Jamye Price: October 2018 Ascension Energies – Calm the Chaos

October 2018 Ascension Energies – Calm the Chaos

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

September Review

The energies of September were a natural flow of expanded balance, with the equinox energies nudging us into a new level of empowerment. This is the core of Ascension—more empowerment within so that the interaction in the physical realm are a stronger bond (Love). This inner crystalline clarity (clair-ity) allows for a more conscious connection with the subtle realm.

The rules of our interaction with the subtle realm are different. They require resonance, not force/action like the physical realm. Resonance means you must become the change you want to create in this world. September offered an integration of separation into a new level of empowerment. Not always easy, but always worth it.

Ascension symptoms were a bit lighter than August, though I was noticing tension in the throat and jaw. Boundary issues and valuing yourself were at the forefront.

Sometimes it’s easy not to see the forest because of the trees. We can get lost in the details and miss the bigger picture. September’s Polarity Perspective has a lot of advantages as we learn to look beyond the obvious of the physical experience, into the potentials of the subtle realm—the bonds of Love.

The details of what occurred in September are unique manifestations of the bigger picture of evolving the human condition. Were you able to observe or experience and still hold your perspective of love and connection? October’s energy expands that.

October Energies

Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, has called 2018 the Year of Amplification. We are moving fast into a new level of density. Fast is a relative term. It certainly feels like consistent movement without much slowing down. But that is the amplification of change that is moving us into the new. Change always brings unknown. That is an uncomfortable place for many, and a frightening place for many others. It is a creative state.

The creative state requires change. It requires a certain amount of risk. The famous Anais Nin quote sums it up nicely, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” You must open to embrace change. That is creativity, that is constant in the physical realm.

Peaceful Change

When I sat to meditate on the energies of October, I was shown a network of connections that were squeezing, building up, releasing, rearranging. It didn’t feel comfortable. It looked like a neural network, and indeed there is much change within the brain that is occurring as we evolve into more conscious connection with the invisible realm. The 99% that builds worlds.

Yet there was an interesting component to it that felt like internal movement within something so large that it was almost imperceptible that something was changing. There was the juxtaposition of contraction and expansion at the same time. There was a sense of relaxation—something Areon has been mentioning a lot.

There was an acceptance of the flow of change that wasn’t trying to resist or force, just allowing the flow. The polarity that seemed like separation, was embraced as the potential of new connection. There was a sense of peace even with great change within. September’s energy moving into October is an extension of your willingness to remain open (out of the stress structure) to your flow of wisdom as you embody your desires for change here on Earth. Being the change, living your truth, expressing your Love through your example—whether a moment of saying yes or no.

Contraction and Expansion

Also within the October information is the energetic of birth contractions. The time of labor. The preparation for new life. Birthing into fourth density means there is preparation as the body of humanity deals with supporting the new—risking opening up (vulnerability) to expand. It’s uncomfortable. It’s unknown. And it’s magnificent to blossom.

What are you willing to risk for your expansion? Saying yes to something new? Saying no to something out-of-balance? There isn’t just a manual of how and when, there is a transformation into now and win/win. ;o) Ok, that was a fun rhyme, but true! There actually is a transformation into deeply embracing the now moment. Really being here. And then the next steps become clear. That requires courage within.


I don’t always get a message for an animal totem. This month butterfly (transformation) showed up. I was especially excited when I watched the final video for this month, because I didn’t know a little butterfly (perhaps a moth, couldn’t tell on that one) flew into the shot! Also, the Manzanita plant behind me (to the left) looks like the neural network in my vision. What cool synchronicities!

The butterfly transforms from a caterpillar into a butterfly, through what seems like a death. There is no guarantee of freedom and flight. Through the unknown, the caterpillar has no choice but to surrender to the process. Finally, the butterfly must risk pushing it’s way out of the cocoon that has kept it safe and sheltered. It’s no longer comfortable. What’s on the other side? It’s never even flown before.

The pushing out of the cocoon is a necessary step to having the strength to fly. In my message with the butterfly, there was a small one, then a large one that wasn’t flying normally. Another small one. Then finally a large one that was flying normally. I sensed the progression that mimics our own transformation. It seems small at first. Is anything really happening? Then sometimes it gets overwhelming, like it’s hard to find your (new) flow. Appreciate the small changes! Finally, the freedom of flight!

Calm the Chaos

When we are going through change, it can seem dramatic. Before that change occurs, we often feel chaos to varying degrees. But chaos is just a matter of perceiving the deeper patterns birthing new form.

That doesn’t mean figuring it all out. It means discovering it.

It means being willing to open to embrace the unknown.

It means being willing to neutralize in the midst of chaos so that you can resonate with the energy of improvement.

We spiral back to where we began…

October will continue this flow of change that has been constant and amplified in 2018. Your choice will be to open and embrace change (give Life a hug!) or risk remaining the same. You’re worth the effort to blossom.


Jamye Price: March 2018 Ascension Energies – Clear Compassion

March 2018 Ascension Energies – Clear Compassion

Looking Back at February

February’s energy of Looking Back was a time of powerful clearing, which always creates activation/initiation. I have noticed an increase in people clearing family karma on a deeper level since September.

Healing may occur in many ways, but it only truly requires your focus on your choices in the present moment. It doesn’t require interaction or other people complying. Those may occur, but you are the fulcrum of your healing.

Ascension symptoms have been amplified for many. We tend to think of ascension symptoms as challenges or resistance, but it’s important to frame them for what they really are—beneficial change.

Ringing in the ears may not seem so beneficial, but it is a readjustment to receiving and interpreting a broader range of frequencies. The details emerge in different ways and may not always be consciously connected (i.e. Wow! The ringing in my ears created this!), but you are changing in profound ways.

Clarity is Key

Areon is calling 2018 The Year of Amplification. When you amplify something, if it’s not clear then you are also amplifying static. So your clarity will be a consistent theme this year. Hence—yay all the clearing/activation that has and will continue to occur in different ways.

This amplification is creating clarity within you (and clairity—your enhanced subtle senses) that benefits your ability to create and flow empowered Love into your life and this world.

This is the meek inheriting the Earth—those that are so loving that their courage to Love is untethered and encompassing the fear that leads people to deception and domination to feel safe.

The spiral energies are increasing.

Therefore, like a centrifuge we are breaking and separating weak bonds, creating a clarification. We are strengthening strong bonds. Have you felt an increased pull to your creativity, soul family or joy lately?

You are becoming the clarion call to Love you always were, it’s just more supported by the “season” of growth humanity is experiencing.

March Energies – Clear Compassion

The energies of March are Clear Compassion. Which I guess is different from blurry compassion! ;o) Seriously, it is different.

It’s the difference between a leading heart or a bleeding heart. It’s the difference between assistance that helps versus hinders. It’s the difference between empowering or pitying.

Your compassion is a powerful flow of energy

Have you ever tried shutting it off? It hurts. It is meant to flow. But when it flows in ways that aren’t healthy, it also hurts—just usually not as quickly and obviously, so it’s easy to continue the pattern until you get desperately depleted.

In March you are being called to examine your flow of compassion and utilize it as a win/win instead of a win/try-to-convince-yourself-this-is-worth-it-and-you’ll-deal-with-boundaries-later. ;o) Been there?

Each moment will call for something different, but as you evaluate your current of compassion, look for your joy to light the way toward your best flow for the moment.

It is important to be giving, just as it is important to be receiving. It’s how flow continues.

Compassion can be a tricky one. It is yours to flow, and it is complete with information.

When it comes from your initiation rather than obligation, the information is different—for you and the receiver(s). Obligation (and any other variances of less-than-jubilant-service) need not be completely absent from your experience, but the energy of it should be encompassed by your desire and capability to serve in that moment. The great “administer your oxygen first, then assist those that need help” applies.

Are you courageous enough to flow your compassion, no matter what that moment feels like? To hold your boundaries when needed? To be clear about the totality of what is flowing into the world here—more sacrifice, or more empowerment? Assisting those in need is a natural part of service. Replenishing yourself is a necessary part of serving. Compassion for yourself enhances your ability to flow.

March Balance

This month brings the equinox, the balance of day and night. There has been such a powerful flow of energy, amplifying your Love and your capability. Take a moment each day to appreciate your compassion, for it is sometimes a soothing flow and other times a deluge of movement; but it connects you to life in profound ways.

Your sacred compassion is a gift that transforms Life.

Areon channels often on the details of how we interact with our subtle bridge (our thoughts and emotions). They remind us that we never just observe, we interact. If you are watching something online, though it is continents away, you are interacting—receiving it in, shaping it, it’s shaping you.  Are you your dominant flow within or is someone or something else?

From your broader perspective, one of your steps of interaction is to flow clear compassion. Seeing the potential of empowerment within each challenge and triumph.

March, the month of 3, is a catalyst that creates. Observe your flow of compassion and what you are creating that is building form in the subtle realm.

You are amplifying the subtle information that might have been missed before. It’s your Love. When it is louder than fear, Life transforms.

Sandra Walter: Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Image result for sandra walter images
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.

You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.

I AM grateful this kind of Solar activity does not appear on the linear charts – yet. Your heart consciousness is the 5D charts! Remember the pulses/flashing is information; FEEL the Love Light intelligence. It feels exquisite.

We entered the Sacred geometry which holds pure photonic resonance, the consciousness shifting frequencies, during the August eclipse last year. This is why Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding in 2017, and why we continually see the SUN flickering and flashing in a new way. We are in the Galactic Hot Zone; the geometric container for consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting light.

The prophecy of a Solar flash is not a moment to wait for, the precursor events are already in progress.

The Galactics remind us often; Global consciousness–shifting Ascension events are a multidimensional co-creation. As we collectively operate from higher choices, Primary Christed timelines provide the bridge for planetary-wide energetic and dimensional shifts.

It is beautiful to witness Lightworkers waking up from the waiting games and realizing empowerment can only happen in the Now.

Into the Galactic Hot Zone: The Amplifications of March

Many of you have seen or feel what will occur in March and April. This is a series of activations which will transform how we experience Embodiment of our Christed Self. Solaris is aligning with a series of Cosmic Stargates which will upgrade and transform the way our Lightbody interprets information.

The SUN is changing how it interprets information; visibly seen in the physical as the surreal dimmer-yet-more-intense look that SUNlight has right now. Our Lightbodies are reflecting these changes. As above, so below. Our inner light feels more intense, our heart centers flutter, our Ascension columns flicker, and the physical feels mystical as it goes through deep transformation. We are shifting at this moment, preparing us for this next level of embodiment.

As the Hot Zone changes the Solar projector, the SUN crackles and flashes; the very same expansion activity within our heart centers. This has been increasingly palpable for many. Solar activity has long been associated with cardiovascular risks, and we see the near-heart-attacks, palpitations, and anxiety attacks in the collective.

Do you see how strongly your physical heart is connected to the SUN? Your etheric connection to the Solar aspect is clear.

Purer frequencies = Purification.

Higher Light is always accompanied by clearing, releasing, and the revelation of distortion. Understand that the consistent request of HUmanity to reveal the truth, disclosure, and distortions is answered by these frequencies. It is a symbiotic relationship; the frequencies are also what is creating the the desire for revelation.

The revelation of deep secrecy requires intense light. The demand for truth and disclosure is not something directed at a certain group. This is a global event reflected in everyone’s personal journey. Purification is an evolutionary step which continues to intensify and purge the co-created veils.

The New Round of Activations: Gateways Open to New Experiences

The latest round of Ascension activations have felt unlike anything before them.

Descriptions fall short of the actual experience. It is challenging to describe a multidimensional shift in beingness. I have heavily light-encoded this message if you choose to feel into what I AM experiencing.

This mystical, effervescent, expansive state of consciousness is overriding and overwriting our lower expressions. The merge sequences of Embodiment, when the Higher Self takes over the awareness, are changing the Lightbody. It can feel like preparation for phasing out of the lower realities completely.

These new activations are pushing us beyond the limits of previous possibilities; the new trajectories are fully engaged. In our Spiritual Maturity, we become comfortable with the unknown, the bizarre, the boundary-dissolving experiences.

Etheric First, Physical Second

The photonic light registers on the lightbody at the etheric level, and with your conscious direction, the form changes to reflect that light.

Much of the recent round of illness, change of trajectory, relocation, and exhaustion are reflections of the intensity of these cellular adjustments. Our Lightbodies are about to change in a dramatic way to an Ascended Lightbody template.

This year will reveal higher possibilities for the expression of HUmanity itself.  As always, our intention is to demonstrate to HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

The bifurcation of experiences, which has been in progress since 2011, also penetrates the physical realities this year. This honoring of choices is nothing to worry about. You are infinite. We are all one. If this temporary division brings anxiety or concern, the light is showing you what you need to look at; receive the gift of personal revelation.

It is best to let go of any biblical or old paradigm belief systems about physical versus nonphysical, making it or not making it, etc. It is not one big judgmental division, it is an ongoing choice of experience. As it affects our physical realities, much is revealed about the nature of reality itself.

Ascended Lightbody

We are already in a band of light frequencies which are changing the Lightbody structure in a new way. Etheric first, Physical Second. The gap between cause and effect is also becoming simultaneous in our realities. These changes are happening very rapidly now.

Some are having intense and exhausting activations as these larger cosmic energies come into range. Use the days, hours or moments when you feel stabilized to clean, clear, simplify and make room for a brand-new way of beingness. Most of us have been emptying our lives if anything extraneous, making room for something new.

The frequencies will grow stronger beginning the week of March 11. They will step up again just before the  March Equinox, with an even stronger event after the Equinox.

We are collectively utilizing this amplification in the Now as a way to open the floodgates of positive Solar heart-shifting energies. In preparation, our Lightbodies are shifting to a more refined level.

Our torus fields begin to spin at an increased rate with these plasma pulses. Sometimes our fields may jump to a much faster rate for a moment or so, expanding the fields without warning. For some this causes a sudden phasing-out sensation. It can be startling as our activations intensify. The mental, emotional and physical adjustments demand your self-care.

This vibratory stimulation awakens crystalline DNA, the key to shifting dimensional expressions. It allows for embodiment of the Crystalline/Christed Self, which has an expanded Lightbody template, and allows you to feel and experience Unity consciousness in the cellular structure (your body.)

We become beacons, conduits of these pure pulses of light. Not just on behalf of the whole collective, but because we are the whole collective.

While the goal is to begin a domino effect of global activations, it will depend on how the collective consciousness can handle these frequencies. As always, we are the ones deciding how collective realities unfold. Remember that our Galactic teams handed over the keys to these unfoldments in December last year.

There are still many beings who do not appreciate this level of HUman empowerment, and the pushback is bothersome, however it is nothing to worry about. The Higher collective trajectories have been activated. Many are awakened, but they do not have the skill of mastering the realities in this moment. As Wayshowers, we must put all of our focus on co-creating positive, brilliant, beautiful realities for the collective.

The ancient codes and templates stored within Gaia will be open and available to us this year. That in itself is revelation and empowerment. This attunes our consciousness to access not what we were, but what our future selves planted here for our Ascension.

Unity Consciousness is your Safe Haven

Insecurities and anxieties surface during times of change. Remember: Change over habit. Take the time to meditate often, be at peace, visualize the New Earth as often as possible. Speak positive words, they create as strongly as your thoughts and emotions. Patience, gratitude, forgiveness. Resolve your unresolved. Let go of any judgment about leadership figures; current misinterpretations about who is good or bad are extremely distorted. Everything is being done to assist positive outcomes for HUmanity. Unity is your safe haven.


Experience and participate in New Earth Now.

SUNday Unity Meditations are open and available to all. Join us in the field of pure consciousness on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate in your own way for 33 minutes on Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Easy. Participate to feel, receive, and become the New Light. Details and guidance are available HERE.

SUNday, March 3, I will be speaking at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas. Attendees will be meditating live for the second session at 11:11 am PT, at the festival. Unify with us, since it is a very strong group connecting in the physical.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: Unified field infusion for Highest trajectory amplification on Full Moon Thursday, March 1 at 4:52 pm PT.  Use the energies of this Full Moon for the highest Ascension experience for all willing hearts.

Blessings for a beautiful, peaceful week of activation.

Read the full article HERE.

In Love, Light and Service,
Sandra Walter

2 from Jamye Price: Spiraling with Time + February 2018 Ascension Energies – Looking Back

Spiraling with Time

Blessed beings, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness, for it is your awareness that shapes life.

It is your awareness that builds the future. It is your awareness that draws to you that which you will experience, that which you will change, and that which you will create.

Your awareness is the powerful catalyst that continues life’s progression. It is an immense power. It is a quiet power. It is a passive power.

Active and Passive Forces

We speak of the active force and the passive force in relation to your experience here so that you will begin to recognize the immense power that is within you and understand its workings.  This helps you balance the physical expression and non-physical expression that you are.

Your passive force is a non-physical force. It is a subtle force. It is the force that creates a compelling of life to it. The active force consumes, the passive force compels.

In physical form, you utilize both of these and this is important. What you are learning now is to adjust the usage of your non-physical form and utilize that great momentum, the passive force, that is within you. These are the rules of the subtle realm.

We have used the reference of the atomic structure in a very basic form so that you recognize the basic building ratio of 99% space and 1% matter. This same ratio is throughout all aspects of physical form. You have 99% non-physical you, and 1% physical matter. You reside in a world of 1% physical matter and 99% non-physical.

Your thoughts and your feelings, your subtle bridge, are your communication with non-physicality, so as you think and as you feel, you compel. That is your passive force.

But the passive force and the active force must meet in the physical realm, so they are always interacting. Where the two meet is where new creation begins.

It is your choice point.

Where the passive and the active forces meet is your choice point.

The passive force is like that minute energy within an atom that, when utilized, becomes an enormous force. That same power is within you. As you utilize the passive force, which from the physical realm seems minute, it becomes an enormous force because you are utilizing the momentum of that huge 99% engine that creates worlds. That is within you.

Your awareness is that catalyst where the passive and the active forces meet.

Your Relationship With Time

Now, we want to review some of how we have been speaking about Time because this information is designed to help you understand your awareness more clearly.

We have said that Time is a relationship. As you experience it, you see its effect. This is what we would call the active force of Time, the effect that it has here in the physical realm, the 1%. You see the passage of days, nights, weeks, seasons, cycles.

You experience it linearly here in physical form, and that is the active expression of Time, but Time is a subtle experience as well. Time has a relationship with you because as you actualize your understanding of your feelings and thoughts with Time, you begin to interact on a subtle level with a powerful quantum engine. You adjust your relationship with Time.

As with all subtle energies, they work with a compelling, or a resonance, which attracts and combines. As you work in the physical realm, it is your active choice of action that consumes and creates anew.

The difference then, as you relate to Time, is to shift your resonance, your relationship within, and Time will respond to you differently.

As you open your energetic flow, you are allowing Time to flow more smoothly within and through you.

As Time flows more smoothly through you, your manifestations seem to come faster. They do—but you can not do it for the speed of it. That is active force. You can not manipulate resonance, you must be resonance.

All physical matter contains a relationship to Time within it. Within every cell, within every chemical bond—there is a relationship to Time within that structure. Time’s flow is within the matter.

Think of this as you would imagine sound waves that could travel through a wall, and if you were on one side of the wall, the sound would be clear and obvious. It would pass through the wall, affecting that structure and be audible on the other side. Perhaps not as clearly, but physically audible. Just as all of that structure has sound flowing through it, Time has a similar functionality. Its flow is in-built into all matter. All matter interacts with it. All structure interacts with It. Ultimately, Time is movement from this perspective. Its movement is the spiral.

Allowing Time To Flow

The passive force of Time is calling for you to allow that flow through your structure more readily. Rather than resisting it, allow Time to flow through easily.

This relationship with Time is your peace, your openness, your knowing that all is well and occurring perfectly and that all that you need, you will access in that moment. You are prepared and you are open—you are peaceful—Time then flows through your structure more easily.

Instead of just reacting to what is occurring, you are flowing and allowing this natural law to propel you and compel you through your choice. Rather than mere reaction, you are utilizing an open awareness and responding.

This relationship with Time is offering you more ability for the natural laws of the universe to interact with your mastery.

You are utilizing your vibrational resonance, and consciously choosing to utilize the 99% non-physical of you.

Spirals of Time 

We used a visualization recently to discuss Time as the hourglass of a spiral, a spiral that is wide at the top and gets smaller towards the center and then spins in the other direction and gets wide at the bottom.

We use this visualization because it actually represents the physical structure of Time, though it is invisible, because Time moves in relation to its environment and all energy here spins. Time is in-built into all physical matter so it represents the same structure of movement.

The spiral, while you can use the metaphor in many ways, represents an aspect of “physical” Time. It is a toroidal shape expanded and stretched. As you imagine that hourglass spiral that is spinning slowly and wide at the top and then getting smaller and faster as it meets the middle, that point in the middle is where you could imagine the metaphor of the passive and active forces meeting. The spiral then shifts direction.

The Core of Your Power

Imagine this spiral—with this active and passive force meeting at the core of that spiral—this is what your awareness does. Allow that flow to occur and  allow the natural momentum of life to work with you and through you.

This is the core of your power, that as you allow that spiral of Time to flow its ease within you, you create a powerful reaction that shifts the physical structure here on Earth. It just takes Time.

When you can observe Life from the possibilities and enjoy the interplay of what you are desiring, and then the synchronistic information that flows to you—it becomes more exciting.

When you allow those synchronicities to show you that you are creating a difference, you are tapping into information and knowledge that is natural to you—it makes it more exciting. Then accessing patience becomes easier, and it becomes a much smoother ride. This spiral is the core of peace that smooths your flow with Time.

There are still some exciting ups and downs, yes, but a much smoother ride because you are allowing the ups and the downs to flow with you because you know the outcome—creation. The spiral continues.

Jamye Price: Will 2018 Really Be Any Different?

Will 2018 Really Be Any Different?

As 2018 is beginning, it is natural to wonder what it’s going to be like. Will it really be different? There is so much information out there that it can be confusing.

In general, I feel such a powerful and wonderful flow for 2018. That doesn’t mean that the 3D world will be experiencing that, but most Lightworkers (conscious or not) are already residing enough in 4D to focus themselves more and more into a higher vibration.

Yet what does that really mean for our experience? Areon is calling 2018 The Year of Amplification. This year will amplify our intent. Our manifestations will start to move faster. People will still seem to polarize, because the intensification of the spiraling flow is speeding up.

Clarity becomes paramount, and it becomes no matter what. The spiral clarifies. It strengthens what is strong, it releases/separates what is weak.

What do you want to strengthen? NOW is a powerful time to focus on that. In this week’s post, Areon gives some suggestions for clarity. In the Lyran Perspective channeling, they spoke of the power of desire. This month’s energy of Heart Amplification is all about setting the tone for 2018 so that your heart, your desire is leading the way.

What does your heart desire? Focus there. Use that energy of the spiral to help you strengthen your

It will be a powerful year. Not always easy perhaps, but in this 11 year, it will distill us into more mastery! Will it really be different? That depends on you. Ascension is an inner job. The only thing that really matters is your vibration. Don’t worry. Clarify. This is more natural to you than it sometimes feels.

What do you want to let go of? More on that later. The energy always builds in a perfect progression.

Much Love,



Blessed Beings, Life is ever moving and ever-changing. In your moment of stillness or deep connection, that is where your clarity is heard. It does not yell, it is often a profound silence.

Underneath words or without words, it matters not; for the subtle realm hears your stillness.

The future is a response to the present moment and it awaits your desire and clarity of knowing to realign itself for you.

The subtle realm hears your clarity with the totality of understanding your full resonance. As you honor your authentic thoughts and emotions you are aligning with the subtle laws of time and space.

Clarity of Time

Quite often as humans are interacting with time they experience it as a burden that cannot be shifted and begin to experience some unconscious resistance.

They observe the past and what had been lost.

They observe the future and fear the unknown.

They resist the present because to fully be in it brings thoughts and emotions that may not feel comfortable.

But as you honor the conditions of this reality, you begin to find your footing. You find interactions that create a strength of Knowing within the self. This is your clarity. Not all the answers of the future, but the power of the present moment embodied within.

Honor the Past

As you shift your inner experience, you can then authentically observe the past and experience a new perspective. Allow yourself to feel and experience a new perspective of that which has passed in the physical realm.

It was a catalyst that fostered strength, understanding and compassion. It created a strong desire for change.

Honor the Future

The strength within the core of the self understands what it is to be in the eye of the storm and to allow the self to observe the future and the unknown. While the details of the future are unknown, the Knowing that all is well maintains your stability, even through change.

You become the eye of the storm, that stable calm as life spins around you. This is an important understanding for you now, as life spins ever faster.

Empower the Present

To recognize and affirm that all is well in the present creates a future aligned with your peace that passes all understanding. You are ever changing as you create a strength of knowing within your self that all is well.

Soothe the mind into understanding that all is well. Details will follow. As you learn to find your peace within the unknown (the subtle realm), you learn the skills of following the clues of life and directing from there.

This is a refining of information. It is subtle realm communication.

Clarity of Space

Your knowing that you exist within the physical realm and the subtle realm creates a shift. There is a transformation and a release as you allow yourself the authentic flow of emotion and thought.

You move through the thoughts and emotions, you are not bound by them. You become a master of your interaction with the flow of Life. The difference is your conscious interaction with it.

When your core is strong with the knowing of your sacredness, empowerment and that all is well—life flows more easily. It responds to you, and you find yourself aligning with Life in sacred and special ways.

You begin to see the magic that you are, that which Love is. You begin to see that the “magic” in life is not an illusion, it is real and natural. But it is a choice.

Honor Choice

Life is wanting you to thrive, to allow Life through you. As you direct your choice and allow Life to respond, you are flowing with Life and Life is flowing with you more easily. The full give and receive of life is manifesting through you.

New solution and new experience is being born through you.

You do not need to figure it all out. Become resonant with the peace that passes all understanding and all understanding will pass through you.

Choosing Freedom

Your freedom is an internal experience. Your inner realm is your sovereign domain. How you maintain your inner realm, affects your creativity and your interaction with life.

When you are free within, you are able to create and interact more easily.

How do you find your inner freedom? Allow forgiveness. Allow new perception.  Allow transformation to occur so that all experiences become new strengths, new wisdom, new understanding of the self. This heals the past into an empowered present.

Allow excitement, play and creativity to flow. Transform worry or the fear of the unknown into a strength of understanding that Life is wanting to respond to you. This creates a future that is resonant with your empowered present.

Embody the fullness of the present moment.

The present moment contains the past and the future connecting through the core that you are. Embody your present moment fully. That is how you access that peace, stillness and the ability to observe with the detachment that All is Well.

Clarity Within

Begin to perceive the beauty in Life, even the challenges. By beginning to perceive the beauty that you are, you see that your core strength maintains a powerful alignment. Life responds powerfully to this flow.

Be unconditionally loving with yourself. Be unconditionally loving with your past. Be unconditionally loving with your future. Be unconditionally loving with your present moment, even as authentic thoughts and feelings flow.

The positive emotions are supporting you. The negative emotions are strengthening you.

As you perceive all is well, observe the beauty in life, and love yourself unconditionally; you are transforming the negative into a connection with Love that no longer separates the two.

The negative then becomes merely an opposite, not an opposition. Duality no longer holds sway over you. You have become the eye of the storm—the strength that maintains its balance, even as life spins around it.

As you create your clarity within, you allow the harmony of the spiral of Life to flow strongly to you, through you, and to create with you.

We love you. We receive the beauty that you are. You are magnetic and magnificent. This interaction with you changes all of Life. Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah.


Jamye Price: The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is awareness that brings great force and focus to life. It is so subtle that its power is often overlooked.

However, that subtlety serves your continued strengthening of your awareness.

It is your awareness that connects you with the external world and allows you to interact with it from within. You then begin to shift how the external world is affecting you and how you are affecting the external world.

Your awareness creates change within. You then begin to emanate out new information that has been shaped by you. You are at an exciting point in your evolution where you are increasingly evolving into more conscious interaction with the subtle realm. Prayer is an important part of this interaction.

Connective and Creative Prayer

Prayer is a dialogue with the subtle realm.
 Your awareness begins to connect you with what you are wanting to shape into your life. You utilize prayer as a powerful step to converse your desires into the future, using your present moment as what is causing your desire to come forth. You do this with your heart in a way that is unique to you. This may be done by praying to God, or it may be conversing with yourself.

Prayer is beginning to shift because you are shifting.

It is shifting from a powerless or faithful request to its next step of conscious co-creating. You are beginning to co-create more consciously and leading the way as humanity discovers a deep connection with Life that is natural to you.

You will always be supported by life, you always have been. You are Life. Life is flowing through you and therefore with you. What you are beginning to recognize on a deeper level is that there is perfection within every moment and that each moment is awaiting your awareness to shape the future.

You are given the direct power to co-create with life.


It is the conscious knowing that you deserve to command the life flow through you that is changing profoundly. At times, that may feel uncomfortable, confusing or require faith. You will begin to see a shift in those minute differences of feelings as you become more empowered through experience.

Awareness Amplifies Prayer

As you are communicating through prayer, be attentive to what you are feeling within. Prayer is a co-creation with life. Become very attentive to what you are sensing within as you begin a dialogue with life, with God, with yourself, with the universe and with the future.

All prayer, all connection is beautiful and accepted. However, you amplify the power of your prayer as you feel a comfortable connection with Life. Be attentive to what you are feeling.

Does prayer feel like it is an equal conversation with life? That is what is shifting in this time. You begin to discover more of the clarity of who you are, what you want, and the life that you want to live as you recognize your inherent value. Life cherishes you.

Dealing With Disappointment

There are times you have life experiences that may not align with what you want or what feels good. However, they do align with what you are capable of understanding, transforming or co-creating into improvement.

In those moments, allow yourself to receive nurturance.


Allow yourself to receive how powerful it is that you are feeling exactly what you are feeling in the moment. Breathe it in, let it transform within you. In this moment, you are enhancing your strength to transform life.

As you honor your present moment, your authentic feelings and perceptions; you are strengthening your ability to transform life. It is inherent to your desire for improvement, and equal to your courage to Love yourself in a moment of challenge.

This is the subtle power of your awareness. It begins a change, invisible in the moment, which shapes a new future. This is also the gift of empowered prayer. You may not feel bliss in every moment, but you can discover what is calling you to co-create a new future within.


A subtle shift in your inner dialogue has become more available to you in this current energy.

You are refining and understanding yourself to a new degree of creative empowerment. You are beginning to understand at an experiential level that you have more access to peace, which is a grounding force during chaos. You are experiencing access to new information through the feeling of peace and the connection that creates. Empowered prayer is part of that connection.

Empowered Prayer

As you take the internal action of empowered prayer, you are beginning to transform on a subtle level which is building the future. You will notice more of a shift and begin to be aware of how you feel in your inner dialogue.

Does your prayer have the feeling of victim or lack? If it has that nuance, nurture it. That is just information.

Does it have the nuance of, “I don’t know but I have faith?” That is an improved experience from victim, but there is still not the equality of knowing. If you notice that nuance, nurture it.

Seek to move from the beautiful level of faith to a level of knowing.

You may not know how or when a manifestation will occur, but Know that you are a cherished by Life. You are a creative aspect of Life, and Life is desiring to flow through you into manifestation.

Nurture yourself into a more co-creative empowerment with life. Do not let feelings of lack block you from seeking a peaceful connection with Life. In those moments breathe in deeply and let the life force in.

Life Is Responding To Your Prayer

Know that all is well and that Life will call you toward your creation. Life is wanting to flow through you. Let the emotions flow, let them release from you. Breathe in the transformation of positive and negative emotions into peace. Know that all is well.

As you move from faith to knowing, notice the emotional freedom of understanding, “I don’t need to know how, why or when – I just Know.” I will interact and respond as necessary. I do not even need to have a perfect experience to get there. These times are teaching you to recognize that All is Well, even though there is still much trauma and drama that is resolving on Earth.

You are Prayer in Powerful Human Form

You are embarking on a rather exciting time, even though it is not always easy. There will continue to be challenges on this Earth. There will continue to be resolution on this Earth. There will continue to be ease on this Earth. As you become an Empowered Sovereign, you anchor that ease with Life. Life Transforms through your empowered prayer, your willingness to flow Life from all its facets into the innate beauty it is.


Within you there is a sacred Love of Life that sees beauty in all aspects of life. Within you the power to transform Life is growing. You will find that even something that seems painful begins to transform into possibility. It resides within you, in the invisible realm. Nurture yourself to help it grow. You shape and create it, often with a form of prayer. You then emanate it out through your beingness and your experiences. Life on Earth changes. Your prayer is a powerful catalyst of change.

Selacia: Love in Your DNA Akashic Records

Love in Your DNA Akashic Records

Relationships are having an extra dose of challenges in April as stressful planetary energies play out and add to the amplified tensions we’ve been experiencing since 2017 began. In this article, I’ll outline a few ways this can play out with the people you love, as well as the connection between discord and very old patterns in your DNA akashic records.


Inside your DNA is the vast akashic records of your soul’s journey over time. Key events, beliefs, patterns, qualities, talents, and tendencies are recorded there. Memories and lessons of relationships are there too, along with vows and agreements made with loved ones across time. Quite often in my DNA intuitive healing practice, it is a relationship issue a person first presents as a key challenge.

Relationships are the catalyst for personal growth and enlightenment. Very old dysfunctional fear-based DNA-level patterns within humanity are coming to the surface this year. You can see this being played out in personal relationships, in business, and in government. It has a lot to do with the craziness unfolding in politics and the increased war mongering between countries. Most likely, you are noticing an increased turbulence within your family and in key relationships.

At the core of all beings is love and the ability to love without condition. To fully access that love and have it consistently reflected back to you in loving relationships, dysfunctional DNA-level patterns must be addressed as they arise.

Everybody has them. When they rise to the surface, they play out in relationships. These patterns in the unconscious cannot be accessed by the mind, or understood with conscious awareness. That’s why even advanced healers and spiritual practitioners reach out to a trusted DNA healing practitioner skilled in properly identifying and healing patterns and their root causes.

As mentioned in my article “Tips to Thrive in April,” difficult energy cycles are likely to stimulate more than the usual amount of emotional triggers in relationships. You and your loved ones may be more sensitive than usual, for example, so discussions and events may be magnified. When this happens, another deep level of unconscious DNA-level conditioning could rise to the surface and begin playing out. Harsh words may be said. Irrevocable actions may be taken in such a cycle.

Viewing Relationship Turmoil with Compassion

Knowing we have this energy unfolding, consider the following suggestions that can help you view your relationship turmoil with compassion and understanding.

FIRST, do your best to stay positive and keep your frequency high. Even if you have harsh words with a loved one, don’t allow yourself to make snap judgments about what the words mean. Avoid ultimatums and black-and-white thinking. You – and perhaps your loved one too – may simply be having a melt down that has nothing to do with the love you share for each other. Don’t ignore it, though. Melt downs are a sign there’s a weak link somewhere – most likely an old unresolved DNA-level pattern that needs to be looked at and healed. With this higher view, it’s easier for you to avoid taking things personally. Also, you are less likely to react and say or do something that you later regret. Breathe. Give space.

SECOND, given that we have a Mercury Retrograde starting April 9, use that time to initiate a deeper level of exploring DNA-level blocks to loving relationships. Those blocks do not come to the surface all at once – thank goodness – but in stages over time as life events unfold. Retrogrades indeed are a perfect time to go within and focus on healing key relationships. I recommend starting with you, as the reference point – focusing on what might be blocking your manifesting a loving partner or a harmonious work environment with others who accept you and value your gifts. In tandem with that, intend to notice which current relationship is stirring the most angst within you. Ask yourself: “In the recent argument or situation with X, what was my core fear?” This inquiry can be fruitful now.

THIRD, go gently with yourself and others. Change cannot and should not be forced, and it doesn’t need to be stressful. Current planetary energies may sometimes be felt like lightning bolts, or simply a big shove from behind. This kind of energy pushes you to change something in your life. To move through the change passageway in the highest manner, you will need to stay in your heart, remain positive, and be willing to take risks. Depending on what you need to change, the risk could look like one of these options: (1) Asking for what you need (2) Setting loving boundaries (3) Re-evaluating what you truly value (4) Confronting a dysfunctional habitual pattern you learned from caregivers (5) Being honest with yourself about who you are allowing to drain you of energy.

Think of this cycle as another call from the universe to do a major overhaul of your way of being, way of thinking, and way of operating in the world. Invite your inner wisdom to give you nudges to help you learn from relationships. Ask to be shown how to be more loving and how to experience more love with others. Trust that you are encoded to love and that with each relationship you can learn to more fully embody the love that you are.

Weekly LightBlast; The Power To Change ~ a message from Jamye Price

Weekly LightBlast; The Power To Change

Blessed Being, perhaps you are feeling the amplification of spin as the spiral tightens, speeds, and slows prior to a change in direction. What would a change in direction mean for you? A better life? More ease? More creativity? A pole shift? Do not fear, powerful one, for we speak of your internal experience, not a cataclysmic Earth experience. You chose years ago to move into Ascension as a species, and now you are at an exciting culmination.

We want to speak to you of the metaphorical shift of polarity, for its process is intensified now and you are in the midst of great change. We have said for many months now that you would begin to see more polarization within your world. More extremes. It likely has felt this way for quite awhile for you, but for those that are less sensitive to the higher frequencies, their ears are now ringing with fear. You have been “hearing” the changes long before the evidence was presenting so boldly on the world stage.

Outer control has been slipping away strongly since 2013, because your brain has been developing to access more of your natural abilities. Intuition has increased, discernment has increased, seeing beyond the obvious has increased, focus on potentials has increased, understanding of the subtle realms has increased, inner peace and courage have increased. Fear has decreased, resistance to challenge has decreased, blindly following others has decreased, and giving away your power to another has decreased.

You are now at a time when the frontal lobe of the brain is developing into more connection with multiple potentials, opportunities, and possibilities that couldn’t be accessed when fear dominated the mind’s potential and therefore a being’s sovereignty. In September this change in the frontal lobe began flowing strongly. You will begin to see the results of this in the extremes of humanity that choose to focus on fear or new creation, on group mentality or empowered sovereignty, on destruction or what will be built from the present circumstances. Where is your focus?

Your Power to Change is immense. The polarity shift is within each cell of your physicality and occurs continuously. You ease your change by finding the stillness within chaos, the peace-full focus that stills the perception of movement and offers clarity within rapid change.

If you are in a train speeding through the countryside, and you focus on an object in the distance ahead and slowly move your head to follow it, what was blurring past you becomes slow and clear. This is a similar process in the metaphorical polarity shift. As the spiral spins faster and the funnel tightens, your focus within creates a clarity of the blur of movement.

As each funnel reaches its culmination, there is an instant, a stillpoint; then the base becomes the zenith and new direction occurs. The inner meets the outer—the connection of the spiral has brought something inside of the self into physical expression. New creation forms.

This occurs within you continuously, as the fractal goes deeper within and expands ever outward, its reflection creating a Fresh Focus that is unique in time and space. You are a creator, created in the image of your Creator, abiding universal laws that are written into the nature of your existence.

Breathe easily amidst change, for your destination is the reflection of your inner world. Honor your flow and know that the path to peace is within each being, within each cell, within each moment.

Your Power to Change is as simple as going with the flow of the present moment as you move toward your desires.


Do you want to change something in your own life? Take small actions in the direction of your desire, observing each step for the response from Life. The path of least resistance is where flow is supported. If you meet resistance, do not stop your flow, observe what is being shown as the most appropriate flow in that moment. Do you move forward, wait patiently, or change direction? The flow of each moment will help you decide. You can not make a mistake.

Do you want to change the path of humanity? You have every right to desire its flow, for you are it. Cast your vote internally with prayer. You are not dominating, you are offering hope. Domination is fast losing dominion. Your Power to Change the opportunities for humanity is coming front and center. Let your desires be heard. Prayer does not dominate, it magnetizes that which is resonant. Love loudly with the silence of your being.

Shape your inner world with peace. Shape your own life with your actions toward new creation. Shape the path of humanity with your internal choice and external actions. This is a powerful time of change.

Love is stronger than fear. Fear is louder than Love because it knows it’s not as strong. Hold your power. It is within. It is where change begins. You are that powerful.

As we sit to Blast The Power to Change, we are establishing a strength within that supports change with ease in each moment. We are boldly Loving the parts of humanity that are surfacing to resolve from fear into true strength and connection. We are focusing within, where the stillpoint is the future forming. We are clarifying our focus with each breath, even as life seems to speed by. We are learning to control our own inner pace (our inner peace). We are holding the power of Love in the Space within, Time responding to our focus. Blast on!

Equinox Gateway Preparation ~ a message from Selacia

Equinox Gateway Preparation
a message from Selacia

Thursday, 5 March, 2015  (posted 6 March, 2015

This month’s Equinox may be one of the most potent experienced in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of what you can do now to prepare for beneficial spiritual openings available at this gateway. What you say yes or no to at this juncture could have long-term implications in your life.


As a reminder, we’re sitting in a very powerful energy month. Highlights include a rare culmination Pluto-Uranus planetary lineup happening March 16, sure to catalyze long-lasting waves of changes on both personal and collective levels. Added to that is the total Solar Eclipse with New Moon (a supermoon) at the March 20 Equinox.

Any one of these energy events, but certainly all three, can lead to significant turning points – for humanity as a whole and for you personally. Adding to the intensity, we have a powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on April 4.

These types of planetary events tend to shake up the status quo. Whether you were born in the 1960s or the 1990s, times like this bring to light needed transformational changes – often with an element of surprise.

If there was a Geiger counter to measure fluctuations in your nervous system, imagine how it might be going off the chart as your body processes these volatile energies.

Your nervous system doesn’t like surprises very much, so when things get like this, there’s a tendency to go into either fight or flight mode.

Making decisions in that state can lead you down a path of redos and regrets.

This is just a sampling of the volatile energy undercurrents impacting you and everyone you love. There are more, of course, including this week’s Full Moon (March 5) amplifying things, but this summary is more than enough to ponder right now.

Foresight and Advance Planning

As mentioned in my recent article, foresight and advance planning go a long way during times like this. Having a heads up of what’s to come, and consciously intending how you will respond, can make a huge difference in how you weather the intensity and what benefits you receive at this energy gateway.

Sometimes when you want something and you’ve done all you can do, you must be patient as the universe assembles things. Other times, such as in March with the Equinox and planetary lineups, you need to make yourself available to doorways of opportunity that can appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Prepare for the Equinox Gateway

Here are some tips to prepare for our Equinox gateway. The idea here is to find the inner harmony and balance needed to not only weather the cosmic storm but to be ready to step through a new doorway allowing you to have a wonderful new start.

That’s the jewel available this Equinox, a profound opportunity to set in motion a new direction.
This is the potential of seeing yourself in a brand-new way, catalyzing a significant shift in some area of your life.

The change may be something you have thought about or wanted for a long time. It also may be something totally outside your radar – something so new or radical that when you say yes to it, everything in your life experience changes! Here are some things you can do now to be ready.

FIRST: Remember that high-intensity days will amplify feelings and reactions to everyday things. Breathe often and ground yourself in the here and now. Rather than complaining or worrying, focus your mind on being open to the nudges from your Higher Self. When you bring spirit into your everyday reality, everything will flow better and you can avoid needless side trips. Another bonus: when you are fueled by spirit, it’s easier to find compassion for others having a meltdown.

SECOND: Intend daily to be open to the windows of opportunity available at this gateway. Then remember your intention as you navigate the day, acting on your heart’s wisdom. Opportunities often are disguised as something else – like a challenge you must meet before a life-changing event occurs or a random person who annoys you so much that you finally realize you must stop being a doormat.

THIRD: Do some form of meditation daily to clear your mind and reset your energy. You must have quiet and stillness in order to hear the helpful voice of your inner wisdom. Quieting the mind, too, helps you to be present. You must be conscious and awake in present time to benefit fully in these moments. Meditation can help you reduce overthinking and worry about the future, too.

As a divine changemaker, you are encoded to be here now. You have much more strength and preparation than you can possibly realize! After all, this is not your first lifetime here. Keep this overall picture in mind as you move through this cycle. Trust that spirit is right by your side.

Copyright 2014 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

This message was originally posted here




Greetings everyone. Before I begin this channeling I would like to tell you what I was told by my guides and what I was shown. The Avalanche Portal that is coming up on October 23rd is exactly as the name implies, it is an Avalanche of experience.

This portal is an incredible amplifier of EVERYTHING that is within us. An amplifier of BOTH polarities, which means that whatever you are going to walk with into this portal with on October 23rd will be amplified.

Meaning if you will have a “negative” outlook on your life, ALL These fears and apprehensions will be amplified! All of your fears that you have not had a chance to deal with just yet, will be brought onto the surface for you to examine and finally LET GO of. If you walk into this portal with a positive outlook, beaming with excitement and anticipation of most beautiful experiences that await you, as well as focus only on the positive outcomes in every situation, this portal will bring you MUCH success, abundance, health, and everything and anything you can possibly imagine for yourself.

This portal will reflect back to you what YOU ARE.  This portal brings an opportunity to move onto a NEW PATH. And to truly immerse yourself into your own self! It will showcase to you your strength (if you allow) and weaknesses (if you allow), and will propel you onto new heights only, and only if ,you will be able to LET GO and TRUST that all is going according to DIVINE blueprint of your being.

Therefore in the days leading up to, during and post this portal it is HIGHLY important to make time for YOURSELF. To truly open up to your own soul, having the courage to see yourself for who you truly are, letting go of fear, and embracing yourself with LOVE that you give to OTHERS.

This time is all about YOU. Allowing you to go to the depths of yourself and emerge with the knowledge of what you are doing here. And not just knowledge but an actual pathway, a roadmap if you will, of what you are to do with your life.


Therefore it’s highly important to examine the fear that may come up for you. Running away from it is futile, you will need to face it head on, understanding exactly where it is coming from, working with it, and releasing it. Once again I will say that I have written numerous guides on how to do just that which you can find on my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com

I have also received a message from Arch Angel Metatron which I was told to incorporate into this channeling. I will talk about it after the channeling from the Hathors, it’s quite an important message to assist you in preparing for this portal.

Once again you can work on yourself at any given moment in time, however there are certain days where certain portals open up for us to partake of.

To sum up: the coming portal is to be celebrated, and utilized to the best of your capacity allowing it to stir you in the right direction for your soul.



So having said this, here is the channeling from the Hathors, enjoy:

“The avalanche portal of discoveries of the past and the discoveries of the future, shall ring true to the ears of those who are familiar with said statements. Shall ring true to the ears of those who understand innately that which we speak of.

For through the Avalanche portal of your known understanding of personified existence on human earth, you shall be granted access to the highest octaves of your higher self. Through the Avalanche portal of the Emerald frequencies and recognition purposes. For the emerald principles of your being shall propel you to the recognition that indeed such frequencies are plausible and comprehensible in your world.

For indeed the Avalanche portal is that which shall propel you to and open the door to your home planets, to the destination of that which you all hold sacred. The Avalanche portal of abundance, restoration, recalibration, balance, peace, harmony, health, love, fruitful endeavors, aligned opportunities, significant encounters… ALL this is coming your way, all this is already available, all this can and shall be found in the Avalanche portal of the coming new moon. The Avalanche portal of abundance, health and joy. The avalanche of love and affection, the avalanche of prosperity, benevolence and peace.

For through the encounters with the divinity of your being, through the strength of perseverance, through the abundance of thinking patterns, through the recalibration of your thought processes, through the allowance, and release of all that no longer shall occupy your frames of existence, through all that is all that is not, you shall find the necessary decrees, the necessary steps to take in the fruitful discovery of where you presently are and where you are yet to be.

WE the Hathors, the forefathers of your known world. The foremothers of your know existence. Are standing by you, ready to assist you in all that you are. Ready to guide you. Ready to be guided by you. Ready to assist all our children in reaching the highest destination of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”


As I promised here is a short message to all of you from Arch Angel Metatron.

“Dearly beloved children of GAIA, as you move through ascension corridor of your own creation, you shall assist GAIA in spreading her wings once more, you shall assist her as you are assisting your own selves, and in doing so you shall raise your vibrations ever so much. For the true essence of being lays in the understanding that you all are connected with the divine, you all are connected with your very own selves, you all are connected with GAIA and all of the universe. For all is ONE and one is ALL. And so, you are to seek out a stone of high purity and abundance, a stone that shall bring you closer to the understanding of that which you are , a stone that shall release the lay lines of your being and align you with the lay lines of GAIA.

The exquisite formation of extraordinary desires inset in the classification doctrine of GAIA’s purest form of expression, can be found in the aragonite directive within the structural element grids of her being.

Through the aragonite principles it is then plausible to establish an understanding with the connectedness that many on you planet are lacking and are indeed desiring to experience. For the frequency that this particular design carries can permeate through your being at high capacities and re establish the link long lost to the archonic influences of your known world.

Through the aragonite principles the accords can be reset, resurrected and directed to the very core of your being, to the very core of that which you are. And a such opening the channels of communication not only with the deity of your choice, but most importantly with the one that you are longing to connect with, and that is yourself. As the principles abound on your planet, many more encounters with the divine insetting shall be acquired through the knowledge of the past , the knowledge of the future, and present moment in time.”


For those of you who do not know about Aragonite.

This is a strong stone to heal the earth, and to heal you… both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the base chakra and the earth chakra to release excess energy… and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The vibration of these stones aids you to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of Aragonite Star Clusters will balance and support your lower chakras… and provide you with a feeling of stability within your life.

These stones have an excellent vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. They may aid you to be more patient and to be more content about your life circumstances.

Using them is one of the useful methods to relieve stress… and when you are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of your life, these stones may be particularly helpful. They may relieve anger and resentment… and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotions.

Aragonite Star Clusters have a strong spiritual vibration and are excellent to aid meditation. As during meditation, they are known to bring visions of forgotten memories… both from this life and past lives. It may be challenging to have these memories that you would rather have forgotten, come back to your attention.

As this is quite common when using these stones, it is highly beneficial to use the Aragonite Star Clusters before meditation, to enable you to be more prepared.

They will clear your auric field of disharmony, then balance your chakras. The energy of this stone may bring your vibration to a higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit.

Once it has succeeded in raising your vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

Meditation with this stone may vividly bring back old memories, both from this lifetime and past lives. Once you have released these memories, the subsequent meditation with these stones will be quite different.

Once again thank you for listening. I love you all and am sending you an AVALANCHE of prosperity, abundance, health, love and light!

Source about the crystal is from :


~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/