14th July 2023. Mike Quinsey. 

14th July 2023. Mike Quinsey. 

We are urging you to seek the truth of your being as for so long you have been denied it and used like puppets. It has been deliberate to keep you in the dark as to your true purpose upon Earth. We say again that you are not your body it is only a means by which you can experience life in the material Universe. After it has served its purpose it is discarded allowing the soul to be free one more. Your new etheric body can be controlled by the power of thought, and most souls chose to continue experiencing with it as a new young version of perfection. 

What is often missing is the knowledge that when you have reached a certain level of consciousness, you do not necessarily have to experience further lives in the lower vibrations. However, some will volunteer to go back to help lift up those souls who struggle to evolve often simply through lack of understanding or being deliberately mislead. The dark Ones take every opportunity to keep you from the truth and it is a role they play for which they have been appointed because of their karmic responsibility. With their background it is one they play for which they are well suited.

Spiritual progress can be very quick providing you deal with your challenges, but alas many souls find it difficult not to come under the influence of those who tempt them away from the Light. We know life can be tough but as we often point out, you are not given more testing than you can manage. Realise that you are not facing the dark Ones alone and your Guides are always with you doing their best to ensure you respond positively. They are often that quiet voice that prompts you to take the right action when you are challenged. 

Life is a game but a very serious one and few realise its true significance.  It is planned to give you the experiences you need to evolve, so when you know that you are being challenged do your best to respond in the right manner. The last thing you should try to avoid is the use of physical force unless you are made to do so to protect yourself or those around you. Often in a difficult situation one soul who is able to keep calm can bring about a sensible solution. 

You could be forgiven for thinking that danger is round every corner, but it is not as prevalent as you may think.  You are guided in and out of situations that could be threatening and will only involve you if there are karmic reasons that you should do so. Nothing essential really happens by chance although it may appear that way, as anything of importance to you is always well planned. Take your life lessons to heart as they are experiences that move you further along your pathway to Ascension. 

Knowing what makes the world go round means you can help others as you have done. You have a saying “that what goes around comes around” and it means that how you treat others will eventually come back to you. If you are always helpful to those in need you are creating good karma for yourself, the reverse can also apply at some stage in your life. Karma can be carried forward if it is best carried out at that time. If it sounds complicated it is and much thought has to be put into it ensuring it is appropriate. 

Yes, countries also have karma that reflects the ambitions and needs they have. Sadly warlike countries bring much sorrow and despair onto their people but realise souls would not be incarnating into such situations unless there was something to be learnt from them. Eventually souls realise that wars achieve absolutely nothing and that peaceful solutions are the best answer. There will come a time when peace will reign but at what cost – clearly Man has chosen the hard way but all paths will eventually lead to completion. 

What is important is the continuation of your search for the truth and opportunities to advance will come your way, so be assured that all souls will eventually reach their goal. The effort you put in now will benefit you tenfold even if it is not immediately apparent to you. You have had so many lives where progress has been slow and demanding but it all carries you further forward even if you are unaware of the progress you are making. Take things as they come to you knowing that there is always a purpose for the experiences you have. 

Whether you realise it or not you are facing great changes in your life as the old ways are no longer adequate. However, the changes will be planned to help you advance more quickly. Many new innovations are waiting to be introduced and some would have already benefitted you but for the interference of the dark Ones. Be assured that their power is dwindling and many have been removed and will answer for their crimes against Humanity. 

We tend to focus on the activities of the dark Ones so that you are aware of their actions to slow down your advancement and keep the truth from you. We say again you are far greater than you imagine and have powers that are just emerging that will carry you forward and through the tough times you are now experiencing. Bear in mind that when you came to Earth you were equipped with the skills or knowledge that would enable you to successfully carry out your life plan. In reality you are a far greater soul than you imagine. Keep calm and spread peace wherever you go and more could not be asked of you. We know how hard it is to hold back your reactions when confronted with negative situations, but by being in control of your emotions you are helping to hold the peace. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey. 

Arcturian Group Message for JULY 26, 2020 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL


Arcturian Group Message for JULY 26, 2020
by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

Dear readers, during these times of so much turmoil and confusion our hope is that these messages will bring information and encouragement. Do not become discouraged for present times are the very reason you chose to be on earth at this time.

The shift that so many have hoped and prayed for has begun but does not look like so many expected it to look. This is because they were imagining it with three dimensional concepts of what a perfect new world would look like. All the bad guys would be removed and all the good guys would live happily ever after with no problems. Release any remaining concepts you may still hold regarding the earth’s ascension and allow the process to unfold as it must.

Many old and well established three dimensional creations must first surface in order to be seen and recognized for what they really represent before the majority can be aware of, reject, and stop energetically feeding them. This is a process, but as maps point out; “You are here.”

This will continue for a while and there is more to come. Stand centered in your highest spiritual realization as an observer, but one who is open to helping as needed. Some are being guided to take an active role, while others are to simply hold the Light. Neither is more important than the other but both must be done without ego involvement. Follow your intuition, listen, trust, and know that you are always being guided.

We see many changes coming soon and more to be revealed that is not yet energetically ready for manifestation. Do not be shocked and upset when people and issues begin to be exposed for who and what they represent. You are prepared and have had fair warning but some information will be shocking to those still living in old energy. You may be called upon to reassure and assist those unprepared for information and change.

It can be a time of celebration if you allow it to be and if you are able to let go of concepts about how everything should or shouldn’t look. The journey toward a higher resonating planet earth has begun and no amount of interference from those seeking to uproot the process can stop it.

Much of today’s chaos is the activity of those who do not want the world to awaken into a new level of awareness for that would mean they could no longer manipulate and control. However, they are running out of options for the Light has spiritual law to uphold, maintain, and sustain it, whereas false beliefs and concepts do not.

As one’s personal consciousness becomes more enlightened, they begin to access and resonate with previously unavailable higher dimensional frequencies because they are now in alignment with them. This in turn results in ms-alignment with some other things like certain foods.

Avoid processed, junk, and false foods no matter how delicious and healthy the packaging tells you they are. This also goes for fruits and vegetables poisoned with pesticides, picked long before ready, sometimes even colored, and then displayed beautifully for purchase. Choose foods that more closely align with your energy and trust your intuition as you shop. The sky is not going to fall down if you eat something of a lower resonance, but you will feel better and your energy will be supported when you choose higher resonating foods.

New energy levels will also cause some entertainments, TV shows, books, and activities to no longer resonate with you as they once did. Family and friends who remain in alignment with these things will not understand why you are choosing to no longer fully participate and may interpret your lack of interest as personal rejection frequently bringing about discord and misunderstanding.

It can be a loving gesture to continue participating when something no longer important to you is very important to another but never surrender your integrity or personal power in order to please others or “fit in”. Do not allow pressure from others or a desire to keep the peace cause you to slip back into places you have outgrown or cause you to believe that there is something wrong with you. It is never a question of wrong or right, it is simply a matter of energetic misalignment.

Never surrender your innate power as a Divine Being, but at the same time be alert to avoid resistance on your part that can easily slip into being an ego game that becomes about the three dimensional sense of power. Walking on eggshells in order to please another must cease if a person is ever to experience their own innate power.

There are situations and more coming in your life when you will simply and without regret or guilt, step away. Always stand in your spiritual integrity (power) lovingly but firmly without making mountains out of molehills in the false belief that you must stand your ground regardless. That simply gives power to some person or activity that in and of itself, has no power.

Power is never personal, bestowed only on a select few. God alone is power and that power flows in, as, and through you from Source within–it is your birthright. Ego, or the sense of a selfhood apart from God never has or ever can have real power although many continue to claim it for themselves and appearances may look that way.

Because a physical body is necessary for three dimensional living you are limited in some ways and often under the influence of collective thought. As truth increasingly becomes your attained level of consciousness, many three dimensional concepts will fade away allowing you to actually experience increasingly more qualities of Divine Consciousness that were previously just intellectual knowledge. Once a truth becomes your realized state of consciousness, you are no longer in alignment with commonly accepted but false beliefs about it.

You will begin to notice that you often know or act without conscious thought and it turns out to be the perfect action for the situation. You begin to automatically know what foods your body needs and what activities are right for you. Synchronicity happen and things begin to fall into place easily and without effort. The right people come into your life at the right time. The harmony, completeness, wholeness, and intelligence of your own realized Consciousness, is expressing through you without personal effort. You are allowing rather than trying to make it happen. Be-ing rather than do-ing.

Lecturing, preaching, or punishing the un-awakened never brings about lasting change for every person is only capable of living their attained level of consciousness until they can open to their next level which usually comes about through experiences. Jail or prison, counseling, and intense experiences all have potential to awaken someone if they are receptive, but higher awareness can never be forced on another.

Never fear or resist allowing certain people to fade out of your life if they are choosing to remain in old energy and you find yourself no longer in alignment with them. It is not your job to save anyone, that is the person’s own job for every person has a Higher Self and Guides

Your work is to have your hand out and available at all times should another choose to grab it, but it is never to reach down into someone’s personal gutter and pull them out without their consent or desire. Their situation could very well be a planned part of their evolutionary journey. Always allow intuition to guide you in these situations for a person may actually be seeking help but not seem that way while another may simply want you to further enable them.

Awakening happens when the Higher Self determines that a person is ready and high frequency energy and current events are serving to shift many into readiness. A new wave of energy is coming very soon, one that will expose and change many things. Your awakened consciousness will draw to you those ready to hear what you can tell them about what is happening personally and globally.

Love is the core and essence of all things because it is the energetic connection of the many within ONE. This interconnecting energy exists between all living things but has been falsely interpreted by the three dimensional mind. The result has been a multitude of commonly accepted beliefs about love–attraction, emotion, sex, possession, as well as some very negative ones.

Current conditions are forcing many for the first time to begin experiencing a sense of oneness. You are witnessing the birth of a higher sense of love in collective thought as the virus and isolation puts everyone in the “same boat” so to speak.

Because there is only ONE, Love embraces all life regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, age, race, wealth, looks, or anything else that has throughout history served to separate people. Love is the innate knowing (consciousness) that all things are connected. Relationships of all kinds start with some sort of sense of oneness (goals, likes or dislikes, interests, attraction etc.) but are experienced according to the state of consciousness of those involved.

Frequently a sense of oneness comes from having been connected in some way to another person in previous lives which then manifests in this life either as attraction or repulsion depending upon previous relationships. Most heterosexual as well as homosexual partnerships take place between two who have become very close through previous shared lifetime experiences.

As the reality of pure Love integrates and becomes a person’s attained state of consciousness, they automatically and without thought or ego driven goal begin to respond to all life situations from a place of love because they have become Love. Always remember, you are Consciousness.

All is proceeding according to plan. Trust. Allow. Love.

The train has left the station.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/26/20

Donations are welcomed

Readers, the next Arcturian Message will be August 23 rather than in two weeks.

©2020 onenessofall.com | Marilyn@onenessofall.com

Web Version

Shanta Gabriel: New Transitions in Life


Dear Ones,

When Change is your only constant, know that your Soul is on a voyage to fulfill its highest destiny. You can cooperate or resist the process, but it is inevitable.

Perhaps you are being asked to move and you don’t want to move to another home. Remember that whenever your Soul is activating a new life experience, you need to trust that you are ready for it — no matter how uncomfortable it feels.

Willingness is a key component for generating Ease and Grace in Transitions. Trusting in your inner guidance system allows you to be confident in each step along the way. Faith becomes Plan A as well as your Fallback Plan.

In the midst of huge change, your breath is key. When you are feeling stressed and low in energy, your breath will bring you new empowerment. Stopping to take several deep, long breaths throughout the day allows you to be more relaxed and energized.

Gaining strength in the world can be literally physical, so start working your muscles. You can gain stamina in your walks in nature. You can dance in your house or do exercises such as Chi Kung or Yoga that support your energy system. These activities help you become more optimistic, as well as happier in your body.

Gather your opportunities for greater connection to beauty, money, new people, and a life that fully supports you. These are opening to you now.

Send the roots from your base down below you for a deep Earth connection so you can ground the Light from Source. When Divine Light runs through your body, it recalibrates your energy system for new life awakening. Know that you are not the only one experiencing a massive new transition — all are being affected by changes on the planet.

Listen to the advice you give to others, and then do that for yourself. You have the Grace of God with you, and new worlds are opening. Be grateful. Life is responding to your prayers.

Take all the qualities that you love about where you are now, and project them with your prayer and intention so they will anchor in the destination that is unfolding. You are able to create your spacious, practical, supported realm wherever you are.

Make clear intentions for your destination. Create soft landings, with open doors welcoming you along the way. When you do this, Pure Love will be be your companion. You will never be alone, so you can make a practice of tuning into the spiritual resources that support you at all times.

Know that all is well. The Grace you have funded to this point will create a life of Abundant Beauty.

Never forget that you are loved. All your needs will be met with Grace and Ease. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
July 14, 2020

Permission is granted for you to share this message as long as it is free, credit is given to the author, and used in its entirety.

Join me starting Saturday, June 18 for Life in Transition, a 4-week series to facilitate graceful, ease-filled change in life. See details here!

Shanta Gabriel: Eclipses are a Blessing in Disguise


The extensive eclipse portal we are currently experiencing has accelerated the ascension and awakening of all humanity. No matter how it feels, there are great blessings inherent in the fields of Light that accompany the flow of energy throughout the eclipses.

God’s presence is within all, empowering your body’s energy systems to be able to expand so you can hold these higher frequencies of Light.

This Light pouring down on the planet is filled with God’s Grace. Being aware of the activities within the Light working in your life is a soothing balm in the midst of chaos and suffering.

In this time you are creating your new life from the inside out. You are making choices based on how your heart responds and you are allowing your greatest dreams for life on Earth to guide you.

You are setting the tone for the new normal you want to experience. Lifetimes and time lines are falling away as new codes and information uplift the frequencies. Radical shifts in consciousness are becoming normal as the eclipse energies and mass awakening disrupts life on Earth.

The more you can find your heart center and tune into the Earth rhythms, the more balanced you will feel. In order for the mass awakening to occur, disruption of life as it was must take precedence.  Staying neutral during this process will assist its ability for smooth transition, and allow your energy system to stay in equanimity.

The changes to bring a new form of life with more harmony and grace is so obvious that no one can deny it. The momentum is like a massive river of evolution. It is Divinely inspired. There is no way a human can push the river into a small rivulet that slightly resembles the way things used to be. Instead, the torrent of energy within the River of Ascending Frequencies will wipe out all attempts to limit and contain a mighty flow that catalyses life on Earth into new channels of well-being and evolution.

Know that the changes you are experiencing lead to benevolent outcomes. When you can learn how to surrender to change, recognizing it is good, it will feel more peaceful. Resistance causes pain and is futile. Your focus of attention on the possibilities of new levels of freedom and wellbeing will lead the flow of your life into directions that can support you in a new way.

As you do this, prepare to be amazed, because God’s plan is more exalted than you imagine. The chaos is only the dismantling of the outdated status quo. When you can stay neutral in the present moment, knowing you are being guided by a love that never ends, your intuition will be available to you in every moment.

You are being called to demonstrate your ability to lead from example. You are a Wayshower. When you can stay in your heart, are grounded in the principles of Loving Kindness and Compassion, then the powerful light of Wellbeing fills you. You become a radiant light that shines out to catalyze awakening and bless the world.

As millions of awakened souls shine their heart’s light into the world, the new life that is birthing provides space for Love, Peace and Harmony. Through your radiance, you become a blessing. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

June 6, 2020

Arcturian Group Message for APRIL 19, 2020 + APRIL 5, 2020 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

Image may contain: night and text

Arcturian Group Message for APRIL 19, 2020

by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

Dear Readers, understand that you are presently engaged in one facet of earth’s ascension process and that something much bigger than disease is taking place. As you witness chaos keep in mind that these times are bringing change to many universally accepted but false three dimensional concepts.

Solutions to world problems of all sorts have up to now always been based in solving the problem on the level of the problem which simply does not work. New, higher, and better ways of addressing all issues will emerge from this. Do not become impatient with the process for present times are just the beginning. You are the ones who must bring about change while being fully supported from the other side.

Ascension energy began long ago but has largely gone unnoticed by most. Evolution is the ongoing and unstoppable process of awakening into the reality of Divine Oneness. Many are now beginning to open to a new sense of oneness as all experience current events at the same time.

Today’s spiritually powerful times are guiding increasingly more individuals to question some generally accepted activities, beliefs, laws, and traditions. This in turn is opening them to examine what they hold as truth in their own consciousness be it be religious doctrine, political opinion, words from broadcast news, family/ racial tradition, or other commonly accepted group consciousness beliefs.

Many are experiencing internal struggle as they are forced to cease their normal pursuit for more, bigger, and better in the belief that these things represent success. We are not referring to small businesses who are indeed facing issues of survival during these times but rather are referring to those who have based their lives on the acquisition of increasingly more in the hope that it will bring them happiness.

As more individuals begin to examine the commonly accepted concept of more is better, they will open to understanding that the accumulation of material things or success in the outer scene can and will never make someone more acceptable and loveable than he/she already is, leading them to question; “What then really does make one acceptable/loveable?”

Nothing outside of self can or will ever bring about fulfillment for it does not exist in the outer scene. Adulation of the rich, beautiful, and famous through emulating their actions, dress, and appearance simply indicates the spiritual un-awareness of those who believe themselves separate from and “less than” those few who have fulfilled the some three dimensional concept of success.

This is not to say that the talented and gifted or those who have seriously spent their lives in service to others should not be recognized and appreciated, but rather than with blind adoration based in some concept of success or worthiness, let it be the recognition and acknowledgement of those Divine qualities manifesting in, as, and through the person.

Silent, serious, questioning begins to open submerged inner doors long held shut through fear and beliefs based in duality and separation. Increasingly more individuals are beginning to realize how much of what they have accepted as truth was simply handed to and accepted by them from some authority figure. Spiritual evolution is the gradual awakening of personal and collective consciousness into new and higher awareness. The opportunity is here now.

Those firmly established in and benefiting from the third dimensional belief system as it has been known feel no need to question themselves or anything in the world, preferring to maintain the status quo in order to continue benefiting from it. They work to keep everything the same and delay the awakening of collective consciousness to the new through various means meant to promote fear. However, they do not understand that the ascension train has left the station.

Most humans live three dimensional lives that serve them well for many lifetimes. However, there comes a point of readiness in every individual where they find that their lives so longer resonate in the same way and they begin to seek something different. The seeking always begins with what is already known and familiar on the third dimensional level but over time expands as the person begins to understand that what he is seeking simply does not seem to exist where he is looking.

The overuse of drugs, sex, and alcohol as well as suicide abounds hidden but rampant in the world of many who have actually achieved what they set out to achieve according to world standards. Having attained their goals but still feeling unfulfilled, these dear ones often turn to and become dependent upon their chosen “happiness decoy” in an attempt to cover up and quell this unfulfilled longing within, a longing that can never be satisfied through material means no matter how rich, famous, beautiful, or successful the individual.

This deep inner longing is every soul’s awaiting recognition and acknowledgement as individual Divinity and Oneness with God. All must eventually come to understand and accept that they are individualized Divine Consciousness and that they formed for themselves a physical body to use while on earth while working out the lessons and experiences of life lived in the denser energies. No one is or ever has been just a physical body subject to all the beliefs embodied in duality and separation.

You have all lived many lifetimes and are now completing what you put in motion over those lifetimes. It may be the balancing of energies you ignorantly participated in (karma) or it may be to experience something you have not yet experienced but was necessary for your growth and awareness.

You who understand and live from the deeper levels of spiritual truth have completed most of your three dimensional experiences. You have worked hard and balanced old energy and allowed cellular memory to clear. You are now prepared for the next phase of your evolution but in order to do that you must move beyond the familiar but outgrown metaphysical tools that served in the past to bring you to now. Most of these tools are based in seeking and searching for God but you have found Him/Her.

There will be changes to many comfortable aspects of life. Do not expect everything to return to exactly as it was. Long favorite books, films, and activities, medicines, careers, are starting to feel old and no longer interesting because the previous energy alignment has changed. Rather than struggling to keep them the same, step back and allow them to manifest once again in a higher and better form.

As cells integrate new and higher frequencies it automatically dissolves the previous denser energy. Some favorite foods and beverages will become difficult for your body to tolerate. Certain “foods” (GMO, fake, pesticide ridden) will no longer be able to align with the cells holding new and higher frequencies causing digestive issues.

In spite of what you have been told and so many continue to believe, three dimensional energy is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder, dear ones. Earth’s shift to higher dimensional energy is but the beginning of your journey into an ever expanding conscious awareness of oneness with Source.

Free will allows every person to embrace or refuse the choices of these times. Some will choose to continue living as they have in the past, fully embracing illusions of sense based in duality and separation. Others will utilize these times to honestly re-examine personal and global beliefs. Many are choosing it as their exit point. They are tired, their work is complete and they want to go home. which is every individual’s free will choice.

We would advise that you use these times to your advantage which does not mean sitting and meditating all day, but does mean becoming aware of your reactions and responses to everything that is going on both within and without. It means being willing to sweep out the favorite corners of your belief system without feeling a need to defend, justify, or maintain them. It means having the courage to let some of your most satisfying false beliefs go, the ones that may have earned you acceptance and success.

Many know the truth but have not fully accepted it. There comes a point in every person’s spiritual journey where they must make a decision– Is truth simply a nice idea for like minds to ponder in conversation while speculating on its pros and cons or is truth to be accepted, integrated, and lived until it becomes an attained state of consciousness?

Truth must become an attained state of consciousness in order to be experienced because consciousness is the substance of form. An intellectual knowledge of truth is but the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it. There is a bible quote; “Know the truth and the truth will make you free.” Many organized religions, metaphysical groups, as well as those spiritually inclined have forgotten or simply ignore the “Know the truth” part of this statement, falsely relying only on “the truth will make you free” part.

You are Divine Beings, full expressions of God and embodying all the qualities and gifts thereof. Trust that your Higher Self is always guiding as you become ready for your next step toward full consciousness.

“I am ready to allow. To release the control I thought I had to maintain. To get out of my own way through letting go of concepts and beliefs that no longer serve my highest good. To accept that my Real Identity as an expression of Source already exists fully present as my safety and security, abundance, completeness and wholeness, creativity, guidance and direction, solutions, health, and everything embodied in Divine Consciousness.”

“I no longer need to seek for what I already AM but rather allow that which I AM to express ITSelf as me.”

We are the Arcturian Group 4/19/20


Donations are welcomed



Image may contain: night and text

Arcturian Group Message for APRIL 5, 2020
by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

Dear readers, in these present times of stress and confusion, allow yourselves to rejoice in the realization that everything taking place at this time is bringing in the changes you have sought, hoped, and prayed for since incarnating into this present lifetime.

You who are spiritually awake will become the way showers, those who will be helping others open to new and more evolved ideas, solutions, and general ways of living. Present times are making life difficult for everyone but you must realize that the cessation of “busy-ness” is an effective way to bring about activities of Oneness where it can then be recognized, experienced, and begin integrating into the collective.

Mankind is in the midst of an evolutionary experience that is about shifting from fear to love. Is it not interesting that it is taking place at the time of the Christian holy day of Easter–a time of death, entombment, and then resurrection?

The virus is not a punishment, nor was it chosen as being necessary for your evolution. The disease you are witnessing today represents the exposure and clearing of false, old, hidden, dense, and no longer valid energy (beliefs) based in duality and separation, energies that have been fed and kept alive for hundreds of thousands of years by the unenlightened consciousness of the majority.

The time has arrived in man’s spiritual evolution to move beyond the three dimensional concepts and beliefs that have and continue to hold the majority in bondage. Spiritual evolution is an ongoing process governed by the higher dimensions as well as each individual’s Higher Self. Spiritual evolution or lack thereof has never been or ever can be controlled by individuals or groups who stand to benefit by keeping mankind locked in ignorance. Every individual is a Divine Being destined to awaken to their reality at some point.

Things will eventually quiet down but do not expect them to go back exactly the way they were for they will not, cannot. Present times are birthing a new world consciousness, one that is learning to see others in a new and higher way and which will eventually lead to the dissolving of separation based rules, laws, concepts, beliefs, and ideas. You are a part of this because you chose to be a part of it. Change is not going to happen over night, but the process has begun.

Those leaving earth at this time have chosen to do so on a deeper level. Death is always a personal choice regardless of how it may appear. Every individual has the free will choice to go or to stay. Many leaving are simply tired, and their contracts are complete and so have chosen the virus as their mode for leaving. Others are leaving in order to return to a more evolved world at a later time. Some leave because they believe they can better serve earth’s ascension process from the other side.

Everyone has Guides and a Higher Self always assisting them to make choices that best serve their spiritual evolution. Three dimensional ignorance has created a belief system that says; 1. Every person must try to stay on earth in body at any cost to self or others. 2. That success is about accumulating as much “stuff” as one can. 3. That one must do whatever it takes (drugs, activities, etc.) to always feel happy.

Life is about spiritual evolution, about waking up to oneness with Source and all that IT IS. Everything else simply represents the experiences and distractions, some good and some bad, necessary to eventually bring each individual to a readiness for truth.

Isolation is providing everyone the opportunity to stop doing, doing, doing and just be. Success during these times is not about how many rolls of toilet paper one can accumulate but is about doing no-thing–allowing, being, and clearing the mind of all the three dimensional nonsense that has come to be thought of as acceptable, important, and necessary.

It is about reconnecting with your Real Self in new ways while acknowledging the Divinity of everyone else as well, even those you don’t like. It is about recognizing and letting go of the “shoulds” and “should nots” that have ruled your life and allowing the I AM to express as and through you. It is only through receptivity, pondering, then allowing and living truth does it then integrate and become an attained state of consciousness.

Many see present circumstances as an inconvenient delay in their getting back to things as usual. Life is not going be be the same as it was before because consciousness, the substance of form, is changing.

Masculine energy (active, be-er, do-er) is gradually integrating and balancing with feminine energy (receptive, intuitive, love) and the result is going to be that the masculine without the feminine balance will no longer be able to hold dominance and power over everything as it has in the past.

It was necessary to at least temporarily halt the striving for more, more, more regardless of who got hurt in the process while believing that more equals better and makes one superior in some way. The third dimensional world must stop polluting and harming the the very source of its life and health–Mother Earth. Three dimensional human minds will continue finding ways to destroy each other and the planet for profit and gain if old concepts and beliefs remain.

The continual drive for more, more, more needs to be quieted and hopefully people will begin to seriously question and begin to take action on issues like the polluted water, food, and air that is harming (killing) all forms of life including humans, issues that are generally accepted simply because they increase some business’s bottom line.

Humans are meant to be the caretakers of earth dear ones, but greed has caused present conditions which cannot continue. Gaia, her people, and her creatures are sick and you are witnessing it now.

Those of you drawn to these messages are already caretakers well aware of the oneness of all life and so will be the ones explaining this to those drawn to you for guidance. You will be explaining that this is a spiritual universe peopled by sons of God rather than purely physical human beings at the mercy of every belief floating about in collective consciousness. You can tell them about energy and how each person’s state of consciousness creates their world and situations.

Your work is about to begin dear ones, It is what you have been preparing for even though you were not aware of it. It is why you chose to be here at this time. Let go of any concepts you may hold about how the work must look, for it will be different for each depending upon the circumstances and individuals involved. For some the work may simply be to hold the Light of truth for the world.

Some drawn to you will be only capable of assimilating the “baby food” of truth, while others will be ready for a full course meal. Allow your intuition to guide you as to which is which rather than following some protocol you may have been taught along the way.

All is proceeding according to plan and your job is to allow the process to unfold without resistance. Even though appearances testify to discord and suffering, the reality is that a great deal is going on behind the scenes. Collective consciousness is opening into new levels but as of yet most are unable to comprehend anything beyond outer appearances. Be practical, follow the guidelines, but don’t let your actions be reactions based in fear.

Sit quietly and ask yourself. “What am I believing? What do I continue holding as truth in my consciousness? Am I willing to live truth or am I too afraid? Should I remain in third dimensional consciousness where I know what to expect even though it reflects duality and separation?”

The time is now. The time is upon everyone. The time has arrived to live what you know dear ones for this is only the beginning and there is much to come.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/5/2020


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Tania Gabrielle: [March 23 – 29] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast + NEW MOON in ARIES [March 24] Fearless Beginning + 22:22:20:20 MARS/JUPITER/PLUTO Equinox Stellium s!

[March 23 – 29] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 22, 2020
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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NEW MOON in ARIES [March 24] Fearless Beginnings!
Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 11, 2020

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22:22:20:20 MARS/JUPITER/PLUTO Equinox Stellium
Astrology Numerology Forecast

Mar 20, 2020

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NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies for ​March 2 to 8, 2020 By Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

By Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

TUE: Sun semisquare Saturn, Venus square Saturn
WED: Mercury (retrograde) enters Aquarius, Mercury sextile Venus,
Venus enters Taurus, Sun semisquare Venus

FRI: Mercury semisquare Mars 
SAT: Venus semisquare Neptune, Sun sextile Pallas Athene
SUN: Sun conjunct Neptune, Venus conjunct Uranus,
Neptune sextile Pallas Athene, Sun semisquare Uranus

LIFE CAN FEEL somewhat fragile at times, and it may seem especially so as we begin the month of March. With the Sun in emotionally and psychically receptive Pisces, we are already more impressionable than usual; these qualities only increase over the course of the coming week as the Sun and sensitive Neptune travel side-by-side, finally coming into full alignment next Sunday.

There are, of course, many benefits to this Sun-Neptune alignment in Pisces. It may be easier to access a meditative state, whether that is achieved in mindfulness practice, through other forms of sitting, or in becoming one with a creative process where we lose all track of time.

Other Neptunian qualities are enhanced this week as well, including compassion, empathy, and intuitive or psychic awareness. We may resonate more with the Piscean concept of Oneness now, sensing more completely that we are all profoundly interconnected, on multiple levels of existence.

THE PERCEIVED NEGATIVES related to any sign tend to be the result of taking its positive traits to an unhealthy extreme. It is well and good to feel compassion, but that deep caring can become overwhelming and debilitating if we do not also maintain our boundaries. The desire to transcend the dramas of the earth plane can lead us to meditation and creative imaginings, but it can also open the door to escapism through drug abuse and other, more legal, addictions.

The primary caution I want to offer regarding our sensitivity this week has to do with picking up on the generalized fear that is quite strong in the collective consciousness right now. We are all linked to that unified field, whether or not we think about it. As such, we can take on that fear unknowingly.

Remember that we are not just recipients (aka “victims”) of mass consciousness – each of us is also a contributor to it. This week, we benefit not only ourselves but all life on the planet when we use our spiritual tools to find and maintain our center of peace and calm, and consciously radiate love instead of fear.

ANN ALBERS writes a weekly channeled newsletter, and her most recent issue is especially powerful and timely. Here’s an excerpt from her article entitled “Starve the Fear, Feed the Love”:

“The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. So, in the face of epidemics, untruths, and other unpleasant realities, how do you find your peace? Our answer is simple. Reconnect with love, one moment at a time. In a space of love, you become a vibrational catalyst and a force for positive change.”

(For the full article, please visit:

 and Neptune align next weekend, they are both in harmonious sextile aspect with the asteroid Pallas Athene. If you attended my recent webinar, you know that I am quite enamored of Athene, especially since she is playing a highly significant and potentially very positive role in the three Jupiter-Pluto alignments that occur in 2020.

Athene was the Greek goddess of Wisdom, Healing, and Strategy. Whenever she is engaged astrologically, we have the opportunity to tap into new levels of our own creative intelligence. With the asteroid in Capricorn right now, we can gain special insight into the solutions that are needed. We also are more in tune with proper timing, which can correspond with seemingly “magical” manifestations.

Next weekend’s sextile between Athene and Sun/Neptune is a fairly subtle influence, but the best opportunities often are! Be open to the insights you receive, especially when engaged in meditation or creative pursuits. Be aware that telepathic abilities are also potentially enhanced, so always check in to see whether what you are thinking and feeling is really “you” or if it is something you’re picking up from another person or from the collective.

VENUS is in the spotlight this week, indicating a heightened focus on the Venus-ruled areas of finances, personal values, and relationships. A Venus-Saturn square, which is in effect on Monday and perfects early on Tuesday, suggests that we’ll be experiencing a certain “reality check” in one or more these areas.

Saturn squares usually correspond with a feeling of restriction or limitation, due to the natural flow of energy being temporarily blocked. With this Venus-Saturn square, we see more clearly what is and isn’t working in our financial or relational worlds. We are strongly aware that certain obstacles must be overcome before we can make progress.

THE SUN is also involved in this dynamic, being at the midpoint between Venus and Saturn, and in semisquare aspect to both planets over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday. Any time the Sun is involved in an aspect, its influence becomes more pronounced, since the Sun brings issues more fully into the light of day.

Mercury also becomes involved in the mix, forming a helpful sextile aspect with Venus on Wednesday. This aspect should enable us to come up with some ideas on how to manage the problems that have arisen – but with Mercury retrograde until March 9, it may take until the following week for true solutions to be implemented.

This waiting game is underscored by Mercury’s semisquare to Mars on Friday, which indicates tension and verbal squabbles toward the end of the week. Mercury retrograded back into Aquarius on Wednesday and therefore has some innovative plans about how to proceed. This is an opportunity to think outside the box – but with Mars in conservative Capricorn, conflicts arise about whether such newfangled ideas can actually manifest the desired outcome.

WITH VENUS entering her natural sign of Taurus on Wednesday, we become more focused on the need for stability and continuity in finances and partnerships. But uncertainty in these areas continues into next weekend, when Venus is semisquare Neptune (Saturday) and then aligns with Uranus (Sunday).

When in a hard aspect such as a semisquare, Neptune can create a veil of fog that keeps us from seeing reality clearly. As a result, we may feel disillusioned. Sometimes, we can even feel somewhat suspicious, sensing that there is more to the situation than what meets the eye.

THE VENUS-URANUS ALIGNMENT next Sunday is the most significant event of the weekend, with its influence carrying into early next week. The rendezvous between these two planets occurs at least once a year, and always provides an opportunity to break old paradigms in Venus-ruled areas.

Uranus is often radical, sometimes rebellious, and always requires us to be flexible in our expectations. Among its goals are for us to be more open to change, to liberate ourselves from restrictions and “shoulds,” and to live our lives more authentically.

With this Venus-Uranus alignment, we might feel a particular need to be more independent, and are less inclined to accommodate the needs of others if they conflict with our own desires. We might tend to be unpredictable with loved ones, either ending or beginning relationships suddenly. We may be inspired to create more avant garde forms of art, whether or not others value our creations. Likewise in economic matters, we can experience surprising developments. We might spend money more capriciously, or misplace our checkbook. And, the arrow might abruptly go either up or down on the financial charts.

This is the beginning of the new synodic cycle for Venus and Uranus, which will take us through late April of 2021. It is an opportunity to make a new start, based on what we truly value, how we want to express love, and where we want to invest our time and resources – especially if we have been feeling restricted in these areas, whether by circumstances or by our own fears.

IF YOU are watching the Moon’s aspects to the group of planets in Capricorn, here is this week’s list. For a few hours around these times, we are likely to feel more sensitive and protective. All of these aspects occur while the Moon is in Cancer:

  • Moon opposite Mars: Wednesday, March 4, 6:25 p.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Jupiter: Thursday, March 5, 8:56 a.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Pluto: Thursday, March 5, 3:50 p.m. PST
  • Moon opposite Saturn: Thursday, March 5, 11:11 p.m. PST

You are completing a two-year phase in which your sense of identity has been gradually shifting. Like the tide that washes away a sand castle on the beach, Neptune has been disassembling old self-concepts that have limited you — in particular, ways in which you may have played the role of rescuer, martyr, or victim. During this time, you may have felt an even stronger draw from the more introspective or reclusive side of your nature. This coming year, as the Neptune tide slowly recedes and you emerge from the cave, you will have the opportunity to see more clearly what new sand castle you want to build. (Solar Return Sun sextile Mars, sextile Pallas Athene, conjunct Neptune)

In gratitude and light,

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All rights reserved.


Anna Merkaba: Galactic Update – A Star is Born – Major Impact on Earthlings – Pleiades

Galactic Update – A Star is Born – Major Impact on Earthlings – Pleiades


Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have just received this interesting message from the Pleiadians.

“Mere moments ago in a distant galaxy located at 36 degrees south from your central sun a major event has taken place, a star was born which shone the light upon the entire galaxy, said light has a transference point of 0.087 degrees Celsius and the circumference of said star is 123,000 miles. A small star with enormous photon energetic proportions.

Why is said stars birth important for your galaxy and all of humanity? The reason is that said star brings with it the beginning of the escalades, escalades into a different geotheorization (a theory about earth’s origins and it’s construct) on a global scale of your world.

Through said star’s light much negativity bound in your heavens can be transported into the center of your galaxy and transmuted into the light which shall then be returned to earth as pure unadulterated energy source from which your vehicles of time and space shall be able to draw upon in order to sustain your world.

And so, said stars pulse is vibrating at the frequency of your planet’s twin star. The energy from said star travels fast, much faster than the speed of light, in fact in consideration with the technologies that exist outside of your planetary system, the transference of energies is instantaneous, and reaches the desired point without delay announcing a new energetic upliftment.

And so, the event that has already occurred has been felt by all on your planet as a massive jolt, a jolt to change something in your lives. And from said jolt every single one on your planet has changed something in their lives in the last few days, be it large or small, the change has impacted each of your lives in a meaningful way which shall make itself known in the next three months of your earthly time. Depending on the nature of said change, each ones lives shall proceed to unfold in said direction.

Nevertheless, in a few of your earthly months, there shall be a gateway that shall allow many of you to cognizantly choose your paths on this planet for the next 50 of your earthly years, and begin to bring through the innovations that your planet is dearly in need of in order to bring about the changes that are destined to occur not only on your planet but throughout your entire universe.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com


Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

NorthPoint Astrology Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for February 24 to March 1, 2020 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

By Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note this Week

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

MON: Sun sextile Mars
TUE: Mars conjunct South Node, Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, Mercury sextile Mars
THU: Venus conjunct Eris 
FRI: Sun semisquare Pluto, Mercury semisquare Jupiter, Venus square Pluto, Mercury sextile Uranus

THESE ARE TIMES of profound and ongoing change. It seems like almost every day takes us to a deeper level of transformation, personally and globally. With each expanded awareness, we move into a new world, one that is familiar but also feels somehow different.

These are the continuing reverberations of January’s historic Saturn-Pluto alignment. Foundational social structures and personality patterns that we’ve relied on to keep life stable, but that are no longer sustainable, are in various stages of decay, to the extent that they are not aligned with our higher evolution.

THE NEXT TWO WEEKS – the last week of February and the first week of March –  mark a time of important developments. This is because Pluto will be at the midpoint between Jupiter and Saturn, activating the energies of all three planets. (The midpoint is simply a point of the zodiac that is exactly halfway between two planets.)

