Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 07, 2019

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

June 07, 2019


Nothing can prepare you for the future except that you expect the best of everything. Be assured that you are already on a path to great changes that will be more than welcome, and fulfil your dreams of having everything that you ever needed and more than you can presently imagine. Already different groups are receiving promptings to advance mankind, but for peaceful purposes and to set up societies that work for the betterment of all without any exclusion. It clearly will take much time to reach the ultimate stages but everything has to have a beginning at some time and that time has already commenced. The goal that will be achieved is to promote more group plans, and as you would say ”small is beautiful” and that will be the challenge to arrange things accordingly. Already you have been finding that smaller set-ups operate more efficiently and you are being guided in that direction.


As you are entering a new period that will of necessity involve many changes in the way societies are formed, you may be certain that many souls that have recently come to Earth are here to give you the advantage of their experience that will help you advance in leaps and bounds. You will also have the benefit of new inventions that will be given to you as soon as it is safe to do so, without them being stolen or misused. As you will realise it cannot take place until the dark Ones and their cohorts are moved out of the way. They have been carefully monitored for a long time and their intentions have been known. Eventually they will be incapable of interfering with your progress that will then go speeding ahead.


Your Inner Earth is home to many E.T.’s that reside at depths that are not usually probed, but with the changes many will have no option but leave. They certainly will not go forward with the new Earth that will be your ultimate home. However, some of the E.T.’s that are positive and evolved are part of your evolution, and will openly work with you well before Ascension. In the long run you will find that all experiences help you to evolve, and it is because every soul has a life plan that is calculated to help their evolution, and would have been agreed by them beforehand. Planning your evolution is a complicated matter as it relies on many other souls playing their part with the help of your Guides and without interfering with your freewill.


Death is subject that some people avoid having to discuss and it often comes from not understanding the information they are given. There are a number of explanations that mainly come through religious sources but none are completely accurate. The main fact is that immediately upon death of the body – when your heart stops beating, you leave your body and are usually attracted to another level of Light where you will be met by family or friends who have obviously been waiting for your arrival. Because of religious teachings some will find a different reception upon arrival, but you will all be in your etheric body that is of a much higher vibration than your old physical body. If you can accept this much about life after death, you will understand that you have nothing at all to fear. 



To stay on the path of Ascension bear in mind that there is a need to empower yourselves with the new energies. Do not look back and know that there is a sound reason for this advice as the old ways will no longer advance your evolution. The ultimate would be to live in the “now” and not try to pre-determine how your path would work out. Clearly there are many pathways to Ascension, but as a collective you are all treading a personal path that has been especially designated for you. Allow things to flow and what you need to evolve will come to you. We know it is difficult to suddenly change your approach and understanding of your evolutionary path, but you have entered a new paradigm that calls for a different reaction. Try it and see for yourself how your life progresses if you simply take it as it comes. You can then rely more on your intuition, and be assured that should you make a mistaken decision your Guides will do their best to redirect you to your correct pathway.


At this stage nothing should be able to put you off your goal to ascend, as you are now too advanced to fail. You have done all of the hard work by getting through the lower dimensions, and have established your selves as being worthy of continuing in the higher dimensions. You will never have to go back to the lower vibrations as they are unsuitable for the level you are at now. It is “fast speed ahead” and very soon the new innovations will start to be released having been well prepared in advance, knowing the inevitability of a grand increase in your vibrations. Not every soul is interested in moving out of their present dimension, as instinctively they know that they are not ready and they should therefore be allowed to progress at a rate that suits them. Nothing is to be gained from rushing them before they are prepared and ready to make a great leap forward in their evolution.


Dear Ones you are so loved for your dedication and determination to succeed in the tasks you have undertaken. You were so positive that you could be cut off from the Godhead and still find your way back in spite of the darkness that would engulf you as you plummeted through the depths. You have little if any idea as to how long you have been travelling the road back to the Light, yet it has been for many thousands of years, but you have finally made it. Your consciousness levels are now moving quickly forwards, and with it will come a greater level of awareness and recollection of your real selves as mighty Beings of Light. No wonder you are revered by those who have followed your exploits and given you every encouragement to keep going, regardless of the obstacles in your way. You have completed all of the hard work and experiences to move into a period of release from karma into joy and freedom.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at



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Ascension Notes: Winter Soulstice 2016 – 17-Dec-2016 by Kara Schallock

Ascension Notes: Winter Soulstice 2016 – 17-Dec-2016
by Kara Schallock

As we head into the Soulstice, realize it is big and will affect everyone. We are ending much duality and separation and preparing to fully embrace Unity and our sovereignty. Every year we have taken a step forward and are more than ready to fully step into our mastery. It is a sacred and powerful time. Step by step we have seen what does not serve us and have released it; thereby integrating more Light and Love into our being. We will continue to refine, continue to release and continue to evolve. We have an opportunity to ground our New Selves, leaving behind much disorientation, confusion and physical rearranging. So continue to keep your thoughts and feelings high and focused on being Love. We will also see a resurgence of creating anew our visions and purpose.

2016 has done a lot for us; even when it felt as if we were in such darkness and chaos. We now have an opportunity to bring to completion all that we have been working on. Still, it is important not to have wishes, expectations or attachments as to how it should look. Instead, stay in the Moment while you continue to take just one step at a time. In this way, you are guided. Do not project your desires onto the future, but allow it to unfold by itself. Besides, anything you project is based on past experiences or from your intellect and is always limited. Divine Order knows what it’s doing. This may feel so different from the past, where we controlled, made things happen and did not trust ourselves to be carried forward (as in advertising or marketing). As each of us commits and trusts Divine Order, we allow the miracles to occur. This is true Faith. This is Surrender to what is, which always heightens our consciousness and creates our life. Observe and take a step toward that which is joyful and easy. Continue to release the past, so the New can take its place in your life. Release your comfort zone and allow yourself to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is because we are trying to hold onto the past or project our past into our future instead of trusting the process. If you feel unmotivated, discouraged or tired, realize that this is preparing you for what’s ahead. What’s ahead is what you create.

Many of us cannot relate to who we used to be. This is an indication that we have stepped more securely into the New Now and have let go of much of the old. We may still have more to release and transform, so continue to be patient and observe. Observing helps us detach from the old and trust in the New as it unfolds uniquely for each of us. Release all judgment (and there is plenty to judge) and fill the empty space with Love. Know that within everyone and in every circumstance, there is Love.

