Molly McCord: Scorpio Full Moon – A Revelatory Truth Requiring Soul Mastery, Completion, & Self-Love – Astrology

Scorpio Full Moon – A Revelatory Truth Requiring Soul Mastery, Completion, & Self-Love – Astrology

Molly McCord
168K subscriber
Apr 14, 2024

The Scorpio Full Moon at 4 degrees is a continuation of eclipse season as now there is a deeper energy coming to the surface that is intense, emotional, and revelatory. Both the Sun and Moon are receiving a square from Pluto in Aquarius, which is pushing us into the depths of discomfort in order to get to the heart of what we’re feeling, fearing, or desiring next. Mars in Pisces is a co-ruler of this Full Moon – and also the ruler of the Aries Solar Eclipse – so once again we are brought into the mystical awareness of what we are ending, completing, and unraveling that could be quite significant on your path. Mercury is still retrograde in Aries until April 25, and we’re also feeling the electrical excitement of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction during this lunation. The Scorpio Full Moon is guiding us into the depths of ourselves, while maintaining the peaceful calm of the Sun in Taurus, to re-align ourselves through these emotional waves that are Divinely guided.

Molly McCord: Scorpio Solar Eclipse ~ Intense Awakenings, Fierce New Frequency of Self-Love + Scorpio Solar Eclipse + Venus Star Point Energies ~ October 2022 Astrology

Scorpio Solar Eclipse ~ Intense Awakenings, Fierce New Frequency of Self-Love – Astrology

Oct 11, 2022

Molly McCord
142K subscribers

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees on October 25 is a new beginning point that deeply transforms the unconscious fears we’ve been holding or suppressing, especially around Venus areas of our lives – self-worth, self-value, connections, intimacy, vulnerability, emotional truths, finances, money, and relationships. An intense awakening is underway that requires us to face a fear or energy that we unconsciously absorbed from another – either in this lifetime or previous ones – and to make new discoveries around what is true for you now. Do you feel empowered or fearful? Do you feel strong or hesitant in what the Universe is asking you to see in yourself?

The Scorpio Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees on October 25 is a new beginning point that deeply transforms the unconscious fears we’ve been holding or suppressing, especially around Venus areas of our lives – self-worth, self-value, connections, intimacy, vulnerability, emotional truths, finances, money, and relationships. An intense awakening is underway that requires us to face a fear or energy that we unconsciously absorbed from another – either in this lifetime or previous ones – and to make new discoveries around what is true for you now. Do you feel empowered or fearful? Do you feel strong or hesitant in what the Universe is asking you to see in yourself?

The energy, karma, and completions will truly be felt as the South Node in Scorpio reaches this same point of 2 degrees in May/June 2023.

There is a lot of energy in this chart, so let’s take a look at the Air Grand Trine, the ongoing Saturn – Uranus square, Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces, and even more conversations between the planets.


Scorpio Solar Eclipse + Venus Star Point Energies ~ October 2022 Astrology

Oct 17, 2022

Molly McCord
142K subscribers

Big relationship energies are activated as Venus travels with the Sun from Libra into Scorpio as this eclipse cycle begins. The Scorpio Solar Eclipse on Oct 25 is at 2 degrees, a new eclipse degree point, and is working with the South Node in Scorpio to clear out karma, soul contracts, and unconscious energy imprints that no longer serve you. Venus is now at a Superior Conjunction to the Sun, which is a Full Venus who is realizing and self-actualizing her own needs, while also being truthful with herself around how she has felt disempowered or fearful in her expressions. A grand transformation is underway during this eclipse cycle, and you may be feeling deep emotional shifts and purging. It is also a strong cycle for beginning new connections based on trust, openness, authenticity, and fully accepting your true needs. More to share in this podcast episode.

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Sarah Varcus: 13th March 2021 (10:22 a.m. UT) – New Moon in Pisces Conjunct Venus and Neptune: Loving Ourselves Back to Life

13th March 2021 (10:22 a.m. UT) – New Moon in Pisces Conjunct Venus and Neptune

Loving Ourselves Back to Life

By Sarah Varcas

If you would prefer to listen to me reading this post, an audio version is available at the bottom of the page.

This new moon in Pisces is gentle as a feather and soft as a summer breeze. Like a flower, she opens the heart to suffering, applying nectar to heal division and unite us with those people we would otherwise avoid. This moon reminds us that anyone’s life can change in the blink of an eye: the mighty fall, the rich lose everything, the healthy become sick and our greatest loves can be lost to us. How we respond to the calamities of life dictates our current character and future choices. It can be all too easy to judge another on who they are today without knowing the journey that brought them here: the aching disappointments, devastating losses and bitter regrets. We all have a back story – a path which has led us to now. No one is immune to the vagaries of life. It is this truth which connects us all.

The remedy is love

With four planets currently in the sign of the fishes – the Moon and Sun, Venus and Neptune – emotional boundaries can be especially porous now. Feelings rippling though the collective may find their home in our heart, and anyone could be carrying another’s emotional load along with their own. But wherever emotion originates, the remedy is love, love, love by the bucket load, starting with ourselves and radiating to all. It can be tough to open the heart in a harsh world, and our world is frequently harsh. But it is also beautiful and radiant, with people seeking to do the right thing alongside those helping only themselves. We may fear that loving too much can make us vulnerable: that we may be taken advantage of or end up sacrificing our own needs. But Venus and Neptune assure us love is not weakness but strength, not surrender but an all-encompassing embrace. It diminishes no-one and makes all things new. In love, both the lover and the loved are reborn.

So if you’re beset with emotion at this moon, it’s okay. Wounds are being healed, emotions re-balanced. In Pisces the moon is compassionate and kind. She seeks a return to the One from which all things arise. The realm of emotion becomes a hazy mix of yours and mine, feelings picked up from the ether and atmospheres born of the past, energetically present within and without. The harshness of separation – born an individual in a world that further divides – is anathema to this Moon. She knows you as me, now as then, the past as the present. It doesn’t matter who felt this way originally, the intention is simply to heal, whatever and wherever the pain.

It’s not about us

To personalise our feelings right now misses the point. We don’t have to justify why we feel the way we do, we simply have to feel: to let emotion arise unfettered, perhaps for the very first time. Fear of powerful emotion can perpetuate a fractured psyche that struggles for ground when the going gets tough. If we cannot embrace the misery of life, we cannot entertain its joy. If we avoid grief, we cannot know love, and if we deny anger, we will struggle to know fully the passionate pursuit of a better world. No matter our relationship with our feelings up to now, this moon awakens us to the healing power of gentle acceptance applied to whatever arises – ourselves, each other, this broken and beautiful world.

It’s not easy to set the mind aside when feelings are rife. Thought is triggered by emotion: memories, justifications, that inner voice that tells us to pull ourselves together or reminds us how hopeless life is! None of this matters now. Let the mind do what it does. We don’t have to listen or respond. Our task is simply to welcome emotion no matter how bewildering it may be. Healing is afoot and all can receive it. We simply need to be present with what is, allowing feelings to arise, be felt and released, be they yours, mine or simply floating in the ether for millennia. All emotion is energy and all energy is divine, seeking its way back to Source.

Accept, embrace, love

This gentle moon repairs broken hearts and fractured souls. She mends rifts, heals wounds and reintegrates all that’s divided. She knows separation as a mirage that dissolves in the light of truth and asks us to be gently bold and courageously compassionate in the coming days. To love where we thought we could not and connect where we seek to avoid. For unconditional love is always her first option – towards others and ourselves. If we are filled with anger, or lost in grief and despair, we may feel wholly unequal to the task. But this simply means we must begin with ourselves, accepting all that we are – every thought, feeling, behaviour, memory and emotion. Embracing it all. Owning it all. As we love ourselves back to life.

Sarah Varcas

Here is the audio version of this post as mentioned above:
bottom of page

If you’d like to learn more about astrology and deepen your understanding of your own birth chart check out my self-study astrology course, currently available for £25

Tagged as: acceptance, collective emotions, collective energy field, compassion, Conscious Evolution, Conscious Relationships, Coping with emotions, Deep Truth, divine timing, embracing the shadow, emotional sensitivity, facing fear, healing energies, love, managing the mind, Moon cycles, Moon in Pisces, Neptune in Pisces, patience, Personal healing, personal truth, planetary healing, present moment awareness, releasing ego identification, self-acceptance, self-love, Spiritual development, unconditional love, Venus, Venus in Pisces

Emmanuel Dagher: Spreading Our Wings – March 2021 Energy Forecast

Emmanuel Dagher: Spreading Our Wings
– March 2021 Energy Forecast

Hi my friend,

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

March will serve as a highly active month when it comes to our personal growth journey. The inner shifts we’ll experience will help us spread our energetic wings, so that we can transcend the previous limitations we’ve unconsciously created.

By the end of this month, we will feel like a completely different person.

During the month of March, our inner strength will be renewed in a way that lends us the energy and willingness to shed the lingering heaviness and protective armor we’ve been carrying.

Creative expressions, ideas, and projects we had previously put on hold will make their way to the forefront of our consciousness.

Healthy connections with the people, places, and experiences that are important to us will also be strengthened and increased at this time.

From the beginning of March, we will be guided to reflect on the things we are ready to release, so we can make room for the new blessings life is creating for us.

Yet often when we decide to move beyond the habits, behaviors, patterns, and stories that are no longer aligned with our path of growth, the mind can become sensitive and unsure about these changes, because it thinks it is losing something.

If you feel that your mind is acting more sensitively than usual this month, know that the mind is just doing the best it can to protect you from change.

It will do this by using primal, survival-based coping methods, such as going into fear, doubt, and judgment. Know that the mind does this just to feel safe.

There’s another, better way to help your mind feel safe, and that is to consciously show up for it, as you would for a best friend.
This means that instead of being hard on your mind, you’re even more understanding, loving, and gentle with it.

This helps the mind move into a greater sense of peace and trust that you are always there to support and protect it. The mind will then begin to realize that it is not losing anything by moving beyond the habits and limiting patterns it has long identified with.

Instead, it will recognize how much more it will gain when it no longer reverts to previous coping methods.

The human part of the mind simply desires to receive love, care, and acknowledgement.

As the mind receives these from us, it becomes much more open to embracing personal growth and healing.

Choosing Love

As the empowering energies of this month offer us the opportunity to renew our inner strength, we will find it easier to connect with the core essence of our Divine nature, which is love.

Love allows us to see the wholeness and perfection within all of life itself. It allows us to see beyond the veils of illusion that convince the mind that separation and fear are needed.

Choosing to be and express love on our daily path is a powerful practice.

Some days it can be a challenge to choose love, yet know that you are not alone in that. The important thing to remember, is to be gentle and easy with yourself as you experience what happens when love is not chosen by you or another.

Collectively, we all grew up in a world that valued intellect over intuitive feeling and inner realization.

Yet some of the most visionary figures in history, who have helped to progress the evolution of humanity throughout time, knew that the greatest advancements in society occur when we personally and collectively choose to embrace feeling as equally if not more important than the intellect.

To feel is to expand, and to expand is to love. These visionaries knew that love is what’s helping every living being to progress and evolve.

It’s important to understand that emotions are not the same as feelings. Emotions are responses the mind makes from a space of defining something as being either Good or Bad.

Of course, it’s important to honor, love, and be grateful for our emotions, because they are an important part of the feedback needed to help us recognize how we are showing up for and loving ourselves.

|Intuitive feelings differ from emotions, because they do not operate in the duality of labeling ideas or experiences as either Good or Bad.

Feelings operate in the realm of discernment. They help us intuitively recognize what is expanding us and what is contracting us inwardly.

Those inner realizations also teach us that just because something is expansive for us doesn’t mean it will be expansive for someone else. This helps us release the idea that something has to be labeled as either Good or Bad, and moves us into a much more neutral way of being.

Love itself is neutrality. Love does not operate in duality.

As we choose to be and express love—living from the heart and discerning inwardly what is right for us—life rises up to meet us in love, nurturing us every step of the way.

When we choose love, life rearranges everything in our outer world so that we can experience more love.

The more we become aware of these opportunities and move into them, the easier it becomes to anchor love into our reality as a way of life.

It is important to realize that though we were taught otherwise, real love does not have any conditions placed around it. And its neutral stance does not indicate weakness.

Love does not judge, and does not cause us or another pain or hardship. Love does not require us to give up or hide any part of ourselves.

When we choose love, we choose to be in the natural rhythm and flow of life.

Creative Flow

March is an excellent time to allow our creativity to flow in a direction that feels expansive and productive to us.

This will be a great time to change up our routine—to try something new that inspires us creatively.

In order to channel our creative energy into productive action, we must make self-love and compassion a top priority in our lives.

As a society, we have been conditioned to believe that self-love is egoic and wrong. This was all part of us forgetting that we come from and are an extension of Spirit.

When the mind forgets that we are Spirit first, it tends to give its power away.

This usually leaves us feeling insecure and stuck, living in fear and lack. These are survival-based energies that cause the eventual breakdown of physical, emotional, mental, and financial well-being.

For a long time now, we have been releasing the layers of this archaic conditioning, which has held us back from making self-love a top priority in our lives.

However, many people still don’t know how to make self-love a priority.

Self-love is just another way of saying we are honoring and acknowledging all aspects of ourselves.

When we love ourselves exactly as we are, without trying to fix or get rid of any part of ourselves, we are acknowledging the Spirit/Source within us.

By loving ourselves fully, we reflect to Spirit, “You are perfect, whole, and know exactly what you are doing!”

Loving ourselves is the greatest form of honor and respect we can show to Spirit/Source.

And what is happening right now, is our opportunity to move even more in this direction.

A Time to Explore

March will give us the opportunity to be more curious and to explore.

There’s a prominent belief in the collective consciousness that being curious can bring undesirable repercussions.

This often stems from superstitions passed down by our ancestors and society—again, so that the mind can feel safe and protected within the constructs it has built for itself.

At our core, we are Spiritual beings. Spirit is naturally curious, because it’s always expanding, moving, and evolving.

As a Spiritual being, we know that we are not confined to anything or anyone.

Yet to the mind, this type of free and open awareness can feel overwhelming, especially for those who have focused more on developing their left brain activity, which is the organized, rational, structured–thought part of the brain.

Yet we have been and will continue to be nudged to equally develop our right brain, which represents the creative, nurturing, spiritual, and loving aspects of ourselves.

The right side of the brain is the part of the body that our Spirit communicates with first, because it can more easily process and understand those spiritual concepts and images.

As we continue to develop this part of ourselves, we become clear vessels for guidance from our Spirit, and are fully able to embrace the part of ourselves that is naturally curious.

Towards mid to late March, you may find yourself feeling guided to explore more.

Exploring can come in many different forms. You may feel guided to more fully explore the inner aspects of yourself, such as your inner realizations, gifts, talents, desires, etc.

You may also feel guided to explore more of your outer world, by physically getting out and experiencing more of your immediate or extended environment.

Sometimes just being out in Nature more and listening to the sounds of a stream or the wind in the trees, or tuning in to the presence of the rocks or the trees—feeling their spirit and vibration—can offer you an energy that helps restore you to the feeling of being your true self.

Creative expression, or giving to others, such as in volunteer work, can also help to bring us back to who we really are—back to our own higher vibration.

March will be an excellent time to be curious and to explore all things that resonate with us on a Soul level. This will enrich our lives in ways that will help us experience a quantum leap in our personal growth and well-being.

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009 – 2021 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved
You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.


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Shanta Gabriel: Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself

Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself



Dear Ones, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself.

Honor the softness of your heart, honor your ability to love others and especially remember to love and honor yourself.

Remember to put time aside every day to honor your body/mind with deep breaths. Use your breath to stop your forward momentum several times each day, bringing new oxygen into your body. Feel the importance of slowing down before you feel stressed out and overwhelmed. Even though you may think there is not enough time to stop, taking two minutes to stop, breathe and reset your energy system will allow you feel more resourceful in your daily life.

Honor your physical body knowing the Light of the Divine is active within working through you. Your body is the vehicle you have been given in which to anchor your Divinity this lifetime. This physical being becomes your Temple of the most High when you honor it by giving your body all that it needs to thrive.

Honor your sensitive heart and the vulnerability you feel every day. You are refining your energy system with your spiritual practices and so you may feel even more raw and exposed.When you can honor the gentleness and compassion that you have inside, you can recognize your value to the world. Know that there is a powerful need for these qualities in the world that is starving for more compassion at this time.

With your spiritual practice you are building a stronger field of Light that allows you to hold greater frequencies within your energy system. This builds your shining shield of Light that can protect you from the inside out.

Honor your mind and recognize its gifts so you can bring clear thinking, expanded perceptions and illuminate your thoughts with the power of Divine Light. This expansion allows you to work in the fields of Infinite Intelligence. As you keep an open mind you allow yourself to learn more about how to live in Harmony and Beauty. When you lighten your thoughts you are gifted with greater Equanimity and Balance in which to view the world around you.

And of course Honoring Yourself means to honor the spirit within you. You are a true spark of Divinity and this Flame burns in your heart when it is activated by your connection to your Highest Self. This Divine Aspect of your Soul shows you the way, so that you may also be a Way Shower to others. People need to be given a model to promote greater understanding of how to live a multi-dimensional life while in a physical body. Honoring yourself radiates this blessing into the world, and allows inner peace to soothe and be a calming presence in the midst of change.

Your unique Soul gifts are important to the world. They act as a missing piece of the puzzle that only you can fill. Sharing your gifts promotes wholeness in the world. If you don’t know what your Soul Gifts are, look at what you love to do most. Give that gift and you will fulfill an important requirement for your Soul.

And we say again, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourself and all shall be well. All is well and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel

September 30, 2019

Jamye Price: Forgetting the Self – Weekly Lightblast

Jamye Price: Forgetting the Self – Weekly Lightblast

Forgetting the Self LightBlast by Jamye Price

There is great potential of change to the human mind, yet it’s fuller function requires the opening of the heart. An open heart belongs to a courageous being that understands their capability.

This capability is an understanding of limitation, not from insecurity or immobilizing fear, but from the wisdom of the season of growth. You do not berate the fruit for not ripening faster, you honor the limitation and support growth with care.

Your understanding of your capability creates a moving beyond of previous limitations. All experience, both enjoyable and challenging, is supporting you to rise above previous limitations. Each season brings a new potential of expansion.

You are now in an unprecedented time of your potential.

Throughout your recent millennia, humanity has been growing into a collective adulthood. It is the natural progression and not unexpected in any way. It is not always an easy path as humanity learns to deal with earth conditions and each other.

Your history is fraught with war, domination and greed. Indeed your present experience offers that to many. They are steeped in the survival struggle of your seasons past, and it is you reading and hearing this that are bearing the fruit of the future in the now moment.

Part of the result of the survival struggle has been a forgetting of the Self as the influence of domination has attempted to separate you from your most powerful flow of creativity–Self Love. As you Love yourself, you are allowing the flow of Love to anchor here on earth. You are also anchoring Love when you Love others, for all forms of Love are effective.

However, your flow is limited as you destroy the Self with lack, fear, depleting sacrifice and shame. Shaman, remember your power to merge the invisible and visible as you have new availability to Love a problem into new solution.

Biomechanism of Love by Jamye Price

You are powerful. Your biomechanism is wholly functional with the creative power of Love. As you find the courage within to choose to Love yourself, you are choosing to allow Love to flow to you, through you and from you. This changes you. It changes your life. It changes your world.

The fruits of your labor of Love are a gift indeed. You give it to All Life. You receive it infinitely as well. The flow continues.

As we sit to Blast Forgetting the Self, we are releasing the fear of survival and opening our hearts and minds to the beauty within that changes the world. We are remembering the power of Love to transform fear into understanding. We are blazing a trail of triumph as we gaze into every eye (I) we meet, beaming the Truth of Love with laser precision and unwavering determination.

We are the fruit of the future, seeding Love’s power in every heart that we meet. We are becoming the dominant force in our lives, choosing Love’s courageous new solution that survival fear has previously suppressed. We are creating change by being changed; Loving the Self so fully that the waters of our Love overflow and nourish Life. Blast on!

Freeing the Mind
Creating Problems (and Solutions)

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.

Laura Bruno: Help for Empaths: Navigating the Should’s

woman holds head Tired-of-Being-a-Negative-Energy-Sponge

Laura Bruno: Help for Empaths: Navigating the Should’s

This topic arises so often in sessions that I feel led to address it here, too. Many times, life tugs in different directions. Empaths, especially, sense how our own decisions affect the people we know and love. To some extent, this is a good thing. A person who lacks any empathy is also known as a narcissist or sociopath, so yes, we do need awareness of how our behavior and attitudes affect other people.


Empaths feel the emotions, attitudes, energy and thoughts of other people to a sometimes debilitating degree. Even the thought of hurting someone else hurts us. Without protection, we feel the disappointment, judgment, illness or whatever other pain of someone else within ourselves. When lived unconsciously, empathic “gifts” feel awful. Mysterious body aches, overwhelming sadness, anxiety, general confusion or lack of desire: I always advise empaths to ask, “Is this mine?” Because many times, it’s not. Good energy hygiene aides discernment.

I call this the Energy Brush Off, but it’s also a Japanese technique called Kenyoku or “dry bathing.” Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and then sweep down your arm, past your fingertips. Repeat on the other side, left hand to right shoulder, sweep down past your fingertips. Alternate sides three times, then flick your fingers like you washed your hands and can’t find a towel.

Repeat morning and night, like you brush your teeth. You can also do the Energy Brush Off anytime you felt good until you interacted with someone or something then suddenly felt tired, angry, sad, oppressed or “not as good as you did before.” Sudden shifts in health, emotions or energy levels often indicate some kind of empathic exchange. Brush that energy off before it settles in and becomes “yours.” It won’t really be all yours, but it becomes much more difficult to sense your own emotions, desires, attitudes, hopes and dreams when you embody those of everyone around you.

Good energy hygiene offers a regular reset to your own energy field. The more often you return to yourself, the more you recognize your own energy, including your own longings and desires.

The more often you return to yourself, the more obvious it becomes which people and situations dampen or drain your energy. Awareness of these dynamics doesn’t always mean you need to cut all contact. Some situations might require that step, but in most cases, a little strategy goes a long way. If you know someone’s patterns and how they usually affect you, then you can protect yourself in appropriate ways. Since Empaths lack the separation/boundaries that most people have, good strategies involve not only releasing picked up energy, but also creating a healthy buffer zone.

Some of my favorite empath tricks include:

  1. The Energy Brush Off shared above
  2. Black tourmaline and/or onyx for energetic shielding
  3. The Algiz Rune (creates a “moat” effect around your castle/energy field)
  4. Using a mantra like “I deserve good things”or “You do you, I’ll do me”
  5. Educating yourself about patterns in narcissism, BPD and sociopathy
  6. Educating yourself about codependency and/or Adult Children of Alcoholics
  7. Reciting the Serenity Prayer
  8. Walnut Bach Flower Remedy (to live your life path in the midst of others)
  9. Crabapple Bach Flower Remedy (if being around others shames you)
  10. Pine Bach Flower Remedy (in situations requiring more forgiveness than you feel)
  11. Cultivating relationships that support and encourage your own sovereignty

Number 11 on that list happens more naturally and easily the more you commit to “navigating the should’s.” Yes, life, society, work and family place obligations on us, but not all obligations are healthy or appropriate. Sometimes a should just means a habit. Sometimes a should entrenches unhealthy behaviors and expectations. Sometimes a should was good for awhile, but now no longer serves. Refusing to accept every should at face value can feel scary, wrong, or even “evil,” depending on the situation and characters involved.

At first, you might not have anyone in your life encouraging you to explore and process underlying patterns. In that case, a coach, counselor or support group becomes a lifeline until you can internalize your own encouragement and support. As you grow more confident, you will begin to attract different caliber relationships into your life.

Good discernment tips include:

  1. Focus on “power to, not power over.” Empowerment honors individual sovereignty without forcing one person to bend to another’s will or expectations.
  2. Walk on it: take your question(s) outside with you and let your mind and emotions process to the regular rhythm of your feet, legs and swinging arms.
  3. Sleep on it: ask your subconscious mind for guidance before you fall asleep. Pay attention to any dreams, as well as noting first thoughts/feelings upon waking. I often awake with snippets of song lyrics, which when researched, provide incredible insights and answers.
  4. Remember that we train people how to treat us. Establish boundaries and then act in consistent ways. Reward good, respectful behavior. Refuse or call out attempts to manipulate or coerce.
  5. Realize that people accustomed to benefiting from your lack of boundaries won’t appreciate your desire to change. That doesn’t make you a bad person! It may not even make them a bad person. If you want change, then the onus of change rests upon your shoulders. Freedom from the destructive effects of too much empathy brings great rewards, but those rewards often come with criticism. If someone freaks out because you ask for boundaries or a little more space, consider that confirmation of the imbalance you sensed.

  6. Do what you need to do from as kindhearted a place as you can, including kindness to yourself.
  7. Get to know your Inner Child. If you were his/her parent, would you allow your child into this situation or with this person? How would you help this child to deal with a sometimes unfair or hostile world? How would you help this child to know his/her own value, regardless of what others say or think?

Navigating should’s becomes easier the more you get to know and love yourself. Most empaths excel at loving others, but the self love comes hard. You deserve good things. You deserve respect, and you deserve a chance to thrive. Only you can live your unique life with the unique qualities, challenges and gifts you bring to this world. If you feel surrounded by conditional love and overwhelming expectations, take some time to nurture and reclaim yourself.

Much Love,


Jo Jayson: The Greatest Self-Care Is Your Self-Love

The Greatest Self-Care Is Your Self-Love

by Jo Jayson

“Call of the Nightingale” © Jo Jayson“Call of the Nightingale” © Jo Jayson

Self-care is an expression of self-love. It’s impossible to give yourself the care you need if you don’t have some inkling of your own value. Self-care can be as simple as saying “no” instead of always saying “yes,” speaking your truth instead of hiding how you feel, or simply deciding to give yourself a hot bubble bath instead of going out to the party you really don’t want to go to.

However self-care can only be applied consistently and meaningfully if you are practicing the endeavor of self-love. Both men and women spend an inordinate amount of time reaching outside of themselves to fill their hearts up. We go in search of approval and validation from others in our family, our workplace and in our personal relationships. Sometimes we use our success or perceived lack of it to measure our own worth. Yet, no amount of money, work success, material things, Instagram likes or relationships will give you the sense of love you seek.

In fact, you have nothing lacking in yourself. Your very essence is the divinity of unconditional love. The lack of love you feel for yourself has been taught to you, directly or indirectly, as you have grown up from a young age. When you shift your subconscious mind towards remembering your essence, you are then able to fill your own well with the love you have looked outside yourself for.

The quickest and easiest way to experience the vibration of self-love is to spend time practicing gratitude. In any given moment you can seek out that which is around you to feel appreciation for. We can feel appreciation for the comfy chair we are sitting on or the hot cup of coffee we are drinking and the satisfaction it gives us. We can feel gratitude for the person who smiled at us on the train that morning or the light rainfall we experienced that afternoon which fills the air with freshness.

Gratitude fills your heart with love. When you take the time to notice things you are grateful for, you create a daily gratitude practice that feeds your heart with the self-love it needs, making it easier to accept and appreciate yourself. There is no greater self-care than to experience the joy, freedom and bliss of self-love that is your divine birthright.

Jo Jayson is a spiritual and intuitive artist, teacher and author, whose award-winning book Self-Love Through the Sacred Feminine has helped women all over the world find empowerment, healing, and inspiration. Visit

The Liar ~ Pamela Kribbe channels Earth

The Liar

Pamela Kribbe channels Earth
Dear beautiful people,

I am Earth who speaks. Feel my presence in you, because I live and speak to you through everything you feel in and through your body. I am constantly connected with you, so feel me, for I have a heart that beats and an essence you want to receive in your life on Earth, here and now. Allow yourself to be received by me.

I am your mother in many ways, as I sustain you through the body that belongs to you. The language of your soul and the language of your body are, in fact, one. The soul, your higher source of direction and truth, communicates with you through your body. A human body is not just a physical thing, a lump of matter; it is a living energy. It itself is enlivened by, and carries, a knowing that comes from my soul. So when you incarnate in an earthly body, you bring your own soul-knowing, your own understanding and development with you, and you pour that into the form of an earthly body which carries wisdom from me: wisdom about life on Earth, the “laws” that apply here, and about how energy flows and moves here.

It is intended that your soul enter into cooperation with the soul of the Earth, with me, the one who is speaking. I am a tool for you, and you are allowed to utilize me. I want to help and sustain you, and to teach you to trust the voice of your heart. The heart is a part of your body, but it is also a gateway to the soul. Your belly is the place where your inner child lives, who is your authenticity, your deepest feelings, emotions, and desires, and your belly is also the gateway to the source of the life force. So see the body as truly a temple of the soul, a living temple.

You are not alone, your closest friend is your body. It wants to provide you with all the information you need to live on Earth. It wants to help you to make choices based on what you perceive and feel inwardly. To come to rely on the wisdom of the body is perhaps your greatest challenge, because in the way you are conditioned by society and by the traditions of the past, you start thinking from your head, and you want to control and order life from there. But the living wisdom of your body is not to be structured and contained in that way; the body has its own dynamics.

Today, I want to tell you something about the importance of listening to your inner child and your emotions, and about distinguishing between emotions that are pure, and come solely from the inner child, and disturbed emotions – or so I call them here – that do not come directly from the child, but rather are distorted and malformed by the thoughts in your head. These are emotions that come through an interpretation based on prejudices from external standards that corrupt and disturb how your emotional signals function. This is very relevant to you, because you know inside that it is best to follow your feelings.

You try to orient yourself to your feelings, on what your heart, your soul, tells you. Yet, at the same time, there are all kinds of resisting emotions through which you can get no clarity and which makes following your feelings no longer as simple as it could be. I would therefore like to make a distinction between emotions that arise directly from the purity of the inner child, and disturbed or interpreted emotions that have a different feeling, that are less direct and pure, and are often a combination of judgment and repressed emotion.

I ask you to now go to your inner child and allow an image to emerge of how it is with her or him at this time. Your inner child is spontaneous; it allows its emotions to be seen without a filter. Reading the emotions of a child is not complicated; you can get it by glancing at their little faces: anger, bewilderment, anxiety, or enthusiasm, joy, pleasure. These are primary emotions that come unfiltered from the child. But what happens when that original stream is blocked, suppressed, or is redirected based on external standards? The child is being punished for expressing primary emotions and this often happens during your upbringing. Most parents do not know how to deal with the power of primary emotions, so the redirected emotions take on a life of their own and a distortion occurs.

To give one example: a child feels spontaneous grief. There is a concrete cause — something cannot be or something is going wrong — and the child cries because it is upset. It shows its grief through tears and desperation. The parent says: “You don’t have to cry, because …” and gives the child all kinds of reasons why things are not so bad as the child thinks. The parent, the adult, tries to dampen the grief rather than embrace it. If the grief is allowed to flow out, allowing the child to become calmer, then the child naturally finds a way to redress the balance. The grief will not last forever, but it seems as if adults are afraid of the emotion and therefore immediately try to curb or nip it in the bud.

But what happens to the child when that emotion is not allowed to be directly expressed or only partially so? The child attaches a judgement to the emotion, because the child comes to think: “It is not good to express my grief. Being sad is actually not good. It should not be;  it is unacceptable.” The child then incorporates that “lesson” and will react the same way when it is again called upon to control its emotion or when it is reprimanded. The emotion does not disappear, it is a living energy that cannot be undone through the head, so the suppressed emotion remains and creates disturbance in the child. Instead of the innocent, spontaneous power that the emotion initially carried, it has now been subverted and has gone “underground”, and it will eventually carry a disturbed or even toxic force. When a child is continually reprimanded and instructed to systematically hide or control its emotions, there then becomes a reservoir of buried emotion in that child, and because of that, the child can eventually display disturbed behavior.

An emotion wants to naturally express itself, and is not really a problem that must be resolved or removed, but a natural expression of the earthly body, a discharge. And the function of that discharge is very important toward restoring the balance between the body and the emotion. When you disrupt this discharge, it creates in the child, and later in the adult, a pattern of emotions which are blocked by the force of judgements that are continually relayed to the child and, now, also to the adult. An emotion wells up and immediately a force resists the emotion in order to contain it. It can be sadness, but it also could be anger, fear, or shame — it could be anything.

When those emotions become subverted and are not allowed to be experienced or expressed, they take on a different tone, another “charge”. Long pent up anger, for example, can become toxic, turn into bitterness and hate, or into cynicism and even depression. In depression, you are able to see the ultimate form of an emotion that was turned inward and never allowed to be outwardly expressed. The person no longer sees the source of the original emotion, because the connection with their inner child is beyond their reach. If you were to tell that person something like: “listen to your feelings”, then that would be a very difficult task for that person because of how separated they are from their inner child. Many of you are that person who has learned to keep their original emotions in check, to hide them, to block them, or to pass them for review by a roster of judgments that tell you what is allowed and what is not allowed. So listening to your gut feeling is not usually so simple or obvious.

How do you make a distinction between the pure messages of your inner child and the disturbed and distorted impulses of the oppressive adult, who each of you have become to some extent? How do you recognize the difference between the two impulses?

Go back to the inner child you saw in the beginning and feel its presence. Feel, for a moment, the innocence of this child, for it is very pure and natural. It is sensitive and vulnerable, but also very powerful and pure. It allows whatever emotions present themselves to act as a natural force that flows through them and then blow away.

Where is the inner child located in your body? Feel that for yourself for a moment. From where does it speak, and how is it heard? The inner child invites you to kneel down to it with tenderness. A child naturally calls up tenderness, because it is so guileless; innocence is what is typical of a child. Hold on tightly to this image of the innocent, spontaneous child who is not in your head, but in your heart or your belly.

Now see what moves toward this child from within when you connect it with your head and the judgements that are still active there. What kind of flow streams from your head to your inner child?

In each of you still live judgments from the past, things that you do not allow to be present, which make you think that what you do should be better or different. It is those compulsions that are imposed on your inner child, and as a result, the child feels uncomfortable and not welcome. Those instructions, which you have made your own about what you cannot and are not supposed to feel, still live in your head, although those instructions are not in accord with your emotional reality. So who wins? Your original emotion or the dictator in your head that changes the emotion into something “acceptable”?

What is happening in the energy field of your head is a lie, a masking of your original emotion. In this way, the inner child is put in a prison and becomes isolated, which makes connecting with your feelings often very difficult. You first need to be aware of the lie, or the liar, in your head, and this calls for a certain clarity in perceiving yourself.
Because what is, in fact, a lie, has been taught to you to be the truth: “this is the way you have to behave; this should not be; this is not allowed.” So you have to first expose the liar in you, and this requires courage and clarity of mind, because the liar in you has adopted an identity, a life of its own. This identity often determines how you present yourself to the outside world, but it is a mask, a false persona you have created to survive as a growing child and later in order to fit into society.

Thus, in your life, there are two figures, whom I here call “the liar” and “the original child”.

By labelling a part of you as “a liar”, I do not want to judge this aspect of you, because it is almost inevitable that it exists in anyone who grows up in the way described above. Still, it is a figure to be reckoned with. The liar sends all kinds of signals to you telling you what you can and cannot do; the liar discourages you from doing certain things and attempts to persuade you to do other things. And sometimes you go along with it, because you really think that it is the right thing to do.

In order to find out if something is really true, it is extremely important to connect with your body and to look there for the emotional reality of your inner child. Try to feel the difference. If you are talking yourself into something from the liar, the tone is not one of love and gentleness, but is coercive, manipulative, controlling, and there is usually an undertone of anxiety and the need for imposing limits. On the other hand, if you descend from your head to your abdomen, the reality of the child feels much more open, gentle, and innocent, and much more stable and solid.

Feel the difference in energy: the compelling, often impatient flow in your head, and the gentle, innocent, open, and more steady energy of the child in your belly. And make a firm decision to now choose for the child; to allow it to really experience everything it feels, and to see the power and the value of doing that, even though you do not know what you actually need when the child, for example, is very angry, sad, or confused.

Let the child be, and do not try to restrict it. Allow the energy to work on you naturally through what the child feels, and try to remove your “head” when doing this. Then ask the child: “What do you need to now have in your life to become happier, more joyful, merrier?” What kind of energy is most helpful for this child ? What does it need the most? Take the child in your arms, then merge with it into your belly. It is the messenger of life, it receives information from your soul and wants to pass this on to you in the earthly form of a pure emotion. Let go of the judge in your head, and believe in this child; and feel supported by the Earth. I am the soul of Earth, and I want to envelope you with love and power, and to invite you to again trust your original nature, which is as pure and innocent as the animals, the plants, and the flowers.

Thank you so much for your attention.

© Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan


John Smallman: Forgiveness calms the storms of painful emotions within.


  Jesus Audio Blog for Friday March 8th

The Oneness that is God, that is All That Is, includes every sentient being ever created or that ever will be created: There is NO separation!  Ever.  But, living in form, as humans, the reality of this escapes you.  You have forgotten the Truth, and because of the severely limiting beliefs that being human imposes upon you, you need divine Guidance to find your way Home.  And that Guidance – the Holy Spirit – is always with you waiting patiently for you to take the time to listen.

Living as humans in form your egos are extremely vociferous, making it very difficult for you (you are not your egos, although your egos don’t want you to know that) to hear the still small voice for God.  Sometimes you do hear but refuse to believe it, thinking that you know better.  You have all at times gone against your intuition, your inner knowing, and, when things have not turned out as you had hoped they would, you have regretted not listening to your intuition.  Your intuition will never lead you astray.  Nevertheless, that does not mean that your path will always be smooth, because before you incarnated you set yourselves up with a path that would present you with the lessons that you needed to learn, and that you had therefore chosen to learn.

Most of you have had many human lives and have not yet learned all the lessons that were appropriate for your circumstances.  Now, as your awakening approaches, these lessons must be learned to enable you to move forward.  Within every human these lessons are now arising in myriad ways, causing chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places, and in many relationships.  The way to deal with them is to listen!  Your divine Guidance is always with you, and Its message is consistent, it is always the same: “Love one another!”

Deep in your hearts you know this to be true, and yet you disregard it when you choose to be offended by another’s unloving judgment of you, or by their unloving words directed at you, and instead of responding with Love you choose to respond – or, more honestly, react – in a similarly unloving fashion.  Many people are forever attacking others, or defending themselves against others, and even though it is normally done only silently in their minds, what people do in their minds establishes their beliefs, the beliefs they live by and which direct their lives: “I cannot trust anyone; I am always being attacked; no one appreciates me; no one understands me; no one LOVES me!”

For as long as you wait for another to be loving first, so long will you keep on waiting to be loved instead of being attacked.  Love and change starts with you!  After all, as you have so often been told: There is no one else!

Over the last five or six decades many people have woken up to this, and have changed their attitudes and their behaviors.  As a result awareness has grown, on a scale never before seen in humanity, of the need to move from fear to love in all relationships, from personal ones to international political ones, and all in between.  It is this enormous change in the collective awareness that is leading you so powerfully forwards towards your inevitable awakening . . . and without delay.

Your awakening requires that all your ignored or denied issues – anything within you that is not in alignment with love – arise into your awareness so that they may be released.  This means that you must forgive all who have caused you pain or suffering of any kind.  Most of you are aware, or are becoming aware, that quite often what you experience as an attack is nothing of the sort, that you have in fact just misperceived a situation or a communication.  However, in the moment, you either reacted defensively or attacked the other, leading to escalation and conflict which was not only unnecessary, but was also painful, and very damaging for the relationship.

Before forgiving however, demanding judgment and restitution for perceived wrongs seems just, righteous, essential, and the only way for people to live together peacefully in any kind of community or society – Rules are required and must be obeyed . . . or else!

This is the way humans have conducted their lives for eons.  It is not forgiveness just to let go of bygones because the offending person has been judged and suitably punished, leaving you feeling and believing that justice has been served, while, at the same time,you continue to hold onto a sense of vindication because of the outcome.  Now, more and more people are beginning to see through the unworkability of this belief, and are changing their attitudes and behaviors to reflect this awareness.

Forgiveness occurs when you choose to forgive another by completely and utterly, without any conditions whatsoever, letting go of any hurt that you have experienced and been nursing – sometimes for many years.  When you do that you find peace within yourselves.  Within that feeling of peace another amazing thing also happens: you find that you can forgive yourselves for all the wrongs that you have committed which have hurt others, and which you have, until this moment, either denied because you are so ashamed of them, or justified because you believed that they were perfectly reasonable responses to another’s attack on you.

Forgiveness calms the potential energy that can build storms of painful emotions within, which have often been lovingly held onto for long periods of time, sometimes decades, that erupt powerfully from time to time, totally and utterly dissolving them.  Until you truly forgive you will find this impossible to believe.  And when you do forgive your whole experience of life changes dramatically for the better, because all those jealously harbored resentments and feelings of bitterness, over how others have treated you in the past, are no longer constantly replaying in your memories and bringing those events vividly back to life in the present moment, thus denying you any sense of peace or joy.

The process of forgiveness, and it is a process, demands recognition and acceptance of your humanness and of your divinity.  Your divinity is, of course perfect, but your human side is in the process of evolving spiritually, and forgiveness is a large part of that.  There are very few among you who do not bear grudges and resentments against others for perceived mistreatment, valid or invalid, that continues daily to disturb your ability to feel at peace for any length of time.  When memories of mistreatment arise causing strong emotions of fear, pain, anger, and resentment to invade your minds, your sense of pleasure in just being alive gets blocked out or hidden from you.  When true forgiveness occurs within you, you will know it, because those storms of painful emotions will no longer be present, and you will find yourselves mainly in a state of peace and contentment.

Therefore, in your daily periods of contemplation, meditation, or plain relaxation as “you just smell the roses,” set the intent to let go of the judgments that encourage your sense of righteousness, and which forbid you to forgive, because you believe that justice must be done and be seen to be done.  It is these long held attitudes which have brought so much pain and suffering to humanity over the eons.  After all, most of you have no trouble forgiving small children for their errors and mistakes, therefore intend to realize that although you inhabit adult sized bodies, and have probably done so for decades, there is still within you a small child who acts out from time to time.  Now is the time to intensely renew your love for that small, and often frightened child – who undoubtedly had many experiences of painful and abusive behaviors while growing towards adulthood –and welcome it into your arms with a warm loving embrace, while totally forgiving it for every misbehavior or misdeed that it has ever committed.  This will not be accomplished in an instant, because injury – mental, emotional, or physical – encountered during childhood leaves deep scars that require time and loving kindness in order to heal.

Give yourselves that time to heal, don’t try to rush it – rushing, seeking instant gratification, is endemic in many parts of the world today.  Your inner child needs time, your time!  So provide it willingly and lovingly, and listen to it with great patience and empathy.  Explain that you totally and utterly support it, and that you will be there when it is in fear, and that you will help it to grow up – as it most certainly wants to . . . don’t you remember, you did? – being there with wise guidance when it feels threatened or needy.  Love is the offering that your inner child needs and deserves from you, and only you can provide it.  It’s very likely that when you were small those who were caring for you, or were supposed to be caring for you, did not give you the time you needed, therefore it’s a need you do fully understand . . . honor it in your inner child!

Your loving brother, Jesus, who always honors your inner child