Rik: Astrology June 27-July 3 2023 -Sun/Mercury- Capricorn full Moon – Neptune Rx – Venus square Uranus +

Astrology June 27-July 3 2023 -Sun/Mercury- Capricorn full Moon – Neptune Rx – Venus square Uranus +
June 27 2023
21.6K subscribers


This week we wax to the Capricorn full moon by Monday July 3 brining illumination and completion to your Capricorn area of life in your birth chart for anything started the past 6 months – systems, structures, rules, responsibilities, commitments, goals and ambitions are ready to change in that area of your life.

There is a grand water trine in place with Saturn the sun, mercury, the moon and the nodes of Fate showing serious matters in positive alignment connected to emotions, needs, home, family, property, and domestic life issues along with safety and security developments for the future. If you want support or have to deal with authority figures i suggest doing so by mid to late week as they might be more cooperative and supportive with what you want and need, as the sun and Mercury trine Saturn.

The wildcard aspect this week is Venus square Uranus entering a three part process until Oct. Money/resources and relationships want to try something new or could experience something new. Sudden new relationships are possible. Be open to changes in love and money dynamics. Drama is likely. There could be some unexpected surprising situations and disruptions in the markets or in your love life with positive or negative potentials, depending.

Strong needs and desires for something could be acted on impulsively. Some conflict events in social situations are also possible. Neptune Station retrograde has dreams, fantasies and romance very strong, but a turning point in those things and the beginning of an internalization process. Some doubts and uncertainty is possible as Neptune slowly changes direction from earth’s perspective.

If you would like to buy a personalized natal report, transits and progressions report, relationship report or locational astrology report from me use this link: http://astrohawk11.blogspot.com/p/ser…

Aspect list and timestamps for the week ahead:

Tues June 27 5:15
Moon sextile Venus 3:56 am PDT
Moon inconj Uranus 9:57 am PDT
Moon sextile Mars 11:25 am PDT
Mercury trine SN sextile NN 1:55 pm PDT
Moon inconj Neptune 9:34 pm PDT

Wed June 28 14:00
Moon square Pluto 1:18 am PDT
Moon ingress Scorpio 1:55 am PDT
Moon conj SN opp NN 5:23 am PDT
Moon trine Mercury 8:31 am PDT
Moon trine sun 2:48 pm PDT Moon trine Saturn 3:06 pm PDT
Moon opp Jupiter 6:28 pm PDT Sun trine Saturn 6:42 pm PDT

Thurs June 29 22:17
Moon square Venus 2:32 pm PDT
Moon opp Uranus 5:22 pm PDT
Moon square Mars 9:05 pm PDT
Mercury trine Saturn 11:23 pm PDT

Fri June 30 27:58
Moon trine Neptune 3:57 am PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 7:20 am PDT
Moon ingress Sagittarius 7:59 am PDT
Moon inconj North Node 11:05 am PDT
Neptune station Rx 2:06 pm PDT
Moon square Saturn 8:08 pm PDT
Sun conj Mercury 10:05 pm PDT
Moon inconj sun 11:47 pm PDT
Moon inconj Mercury 11:58 pm PDT
Moon inconj Jupiter 11:59 pm PDT

Sat July 1 40:39
Mercury sextile Jupiter 12:10 am PDT
Sun sextile Jupiter 3:25 am PDT
Moon trine Venus 8:21 pm PDT
Moon inconj Uranus 8:47 pm PDT

Sun July 2 44:22
Moon trine Mars 2:18 am PDT Moon square Neptune 6:33 am
Venus square Uranus 7:33 am PDT
Moon ingress Capricorn 10:19 am PDT
Moon sextile SN trine NN 12:51 pm PDT
Moon sextile Saturn

Mon July 3 53:16
Moon trine Jupiter 2:01 am PDT
Moon opp sun (full moon) 4:38 am PDT Moon opp Mercury 9:49 am PDT
Moon trine Uranus 9:29 pm PDT Moon inconj Venus 10:55 pm PDT

Thanks for watching!



Dorothy Morgan: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16. 2019

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16. 2019

Published on Jul 10, 2019


Are you ready for this eclipse? There’s always so much going on these days and along with this eclipse we are also working with many other planetary influences, one of them being the retrograde of Mercury…..

Dorothy Morgan is an experienced Professional Astrologer – Personal Consultant – Astrology Mentor and teacher to many. She has been studying Astrology since 1988 and it has been her profession since 2003. She is also a skilled intuitive and Angel Healing Practitioner. She currently runs a Boston based Astrology meetup group and is the current President of The Seacoast Astrological Association in Southern New Hampshire. This group has been around since the 1990’s and they meet once a month, 8 months in the year.

Visit her website for more information & join her email newsletter list for a chance at a free 15 minute session; chosen once a month. http://nhastrologer.com/ Consultations are easy to understand and practical, keeping the astrology jargon to a minimum, allowing you to gain a better understanding.

Support Dorothy become a Patron https://www.patreon.com/DorothyMorgan…

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Lots of Love, Dorothy

On-line Astrology Classes and mentorship program. Learn one on one with Dorothy. https://nhastrologer.com/classes/astr…

Please come to my web site for your own personal and private sessions.


Ultimate Self by Ailia Mira • Expect Wonderful

Photo by  Yash Raut  on  Unsplash

Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash

A pure land transmission.

Ultimate Self

by Ailia Mira • Expect Wonderful

Divine Ones,

The light within you grows and grows.

As your reach higher; tuning to the vaster frequencies of your own wholeness, your

embodiment elevates.

This change in presence is temporary; and yet entirely sustainable.

It is temporary because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus.

It is sustainable because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus and you’re free to choose how you focus.

When you live within your own energy field, you feel whole, clear, strong and steady.

Your life makes sense to you.

You feel at ease in your body and at ease in the world.

This is how we suggest you live.

We suggest you orient inwardly, for knowing, for clarity and for a sense of self.

We suggest you embrace yourself exactly as you are and generously pour love upon your sense of self.

The emotions possible from such a shift are tantamount to your most elevated sense of joy.

The life within you that is here, knows how perfect you are.

Yet you? You so often do not choose to see this perfection within yourself. Creating instead,

Feelings of strife, struggle, less-than-ness and then acting out as if you need to make yourself perfect,

Pathways of improvement.

And then as you feel a bit tired, or something captivates your attention and makes you laugh,

All that falls away.

You return home; to the simple perfection of your being.

We are here, to remind you of home.

Home being you, in alignment with you.

Photo by  Yash Raut  on  Unsplash

Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash

A pure land transmission.

Divine Ones,

The light within you grows and grows.

As your reach higher; tuning to the vaster frequencies of your own wholeness, your embodiment elevates.

This change in presence is temporary; and yet entirely sustainable.

It is temporary because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus.

It is sustainable because your life is a dynamic expression of your focus and you’re free to choose how you focus.

When you live within your own energy field, you feel whole, clear, strong and steady.

Your life makes sense to you.

You feel at ease in your body and at ease in the world.

This is how we suggest you live.

We suggest you orient inwardly, for knowing, for clarity and for a sense of self.

We suggest you embrace yourself exactly as you are and generously pour love upon your sense of self.

The emotions possible from such a shift are tantamount to your most elevated sense of joy.

The life within you that is here, knows how perfect you are.

Yet you? You so often do not choose to see this perfection within yourself. Creating instead,

Feelings of strife, struggle, less-than-ness and then acting out as if you need to make yourself perfect,

Pathways of improvement.

And then as you feel a bit tired, or something captivates your attention and makes you laugh,

All that falls away.

You return home; to the simple perfection of your being.

We are here, to remind you of home.

Home being you, in alignment with you.

Tania Gabrielle: Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast October 1 – 7: Shift in Love, Deep Discoveries

Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast October 1 – 7: Shift in Love, Deep Discoveries

Published on Sep 29, 2018

FREE MasterClass Training on YOUR Birth Code ► http://taniagabrielle.com/ytbelowvideo Listen to Free Excerpt from OCTOBER’s Premium Wealth Forecast ► http://taniagabrielle.com/lp/premium-…
Tania’s DAILY Quotes on Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/taniagabriel…

Wealth Astro-Numerologist and Psychic Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World. Renowned as a gifted channel, Tania unlocks the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being. By decoding a person’s birth-code, name and forecast, Tania guides her clients to claim their true destiny and life purpose. Her primary focus is on teaching spiritual principles to manifest practical, real-life results.

Tania’s Vlog & Blog articles ► http://taniagabrielle.com


Tania Gabrielle: Astro-Numerology Insights: The Moment Everything Changes..


A new eclipse cycle begins today!

Our last eclipses have taken place in Leo and Aquarius, as the lunar nodes occupy those two signs.

But now everything is about to change.

As the North and South Nodes of the Moon close in on Cancer and Capricorn – our main focus is going to shift dramatically.


Your radar will be attuned to real, measurable results.

Cancer and Capricorn rule the North-South axis in astrology – angular houses emitting a powerful frequency as they call us into REALITY.

Today’s solar eclipse in Cancer (opposite Capricorn) – inaugurates the two signs that will dominate the eclipses through mid 2020.

  • Cancer governs home and family, your genetic origins, past lives, memory – and ultimately coming home to yourself.
  • Capricorn governs areas of leadership, career – how you step out into your mission and into the public eye.

And there’s more you need to know about this particular Cancer-Capricorn Eclipse cycle…

In 2020 three planets will join together in Capricorn – this planetary event signifies one of the defining astrological moments of the 21st century, as the “stellium” of planets includes Capricorn’s own ruler Saturn!

So today’s new series of Cancer/Capricorn eclipses activates something delightfully fresh and new in your life.

Plus, since the MOON rules the sign of Cancer this truly is a special Moon event!

You feel protected, nurtured, embraced… as the womb of LOVE cradles your heart.

You accept yourself AS you are.

Know without a doubt that your ONLY lasting legacy is every life you touch with Love.

Create every moment from that place of deep caring.

This Solar Eclipse is wrapped in so much joy, so much sparkling energy!

Many opportunities are being offered to you now. You have everything within your reach to actualize them!

Embrace beautiful you!

And never forget, you are an eternal work in progress. So nothing is ever wasted!

Accept all with open arms.

To intensify the vibration, in numerology July 2018 is an 18 Universal Month of unconditional love, acceptance and release – and the month we begin three eclipses in a row (usually there are just two)!

July is truly a game-changer month!

Be sure you have the ultimate DAILY inspirational roadmap to GUIDE you during these momentous times…

With the Premium Wealth Forecast at your fingertips you will be able to leverage the star codes the way you are designed to!

Get instant access to July’s daily starcode forecast here.

Have a wonderful Eclipse!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Included in each Premium Wealth Forecast, is the printable PDF transcript and special music selections – all downloadable!




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Dear ones, we come with love and support to help you better understand what it means to be spiritual while having human experiences. Know that if you resonate with these messages, you have done the preparatory work over lifetimes and have attained a state of consciousness that is prepared for more.

You have experienced many difficult and short lives as well as long and happy ones in order to experience and learn. You have had every color skin, been both male and female, have been warriors as well as priests, and have done things that you would now find abhorrent. This is because you had to experience all aspects of living in the energy of separation in order to evolve beyond it.

There comes a point in every spiritual journey where there is no longer the need for intense struggle and hardship. These are often the learning tools necessary for those still enmeshed in three dimensional energy, but most of you have or are in the process of graduating beyond the need for them. The journey has become about living and being that state of consciousness you have worked so hard to attain.

Living out from truth is not unattainable, something only possible for the “saints” of old or those willing to sacrifice everything “human”. These concepts of spirituality represent obsolete teachings that would have you believe that the spiritual world is separate from ordinary world. They are not nor ever could be separate, dear ones. There is no such thing as certain music, places, activities, or people etc. being “profane” while (according to the limited awareness of the those who teach these concepts) a select group of other things are “sacred”.

There is only ONE and that ONE is perfectly expressing Itself in infinite form and variety at all times. HOWEVER, the false interpretations of these sacred and perfect expressions will always appear less than whole, manifesting in forms of good and evil until such time as the universal consciousness no longer holds the belief of duality and separation. There is no unexpressed consciousness.

The world is not an illusion as many teachings suggest, but rather it is the conditioned interpretations of world that constitute the illusion. You are ready to open your eyes and see everything, not just certain things, as spiritual. It is time to remove any remaining labels. You are ready.

Everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled, exists only because there is a spiritual reality supporting it, otherwise it would not exist because Divine consciousness is all there is–what would it be made of? What humanity in general sees and experiences are mind formed interpretations of spiritual realities, concepts manifesting according to the state of consciousness of groups and individuals.

The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient nature of Divine Consciousness is and will forever continue to express Itself. IT is all there is. If human eyes were able to see trees, flowers, plants etc. in their pure form they would see a flow of light, beauty, movement, and connection, as well as the fairy realms that lovingly care for them.

The Divine Idea supporting planes, trains, automobiles, and all forms of transportation is Omnipresence expressing in forms compatible with mankind’s level of awareness which through evolution has moved from walking, to horses, to carts, and onward.

Home is in its real form, is Consciousness–the true home of everyone. If a person searching for a home in the everyday sense of finding a house would go within and realize that he is never separate from his one true and perfect home, consciousness, he would soon find his “perfect” home manifesting.

The three dimensional sense of marriage and committed relationship is in reality, a three dimensional interpretation of the mystical marriage–the perfect alignment and integration of male and female energies within an evolved soul that results in a “new” awakened and ascended being.

Begin to understand every aspect of daily living according to its deeper reality. This is how you reinterpret appearances. As you do this, you will begin to experience much of the “ordinary” in higher and better forms personal to you. Your creations express your consciousness, be aware of what you are holding in it as truth. In reality there are no victims, only people hypnotized by and thus creating their or group false beliefs.

As you grow into a more evolved state of consciousness it becomes easier to recognize and see the spiritual component of things. As your energy raises into an ever finer resonance, it becomes easier to communicate with your Guides and Higher Dimensional beings because you will be in alignment with the more refined frequencies. Inner seeing is unavailable to those who resonate primarily with the density of the three dimensional world simply because their energy does not align with higher dimensional frequencies.

YOU ARE CONSCIOUSNESS AND ARE NOT NOW OR EVER HAVE BEEN INSIDE A PHYSICAL BODY. YOUR BODY IS IN YOU–CONSCIOUSNESS. You formed your body according to your needs and it exists governed by your state of consciousness. As you begin to understand this, you will start to withdraw power over you from the physical body in the realization that whatever power is governing the physical body is the reflection of your attained state of consciousness. “What am I holding in consciousness as power, truth, reality???”

This is not to say those with physical issues have somehow failed. Many factors enter in to these situations making each one personal to the soul’s needs and choices. Some choose a deformed or ill body because it is necessary for their learning or the learning of those around them. Many at this time are experiencing physical issues that are clearings of old cellular memory. Others may decide to go home and choose for themselves (usually on a deeper unconscious level) some incurable condition in order to exit. Up to a certain point in one’s evolution, karma may also enter in which is not punishment, but is a balancing of energy.

Meditation and living truth are the best beauty and health treatments you can give your physical self. Are you still giving the power of reality to beliefs of disease, age, deterioration? Many do not even realize that these are concepts. Ask yourself these questions. “What am I holding in my consciousness as a power, a truth, a reality???” It is necessary to acknowledge what you still hold as power if you are serious about spiritual evolution. There is no unexpressed consciousness.

Your body is faithful to your beliefs about the body. You are creators, never forget that. As the energies of Light become more intense on earth, your creations are manifesting more quickly. This is why it is so important to honestly examine your belief system now, and not at some later date when you think you will be more ready.

You don’t deny some outer scene, walking away and shouting that all is illusion, it is rather that you simply stop giving these things power. There is and ever has been only One Power, and this Power is not a power over anything, it simply IS because it is all that is–forever and infinitely expressing Itself.

Withdrawing power from certain people, places, or things is difficult in the beginning, especially with the appearance of so many seeming powers now being exposed on earth, but you are only required to live out from your highest attained state of consciousness, which allows it to unfold more deeply as you are ready.

Never believe that you can not sign a petition or take some action you may be guided to take. Do what you are led to do but do these things with an understanding of the bigger picture through recognizing underlying reality and the false beliefs manifesting as the appearance. This is how you live in the world, but not of it. This is how you become a person with the ability to help others see and add Light to world consciousness.

You will begin to recognize the Light behind the eyes of everyone around you and feel a deeper connection to people, animals, and all life forms. It becomes natural to communicate with trees and plants along with an awareness of the high resonating nature spirits that surround them whether or not you see them with your human eyes. You become aware of the Elementals as living energy. There evolves an overwhelming sense of love and oneness with all things that you no longer struggle to experience because it is just who you are.

This is a very different world from the one that human beings have been programmed to believe is reality. If you are drawn to and understand the deeper truths, then you are evolved enough to integrate and live them. Understand that you chose to be here at this time in order to complete your own lessons and then assist Gaia and others in the ascension process.

In reality everyone is already the perfect expression of Divine consciousness, but for those who chose living in third dimensional energy where time and space exists, for their evolutionary learning and awakening, it is a gradual process. Many of you came to earth long ago from other evolved planets in order to assist humanity, but along the way accumulated your own dense experiences which are now clearing.

The third dimension carries a veil of forgetfulness causing almost everyone to forget why they came to earth but every soul is aware of this before incarnating. In spite of it, you knew you were strong enough to pick up where you left off, quickly move through the accumulation of old and finished cellular memory, and be a state of consciousness capable of assisting Gaia and her people at this time. The increasing Light of the world is causing the veil to thin.

Lingering in the ordinary and comfortable no longer appeals to most of you because you are no longer in alignment with what it consists of.

Every soul experiences a deep inner yearning for more although most do not understand what it is that they yearn for. The un-awakened seek to fulfill this yearning through the attainment of money, success, sex, beauty, the right partner, and power over others, but once these things are attained they discover that none of them fill the inner emptiness.

Persons, places, or things in the outer can never bring about the sense of wholeness and completeness that every soul hungers for because what they unknowingly seek is the soul’s longing to consciously reconnect with its real SELF–a yearning only satisfied when conscious Oneness with Source is realized.

You are moving into this now. You are ready to embrace, live, and be who and what you are. You are ready–no excuses, false modesty, doubt, hesitation, procrastination, more study, more classes etc. etc. YOU ARE READY.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/11/18

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THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, September 11, 2017



THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, September 11, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase


Moon in Taurus – moves to Gemini at 3:30 pm ET/7:30 pm UT


Sun: 20 Virgo – “a caravan of cars headed for promised lands”


True Alignments:  moving on to new things, adventurous, the road less traveled, lining things up, creating order out of chaos

Catalysts for Change:  impulsive/impatient (slow down today), conformity, blindly following, rambling, ultimatums

Earth:  20 Pisces – “a table set for an evening meal”


True Alignments:  the theme of “home,” grateful/thankful, showing appreciation, substantial, consistent, taking good care of the physical body

Catalysts for Change:  unsatisfied, insubstantial, only for the sake of appearance, unprepared, thoughtless or careless

The influence of today and tomorrow’s energetics serve to get things in proper alignment – in big ways.

Information gleaned over the past weekend (which is really a culmination of the information gleaned since the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon which began with this solar-lunar month on August 21), positions us in new ways.  Where have we come since then?

Has your thinking changed?  How about your mindset?

Today and tomorrow’s energetics are inducing Grand Alignments.  We see the changes we need to make.  We see the paths that are open.  We get in line with what is in our highest and best interests, in conjunction with a greater plan.

In other words, course corrections are underway.

The full expression of the Sabian symbol themes in effect this month are coming together: “an unsealed letter” (New Moon), “a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form” (exact degree of the Total Solar Eclipse), and “a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis” (exact degree of the Earth at the time of the Total Solar Eclipse).


Since the Moon will enter Gemini later today (beginning its transit opposite the Black Moon), what is emerging may be coming from shadow or darkness or unawareness or the like.  Today is Part I of this, and tomorrow is Part II, when we will have the North and South Nodes and Venus making a trine to the conjunction of Saturn and the Black Moon.

Of the entire nine month-long transit of the Black Moon through Sagittarius, today and tomorrow are dramatic highlights.  (Note for those with the Sun, Chiron, or the Black Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius: you are under intensive pressures of rebirth.  Release the pressure and follow where the Black Moon is taking you.  Is there something you need to accept?  Surrender gracefully.)

Be aware that shadow energies will have a tendency to be stronger today and tomorrow.  Anger may be heightened, and people may project their own negative feelings and thoughts about themselves onto others.

One last thing:  It is September 11.  Be mindful.  Don’t add to the re-imprint of the ritual.  Acknowledge with honor, but don’t get caught up in the game; reframe.  The game is the ritual that was conducted on 9/11.  Over-emotionalizing it only feeds it.

Be the mer-person.  Be the butterfly.  Emerge in a new light.

(Yesterday’s X-flare was discharging the energetic of “on the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water.”  While the mermaid was busy emerging from the ocean, life goes on.  This energetic facilitates peaceful coexistence, new perspectives, conclusions, and self sufficiency.  What do you think?)

NorthPoint Journal  Your guide to planetary energies for September 11 to 17, 2017 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Journal

Highlighted Aspects this Week

TUE: Mercury sesquiquadrate Pluto, Venus trine Saturn
WED: Sun square Saturn
THU: Venus conjunct North Node
FRI: Venus sextile Jupiter
SAT: Mercury conjunct Mars
SUN: Venus quincunx Chiron, Neptune sesquiquadrate Ceres, Saturn biquintile Ceres, Uranus square Ceres, Venus trine Uranus

THE ENERGY WAVE that was initiated by the recent eclipse continues to crest, washing over us and transforming our lives. Although the solar eclipse was seen in totality only in the United States, its effects are clearly being felt worldwide.

The magnitude of current natural events on the planet, and their impact on all of Earth’s inhabitants, is overwhelming. Hurricane Harvey in the U.S., the devastating monsoon floods in South Asia, the high-magnitude earthquake in Mexico, and now hurricane Irma heading north after pummeling island nations in the Caribbean, have all occurred within the lunar cycle that began on August 21.

THE DWARF PLANET CERES was involved in a powerful cardinal grand cross at the time of the eclipse. Ceres represents our need to nurture and protect, and when under stress can manifest as challenges that have the ability to transform the emotional foundation of our lives. With Ceres in security-minded Cancer, the homeland, homes, families, and possessions can become the avenue through which change sweeps.

Ceres has been under continued pressure since the eclipse, when she was in exact opposition to cathartic Pluto. Since then, the dwarf planet has endured challenges from the other planets involved in the grand cross. Ceres finally completes the trials represented by the configuration when she forms a hard aspect to Uranus next Sunday.

Hopefully, as Ceres starts to move out of range of the grand cross planets next week, we also can move out of crisis mode and begin to put our energy into the healing and rebuilding process.

THE OTHER PLANETS also add their voices to the process this week. On Tuesday, a hard Mercury-Pluto aspect brings conflicts out into the open, but an easy Venus-Saturn aspect can help us maintain a sense of stability in the relationships that truly matter.

By Wednesday, we become much more realistic about what we can and cannot accomplish (Sun square Saturn). We’ll need to be careful not to become discouraged, but to interpret any setbacks as an opportunity to know what isn’t working. Once we clearly see the weaknesses in the systems that have failed, we can create stronger structures and make better choices going forward.

