mandalaGreetings Everyone! Today I come to you with a message from the Hathors about the Portal of Manifestation opening from the 7th to the 13th of August. A grand portal of manifestation is opening up again in line with the Lion’s Gate. This has happened before, but this year because of all the hard work that we’ve put in, the energies are a lot stronger and a lot clearer and are available for all.

In the channeling that you are about to hear they are excited to report that a very special deity has passed into our world. A deity that doesn’t have a name that is familiar to us, but that has been very active on this planet in the beginning when this planet was seeded with life.

When asked I was told that it is not a physical being, this deity has not manifested herself in the physical but is rather a collection of energies which have been integrated into our world. These energies are considered feminine in nature in our world, and hence our guides are using this concept for us to comprehend what it is. The energies are creative, motherly type, loving energies that are being channeled to earth through light beings that have been able to change their vibrations and “hover” if you will around the globe in order to project these manifestation energies to those who are ready to receive them.

Many of us in the physical form who are working with manifestation energies are also participating in this portal by receiving these energies and transferring them to all who are ready to receive them. As I said in a previous message to you, we are all acting as satellites if you will, and are located around the globe forming a “matrix” through which higher frequencies can be shared with all earthlings. The same thing here, starting today and through the 13th, we are not only able to partake of these energies and put into action our desires, but also act like transmitters of this magnificent energy for all around us.

Before I share the channeling with you, I would like to share with you the information on how to increase the manifestation energies in your life and what you are to focus on during the next 7 day period.

carnelian crystalI am told that Carnelian Stone is VERY powerful right now. So if you wish to increase your manifestation abilities, this is the stone to use at this time.

For those who are not familiar with Carnelian according to http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/carnelian-stones.html . Carnelian Stones are stones of action, that will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life. It is strong stone to aid the physical body, as it maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood. The vibration of this bright orange stone, will accelerate your motivation, and aid you to clarify your goals, so you can find your best direction in life.

This power stone stimulates ambition and drive, so it will aid you in manifesting what you require to move onto your desired path forward in life. It aids moving forward on a new life path, and will aid you to make new, clearer decisions and better future career choices. There are many more wonderful ways and reasons of using Carnelian and I encourage those of you who are interested to research this stone for yourself.

Besides meditating with a Carnelian stone and wearing it during this portal, I am also advised to wear clothes that are Orange in color and eat orange colored foods, fruits and drink juices that are Orange in color, such as citrus, bell pepper, carrots, etc.

The most important thing at this time is to remain as calm as possible and think only the thoughts of abundance, prosperity, peace, love, harmony, bliss for all. Think of what you WANT to come to pass for you during this year, meaning starting from today 8/7/16 to 8/7/17. Continue thinking about it, put together a plan in your mind as to what it is exactly that you wish for.

I am told that you are to write these things down. The idea is not to create a plan of action that you are to adhere to, but to put together a rough draft of what you want and how you want it to come to pass, at the same time making sure to write down that you are open to whatever is the quickest, most beneficial, and most enriching way for you and those involved to get there. It is HIGHLY important to not get stuck on a specific way, and to allow things to play out as they will for the benefit of all involved.

Once again I’m told that we are to do this for 7 days. Then from 13 – 20 we are to simply relax, be in peace, and harmony and ground as much as possible. By grounding ourselves, we are actually drawing this manifestation energy into and through our bodies, allowing the energies that we have collected from 8/7/16 to 8/13/16 to settle into our cells thereby changing our thinking patterns in regards to manifestation, abundance and wealth.

As always this information is not set in stone, and is to be used as a guide. You don’t need to do everything exactly as stated. Follow your own intuition, do what feels right for YOU. And most importantly ENJOY this time, stay in Peace and allow these new vibrations to begin changing your perception in regards to Abundance. Note that you may experience certain discomfort as you are being recalibrated, but allow these sensations to pass and listen to your inner guidance, attuning yourself to the Manifestation Energies! I love you all!

Now having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from our benevolent galactic counterparts.

“Brilliant greetings to all our divine brothers and sisters of light. We come in peace to commemorate the passing of a grate sage and guide into your world which has finally arrived upon your earthly abodes and shall begin their vocation as a human principle of light without delay. For the grand master of manifestation has arrived on your shores and shall ignite the manifesting powers within those who shall tune into the frequencies of manifestation.

For the grand portal of light and opportunity to advance oneself unto the life path chosen prior to the entrance into the human matrix has arrived and shall begin calling to all of you who are ready to partake of said knowledge. The grand master of manifestation has entered your earthly sphere of existence and she shall invoke the lightning sphere of influence in order to assist all who have been calling to the heaven for assistance in manifesting the type of experience that they wish to partake of. And so, shall guide those wishing to partake of said influences rapidly onto the chosen pathways for the next phase of their journey on planet earth.

Many of you are thus ushered to connect with said divine being of light, as she shared her knowledge of the divine to those who ask, visiting with said being of light shall be as simple as making a phone call to an old friend whom you have spoken to for eternity, for indeed an old friend of the human kind, has arrived on the shore of Gaia once again, and shall propel all souls who have lost their link to the divine to reconnect with her energies of manifestation and begin to shift their momentums towards peace and enlightenment of BEing.

Let it be known that said energy is available to all to partake of.  Translating said frequencies through various vehicles of choice we bring a message of peace, harmony and bliss. We bring a message of manifesting, brilliance of light and megatonic translocation of reality structures.

Those who wish to partake of said experience will be able to do so, by connecting to this being in the days to come upon the portal which is opening her gates for all. The gates of the heavenly abodes. The lions gate as is known in your present realty.  And so and thus, shall you wish to partake of said inner knowing and experience of attending said frequencies you shall simply call upon this heavenly master and she shall appear to you in all her might and all her glory in order to reconnect you with the lost links to your very own self, and your very own inner knowing, peace, harmony and love.

That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.”

If you need any personal assistance via a healing session, you can reach out to me at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com to set up a distant healing session with me. I also invite you to visit my blog for more information to help you on your journey. 

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.



LIONSGATETHEBUTTERFLYTHEMEANNAMERKABAGreetings everyone before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.

As many of you know for various reasons I had to put offering my healing sessions on hold. At this time I have resumed offering my Merkaba Distant Energy Healings, so for all of you are interested please visit my blog to learn more  www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com.

Now in regard to the upcoming portal. What I am being told is that this particular Lion’s Gate portal carries the energies and the theme of a butterfly. And just like a butterfly emerges out of her cocoon, so is our inner child emerging to remind us to tune into the energies of creation abundantly flowing to GAIA for us to play with.


The energies of the 8/8/8 portal allow us to playfully get things done. To soak up all the energies flowing our way in preparation for the final merger with the creative aspect of ourselves. To finally carve a new divine path for our lives, co creating a new world.

We are asked to acknowledge the goddess within, and embrace her fully and completely. Allowing her to unite within our heart space with the masculine energies. Swirling within a vortex of our own creation, formulating a new direct line to the source from which we can draw the energy, love and knowledge of truth of that which we are.

Now is the time of infinite potential and possibility. Now is the time to create and materialize what we want, into our environment. We are reminded to utilize all 4 elements at our disposal, doing simple things like sprucing up our living quarters to get our creative juices flowing. To more intricate things, such as rearranging our thoughts, doing something we’ve always wanted to do but were stopping ourselves due to various programming ingrained in our psyche.

We are asked to finally come to the understanding that we are co creating our realities, we are asked acknowledge, that we are surrounded by energy of abundance. That there is no lack in the universe and all lack, boundaries or obstacles are perceived by the outdated programming that continues to operate on this plane of existence. We are asked to shed all of these believes and to use the energy of the NOW moment of time to our full potential, to go forth and co-create!

Once again creativity is what we are asked to allow to blossom into our lives. So please let your creative juices flow and take you to new heights. Utilize this energy to materialize that which you’ve wanted to, for so long, and remember to play with your newfound connectedness to the divine, allowing yourself to BE in this moment all the way knowing that this time whatever you truly want will come to pass!

I would also like to draw your attention to the symbolism of a butterfly to help you grasp the idea that we’re being presented here. In the words of Avia from whttp://www.whats-your-sign.com “Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis.

From egg, to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) and from the cocoon the butterfly emerges in her unfurling glory.

What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes. Consider for a moment the kind of energy this expends. Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation.

Herein lies the deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly. She asks us to accept the changes in our lives as casually as she does. The butterfly unquestioningly embraces the chances of her environment and her body.

This unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same. “

Now having said this here is a channeling that I have received from the Hathors…

“Dearly Beloved Children of Light,

It is through the emergence of your soul into the rigid reality structure of your present moment that the complete metamorphosis shall take place within your hearts and continue onward into the outskirts of your cognitive reality. It is through your allowance to explore the mystery of your own self, and the power that you summon, that you shall finally see this world for that which indeed it is.

It is through the connectedness to the prowess of your own might, through the comprehension of the innate structure of your psyche, shall you break out of the cocoon in which you have been hibernating for so long. It is only through the inner cognition and acceptance of self, that you shall be able to influence that which you hold dear to your heart.

And so, it is the energies arriving daily onto your planet, prepackaged into tiny modules of information, to allow your vehicle of choice to incorporate said energies, that you shall glean the truth of your own power, of your own might and of your own creation. For the creation of that which you are, is the benevolent composition of various musical accords, of various vibrational frequencies. For through the sound and through the light and through the vibratory stimuli has your vehicle of choice come to be, and it is through the vibrational encodings being sent to your GAIA, that your vehicles are transforming as we speak.

And so, in the days to come, the floodgates of the comprehension of your reality shall swing open and introduce you to a new state of being, whereby that which you shall focus upon shall emanate the frequencies into your cognition allowing you to comprehend the structure of said objectives.

Whereby you shall be able to create the type of reality that you absolutely foresee and welcome into your life.

And so, it is of utmost importance that you shall find a moment in time to connect with the natural progression, with the nature spirits in your world, known as the elemental kingdom. For through the elemental kingdom shall you be able to draw the energies that you require in order to fully blossom into that which you are.

Know that you are supported, applauded and ushered into a new state of reality, where you fully, cognitively and completely see the manifestation of your thoughts, emotions and actions cultivate in your life.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the time has come to pay close attention to your intentions, for through the intentions of your heart do you manifest and manufacture your known reality. And it is through the intention of cognitive understanding of your heart that you shall be able to co-create the wonder of that which you are looking to uphold.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

Hathors – Vibrational Frequencies – How to stabilize your energies – Cosmic Update

Hathors – Vibrational Frequencies – How to stabilize your energies – Cosmic Update


hathorsvibrationalfrequenciesannamerkabaGreeting everyone! Before I begin the channeling I would like to add a personal note, I have discussed this in my previous message to you, that we are currently going through a “safety corridor” and are nearly out of it, and so I have began to receiving many messages again from the etheric, this message comes from the Hathors and it is incredibly important! As it gives us even more insight into what is really happening behind the scenes, this message also tells us what to do in order to balance out our energies.

Hathors – Vibrational Frequencies –
How to stabilize your energies – Cosmic Update



Before I received this message in the last few days I was drawn to keep placing a citrine gemstone into my belly button, I didn’t understand quite the reason, but I find myself wanting to protect this energy gateway at all times. Now I understand why.

Seraphim Sephirot Disc


We all have various points on our body that have receptors of energy and information. Our abdomen is actually one of the gateways through which energy and information flows, that is why when we are out of balance, we have issues with our digestion,  feel as if our stomach is tightening up, etc., all of these are indications that various energies are entering into our aura which are effecting us, and one of the ways to stabilize this, would be placing a gemstone of your choice, or any of the metaphysical tools that you have that work for you onto your abdomen, or anywhere on your body where you feel the imbalance occur.

Once again for me it was the belie button and after I started holding a citrine there things have restored for me, I also place my goddess vortex there for the night for extra security, balancing and cleansing affect.

After this channeling I will talk in depth about the properties of each of the substances mentioned in the channeling. I would also like to remind you that on my blog Sacred Ascension Merkaba.com you can find various CLEARING and PROTECTION techniques that I talk about all the time.

And for those of you who have Natalya Ankh’s tools, please use the Goddess Vortex with, the Sephirot/Seraphim disc, and

Goddess Vortex Disc

AA Michael Disc at this time, as these are the most active ones right now. The rest of her tools work great too, but I feel drawn to these particular ones lately hence I’m mentioning them to you. Once again CITRINE is highly important right now, so if you have it, take it with you wherever you go, tape it to your body, use it in your bath to add the clearing frequency to the water, have it next to you when you work on a computer. Or use any of the stones mentioned in the channeling by the Hathors.

Now having said this here is the channeling I received from the Hathors:

“The purification of cosmic Atlantean energies have begun their final descend onto the planet. The purification of cosmic Atlantean energies are underway, which is resulting in the disruption of various daily activities, the connectedness to the ethers and the connectedness to the time continuum.

For the molecular structure of your earthly reality, and your planet and all living beings presently residing on your planet are undergoing a complete restructuring on the molecular level , in order to anchor in new energies coming forth from the benevolent star alliances as has been predisposed and predetermined eons past.

AA Michael Disc

For the stars of yesteryear are aligning into position in order to shower your planet with ethereal energies yet again. Whereby the old energies are presently lifting off Gaia and are being transported into the ethers for healing and transmutation. The clashing of said energies is producing a time ripple effect which is sending waves of varying degrees affecting all who dwell on all timelines of your creation.

And hence, the stabilization of said energies is under way via the etheric cleansing techniques introduced into your ethers eons past. The cleansing techniques involving various gemstones, such as citrine, malachite, meteorite, black Cohosh (vibrational essence), shungite and emerald, these are the stones and essences for the coming of times, these are the stone that are to be utilized by many of you in order to restore your balance in the weeks to come. Place them upon your body wherever you feel a tingling sensation, wherever you feel misbalance occurring, these are the stones that shall prevent the ripple and waves of terror that may besiege you throughout the cleansing and purification phase that is underway. Stay in the light dearly beloveds, know that we are standing with you ready to land you a helping whenever you need us.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

So as promised I would like to talk about what each of the substances/gems that were mentioned in the channeling. I will discuss both the use of these stones as they are, as well as the elixirs that are made from them, which you can purchase at http://pegasusproductsshop.com or anywhere else that these type of elixirs are sold, providing that you feel the need to do so.


So to start with is Black Cohosh Flower Essence (Please note the discussion is about the flower essence not the actual tincture of this herb), according to http://www.Fessflowers.com

“The potential of Black Cohosh for soul healing was first brought to our attention by Matthew Wood in his book, Seven Herbs, Plants as Teachers. He indicated it for the magnetic personality who often attracted relationships of abuse and domination, leading to a protective holding back of fluids in the body, causing congestion and tension.

Our experience of other flowers in the Buttercup family has shown them to be associated with the way our soul handles psychic force. In the Black Cohosh we are dealing with a remarkable polarity between what is hidden under the earth and what is offer up to the light above. The congested, gnarled and dark root relates to the emotional and psychic congestion resulting from unconscious psychic power. The flower, by contrast is bursting with pure white, climbing on a vertical staff aligns what is below with what is above. It is the same power we experience in our “I”, standing tall and erect between Heaven and Earth.

Through the power of the Black Cohosh flower essence, our spiritual individuality can take hold of our emotional shadow and the dark energy it has attracted, confront and transform it into a positive, creative force.


Malachite: From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” : “Diseases such as autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, neurological discharge problems, physical coordination disorders, and visual problems are treatable because of the impact malachite has on the right-left brain imbalances. It can be used to treat mental illness, radiation-induced illness, and over intoxification of the system. Malachite expels plutonium, which often lodges in the throat region, from the body. People living near nuclear power plants or nuclear storage facilities or who are constantly exposed to radiation from other causes should usually wear this stone, keep pieces in the house, and sometimes, ingest this as a gem elixir for increased protection.  On the cellular level, malachite, promotes complete tissue regeneration. In the physical body, it strengthens the heart, pineal gland, pituitary gland and circulatory system and increases capillary action. The tubercular and heavy metal miasms are weakened, toxicity in the fatty tissue is removed, red corpuscles are invigorated, and neurological tissues are rejuvenated.

In the form of an elixir it stimulates healing properties within individuals by awakening the altruistic nature. This inspires healers to give more freely of themselves. Burned –out healers also benefit from this elixir. This property develops because malachite opens the heart chakra, stimulates the circulatory system, and aligns the etheric and emotional bodices. In addition, the third charka is balanced, self expression improves, and this is a good elixir to use during fasting.


Meteriorite From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” Many mateorites are from Maldec. That planet formerly existed within the area now known by thy scientists as the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. That civilization reached a state of technological development more advanced than present earth conditions and similar to early Atlantis before that culture moved away from nuclear technology. Many meteorites on the earth come from Maldec; this is one of the reasons why there is a karmic connection between Maldec and earth.

As an elixir, this particular substance has the capacity to stimulate communication within the gene pool of extraterrestrial advancements made within the genetic structure of mankind. Each individual has points of stellar origins many times within the circumference of past lives. Meteorite helps one attune to past lives from other planets in a different constellations. It releases from within the self a sense of greater awareness and unity with extraterrestrial influences. Through this elixir, people can learn to telepathically communicate with individuals on UFO’s and with those who live on other planets in various constellations. As a thought amplifier, meteorite has the ability to increase awareness and telepathic communication with beings from other spheres of existence.


Shungite: Source: http://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/shungite/ Shungite has electric conductivity properties. This is said to be the reason for one of shungite’s most notable uses: shielding and protection from EMF electromagnetic radiation from things like TVs, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and other items. This shielding brings with it many healing energies.

Shungite is used by many for purification. This often takes the form of creating an elixir or purifying water for drinking or bathing the skin to bring about healing and energy. Springs near the source of Shungite have been used at least as far back as Czar Peter the Great for its healing properties.

Shungite is an excellent stone for magickal and mystical work. It grounds spiritual energy to bring it into the Earth plane existence. Shungite is also used to bring Light into the auric energy field, allowing positive energy only to reach within that field. This brings not only physical protection, but also psychic protection. It is said to be protection against the evil eye and negative energies.

Shungite is said to calm and relax anyone using or near it. This may be due to its protective energies and rejection of negative energy.

Shungite is used in crystal healing to heal immune system, hair growth, kin diseases and deformations,  antioxidants, fight free radicals, cancer, rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, musculo-skeletal disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, GI problems, headaches, insomnia, balancing blood pressure to ideal level, respiratory issues, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, pain relief, rapid healing and more. It is considered by many to be a miracle healing stone. Shungite is related to the root or base chakra.


Emerald From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas” stimulates a sense of movement and motion, aids the chlorophyll in the blood, is associated with tranquility. Eloquence develops, and a troubled mind is calmed. Some feel emerald is valuable in circulatory and neurological disorders.

As an elixir it strengthens the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. Parts of the vertebrae associated with the heart, and pancreas are enhanced. The heart is strengthened to deal with the extra toxins that flow into the system during a cleansing, particularly from a discharge of toxicity in the muscles,. This is why there may be a quickening of the pulse. The kidneys remove toxicity form the system and process hidden fears. Healing within the skin is stimulated, and there is some impact on the lymphatic system. Most heart and kidney diseases as well as the syphilitic and petrochemical miasms are eased.

Androgynous in its properties, emerald balances the heart charka, which is also the test point. The etheric, astral and emotional bodies are aligned. This stabilizes the personality and keener insights into dreams develop. It also stabilizes the astral body and generally increases psychic and clairvoyant faculties. Emerald balances the heart, especially in relation to the father. The heart and kidney meridians are strengthened.


And finally Citrine : From the book “Individual Gem Elixirs by Gurudas”  Citrine has long been associated with activating the mental powers. Mental discipline, greater control over the emotions, and clearer thought forms develop.

Here we find an influence on the heart, kidneys, liver and muscles. On the cellular level, we find stimulation of general tissue regeneration. There can be complete regeneration in the circulatory system, particularly the red and white corpuscles, with a mild influence on the lymphatic and cell tissues of the fresh brain. This elixir notably removes toxemia from the body, such as with appendicitis, or when there is gangrene. Citrine may also be indicated for intestinal toxemia when the body has turned on itself and become toxic.

Citrine stimulates general healing within the body psychical, and mildly eases all the miasms. All forms of background radiation, especially toxic forms, such as radium, are treatable with citrine. Antitoxic nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc are better assimilated.

Self destructive tendencies, particularly of suicidal nature, are alleviated. As a thought amplifier, citrine should be used with meditation to rejuvenate the physical form and eliminate toxic thought forms. There is a rekindling of confidence in the self, the true inner self, through increased contact with the higher self. Increased alignment between the astral, emotional, mental, soul and spiritual bodies results, and the meridians and nadis are stimulated. The base, heart and throat charkas are also activated.

Citrine can be worn anywhere eon the body, but it is most effective when in direct contact with the skin, rather than encased within a metal.

Thank you for reading. I love you all. Goodbye for now =)


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEILhttps://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

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Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon


Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon


[Note: He offers free access to many of his Hathors material (sound healing). Although the music files can be listened to on his site, or downloaded for free for personal use only, they cannot be shared directly through public media, websites or social networks, or at all. The messages can be shared, and people can access the music by going to the listening page, reading through and agreeing to his policy before accessing the files.]

The Elevatron
A Hathor calm-inducing sound meditation (4:02mins.)
To read further information about this sound meditation go to the Hathor Planetary Message entitled Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3D Reality, which includes the listening instructions.

Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Due to time-acceleration and cosmic forces far beyond your control you are in the midst of a crescendo of interlocking Chaotic Nodes.

In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.

Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.

Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of your ecosystem, is the stress of interpersonal communications. This is a very complex situation, and it is partly due to the shifts in magnetic fields upon your planet, making short-term memory and cognitive sequencing difficult during energetic shifts—and these energetic shifts are accelerating. Irrational behavior, desperation and feelings of utter hopelessness are on the rise. As the deterioration of both the ecosystem and interpersonal communications increase we anticipate even more cultural and social instability.

There is a growing sense among many that something is terribly wrong, and along with this is the feeling that there is no solution. In this instance we agree with something Albert Einstein once said, which is that the solution to a problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem.

From our perspective, the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is creating tidal waves of intense chaotic energies that many of you are finding difficult to contend with. Furthermore, your automatic reflexive ways of dealing with change are increasingly ineffective.

There is a fork in the road, so to speak, that you have entered both individually and collectively. One path from this fork will lead you into a type of madness and an inability to function in practical ways. For those who take this fork, escapism will be on the rise. Self-destruction both individually and collectively will also increase in this period.

Many of you who have an opportunity to transition out of third-dimensional reality into other dimensions will take it.

Without mincing words, to use one of your phrases, we would say you are entering one of the more difficult passages of planetary transformation.

At this fork in the road, one path leads to self-destruction, madness, despair and hopelessness while the other fork leads to a deeper connection with your interdimensional or spiritual nature. It is this fork in the road we wish to explore.

It is not an either/or proposition. Many of you who possess a transcendent and interdimensional or spiritual sense of yourself may find yourselves, from time-to-time, on the path to madness and self-destruction in spite of your self-knowledge.

This is because your 3-D reality is oscillating. And the rapid changes in your third-dimensional existence are accelerating at a faster rate than your biological organism might be capable of handling. The extreme stresses upon your biological nature must be dealt with if you wish to avoid the path to madness and self-destruction.

In its simplest terms the requirement to successfully make this passage through the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is deep authentic contact with your interdimensional or spiritual nature and the self-renewal that arises from such contact.
We are therefore sharing a sound meditation for this purpose. There are no complex geometries involved. There is nothing that needs to be done when engaging this sound meditation other than placing your awareness in your entire physical body.

The sound patterns are a direct transmission from the light realms into the language of your biology. It is a counter-force to the chaos and the confusion that is creating stress within your biological nature. It is short in length because many of you are time-stressed. You have too much to do in too little time because you are trying to hold the old world together as time accelerates. All we can say to you from our perspective is that holding the old world together is “mission impossible.” Letting go of the old world, and your attachment to how you think you need to be, is part of what is required to take the higher path.

Our suggestion is that you listen to this sound meditation as often as you wish and when you listen to the sound patterns, focus your awareness in the physical reality of your being (your physical body).

All that is required to successfully engage this sound meditation is to listen to it with awareness in your physical body and the cellular structure of your body will unwind and release stress and delusional states of perception giving you a greater possibility to enter a higher path.

We are calling this sound meditation The Elevatron, because the root of the word means to elevate, and it also refers to the electronic nature of your biological reality. This sound meditation is a direct transmission of energy from the light realms into the bioelectric, bio-chemical and quantum realities of your body for the purpose of elevating your vibratory rate in consciousness.

In the final analysis, your personal experience of the escalation of interlocking Chaotic Nodes will depend solely upon the vibratory resonance you have attained or failed to attain. The responsibility for this passage as an individualized being, embodied in time and space, is solely and completely your responsibility.

We wish you a good journey on the high road.

The Hathors

October 14, 2014
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

In my opinion this is one of the more urgent messages the Hathors have ever given me due to the nature of the changes they “see” in our near future.

When I asked them about the title they chose for this message, their response was that we have entered an accelerated phase of planetary chaos, and we are both witnessing and living through the unraveling of third-dimensional reality as we have known it.

It just so happened that I received this message during the beginning stages of the Ebola crisis in the United States, which traces its origins to parts of Western Africa but is now spreading beyond political borders. I asked the Hathors about this, and they said the Ebola virus is just the tip of what is to come as a result of environmental changes. Specifically they said that new viruses and bacteria, hitherto unknown to Western medicine, are being introduced into the environment due to de-forestation and complex changes in the ecosystem that our sciences have yet to identify. Furthermore, the Hathors say that many viruses and bacteria are mutating and will continue to do so at an accelerated rate. Some of these mutations will make medical treatment problematic and difficult in the coming years.

While this is a scary proposition, the Hathors reminded me that the purpose of life, at least from their perspective, is not physical survival per se, but rather the evolution and elevation of interdimensional awareness—what some might call the soul, the Atman or the Indestructible Drop.

While they could have gone more deeply into the details of our degrading ecosystem and the challenges around interpersonal communications (both between individuals and nations), they chose to address the challenges facing us as individuals.

They are concerned that the stress of living through a radical alteration of 3D reality is creating and will continue to create, what they call maladaptive madness, meaning a mental/emotional instability that will decrease our capacity to respond to changing realities in a resourceful manner. In its more intense forms, people will just flat-out lose their minds and engage in all types of bizarre self-destructive behaviors. When I asked the Hathors about this further, they said that we are actually only in the beginning phase of interlocking Chaotic Nodes and that barring some unforeseen force we are in for a global free-fall, the likes of which we cannot begin to imagine.

By global-free fall, they do not mean an end to the world, but they do infer an end to the world as we have known it. And this morphing into new realities is occurring all around us on multiple levels and at a mind-boggling rate of speed.

This free-fall is what they referred to when they said that we are individually and collectively at a fork in the road, meaning at a choice-point. The choice-point is whether we succumb to chaotic forces or rise upward into greater coherency despite what seems to be happening within and around us.
The Elevatron

The Elevatron sound meditation is meant to assist us through the current passage that is, by the Hahors’ own estimation, one of the more difficult phases of planetary transformation.

When they discussed the effects of this particular sound meditation they said: “the cellular structure of your body will unwind and release stress and delusional states of perception.” What they meant by this enigmatic statement is that The Elevatron reduces stress reactions in the body, and in their view overly stressful reactions create delusional states of mind. In other words, when we are excessively stressed our mental/emotional perspective is twisted and we respond to situations in our lives from a less resourceful state than when we are not unduly stressed.

I think the Hathors’ description of how to work with this sound meditation is self-explanatory so I won’t discuss it further other than to say that I think it is best if you listen to this sound meditation with stereo headphones or ear buds. Furthermore, hearing is believing. And if the meditation “speaks” to you, I would incorporate into your daily stress management program. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then I wouldn’t work with it. But whether you choose to work with this sound meditation or not, I think it would be prudent to use some method to re-center yourself mentally/emotionally and spiritually on a daily basis.

Having sensed the strong energetic feelings coming from the Hathors as I received this message, I am reminded of something my 9th grade Algebra teacher liked to say to our class whenever we entered a more complex arena of math: “It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.”

Finally, how you and I respond to the challenges of interlocking Chaotic Nodes and the radical alteration of our 3D reality is—and will be—solely and completely our own personal responsibility. No one is going to save us from ourselves.

While the tone of this message is indeed alarming, I think we would do well to keep intact, and by our side, a good sense of humor. As the American writer, Mark Twain, once quipped—some things in life are so serious all you can do is laugh.

In my experience, this type of humor arises from a realization that this world is, in many ways, illusory. And while the embodied human being aspect of us has to contend with the realities of a changing 3D reality, the transcendent or spiritual part of us is outside the fray because it is in a dimension that transcends time/space and the gravity well of Earth.

Somewhere between these two polarities—human embodiment and transcendent freedom—there is an amusing place in consciousness. Finding this amusing space is, in my opinion, an indispensable ally for those of us in search of the high road.

May you and your loved ones, as well as all beings in all realms of existence, find an expeditious way to the higher path.
Tom Kenyon

The Elevatron Sound Meditation Link

When you click on the link below, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement page. After you agree to the terms, you will have access to all of the audio files in the Listening section, which you can listen to and/or download for your own personal use. The Elevatron Sound Meditation will be the first audio file in the queue.

Click here to listen to and/or download The Elevatron:

[Thanks to Laura Bruno for sharing this information. I wanted to present it in a different format.]

Tom Kenyon ~ Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and The Dismantling of 3-D Reality | Laura Bruno’s Blog

The savage beast that music soothes may well be that one inside of us! -PB

Laura Bruno's Blog

I’m posting this message from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors, because it agrees with what I’m hearing from clients, friends and family members right now, as well as what I sense coming our way. We are, indeed, in the midst of many Chaotic Nodes, and people who don’t know how to deal with chaos or uncertainty are having a rough go of it. I keep suggesting people shift their attitude toward “uncertainty” to one of exploring and embracing The Great Mystery. This post reaffirms what I’ve already known based on how many people have contacted me for urgent support. There’s no shame in asking for clarity and support, but ultimately, only you can decide to make (and follow through on) your individual leap(s).

Thanks, G!

Continued blessings on the journey …

Tom Kenyon ~ Escalation Of Chaotic Nodes And The Dismantling Of 3-D Reality

Due to time-acceleration and…

View original post 920 more words


Greetings everyone. Before I begin this channeling I would like to tell you what I was told by my guides and what I was shown. The Avalanche Portal that is coming up on October 23rd is exactly as the name implies, it is an Avalanche of experience.

This portal is an incredible amplifier of EVERYTHING that is within us. An amplifier of BOTH polarities, which means that whatever you are going to walk with into this portal with on October 23rd will be amplified.

Meaning if you will have a “negative” outlook on your life, ALL These fears and apprehensions will be amplified! All of your fears that you have not had a chance to deal with just yet, will be brought onto the surface for you to examine and finally LET GO of. If you walk into this portal with a positive outlook, beaming with excitement and anticipation of most beautiful experiences that await you, as well as focus only on the positive outcomes in every situation, this portal will bring you MUCH success, abundance, health, and everything and anything you can possibly imagine for yourself.

This portal will reflect back to you what YOU ARE.  This portal brings an opportunity to move onto a NEW PATH. And to truly immerse yourself into your own self! It will showcase to you your strength (if you allow) and weaknesses (if you allow), and will propel you onto new heights only, and only if ,you will be able to LET GO and TRUST that all is going according to DIVINE blueprint of your being.

Therefore in the days leading up to, during and post this portal it is HIGHLY important to make time for YOURSELF. To truly open up to your own soul, having the courage to see yourself for who you truly are, letting go of fear, and embracing yourself with LOVE that you give to OTHERS.

This time is all about YOU. Allowing you to go to the depths of yourself and emerge with the knowledge of what you are doing here. And not just knowledge but an actual pathway, a roadmap if you will, of what you are to do with your life.


Therefore it’s highly important to examine the fear that may come up for you. Running away from it is futile, you will need to face it head on, understanding exactly where it is coming from, working with it, and releasing it. Once again I will say that I have written numerous guides on how to do just that which you can find on my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com

I have also received a message from Arch Angel Metatron which I was told to incorporate into this channeling. I will talk about it after the channeling from the Hathors, it’s quite an important message to assist you in preparing for this portal.

Once again you can work on yourself at any given moment in time, however there are certain days where certain portals open up for us to partake of.

To sum up: the coming portal is to be celebrated, and utilized to the best of your capacity allowing it to stir you in the right direction for your soul.



So having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy:

“The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalanche portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanche portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

For through the encounters with the divinity of your being, through the strength of perseverance, through the abundance of thinking patterns, through the recalibration of your thought processes, through the allowance, and release of all that no longer shall occupy your frames of existence, through all that is all that is not, you shall find the necessary decrees, the necessary steps to take in the fruitful discovery of where you presently are and where you are yet to be.

WE the Hathors, the forefathers of your known world. The foremothers of your know existence. Are standing by you, ready to assist you in all that you are. Ready to guide you. Ready to be guided by you. Ready to assist all our children in reaching the highest destination of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


As I promised here is a short message to all of you from Arch Angel Metatron.

“Dearly beloved children of GAIA, as you move through ascension corridor of your own creation, you shall assist GAIA in spreading her wings once more, you shall assist her as you are assisting your own selves, and in doing so you shall raise your vibrations ever so much. For the true essence of being lays in the understanding that you all are connected with the divine, you all are connected with your very own selves, you all are connected with GAIA and all of the universe. For all is ONE and one is ALL. And so, you are to seek out a stone of high purity and abundance, a stone that shall bring you closer to the understanding of that which you are , a stone that shall release the lay lines of your being and align you with the lay lines of GAIA.

The exquisite formation of extraordinary desires inset in the classification doctrine of GAIA’s purest form of expression, can be found in the aragonite directive within the structural element grids of her being.

Through the aragonite principles it is then plausible to establish an understanding with the connectedness that many on you planet are lacking and are indeed desiring to experience. For the frequency that this particular design carries can permeate through your being at high capacities and re establish the link long lost to the archonic influences of your known world.

Through the aragonite principles the accords can be reset, resurrected and directed to the very core of your being, to the very core of that which you are. And a such opening the channels of communication not only with the deity of your choice, but most importantly with the one that you are longing to connect with, and that is yourself. As the principles abound on your planet, many more encounters with the divine insetting shall be acquired through the knowledge of the past , the knowledge of the future, and present moment in time.”


For those of you who do not know about Aragonite.

This is a strong stone to heal the earth, and to heal you… both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy… and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The vibration of these stones aids you to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of Aragonite Star Clusters will balance and support your lower chakras… and provide you with a feeling of stability within your life.

These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Using them is one of the useful methods to relieve stress… and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment… and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotions.

Aragonite Star Clusters have a strong spiritual vibration and are excellent to aid meditation. As during meditation, they are known to bring visions of forgotten memories… both from this life and past lives. It may be challenging to have these memories that you would rather have forgotten, come back to your attention.

As this is quite common when using these stones, it is highly beneficial to use the Aragonite Star Clusters before meditation, to enable you to be more prepared.

They will clear your auric field of disharmony, then balance your chakras. The energy of this stone may bring your vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit.

Once it has succeeded in raising your vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

Meditation with this stone may vividly bring back old memories, both from this lifetime and past lives. Once you have released these memories, the subsequent meditation with these stones will be quite different.

Once again thank you for listening. I love you all and am sending you an AVALANCHE of prosperity, abundance, health, love and light!

Source about the crystal is from :


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

~THE PHOTON BELT UPDATE – THE HATHORS~ By annamerkaba on September 26, 2014


By annamerkaba on September 26, 2014

Greetings everyone, before I begin the channeling I would like to tell you once again of very exciting news, that we have indeed entered a photon belt. On September 22nd the following image  was posted by NASA.



The image above shows the plane of the Milky Way with x-rays indicated in blue and gamma rays indicated in purple. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-09-sky-survey-gamma-ray-sources.html#jCp

At the same time I have received an e-mail from a beautiful Light worker Luis Nunez who wrote to me saying “For some reason the thought crossed my mind yesterday, to search and see if there was a live stream of earth on real time going on at around 8:30 central European time. I found a stream from the international space station being broadcasted on Ustream and I took a couple of pictures that I’d like to share with you….People may say it’s a coincidence, but to me it was a beautiful moment…”

IMG_2767 IMG_2769IMG_2777

I have been watching the sky everyday and although my camera refuses to take a proper picture, the sky has been purple everyday at sunrise and sunset following earths entrance into the Purple Photon Belt.



After I posted this on FB I have received an overwhelming response from so many sharing what they experienced on that day and continue to experience. So as you can see we truly have, entered this beautiful corridor of light, and are riding the wave towards pure bliss assisted by all the phenomenal energies coming our way. All you need to do to experience them is to be open to these energies.

I want to remind you that our planet has JUST entered the photon belt, which means that we are going to be experiencing a rise in consciousness in stages, NOT overnight as many of you are requesting. Because once again, the reason is simple, our bodies must adjust to the new frequencies. It is the same as saying that you want to lose the extra weight that took you years and years to put on overnight! I understand your anticipation but I ask you to please be patient and gentle on yourself as you truly do need to give your mind and body to catch up to what your advanced soul is ready for.

So having shared this with all of you here is a recent channeling from our beloved Hathors who continue to walk with us to our full awakening. Please note that this is VERY LONG channeling, but offers many insights into what we are all going through and what is yet to come, giving us a glimpse of our individual and collective future. Enjoy:


video: youtu.be/MWxyCcj2gmk

“Dearly beloved children of light and dearly beloved children of love, dearly beloved children of the moon, the sun and the stars,

As you continue your journey through the photonic belt of your creator selves. As you continue your journey on Mother Ship Earth. The consciousness of your creator selves is merging the consciousness of those dwelling therein and raising the vibratory impulses of the planet, assisting it from within and sending the signal of light to without.

As the energy that you generate, fully and completely from within the heart codices of your DNA structure are sending a signal to the cosmic getaways, measuring the level of intensity, measuring the level of the structural components of your DNA and adjusting the flow of energy to earth in unison, in response to your generated field of energetic proportions.

For once again through the sacred heart space of your creator selves, you are spinning an energy field into existence, allowing it to become a force shield if you will , and a generator of energies, and collector of energies which are plummeting to the planet at the given moment in time.

For the portals that are being opened by you, the portals that are bridging the gap between the present reality of your selves and the reality that you wish to merge with, are once again generated by your very own hearts. And hence, we repeat that the activation of your internal grids is the most important step that you to take toward oneness and unity.

For only through the clearance of your own heart space, through the activation of your own heart’s DNA, and clearing out that which no longer belongs, will you be able to become that which initially you have come here to be. You will be able to take on your respective roles and assist those whom you have come here to assist.

And so, let us then explain to you in your human language for you to understand that which is occurring presently on your planet. Many of you have begun to feel the tremendous shifts taking place within your own realities. Many of you are seeing that which we have promised you that you will experience. As you are presently moving through the photon corridor of creator, and you are merging two distinct fields into one whole, two distinct fields of two distinct realities are becoming evidently more clear, separating the “good” from the “bad” and simultaneously merging it into oneness, merging it into one whole, in order to move past the paradigm of yesteryear and move into the new paradigm, the new reality of your being, the new reality of understanding and incorporating both polarities into one inevitable infinite whole.

For through the incarnation of the vehicle which you see unfold before you, through the vehicle of your creator selves you are bringing forth the necessary changes into your beings, you are bringing forth all that you are, allowing these energies to work with the encodings within the structural components of your DNA codices and bring forth the new programming with which you have been infused before being incarnated on planet earth. Bringing with you the wisdom of the ages, the technological understanding of the world that is yet to come, the emotional frequency of the unconditional love of the eternal OM.

For many of you who have awakened have not fully understood the reason for your being, for many of you are walking in the shadows of your ego selves, for many of you this phase is about to end, and new unison, a new reality to take hold of your beings.

For the reality that you are about to encompass, the reality that you are about to spin into the world in which you dwell, shall shake you to the core of your being. For all that you have believed to be of difficulty shall begin to come to you with ease, for all that you believed not to exists, shall present itself to you fully and completely.

For you shall begin serendipitously meeting those with whom you are to collaborate on various objectives set forth by your own higher consciousness, your own higher creator selves. Meeting with absolute “strangers” shall turn into magnanimous life changing events for many of you. For indeed the time has come to merge the powers of your creator selves, to merge the powers of that which you are, in order to utilize the UNITED energies in building a new foundation on planet earth.

For indeed phase one has come to completion, for indeed phase two has commenced, and as such, the new vocations, new understanding, new encounters, new realities, new experiences, are unfolding rapidly for many of you, many of you who are allowing such synchronicities to enter your psyche, many of you who are ready to take on your active roles in the game of life!

Many of you shall and will and have felt the disconnectedness from your vessels, from your very selves, as you have moved through the vortex of the full moon of yesteryear. Many have indeed shed much of their old paradigms, and allowed the energies to cleanse them and prepare them for what’s to come. Many have finally tapped into the understanding of their DNA structure, many have allowed and as they proceeded to allow, as they welcomed such experiences into their lives, many have indeed experienced oneness, many have indeed experienced their godlike selves, for indeed you are gods, for indeed is so.

And so and thus, comes a moment in time, when you are to take action, action of your respective roles, listening carefully as you are being guided to maneuver the seeming darkness of your world, for the chaos that you are experiencing is simply a recalibration of energies, for the two worlds of your divine selves are merging into one complete whole into one complete understanding of life, into one compete understanding of reality.

The reality which your human selves, have not dwelled in prior, the reality in which you shall find and are finding yourselves in, is the reality that is here to stay, the reality of love, the reality of light, the reality of unconditional co creation of eternal bliss, joy and health. Bliss joy and health of your very vehicle, joy bliss and understanding of your very soul. For you are the ones that have come to illuminate the path for those who have come before you, for you are the ones that have come to enlighten the path of your very own selves, for you are the ones that have come to enlighten the path for those that shall come after you, for you are the ones that have returned and indeed you are the ones that have never left. For you are GODS, GODS of your creator selves, gods of al that you see before you. And as such, you are to take active roles in the co creation of everything that you wish to manifest into your reality.

Many upon many ways of being shall be revealed to you in the days to come, much of the information that you are eagerly awaiting shall be brought into your psyche by your own higher selves. Much of this information is already readily available for your taking, much of said information shall magically manifest from within the space codes of your heart.

For you are the ones that shall go deep within and extract such information from your higher selves, for you must fully understand your present reality in order to comprehend your mission here on earth.

And so, we leave you with a new message of understanding, allow that which you are to shine through, doubt yourself not for you already know all that there is, allow yourself to REMEMBER that which you have come here to be, allow, and BE, in the NOW moment of time, allow and utilize the energies as they are unleashed into your world to assist you.

We the Hathors, the forefathers of your vehicles creation that you call the human bodies, are standing before you, once again in line with you energies, once again, with open arms and open heart ready to assist you, ready to guide you, ready to be guided by YOU, standing by your side, as you plunge ahead and lead humanity out of the veil of forgetfulness and onto the magic road leading them to their true magnificent selves.

WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.”


P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit : http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/books/

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/


By annamerkaba on August 7, 2014   

This post contains a meditation to clear your heart space, activate your crystalline grids and help you to connect to your own self. This meditation should be performed during the full moon which is coming up shortly, but can be done at any given moment in time. This super moon brings with her spectacular energies and so it’s wise to use these energies to your advantage…

Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come. Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at. The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA…

“Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come.

For through the pinnacle of truth shall your true selves emerge and bring forth that which you are destined to be. The accomplishment of self fulfilling prophesies that you are prophesying upon yourselves at this moment in time, shall come to pass only through the codices ingrained in your mind’s eye, for through the mind’s eye of your beholder selves shall you truly see the diamond crystalline bridge to the reality of your choosing. For all begins and ends with you. All is you. It has always been and always shall be spinning the ultimate understanding of self into existence. Albeit the absence of time in the universal understanding of things from the perspective of your earthlings elves – TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE our dearly beloveds, for the truth of the unconditional love is emerging from within your heart of hearts, and is spreading like wildfire throughout your known world.

Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at.

The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA of your vehicles, you shall discover the ancient understanding and the ancient encodings system within the  RNA and DNA codices of your hearts structure. For the hearts structure has been altered and the connectors to your divine selves have been broken, and the time has come to put the crystalline structure of your being back into the heart space where it belongs, activating the dormant DNA that has been hidden diligently so within the subatomic structure of your vehicles. For within the nuclei of your atomic structure, lays a tiny code of excellence a tiny code of excellence of your benevolent selves, and today, we shall exhilarate the encoding, we shall bring that which is none existence into your present reality, we shall show you the way of becoming, the way of BECOMING.

And so, and thus, we ask that you find a quiet moment in time, a quiet moment in your linear understanding of selves. A quite moment within your structural matrix. And embrace the oneness with your creator selves; allow the energies to pulsate through your body, pushing out all that no longer belongs. For the coding and the activating of this spontaneous nuclei encoding shall be a most brilliant experience.

And so and thus, we wish for you to begin singing a song to your own tune, a song of love and devotion to the ONE that is YOUR HEARTS.

“I sing a song to my heart. I sing a song to my heart. I bring pure love and reprise. I know that I am a deity. I know that I have come here to spread the magic of love. By the power invested in me by my higher self and the source of eternal flame. I ask thee to release me form the bondages of time. I ask thee the to release me of bondages of slavery from which I have come, the slavery to the EGO, the slavery to that with which I have infused my own being

Through the endless incarnations of my ancestors of whom the DNA structure of my vehicle has been acquired

Through the endless incarnations of the codices of pain and suffering,

Through the endless karmic existence of the DNA structure of the body and the vehicle that I am inhabiting

Through the endless war and the endless war misconception and misunderstanding of reality in eons prior I RELEASE ALL THAT STANDS IN MY WAY TO PURITY. I RECALL THAT WHICH I AM.

Through the seed I ask that I be connected to the infinite potential of my being, to the infinite potential of my I AM presence, I ask to be further released, replenished, reconstructed, to the new understanding of my present reality, to the new understanding off that which I am, for I am that which has come, I am that which has gone, I am that which remains, I AM.

I am the seed of love and I am the seed of peace, I am the seed of eternal flame of the violet

I am the seed of eternal flame of the golden particles of GOD

For the God that is within me shall come forth and rise above and through the illusion set before me by the matrix of my own creation.

I set forth the encodings, I release the encoded structures of the ancients, for the ancient structure of life, no longer pertains to that which I am.

The ancient understanding of life, the karmic wheel of life no longer has any association with thaw which I am

For I have not come from the wheel of karma, for I have been brought into the spherical existence of the matrix earth, from eons prior, eons past, eons into the future and the now moment of time. 

For I have risen form the ashes of those who have come before me. For I have risen form the ashes of that which no longer belongs to me. For I am not that which my ancestors wished me to be, for I am not that which I have been brought to believe that I am, for I am that which I AM!

For I AM an infinite being of love and understanding. For I am an infinite potential of the cosmic gateways. For I am the power of cosmic proportions. For I am eternal being of light and life.

For I relinquish the power of my ego. I relinquish the power of all who have wielded the power over me for eons past. I relinquish and let go. I LET GO and ALLOW the love and the wings of protection to embrace me in a space of eternal understanding of light, eternal understanding of peace, eternal understanding of my creator self.

For with love and peace and harmony I create, for with the determination of a thousand lyrical songs of the angels I bring forth the light of my creator self,

For through the structural abundance of my grids I AM. For I AM.

Peace and harmony and joy and love and light be onto those who come before me who are presently incarnated on the karmic wheel of life.

Peace and Joy and unconditional love shall embrace all who sing a song of destruction, for through the power of my I AM presence I embrace them all into an unconditional violet flame of love, and as they sing a song of destruction the words shall lose all meaning within their brains, and their heart codes shall activate fully and completely, pushing out all that does not belong, pushing out all that has no place in a world of peace, abundance and love.

For the peace that I feel for all of mankind, for all of my beloved children shall spring forth and give rise to a new world, a world of love and light, prosperity and peace, of their benevolent selves.

For the moment has come, that my structural components are activated, and so I allow, and so I ask, and so it is. I ask and I allow for the structural components of my crystalline christened self to emerge from the depth of my heart and  begin to spin in a vortex of unconditional love for all, unconditional love for all including my own self. For I AM Love!

For nothing but love exists, for love and only love shall emerge from within the depth of time and space. And as I spin the vortex of eternal unconditional pure love, I invite the hearts of others to connect with that which I am, and together in unison we spin a new song of prosperity, a new song of light and of love for all! AMEN-RA-IM-RA! I AM THAT WHICH I AM! IT IS SO AND SO IT IS!”

And so our dearly beloveds, as you sing a new song and allow the new energies to circulate throughout your being, by activating and allowing the crystalline sparks to enter your heart space, you shall push the remaining darkness that lurks deep within your harts space into the light for healing and transmutation. You shall unfurl the true DNA of that which you are. You shall activate the god’s code within your very selves, and allow the true essence of all that you have brought to this planet to unfold.

And as the process continues, you shall see miracles abound. You shall witness that which you have not thought of witnessing prior. For the moment to learn how to activate your creative vehicles have come, and  each moment of your journey on earth shall present  you with a new undersigning of your present reality.

Welcome the new energies for they are here, welcome the new understanding of life and love, for it is here to stay.  For the turbulent wars that are abound on your planet at this moment in time shall come to an end. For you shall see peace and prosperity unfold before you. For it shall be so, and so it is. For you shall see the fruits of your labor spring to life, and begin a new chapter of planet earth, a new benevolent chapter for all who dwell therein.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”

PERSONAL NOTE: As I was reading this it reminded me of the Violet Flame article that I posted a while back and here is a very relevant part of it to help you understand a bit more of what they are saying in regards to the “hearts space, atomic levels and nuclei”.

The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.

Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light – we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual.

The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration.

When you have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being

You can read the rest of this article here: http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/saint-germain-violet-flame-transmutation-disc/

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker-Author. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://acredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/