Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: November 22 – 28, 2020

Weekly Forecast: November 22 – 28, 2020

Kelly M. Beard

a message from Kelly M. Beard
Sunday, 22 November, 2020  (posted 23 November, 2020)

The video version of this forecast, as read by Kelly, is available here.

11/23 ~ Mercury (ideas) ~trine~ Neptune (dreams):

This energy activates your creative process & intuition. You may catch yourSelf unconsciously drifting aimlessly but a better use of this combination is to open to the other realms for ideas & information and play with it, free flow, see where it leads. It is not the time for pragmatic analysis, but more a time to explore the infinite possibilities available to you, as well as what’s going on in your own consciousness. You may be more sensitive than usual, opening yourself to information or awareness that isn’t always that readily available. Remember, to keep good boundaries when *opening* like this and if you have to be around people, try to maintain the mystical, creative vibe this energy is best for.

11/27 ~ Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):

This energy provokes the need to delve deeper into the ideas or information being presented at this time, whether personal or professional. You will want to dig deeper, ask the hard questions and gather insights that are deeper and more profound than usual. In your professional/public life, you may find yourself doing better due-diligence and in your personal/private life, you may find yourself digging a little deeper into your own mental patterns & personal history (that has led to ‘now’). As you make these connections and begin to grasp these new insights, they will gain traction and you will become more grounded in your own Authentic Truth. We all get excited about those kind of ah-ha moments, and you may find yourself wanting to share them with others who may or may not be ready to hear such deep Truths or have the conscious awareness to even process them, so use some discernment around who and when you share these new-found insights.

11/27 ~ Venus (values) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom):

Any time Uranus is involved, it becomes the “wild card” and hard to predict how things will unfold, but right now there is a push-pull between your apparent values and your unique individual self. Venus also represents relationships, so you may begin an unusual relationship or you may have something unusual happen in an established relationship. It is not necessarily a “good/bad” thing, as much as an unpredictable shift or sudden awareness, which requires some compromise & integration. This energy works beautifully if your personal Truth and values are in alignment. It will be very disruptive if they are not. Be open and flexible, while looking for the win/win situation for all involved.

11/28 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~sextile~ Jupiter (expansion):

Where Sun sextile Jupiter is more about YOU, this activation is more about your consciousness, ideas, thoughts & concepts (Mercury), which Jupiter expands in some way, helping you to ‘think bigger’, edit your personal Story and step up your game in some kind of way. This is also a great energy to work with if you are in school, learning something new, expanding your knowledge base or gathering new tools & information to support your goals. Your dreams are tapping you on the shoulder right now, demanding some attention. Mundane issues are not your concern with this energy, you want to figure out how to create the life you’ve been imagining. This energy also provokes within you the awareness & understanding that being generous naturally attracts generosity to you. The big picture and overall patterns which have led you to this point are being brought into the light. Feeling clear, sharp, alert and optimistic, you begin to realize that anything you can imagine (or remember), you can achieve.

11/28 ~ Neptune Direct in Pisces:

If the Moon represents the individual womb, then Neptune is the collective womb. When it retrogrades annually, we are given an opportunity to consciously develop something, usually related to healing & wholeness. The retrogrades always encourage us to go within and heal, make-whole or integrate something critical to our well-being. What healing have you been working on personally, since June 2020? Neptune is most commonly known as the planet of dreams and visions. So on a normal day, Neptune creates the desire to daydream, create, visualize the ideal outcome (to life, relationship, project, etc.), it tends to see everything through rose colored glasses, putting its hopeful spin on it all. When Neptune Retrogrades, it may be less shocking than Uranus or Pluto, but no less effective. It’s primary goal during a Retrograde is to gently dissolve personal boundaries. You start to realize your connection to the whole. Not a bad idea, but to some, it can be unsettling if they are rigidly holding onto boundaries for a false sense of security. Hopefully, you’ve been able to reconnect to your Spirit in a way that helps you navigate the world better going forward, now that it is Direct.