NEXT SATURDAY is the third Mercury-Mars conjunction of the current season — a rare occurrence made possible by Mercury’s retrograde phase. The first alignment between the two planets was in watery Cancer on June 28 and the second was in fiery Leo on September 3. This final alignment on September 16 is in down-to-earth Virgo.

While these two planets cross paths every year, their rendezvous this year is especially significant — not only because it’s occurring three times, but because they have tangoed together back and forth across the eclipse degree and seem to be strongly involved in manifestations related to the eclipse themes.

Mercury is the Messenger Planet, representing communication, planning, information, and short-distance journeys. Mars, named for the Roman god of war, symbolizes themes of action, desire, assertiveness, anger, and confrontation. We’ve seen more than our fair share of defensive and dramatic verbal posturing over these past three months. Perhaps as Mercury and Mars make their final alignment in pragmatic Virgo, we can shift course and focus on accomplishing the tasks that will make a real and positive difference in the world.

FIXED STAR NOTE: Jupiter is aligned with two fixed stars this week — Spica and Arcturus. Both of these stars are said to bring fortunate circumstances, but this does not mean we should just sit back and wait for gold to rain from the sky.

As astrologer Roderick Kidston writes, “although good luck can be had with Arcturus, you will still largely make your own luck due to your innate ability, determination, and persistence.” With these alignments occurring in Libra, we may see our efforts in social justice issues bear fruit during this time.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You perceive life very seriously this year, and may make important decisions related to your career and other life goals. Your challenges will be to take projects a step at a time, to have patience, and not to become discouraged when something doesn’t come out perfectly the first time. Fine-tune your methods, find out what does and doesn’t work, and make sure your goals are aligned with your spiritual beliefs. Taking the time to do this enables you to build a solid foundation that will support your future success.
In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 3, 2017

PHOTO TAKEN in Nebraska by wise owl barb
Eagle in Nebraska by wise owl barb

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 3, 2017

Gibbous Moon Phase:

Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn 8:38 pm ET/11:38 pm UT

Sun: 12 Leo – “an evening lawn party of adults”

Higher Expression: the present moment, harmonious, dignified, ease, connecting with like-minded people, maturity

Lower Expression: social status and hierarchy, ignorance, avoidance, poor choices

Earth: 12 Aquarius – “people on a vast staircase graduated upwards”

Higher Expression:  processes unfolding, search for meaning and hope for the future, looking at something from someone else’s perspective, seeing variations

Lower Expression:  feeling is being left behind/abandoned, ranking value of things that are inherently equal, feelings of failure

Today’s energetics involve the themes of “our place” or “where we belong” and “home.” 

It is very important today to understand that everyone is on their path and to trust our own paths.

Gibbous Moon phase asks that we cultivate or strengthen our level of trust.

This can be hard for a species that has been traumatized (us) because trauma naturally breaches the boundaries of our self-hood.  It causes us to doubt ourselves and our judgment (because with trauma, we try to figure out ways to prevent similar experiences, hoping we can control the uncontrollable about life).  Above all, trauma shakes our faith.

I go into this because the Moon is leaving Sagittarius today, after a couple of intense days with the Black Moon and Saturn.  The Black Moon and Saturn stir conflicts and tugs-of-war.  Ultimately, they are about overcoming fear and starting time over / rebirthing.

Before the Moon leaves Sagittarius, however, we have a blessed opportunity.  The Moon will conjunct the Galactic Center (the Pleroma to the ancient Gnostics).  One might say the Galactic Center is our spiritual “home” in the galaxy.  We have the chance to “touch Spirit” and reconnect.  Remember that this is happening on a day that already emphasizes the themes of place, belonging, and home.

We want to pay close attention to what is happening in our lives and in the world between 1:19 pm ET/5:19 pm UT.  This timeframe foreshadows the Sagittarius cycle beginning December 18 (which will be an amazing lunar month).  This timeframe also will provide some answers, understanding, wisdom, or guidance that we seek.  Pay particular attention to animal sightings.

If your spiritual vision needs improvement, be certain to ask for it.  Higher forces are taking requests.

Today’s energetics are cultured, refined, and dignified.  Take your place because Divine Providence is finding you.

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson