Progress in Advanced Technologies ~ by Cobra | The Portal

Progress in Advanced Technologies ~ by Cobra | The Portal

November 29, 2014

It appears that the surface population is not handling free energy technology development easily. One of the main blocking factors is greed and insincerity of inventors, investors and other people in the overunity technologies creation process.

Anyway, we are hoping this project will soon bring tangible results:
Otherwise, Dragon groups are still searching for sincere inventors without any personal agenda that have a working overunity prototype which can be immediately put into mass production and does NOT require additional funding. Those inventors can contact us at .
It is more likely that overunity technologies will be released at the Event, or the release might come gradually even before that through government channels of the BRICS nations, especially India, China or Russia. These countries are working intensively on decoupling the global financial system from the petrodollar and thus effectively decreasing global control of the US negative military/Chimera on free energy technologies:
Dragon sources are suggesting that in addition to overunity technologies we temporarily shift our focus into other advanced technologies that do not trigger so many personality issues. Some of those technologies have been released already:
There was a lot of progress in development of laser healing technologies. In addition to Mandala Sphere laser healing system, Mandala Scan can evaluate the state of our physical and energy bodies whereas Mandala Light Space is an advanced biofeedback system that can teach us how to reach higher states of consciousness. You can read more about those exciting new technologies here:

There was also some progress in Pleiadian Tachyon technologies.

You can read about the Pleiadian Stargate here:
And about other Tachyon technologies here:

Victory of the Light is near!

Portal2012 Monday, June 9, 2014 Planetary Situation Update

Portal2012 Monday, June 9, 2014
Planetary Situation Update

Behind the scenes, the Light forces are focusing on the defeat of the Chimera group. Not much intel about their operations will be given for obvious reasons. The only thing I can say is that the Light forces have established many new bases in the inner solar system, especially in the asteroid belt, on Mars and the Moon and many new motherships of the Light forces are positioned on strategic positions inside the inner solar system. Smaller ships are positioned in vicinity of the Earth, with a current special emphasis on medium Earth orbit (MEO).

It might be interesting to know that MEO is the orbit of GPS, Glonass and Galileo satellites. It is also interesting that Russia is shutting down their GPS stations:
There is much »unusual« activity in the space near our planet and mid-level management of the Cabal is being prepared for the reality of existence of extraterrestrial races. These revelations are quite shocking and bizarre for many of them:–bizarre–secret-foreign-policy-meeting-211842750.html
There are also some promising developments regarding the QEG overunity device:
On the surface of the planet, the Eastern alliance is working slowly but steadily to create an alternative financial structure to defeat and remove the petrodollar / Illuminazi / military-industrial complex conglomerate:
More intel will be released when certain operations of the Light forces are completed.

Posted by Cobra at 1:49 PM
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Labels: Chimera, Eastern Alliance, Galactic Confederation, military-industrial complex, overunity


Portal2012 ~ Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Pleiadian Portal Activation Report ~ by Cobra

 Portal2012 ~ Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Pleiadian Portal Activation Report
~ by Cobra


Pleiadian Portal activation was successful. Confederation motherships have positioned themselves inside the Oort cloud. Many of them (mostly from the Pleiadian fleet) are now already within our solar system to prepare for the final liberation of the planet.

The Resistance is now assuming a more active role inside the solar system. Beyond their main stronghold on planet X, they are building many active bases in outer solar system.

Pluto’s moon Charon, which was once a military warehouse for the dark forces, is now one of the main military command centers of the Resistance for the final defeat of the Chimera group.

Many female members of the Resistance are living on some objects in outer solar system and using them as relay stations of the Goddess energy from the Galactic Central Sun towards planet Earth.

The main relay station inside our solar system for the Goddess energy from the Galactic center is a centaur asteroid Chariklo. Many female members of the Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement are located there, meditating and channeling Goddess energy from the Galactic center and sending it towards Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Rings have been discovered around Chariklo just a few months ago:

Those rings serve as a stargate which relays Goddess energy into our solar system.

The main stronghold of female Lightwarriors of the Resistance Movement under wise leadership of a woman with a codename Ariel is on Eris, a small planetary body on the edge of the Solar system:

Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter’s moons, is the location of the main communications hub for this solar system which includes teams from the Galactic Confederation, the Ashtar Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan fleet and also the Resistance Movement.

Many new bases of the Light forces will be established in the inner solar system in the very near future, especially on asteroids, Mars and the Moon.

On the surface of our planet, the energy of the Pleiadian portal was relayed through many individuals and groups that were meditating. The main anchor was our group in Switzerland, which was very dedicated and strong. The Light was bright and the skies were clear. One participant of the conference has shared this photo of Confederation extraterrestrial craft that was taken in Mount Shasta some time ago:

Around the time of the Pleiadian Portal activation, the QEG group in Morocco has achieved overunity in their free energy prototype development, according to some sources:

The energies of the Pleiadian Portal activation have irritated the Archons to organize a new wave of attacks on my work through misinformed and manipulated »truthers« on the surface of this planet. To get a better perspective on my work, you can read this excellent article:

I have suggestion for all the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. Instead of attacking each other, you can direct your energy into something like this:

Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra at 3:50 PM
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Labels: Chariklo, Eris, Fix the World, Mount Shasta, Pleiadian alignment, Pleiadians, Resistance Movement

Portal2012 Report About the Japan and Taiwan Conferences by COBRA


Friday, April 4, 2014

Report About the Japan and Taiwan Conferences

Both conferences were a huge success. 

Just a few days before Mojiko conference there was a 4th magnitude earthquake in the area, the strongest in the last 40 years. That was a sign of the purification which came during the conference weekend, when we successfully cleared the Hiroshima and Nagasaki areas of mostly all etheric radioactivity on Saturday, and we sucessfuly repeated the same process with Fukushima on Sunday. Many souls which were trapped in those areas have been liberated and guided into the Light during the process.


When I was traveling through Hiroshima the next day, the city’s energy signature was not of a city which went through a nuclear bomb explosion, but of an average industrial city, like many other cities with heavy industry throughout the world:


In Taiwan we had a very strong and dedicated group of people and exactly when we did the vortex activation for Taipei City, a sudden thunderstorm with torrential rain appeared out of nowhere and purified the city.


A demonstration video of a working QEG overunity device was shown at the conference by the Fix the World team.


After the conference we visited the QEG production facility in Taiwan where the team was just starting to assemble cores for the QEGs:

Now, just a few days later, they are already getting raw power from the same cores:

You can assist the Fix the World team by donating here:

If you are building your own QEG, you can visit the main QEG networking hub here:


That website contains detailed practical information about all stages of the QEG manufacturing process and is an excellent networking tool to connect with other groups which are building their own QEGs.

Besides all work for the conferences, I was having several meetings with the representatives of different Dragon groups. During those meetings and  negotiations, important strategies for different key aspects of the  planetary liberation process were agreed upon and that will have a very  positive long lasting influence on the geopolitical situation on the surface of this planet.