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Copyright © 2000-2020 * Kelly M Beard * * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.
This message was originally posted here

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"THE magic carpet of oriental imagery" 19 aries - by wise owl Christine vincent

“THE magic carpet of oriental imagery” 19 aries
– by wise owl Christine vincent

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase:  communicate, share

Moon in Cancer

Sun: 19 Libra – “a gang of robbers in hiding”

  • True Alignments:  allowing time for things to resolve/come to light/come into balance, emotionally processing a loss, giving to others, forgiveness/pardons
  • Catalysts for Change:  taking unfair advantage, trust issues, trying to get away with something, things that have been brewing under the surface or in the background bubbling up or boiling over, sudden eruptions, no honor among thieves, the fast buck

Earth: 19 Aries – “the magic carpet ride of Oriental imagery”

  • True Alignments:  streams of consciousness, visions of the future, rising above, fantastical, connecting inner power with a Higher Power, transcending worries, linking/team efforts, the east, space, the mystic
  • Catalysts for Change:  tumultuous, dissociation, trauma response, unawake/unaware, manic episodes, luring/lured away

The “True Alignments” and “Catalysts for Change” listed above offer a thorough inventory of today’s energies, but we do have some other things happening:

Mercury is making opposition with the Eris Point.  Caution with words is advised.  We are much more easily stirred to anger when the Eris Point is activated.  This usually involves a sense of injustice or wrongdoing or hurt.  Silence is broken and rectification begins to occur.  The “Apples of Discord” that Eris energy lobs eventually turns out to produce meaningful change, so it’s best to not be quick to judge today.

Late tonight and throughout tomorrow, the Moon will begin aspecting Pluto, the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus.  Tomorrow has a lot going on, so check back then for the breakdown of times and aspects.

A couple of other notes:

1 – On Friday, October 13 (see yesterday’s report for more information on Friday, October 13), the Sun will oppose the Eris Point.  The Eris Point is the degree in the sky where the planet Eris was located when it was discovered (21 Aries).  It does not refer to one’s natal Eris (degree where Eris was located when one was born).  This is a common assumption.  The Eris Point is specifically the degree 21 Aries.  Data collection over several years shows that the Illuminati favor activity when planets (especially the Sun) aspect 21 Aries (though the power to succeed using this energetic for nefarious purposes has progressively waned since 2015).  We should not be surprised by any type of October 13th Surprise.  Having the Sun at 21 Libra (180 degrees opposition from the Eris Point at 21 Aries) on a FRIDAY is irresistible to the Illuminati minions of the archons who are trying to stem the tide of their fall.

2 – Yesterday Jupiter entered Scorpio, where it will transit until November 2018.  For reference purposes, the last time Jupiter transited Scorpio was October 26, 2005 through November 23, 2006.  What was happening for you at that time?  Are there any correlations to now?

3 – Yesterday Venus made opposition with Chiron.  Mars will make opposition with Chiron at the same degree on October 15.  Anything that developed yesterday related to wounding, healing, or teaching with relationships or money is likely to repeat in some way then.

4 – Today the Earth is discharging the degree of last solar-lunar year, “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery.”  If anything, that year taught us how to rise above frenzies and go with the flow.  We may need to practice that skill today as we attend to wisdom.

Lee Harris: ENERGY UPDATE – The Arrival of Higher Frequencies and Light-speed Density Detoxes

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ENERGY UPDATE – The Arrival of Higher Frequencies and Light-speed Density Detoxes

  • July and August will bring with it some unique Higher Frequencies and healing energies. These allow for particularly fast changes in your inner and outer lives. They will allow fast clearings of old density too – a density detox to shed the old and level up into the next platform of being in yourself and for the planet.
  • These High Frequency energies will mean many of you will feel better than ever and any Density Detoxes you experience will happen more easily (especially as you are more skilled at letting them move through you now). Take time to regularly be quiet and still for this high upgrade period to be able to work on you.
  • Intuition is growing stronger in the collective and so will kick in strongly for you now, IF you create space and time for it to appear and be listened to. Listen to what your intuition wants you to do/try/begin, and if it feels right to trust it, try out doing things in a new way wherever you feel supported to do so. Act on the intuition, yes, but then REFLECT on how it went (when you try out new intuitive things) and then the intuitive muscle can increase and grow. Keeping journals helps with this ‘monitoring’ process while you are deepening with intuition.
  • Know that there is a DENSITY DETOX occurring faster than before. It’s intense at times and shows us our Ego relationship with deep honesty. BE OK WITH THIS, and it will pass through you at lightning speed. Be upset at it or yourself, and it will stick around until you SURRENDER. The current energy wants you to surrender, so that you flow with it, detox it and return to your centre sooner. LOVE yourself (and any ego reactions you notice) through these more difficult moments, just as you would a friend who is having a hard time.
  • Healer Burnout is going round for many healers right now. If that is your story, it means time to rest, recharge and dial back your social and/or work schedule for a few weeks.


  • You feeling very alive, and charged with inspired ideas, sense of purpose and new levels of maintained higher awareness.
  • Divine Action/Creation (and Activism) will be strong for those in this group, and if these are your inner frequencies, you will be well supported in the outer world too.
  • You feeling (and sharing) an Influx of Joy, Positivity and Happiness (you may even seem odd to your friends who are not feeling this, as a result).


  • Mental Confusion – feeling unclear and generally murky about your direction (and that of the world right now).
  • If you are in the lows, trust that you will ride out this period of density detox and do whatever you can to support your wellbeing.
  • Remind your mind – “This too shall pass”. It can help in the intense moments where your mind wants to go into victim or panic mode.
  • If FEAR and OVER-STIMULATION from outside information or influences draw you away from your balance, notice it, then take action to reset and clear your energy field (“I release any energies and emotions that are not mine”) and then you can return to your day reset. Be mindful of where you give your focus and how it affects your ability to be open to life.



How are the current energies feeling for you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: Solstice & Divine Masculine – 20-Jun-2017 by Kara Schallock

Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: Solstice & Divine Masculine – 20-Jun-2017  by Kara Schallock

We are in the beautiful phase of the Solstice. It is masculine in nature. What this means is that it is not the old masculine of push and control, but that of the New Divine Masculine; that part of us that supports and acts on our dreams and visions; that which gives form to illusive Soul desires and upgrades our cells and DNA, as well as giving form to Light encodings. The Divine Masculine takes action in Courage and purpose. While we have integrated the Divine Feminine; this does nothing; we need both Feminine and Masculine to be balanced. With Balance, we have dreams and visions that are acted on. There is purpose in all we do, as we fully integrate our Divine Masculine with no ulterior motives; only the desire to support and serve our Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine does not hide His Heart in a cave, for His and Her Hearts are one Heart. The Divine Masculine within us wants to act and bring to manifestation all the guidance of the Goddess. He wants to serve Her in all He chooses to do. He does not act without Her guidance. As we embrace our Divine Masculine fully, we bring our visions and guidance to fruition. This is the Solstice Purpose.

This Solstice is quite powerful and its affects will last for several years. While there are many advances technologically, which can also make things much more complex, it is for us to keep things simple and place our attention in our core (Heart) and in this way, we keep things balanced, rather than rushing around attempting to understand all the new and confusing and complicated ways that this technology wishes us to partake in (and buy). If you feel you are being left behind because you choose to keep things pure and simple, stand your ground. Energy is shifting, yet it isn’t intended to distract us with the myriad ways that most are using this energy. The shifting energy is to help us upgrade ourselves, cells and DNA; it is not necessarily for us to go out and buy the latest technology. It is always our choice, of course, True alchemy is self-transformation.

Alchemy is magic and Transformation; it is up to us as to how we want to use it. We can use it to come up with the latest tool to empower the inner or the outer. It is our choice. When we do all we can to increase our consciousness, then the magical forms are manifest. Consciousness is to the extent that we know (knowing is not simply intellectual; it is full Awareness) we are Source; it is infinite. If you are in fear or in any limiting energies, your consciousness is diminished and so is your life, for consciousness creates life. Consciousness is the Divine Masculine. When we receive the higher Light Codes, the Divine Masculine helps to integrate them into every aspect of our being. The Divine Feminine receives; the Divine Masculine integrates and acts.

As we shift from one energetic pattern to another; a much higher and different one; we “lose” just about everything. This includes what a person is attached to; what is most important to them. This loss (loss is a mental perception) can bring up old emotions of shame, lack, anger, blame and many other limiting energies that still linger within. If you resonate with this, remind yourself that however it appears to you, it all is in Divine Order. In order to expand and rise in consciousness, the old must disintegrate completely, so that the New can be reconstructed from the mush that is created through letting go; much like the caterpillar transforming. As we continue to ascend, there will be constant shifts that help us all grow within our consciousness. If one needs to be shaken awake…whatever it takes…will transpire. Do what you can to stay centered and call on your Soul Team often.

Realize that while this Solstice is quite powerful, the August eclipse will take this energy and create an even more powerful influx of Light. Remember that Light may be used for anything, so how will you utilize it? You can use it to complain, save/rescue, amp up fear or activate your Lightbody and inner galactic codes. Light is neutral. There is plenty of conflict in the world, yet I ask you not to add to it by worrying about it. Remember that Love expands into more Love and fear expands into more fear.

As we move more into the New, there is no doing things halfway. You’re either in or out. All of 3D is to be released. There cannot be any fear in the New. You can embrace Love; be Love; or if you prefer difficulty, you can let go of some things, but not others. Your choice.

Do know the Truth that there is only Unity and Christed consciousness (Source consciousness); all else is the illusion of separation. We are here to know that with every cell of our being. Yet, if you are entrenched in the separation of what 3D symbolizes and you are drawn to the “ain’t it awful” scenarios playing out, you will be seduced by 3D and like being caught in a sticky web, it will be difficult to extricate yourself, so alluring 3D is. When this happens, you actually feed and empower duality. It takes a courageous person to know the Truth and live it. It is not easy when one is outer-focused. When you stay centered in your Heart, it is easier to be more accepting and loving of others and self. Being Love integrates more Compassion and Benevolence, while dwelling in the lower energies of judgment and condemnation, separates. This isn’t burying your head in the sand; it is choosing where you place your energy and what it is you want to prevail. Being positive helps to raise your consciousness as well as the consciousness of others, regardless of how it may appear.

It is so very important to trust your own Intuition and visions. You may find that it feels empty to read others’ words and thoughts. Perhaps this is a gentle nudge by Soul to trust yourself. Can you be empty without the need to fill up with someone else’s words or without the need to follow someone else’s Wisdom and instead, listen and act on your own Wisdom? I find it fascinating when someone, after receiving a reading or reading someone else’s words says, “ I knew that!” Perhaps the need to have someone else validate what you already know is a perfect step for some.

What if you don’t resonate with someone’s message; does this mean they’re wrong? Not necessarily. It is either that it is not time for you to hear Truth or you simply do not resonate with the message. There is no judgment in this. Lightworkers often give a little push to move you along. Still, it’s always best to resonate with what you hear or read; even if it makes no sense to you at the time. The mystics of today are meant to help humanity take a step forward. Mystics of other times were often ridiculed and fought against, especially when their message was not a popular notion the general population shared. And yet, they planted a seed which eventually took root. The naysayers are invested in keeping things the same; afraid to let go of what is comfortable for them. Which one are you? Mystic or naysayer?

As we move to a bigger vision of life, we are helped along by the Solstice and upcoming eclipse. Breathe in your Divine Masculine during this Solstice period; honor the Sacred Marriage within you.


~ ~ ~

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add to your spam filters…as I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam



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FORWARD ENERGIES: Creative Change Energies are STRONG in March and will support you.
CONNECTIONS, ACTS OF CREATIVITY and VISIONING/INTENDING will happen and manifest faster right now, and where healing is concerned, energies of Peace and Forgiveness will be GREATLY experienced and supporting your life in the coming weeks;

CONNECTIONS (with others) – synchronous meetings with important people on your path will be strongly available, so look out for those who are part of your next step in life. Or those who have jigsaw pieces for you and your path, appearing to you. Learn to pay attention and to listen.

ABUNDANT CREATIVE ENERGY – take the next steps in creating, for you will be supported. Creativity is IN FLOW right now. Don’t pre-judge your results or stop yourself from creating through not feeling ready. We are NEVER READY as creative beings UNTIL we actually DO. Simply create.

VISIONS AND INTENTIONS – These will be greatly enhanced in the coming weeks. So use the power of intentions and prayer for your personal development. Write fresh intentions for your life and gratitudes for what you already have.


THE ERA OF LIMITATION is changing faster than ever for soul-led people. Old patterns, beliefs and emotions are moving out faster than ever. You will notice this speed of change if your sensitive or ‘down’ states are shorter than ever before.

PRESENT MOMENT ENERGY is more available than ever right now. This leads to a rise in:

FORGIVENESS energies – notice how it is easier now to forgive those past stories, experiences or conflicts. Recognize you have changed, and that your inner body no longer feels the same way toward old ideas or stories you hold in your mind about people, events or times in your life.

PEACE ENERGY – This energy may also first show up as conflict, so that peace can be the end result, but for most, an energy of deep peace is being invited right now, so open to it.

