Infinite Waters: Meaning of the 2/22/22 Twosday Portal and its Significance Explained!

What did I say? Surrender and release in order to get clear and usher in the higher vibrations.
All is resonance. ~PB

“It is a battle for the hearts and minds of the people. Fear vs Love, Freedom vs Slavery. Here is the choice you can make….you can choose to live in fear, or you can choose to live in love, you can choose to stay in lockdown or you can choose to say “raising the frequency!” You can choose to be around people not serving you, or you can choose to be around people who make you feel like sunlight. This day is highlighting and magnifying this choice that you have, really symbolizing that the choice has always been in your hands. The power to choose has always been in your hands, and you can choose the life you’ve always wanted to live, and you can live your best life.
Today is also about clearing out old energy, removing the old cobwebs from the closet, OK? Letting go of heavy, toxic energy, and purifying the senses, your body mind and soul. It’s about detoxing, taking a break from your iphone, going out in nature, really setting your intentions for what you want your life to be, and moving forward”

~Ralph Smart.

Meaning of the 2/22/22 Twosday Portal and its Significance Explained!

Feb 22, 2022

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
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Feb 22, 2022

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
1.98M subscribers

NOW AVAILABLE: The New Book: Feel Alive By Ralph Smart:
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[August 10 – 16] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast (video) + 8.8. / 20:20:20 Star Code Portal of Liberation [Lion’s Gate]

Don’t worry if you think you “missed” the 8/8 Portal. You didn’t. Depending on how it impacts your birth chart, some will feel it more strongly before during or after the exact aspect.  This portal, that marks the rising of Sirius above the horizon at dawn, is an opening for the energies to flow more easily towards us, so think of it as a process more than as an event. It represents a major shift, insight, release, taking action, and a metaphorical rebirth, as we rise from the ashes of our former selves. 2020 brings us many intense, unusual and power aspects that are helping us to usher in change, both within our selves and the collective. This may include intensity, chaos, and the unexpected, (especially with strong Mars and Uranus aspects occurring as well) but the important thing is to stay out of fear, stay grounded (time in nature helps) and focus on the positive things you wish to create in your life. (Benifics Jupiter and Venus are prominent at times, too!) Also, allow yourself extra rest and self-care. Remember, “The darkest hour is just before the dawn.” So rest up, then pick yourself up, find your voice, express/take action and leave the rest behind in your sparkly dust! ~PB



[August 10 – 16] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

Aug 8, 2020
46.8K subscribers

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FREE Excerpt: AUGUST 2020 Premium Wealth Forecast…
MUSIC: Debussy – Arabesque (Yolanda Kondanassis, harp) Subscribe to *Star Code* Podcast


A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


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8.8. / 20:20:20 Star Code Portal of Liberation [Lion’s Gate]

8.8.2020 is a very special day.

8 is the number of leadership, power, a big vision, confidence and abundance.

A double 8:8 awakens multi-dimensional awareness and a deep experience of infinite resources.

8.8.2020 adds up to 20!

This 20 Universal Date creates the triple 20:20:20 triad of peace, balance and harmony.

  • Some refer to 8.8. as the opening of the Lion’s Gate.
  • The Lion’s gate aligns with the sign of LEO.

This year, the Lion’s Gate is very powerful due to the new cycle that is being birthed on Earth.

A breaking down of illusion and our old constructs is magnified exponentially.

It is an opportunity for you to step into your true light.

  • Leo is ruled by the SUN, our Star – bringer of Light.
  • The Lion’s Gate opens into the star of Sirius – the sister star to our planet Earth and the brightest star in the sky.
  • When the Sun is in Leo, the star Sirius rises.

Sirius is the star that the Ancient Egyptians used as a guide to observe the natural cycles of the Nile river.

The Nile flooded when Sirius was rising, and thus Sirius was seen a star of abundance.


The Sphinx in Ancient Egypt was built during the age of LEO.


The profound ancient wisdom connected to the Sphinx is now being linked up to our current time, so that galactic secrets are brought into our consciousness once again after having been taken away and hidden from humanity for millennia.

Every year the 8.8. Lion’s Gate peaks in the middle of Leo.

Leo, symbolizes the lion – king of the jungle.

Lion/Lioness energy is about courage, power and Heart-centered living.

  • The number 8 is a number of infinite power and abundance – and this year 8.8. merges with 2020 (reduced to root number 4), building new foundations that are LASTING.

As the 20:20:20 Triad of Peace, Harmony and Balance and 8:8 of Eternity and Strength blend into one on August 8, we are lifted out of old thought patterns into higher spheres of consciousness.

These amazing Star Codes open powerful portals to create an easy vibrational upgrade.


It is important to spend time away from devices, so that you can move away from thinking your life into being and move into loving your life into reality.


We are joining together to consciously reject old coping habits of disdain, ridicule and shaming anyone or any group that does not agree with our terms… and instead strengthen our inner lion/lioness through infinite sources of compassion, wisdom, divine love and healing.

Leo symbolizes being royal.


Feel the royal marriage between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine!


  • Wear the royal garments of Love and Light!

This is the new way – balancing strength AND sensitivity within our hearts.

8.8. 2020 marks the beginning of the next level of intensification for Earth and Humanity’s liberation from control.


8.8. helps us discern between using power negatively through attacks and subterfuge to gain control – or enhancing and uplifting life for the good of ALL.

The lid is being taken off so that the truth sets you free.

Your awakening is having a profound impact on the overall shift from one cycle to the next.

As you consciously align with Love, you release, reject and transmute trauma, dogma, narcissism, victimization.

You are on the frontlines of birthing and nourishing a New Earth!

Be part of the galactic liberation.

Have a wonderful 8.8.2020!

Love and Blessings,




Gemini Mind, New Moon in Gemini

MAY 22-28, 2020


Crystal says:
This is a great time to reach out to colleagues,
clients and siblings.
 Remember to organize your

time, as Gemini is a chatterbox and likes to be listened to,
too, so people may seem rather high-maintenance.
For that matter, life may seem high-maintenance:
lots going on, and many diverse activities and demands
on our attention. On the upside, we’ll be able to take
a more detached, rational approach. List-making,
writing affirmations, and journaling will also be effective….
In the chart for this lunation, Sun trines Saturn, an aspect
that gives staying power to our intentions, which are apt
to be serious.

Learn more at

Premium Subscribers, log in directly,

– Susan Pomeroy


Pisces New Moon Portal

FEBRUARY 22–28, 2020


Would you call this a typical or even a
restful year so far? Do you need a shot
of spiritual renewal to refill the
tanks? Well, it’s here, with this coming
week’s  Pisces New Moon Portal. The New
Moon occurs on Sunday, opening a doorway
for us to retreat, review, reflect upon,
and retouch our shimmering visions,
plans, and dreams.

Crystal says, “It’s a
subtle portal, but not necessarily a
quiet one….” It offers the opportunity
to make connections with people and
light beings that  support our newly
renewed and rekindled New Moon

For more, check

Premium Subscribers, log in directly,

– Susan Pomeroy

Anna Merkaba: Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Dec 14 – 20th – Alcyone Pleiades

Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Dec 14 – 20th – Alcyone Pleiades

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have received a very important message from The Council of Manifestation, in which we are being advised that in the next few days Starting from today December 14 – the 20th, we have an influx of energies that are going to assist us in many ways.

During this time you may experience bizarre encounters with beings that you have never seen before, however as we are advised in the channeling these beings aren’t actually present on earth, but are projecting themselves into our realities to help prepare us for monumental changes coming our way.

You may experience sensations of levitation. Time fluctuations where time will either speed up, stand still or slow down significantly for you. You may find yourselves feeling really tired one moment and supercharged the next. Lots of activity in your crown and third eye. Many downloads. Bizarre dreams which you just do not understand. Message that may be too complex for you to comprehend. Sudden increase in appetite or sudden lack of appetite. Mood fluctuations, but mostly of the positive nature, etc.

All of these are very important sensations because what is happening as I’ve been explained is we are getting a glimpse of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimension. Our bodies are being upgraded and adjusted so that we can withstand more energies of higher frequencies. That is the reason that we keep having short intervals of such energies because our bodies cannot withstand such high vibrations all the time, at least not yet.

As souls we can travel to other dimensions in our Merkaba’s but in our earth human bodies we cannot yet, spend a long time in much higher vibrations than where we presently are. With each portal and influx of light we are able to hold more and more such frequencies and be able to vibrate on them a lot more and for longer periods of times.

What is also VERY important about this message is that, you may find yourself all of a sudden receiving information that makes no sense to you, such as say formulas, very complex words, thoughts, symbols, light language, which may not make any sense at all, and what our galactic counterparts are asking, is for us to not try to make too much sense of it, but simply allow this information to come through us and ground it into the human planetary consciousness, so that others who are presently working on various projects who need this information can receive it. In the next few days we will act as transmitters of information akin to a satellite, but in our energy fields this information will be transcribed into energy that those who need this information can understand.

I spoke about this many times before that our energy field of influence is 18 miles in every direction, in this channeling however, we are being advised that for the next several days our energy influence will be multiplied by 2, which means we will be transmitting energy and information within a radius of 324 miles! We are also asked to reduce our exposure to various negative influences for the next few days as much as possible so that we can transmit all of this information into the human consciousness matrix as clearly as possible.

On a personal level this will be a time of tremendous upliftment, as we are transmitting this information, we are also going to be like magnets attracting to us situations that we wish! And many things that we wanted to improve in our lives will begin to magically fall into place!

For the next few days you will become akin to an Ascended Master, be able to help not only those around you, but manifest what you want into your reality. Hence, we are being advised once again to visualize what we want to experience as clearly as we can!  So please take this time of opportunity to create the best experience for yourself and others going forward.

Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from the Council of Manifestation:

Gradual improvement of the three dimensional consciousness is gathering the momentum in order to allow the procession of the planetary alignments in your skies in the days, weeks and months to come. The tree dimensional platforms are being prepared to withstand and allow the influx of light and, fifth, sixth and seven dimensional frequency waves of love, purification and benevolence.

The intricately designed vehicles of time and space are being prepared in order to enjoy the new vibratory systems being reinforced and mirrored into your three dimensional reality through the Alcyone in the Pleiades, and onto your very own sun and the planetary system.

And so and thus, in the days to come you shall find yourselves feeling in awe of all that you are experiencing, you shall find yourselves feeling suspended in the air with a sensation of time and space dissonance, where your vehicles of time and space shall experience intermittent heights and lows disrupting your day to day activities. Your energy levels shall fluctuate to varying degree of comfort. And so, It is of uttermost importance to allow your vehicles of time and space that which you call your bodies, to rest, allow your bodies to rest and provide your physical vessels of time and space the nourishment, care and benevolent, adherence to the time and space continuum, by utilizing all at your disposal to assure nourishment, peace and balance within.

For the influx of energies is arriving in order to allow you to experience the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional reality for a brief moment in time, which shall open a small window of opportunity for those of you who wish to perfect their interdimensionality skills. For what we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that you shall have a window of opportunity to play in the sandbox of your prowess, and experience the freedom that the interdimensionality allows you to experience.

And so, and thus, you shall experience magnificent encounters that shall leave you baffled as to how it is possible for you to experience such sensations, such visions, such quests. Indeed, the energies that are to arrive on your planet in the next few of your earthly days, we shall say from your December of 14th to your December of the 20th shall allow you to completely tune into you higher selves and to completely tune into the Central Galactic Sun frequencies that are en route to your planet as we speak.

And so, and thus, we ask you to take this time and envision for yourselves the future that you wish to experience, and employ all vibratory senses at your disposal to manifest said frequencies and materialize them in to your reality through connective intuitiveness that indeed you shall experience in the days to come.

For all of you are being given an opportunity to glimpse exactly that which you are to experience. The endeavors that you shall manifest for yourselves shall be fruitful, and the encounters with the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional beings shall leave you speechless.

Though, please understand and note that such beings of time and space are a projection from various worlds in which they dwell, and are not physically presently located on your planet, for indeed at this very moment in time, that is not to be. For only a few select groups of that which you call “Aliens” are capable to physically be present in your reality, by materializing dense bodies which vibrate on your frequencies.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional beings, are a projection into your world through various mechanisms that exist in the very core of your planet. And so and thus, the communication with said beings will be very vivid, and indeed you shall be communicating with them, but let us then say that it will be akin to a “skype” call, if you will. For indeed they are not in your world, and are merely able to connect with you in said window of time and space in order to bring tremendously important and powerful messages, information, frequencies, technologies, healing modalities, theatrical performances,  manifestation abilities, and so on and so forth into your world, in order to help you prepare for that which is to come.

For indeed much is to unfold in your world, and much more information is necessary in order to allow the age of Aquarius, and the transformation for your whole populace to move from the three dimensional thinking patterns into the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions and beyond.

And so and thus, with the influx of beautiful momentum of the creator, with the influx of said energetic upliftments we ask you to listen carefully to your inner voice and allow various encounters to occur. Be mindful of that which you speak, think and allow into your divine magnificent space. For indeed during the “portal” if you will, that you are to experience over the next several days, you are to fully and completely allow the communication to take place.

Mind not that which you do not comprehend, simply allow the information to flow into and through you in order to be recorded onto your earthly planes of existence, and from said allowance, much transformation shall take place.  For all of you shall act as beacons of light, antennas and transmitters, if you will, and beacons of light, which shall transmit into the subconscious minds of the beholders the information that is necessary in order to assist them in their tasks of divine unfolding.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you shall act akin to the satellites in your world, and allow much, and very important frequencies of light, benevolence and might to be transmitted to all on your planet who shall then utilize said encodings for the betterment of your world. And so, if you find yourselves not comprehending the images and/or frequencies that you are receiving, mind not, and continue about your day until you feel resonance with that which you are experiencing, for then it shall mean that the message is meant for you, in all other times, the messages are simply that, messages, energies and informational decrees that must be grounded into your know reality in order to allow much transformation to take place.

Please understand that without your cooperation, the ascension for the whole of your planet cannot occur, for the information that is flowing freely into your know realities, is not currently able to reach many who are still unreceptive to said energies, and it is only through grounding said energies through your very vehicles of time and space that such information shall then be really understandable and comprehensible to those who indeed are dearly in need of said information.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you shall act as messengers, without fully comprehending that you are delivering messages to those who need them. And so, you shall begin to influence at least 18 miles of space around you, as you previously have, times two, in order to deliver said message to those who need them.

And in the days to come, much shall begin to transform and change in your world, and in your personal realities. For the encounters that you shall experience, shall improve your lives trifold, shall improve and bring though into your realities that which you wish to experience. And when such moment occurs and it will, you shall breathe with relief, pat yourselves on the back and applaud yourselves for all that you have accomplished thus far.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

Tania Gabrielle: 11:11 Mercury Direct – Portal to Fortunate Outcomes!


Mercury stations DIRECT and activates a stunning code in the process!
  • On November 20 Mercury changes direction into forward motion.
  • The 20th delivers a preview of 2020.
  • Mercury is stationing direct at 11°.
  • November is the 11th month.
  • 11 reduces to 2, and 20 reduces to 2 – creating a 2:2 gateway.

    Any magnification of a number enhances the number exponentially.

    11:11 manifests dynamic, radical new beginnings in some area of your life.

    You are crossing a threshold of no return.

    Imagine coming to the edge of a river at the cusp of a thunderous waterfall… and being asked to spread your wings…

    Imagine navigating a close relationship or career decision with renewed joy and profound sensitivity…

    2:2 opens your heart to embrace harmony, love, intimacy, caring and kindness.

    You see and hear things you missed before as you surrender to Light and Love.

    11:11 and 2:2 merged with Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio gives you the sacred space to consciously welcome a profound, personal inner transformation before the onset of a new decade.

    • You are seeing with new eyes, hearing more acutely, touching others with gentle sensitivity.
    • Your extra-sensory perception and intuition are through the roof…
    • Your capacity to empathize stretches beyond horizons…
    • Your willingness to let go and flow is exhilarating.

    You know that life is meant to be lived at this high level of liberation and love ALL the time.

    When you walk through the 11:11 portal you instantly intuit positive, high vibrational opportunities – and just as importantly, those that are not worth pursuing.

    Mercury stationing at 11° is a giant opportunity for growth, abundance and bliss.

    After Wednesday Mercury flows forward through Scorpio and Sagittarius before joining Pluto, Saturn and the Sun for the incredibly life-changing stellium in Capricorn on January 12.

    And you’ll definitely want to know the most fortunate Prosperity Portal Days activated in 2020!

    2020 is the year of manifestation and perfect vision.

    It is the first year of the 2020’s – the decade mirroring the 2000’s!

    2020 lifts off with a “once-in-500-year” Stellium in Capricorn, and you’ll be stunned at how this amazing celestial event will impact your whole life.

    That’s where the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast event comes in.

    In this special livestream event you’ll receive powerful tools to help you manifest your dreams, including my secret list of fortunate days – special days in 2020 that are positively synchronized in both the stars and numbers.

    Having this list will help you plan your year with confidence.

    Check out the new Fast Action BONUS just added to the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast:

    • My Secret List of all fortunate Prosperity Portal Days in 2020.
    • Fortunate Days based on BOTH Astrology and Numerology – you’ll not see this fortunate star code list anywhere else!

    It’s your secret guide to help you plan successful outcomes in ADVANCE!

    So make sure you register for the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast now. Especially since we’re still offering the early-bird subscriber’s discount (expires shortly)!

    Get all the details, bonuses and your Subscriber’s Discount HERE!
    Love and Blessings,

    Tania Gabrielle

    P.S. During the 2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast livestream you’ll also receive 2020 Forecasts for your Personal Year, Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign, get to ask me questions and receive instant access to a Replay (for a year) and so much more. Take advantage of the special Subscriber’s Discount before it expires!

    P.P.S. We’ll be recording the whole presentation, so no worries if you can’t make it “live”, you’ll have access to the replay.


Sun and Rising Sign Tips for the Scorpio New Moon Portal | Daykeeper Journal

Sun and Rising Sign Tips for the Scorpio New Moon Portal

New Moon in Scorpio, October 2019

The New Moon of Sunday, October 27 and Monday, October 28 is a great window to seed intentions for change. With Mercury retrograde, this portal brings new energy to something we initiated previously. In close opposition to Uranus, it accents the freeing vibrations of the rebel planet that earlier this year finished its cycle in Aries and began a new, seven-year stint in Taurus.

The present lunation in Scorpio, sign of change, triggers Uranus’ new mission and—if used intentionally—facilitates the inner changes that will optimize the positive side of the rebel’s present cycle. This New Moon is an especially great portal for clarifying what we want, and writing down our intentions. Check your Sun and Rising signs for additional guidance.

Read the rest at:

Filed Under: Crystal’s Sun and Rising Sign Tips


Beloved masters, your journey into density has been quite an adventure, and has spanned billions of years according to your timekeeping. We have explained how, as you moved deeper and deeper into the great void and the darkness of space, you assisted in filling that void with Light, substance, texture and shapes beyond your wildest imagination. And then, according to the Divine plan, you submerged yourself within each new reality you had helped fashion so that you could experience creation in its many magnificent, diverse forms. Thus began the manifestation of solid matter − first via pure thought brought forth from the Mind of the Supreme Creator, thereafter, via the mind of the Father/Mother God of each universe, and eventually via your own thoughts as you moved further and further outward from the pure Source of all Creation.

After you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you knew that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light, for it was encoded deep within your immortal Soul and your Sacred Heart Core. You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of consciousness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, who remained within the rarified realms of Creator Light.

We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, complex lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, and also within your extensive chakra system of awareness. You often wonder why the members of a family are so different when, from a narrow point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your earthly family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast and priceless heritage.

You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself millions of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple Facets of yourself more times than you can count. Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank. The further you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with. Therefore, there is no blame, and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure. It was a learning experience; however, it is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery, and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original Divine plan. Now that you are aware that you have the power to tap into an unlimited supply of the full-spectrum of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles of Love/Light – what are you waiting for? The rejection of your Divine birthright is a travesty. Your Higher Self will not relent in its nudgings to help you awaken and to claim your Divine heritage.

We have explained how the spectrum of Light and shadow was created in this universe so that you could experience duality and polarity. In the higher Dimensions, for those closest to our Father/Mother God and the Great Central Sun, the duality spectrum is very narrow; however, it became broader and more pronounced as each dimension was established until it reached what was to be the maximum duality that was to be experienced. You are aware that it was not ordained or intended that humanity should sink so deeply into duality and polarity thereby causing so much pain and suffering. The time has arrived for the distortions and excesses of the past to be brought back into harmony, and it is our greatest desire to assist you to move through this process with ease and grace.

Will you please heed our words: You are not judged and never have been judged by anyone or any Being from the unseen or higher realms – YOU ONLY JUDGE YOURSELVES! Under the universal laws of cause and effect, all your thoughts, intentions and deeds are stored within your auric field and your chakra system. You radiate the vibrational patterns thereby created, which go forth from you in an Infinity pattern, and then return to you in like frequencies and measure.  In the past, it often took many lifetimes to reap the rewards for positive, loving actions, or to experience the penalties for negative or hurtful actions. Therefore, most often, it was not obvious that the “righteous” are indeed rewarded, and the “unrighteous” also receive their just rewards in kind. Again, no great or small Being is doling out rewards or punishment. The Universal Laws are firmly in place, and your own Higher Self monitors your progress or lack thereof: either by clearing the way ahead, and blessing you with miracles large and small; or by placing more obstacles before you in hopes you will awaken and step onto the spiral of ascension.

Beloveds, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past – mistakes you have made in this lifetime – and also, many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the “burdens of inequity” no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past, just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns, and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality.

As you descended into the restricted, limiting realms of consciousness, membranes of Light were placed around the multiple strands of your DNA, leaving only two accessible and active. Membranes of Light were also placed over your memory, as well as around the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your higher brain structure called your “Sacred Mind.” A veil was put over your memory so that, most often, you could not remember your past lives, for it would be too much of a burden to remember all your past mistakes and imperfections. It was an act of mercy, for it has proven difficult enough for you to forgive yourselves for your errors and misjudgments in this lifetime, much less all your past aberrations. These restrictive membranes of Light are slowly dissolving as you return to balance and harmony, and advance on the spiral of ascension and reunification.

A membrane of Light was placed over the portal at the back of your Sacred Heart Center until it was time for you to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions and the realms of Light. However, you and you alone placed a membrane of protection over the front vortex of your Sacred Heart Center because you have been hurt, disappointed and disillusioned so often. Slowly, but surely, through the techniques we have given you, you have dissolved those restrictive membranes so that the Love/Light can flow freely to and from you in the way it was intended.

In order to access and radiate the ever-increasing frequencies of Light, you must be able to integrate and permeate your Being with these advanced vibrational patterns. We tell you that is vitally important that you begin to radiate these transforming Light frequencies down into the core of the Earth, and then project them out into the world-at-large via your Sacred Heart Center portal, from both the front and the back.  Remember, we told you that when you first came to Earth, you were a shining crystalline Pillar of Light. Slowly as you sank into the density, you began to build a cross of matter that became more and more unwieldy as your spectrum of Light and shadow increased. Now you are loving those fragments you have created back into balance and harmony as you seek and tap into higher and higher frequencies of Light. You are in the process of become a cross of Love/Light, beloveds, as your spinal  chakra system becomes ignited, and you radiate Love/Light from your Sacred Heart Center in front and behind you.

We have repeatedly told you to “Heal the past, script your future and then live in the moment,” for this very moment is the Still Point or the power center of Creation.  Why not move into the center of that spiral, into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure, rich, Cosmic Life Force substance just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. You can know without a doubt that you are a treasured son/daughter on an important mission, and there is nothing you can say or do that will diminish that love.

REMEMBER, YOUR EMOTIONAL, MENTAL AND ETHERIC BODIES CAN BE HEALED AND TRANSFORMED BACK INTO WHOLENESS VIA THE GIFT OF FORGIVENESS.  Stand in front of a mirror and gaze into your own eyes, or go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. Say to yourself, “I forgive myself for any action, thought or deed, past, present or future, in this or any other reality that has not been composed of the frequencies of Sacred Love. I forgive everyone I feel has treated me unjustly in this or any other lifetime, and I return to them, wrapped in a bubble of love, all negative memories, impacted energies and probable futures that we have created together.  I ask the angels of forgiveness to permeate all Facets of my Being with the frequencies of Love/Light so that I may become “Soul-focused and heart-centered” as a Bearer of Light and a Self-master.”

Breathe deeply as you move into your Sacred Heart Center. Allow the pure Love/Light to pour down through you via your Higher Self. Feel the expansion in your heart center as this Divine elixir of love permeates the very depths of your Beingness.  Sacred Love is what frees you from the shackles you have woven around yourselves: binding, restricting, and entangling you in karmic interactions. When you deny this love, you are denying your heritage and your Divine birthright. Perform this exercise as often as necessary until you feel you have accepted the truth that you are worthy of forgiveness.

Forgiveness of Self, which facilitates a forgiveness of all others, is an integral step in the process of opening the portal to your Sacred Heart center, and your heart portal must be open in order to successfully connect with the many Facets of your Higher Self. You must be making a concerted effort to return to harmony and balance within your own Being in order to be ready to connect with your precious Soul family. Your painful, unsatisfying earthly relationships are a result of inner feelings of unworthiness, guilt, fear of failure and rejection. The battle of the sexes is really an internal battle with Self, as you project your “needs, wants and desire” outward to someone else in hopes they can supply what is missing within. Your relationships will surely reflect to you the negative energies you need to overcome, as well as some of the positive attributes you desire for yourself. Either can be painful or fulfilling, depending on the way you wish to “play the game of relationships.”

Negative physical relationships are fear-based, rigid, self-absorbed and limiting.  Sacred relationships are love-based and Spirit-inspired, and they allow each party to integrate and express the positive attributes of their intrinsic masculine and feminine nature. They focus on wholeness and unity, and yet are flexible and allow freedom of expression.

As you lift your consciousness and return to harmony within, you will radiate forth more refined frequency patterns. Therefore, you will attract to you those who are radiating to, and are comfortable with, the same frequency levels of the Divine Light spectrum. The reunification process at the entry level of the Fifth Dimension entails rejoining many Facets of your Soul family that you have journeyed with down through the many Ages, thereby, once again, enjoying the wondrous state of Unity consciousness.

Beloveds, won’t you begin the process of forgiveness NOW? Are you willing to make a concerted effort to open the portal of your Sacred Heart Center so that these wondrous gifts may be showered down upon you? Call on us and allow us to assist you. Remember, we are only a heartbeat and a thought away. We enfold you in sacred, unconditional love.  I AM Archangel Michael.


Meg Benedicte: Zero Point Eclipse


The energy is intensifying as we approach the total Solar Eclipse this Monday, August 21st in the sun sign of Leo. During the eclipse blackout we will experience a collective ‘pause’, when the world is suspended in zero point energy. This creates a bridge to parallel realities.

So what exactly is zero point energy, and how do we work with it? According to Quantum Physics, there exists within a vacuum state of zero gravity and zero temperature, pulsing virtual particles of kinetic energy. These minute fluctuations create a field of popping virtual electrons, a magnetic force that reacts with the charged particles in an exchange of radiant energy (light). This is the shimmering light activity we experience in the realm of spirit.

The vibrant sea of light operates like a dynamic primordial soup of popping virtual particles, waiting for conscious connection. The spiraling motion in ether is what gives matter its solidity – mass is sustained at every instant by this underlying electromagnetic zero point field. Based on the ‘Observer Effect’, these small units of energy in our physical world are influenced by the participation of human observation.

Any time a particle-wave is observed by a conscious mind, the exchange would collapse the wave-function and form a particle. It is the observer’s knowledge, perspective and free-will intentions that instructs the particle to form a certain way in nature.

Now recognized as a powerful potential energy source, the zero point field acts as a portal for souls to enter Earth’s time-space. Activated with the sacred geometry of creation (Metatron’s Cube), the human DNA is coded to ‘remember’ all at zero point. As the conscious mind evolves towards reaching enlightenment, the zero point field plays a vital role influencing the future outcome of the material world.

As the magnetic fields wrap around our cells they act as a buffer of density that creates distance between the electrical information of spirit and human awareness. In the past centuries, the buffer fields reduced the problem of instantaneous manifestation of lower vibratory consciousness, by installing a ‘lag’ time between thought and form. The magnetic fields of Earth are now weakening and decreasing the lag time between thought and manifestation as humanity evolves into living in the Now Moment.

Consciousness not only pulses in our brain but everywhere in our bodies as a field of all possible states – a field of coherent light. Based on this unified theory of mind and matter, consciousness does not reside in the brain but in the zero point field interacting in cellular communication with human biology. Not only does this explain how our brain retrieves long-term memory or spontaneously creative ideas, but the exchange of information with a field of all possibilities supports intentioned manifestation.

The zero point eclipse will affect the human psyche in unprecedented ways. It will dissolve the veils of amnesia and open the mind to higher dimensional perspectives and realities. It is liberating! Take advantage of this rare moment in zero point energy to erase the past and ignite your ‘charmed life’ on your Soul’s Ascension Timeline.

During the eclipse portal I will be guiding a global broadcast into zero point, so that we can influence the future manifestation of electrons to form a loving, peaceful, healthy world paradigm. Due to the timeless Quantum Vortex, all activations will be recorded in the NOW…accessible whenever you listen to the replay.

Step into the Great American Solar Eclipse portal on Monday, August 21st at 12 Pacific for powerful Ascension Activations. We will be joining other mass meditations around the world in a united ‘group mind’ as we co-create our future 5D Earth. Register at:

Lovingly, Meg


Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice

Astrospirit, Jacqueline Lasahn

Dark moon eclipse
shadow bites the light.
Cosmic waters of chaos
at the confluence of awakening and mystery.

The Spirit door is open,
surrender to not knowing.
Anything is possible now.

Eclipses dredge the past,
wrinkle the present,
dazzle and disrupt consensus reality.
Buried dilemmas awaken
stories that challenge belief.
How may we accommodate the truth into our lives?

Dare to imagine
that you are exactly where you need to be.
Embody fearless compassion.
Dare to listen. Dare to envision.
Dare to take action.
Dare to sing YES to life.

The design of this time
challenges us to see the interconnection of all things.
Beyond our anxieties and fears
is the wisdom of our intuition.
There is no turning back. Life is present now.

:: Pisces Solar Eclipse Contemplations ::
What is my quiet voice saying?
How do I discern between intuition and illusion?
How may I translate intuition into action?

Gain perspective that is aligned with your life’s design. I can help you with compassionate insight through navigating uncertain waters. Contact me if you’d like me to dive deep with you into your personal universe.

© Jacqueline Lasahn
“Infinite Spiral” by OC Always is licensed under CC BY 2.0