Sasha Bonasin: Weekly Horoscope Tarot Reading | 24th February – 1st March 2020 – Weekly Tarot Forecast

Weekly Horoscope Tarot Reading | 24th February – 1st March 2020 – Weekly Tarot Forecast

Feb 24, 2020
157K subscribers

Weekly tarot horoscope forecast from the 24th February – 1st March 2020, for all twelve horoscope signs, by psychic medium Sasha Bonasin. Weekly career, weekly finances, health, love, relationships, spirituality, spiritual guidance and advice.

This week will be absolutely perfect for all forms of meditation, self transformation and self reflection indeed, it will help us to heal ourselves both spiritually and emotionally.

On another hand, the next seven days will highly significant when it comes to charging and activating NEW areas in our lives, and is about to open up new doorways and new paths we want to follow or change when it comes to our own spiritual journeys. 🙏✨

Tarot Card Of The Week: Ace of Swords: NEW IDEA, new phase, CHANGE, new plan, revelation, bravery, VICTORY, intellectual ability, BREAKTHROUGHS, success, focus, authority, communication, NEW PROJECT.

Thank you all for watching my weekly tarot readings and for being here!
Sending you all brightest blessings, lots of LOVE, healing & light! 🙏💜🌿

This tarot forecast is for all twelve horoscope signs: Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius & Cancer.

VIRGO 1:21:37


Relationships and Soul Connection: Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene

Relationships and Soul Connection
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene


Dear friends, dear men and women, I am Mary Magdalene speaking. I am a like-minded friend who is not elevated above you, but who is intimately connected with you through your heartbeat that transcends the ages. That is exactly what soul connections do: they transcend centuries and the many lives you have led here on Earth. The soul is of a different dimension than the earthly personality with which you have to deal in everyday life.

It is normal for you to be anchored in your earthly personality that is formed by so many external influences. For example, your genetic predisposition, with its current form, is essentially something you inherited from your parents when your soul came to Earth. Then in your early childhood, your parents also helped shape you by their energy, their views, and their background. Their reactions to you, their emotional openness and the degree of their presence, or the lack of it, formed you into who you are now. Later, still more influences affected you: your family, your native soil, the society in which you grew up, your education, your peers. You took in as your own so many outside influences from the earthly atmosphere around you that they overwhelmed what you naturally are.

However, when you are born on Earth, you are starting something entirely new. Even if your soul has wandered on Earth many times and gained many experiences, yet each birth is a step into the unknown, a new branch on the tree of your soul. What is new and unknown is what makes a child so special; you can feel that even with a newborn. Parents, and those who observe the child, are filled with deep wonder, with reverence and awe, for the grand miracle that takes place when a new child appears in the world: unique, a blank slate. Yes, and also a human being with a complete soul history; but, at the same time, with a totally new openness toward experience, and that is something the soul, as the heavenly parent of the child, has already decided.

Admire the courage of every newborn child, and that of the child you once were, who took the leap into this world. You knew you were going into the unknown and that you would become immersed in external influences, which were certainly not all beneficial, but you did it. In the world that you lived in as a child, and in which you now live, there is still a lot of fear and pain from the past. People carry emotional trauma: parents, family members, friends – everyone has to cope with that. The structure of your society, although changing, is still not open to love, to the voice of the heart, to the voice of the soul. There is still a lot of impotence, anxiety, and miscommunication between people, and all this influenced you while you grew up.

You are here to bring something new to the Earth and to humankind; something that is unique and is even new for your soul. Although your soul has a wealth of wisdom amassed from past lives, you can now, with what is available from your soul, experience and give something special and new to the Earth that in turn enriches your soul. For if your soul already knew and understood everything, why would it begin a new life? Value your own courage and know that you add something to your soul.

But this process of giving something to the world, of making a unique contribution, is certainly not without its pain. In order to get in touch with the experience of your soul, to come to realize who you really are, and to give something new of yourself in turn, you first have to shed everything that is not you. You have to let go of that which you have absorbed without question from your environment. And certainly sensitive people – and many of you are that – have absorbed so much of these environmental influences that they often can no longer discern what is of themselves and what comes from the outside world: from parents and others. It is thus a great undertaking, an in-depth search, when you attempt to restore the connection with your soul and intend to live from that source.

I will now turn to the theme of relationships. Each of you longs for connection, for understanding, for warmth. You want to be seen by another for who you are, although at the deepest level you are longing for soul connection. You know that if your soul comes into connection with another soul, you become more alive. You then radiate from within, you become excited, you are inspired in many areas of life. Soul to soul connection awakens something within you; it is like coming home to yourself. It is what is awakened and encouraged when you connect with another.

However, the problem with human relationships lies in that not everyone is also fully connected to their own soul, and this lack creates a void inside them: a nostalgia, a longing, a craving for connection. From that void, you begin to see the other as an almost superhuman being who comes to your rescue, because someone finally fully understands you. The other is seen as divine, the primal mother or primal father whom you never had in your youth, the god or goddess who remained beyond reach in your prayers and mediations.

Love – romantic love, sexual love, the love between partners – presents itself to you as the ideal that will liberate these ultimate desires of your soul. And this ideal love has a sound basis, because to discover your soul behind the earthly veils of illusions and fear is precisely what you are here for. However, if you are not at home within yourself, and you are searching to fill the emptiness within you with something outside you, then a negative spiral may take place in an intimate relationship, a love affair, and this can lead to enormous pain, which is something you see happen regularly between love partners. They clamp on to one another like two drowning persons, both broken and tormented by an inner void that, initially, they were hoping the other person would fill. But that other person is also struggling with their own inner emptiness. So idealized love can lead to misunderstanding, disillusionment, and hurtful behavior. Therefore, it is essential that you get in touch with your own soul.

A relationship in the form of an encounter, a heart connection from soul to soul, which can happen in all sorts of areas of life, can help you. So intensely can a great love, certainly an erotic love, touch you that it can bring you into connection with your own soul, which means you can come to feel you are sparkling and full of life again, fresh as a newborn child. You are then completely on fire!  And this happens, essentially, because you remember your deepest self, your soul, and that the reason you were born was to express that joy.

I would now like to say something about the role, the connection between romantic love and sexual attraction. Love and sexuality belong together. The original intention of sexual attraction between two partners is that they open each other’s soul. Surely, you remember what it was like to fall in love and to experience how everything in you opened up. The other touched you so deeply that you released all kinds of securities and preoccupations. You were open in complete wonder for the being, the face, the thoughts and feelings of the other. It as if your own thoughts were turned off.

Romantic love is an initiation, a gate that opens, so you gain access to another who looks at you without judgment in radiant wonder. But that gate swings both ways. Romantic love also opens your eyes to your own possibilities, for that which has been hidden or covered over by the dust of convention and the daily grind. Love, the amorous encounter between two souls, throws doors wide open, and in that sense, it is an initiation to help you experience your own soul at a deeper level.

You could say that each special meeting between two people holds an element of romantic love. You can see it even with a father or mother who just had a baby. What they feel is something akin to romantic love: they are fascinated by the infant, the wonder, the immediacy, the freedom from conditioning. And there is something similar to the flow of romantic love even at the level of your work, when you are doing something creative, inspired, something that fulfills you. It is a stream of ecstasy, of being uplifted, which awakens everything in you, and that is good – that is the power of your soul.

When you feel that flow in the presence of another – for example, a loved one, a partner, a child – things can and will go wrong if you become so attached to the other person that you think you cannot live without them; that you feel yourself dependent upon that person in order to have that feeling, that reinstated connection with your soul. In this dependence lies a danger, because if you have to depend on another outside yourself, you will eventually want to possess that person. Or you have such a fear of losing that person that you build a wall and distance yourself. Separation anxiety and fear of relationships are both defences against dependence on someone outside yourself.

So you see that the very love that once brought you into ecstasy, can also bring utter despair if that person is not completely available to you, or if your love is not reciprocated in the way you had hoped for. Or – and this can also happen – the romantic love develops, but you also meet the dark aspects of each other, characteristics that call up judgements or fear or anger. Romantic love is a gateway through which you enter into a relationship, but when that love becomes more down-to-earth, it can also lead you to dark, unconscious aspects. When these come to the surface in a relationship, things can become confrontational and throw both partners back into an inner void they can only fill themselves. Love, and romantic love, are prompts; they cause you to wake up, to open up to more possibilities. But in the end, they also force you to look into the deepest darkness within yourself, to investigate that which still remains hidden.

It is not only a matter of dependence, but also a desire for power that wants to possess the other person and to be completely secure in the other. Because in all forms of dependence, there is also a need for power, a need for control, a not being able to let go, and also a deep pain that lies behind it: the fear of being alone, of being separated not only from others, but from the wholeness of life, from God. That is substantially the deepest fear that lives in you: to be cast away, to be outside the Whole, to be dead. Access is life: a deeply felt connection that springs eternal; a source of creativity and joy. I define death as being the absence of a living connection, which is also the absence of the soul and this is what frightens you most deeply. Romantic love creates such an intense desire, but it also has the potential for creating an intense feeling of being lost.

I invite you to now call upon your soul, to imagine that your deepest core is alive in you, even though your earthly consciousness may not always be able to access it or it is not felt immediately by you. The child that you once were, who came into this world, fresh and new, with its own gifts and unique contribution, still lives in all your body cells. Call on it! Say your own name and inwardly feel your original face behind it. That is what you are really looking for: the living link with your own divine core. If you connect with that inner core, with that source of joy and happiness, life becomes more abundant. You need not prove yourself so much and you have less need for dependence upon other people. Then you are sufficient unto yourself.

You love yourself, not because you have achieved all kinds of things and you have been successful, but because you see yourself with the eyes of wonder, in the way that does someone who falls in love. You are interested in yourself; you are engaged, curious. You know that God lives within you! If you engage the world with that basic feeling, relationships with others can enrich, inspire, make you happy, without dependence upon them; you feel connected to your own essence, your own core, and you rest within yourself. In the end, this is the aim of all the soul encounters in this life, whether they are short-lived or long lasting; that you are wide open to your own capabilities, your own inspiration, and that you take them up fully within yourself. Which means you do not become dependent upon the other who has called up these feelings in you, but that you experience these feelings as your own legacy – they are you. A true romantic love is always a love for yourself, for the inner child – the original child – who stands in direct connection with your soul. 

If you desire to feel the inner child once again, and to relate to yourself with wonder, with compassion, with confidence that life is good, then remain open to life. Life will constantly wake you up by shaking you up through situations and encounters with other people and events. They may not always be fun, but such happenings function as a gate: something is opened. Trust that these happenings have value; stay open for the miracles in life. In order to receive a miracle, you sometimes have to go through deep dark valleys, which is undeniably the case. Pain and suffering in people can be enormous, but what can help you is that you are going to arouse the consciousness of your soul. This gives the pain a grounding and surrounds it with gentleness.

Your soul carries a wisdom in itself, which reaches far beyond the earthly horizon. Put your trust in that! You can create and nurture a connection with your soul in silence and stillness. And do not judge yourself: you are a beautiful human being, perfect as you are. Look for a moment at yourself with our eyes. Feel the energy gathered here around you, in which are present so many guides and helping energies who love and cherish you. You are so valuable to us, so precious. Every human being is like a pearl, unique and irreplaceable. Believe that you are such a pearl. Be gentle with yourself.

I greet you with love. Thank you for your presence.

© Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

Karen Downing: 4 Steps to Integrating Your Anger

4 Steps to Integrating Your Anger

In our most recent Again & Again podcast, one of things we discussed is anger, and how it can affect the Dark Night of the Soul. For me personally, anger has been one of the most challenging emotions to learn how to integrate. There are many books and resources out there for facing fears and understanding sadness, but the books on anger tend to focus on managing it, not healing it. I choose to look at ways in which I can integrate my anger, so that it can be used constructively, and not destructively.

Anger contains powerful information, it can help us learn more about our past life patterns, and our Soul Mission, but only if we approach anger with mindful awareness. That can be a challenge itself, because our social norms do not have a place for anger, and that is why we have so much anger exploding around us in road rage, political arguments, and workplace tensions. We as a humanity are not properly taught how to process our anger, and therefore we tend to stuff it down deep inside of us. Unfortunately, all that does is turn us into a dormant volcano, just waiting for the right phrase or word for the angry lava to spew out of us.

Step 1 in integrating anger is to accept that you, me, and everyone else holds onto anger. We all have it! There is no way around it. To deny the existence of your anger is the most dangerous thing you can do. Without accepting that you have the ability to be angry, you will never be able to recognize it in those pre-eruption moments, before it becomes a guiding force for your actions.

Step 2 is to learn what your specific pre-eruption moments look like. Do you have an increase in heartbeat? Does your neck vein throb? Do your cheeks get flush? Do you shake? Do you feel like wanting to run away from the situation in front of you? What are your signs of imminent eruption? By arming yourself with awareness, and understanding of what to look for, you can begin to spot your anger at earlier and earlier stages. Eventually, you will be able to spot your anger when it is at the stage of annoyance, like a mosquito buzzing around your ears when you are trying to fall asleep. It is at the annoyance stage, when anger is best suited for integration into your energy body system.

Step 3 is to talk with your anger. Discover what it and your Ego are trying to tell you. Perhaps, it feels disrespected, or is upset it cannot be in control of a situation. Ask your anger, “What prompted this feeling?” and dig deeper to find out what energy is the root cause of the anger. It is from past life experiences, or from early on in this lifetime? What were the details of the situations that connect to the anger? Dig as deep as you can, until the answers stop flowing. Write all this down and journal on it if you can, often this will lead to further insights along the way.

Step 4 is integration. Learning the details that created your anger is how you integrate it. For example, you have a past life where you were persecuted for your belief system. Let’s work with that example to show you how you can integrate your anger into your life now. This root cause of the anger will have you feeling reactive to situations where you are facing others who have beliefs at odds to your own. This has potential to show up in many life areas, not just politics and religion. Look to health, diet, career choices, how you raise your children, or any other important life factors connected with how you define yourself. In that self-identification you have reinforced your own belief system, and your anger wants you to defend it. Therefore, if someone says something that your Ego sees as being a judgement or dig at your belief system, that will be transferred to your Ego believing that the other person is in judgment of you. Integration comes from seeing that the past life judgment is directly connected to how you expect judgment to appear in your life now. You might say to yourself on a mental level that you are not in a state of expecting judgments, however the emotional expectation of judgment is certainly there, or you would never have felt angry in this type of situation. Starting with your root causes of anger and connecting them to your state of mind now is the integration process.

Imagine each detail of past and present lifetimes is a thread in a giant blanket. The blanket is so large it is nearly smothering you under the weight of it all. So, now you go along and start pulling out the threads you no longer need, shrinking the blanket to just the right size and right the right thickness for your life. The discarded threads of anger (or other emotions too), are now singled out, and you can examine them further and discover connections and overlaps you were unaware of before. Once you see how the past life threads have formed the fabric of the present, then you have started to integrate the anger. The more of these past life threads you identify, the more emotion you will also integrate. Plus, the blanket left behind is further focused and refined to fit your Soul Mission precisely, with no extra information to cloud your focus.

Take some time today and reflect upon your anger, go through the steps above slowly and completely. Do this exercise often to reveal more and more of those threads, pluck them out and understand why they were there in the first place. Each time you integrate more of your anger, you are removing the extra weight of emotions you no longer need, and left behind is the pure focus of how to put your past and present life experience into action as your Soul Mission.

Lisa Renee: Becoming Aware of Triggers – Time Shift Blog | Energetic Synthesis


Becoming Aware of Triggers
Lisa Renee – Time Shift Blog | Energetic Synthesis

As the personal, collective and planetary consciousness undergoes this massive cosmic shift in which our consciousness rises in frequency, many people do not realize as a result of the polarity amplification and the increase of the forces of chaos, the matter world is actually becoming less dense. At the same time, our physical body may feel a great increase in energetic pressure that is created by the change in density that is occurring on the planet at the quantum level. Our physical bodies also become less dense overall as our personal frequency increases. Yet, as we come into contact with lower energies or reversal spirals of energy, the external can feel extremely dense, heavy and uncomfortable to navigate. These extremely dense energies in the external can feel extremely aggravating to our inner child’s pain body triggers, and any emotional conflicts that we have yet to resolve and clear within ourselves are becoming magnified and amplified. This means our unresolved conflicts and pain that is recorded in our pain body is extremely heightened now.

In the world of matter, as we drop density we can also feel that our body is experiencing some kind of energy loss which may also feel like physical and neurological exhaustion when processing an overwhelming amount of external stimulus, that is combined with emotional or pain body content. Sometimes, our overall aura is holding a much higher frequency and experiencing a series of energetic downloads, which is accreting light codes and consciousness information that is not yet fully absorbed and translated into conscious awareness, and this internal to external processing may make the body feel extremely dense, weighed down and tired. It is important to know that this is a common ascension symptom when the physical body is acclimating to embody higher frequencies that shift the internal landscape of our consciousness. The painful content or traumatic memories cannot remain recorded in the same location or place within the body, and as a result these lower energies recorded in the pain body will begin to surface up to our conscious awareness, or they may unconsciously play out in our life.

As a natural part of spiritual ascension we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record and our authentic self can be much more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories internally that need to be felt, that need to be witnessed and aspects that need to be reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become mentally and emotionally freed from the impacts of these lower matrices in the 3rd dimension that broadcast the main negative ego and pain body programs. In order to not feel emotionally triggered by situations in our life we have to get down past the amnesiac barriers and find out what hurt us and what makes us feel triggered emotionally. When we feel insecure by all of the unknowns that are showing up in our life, we can feel that there is so much change ahead for us and this massive change in our lives can bring up a lot of pain and fear. The pain and fear within may trigger us to be overly defensive and even paranoid.

People that are emotionally volatile and have a tendency to project their issues or blame other people for their emotional volatility have a problem with trauma and hurt feelings that are recorded in their subconscious mind and the subconscious activates that in the instinctual mind and the result of that is the pain body. If we cannot control our pain body we will not feel safe with others. When our pain body is out of control actually no one can feel safe because the pain takes over the person’s perception and reality filters. Our goal is to heal the pain body and stop emotional triggers, which will bring the experience of safety within ourselves and so that we can learn how to be safe with others. The only way we can heal is to feel and see and express what kind of pain or trauma has happened to us and be willing to have the courage to find it, track it, surface it and be willing to clear and resolve it so it will stop triggering us by the way that we perceive things in our world.

In order to more easily process the complex energies and emotions surfacing from out of the pain body that many people are experiencing now, we will need to become aware of our personal triggers and learn how to shift out of the negative ego’s linear way of thinking. Multidimensional consciousness and processing consciousness memories from other timelines are experienced as deep emotional or sensory perceptions, and this content cannot be logically understood through linear thinking. Linear thinking is the process of thought following known step-by-step progression where a response to a step must be elicited before another step is taken. (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3….) Linear thinkers put things in order as they experience them in a sequential manner, like a straight line. A straight line between two points has been the way we have been educated as the most effective way to get from one place to another. Linear thinkers see the world mostly as black and white, which can lead to splitting behaviors. (the mental body feeding the polarity structure or the bi-wave Influences). A person limited to linear thinking has mental blocks in reaching more creative options for resolution of pain or problems, having difficulty reaching an appropriate compromise because they cannot perceive the steps to resolution outside of a certain parameter of logic.

An example of limitation in linear thinking is the capacity to creatively problem solve an issue if the primary procedure breaks down, to find alternative ways to resolve the issue, to inquire or ask the right questions in the necessary problem solving equation, or to find the balanced energy point for beginning to naturally resolve problems. Additionally, linear thinkers do not generally communicate with the consciousness intelligence that exists in all living things, like the land, animals and nature. Because linear thinking is repetitious and in many situations the outcome or result never changes, this stunts the functions of higher sensory perception which suppresses higher consciousness and impedes the restoration of energetic balance. The mind gets stuck in a gear of belief and linear experience that it cannot shift out of, essentially locked in imbalance. The more inflexible and dogmatic the mind, the weaker and more fragile it is. Thought addicted linear thinkers close down their heart and this closes down their body’s access to intuitive feelings and sensory mechanisms.

Non-Linear thinkers have developed a capacity for spiral thinking and problem solving which extends into multiple directions or as an outward expansion moving energy spiral. Rather than thinking in step by step moving in one direction, spiral thinkers inherently know that there are multiple starting points from which one can apply the solution to a problem. Spiral thinkers are able to traverse the many directions that the problem may have and find the central root or causal issue of the problem, rather than trying to solve the surface symptom. When we can understand the concept of how timelines work, and that we can access that timeline from any point in the now moment of spiral time, then we can expand our consciousness to become time travelers, which is how the original human DNA was designed to function.

As consciousness time travelers, we can travel to the point in time where the original trauma and pain occurred, and we can clear it from happening in the future timelines, so that we do not carry the same pain, trauma or hurt into our future self or now self. This is one way how developing higher consciousness can actually shift timelines, when we heal the past pain and trauma, we heal our emotions in present time, and this changes the future direction of our consciousness as its traveling in personal timelines. If we can get out of the feelings of looping pain in recorded personal trauma, we can be freed of the lower artificial intelligence programs that have been playing out these painful mind control programs repeatedly, throughout the time loop used to exert control over the 3D earth.

Most of the world’s problems have a causation of which many layers of other problems that are stacked on top from many timeline layers that we don’t remember, but this content is recorded in our pain body. This is the same as a medical diagnosis giving a label to something that appears to be a disease on the surface, but does not address the deeper cause of its root infection connected to many emotional and energetic blockages in the past. It is possible to move to that point in time in the past where the seed of the conflict was actually created and further had evolved into the disease pattern in current time. Manifestations of imbalance and disease do not happen overnight, they have a narrative playing out in an negative energy contraction pattern that is recorded in the perception of time that occurs in the consciousness memories of an individual or group. To resolve pain and trauma we must go to the point in time where it was first created, and what was generated after in that timeline, as a result of that original trauma event.

Most linear thinking keeps the mind sliding on the surface going back and forth and finally into a circle looping of jumbled thoughts which remain in a static field of mind control. Nonlinear or spiral thinking allows the mind to go deeper to the root of the problem in any timeline, spiral it out into multiple directions from its causal source event, which is the most effective way to impact a deeper resolution for powerful releases and shift in consciousness, especially in clearing out painful trauma records in past timeline consciousness memories. Spiral thinkers that are guided by their higher sensory perceptions and deep empathic feelings are accessing way beyond the limited functions of the Three Layers of the Ego mind. They access a new higher sensory ability and higher intelligences through the contact that is made to the Higher Mind or Mentor Mind, which is a function of higher consciousness or spirit-energy intelligence. Training your mind to go beyond linear thought and into nonlinear thinking expands the circulation of energy, expands consciousness and potentially opens ones heart and feeling centers to more easily process reality with more clarity and coherence.

In order to feel better, the undisciplined personality has the tendency to be a linear thinker. The ego mind always looks for the next thing to acquiesce its internal anxiety from not feeling in control of its result in order to get its personal needs met. This is described as forming attachments that equate into judgments of either feeling happiness or experiencing pain and suffering that is fully based on negative ego perception. The untrained conscious mind spends a lot of time in linear thoughts that continually loop programs of pain and suffering.

Essentially, the more in pain a person is the stronger their walls of separation or amnesiac barriers, which form attachments to belief systems or emotional conflicts recorded in the instinctual mind or pain body. When these attachments do not get what they want from how they have been associated and valued by the conscious mind, they are in a perpetual state of suffering through a case of false identification. Removing suffering in the mind from forming attachments is the process of removing association and the assigned values, which color or cloud judgments through ego filters. The ego mind has such a small picture of what’s happening in the overall, that it perceives the situation from its own limited beliefs and confirmed bias.

These biases tend to accumulate a false identity, something we think we are when we really are not that.  When one notices associations and judgments that are being formed, identify this content as coming from the false perceptions of the conscious mind and lower minds. Observe what it judges and assigns value to. Notice its functioning and pay attention to any negative behavior, pain body triggers or automatic impulsive reactions. When a person is paying attention to their thoughtforms and reactions, they can choose to respond through shifting into the Observer Point by communicating with the conscious mind in order to prevent its tendency to create false identity. This is the Ego, it is not my real self. Notice the patterns of the negative ego, and when your body is in mental or emotional tension, it is the contraction of energy inside the body based on what the ego is thinking and ruminating upon.

*The Ego wants this and that and the other thing. (whatever the ego is valuing or associating)

*It wants this and that and the other thing. (whatever IT is valuing or associating)

Having self-awareness and communicating this way in the internal landscape, is a process of refusing to form attachments with the false ego identity and all of its biases, as related to the value that is placed on the thoughts and the result of placing judgments on yourself or others. Suffering in the mind happens when we harbor judgments of the self as identified with the value and the association that has been made by the ego mind. This is called setting up the “false identity”. This process of ego association builds the inner dwelling for the Houses of Ego to create more false identities, which are a direct rejection of God’s unity spirit and repels the higher consciousness from dwelling within one’s body.  Thus, it is extremely important to purify our thoughts through observation and give the authority of this level of the mind to the eternal God spirit or Avatar Christ mind. This is the most important part of the practice of meditation leading to deeper self-awareness and then onto higher consciousness states, which activates more accurate assessments in discerning the reality around you, as well as helping to support a good skillset of higher sensory perception.

If you have been feeling mental anxiety, easily spooked, and if your pain body has been amplified lately, please do not displace or transfer those feelings onto other people, but have the courage to look within and find out what it is that’s really upsetting you. This is the time for exercising the neutrality training that you get here in ES community so that you can allow these painful memories from the past timelines to surface. When the subconscious feelings start to surface do not deny or repress them further as this is only going to increase or prolong suffering. Work your spiritual tools to feel safe again. Find the inner observer and compassionate witness. Be committed to shift out of the pain that you have inside your body that is triggering you. It is the only way you will find emotional freedom through the effort and commitment that you make to become free of this emotional pain.

During the most intense times during the shift into the next harmonic, it might be helpful writing or journaling about your emotional triggers and how you can push through them in order to heal and shift them. When something or someone really triggers you it is time to ask yourself:

Why is that? Why is this person or situation triggering me?

What kinds of feelings are coming up?

Why are these feelings so intense and uncomfortable?

To shift out from this pain content, try to apply this exercise.

*Remember what happened that generated trauma or pain.

*Give expression, give voice to what has happened, having a witness that is capable to hold a safe and nonjudgmental space is important (if possible).

*Allow yourself to feel the feelings, and allow the process of feeling the repressed or unresolved emotions of what had happened at the time of the trauma or unresolved pain. Memories must be given the time and space to be emotionally processed into completion.

*Intentionally sever the attachment, cords and bonds to that painful emotion, or the people or circumstance involved. If needed evict any negative entities or demonics that were siphoning energy from this cord.(See Spiritual Deliverance).

*Intend to reclaim all aspects of yourself that had been fragmented from pain or trauma, this is RRO or Return to Rightful Owner.

*Close the harmful portal to the past time where the trauma has occurred or close down any multidimensional harmful portals that has left damage in the Aura.

If you give these difficult emotions expression it makes it easier to get to the bottom of why certain life situations have triggered deep pain or discomfort within you, so that you don’t have to feel that way anymore as you move into the next cycle.

Much love,


(Source: ES News – Expanding Consciousness, Ascension Glossary – Linear Vs. Non-Linear Thinking, Trauma)

What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2015? ~ Jen Eramith: May 2015 Message | Akashic Transformations

Jen Eramith: May 2015 Message | Akashic Transformations

From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of May 2015:
~What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2015?
~Are there particular activities we can use to best harness this energy?
What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2015?

This month has two separate energetic imprints. There is a sense that the energy constricts for a large part of this month. The feeling is as it would be on a sunny, spring day when the warm sun temporarily moves behind a cloud. The constriction does not define the entire month, but it will make you feel cold or stuck for a period of time.

For part of this month, there is a sense that the sun is hidden behind a cloud. The Universal Light is a little dimmer, your shadow side will come to the surface, and many of you will feel a metaphorical chill in the air. This will manifest in many different ways depending upon who you are. For example, you may feel self-doubt or self-hatred coming to the surface in ways that you have not seen in a while. You may find criticism coming your way. You might have stronger emotions than usual.

No matter what occurs in your life, consider this is just an opportunity for you to see your shadow and learn from it so that you can grow past it and back out into the light. Just like on a sunny, spring day — when the sun goes behind a cloud it does not really change the overall nature of the day. The shadow is not a permanent situation. In the same way at this time, overall the energy is Light, and overall you are growing toward the Light and evolving beautifully. But this month you may not be able to see that Light shining as well but it is still there.

This month you may feel alone, depressed, or otherwise constricted. It will be important that you be patient and kind with yourself. It will be important that you have faith that everything is going to be okay, even when you cannot tell on the surface. The best way for you to work with the energy this month is to be patient and really embrace the gift of the shadow. Be willing to look at yourself, look at what you really feel, and be tender with yourself about these things. Choose to avoid being judgmental.
Are there particular activities we can use to best harness this energy?

This month it will be beneficial for you to spend time reflecting on your life and current circumstances. Spend more time than usual thinking about yourself. Do not settle for the thoughts you usually have, such patterns of self-doubt or self-hatred. Instead, proactively choose to look deeper. Think about who you are and what you want out of life. Take time to journal. Speak with good friends and ask for advice. Use meditation and prayer to look into your own heart with more wisdom. Take all of these different tools and use them as much as you can to uncover your shadow side just to see what stands in your way of happiness.

It is often easier to see the external dynamics — the things that stand in your way around you, blaming other people or blaming your circumstances – rather than to truly own the life you are living. This month, the only way back out into the sunshine will be to look at the ways you hold yourself back. In order to do that, you must be willing to be honest. Try your best to be as honest with yourself as you can be so that you can step past that shadow in a more permanent way.

Can you tell us more about how the energy will change once the shadow has passed?…..

For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining! You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter. This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations. It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistribution.For official distribution rights, please contact Jen.
You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter. If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.

Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit

All audio and text protected under copyright
© Akashic Transformations


Greetings everyone. Before I begin this channeling I would like to tell you what I was told by my guides and what I was shown. The Avalanche Portal that is coming up on October 23rd is exactly as the name implies, it is an Avalanche of experience.

This portal is an incredible amplifier of EVERYTHING that is within us. An amplifier of BOTH polarities, which means that whatever you are going to walk with into this portal with on October 23rd will be amplified.

Meaning if you will have a “negative” outlook on your life, ALL These fears and apprehensions will be amplified! All of your fears that you have not had a chance to deal with just yet, will be brought onto the surface for you to examine and finally LET GO of. If you walk into this portal with a positive outlook, beaming with excitement and anticipation of most beautiful experiences that await you, as well as focus only on the positive outcomes in every situation, this portal will bring you MUCH success, abundance, health, and everything and anything you can possibly imagine for yourself.

This portal will reflect back to you what YOU ARE.  This portal brings an opportunity to move onto a NEW PATH. And to truly immerse yourself into your own self! It will showcase to you your strength (if you allow) and weaknesses (if you allow), and will propel you onto new heights only, and only if ,you will be able to LET GO and TRUST that all is going according to DIVINE blueprint of your being.

Therefore in the days leading up to, during and post this portal it is HIGHLY important to make time for YOURSELF. To truly open up to your own soul, having the courage to see yourself for who you truly are, letting go of fear, and embracing yourself with LOVE that you give to OTHERS.

This time is all about YOU. Allowing you to go to the depths of yourself and emerge with the knowledge of what you are doing here. And not just knowledge but an actual pathway, a roadmap if you will, of what you are to do with your life.


Therefore it’s highly important to examine the fear that may come up for you. Running away from it is futile, you will need to face it head on, understanding exactly where it is coming from, working with it, and releasing it. Once again I will say that I have written numerous guides on how to do just that which you can find on my blog at

I have also received a message from Arch Angel Metatron which I was told to incorporate into this channeling. I will talk about it after the channeling from the Hathors, it’s quite an important message to assist you in preparing for this portal.

Once again you can work on yourself at any given moment in time, however there are certain days where certain portals open up for us to partake of.

To sum up: the coming portal is to be celebrated, and utilized to the best of your capacity allowing it to stir you in the right direction for your soul.



So having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy:

“The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalanche portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanche portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

For through the encounters with the divinity of your being, through the strength of perseverance, through the abundance of thinking patterns, through the recalibration of your thought processes, through the allowance, and release of all that no longer shall occupy your frames of existence, through all that is all that is not, you shall find the necessary decrees, the necessary steps to take in the fruitful discovery of where you presently are and where you are yet to be.

WE the Hathors, the forefathers of your known world. The foremothers of your know existence. Are standing by you, ready to assist you in all that you are. Ready to guide you. Ready to be guided by you. Ready to assist all our children in reaching the highest destination of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


As I promised here is a short message to all of you from Arch Angel Metatron.

“Dearly beloved children of GAIA, as you move through ascension corridor of your own creation, you shall assist GAIA in spreading her wings once more, you shall assist her as you are assisting your own selves, and in doing so you shall raise your vibrations ever so much. For the true essence of being lays in the understanding that you all are connected with the divine, you all are connected with your very own selves, you all are connected with GAIA and all of the universe. For all is ONE and one is ALL. And so, you are to seek out a stone of high purity and abundance, a stone that shall bring you closer to the understanding of that which you are , a stone that shall release the lay lines of your being and align you with the lay lines of GAIA.

The exquisite formation of extraordinary desires inset in the classification doctrine of GAIA’s purest form of expression, can be found in the aragonite directive within the structural element grids of her being.

Through the aragonite principles it is then plausible to establish an understanding with the connectedness that many on you planet are lacking and are indeed desiring to experience. For the frequency that this particular design carries can permeate through your being at high capacities and re establish the link long lost to the archonic influences of your known world.

Through the aragonite principles the accords can be reset, resurrected and directed to the very core of your being, to the very core of that which you are. And a such opening the channels of communication not only with the deity of your choice, but most importantly with the one that you are longing to connect with, and that is yourself. As the principles abound on your planet, many more encounters with the divine insetting shall be acquired through the knowledge of the past , the knowledge of the future, and present moment in time.”


For those of you who do not know about Aragonite.

This is a strong stone to heal the earth, and to heal you… both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy… and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The vibration of these stones aids you to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of Aragonite Star Clusters will balance and support your lower chakras… and provide you with a feeling of stability within your life.

These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Using them is one of the useful methods to relieve stress… and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment… and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotions.

Aragonite Star Clusters have a strong spiritual vibration and are excellent to aid meditation. As during meditation, they are known to bring visions of forgotten memories… both from this life and past lives. It may be challenging to have these memories that you would rather have forgotten, come back to your attention.

As this is quite common when using these stones, it is highly beneficial to use the Aragonite Star Clusters before meditation, to enable you to be more prepared.

They will clear your auric field of disharmony, then balance your chakras. The energy of this stone may bring your vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit.

Once it has succeeded in raising your vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

Meditation with this stone may vividly bring back old memories, both from this lifetime and past lives. Once you have released these memories, the subsequent meditation with these stones will be quite different.

Once again thank you for listening. I love you all and am sending you an AVALANCHE of prosperity, abundance, health, love and light!

Source about the crystal is from :


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –