Amanda Ellis: Archangel Metatron Merkaba Meditation / Activation

Archangel Metatron Merkaba Meditation / Activation

Sep 5, 2014
Amanda Ellis
76.7K subscribers

Activating your Merkaba energy field with Archangel Metatron – for raising consciousness and protection, connection to other realms, time travel and much more.

Anna Merkaba: METATRON – Gratitude the KEY to Manifestation – Channeling Archangel Metatron

METATRON – Gratitude the KEY to Manifestation – Channeling

Greetings my beloved masters of the universe. Today I would like to share a message that I have received from Archangel Metatron about Gratitude.

Without further ado here is the channeling that I have received:

“Gratitude the extraordinary power of eternal creation. Today we wish to speak with you about gratitude. For gratitude is the abundance principle of that which you wish to manifest in your reality. Gratitude carries with it the vibrations of creation, and manifestation, by uniting the exemplary energetic structure with the interplanetary grid system of geometrical upholdings.

By utilizing the power of gratitude one is then able to create a completely new reality for oneself. For through gratitude, and gratitude alone one is able to tap into the energies of manifestation which are ready to assist one on their path of enlightenment, benevolence and might, on their path of purification, assistance and benevolence, benevolence, co-creation and coherent structures of the beholder.

It is through the power of gratitude that you shall find the link to the missing pieces of the puzzle within your very own experience of life. For by being grateful for that which you are, for that which indeed you represent, for that which surrounds you, for that which you are experiencing, you are then able to tap into the energies of abundance, and through said energies create a completely new reality for yourselves to behold. To behold a completely new reality of Being.

And so and thus, using the power of gratitude shall come in handy for you now, for through said power you will then be able to generate massive amounts of manifestation energies by your thought processes alone, for through the feeling of gratitude, by truly feeling the feeling of gratitude you are then thereby generating said energy and feeding said energy into the matrix of creation, the matrix of benevolence, the matrix of love and light, the matrix of manifestation, and through said matrix of manifestation, through said energy of benevolent co-creation of the external momentum you are able to put together, if you, will a new energetic blueprint for your life.

And so and thus, what we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that the power of gratitude shall assist you in manifesting anything and everything that you wish into your reality. Use said power with vigor and might, use said power anytime that you wish to attract energies of abundance into your life. And you shall see the landscape of your reality shift swiftly, as swiftly as you wish it to shift.

Understand that you are the manifestor of your own life, and follow suit to the powers that indeed you have. Follow suit with the powers that you have brought with you through the ethers and grounded into your earthly planes of existence.

That it s all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.”

~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

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Archangel Metatron/Natalie Glasson: Deliverance of the Diamond Consciousness

Archangel Metatron


Deliverance of the Diamond Consciousness by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Love and angelic blessings I extend through my being to you. I am Archangel Metatron, the overseer of the Angelic Kingdom. I receive the angelic vibration from the Creator and distribute it through the Angelic Kingdom, so all angels may be of service aligned with the divine will of the Creator.
My purpose in addressing and communicating with you today is to make you aware of the deliverance of the Diamond Consciousness into your being and into the Earth. The Diamond vibration and frequency extends from the Multi – Universal level of the Creator’s Universe, of which I am the overseer. The Diamond light also extends into the Cosmic Level acting as an expression of the synthesis of the Cosmic and Multi -Universal Levels. The purpose of the Diamond light is to share the clarity, clearness, directness and perfection of the Creator. It holds the qualities of luminosity, transparency, truthfulness and the organic flow of the Creator. The extension of the Diamond light into the Earth symbolises an upgrade in these sacred qualities within humanity, their actions and reactions and relationship with Mother Earth. Such transformations and shifts promote new understandings and comprehension about the way to live upon the Earth that is born from the essence of the Creator.
While the Diamond Light will be anchored into the Earth and humanity, even more exciting is that the Diamond Consciousness will also be made available. The Diamond Consciousness holds the wisdom of the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels supporting the utmost clarity in perceiving and embodying the Creator. The wisdom is so clear, inspirational and pure that receiving the Diamond Consciousness creates beautiful shifts and awakenings within your being without even understanding the knowledge shared. The Diamond Consciousness brings forth a crystal-clear with the Creator in all aspects of your being, promoting awareness free from illusions and an intense inner knowingness that brings forth peace and contentment.
The Diamond Consciousness promotes an understanding of your existence upon the Earth and within the Universe of the Creator, thus allowing you to feel in oneness and harmony with all that is the Creator.
Why is the Diamond Consciousness Anchoring into the Earth?
The Diamond Consciousness is being directed akin to a beam of light into the Earth and humanity to cleanse illusion from the energy fields, chakras, emotions and minds of humanity as well as the entire physical and energetic body of Mother Earth.
Illusions that have been long present and feel like fact or reality will be cleansed and erased. Clarity and truth will fill the space where illusion once resided. Transparency will fill the minds of many allowing them to see with new eyes the truth of the Creator within and around them. This will mean that you may find it difficult to hide your emotions and true thoughts as well as your expression of the Creator. You may feel like sacred energies are gushing from you and that you can see through the illusions that others are holding onto. You may discover that your spiritual awareness evolves allowing you to access new enlightenment bringing greater meaning to your reality and existence upon the Earth. The prominent purpose of the Diamond Consciousness is to bring forth the clarity and authentic nature of the Creator which is present within all being.
While humanity will benefit from the grounding of the Diamond Consciousness, it is Mother Earth who will benefit the most as humanity’s relationship with Mother Earth is cleansed and purified. This will denote a new connection and understanding between Mother Earth and humanity rising. Manifestation of deep oneness, knowingness, compassion and working in unity will be created allowing both, especially Mother Earth to blossom and flourish. Most of humanity believe they have already seen the greatness of Mother Earth, and yet they haven’t even seen a small amount of the magic and wonder she holds and can create. Mother Earth is a magnificent being which humanity will recognise as they cleanse the illusions that surround them and their relationship with Mother Earth. She has the power to bring a deep-seated healing to her being and all in existence with her almost instantly, and yet she requires to be in oneness with all beings to achieve this. For this to take place humanity must recognise their oneness with Mother Earth.
Receiving the Diamond Consciousness
The Diamond Consciousness will be anchored into the Earth as a beam of light penetrating all beings and all aspects of the Creator. To receive the Diamond Consciousness personally and consciously, I, Archangel Metatron, wish to share with you a special technique that will allow you to embody the sacred qualities available to you now.

  • ‘I open myself fully to receive the Diamond Light and Consciousness now.’ Repeat this statement as you press the fingertips of your right hand to the fingertips of your left hand with your thumbs meeting. Let your palms be facing but not touching, with your finger pointing up to the sky. You will experience a shift or opening within your being which may be experienced as a sense of peace, a surge of light or something else.
  • When you feel ready keeping your hands in the same position raise them, so they are above your head with your arms straight. Imagine the Diamond Light and Consciousness flowing as a beam of light into your fingertips, fingers and palms. In the space between your palms imagine a small diamond shaped light beacon forming. This is the presence of the Diamond Light and Consciousness.
  • Allow the diamond shaped beacon to emanate its light into your entire being.
  • As if you are holding the most precious jewel or crystal, lower your hands and place the diamond beacon at your third eye chakra. Breathe its light into your third eye chakra.
  • Lower your hands to in front of your heart chakra and breathe the light into your heart chakra.
  • Lower your hands to your pelvis and breathe the light into your pelvis, root chakra and earth star chakra below your feet.
  • Let the diamond shape of Diamond Light and Consciousness expand to encompass your entire being completely. Sit in the energy and breathe it into your entire being. Notice the healing, shifts and clarity that forms, maybe in unexpected ways and areas of your being. Allow illusions to be dissolved and a new sense of clarity to dawn.
  • Expand the diamond shape to encapsulate Mother Earth and allow illusions between you and within your relationship to be dissolved and cleansed.
  • Rest in the energy and receive for as long as feels comfortable, I, Archangel Metatron, will be present to support you.

After you have experienced your alignment with the Diamond Light and Consciousness call forth the energy daily into your being using the following affirmation, ‘I open myself fully to receive, embody and express the Diamond Light and Consciousness now.’ Take a moment to acknowledge the light flowing through your being and activating from within you and then continue with your day.
In the coming days, be aware of any new insights, greater clarity and the presence of illusions falling way, this will allow you to recognise the presence of the Diamond Light and Consciousness within your being and reality. Take time to nurture your connection of clarity and oneness with Mother Earth by simply sending time with her, either within nature or within your meditation. Notice how your interaction with Mother Earth shifts.
With clarity and truth,

Archangel Metatron

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, January 25, 2019


Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

January 25, 2019

Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original message as per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.

“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin.

About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond intentions. About 500 years ago the Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit, and have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and Banks too big to fail have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.

What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation that will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on the “Event.’ Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in our Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun Alcyone. A Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave since the Equinox in September 2013, and the new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point.

What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to go on to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a channel. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies that act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving on to the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.

Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter and will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up.

Much has been said by us about right timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which the “Event’ can take place. This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for the “Event’ to take place. The likelihood that it will happen soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. If you are reading this and you repeatedly chosen to not take action and return to love, we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.

All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the Homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by millions of Galactic’s, and by their ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time.


I feel that as more information comes out it will need circulating to reach as many people as possible. In accordance with the Prime Directive because Earth is a planet of freewill, each soul will have to make a choice as to whether they are ready to incorporate the new energies to ascend, and enter the Golden Age. It would seem that there is ample time to make up your minds, but if you have chosen to ascend the sooner you concentrate on your evolution the better it will be.

This message comes with the guidance of my Higher Self. Let your Light shine out and touch the hearts of those around you. Your presence has a much greater effect than you could possibly imagine.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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Natalie Glasson: Transforming Negative and Fear Based Energies by Archangel Metatron


Transforming Negative and Fear Based Energies

by Archangel Metatron


Transforming Negative and Fear Based Energies by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th May 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Angelic blessings greet you, embracing you deeply in pure love. I, the overseer of the Angelic Kingdom, Archangel Metatron, wish to share insights and guidance as to releasing and transforming negative energy active within your being. At this time of ascension, great volumes of light are penetrating the Earth and your being. You are absorbing more light into your entire being than even a few months ago, and many of you are acting as an anchor transmitting the light as a service for humanity. With powerful volumes of light flowing through your being numerous deep purifications are taking place, which is life changing. Many of the energies being released are so familiar to you, they may even feel like issues you have wished to heal for years, or they may feel so much a part of your being that a release may feel as if you are losing a part of yourself. At this time, your soul is bringing forth to you some of your deepest and most fearful inner energies. Your soul realises that you are now in a space where you are completely and absolutely supported, you have the necessary understanding to make transitions, and it is safe for you to instigate healing.

Often souls upon the Earth can be blind to the inner energies that limit their existence; they may search for answers, freedom and support with little result. They can become confused as to the behaviours they are holding onto that limit their fulfilment. It is often that those around them, sometimes without even realising can see with clarity their destructive habits. If you are willing to observe yourself as well as observing your reality as a mirror of your inner energies, then you will allow yourself to glimpse the energies within you which cause the most pain and suffering.

Negative or Fear Based Energies Defined


Negativity is simply an energy which has become separate and disconnected from the Creator and love. It is an energy which is held within a cage unable to escape. Negative energy often repeats the same energy, focus and pattern in a cycle, each cycle magnifies and empowers its presence. Negative energy you experience swelling from within you is connected to, a part of and began as the body of energy that you exist as. It is your energy manifesting in a certain way because of a thought, emotion or experience. The energy becomes separated from your pure energy although it remains within you because it was energised by your focus into its creation. It is as if it takes on a new identity that is different to the pure light identity of your being. This signifies that unresolved or unaddressed energies within you can become energised until it is as if they have a power of their own. When a negative or fearful energy exists, the energy is active, then a part of or even the entire part of your being is restricted, suppressed and disempowered. Your actions, thoughts, emotions, perspectives and the way in which you communicate and express yourself are tainted by the negative energy, even if you are not aware of the negative energy you are holding onto within your everyday life.

Limiting energies within you become fragmented aspects of your own energy that are very powerful because of their repetitive cycles which constantly build their power within you. When healing is received by you, it often appears that these fragmented energies are released. The truth is that the fragmented energies are reconnected to your own energy system. This simple reconnection instigates a healing because as you connect with the fragmented aspect, you are accepting it and the energy it holds or represents. Acceptance allows the energy to transform and align to the pure and high vibrations of your energy. The fragmented aspect becomes united and energises the wholeness and completeness of your being thus raisings your energy vibration and light quotient.

It is important to realise that all fearful, negative thoughts and emotions are a part of your energy that has taken on a new identity which is separate and the complete opposite of your truth. This identity is living with you often causing chaos as it wishes to be recognised, listen to, noticed and returned to its original source, your essence and truth. With this understanding the negative or fearful energy has no hold on you, you are able to remain in your power with greater ease. Often the negative or fearful energy is directing you to acknowledge your inner strength and empower yourself. For example, if you are fearful of meeting people, the truth is that you have a natural ability and talent of communicating with people. If you experience pain and suffering in your body, you have a natural ability as a healer. If you experience disempowerment of any form, you have a natural abil ity to empower yourself and others. Often the fear or negative energy you experience is guiding you to your ultimate talent, sacred inner qualities and gifts, which is always the opposite of the fear or negative energy.

Exploring and Understanding Fragmented Negative and Fear-Based Energies


Take time to contemplate:

What fears or negative energies are impacting your being and reality now?

What positive quality or energy are your fears or negative energy trying to make you aware of in your life now? (the opposite energy, quality or experience of your fears and negative energy.)

Are you ready to embody the positive qualities which your fears are indicating are within your being and simply require acknowledgement or activation?

Create positive statements that state you are already embodying and expressing the positive qualities you have discovered as your inner most truth and abilities, which require to be active in your daily life.

Reconnecting Fragmented Negative and Fear-Based Energies


When you feel ready, allow yourself to enter into a state of meditation, where you feel completely relaxed, safe and supported. You may wish to call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron, or your guides to lend their energy and love to you.

Create an intention, stating it out loud, describing the negative or fear based energy, emotions, thoughts or experiences you wish to heal. State that instead you wish to embody the positive opposite energy, which you can describe.

Focus within your being and connect with the fear based or negative energy, allow yourself to feel its presence, the impact it has upon you and its limiting nature. Imagine the negative or fear based energy as a person, character, image or symbol. Observe anything the energy may wish to say to you or remind you of.

Now you have an image of the energy it is easier for you to connect with it and accept it.

Again, focus within your being and ask or focus upon connecting with the positive qualities you have discovered. Focus upon the qualities until they blossom and swell from within your being.

Embodying the positive qualities which are the opposite of the fear based or negative energies, fully accept and welcome the energy and image of your fear. Allow the fear or negative energy to reconnect with your energy. As it reconnects, it will be transformed by the natural purity of your being.

Feel, sense and acknowledge the energy dissolving, creating wholeness and peace within your being while also empowering the positive qualities you have brought into empowerment and embodiment within your being.

This exercise may need to be practised once or numerous times until the energy no longer manifests in your everyday reality. In truth, you are liberating your being, raising your vibration and ensuring that your inner and outer reality reflect your desires and dreams of fulfilment in your current lifetime.

Please know, I, Archangel Metatron, am present to guide and set you free from your fears,

Eternally loving,

Archangel Metatron

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White Fire of AN by Untwine | Recreating Balance

Sunday, May 14, 2017

White Fire of AN by Untwine | Recreating Balance

In recent meditations (while using a ray of initiation given by Cobra in his conferences), I was given a strong white fire surrounding me, and was told that this was a manifestation of AN.
I saw that this white fire can be called upon and used in the same way that we can use the Violet flame.

Cobra has confirmed that this is a “great occult secret”, and that “Archangel Metatron is the embodiment of the White fire of AN, as Archangel Zadkiel is the embodiment of the Violet flame”

The White fire of AN basically activates AN conversion, about which you can learn here :
“The AN conversion is a system of direct transmission of Light that bypasses contingency filters, and therefore transmits the flow of Light in its fullness, all the way down the planes. This allows the Divine Will to be transmitted by Light, into the densest matter of all planes, transmuting, healing and reconnecting all reality back with the One. This AN conversion system progressively transforms the universe into a reality where the One is all powerful. When the AN conversion is complete, the universe will be an exact mirror image of the One.”
 Our Higher Selves are aspects of the Source, of the One. They initiate everything that we truly are on all planes of existence. These impulses and inspirations trickle down through the higher spiritual planes, then through our mental, astral, etheric, plasma and finally physical bodies.
However, as we go down the planes, there is progressively more anomaly/contingency, especially now on this planet. This creates all sorts of anomalies in the personality (which is composed of the lower bodies : physical plasma etheric astral mental), negative patterns, traumas, etc, and these anomalies interfere and filter the flow of Light coming from the Higher self.
The White fire of AN burns these anomalies and transmutes them into the Light, progressively improving the Light conductivity of all our bodies.
This process of purifying and transmuting our lower bodies until they become pure conducts for the Higher self, and eventually merge with it, is the process leading to ascension.
You can invoke the White fire of AN in any way you feel, in the same way we can work with the Violet flame. You can for example say these words :
“I here and now call upon the White fire of AN to fully transmute and dedicate my whole being to the Light”
And visualize bright, high frequency fire burning inside and around you, connecting with Archangel Metatron.
Cobra has also explained that advanced technologies of the Light forces which are used to remove dark technologies such as toplet bombs, and to transmute primary anomaly in the galaxy, are based on AN conversion :
Therefore the White fire of AN can also be used in meditations especially in groups to assist the Light forces in clearing the solar system.
Victory of the Light !

Natalie Glasson: The Truth About Your Enlightenment by Archangel Metatron | Sacred School of OmNa

The Truth About Your Enlightenment by Archangel Metatron

Natalie Glasson: The Truth About Your Enlightenment
by Archangel Metatron | Sacred School of OmNa

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  10th February 2017
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love is expressed to you from the Angelic Kingdom through my being, Archangel Metatron. I am currently and have been for some time overseeing the ascension of humanity and the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all the necessary energies that humanity and the Earth require to aid their illumination and enlightenment are anchored, aiding the appropriate shifts. I ensure the inner planes and the Earth exist in harmony as major shifts of awakening occur. It is balance that I focus upon as well as ensuring that all receive the necessary ascension energies and guidance they require.

My purpose is achieved by holding a vision of all beings upon the Earth existing as enlightened, remembering the truth of the Creator and acting from the source of the Creator within. I hold a vision of your ultimate enlightened self for your current reality and existence upon the Earth. With my vision, I also store an energy and light frequency which is the equivalent level and dimension of energy you will hold and embody as your enlightened self upon the Earth. In truth, I am a reflection of your infinite opportunities of experience and embodiment upon the Earth. It is my role to support you in recognising, remembering and realising your enlightened self.

You may call upon me in meditation: ‘Archangel Metatron, please be present with me now as a reflection of my enlightened self. Support me in remembering, realising and embodying my enlightened self, inner truth and Creator truth. Enthuse my entire being with the frequency of light that is equal to that which I hold as my enlightened self, awakening my awareness and senses to my enlightened self within. I am ready to experience and embody my infinite opportunities as my enlightened self upon the Earth. Archangel Metatron, please demonstrate to me my inner truth. Thank you.’

Your Enlightenment

Take a moment to contemplate what you believe or perceive your enlightenment process to be. What do you believe will happen when you become enlightened? How will you feel? What will you be able to do? How will other people regard you and how will you perceive yourself? Encourage yourself to imagine the process of enlightenment for you.

It is often when humanity perceives enlightenment they focus upon drama, glamour and the pinnacle experience. They have within their minds an idea of what they will feel like and be able to do when they have experienced enlightenment. Mostly this is connected to drama because they believe that it will be a drastic shift which could change their being and reality completely. They may also hold onto glamour as they will perceive that they and everyone around them will notice a difference, maybe converse with them differently or that people would know them as enlightened. We could say this is equivalent to celebrity status in the spiritual circles upon the Earth. They may also be holding a vision of what it is going to be like for them when they become enlightened; therefore they are constantly in a state of searching believing that they are not enlightened now. However, they will be in the future or tomorrow. Essentially, they are not existing in the present instead they are constantly looking to or trying to live in the future. It is because of these three illusions that I invited you to contemplate what you believe and perceive your enlightenment process to be. When we realise that even with the process of enlightenment that drama, glamour and not being in the present can be engaged with, then we begin to see through illusions accessing the truth of the enlightenment process of the Earth. It is appropriate to realise illusions and let them go.

The Key to Remembering You Are Already Enlightened

The truth is that you are already enlightened, you already have a pure connection with the Creator, are able to receive guidance, heal yourself and other as well as other beautiful skills and abilities. Everything that you seek is within you. I, Archangel Metatron know this to be true, so why do you seek enlightenment when you are already an enlightened being? Why do you not realise or remember you are enlightened? It is an interesting question to contemplate, in doing, so you begin to realise the key to unlocking your experience of your own enlightened self.

Allow yourself to sit in meditation, ask yourself, ‘Why do I seek enlightenment and why do I not realise or remember I am enlightened?’ Simply allow insights, realisations and understandings to dawn. You may need to repeat the question a few times in order to create a reaction and response within your being. Ensure that you ask yourself in the most loving way from a state of self-unconditional love. The answers you receive will reveal to you areas which require healing. For example, you may believe that you are not good enough, you do not trust yourself or the Creator, you have been taught that only special people communicate with the Creator or achieve enlightenment, that you need to work hard to achieve, you may feel rejected or abandoned, or maybe something else.

There are numerous reasons, and each is a special key that if you transform, heal or shift, you will reveal your enlightened self viewing who you are as your truth. When a limiting belief, realisation or experience is discovered by you; please call upon my presence, Archangel Metatron. Invite me to bring forth the necessary healing to support the release of this limitation and your acceptance of your inner enlightened self. I will distribute the most appropriate frequencies of healing to support your transformation.

Recognising Your Enlightenment

It is important to realise that you are recognising, remembering and revealing your enlightened self and grounding it into your body and personality every day. It is for most a gradual and subtle process which can be recognised. However, it is often that people desire an instant dramatic shift into enlightenment, so they miss the signs that they are engaging with and embodying their enlightened self. Some indications that you are recognising and embodying your enlightened self are that you experience:

  • Love for yourself and others as well as emanating love wherever you are, whatever is occurring.
  • Inner peace and contentment for yourself, life, those around you, the Earth, the Creator, in truth everything, which is more present than not.
  • An expansion of your heart chakra, your willingness to accept, communicate and share with yourself and others.
  • A sense of gratitude for all that you are and all you have.
  • Love and appreciation for your body as well as communicating with your body and fulfilling its needs.
  • Inspiration, understanding, realisation or divine guidance, feeling stimulated to act on the information shared.
  • Pulsations or flow of energy moving through your body and aura at certain times.
  • New abilities, skills and talents, whether they appear miraculously or whether you are guided to train or study to gain the knowledge required.
  • A reduction in your negative, blaming, doubting, limiting, fearing and distracting thoughts and habits, or even the wish to declutter your mind and focus upon positive truth inspiring thoughts.
  • Trust in the universe of the Creator, the support of the Creator and your own

These are just a few examples; each person will experience and notice new beautiful shifts within their being, every person’s experience is unique. Even if you recognise that you are experiencing one of the examples I have shared, even if it is only for a few moments, it is an indication that you are already achieving, accessing or more truthfully remembering yourself as an enlightened being. The enlightenment you seek is already occurring/present within you now. When you recognise your experiences of enlightenment this offers you the confidence and trust you require to open yourself fully to the truth within you. It is important to realise that you are not waiting for your enlightenment to happen, it already is being reveal by you to you every day. A true experience of your enlightened self manifests when you let go of drama, glamour, the ego, negative or fear based habits, lack, doubt and separation. Every moment you allow yourself to let go you reconnect yourself to your inner power and enthuse yourself with the truth of the Creator within.

In many ways, the quest for enlightenment is an illusion and yet remembering or familiarising yourself with your enlightened self is a journey of being in the present moment.

With eternal support,

Archangel Metatron

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The Power of Balance and Balancing Power ~ Archangel Metatron channeled by Shanta Gabriel

The Power of Balance and Balancing Power

Illumination is mine, expansion is thine. Through these teachings, your Earth plane becomes enlightened with the pure Source energy.

The fields of Transcendent Thought are a reality that can bring new levels of Harmony and Joy into your life. As you access new fields of high-frequency connection, your evolution as Source Energy Ever Expanding into the New Dimensions of Earth increases.

Through your personal work in aligning the chakras, you have been growing more deeply connected to the spiritual core of your being. This then allows you to use this focus on the chakras as a meditation tool to bring more alignment into every area of your life.

When you open yourself to the currents of Divine Light from Source energy through your Crown chakra in meditation, you prepare your body to receive greater frequencies without damage or upheaval to your nervous system. In fact, meditation with Light is one of the most soothing general tonics you can use for an overstimulated nervous system, which so many of you energetically sensitive souls are experiencing.

The gifts you receive from this ancient and angelic form of meditation are far greater than they appear in the moment. You are tapping into levels of Divine Grace that you have never experienced.

Far more transcendent awareness becomes available when you allow yourself time to sit in these beautiful fields of Golden Light. It is the realm of the Angels working in your life to bring Divinity into your daily practice and uplift your life on all levels.

This daily immersion into Light through your meditation will bring new dimensions of Grace into your life. It is important to remember to call forth Divine Grace into your world so you can live in a field of Grace and Ease at all times.

Know that the River of All Creation flows through you in mighty currents and provides all the energy you need. With this awareness you can access greater levels of Love and Intelligence through the power of Divine Light as it flows into your energy system, greatly enhancing your life. Not only is this empowering for you, but through this activity you become a blessing to the world.

Even though you are seeking Illuminated Consciousness from the Source, we also want to take you back to your roots. We mean this literally, because accessing the wisdom of Infinite Intelligence requires a Grounding System that allows you to bring it into conscious awareness. The grandeur of Exalted Consciousness is too expansive to become a permanent fixture in your earthly life without the momentum and anchor of a root system that assists you to bring these exalted states back to human awareness.

You can live in wholeness when you keep a rooted system of connection to the Earth that allows you to stay clear and to live in greater Harmony with all aspects of your self. The provisions you have been making to open the channels through your chakra system ignite the frequencies necessary to spark inspired action in your life.

Creation of new life requires accessing your Divine Potential and Expansive Insight. Using the pure descending current of consciousness through your physical form anchors these higher frequencies on the Earth. This descending current is what allows your light body to develop. Through your conscious awareness of Divine Light, you are creating the power of Divine Development. Accessing the wisdom of Infinite Consciousness is a goal many are seeking outside of themselves, when in truth this attunement is only possible within the refined current of your being.

The melding of Divine Consciousness with human awareness is an inside job. The pressure you feel to achieve these states is only the Infinite Presence working in you, spurring you on to greater heights of understanding so you can create ordinary ways of life that are sparked with Divinity on all levels. We say ordinary because that is how you think, but from our perspective, there is nothing ordinary about human life on Earth. Your life is an extraordinary adventure. It would help you if you only would believe this were true, because from our perspective it is.

Allow Divinity to pour through you from the highest Source energy bringing Divine Light through every aspect of your life. Whenever two or more are gathered, as it is said, an opportunity to bless all of humanity and Earth with the high frequencies of Creative Solutions and over-arching grandeur takes precedence. We are partnering with you to bless all of life.

Use this opportunity to change the world and bring Heaven to Earth. Spread heavenly Grace and Divine Love throughout all humanity. Uplift the frequencies of your life so all humanity may know they also have the gifts they need to thrive in greater ways than they imagine possible. Use the power of your blessing to impulse a new wave of consciousness that can bring forth all that is required for Harmony within all beings and throughout all life. Loving care of the Earth is only a blessing away.

Your ability to access these higher states of consciousness creates the responsibility to bring them to Earth so all may thrive in awakening of new more conscious way of life.

We have said that all humanity now has a chance to awaken in ways that were only possible for a few in other generations. Whenever new life is required on Earth, new openings into the gateways of Heaven occur. This is that time.

Access the Portal of All Possibility through your focus of awareness and bless the Earth with an exalted Breath of Life. You are the masters of this new time, and it is through your blessings that a new Golden Age on Earth is born. It is why you chose to be here now — to usher in a new age from the realms of chaos. You are here to establish a foundation that empowers the proverbial Phoenix to rise out of the ashes of the old paradigm and creates Light Fields that allow Harmony, Well-Being and Peace to prevail on the Earth.

And most of all, you are here to anchor the Divine Love that you are on an Earth that is parched, and needing to be fed and nourished by what only your Love can give. New life awaits your blessing. Give it freely and you will receive in ways you have never known.

Above all remember that all is well and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for

Archangel Metatron

The Manifestation Point – AA Metatron & The 33rd Dimension By annamerkaba

The Manifestation Point – AA Metatron & The 33rd Dimension

    file..Greetings Everyone! Before I being this channeling I would like to add a personal note:

First of all, I hope that each and every one of you is doing good. I know that last few weeks have been odd at best, as we were all serving as clearing and purifying towers of ascension. I know I myself have been clearing massive amounts of everyone’s energies, at times forgetting that none of these sensations were mine, only to catch myself midway, stop and force myself to return back into balance. Finally, the purification is ceasing for the time being, and we are given the green light to move forward with all of our endeavors!

In the channeling that you are about to hear you will find reference by our beloved celestial counterparts to “The Manifestation Point”. I would like to expand on this a bit. At this moment in time we are thrust into the Manifestation Point which means that the energies are incredibly supportive of everything that we wish to come to pass. What we have been able to achieve as a collective is phenomenal!

So much is happening and has occurred behind the scenes. We have moved into a completely new reality, where things are manifesting at lightning speed, because, and this is something that our scientific community is very well aware of, but is keeping under wraps, we have transversed time and space and have literally left the old matrix.

The old solid reality is going away. Each moment everything in our reality is becoming somewhat liquefied, lighter, faster and easier to mold into whatever we want it to be. Not only that, but the world of Akasha, the Celestial Abodes, the Manifestation Realm is becoming more and more accessible to all of us. The connection with our guides and our own higher selves is merging with our everyday reality. We are beginning to see things that we have not seen before. And I am not only talking about those of us who have come here form other realms and planets to assist humanity and Gaia to move through ascension. I am talking about everyone on this planet. Everyone is experiencing the liquidity of the new reality and that is why so many more people are finding themselves confused and feeling frightened.

Those of us who have already passed through the awakening process understand the new reality much more and welcome these new experiences.

But that is not what I want to talk to you about today. What I want to point out is that because the veil of forgetfulness is slowly thinning and many are able to see through it, move through it, and connect to the multidimensionality of their own selves, our THOUGHTS begin to MANIFEST at quantum speed.

And so, it is INCRDIBLY IMPORTANT to MONITOR YOUR THOUGHTS. You’ve all heard of a saying “think before you speak”, right now though, we have to think BEFORE we think, BEFORE we think and then before we think again, and only then speak. It’s not only important, it’s mandatory for all of us to constantly monitor our own thoughts, and moreover than that, be VERY CONCIOUS as to what we allow into our brain.

Here I would like to share something very interesting with you, to help you understand the way that our brain operates. Recently I was doing a Distant Merkaba Energy Healing Session for someone and their animal spirit guide turned out to be a Lynx. Guided by the higher realms to a very special page, I came across this phenomenal information which I wish to share with all of you today. You may have heard of this before, but if not, I hope it will open your mind.

This is an excerpt from the description about a lynx, which I find to be incredibly interesting and valuable…

We all have a dozen or more voices in our heads all talking at once in random sound bytes that have lost their context.    Scientifically speaking, those voices are a product of our ever-evolving cerebral cortex which uses thoughts much the way the heart uses blood, pumping through mental content over and over again.  Unlike the heart, mental palpitations do not always nourish the body.

If you close your eyes and place your attention on the voices in your head you will hear a cacophony of random chatter.  Lynx medicine is the silence under that chatter.  Separating your being from this commotion of thoughts develops the skills of intuition untouchable by external manipulation.

It is also possible to gain some control over the content that the brain has to work with by being attentive to the quality of the messages you let yourself watch and listen to. A horror movie, where it may be fun with friends, can fracture into a thousand pieces in your mind over the following months and effect your energy levels as well as your self-esteem without ever being considered as a culprit. Feed your brain as you would your body with the kind of nutrition that will lead to power.

The endless onslaught of advertising that has now invaded every aspect of Western culture is also designed to create noise in the mind and keep us from our better judgment.  Commercials are other people’s priorities trying to dictate what yours ought to be.

EPSON scanner image

As advertising spreads like a fungus across all surfaces in our lives, from the coffee cup holder to the calendar app on your smart phone, our thoughts are constantly interrupted with the noise of marketing and sales.  Advertising agencies know exactly how our repetitive mind works with it’s compulsive looping and they design verbal campaigns specifically to become random, unconnected sound bytes in the brain that will rattle about and lead to irrational, unnecessary spending.

Some ads have even become wordless jingles that stick like gum in the brain.  These catch phrases fill the space in our heads and obstruct the ability for deeper contemplation. The content of our thoughts have no deeper meaning or value beyond the fleeting synaps they ride on. Without silent observation of these external voices and aggressive priorities, the mind can become quite insane.

Lynx medicine suggests that you to ask yourself what you want and why.  Have you been convinced you need something as a way of escaping the struggles of growing up? Or are your desires connected to an independent curiosity and inner passion moving you towards a larger experience of your

self and others? We may not be able to escape the unyielding monsoon of logo’s and branding that is our media-obsessed world, but Lynx medicine advises that we filter out the confusion by simply recognizing those external voices for what they are- irrelevant. If interested you can learn more about the Lynx at

Once again, as you have already understood, it is important to monitor your thoughts, declutter your brain space and be conscious of the type of information you invite into your subconscious mind. It’s easier than you think and it all comes down to three s’s SILENCE, STILLNESS, SERENITY. I talk a lot about letting go and give various tips on how to do so on my blog at

avsc_newsletterNow having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from Metatron and the 33rd Dimension…

The configuration of the heavenly abodes has allowed a massive amount of liberating energies to emanate onto your plane of existence. The newly constructed configuration of the heavenly abodes has allowed the transparency of all that has been hidden from view to rise from the ashes of the past and the new informational decrees to float freely onto your plane of existence, into your consciousness of BEing.

Each module of information packet to be delivered into your subatomic principles of BEing in order to ignite the informational encodings already implemented into the codices of your DNA structure and awaken from slumber the hidden potential of your vehicle of choice.

For within the DNA of your vehicles of choice lays a formula, a “key” if you will, to full enlightenment and purification from outdated architypes, within the structure of your DNA lays the codices that have been “turned off” if you will, which have thus blocked your abilities to not only be self-sufficient, but to believe that you are “less than”.

In truth, the informational decrees of the past have no room in the newly created platform, and so and thus, that which has indeed worked for you in the past, shall no longer be applied in the new world. For the thinking patterns of your ancestors can no longer operate on the newly created platform from which you are to grow, expand and reconnect with that which you truly are.

Gone are the days of secrecy and lack of information, for more and more is delivered to your shores. Gone are the days of mystery of your body. Gone are the days of limited beliefs. For truly all of you are sovereign beings of light, all and every single one of you are masters of your very own lives, are the co-creators of your very own reality structure.

Gone are the days of waiting for a messiah, for truly you are all messiahs, messiahs of your very own selves, and so, through the unification principles of BEing, through the newly formed platform, through the newly delivered encodings, through the newly delivered informational decrees of the workings of the universe, and your very own vehicles of ascension, shall you be able to fully tap into that which is known in your world as Akasha.

Akasha from which you shall be granted access to your books of life, your very won books of life with all the encodings of that which was, which is, and which is yet to come. And it is through full and complete resonance with that which you are, shall you be able to change your life for the better, shall you be able to fully walk into your power.

It is by going within and recognizing the power of that which you are, by accepting your gifts of splendor and might, that you shall be able to give rise to new energies of benevolence, new energies of peace, new energies of change, change, that so many of you are dreaming about.

The time has come to bring that dream into reality, and it all begins with you, it all begins with your full and complete alliance to your very own higher selves, to your very own hearts, to your very own souls. For it is through your efforts, your joys, your freedom of thought, your freedom of movement, and your desire to co create a new society in which to grow, that all of your innate desires shall come to pass. Gone are the days of ignorance, for you are fully ready, well equipped, and well prepared to take the necessary steps in the right direction, not only for your very own selves, but for all that is.

Understand your powers, and allow yourselves to connect with the divinity of your soul. Know that you have arrived at the Manifestation Point, utilize this energy wisely, and remember to stay centered, leveled, balanced, in joy, unconditional understanding and love of all that is and in complete cognizance of the heavenly abodes. Know that you are being supported by all that is. Know that it is so. For it is.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now.

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

annamerkaba: The Catastrophe Has Been Averted – Congratulations – AA Metatron & The Company of Heaven

The Catastrophe Has Been Averted – Congratulations – AA Metatron & The Company of Heaven
By annamerkaba on April 6, 2016   

Dearly Beloved Masters of the Universe,

The catastrophic event of the century indeed has been averted by the participation of those of you who have chosen to sway the scales towards enlightenment and ascension for all. The catastrophic event of the century has been averted due to the diligent adherence of the lightness of BEing by those of you stationed on GAIA, who have come to anchor and hold the frequencies of peace and balance throughout the chaotic unfoldings as human way of life changes forever, as human cognition rapidly transforms and transitions onto a new frequency of light.

It is due to your endeavors and your anchoring of light, and holding of space for those still working towards a peaceful resolution of conflict throughout your known world, that much has been achieved in the weeks of late. It is due to your diligent upheaval and transmutation of that which no longer belongs on the shores of GAIA. It due to your determination, patience, stability, peaceful outlook, and benevolent co-creation of a new paradigm, that GAIA as you know her has transitioned into a higher frequency.

It is due to your attentive love frequencies that your beloved GAIA has moved onto another spectrum of light, has moved up an octave, and shall never again experience the same dense principles by which she has operated for eons. It is due to your unwavering upholding of that which is, and assistance of all whom your way shall come in transitioning onto a different frequency of BEing.  It is due to your endless plight for freedom of thought, that today we stand here before you communicating freely with those who can hear us. It is due to all of you -the ground crew -who paved the way and orchestrated a coming of age for all of humanity.

And it is with deepest gratitude and the accompaniment of the heavenly abodes, that we bow to you in reverence for all that you are, for all that you have accomplished thus afar.

And so, we congratulate you on a job well done, on another milestone which has successfully been completed, and welcome you once again to the creator’s room so that you can once again put on your creative hats and begin to manifest a new reality into your world, into your surroundings, into your cognitive understanding.

We welcome your ideas and await your direction as to the manifestation of the next steps in accordance with the universal law of abundance. We wait for your imprints and your directions via your thoughts and desires, so that we can assist you in manifesting that which has not yet been manifest into your world.

We ask that you allow your dreams to become your reality. We ask that you fully and completely let go of the idea of lack, for the idea of all that you wish all that you need is right there for the taking. We wait and we are ready to help you manifest anything and everything that you desire into your new world.

We are ready to rebuild a new foundation for those who are yet to come, for those who shall bring a new frequency into your awareness. For those who shall continue raising the vibrations of human collective consciousness and GAIA as she continues her benevolent journey back home.

We wait for your cooperation, direction and guidance. For you are the ones that shall manifest that which is necessary, needed and welcomed by all, into the new reality structure. It is you who shall be able to bring forth the necessary technologies, new healing modalities, agricultural innovations, spiritual awakenings and comprehension of all that is, into the hearts and minds of humanity. It is you who stand tall and proud of your achievements, for it is through your vehicles of choice and through your willingness to live according to your divine blueprint that all the changes that are happening on your planet at this very moment in time are possible!

For all of you are gods in the making, for all of you are eternal being of light, for all of you are sparks of divine creations and all of your together form a new fabric, a new matrix, by continuing to weave a new reality into he already established paradigms, through your vibration and through your interconnectedness, through your vehicles of choice you form a new structure, a foundation on which a new reality can and shall be built.

Stay true to your hearts calling, stay true to that which indeed you are. Listen to the guidance you are receiving from your very own higher selves, and remember to communicate with us daily so that we can continue to support your endeavors with informational encodings which shall be delivered into your vehicles of choice in order to introduce the necessary decrees into your energy field and assist you in shifting your focus onto that which is truly important, so that you can live up to your souls purpose, your blueprint with which you have come onto this plane of existence and your heart’s desire.

Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot, know that we are waiting for your directions, know that we are assisting you in manifesting all that you desire, know that it is so for it is.

We are with you. We love you. Goodbye for now.

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.