So much is occurring in this month alone. There are continual downloads of Light pouring into us, activating dormant codes of Light, bringing forth new DNA and activating our New blueprints, which helps us to eventually see and experience new ways of being and new pathways for expressing our Soul. If we are willing, we can more fully release the old stories that have anchored us to the old. We can release old traumas and we can choose to only embrace possibilities, depending on if you desire that or not. What essence do you choose to feel? How we feel is what dictates how our new experiences are created. If you stay focused on how you choose to feel, you cannot create anything that is not aligned with that feeling/essence. You can review your beliefs; yet do not create new beliefs, for they will only create another stopping point. Instead, realize that all shifts. Perceptions shift as consciousness shifts. So it is best to choose how you want to feel. If you want to feel free, focus on Freedom. If you want to feel joyous, focus on Joy. If you want to experience more love, focus on Love. This is Soul/Source living as us. This is the purpose of ascension…to be fully immersed in Soul and Soul in us; as us. To receive these downloads, you need not do anything; simply intend to receive.

In this entire year much has unfolded very quickly. Much is coming to light, for Truth cannot be hidden in the New. Those fully anchored in the New see through others and circumstances. They do this dispassionately, often simply nodding their head. Much remains below the surface and yet, if you go beneath anyone or any circumstance you can see the Truth or un-truth of it. This helps to free you. One cannot be held in slavery if one sees the Truth.

There is a strong desire to change things in one’s life. Ignore nothing. As one stays in the Moment, they can clearly see what illusions there are and what choices they are guided to make. Some will see the truth of something and yet choose not to take any action, and this is, of course, just fine. They still see the Truth and remain strong in their own Truth, while honoring others who still play in the old game. An example of this could be how folks celebrate Christmas or other religious holidays. One may know the Truth and still stay in the game. The important thing is to see the Truth beneath the illusion. And some are choosing not to partake in these old traditions at all. It is all one’s choice. Just stay awake no matter what you choose. Whatever you choose, each has their own path as guided by Soul.

As we become more Love, we become more inclusive and compassionate. We see the duality of governments, religions, races and all those institutions that separate, rather than join as one voice and one Heart. We see the divisiveness of politics and choose not to take part in anything that perpetuates division and duality. In Oneness, there are no enemies; there is no-one to fear, for the Truth is Love and Love has no division. This is true also for the animals, plants and insects. Each one has a gift; nothing is better or less than the other. As we integrate Love into our every choice, we honor all of life. We honor the ant, the spider, the bee, the bird, the tree, the flower and the weed. We honor the rock, the dirt and the mountain. We honor the sea, the stream and the waters that run beneath the Earth. We are all One. We each are unique, yet connected through Love. As Souls, we honor all diversity and uniqueness. As Love, we give thanks for all of life.

Traditionally, the Winter Soulstice (for those of us living in the northern hemisphere) is the return of Light. I would say it is the further Empowerment of Light. As we open up to being more Light and therefore, more Love, we further anchor the New in our lives. As we end 2016 (in Truth, there is no beginning or end), we continue to evolve seamlessly. We continue to transform the old into the New and the only way to do this is to pay attention in each Moment. Then you can see clearly where you are sleeping and what step you can take to be more. Allow yourself to be simple and flow, rather than get caught up in the flurry of busy-ness that so many seem to be absorbed by.

Remember that the New is about ease and flow. Gone is the old way of being swallowed up by expectations, “supposed-to’s” and going to sleep, allowing old ways to drag you along in your slumber. When awake, you choose. You choose by detaching from what others say you must do and be and from all the hype. By staying awake, you not only see things as they truly are, but you choose your pathway through the illusion.

The Soulstice is an Opportunity to further empower your Divine Masculine, whether you are male or female. The Divine Masculine is the creator and supporter of your dreams. It supports your Divine Feminine. When you meditate, place your right hand under your left hand with palms up. This is the physical expression of the support the Divine Masculine offers the Divine Feminine. As we awaken more to the Wonder of who we are and all the wondrous gifts of life, we recognize that there is much more than the sensate, physical world. We are the Divine Light and the prime creators of our lives. The Divine Masculine supports the manifestation of our dreams. The song, “The Impossible Dream…to dream the impossible dream, to go where the brave dare to go…to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far” is our quest. We are on our noble quest. Our Light ignites us toward our dreams and we embrace the higher meaning of why we are here on Earth. We shine for others and as we raise our own consciousness, we raise the consciousness of all beings and that of Earth.

We are anchoring the New; therefore, we must live who and what we say we are. This takes as long as we choose. The Light of the Soulstice supports us in our quest.


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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!


Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add kara@soulsticerising.com to your spam filters…as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam


The Time is Now – Be You, and Thrive Message from Archangel Michael Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Beings of Light, We greet you in love.

You are refining your energy fields in ways that benefit you enormously. This may feel exceptionally challenging to you and we want you to know that if this is the case, it is no indication of a back-slide or veering off course. You are right on track in unfolding the pure line of your own spirit, into form and it is this acceleration in frequency and capacity for light, within your embodiment, that is manifesting as dramatic sensations and demands on your body, now.

The light within you is intelligent and coordinated with all of Creation. You are becoming free-er then you knew you could ever be. You are initiating the expression of your Christ Consciousness in form and this is opening up new avenues within your own wholeness.

Ailia is wondering if everyone is experiencing this and the answer is no, but we know who will read this message and we speak to that communion of light. So if you find yourself here, now, we affirm that you are coming into vibrational accord with that which you might think of as your higher wholeness. When we speak to you of the Christ Consciousness, we are speaking of your wholeness in the 7th dimension inclusive of all frequencies below that and in truth. We are speaking of a consciousness as frequency that is knowingly divine and references self as confident creator, as fully aware aspect of divine light and love. A presence as consciousness expressing light purely and true.

So you are opening up this capacity within human form and that is a big deal, indeed. Thus what you may be noticing as unusually demanding physical changes and strong feeling energetic downloads.

The easiest way for you to participate in this co-creation is to let yourself become aware of the vision of your higher expression and then, in any way you can, right now, step into that, and, in all ways, claim that as what you are choosing to unfold.

You see dear ones, it is up to you to decide, within your knowing and your consciousness, what gets your attention. By virtue of your attention you make something real. When you include anything in your awareness, and ponder it, reflect upon, use it as reference in making decisions and living your life, you have said, “this is what I choose as real.” You then act as if you know it’s real and you make it important by focusing upon it. This is your sovereignty in action, creating your life. You set the standards for what you are available for consciously or unconsciously simply with your frequency and your choice of focus.

You can change your energy state in any moment and you can change what you’re thinking or paying attention to, looking at, thinking about, the story within your mind and how you’re oriented. You know this. You know that you can turn up the vibration and align with higher levels within your own wholeness. If you simply pay attention to something that makes you feel lighter, freer, happier, more whole and alive, your energy changes. If you chose that which gives you peace, your field smoothes out and your frequency rises. Any and all of these are ways to alter your vibration in ways that benefit you in that they shift you into higher frequencies.