Taking each of these planets individually, Pluto is a powerful catalyst for change, Saturn creates tangible form through consistent effort, and Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, while also potentially offering a more hopeful perspective to the mix. Astrologer Noel Tyl writes that Pluto at the Jupiter-Saturn midpoint manifests as “tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; fearlessness; major change of situation.”

We may feel especially focused with this influence, or some may be feeling overwhelmed, perhaps just from the sheer magnitude of the energies we are working with. If you are in the latter group, remember to breathe more consciously and deeply than normal, and to literally walk more slowly through your day. Set the intention to do everything at a 30 percent slower pace than usual. These practices reassure our brains that we are safe, simply because our bodies are more relaxed and we’re spending less time in “fight or flight” mode.

ADDING MORE SPICE to the stew, we are just a few weeks away from the first alignment between Jupiter and Pluto, which occurs in early April. I mention this now because the two planets are separated by less than five degrees on March 1, and are getting closer to each other day by day. This means we are already beginning to feel effects of their combined energies.

When these two planets align, we become even more aware of the depth of change that is underway. If we’re already engaged in a process of transformation, we may feel an acceleration. Old perspectives and beliefs can shift so quickly and completely that we may barely remember who we used to be.

Our challenge will be to maintain the stabilizing positive attitude and hope that Jupiter in Capricorn offers, while also being willing to dive deeply and fearlessly into the metamorphosis that Pluto requires. The old forms that are disintegrating are like the chrysalis that once sheltered us, but now only keeps us small, contained, and unable to fly.

IN ANCIENT MYTH, Mercury (Hermes) had the rare ability to cross the river Styx, enter the underworld, and then return to the realms of the living. This unique trait of the Messenger god symbolizes the mind’s ability to explore the darkness and to return to the light.

This deep level of introspection is enhanced when Mercury is retrograde (appearing to move backward), and also when Mercury is in contemplative Pisces. This week, Mercury is both retrograde and in Pisces. It is the perfect time to go within, to face fears and darkness if needed, while knowing that the light is there for us to reclaim as well.

ASTROLOGICAL WISDOM tells us that Mercury’s retrograde phase is meant to be a time of review and reflection on the past. This is especially true on Tuesday of this week, when the Sun aligns with Mercury, and Mars aligns with the karmic South Node in Capricorn.

The Sun always shines a bright light on the other planets that it touches, so we may receive special insights early this week, especially if we spend time in meditation or creative writing. But, with Mars activating the South Node, old control patterns are also activated.

Throughout this week, we will do well to step back from situations where we start to feel the need to use weapons of dominance or aggression, for these reactions represent the old patterns humanity is trying to evolve beyond. After we step back, we can call on one of Capricorn’s positive traits to assist us: the ability to quietly observe from an objective position.

Our task then is twofold: firstly, to take a moment to reflect on what fear lies beneath our reactivity, and secondly, to then use our self-care tools to lovingly support the part of us that feels that fear. This skill of self-nurturing is part of what the North Node in Cancer is asking us to develop. Once we feel calm emotionally and also have a sense of renewed inner strength, we can then step back into the situation and deal with issues in a balanced way.

RELATIONSHIPS and alliances could be stretched to their limits as we near the end of the work week. Tempers may flare on Thursday, when Venus aligns with Eris, the goddess of Discord. We are more reactive than rational under this alignment, especially if we’ve been feeling ignored or unappreciated.

Venus then moves on to square Pluto on Friday. This aspect is also quite reactive, due to feeling controlled or dominated by another. Pluto generally acts as the psychotherapist, digging deep into areas of our psyches that we usually try to suppress or repress. Any lingering distrust, jealousies, and resentments are hard to ignore with this aspect.

THE POSITIVE SIDE of both of these challenges is that they give us the opportunity to face issues that have been undermining the health of our relationships. Getting to the heart of the situation may be uncomfortable, but the potential gift of these honest exchanges is greater integrity and intimacy with friends and loved ones.

To help us with this process, Mercury is in harmonious sextile to Uranus on Friday. This aspect encourages us to speak from our hearts as well as from our intuition. It enables us to hold a compassionate space that allows others to also share their truth, and helps us “read between the lines” so that we understand the spirit as well as the words conveyed by others.

IF YOU are watching the Moon’s aspects to the group of planets currently in Capricorn, here is this week’s list. All of these aspects occur while the Moon is in Aries. For a few hours around these times, emotions are likely to be more volatile:

  • Moon square Mars: Wednesday, February 26, 12:32 a.m. PST
  • Moon square Jupiter: Thursday, February 27, 1:22 a.m. PST
  • Moon square Pluto: Thursday, February 27, 11:47 a.m. PST
  • Moon square Saturn: Thursday, February 27, 7:25 p.m. PST

If you missed my “After the Tornado” webinar a few weeks ago, now’s the time to purchase the video replay! During the class, I reviewed pivotal events in January and explained the planetary influences we’ll be working with during the first half of 2020.

Along with the replay, you’ll also receive a pdf of the slideshow and calendars showing the astrological aspects of import through June. If you’re interested, please send an email with “Webinar Replay” in the subject line to pam@northpointastrology.com, and I’ll reply with details.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK:  This may be a more introspective year than usual, even for contemplative Pisces. You are likely to spend a fair amount of time reviewing the past. This is your opportunity to gain important insights and also to see where you might benefit from forgiving both yourself and others. With each attachment you release, you open to new insights, new courage, and new potentials for your future. In many ways, this is a year of potential breakthrough, as you begin to see yourself through new eyes, moving beyond any victim or martyr roles and into more enlightened Self awareness. (Solar Return Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, sextile Mars, sextile Uranus)

In gratitude and light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All rights reserved.