PEACE AFFIRMATION: “I invite Peace into my life today. I invite Peace onto the planet today.”

FORGIVENESS AFFIRMATION: “I invite Peace to myself. I invite Peace to this situation”

The Portal

Energy Mastery Retreats

The Abundance Connection MP3

How are you embodying change this month? Let us know in the comments below…

GAIAPORTAL: Pathways are cleared for the full Apocalypse 11 Sept by ÉirePort


Awakenings come strongly in the clairvoyant Gaia Energies.

Fortunates are enabled that all may be viewed clearly.

Heaven-sent visions come to the hu-being.

Rainbow visions come to the Hue-Being.

Pathways are cleared for the full Apocalypse.

LJ VANIER: “10 Major Shifts in Consciousness You Might Be Experiencing”

LJ VANIER: “10 Major Shifts in Consciousness You Might Be Experiencing”


On an individual and collective level, major changes are blasting through humankind. You may have not consciously perceived this, however you would have felt the changes upon you. Speeding up dramatically, like wheels of a cosmic engine that are flexing hard, until our consciousness reaches the speed of light itself.

Freedom, laughter, love, compassion, creation and liberation of self, are on the horizon as we embark upon the new world rising. The following list will prepare you for the shift coming and what can be expected, in this Golden Age that is upon us.



As we know Karma means action. You will begin to notice that your actions either positive or negative have immediate impact on you and everyone else around you. Whatever you are putting out, you will be getting back.

This will occur at an advanced rate, unlike other lifetimes where you have needed to reincarnate to tie up loose ends. This acceleration is allowing for us all to “settle the scores” that need to be settled. What I have witnessed is a 2-3 month return on both negative and positive actions.

2. Perception
What we currently view in our surroundings is ‘toned down’ and with the lifting of the veil, comes the opening of our astral eyes. As our astral eyes begin to open once more, we will have the innate ability to finally see as we were meant to.

What was once beautiful to you will become ugly and shadowed and what was once overlooked will become magnificent in grandeur. The appearance of what was once simple becomes intricate. The appreciation of the sky, the grass, the trees the dirt and the beauty of earths initial creation will far outweigh the appeal of materialistic goods and trade.

It would be like seeing a piece of wood and finally seeing its genetic makeup and connecting to its essence. Or viewing the air around you, and finally seeing the energy of electrons glinting before you.

Have you ever had a moment when you knew that you weren’t alone, yet no one else was visibly in the room with you?  This shift will finally allow us to see, feel and hear those who are at this time hidden from our view able spectrum.

3. Structural DNA Changes


What was once considered “junk dna” is no longer. Scientists have now discovered a vital clue in unraveling these riddles. The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but now they turn out to play a critical role in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave and interact.

thoughts dna

The discovery is considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough. These higher strands of our dna will bring us more in tune with our selves as we are beginning to activate our dna through our ever-expanding consciousness. Within the double helix there are additional double helix strands which fuse together. This is the multi dimensional spectrum of dna manifestation that we are beginning to remember and will catapult our species into evolved galactic being of the universe.

4. Masculine Feminine


Since the beginning of time, the masculine and feminine energy have been separated. With this separation the magic and instant manifestation of desires has been compromised. The union of our feminine and masculine energies within each individual is the basis of all creation.

The feminine receives the universal creative energy and the masculine expresses it in the world through action – this giving us a creative process.

Our female is inspired by a creative impulse and communicates it to us through a feeling, and our male acts on it by speaking, moving, etc.

Our female intuition plus our male action, equals creativity.  In order to live a harmonious and creative life, you need to have both your inner female and male energies fully developed and functioning correctly together.

To live simply out of our intellect would be a cold unloving experience. To simply live out of our feelings, we would be deadlocked in surviving, but not achieving greatness.”


5. Thoughts and Emotions

Mindful control of conscious thought is at the premise of this shift. as thoughts create our emotions. Careful observation of thought is essential and will be in preparation for the following steps to come. We will no longer allow our emotions to control our actions.

We are energetic beings and emotions carry wavelengths of energy and as such our thoughts and emotions create our own realities.

6. Feelings


Feelings are different from emotions and need to be understood as such. Feelings are about our intuition, as a feeling is generated from the heart center and perpetuated through the third eye chakra, as intuition of perception.

As we evolve, our intuitive feelings will become heightened through the amplified use of our four major “sixth senses” being Clairvoyance,  Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. Our telepathic abilities will increase to the point where “lying” is no longer possible.

Speaking through the use of “spoken language” will no longer be used as our thoughts will become our main communication and interaction with one another.

7. Astral Projection & Remote Viewing


Whether you are aware of this or not. Astral projections are happening now and there are many projectors around the world who have tapped in to this level of consciousness. Remote viewing is the ability to astral travel to a specific place and time and witness the activities of those on this earth plane, remember them and returning to your own body with the knowledge.

We all have the ability to astral project, because we all are endowed with spiritual gifts of the “6th senses”  it is up to you whether or not you will make the conscious changes in your life to enhance this ability.

Meditation is key, as well as enhancing your intuition through third eye exercises, cultivating the intuitive process.

8. Endless Possibilities
Unfolding consciousness is key to understanding the endless possibilities of our own reality. Our current reality is
based upon our choice, the actions of others and just a bit of chance. With the understanding that we do not exist on single line, of birth until death we can become the creators of our own future.

Each of the alternate possibilities of reality are as real as your current reality that you consciously perceive in this state.  With this shift, we will have the ability to see the “alternate endings” and therefore choose the best possible outcome giving the ability to live the life of our dreams. While also viewing the alternate realities of the choices not chosen.

9. Creationists


Near the further end of this shift, “every thought will have drastic an immediate impact. All dreams will become reality and so will our nightmares. The future will become a battle of ideas and we must learn to direct our minds”. In the future, we will be the creators out of the ether, or (aether) as it was called in ancient times.

Our thoughts will unfold our surroundings. With every step you take you will be creating what you are stepping on, with your own thoughts and nothing more.  We will have the ability to create entire worlds in the blink of an eye, as well as destroy them.

10. Connectivity
Our evolving consciousness will no longer be singular. The connectivity between all things will become apparent upon this shift. Whether it be the linking up between you and another human being, a plant, animal and even the spiritual realm on this plane.


These can be exciting or fearful, the choice is up to you. This evolution of consciousness is exploding at a rampant rate and it is constantly “amping” up in potency.

Welcome to the New Age!

Why do visions feel heavy or difficult when you try to manifest them? | Lee Harris Energy

Why do visions feel heavy or difficult when you try to manifest them? | Lee Harris Energy


A quick insight into how we process the visions we have, and the inner growth they cause as we are manifesting them.

Come see me live on Tour! Europe in May & US/Canada in June/July:

Here are your Angel Messages for January 18 – 24, 2016 from Doreen Virtue

Here are your Angel Messages for January 18 – 24, 2016
from Doreen Virtue

Here are your Angel Messages for January 18 – 24, 2016 from Doreen Virtue​:

It’s a week of epiphanies and important personal realizations. You will learn a great deal this week, and may even take a class to further your learning.

With the full moon in Leo around the corner, mixed with the tail-end of Mercury Retrograde, you may need some extra rest. This is a great week for spending time alone in nature. Really pay attention to your visions (including dreams), as they are filled with answers and guidance for you.

Doreen is working with the Saints & Angels Oracle Cards, available at bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at:

Doreen’s St. Francis necklace is by Pamelia at:

Here is the Prayer of St. Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life

To watch the entire reading and/or to sign up for a free subscription, where you’ll be notified by email each week when the new reading is uploaded, please visit:


Greetings everyone. Before I begin this channeling I would like to tell you what I was told by my guides and what I was shown. The Avalanche Portal that is coming up on October 23rd is exactly as the name implies, it is an Avalanche of experience.

This portal is an incredible amplifier of EVERYTHING that is within us. An amplifier of BOTH polarities, which means that whatever you are going to walk with into this portal with on October 23rd will be amplified.

Meaning if you will have a “negative” outlook on your life, ALL These fears and apprehensions will be amplified! All of your fears that you have not had a chance to deal with just yet, will be brought onto the surface for you to examine and finally LET GO of. If you walk into this portal with a positive outlook, beaming with excitement and anticipation of most beautiful experiences that await you, as well as focus only on the positive outcomes in every situation, this portal will bring you MUCH success, abundance, health, and everything and anything you can possibly imagine for yourself.

This portal will reflect back to you what YOU ARE.  This portal brings an opportunity to move onto a NEW PATH. And to truly immerse yourself into your own self! It will showcase to you your strength (if you allow) and weaknesses (if you allow), and will propel you onto new heights only, and only if ,you will be able to LET GO and TRUST that all is going according to DIVINE blueprint of your being.

Therefore in the days leading up to, during and post this portal it is HIGHLY important to make time for YOURSELF. To truly open up to your own soul, having the courage to see yourself for who you truly are, letting go of fear, and embracing yourself with LOVE that you give to OTHERS.

This time is all about YOU. Allowing you to go to the depths of yourself and emerge with the knowledge of what you are doing here. And not just knowledge but an actual pathway, a roadmap if you will, of what you are to do with your life.


Therefore it’s highly important to examine the fear that may come up for you. Running away from it is futile, you will need to face it head on, understanding exactly where it is coming from, working with it, and releasing it. Once again I will say that I have written numerous guides on how to do just that which you can find on my blog at

I have also received a message from Arch Angel Metatron which I was told to incorporate into this channeling. I will talk about it after the channeling from the Hathors, it’s quite an important message to assist you in preparing for this portal.

Once again you can work on yourself at any given moment in time, however there are certain days where certain portals open up for us to partake of.

To sum up: the coming portal is to be celebrated, and utilized to the best of your capacity allowing it to stir you in the right direction for your soul.



So having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy:

“The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalanche portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanche portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

For through the encounters with the divinity of your being, through the strength of perseverance, through the abundance of thinking patterns, through the recalibration of your thought processes, through the allowance, and release of all that no longer shall occupy your frames of existence, through all that is all that is not, you shall find the necessary decrees, the necessary steps to take in the fruitful discovery of where you presently are and where you are yet to be.

WE the Hathors, the forefathers of your known world. The foremothers of your know existence. Are standing by you, ready to assist you in all that you are. Ready to guide you. Ready to be guided by you. Ready to assist all our children in reaching the highest destination of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


As I promised here is a short message to all of you from Arch Angel Metatron.

“Dearly beloved children of GAIA, as you move through ascension corridor of your own creation, you shall assist GAIA in spreading her wings once more, you shall assist her as you are assisting your own selves, and in doing so you shall raise your vibrations ever so much. For the true essence of being lays in the understanding that you all are connected with the divine, you all are connected with your very own selves, you all are connected with GAIA and all of the universe. For all is ONE and one is ALL. And so, you are to seek out a stone of high purity and abundance, a stone that shall bring you closer to the understanding of that which you are , a stone that shall release the lay lines of your being and align you with the lay lines of GAIA.

The exquisite formation of extraordinary desires inset in the classification doctrine of GAIA’s purest form of expression, can be found in the aragonite directive within the structural element grids of her being.

Through the aragonite principles it is then plausible to establish an understanding with the connectedness that many on you planet are lacking and are indeed desiring to experience. For the frequency that this particular design carries can permeate through your being at high capacities and re establish the link long lost to the archonic influences of your known world.

Through the aragonite principles the accords can be reset, resurrected and directed to the very core of your being, to the very core of that which you are. And a such opening the channels of communication not only with the deity of your choice, but most importantly with the one that you are longing to connect with, and that is yourself. As the principles abound on your planet, many more encounters with the divine insetting shall be acquired through the knowledge of the past , the knowledge of the future, and present moment in time.”


For those of you who do not know about Aragonite.

This is a strong stone to heal the earth, and to heal you… both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy… and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The vibration of these stones aids you to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of Aragonite Star Clusters will balance and support your lower chakras… and provide you with a feeling of stability within your life.

These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Using them is one of the useful methods to relieve stress… and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment… and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotions.

Aragonite Star Clusters have a strong spiritual vibration and are excellent to aid meditation. As during meditation, they are known to bring visions of forgotten memories… both from this life and past lives. It may be challenging to have these memories that you would rather have forgotten, come back to your attention.

As this is quite common when using these stones, it is highly beneficial to use the Aragonite Star Clusters before meditation, to enable you to be more prepared.

They will clear your auric field of disharmony, then balance your chakras. The energy of this stone may bring your vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit.

Once it has succeeded in raising your vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

Meditation with this stone may vividly bring back old memories, both from this lifetime and past lives. Once you have released these memories, the subsequent meditation with these stones will be quite different.

Once again thank you for listening. I love you all and am sending you an AVALANCHE of prosperity, abundance, health, love and light!

Source about the crystal is from :


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –