Often I need to recognize the recurring patterns so I can clear something from my past history. I am really aware that when I accept what is in my present time, I can focus on what I need because the contrast is so great between what I am experiencing and what I want to have in my life.

We come into the world as beings who want to experience and learn from the life we have chosen. We expressly volunteered to come into this time and place so we could help bring the changes the Earth needs to thrive in the 5D Life Awakening now. This includes being in Alignment with our soul’s lessons and the empowered teachings we need to bring our own lives into a higher order.

The next key word is Allowing. We are becoming really alert to this word and its importance for living the happy life we want to live. There are so many things we do that get in our own way as we journey through life. The practice of Allowing demonstrates trust that we live in a benevolent universe and have a powerful built-in support system. It encourages us to step back from forward movement into our inner center of balance so we can receive all the love and support we need. Even though it feels insignificant, this activity is an amazing action step and is a requirement for greater Well-being.

Since 2012 there are certain words that have increased in frequency. We can literally create a field of Divine Light within and around ourselves when we focus on these words and allow their frequency to work within our beings. I have been inspired to use three incredibly life-transforming words that all start with the letter A. They are Acceptance, Alignment and Allowing.

Alignment with Source energy is the beginning point for every change you want to make in your life and for the creation of health and happiness. For almost every question I bring up, Alignment, Acceptance and Allowing have been the answer. When I take those steps within my life, I experience a new level of ease and effortless momentum.

So when you look at all the changes you would like to make in your life, remember to apply the A’s to simplify that manifestation. Acceptance, Allowing and above all, vertical Alignment with your Source energy, are the keys. Truth is really simple, but it does take conscious awareness to apply. That is another reason it is called a Spiritual Practice.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for giving me the awareness and strength I need to Accept situations in the world that do not feel right or good to me. Please work in and through my life to help bring me into Alignment with the Source of All Life and my Soul’s highest reality. From this place of Alignment please assist me to be inspired to ask for what I need and Allow change to occur in accordance with my highest intentions.

I have Faith that there is a Divine Plan working in all situations and people in the world. As I have the willingness to trust in the Divine, I am able to relax and Allow life to unfold in surprising and benevolent ways.

May all beings be blessed with Alignment to their Source energy and live in Harmony with the highest good for all Life on Earth. And so it is.

The Gabriel Messages Book #43

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment.
Dear One,

When we suggest for you to accept what is, we mean to be lovingly aware of all situations occurring in and around you — both personally and globally. This means to accept the appearance of what is occurring, without judgment. There is a greater truth underlying all things, no matter how it appears. When you accept a situation as it is, it allows you to release any attachment to having it be different. It is this attachment that can cause you pain.

Just as a child grows and blossoms when in an atmosphere of acceptance and love, so does our world become more expansive and creative when we bring to it this energy of acceptance. When we try to force a child to do what we want, when we have great attachment to his or her behavior conforming to our idea of what is appropriate, the child’s energy is restricted. There is no freedom to express the expansiveness of individual creativity.

This also happens to the adult. When there is too much judgment about behaviors and actions in the world, there can be no free-flowing expression of the creativity and love inherent within each person. This does not mean to be tolerant of behavior that is destructive. It means to be aware of the way things appear, to remember the greater truth, to ask for the qualities we would prefer to have manifest, and then to release our attachment. This allows God and the Angels to begin to work in and through all things.

When you release a person or a situation to Spirit, you allow them to be in the Divine Flow taking them to their highest good. Know that even though you have prayed for the greater good, you do not know precisely what this will look like. This is where faith comes in. No matter how something appears, if you have prayed, that prayer is being answered. It does not assist things for you to be attached to the outcome. Know that Infinite Intelligence is working, creating change in the direction of balance and harmony. If there is more that you can do, trust that you will be guided to know this through your intuition.

Acceptance and Allowance are two of the greatest powers available to you. These two energies free you to live in the expansiveness that is your divine birthright. When you are in Alignment with the Divine working in your being, you have an expanded perspective about life, there is greater freedom to express the dynamic, creative qualities inherent within you. There is greater love, for yourself and for all others. You also will feel connected to your Higher Self, which brings about great joy. It is as the Master Jesus said, “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
November 13, 2016


The 11:11 Initiation Recording is Now Available

Did you miss the 11:11 Teleconference?

The Archangels encoded our 11:11 Teleconference recording with an empowerment that allows the recording to increase in energy frequencies whenever it is played.

When you listen to the recording of the 11:11 Initiation, the codings of 11:11 Mastery of Light will be transmitted to you within a spectacularly deep and compassionate meditation. The Archangels were very clear about the need for those souls who feel they are here for a purpose to take heart, and use their talents and skills to anchor the frequencies of Divine Light into the world.

This activation is a beautiful gift so that we can take the blessings of the powerful initiation we experienced on the 11:11 call and bring them into our lives in ever-increasing spirals of Light.

Whenever the digital clock shows the time of 11:11, it is a moment that the Archangels decree as sacred and they open up the Gateways to allow us to state our intentions and prayers and step into the new frequencies.

The powerful recording is available here.

May you be blessed,