You live your life on timelines, on pathways unfolding from the frequency of your field and you act upon ideas and beliefs about who you are, based on the frequency generated state of consciousness you are in.

All of this is quite fluid. The plasticity of this is an aspect of your freedom. You are entirely capable of inventing and recreating your state of being, continually and for your benefit, of course, if you choose. In order to attend to your frequency you have to care about it and treat it – the state of your energy – as real and important. If you want to have more energy, which is a typical request of human beings, you have to make that a priority and turn up your vibration and get into more alignment so that you might have greater energy flow. You also will notice that what you call alignment is inextricably intertwined with your frequency. You can leverage this if you understand how to come into alignment with you, and we know that you do.

The question is – are you doing it?

Most of you have these insights and have been aware of these principles for some time now…the threshold of mastery is traversed by ever-expanding elevation of your frequency.

We are speaking recently of knowing – the ability to act upon insight. To live from what you know as truth, for this integration of what has become clear is essential to move into the potentials opening up for you now.

If you want to embody the highest potentials in your human life, if you want to be an instrument of your own Soul and the awakening, you then must master your capacity to be in accord with the higher levels of your own consciousness.  This is not about perfection, it’s about devotion. Repeated attention to your energy state with care and love.

If you wish to embody your highest potentials then your energy state must be the priority…for your capacity to be you, here and now is all about your energy state. Your capacity to be in increasingly beneficial frequencies as often as possible and for as sustained a period as possible is expanded as you choose these states of being; tempering your energy field to higher light expression.

This means you will have to pay attention to you. Paying attention to you, is an act of love and the insights and capacities linked to paying attention to yourself are immense. This is why self-love is often discussed as a key to ascension. Loving yourself is essential because loving yourself is treating as real and important how you feel and what’s going on within you!

Once you chose to make your alignment, and your frequency your priority, and as you chose to notice how you feel and attend to your state of being, as a priority, you build accord with the higher levels within your own wholeness. This is the way to ascend with increasing joy and clarity, vitality and grace.

The Eclipse Cycle has begun. This sequence of transmissions can be aligned with and used for your benefit. Frequencies are pouring into your realm to support you in activating a fuller expression of your soul, your essence. The frequencies which can help you distinguish what is real and essential to you and what is distraction and supplemental, chosen because of lack and limitation, are available. The more you are in a higher state of consciousness, the more insight and knowing you will have about all of this and the more available you are to the fuller spectrum of these galactic and universal transmissions of light.

Life, Creation, is ushering you into a fuller expression of the truth of your being.

This development is a pathways you have built into, not leapt onto. Meaning – you are ready for this! You are poised to claim the fruits of your devotion to love and wholeness as you unfold in frequency along this timeline of pure awareness and clarity in accord with the vastness of your being.

The light within you is guiding you, offering the transmissions that will help you along and you can telepathically speak to this light.

It is beneficial to communicate with your own vaster consciousness and even to learn to channel your own higher levels – both telepathically in terms of understanding and receiving insight and elevated guidance, and in terms of the expression of your life.

You are here to enjoy your life and joy is alignment. They really cannot be understood separate from one another because when you are in joy you are in alignment. It is the same thing.

The truth of your being is beneficial to the harmonics of this world.

There is a vast and exquisite expression of the Creator in play here and the more fully you are here, as you and follow the truth of your being, in expression, in being, in communication, in knowing, the more the light of God is revealed!

You are showing the world aspects of the divine, that you epitomize.

You are making the Divine known, available, approachable and present, through the seemingly smallest moments of your choosing and in all ways that you are in authentic expression. This is how it is – you are an elaboration of LOVE as Divine Light and that is how you are here and so it is true, of course, that as you collapse all the distortions of your being, choosing alignment and openness, you become a pure flow of divine light and love as you; this is the truth of your being.

As you let yourself be you, fully and freely, trusting that you are innately capable of mastering the expression of that which you love and which calls to you, you enact the Creator Prophecies in Light; you become, as Christ said you would, capable of all that was expressed by other divine lights, and more. You become a Creator God in form, a divine being, expressing as truth all that you are.

It is exquisite to live this way and entirely natural and yet here? It’s new! Still, there is nothing special or superlative about it – it’s who you are. You’re uncovering your light and letting it shine. You’re building the physical, mental and emotional capacities to be you, here and now, fully and freely, integrating spirit with matter in profoundly expanded ways and changing the capacity for human consciousness. This is ascension and you in your embodiment are filling out the promise of ascension. The Oneness of God will be and is being revealed as the Divine flow of your light, is reinstated and reflected here.

You are bridging heaven and earth in a very literal way; as flow.

The Eclipse Cycle and the Equinox is a time frame, a series of galactic and universal transmission. These arrangements are propelling you into this fuller expression. Know that all around you and within you, intelligent light is supporting you and helping you, emanating and transmitting the frequencies and coordinating the correspondences in form, to help you line up and flow your essence, pure and clear.

We are here too, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters the Council of Radiant Light, the Star Beings and of course your own divine wholeness. We are One and the truth of all that you are, is known by us and as your sun shines into your world, as you read this transmission, as you center and come into your own inner knowing as truth, we are united again and again, through the light within us that connects us with one another and with all that is, infinitely, endlessly and beyond all time and space.

This eternalness is you too and it is always accessible within you. Your eternal nature can elevate you beyond any challenge or any sense of lack or limitation, in fact it is your eternalness which is empowering your divine embodiment.

Always remember that not only are you a divine being of love…but this game, here? You’re made for it and you’re playing it, in a very beautiful and most perfect way.

Dear friends, do let yourself soak up all we have spoken of and transmitted to you, today.

Let yourself feel the light within you and the light all around you.

Let yourself align with your knowing. Know from within that this intelligent light is present as everything before you and all that arises within you and the two know how to meet! The absolute and the distinct are intrinsically connected. The world before you and the drive within you are meant to play themselves out in endless moments of connection and amplification. Your desires are showing you the way to be you and the draw you into action that unfolds these connections along the pure line of spirit expressing infinitely.

We encourage you, beloved ones, to finally, give up the game of being anyone other than who you know yourself to easily, authentically, genuinely be. It is natural for you to be you and thrive. Let yourself be you! It’s a relief and it’s the way to open up all that you are and let it flow here…and the time for that is NOW.

I AM Archangel Michael

Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira on 17 August 2016 in Archangel Michael | Permalink
– See more at: http://www.expectwonderful.com/2016/08/the-time-is-now-be-you-and-thrive.html#.dpuf

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: Living the New Now – 05-Feb-2016 by Kara Schallock

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: Living the New Now
– 05-Feb-2016 by Kara Schallock

We are definitely in a whole New space (I know I keep saying that; we keep evolving). I know you feel it. We’ve been inundated with one solar event after another and this is not to stop, but intensify with each day. On February 8th, we have a New Moon, which further helps us evolve in our New Now. And we continue to have a five-planet alignment for a few more weeks to further empower the energies. We sure are feeling it, aren’t we? If you can go beneath the surface of how you are experiencing all of this, you will see old beliefs, patterns and other old energies making their way to the surface in order to make room for more Love and more Light. Yesterday I had an amazing experience with someone in which their Light Body enveloped them. Their Light Body showed itself as a beautiful bubble of liquid Light. It was amazing. I imagine that as each clears, their own Light Body will do something similar. Just remember that each experience is different and unique for each person and can only occur when a person is clear of old energies and programs. Once clear, it is important not to go back into acting in the old way. Everything must shift, so stay in the Moment, for it is only in the Now Moment that you will discover your next steps in the New Now.

You may notice lots of phenomena that are not of the 3D senses. The Veil is either gone or thin (depending on where you are in your Ascension). What you may describe as miracles (really, so-called miracles are becoming commonplace in the New) occur rather frequently. They may appear as strange and beautiful lights or timelessness or in other ways. Be an observer so you don’t attach to the phenomena, for then you tend to stop your current flow. Many are receiving high dimensional Light Codes, so watch for symbols in your meditation or dreamtime. There is nothing to do, but observe, for the Light Codes know what to do and where to go.

If you experience other phenomena (many label these as “ascension symptoms”), just observe without the old 3D need to know what, why, how, where, when or who it is. It all is simply a part of New Life. Also realize that while so many speak of a 5th Dimension Gaia, which is limiting, we are multidimensional, so the dimensions on Earth are varied and shift constantly. It is an old human desire to label and put things in a linear box. We are stepping away from anything 3D and each person’s Opportunity is to open up as each takes a big step in more Awakening.

As a possible reminder, our Pineal Chakra is the distributor of Light Codes, high dimensional Light and a higher degree of electromagnetic energy. From the Pineal all of this flows into us, going where it is needed and especially upgrades our cells, DNA and electrical systems. You needn’t manage it; just your Willingness to receive is what is required. When your Pineal Chakra distributes this Light, you may experience headaches located in and around your 3rd Eye (the Pineal and 3rd Eye are not the same, by the way) and any time we receive Light, all that is not Love will surface and that is when you may do something; observe, release and fill up with Source Light. When you meditate, you create a field of Willingness, so do meditate or at least focus your attention in your Heart, High Heart or Pineal Chakra. If you feel anxious or amped up, realize that you are downloading high vibrational Light.

Pay attention to what your body is suggesting. At times it will guide you to rest or sleep and at other times you will be motivated to move. If there is a part of your body that is holding pain or extra energy, ask what that area needs and then do it. Stay out of drama and chaos, for these things block your evolution. There could be a lot of that, including gossip and complaining, since many may not realize what is occurring and they just see that things are irritating them; they tend to blame everything and everyone around them (even listening to it lowers your vibration). Resist the urge to inform, save, fix or rescue if you encounter this. Remember that everyone has a choice and is responsible for their own choices. If you are invited to share, that is different; then share your Wisdom freely. Just don’t insert yourself uninvited.

We have released and transformed some core beliefs; beliefs that have helped us be comfortable in the old world. Yet, we’re not in the old world now. We have been guided to let go of some big things; things we have been rather attached to. All one has to do is to look backward to find them. For instance, religion and sacred texts…did the prophets really write them; did they really intend for there to be such separation as there is in religion? Go within and ask for yourself. Be willing to see the Truth. Be willing to let go of all you’ve been taught. To move forward, one has to at least be willing to explore and come up with their own answers. Does perpetuating anything that has existed in the past help you to be in the New? Feel what has limited you and others throughout eons. What have you been told that you took as truth? These are some questions that once you discover your own answers to will either keep you back in them or set you free.

Words are not just words. Every word is an energy. The words you use and the thoughts you think tell you and others where your consciousness is and they serve as a mirror to your beliefs. In the New, there is a letting go of beliefs and an opening of perceptions. Beliefs tend to be static, while perceptions flow and shift as you do. We know that most 3D words tend to separate and belittle. Use words that unify and in which you feel an expansion when you use them. Don’t just use words because they’re popular or automatic; feel the words you use, read, write and think. Use words that are in the present and empower, rather than separate or diminish. Be aware of the words you use. Be silent often. Observe. Don’t speak unless you truly feel beneath each word you use. This goes also for words you do not speak, yet you think them. Be an observer of your words and feelings, for this tells you a lot about yourself and others, as you read or listen to their words. It is only through full conscious Awareness that we are New. Words and thoughts create.

As I have been sharing for a while now, each one of us must take full Responsibility for who we are and what we exude and experience, for we are pure energy. Energy doesn’t stay encapsulated in our body; it flows out, for it and we are much bigger than our physical body. We flow out whatever we are thinking, being and feeling at all times. And to create the New, be it personal or global (actually both), we must take an active part in the Transformation in our lives. While our Pineal Chakra does much to distribute the Light within us, unless we use it to expand ourselves, the energy sits dormant within. While the Light has helped expose certain old energies, it is up to us to make the changes that are aligned with our Soul. Because Soul is the more powerful voice now, as we listen to our Guidance, what we can do is shown to us. To strengthen your Soul’s voice, meditate and consciously connect with your Soul; the True You.

It is not enough to speak the New words; we are guided to demonstrate them. Words are pretty simple to speak, yet what is more important is that our life is congruent with who we say we are. How disappointing it is when we discover someone’s words don’t match their actions or how they live their life. Of course, this also is a perception and a reminder to look at our own lives to see how congruent our words and life are…or are not.

As we move forward we have opportunities where we can leave our old life and have new life experiences. These are not a part of new “life scripts or stories” that we create, as scripts and stories are limiting. There is no new paradigm, for that word limits as well. In fact, anything that is a label tends to identify us as “this or that” and we are so much more than “this or that.” We are free to flow and shift and create and create again. And as always, it is the choice of every single being to do so…or not. I can tell you though that if you create a comfortable box around you, you won’t like it for very long. We are not here to create more programs or labels; we are here to free ourselves from all constraints…eventually. We are moving into that. I still pay taxes and rent and bills. I still see almost all governments are in place (for now). I see that most have their rules about what’s right and what’s wrong. So realize that we are not forced to push things along. It is enough to just take one conscious step after another, knowing that each conscious step we take leads us to the Freedom we say we want. Be aware that everything you are guided to do is not based on your life as it has been, but is a new expression of who you are.

We are not meant to fit in somewhere; we’re meant to stand out in our uniqueness. Therefore, we remove our energy from situations where folks are complaining about certain things and mind what we are doing in our own lives. We are not even meant to fit into and attach to our own plans and intentions, for they shift as we do. The best way is not to be so rigid about what we are to do in any given moment, but to feel what we are guided to do…or not do. Honor your rhythm; your own flow. Feel within always as to what inspires and expands and what does not.

We are not recreating ourselves; we are creating ourselves. We get to see where we flow and where we don’t. We get to open ourselves up to a brand new experience of life. We don’t reconnect; we connect in a whole new way. We are not recalibrating; we are calibrating to the New and slowly we are finding out what that may be, while still allowing ourselves to shift higher and higher in vibration and consciousness. We continue to clear ourselves and this clearing isn’t based on the old resistance; it is a clearing that flows easier because we’re in a whole new way of being; with new perceptions and new consciousness…new everything. Do you notice that who you liked being around before, you don’t anymore? Do you notice that what you used to enjoy, you don’t anymore? These are just a few of the signs of shifting. Do you notice that you want to play more without the restrictions of having to do something that is required? Do you notice that you desire to arrange your physical space so that it reflects more of you or that you want to move to a different location? Do you want to travel to a place you’ve never been before and a place that promises to be a new adventure for you? Are you unwilling to play the role that others have put you in and you agreed to? Are you done with being a victim and sense that you are rising in your own personal Power? These are all a part of your shift.

Have you noticed that your meditation is not necessarily relegated to a particular time and space; it’s how you live your life? While meditation is and has been a very important part of opening your Heart and empowering your Soul’s voice, the higher purpose of meditation is to live your life as a meditation, meaning that what you feel in meditation, you feel in your everyday life. Meditation may take on a new quality of Silence, while also becoming a part of your life whether paying bills, doing chores or relating to others.

As we anchor more of this New Life, we will feel more energized and perhaps we will not feel so exhausted in the morning after a nighttime of downloading. You will continue to feel uplifted and it is getting easier to just Be, rather than having to do and push and control. It is pretty fun to observe all the changes without needing to know why or how or what’s next or all those meaningless details separate ego likes to busy itself with. The New is about Flow and Allowing; and of course, Love; for Love is Flow and Allowing and everything!

~ ~ ~

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!


Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add kara@soulsticerising.com to your spam filters…as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam.

Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics by Anna Merkaba

This Sheldan Nidle interview by Alexandra Meadors brings a lot of clarity to those burning questions you have… ~PB

Alexandra Meadors 3-24-15… “A Highly Informative Q & A With Sheldan Nidle: Revelations Have Changed Our Future! March 24, 2015″
Posted on 2015/03/26     by kauilapele


Thanks to William who informed me of this. Immediately upon seeing it I felt it wanted to be posted. So here it is. I have not listened to it all as yet, but I felt that many would resonate with Alexandra’s questions for Sheldan, and learn some more about what this “Sheldan Nidle” person is all about.

Published on Mar 24, 2015

You will love this interview! Sheldan Nidle and Alexandra Meadors share an informative review of some of the hottest topics reviewed by our online community. You will hear a concise recap of what is unfolding now, what was done to prompt these changes, and what we can look forward to. Sheldan and Alexandra are discussing the possibility of a monthly presentation on specific topics! Stay tuned!

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

November Energy Report 2014 By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life

November Energy Report 2014
By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life

November 2, 2014

Start your engines

The good news about this month is that it’s not October any more. With so much energetic activity, a Mercury retrograde, daily X class solar flares, multiple planets changing signs, and our need to de-clutter, clean, and clear our internal and external spaces, last month was busy. And while in some ways November is a little quieter, it gives us a chance to integrate and align with what we have already done before we start on a new project. I am not saying that nothing happens this month because it does, but in a more organized and orderly way, because it’s preparing us for December’s movement. Our objective for November is to live in AWE, and what that means will be explained in this article.

If you have ever watched a car race, all of the drivers are lined up at the starting line so they start the race together. While they’re waiting for the flag to drop so they can take action, they’re revving up their engines and making lots of noise. At least some of the drivers are. Others are making last minute checks to their cars, not over-heating or flooding their engines, or using the extra time to sit quietly and prepare themselves. Mindset is more important than muscle in winning a race and although the muscle may initially be flashier, it’s the mindset that wins out in the longer term. And have you noticed that as soon as the race begins, the starting line becomes the finish line? Are you trying to win your race through mindset or muscle? Do you realize that there is no end or beginning and as soon as you finish one race you’re qualified for the next?

It’s tempting to get impatient and want to take action but first we have to know where we are going and that may not be clear this month, so use any time you may spend being impatient, wondering why you don’t have all of the answers, second guessing your life path and soul mission, and generally becoming disillusioned with the whole process to relax, rest, refresh, and get ready. By ‘get ready’, I mean to start blooming where you are, to live in the space of being, rather than waiting, to avoid what we tend to do, which is to think that our joy, peace of mind and heart, happiness, love, and abundance are somewhere else. I wrote about that in the Bloom Before You Go article, which you can read here. It was an enlightening realization for me, and for many of my readers.

Thinking that everything we want is ‘somewhere else’ or happens later is a little like being pregnant and thinking that someone else is going to go through the birth process for us. When the going gets tough we tend to give up or question ourselves, rather than seeing what blessings we can create in this moment, where we are. It’s a process of awareness, wholeness, and expansion, or AWE, which is the keyword for this month.

Awareness is a combination of accepting the limitations, lessons, and learning of where are in each moment, and then looking one step beyond that, to new opportunities. What we see or pay attention to with each new energy cycle is a tool for healing, wholeness, and forward movement,  unless we use it to limit energy flows by focusing them on self judgment and criticism.

Wholeness is what our healing journey is all about. Wherever we are hurt, sad, in pain, bruised and battered, and disconnected is where we are not whole and our energy is used to empower our pain. We need to re-align with our divinity, to reconnect with our Source which is internal, not external. But “Divinity is about wholeness, not holiness”, and we need to know our pain before we can heal it. If you cut yourself, where do you put the bandage? On the cut, of course. You don’t choose some random place on your body to place the bandage, you put it on the wound. If our pain is the wound, then awareness is our bandage. Awareness of our soul wounds point us to where the healing work can be focused and that is what helps us heal and become whole.

Expansion is the polarity of limitation — we are either limited or expanded. We can use the multiple energy sources that are being given to us to either beat ourselves up for being so foolish, naive, and unwise, or see where we have limited ourselves, stop the energy leaks, and expand into wholeness. Only the third dimension is dense; higher dimensions are expansive and to access them requires that we are able to expand our energy fields enough to access them.

It’s a month to get ourselves to the starting line and be grateful for how far we have come. While we may not be ready to take off just yet, we do have some choices. We can rev our engines, make a lot of noise, and waste our gasoline, as we wait for the race to begin, or we can bloom where we are, create the container for the love, joy, peace, and abundance that we want to live in right now (because it isn’t going to pop up at some point in the future unless we set the energy for it now), and use this time to explore our options, to finish up this level of clearing, and to expand our energy as widely as we can to receive the blessings of new frequencies and vibrations that are happening right now. Remember, mindset, rather than muscle, wins the race in the long term and when you learn to bloom where you are, to flourish in this moment, you have already reached your finish line and are ready for the next phase of this journey. Have a wonderful, awe-filled month.


If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.

Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love October 12, 2014 by John Smallman

[image: Jesus by water -painting Rassouli]

Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love
October 12, 2014 by John Smallman

Waiting is difficult for you.  Here in the spiritual realms, where time is not an issue, we do understand this aspect of the illusion as many of us have had lives as humans.  In the spiritual realms all is always just as it should be, perfect.  Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.

To do that you have to be human!  And that means that you are, to a certain extent – in fact to a very large extent indeed – unaware of the absolute brilliance with which the divine entity that each of you is shines forth, constantly.  You were created perfect and you remain perfect for all eternity.  But to enter the illusion as humans to assist humans in the awakening process it was essential that you became like them, lost, confused, and seemingly abandoned in a fearfully threatening and unforgiving world.  It is unreal, but it seems wholly real, all that exists, to the vast majority of humans, and death seems like the end, the termination point of a brief, unsatisfying, and pointless life.  An unfair and unreasonable experience that gives you no choices of your own that would allow you to alter it to suit your rightful needs and desires.

The illusion is your conception, your institution, your dream or nightmare depending on how you are experiencing and interpreting it.  For eons it seemed that it was a given that you had to accept and cope with, but in the last hundred years modern psychology has begun to show you that you can change your experience by changing your mind about it.  You can choose to feel overwhelmed by the situations that seemingly envelop you, and collapse under them remaining a crushed and helpless victim of circumstances, or you can choose to accept life as it is presented to you, deal with the situations with which it apparently confronts you, and move forwards.

Life is always about this now moment.  However, you have managed to lose sight of that, and you focus massively on the past in vain attempts to prevent it from recurring in the future, or to ensure that it does recur in the future.  But, there is only the now moment, and everything that affects you, that influences you in any way happens in this now moment.  The other problem for you is that the now moment seems so brief.  Could such a brief, ill-considered thought, word, or momentary motion or activity truly cause such an enormously unexpected outcome?  The answer is a resounding yes!

You do create your own reality by the thoughts, words, and actions with which you engage.  Your problem, as humans, is that in the restricted environment that you appear to inhabit it is very difficult to foresee the possible consequences to which they lead.  You collectively chose to build an environment that was severely restrictive, limiting, and uncertain, because you wanted to experience that uncertainty and the confusion that it produced.  And now, after eons of pain and suffering, you have collectively decided that enough is enough.

Having made that very sensible decision you have then needed to ascertain the way forwards out of your endless suffering and into a state of lasting peace.  “How is peace possible?” you ask one another as you observe the vast number of conflicts, distrusts, and betrayals that you observe all across the world?  Peace is impossible you declare, because of all those unstable and violent ones who would maintain a constant state of war because it gives them power, control, and wealth.  And so you conclude that armies and weapons are an essential form of defense against those misguided ones in order to maintain peace.  That is an insane belief, as you know in your hearts, but fear prevents you from acknowledging that one truth that would set you free.

As all the channels are repeatedly telling you “LOVE is the ONLY answer to all the problems that you experience.”  Yes, if you embrace love, it seems to you that you are laying yourselves open to permanent abuse, pain, and suffering by making yourselves insanely vulnerable.  But, on the other hand, you know deep within yourselves that Love is THE answer.  What the spiritual channels are doing, and what you Light workers, starseeds, and wayshowers are doing is fearlessly embracing the Love field that eternally supports you, and demonstrating by your faith, and by the results that occur in your immediate lives, that this is true.

AND where people are refusing the Love, and refusing to trust, the conflicts, suffering, and betrayals continue, endlessly.  There are now more than enough of you on Earth actively demonstrating Love as a way of life, the only way of life, the Real way of life, to bring lasting peace to your confused and suffering multitudes.  Keep on loving and watch your relationships – personal, societal, business, and international – stabilize, warm, develop, forgive, accept, and become as one.  You know it makes sense, and that nothing else does.

Remember, you are eternally and infinitely supported by your loving Father, and therefore by all sentient life forms that our Father has created.  The only opposition is from a few, a very few, a tiny minority of insane ego-driven souls in human form who can only achieve their aims if you support them.  Just stop supporting them.  Your only reason for doing so is because you are fearful, believing that you are small, insignificant beings in a vast and threatening universe, and you fall for the egoic blusterings of these few insane and utterly misguided ones who would persuade you that Love is weak and that you need their strength – but they have no strength!  And to fall for that line of reasoning is also insane.

You are all divine beings created from Love by God for eternal joy.  That state is available to you right now!  Wake up and embrace your Father, the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love that surrounds and supports you in every moment!  Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love, and watch with amazement as those few misguided ones who would control you fade away into the unreality of the dissolving illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.”

~THE PHOTON BELT UPDATE – THE HATHORS~ By annamerkaba on September 26, 2014


By annamerkaba on September 26, 2014

Greetings everyone, before I begin the channeling I would like to tell you once again of very exciting news, that we have indeed entered a photon belt. On September 22nd the following image  was posted by NASA.



The image above shows the plane of the Milky Way with x-rays indicated in blue and gamma rays indicated in purple. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-09-sky-survey-gamma-ray-sources.html#jCp

At the same time I have received an e-mail from a beautiful Light worker Luis Nunez who wrote to me saying “For some reason the thought crossed my mind yesterday, to search and see if there was a live stream of earth on real time going on at around 8:30 central European time. I found a stream from the international space station being broadcasted on Ustream and I took a couple of pictures that I’d like to share with you….People may say it’s a coincidence, but to me it was a beautiful moment…”

IMG_2767 IMG_2769IMG_2777

I have been watching the sky everyday and although my camera refuses to take a proper picture, the sky has been purple everyday at sunrise and sunset following earths entrance into the Purple Photon Belt.



After I posted this on FB I have received an overwhelming response from so many sharing what they experienced on that day and continue to experience. So as you can see we truly have, entered this beautiful corridor of light, and are riding the wave towards pure bliss assisted by all the phenomenal energies coming our way. All you need to do to experience them is to be open to these energies.

I want to remind you that our planet has JUST entered the photon belt, which means that we are going to be experiencing a rise in consciousness in stages, NOT overnight as many of you are requesting. Because once again, the reason is simple, our bodies must adjust to the new frequencies. It is the same as saying that you want to lose the extra weight that took you years and years to put on overnight! I understand your anticipation but I ask you to please be patient and gentle on yourself as you truly do need to give your mind and body to catch up to what your advanced soul is ready for.

So having shared this with all of you here is a recent channeling from our beloved Hathors who continue to walk with us to our full awakening. Please note that this is VERY LONG channeling, but offers many insights into what we are all going through and what is yet to come, giving us a glimpse of our individual and collective future. Enjoy:


video: youtu.be/MWxyCcj2gmk

“Dearly beloved children of light and dearly beloved children of love, dearly beloved children of the moon, the sun and the stars,

As you continue your journey through the photonic belt of your creator selves. As you continue your journey on Mother Ship Earth. The consciousness of your creator selves is merging the consciousness of those dwelling therein and raising the vibratory impulses of the planet, assisting it from within and sending the signal of light to without.

As the energy that you generate, fully and completely from within the heart codices of your DNA structure are sending a signal to the cosmic getaways, measuring the level of intensity, measuring the level of the structural components of your DNA and adjusting the flow of energy to earth in unison, in response to your generated field of energetic proportions.

For once again through the sacred heart space of your creator selves, you are spinning an energy field into existence, allowing it to become a force shield if you will , and a generator of energies, and collector of energies which are plummeting to the planet at the given moment in time.

For the portals that are being opened by you, the portals that are bridging the gap between the present reality of your selves and the reality that you wish to merge with, are once again generated by your very own hearts. And hence, we repeat that the activation of your internal grids is the most important step that you to take toward oneness and unity.

For only through the clearance of your own heart space, through the activation of your own heart’s DNA, and clearing out that which no longer belongs, will you be able to become that which initially you have come here to be. You will be able to take on your respective roles and assist those whom you have come here to assist.

And so, let us then explain to you in your human language for you to understand that which is occurring presently on your planet. Many of you have begun to feel the tremendous shifts taking place within your own realities. Many of you are seeing that which we have promised you that you will experience. As you are presently moving through the photon corridor of creator, and you are merging two distinct fields into one whole, two distinct fields of two distinct realities are becoming evidently more clear, separating the “good” from the “bad” and simultaneously merging it into oneness, merging it into one whole, in order to move past the paradigm of yesteryear and move into the new paradigm, the new reality of your being, the new reality of understanding and incorporating both polarities into one inevitable infinite whole.

For through the incarnation of the vehicle which you see unfold before you, through the vehicle of your creator selves you are bringing forth the necessary changes into your beings, you are bringing forth all that you are, allowing these energies to work with the encodings within the structural components of your DNA codices and bring forth the new programming with which you have been infused before being incarnated on planet earth. Bringing with you the wisdom of the ages, the technological understanding of the world that is yet to come, the emotional frequency of the unconditional love of the eternal OM.

For many of you who have awakened have not fully understood the reason for your being, for many of you are walking in the shadows of your ego selves, for many of you this phase is about to end, and new unison, a new reality to take hold of your beings.

For the reality that you are about to encompass, the reality that you are about to spin into the world in which you dwell, shall shake you to the core of your being. For all that you have believed to be of difficulty shall begin to come to you with ease, for all that you believed not to exists, shall present itself to you fully and completely.

For you shall begin serendipitously meeting those with whom you are to collaborate on various objectives set forth by your own higher consciousness, your own higher creator selves. Meeting with absolute “strangers” shall turn into magnanimous life changing events for many of you. For indeed the time has come to merge the powers of your creator selves, to merge the powers of that which you are, in order to utilize the UNITED energies in building a new foundation on planet earth.

For indeed phase one has come to completion, for indeed phase two has commenced, and as such, the new vocations, new understanding, new encounters, new realities, new experiences, are unfolding rapidly for many of you, many of you who are allowing such synchronicities to enter your psyche, many of you who are ready to take on your active roles in the game of life!

Many of you shall and will and have felt the disconnectedness from your vessels, from your very selves, as you have moved through the vortex of the full moon of yesteryear. Many have indeed shed much of their old paradigms, and allowed the energies to cleanse them and prepare them for what’s to come. Many have finally tapped into the understanding of their DNA structure, many have allowed and as they proceeded to allow, as they welcomed such experiences into their lives, many have indeed experienced oneness, many have indeed experienced their godlike selves, for indeed you are gods, for indeed is so.

And so and thus, comes a moment in time, when you are to take action, action of your respective roles, listening carefully as you are being guided to maneuver the seeming darkness of your world, for the chaos that you are experiencing is simply a recalibration of energies, for the two worlds of your divine selves are merging into one complete whole into one complete understanding of life, into one compete understanding of reality.

The reality which your human selves, have not dwelled in prior, the reality in which you shall find and are finding yourselves in, is the reality that is here to stay, the reality of love, the reality of light, the reality of unconditional co creation of eternal bliss, joy and health. Bliss joy and health of your very vehicle, joy bliss and understanding of your very soul. For you are the ones that have come to illuminate the path for those who have come before you, for you are the ones that have come to enlighten the path of your very own selves, for you are the ones that have come to enlighten the path for those that shall come after you, for you are the ones that have returned and indeed you are the ones that have never left. For you are GODS, GODS of your creator selves, gods of al that you see before you. And as such, you are to take active roles in the co creation of everything that you wish to manifest into your reality.

Many upon many ways of being shall be revealed to you in the days to come, much of the information that you are eagerly awaiting shall be brought into your psyche by your own higher selves. Much of this information is already readily available for your taking, much of said information shall magically manifest from within the space codes of your heart.

For you are the ones that shall go deep within and extract such information from your higher selves, for you must fully understand your present reality in order to comprehend your mission here on earth.

And so, we leave you with a new message of understanding, allow that which you are to shine through, doubt yourself not for you already know all that there is, allow yourself to REMEMBER that which you have come here to be, allow, and BE, in the NOW moment of time, allow and utilize the energies as they are unleashed into your world to assist you.

We the Hathors, the forefathers of your vehicles creation that you call the human bodies, are standing before you, once again in line with you energies, once again, with open arms and open heart ready to assist you, ready to guide you, ready to be guided by YOU, standing by your side, as you plunge ahead and lead humanity out of the veil of forgetfulness and onto the magic road leading them to their true magnificent selves.

WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.”


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/





On the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.

Your ego shall be transformed into a new state of being. Your ego is not going to disappear, it shall simply take a backseat to your thought processes, and you shall begin to see the world through a different set of eyes.

You shall begin to feel the changes in those around you, you shall notice that their frequency has indeed changed. For as their ego dominance is equalized and comforted with the new energies of the coming times, they shall relinquish the power of their egos, and allow their higher selves to take hold of that which they are.

And so, your vehicles shall then be operated from the view stand point of your higher selves rather than ego. From this vantage point, you shall all be able to view the lives that you have created, evaluate the direction in which you are moving, and adjust your frequency thereby aligning you with a new path of your choosing.

You shall be able to review your lives without attachment to the material, without attachment to that which you are. For you shall temporality forget that which you believe you are, and be allowed to view your lives as if you were viewing it from the heavenly abodes of your higher selves. As if you were experiencing what is called in your known world as the “near death experience” without being in any pain nor suffering. For the meditative state into which you all shall enter, a hibernation state if you will, shall allow your physical human mind to operate with a different set of accords, thereby literally lifting your soul out of your body for recognition and rectification purposes of your being.

For you shall be greeted by your guides, and they shall assist you in viewing your life and making various adjustments to the past that you have experienced. And when this moment shall occur you shall be allowed and assisted in etherically returning to the points of the pain and releasing the old patterns of thinking. This shall and will occur spontaneously, randomly as you become aware of your guides, as you become aware of the space around you, as you truly allow this connection to occur.

And when such connection occurs and you travel back in time to the aspects of yourself whom you have indeed created for your selves, these aspects shall then be allowed to be let go of. And as such, after saying your goodbyes, your egos shall then be put into a state of hibernation, whereby they shall only be activated upon the approval of your higher selves. For the new age that you are have all moved into shall not allow the ego too be in the driving seat and shall monitor your thoughts and actions carefully adjusting your energy flow as you go about your day.

You shall begin noticing various mood swings, in your psyche, whereby you will be prompted to replace “the thoughts of the past with the thoughts to the NOW. You shall find yourselves being a bit confused with the feelings and information you shall receive.

Nevertheless it is all a process of integrating the new foundation of newly formed principles. For all that we are discussing with you has indeed been ordained by your higher selves, and as such your vessels are simply being aligned with that which has already occurred. For your higher selves have indeed requested these changes and hence you are experiencing and shall experience them as we speak.

Know that this is a natural sate of progression from the fully material and solid world into a more liquid and fluent world of your being. For you shall begin noticing physical changes within your bodies, as your structure becomes more liquid and etheric, as you move further still through the corridor of ascension.

For the ascension shall continue to be in effect and shall finally bring you to the point of not return. The point from which you shall not be able to return to the solidity of the world you once knew. Hence many of you shall experience the loss and emptiness as you say your goodbyes to the three dimensional experience, once and for all.

All of this shall be welcomed by your vehicles in stages, as it is simply not possible at this moment in time to completely transform your vehicles into a new state of being overnight.

And so as you shall continue to operate on both frequencies, constantly being moved from one end of the spectrum to another. Let it be known that you shall all bare witness to the internal and external changes, and let it be known that you have been prepared very well to withstand the necessary conditions and changes that shall occur within and without.

For all is going according to the divine blueprint that has indeed been preordained and set forth by all those who are reading these messages. And so, we ask that you pay careful attention to the urges of your vehicles, pay careful attention to the psyche of your being. Pay careful attention to the guidance that you are receiving. For your lives shall never be the same. For your path shall not be the same, for your duties to act as beacons of light shall increase ever so much. For you shall indeed be drawn to a new set of realities, thinking patterns, and ways of being.

Know that we are standing by you ready to assist you in all that you are. Know that we love an you unconditionally. Know that we are walking with you hand in hand, and foot in foot. Know that you can call upon us whenever you wish. Know that it is so. For it is.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


Personal Note: Every 10,700 years or so, our solar system passes through at 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles know as the photon belt. This belt is the “Holy Spirit” of GOD force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation.

Soul’s passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle – the time that it takes to go around its greater sun (Alcyon in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears from earth to slice through the astrological ages of Leo & Aquarius. Since we are moving inot the Age of Aquarius, we are also moving into the photon belt.

What I am being told is that our solar system has already entered this belt, and on 22nd of September our planet, our actual planet is going to start moving into this belt. Which is going to affect us greatly. As Christ Consciousness is really going to start playing out in this field, in our world, as has been predicted many eons ago. And once again as we’re being told through the channelings, through the channeling that you have just read and many other channelings worldwide, what is happening is this energy will transform the planet and all life on it, into higher dimension of vibratory states.

So, we’re given a great opportunity to cleanse our palate if you will, to let go of everything that no longer serves us, so that when we do enter into this photon belt, where we are going to stay for many years, for at least 2,000 years, so that we can finally enjoy this moment in time. Of course everything is not going to change overnight, as we are being told constantly over and over again, it’s going to take time.

And right now we are living in the most exciting times, as we’re literally being changed from the solid state of our three dimensional existence into a more liquid state and crystalline state of being. Once again this is a great time to let go of everything and to truly connect with your divine self. I hope that you will take this opportunity. I hope that you will enjoy this transition.

As turbulent as it may be, it’s very important to remember that we are all being supported grately. You’re being supported by your guides, usually every person on earth has at least one guide attached to them, who is always there with you, and many times you will have other guide that are coming in to support you in specific moments throughout your life, not to mention your spirit guides, the ascended master, arch angels, our galactic family that are constantly watching over us, and most importantly your higher self. So listen to your intuition. Clean everything out and welcome this new energy. Stay grounded. Stay in the Now. I love you!


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both       hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Go within to your inner sanctuary and experience the Love that awaits you there.

❤ A loving reminder…

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Sun day September 7th

Here in our realms (your realms too!), the spiritual or non-physical and non-dual realms, we are watching over you constantly, lovingly, compassionately as you go about your daily chores and struggle to understand the meaning of your individual life paths.  As you are well aware everyone’s path is perfectly and individually tailored to her or his precise needs in this now moment, always.  And yet you are frequently unable to maintain awareness of this at times as the distractions of your daily lives intrude on your deeper levels of consciousness where you hold the intent, at all times, to follow the path that you so carefully and painstakingly planned before you incarnated.

For many of you at times it seems impossible that you could have intended to experience some of the pain and suffering that you are undergoing.  You often feel lost…

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