Beltane Blessings~!

Image may contain: 1 person
Beltane Blessings~!
May the Love find you, and fill your heart!

Image may contain: one or more people, outdoor and nature

Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again~!
When I was VERY little, for May Day,
we would get or make little tiny baskets with handles,
in bright colors of crepe paper..about the size of a cupcake..fill them with candy,
then bring them to the neighbors..leave on the doorstep, ring the bell and RUN AWAY!
It was kind of like a reverse Halloween.

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature

đŸ’–đŸ»đŸ’–đŸ»đŸ’– Dancing Bears đŸ»đŸ’–đŸ»đŸ’–đŸ»

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature

đŸ”„ đŸ”„ đŸ”„ đŸ”„ BeltaneđŸ”„Blessings đŸ”„ đŸ”„ đŸ”„ đŸ”„

No photo description available.

Tania Gabrielle: [April 20 – 26] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast + 3:3 NEW MOON in Taurus [April 22, 23] Liberation Celebration! + Pluto Retrograde 2020: Restore Your Connection to Source

[April 20 – 26] Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast

‱Apr 18, 2020

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FREE Excerpt: APRIL 2020 Premium Wealth Forecast
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.


Tania’s Vlog & Blog â–ș

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David Wilcock 4/18: New Intel and Celebration of Imminent Freedom!

David Wilcock 4/18: New Intel and Celebration of Imminent Freedom!

27,499 watching now

‱Started streaming 119 minutes ago

NEW intel reveals that the first wave of indictments and arrests are very imminent, perhaps even this coming week. Is it too early to begin celebrating our imminent freedom? Tune in and ask David what he thinks! We are all very excited over here and will be discussing the deeper spiritual implications of these civilization-defining events now underway. Don’t miss it! We also have re-opened access to David’s new course, The Great Awakening, just until tomorrow:



Spring has Sprung~!

đŸŒ±Spring has Sprung~!🌿

Around here, the trees are still bare, Persephone is just starting to wake..we might even get a dusting of snow in a few days.

HOWEVER, đŸŒ±Spring🌿 is here! This is a time of hope and renewal, so we focus now on co-creation, holding the collective vision of our dreams for a perfect, thriving world, an abundance of resources, purpose, vitality and love.

Envision all of us celebrating this precious life together, with beloved friends and family, free to dance, embrace and laugh, on the other side of our current perseverance. The winter of our discontent does not yield easily, but our strength, our faith and our care for each other will carry us through.

In that respect, this time we have to reflect on what matters most is a gift.

Welcome Persephone, Welcome Spring! đŸŒ·â˜˜ïžđŸŒŒđŸŒżđŸ‡

Sasha Bonasin: Weekly Horoscope Tarot | 3rd – 9th June 2019 – FINANCES | HEALTH & LOVE + Geopolitics

Weekly Horoscope Tarot | 3rd – 9th June 2019 – FINANCES | HEALTH & LOVE

Published on Jun 2, 2019

Weekly horoscope tarot readings from the 3rd – 9th June 2019, by psychic Sasha Bonasin. Weekly career, finances, health, love, relationships, spirituality, spiritual guidance and advice.

This will be a great week most certainly for personal growth, creativity and self development. We will find our self being able to solve and face problems, obstacles and challenges with inner strength and power. Most importantly this week will bring us a whole new inspiration, hope and a new opportunity which will perfectly reflect on our personal spiritual journeys. It will also come with a challenge.

This week will also signify and confirm that a new phase of our life is nearly here…

This is a good week to make travel arrangements..


So much to look forward to.. This week will be eyes opening…

This horoscope tarot readings are for all twelve signs of Zodiac:

Aries 13:58 Taurus 24:03 Gemini 34:06 Cancer 42:16 Leo 49:21 Virgo 59:27 Libra libera, Libera!!!! 1:14:34 Scorpio 1:23:20 Sagittarius 1:31:36 Gorgeous Gorgeous Capricornios 😉 1:42:41 Aquarius 1:51:25 Pisces

Hope this leaves you all well. With love and the best intentions. Xoxo

The 11-11 Portal – Let’s Celebrate! | Prepare for Change

1628 E Southern Ave Suite 9 #112
Tempe AZ 85282

John Smallman: Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine.

Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday September 12th

Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do.  There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this.  Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent!

Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans.  This presents as the daily grind of going to work, struggling to survive, and paying the bills that are the price of a basic human survival state for most people incarnate at this moment.  Consequently that “stuff arising” seems to vastly increase the burdens which people are already finding almost too heavy to bear.

This is a temporary situation, and it will ease.  So make sure to go within daily, or even more frequently if you can, and rest there in the divine field of Love to which you are all essentially and inseparably connected – One with Source – and open yourselves, open your hearts, with the intent to feel the Source of Love with which you are indeed One.

Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine.  You were created in Love from Love to experience eternal Joy.  Joy is not a static state, a state of inactivity, but a state through which creation flows endlessly, manifesting astonishing innovations to please and delight the One, the All, all Consciousness.  Some have had glimpses through near death experiences, but when you awaken, as you all will, those glimpses, which the NDErs have spoken of, will become your constant state, forever thrilling and delighting you.

Truly this, as you have been told before, is a time for CELEBRATION!

As you read, watch, or listen to the news, it does appear that disasters and catastrophes are arising all over the planet, and indeed much is arising to be collectively released.  This enormous collective releasing is an absolutely essential part of your awakening process, and those of you who are reading messages of this nature or following alternate and uplifting news channels do understand this.
However, many of you still feel very alone in your awareness, seemingly without friends or contacts with whom you can discuss these happenings, and this does make it difficult for you to deal with your own “stuff,” let alone believe that you are actually helping the whole human collective in its massive awakening process.

Therefore I am here now to confirm you in your knowing that you are, each and everyone of you, doing a wonderful job.  Without even one of you this enormous event could not be happening.  And that is undoubtedly extremely hard for you to believe.  But, as you are being so frequently reminded :  You are all divine beings of infinite power!

A major part or aspect of being human is your amnesiac state.  You all know this, and yet you have difficulty much of the time in believing this.  I want to assure you that it is true, that you have, as humans, forgotten who you really are, and I want to reassure you and reassure you and reassure you that, YES, you truly are, always have been, and always will be, Divine Beings, permanently One with and in the Presence of Source, the creative field of Love in which all existence is lovingly, safely, and enthusiastically embraced without interruption or disengagement of any kind, ever.

At the deep center of yourselves you know this, and that is how you have the strength to persist and continue on your varied and demanding human life paths.  Whenever it seems to you that your strength or intent appears to be weakening or failing – and I assure you that there is NEVER even the remotest possibility of this – go within, to that holy inner sanctuary where you can experience the safety, the acceptance, and the love, in which you are held at every moment.

A meditation practice of some kind is most helpful, although it is not essential.  It assists you to quieten the ego mind that is constantly demanding your undivided attention to deal with issues and problems, mostly of a very minor nature, immediately.  That is what your egos believe are their reason for existence, and when you choose not to give them your full attention they become very vociferous.  By engaging with a regular meditation or relaxation practice you learn to quieten or slow down that constant flow of thoughts, enabling you to sit at peace, without any sense of urgency or need to be doing something else, even for a few minutes, or longer if you choose, and this is very healing for you.

You are all dearly loved in every moment, and here in the spiritual realms we continue to be amazed at your strength and determination to follow the paths you so carefully planned before incarnating.  Those paths were personally planned by each individual, with clear insight and foreknowledge, in order to be in a position to successfully complete your preordained tasks perfectly.  And that is precisely what you are doing.  Your self-doubts are utterly invalid, so know that where you are, whatever relationships you are experiencing, and every event and situation that unfolds in your life is meant to be occurring for the lessons you have personally chosen to learn, and in order that you can assist in the collective awakening of humanity at this critical juncture in its spiritual evolution.

You are all highly honored souls doing a marvelous job at precisely the right moment.  Because of your sterling efforts the awakening process is proceeding precisely as divinely planned.

With hearty congratulations, and limitless love, Saul.

Why tomorrow’s Solstice (12/21) is pure manifesting magic
+ 10 tempting ways to celebrate tomorrow’s Winter Solstice |

Why tomorrow’s Solstice (12/21) is pure manifesting magic
+ 10 tempting ways to celebrate tomorrow’s Winter Solstice. |

Tomorrow’s Solstice brings with it a gentle reminder to slow down, soul search and

Celebrate all parts of yourself.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the darkest day of the year

In the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the diminishing of the Summer light

So, no matter where you are in the world, this time urges you to look deep within, reflect and lovingly accept your dark side

And the powerful cosmic vibes don’t stop there.

This particular Solstice happens to converge with 3 other events:

  1. Yesterday, 12/19, Saturn moved into its home sign of Capricorn (after 3 years in Sagittarius)

  2. Then, on 12/22, the Sun also enters steady and reliable Capricorn

  3. Finally, on 12/23, Mercury stations direct after nearly 3 weeks of mischief and communication breakdowns.

These events, surrounding tomorrow’s Solstice, open up a PORTAL for forward momentum, movement, and action.

It’s a time known as your “power days”, where dreams take shape and fantasy turns into reality

This is too good of an opportunity to miss, which is why we had to share our latest blog post:

10 tempting ways to celebrate tomorrow’s Winter Solstice.

You don’t have to do them all, but even just a couple will help you gain much needed insight and help harness the abundant cosmic energy created by Saturn and the Sun in Capricorn, and Mercury going direct…

But, as the Solstice reminds us, this can only happen if you get clear on what you want, release that which no longer serves you, and find balance.

Do this and your week is pure manifesting magic.

The Numerologist Team

10 tempting ways to celebrate tomorrow’s Winter Solstice
By December 18, 2017 Astrology, Personal Growth and Spirituality, Predictions & Forecasts

The Winter Solstice marks a potent turning point in the year, when darkness is deepest, and the Sun shines above the horizon for the fewest hours of the day, of the whole year.

It’s both a powerful time of release, and of seed sowing – very much like each of our 13 yearly New Moons.

It’s a day for setting intentions – days like this are known as “power days” as there’s a LOT of cosmic charge in the ethers, ready and available to be directed at will. So it’s one of the best days in the entire year to hold a ritual, work a little magic, and connect to the divine, creative forces of Nature.

Winter Solstice is also a wonderful day for celebration, for gratitude, and for pausing on the treadmill, to honor all that we are, and all that we have in the spaces we inhabit right now.

Here are 10 ideas for you to use, adapt and run with in your own life, to mark this beautiful and sacred Solstice time.

1 – Honor the dark

Use only candles to light your spaces for the day, starting with a candlelit breakfast, and finishing with candles by your bedside. You may do less, move more slowly and retire to bed much earlier than usual, but this is the point! Allowing less artificial light to enter in through your eyes and skin will attune you to this darkest of days, inviting the rest and replenishment your body and soul needs.

2 – Have a solstice fire

Gather wood to burn and invite friends and neighbors to join you, to enjoy the sight, sound and heat.

When the fire dies down, you could follow the beautiful tradition of saving a piece of charred wood to start next years’ fire with (or even your Summer Solstice fire!)

3 – Hold a fire releasing ceremony

Amp-up your connection to your solstice fire, by harnessing its transformational power.

Write down anything you wish to release onto small pieces of paper and toss them into your fire. As they burn in the flames, know that you are energetically releasing whatever has been holding you back.

It’s important to complete the ceremony by inviting something in, to replace what you have let go of. It could be simply love, courage or openness to something better, so write this down onto another small piece of paper, and toss this into the fire too. As it burns, you are releasing the idea to the Spirits, so that they can help it manifest in your life, in its highest and best possible way.

4 – Make a holly crown

The ancients used holly for its protective properties (energetically as well as physically!) So making and wearing a holly crown is a potent symbol of protection against the malevolent spirits which can lurk at this dark time of year.

5 – Plant some winter bulbs

Narcissi, crocuses and tulips are perfect example of bulbs to plant at this time of year. Set your own intentions as you bury these globes of potential. As they develop shoots, stems and finally bloom over the coming months, they will act as symbols of your own blossoming desires. This is a lovely way to set the pace, and to provide a beautiful visual correspondence for any intentions you set to manifest in the Springtime.

6 – Program a crystal

Select a crystal (you can choose one you own already or why not treat yourself to a new Solstice gift! I find that raw stones are best, not always as pretty, but they can be programmed, unlike tumble stones). Set an intention into this stone for what you would like to attract for the next quarter-year, and carry it with you as a talisman. Be careful – this is a powerful thing to do, and unless you remember to de-program your crystal, it will keep on calling in what you’ve asked for indefinitely).

I love to program small pieces of quartz, with simple intentions like holding and emitting the vibration of love, and squeezing them into knots in trees. There is something very special about returning these pieces of earth to her.

7 – Bake some bread, a cake, or some solstice biscuits

As you add each ingredient, send a wish into the bowl with it. Know that you are creating up a powerful mix, a potion of intent, which is already taking form, and is the beginnings of manifestation. The last step is to eat your creation, with pleasure and confidence that your intentions are literally becoming you!

8 – Make some mulled wine or cider and share it with the people you love

When Solar light is at its lowest, it’s important to re-kindle our human connections. Offer warmth – hugs, hot drinks and cozy hearths, AND emotional warmth, kindness and generosity to the people you care for.

9 – Stay up ALL night!

Be there, when the Sun rises in the morning to welcome back the light.

10 – OR, go to sleep, and ask for a power-dream

As you drift off into the longest, darkest night of the year, invite in the visions that will light your way through the next turn of the yearly wheel. Ask your higher self to visit you in the dream worlds, and show you what you most need to see. Be sure to keep a pen and some paper or a journal by your bedside, to write down what you recall upon waking in the morning.

The Solstice is meant to be FUN!

Use these suggestions as a starting point, and they could even mark the beginnings of some Solstice traditions of your very own!

Comment below what you are doing to celebrate, we’d love to share your magic with you.

Wishing you a beautiful Solstice,


About Katherine Anne Lee

Katherine Anne Lee is a writer at a truth-teller and weaver of words and stories. She specializes in reading, describing and helping others to navigate the energetic patterns and rhythms that spiral through our worlds. Katherine has spent almost a decade training in the lunar mysteries, gathering extensive knowledge and experience in these esoteric arts. She offers practical tools and methods to help modern humans use and integrate this ancient wisdom, in a rapidly evolving world.


Update for July 11, 2017 by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

12 Manik 10 Kumku, 13 Caban
Dratzo! We are on the verge of a wondrous set of events. It seems that all the obstacles we encountered have been dealt with and we are just about ready for the initial group of deliveries. These currencies are to be gold-backed and are to contain US notes. There are to be no Federal Reserve dollars in these assigned deliveries. Hence, they are to spell the demise of the US Federal Reserve and quite shortly are to signal the formal rise of your new NESARA Republic. This simply means that we are to officially observe the start of a number of major arrests of the heinous scalawags of the dark. Oh Happy days for us all!!
These coming times are to ultimately demonstrate the deep commitment of those in charge to giving us our prosperity and the formal establishment of our NESARA Republic. We are truly grateful to all in both Heaven and Earth for finishing their grand assignments! This is no small achievement. It simply implies that all is now well and in good order. Much is still left to be done. Hence, ready yourselves to earnestly commence your grand preliminaries and, in divine purpose, achieve your sacred projects to better humanity and this magnificent realm! May you all be blessed by Heaven for your wondrous patience!

There is much that can be said about the events of the day. What is deeply required is a true return to honesty. For the last two decades, we have seen how those in power openly flaunt their positions. The present time is indeed the moment for this to finally stop, particularly for those who so arrogantly saw us in a most unkind light. In other words “off with their heads!” Good-bye to the Powers that were! A most marvelous welcome to those who now come to forever change the order of this realm The old power must be ready to face the consequences of their actions. In this regard, we rejoice in the arrests that are expected to follow and wish them to fully face the results of their unsavory actions.


It has long been known by the Light that this grand day was destined to arrive. The process of “taking out” the upper crust trash has now come and they will ultimately be gone. We salute those who showed the courage to complete their ordained tasks. It is not easy to formally end eras of untold abuse by those who exercised power. It is an even greater accomplishment for those chosen for this much-needed task to have so brilliantly carried out their most luscious duty! A grand final salute to all who carried out this magnificent job! Hurrah! Hurrah to the new realm!


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We begin this message slightly dazed and confused by all the attention generated. All that has emerged is a strange series of proclamations that are all too common in this very weird reality. Heaven is doing all to finally return this reality to a semblance of sanity. The dark cabal seems destined to shortly meet its end. Heaven has also set up the demise of this most unkind reality, and we are close to a time when all comes to a most benevolent conclusion. The time of miracles is upon us!!


Let us think of this as the moment when your much-disappointed globe is permitted to turn its unholy weapons into a most welcome series of plowshares. It is when old thoughts of war, disruption and national hatreds are to conclude. Permit us, Sirs, to bring about a much-anticipated Peace as the true order of the day! It is also a time to celebrate this newly brewed Age of Love and Light. A time to bring forth many special moments to honor prosperity and Heaven’s divine Light! In this Light we bless all and again thank Heaven for all that is about to manifest. Hosanna! Hosanna!


What is occurring is cause and effect for the sacred decrees of the Heavenly Host. Rejoice, humanity, and return these divine blessings with true appreciation for what is so lovingly given you by the sacred and the divine! Indeed this is magically becoming a series of sacred moments from Beyond! It has taken far too long for all to manifest before you. Now is a time when, in joy, you can joyfully manifest all that you originally came here to accomplish. So as it is said, Be One in purpose and in thanks for all that you are allowed to do.


Today, we have continued our weekly global report. As you can see, events are unfolding that finally allow us to near the end of these inglorious times. Know in your heart that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun. Selamat Ja! (In Sirian Be One! And Be in Joy!)


THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, June 12, 2017

by wise owl Christine vincent

by wise owl Christine vincent

THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, June 12, 2017


Moon Phase Matrix: Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization, fulfillment

Moon in Capricorn


Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun – 22 Degrees Gemini “Dancing couples crowd the barn in a harvest festival”

Earth – 22 Degrees Sagittarius “A Chinese laundry.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page.

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “a woman’s hat with streamers blown by the east wind”

Happy Monday! Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. – Joseph Campbell

For the Sun: We need to regularly celebrate in life. Much of our year is organized in these celebrations and festivals. And we have developed the way to celebrate within our countries, communities and families. So, under this symbol, feel the celebration, take the time to gather with friends, dance and sing.

For the Earth:  The Chinese laundry symbol speaks of a working-class atmosphere, with people working in a non-glamorous environment, feeling un appreciated, possibly disrespected or racially profiled negatively. This is a symbol you must work with to turn to as positive as you can, as on the surface it feels bad. But consider that there is respect in a job well done. But care must be felt toward the negative feeling on the situation.
For Wise Owls Following the Snooze ReRead, the most recent post that begins the talk about Time Travel is here!