A Message to Lightworkers – May 26, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – May 26, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan – Introduction

Greetings, Beautiful Light Beings!

I’m happy to announce that the new book from the Collective

The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship”

Releases on Amazon on Tuesday, June 27!

I send huge thanks to all who support and enjoy the Collective’s books! You inspire me to keep going.

Of course, relationships can be a challenging subject. Most of us have very definite ideas about what should and shouldn’t happen in our connections with loved ones.

But I hope you will get as much out of this second book in the Fifth Dimensional Life series as you did the first (Abundance For All), and the Ascension Manuals.

Stay tuned for more info — and some excerpts — in the coming weeks!

Until then — this week’s Message addresses the event that occurred in Manchester, England on Monday, and the challenges of living in these days of powerful transition.

Once again, they are asking us to look forward and up, not down.

I would like to ask that as a group, that we all send (right now, as you read this) a burst of Divine Love and Light to the whole city of Manchester, and especially to those who lost loved ones or experienced the event firsthand.

Just take a moment to envision them all in a beautiful bubble of golden Divine Light, with Angels speaking to them on a heart level, to heal and reassure each person.

Our intention will reach them via the higher realms, multiplied.

Sending much Love and Light to all of them, and to you,

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Makers of the New Earth! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

Many of you feel that you are, as they say, “suffering another setback” as you look at this past week with dismay, regarding both world events and individual challenges.

We use the term “challenges” rather than “problem,” as that word implies stuckness, and you are never stuck, however you may feel about any situation at any time.

A Challenge is not a problem, but a situation that calls you up into the gifts, abilities, and outlook of your greater self.

That more powerful self is centered in not only the higher self but your most Divine aspect, and your soul.

And in these days of exhausting and completely re-forming changes, as you integrate the solar energies now reaching Earth, you may wonder if your higher self has gone into hibernation, or chosen to hide from you indefinitely.

And we would say, that even in the moments that feel that way, that could never be true.


There was of course a very sad and quite difficult day in England this past week, in which young people who had gathered for a joyful celebration instead found themselves in a situation of physical danger and emotional trauma.

And most assuredly, some persons present at that event did leave their physical form and their Earth lives, reuniting with their higher selves and their soul families, or at least, beginning the transition to such.

This is of course extremely difficult for those on Earth who are for the most part, still living “behind the veil.”

For most of their loved ones still on Earth are unable to conceive of their friends and family members being in not just “a better place,” but suddenly finding themselves traveling into some of the most beautiful, fulfilling, and celebrational aspects of this Universe.

And so, they grieve what they call a loss, though truly, no real loss has occurred.

For though they are still adjusting to their new situation, those who left the Earth this past week, due to that event and myriad other situations, are not grieving. They are reuniting with the very loved ones they left after choosing to live yet another Earth life.


It is of course difficult for them to leave their loved ones behind, knowing these ones will not understand that all is well, and will believe themselves to be separate from those who have moved on.

Your playwright known as Shakespeare (actually St Germain, in his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon) had his Hamlet call death “that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.”

Yet Hamlet was one for whom the veil was very heavy.

In truth, you have all returned from that much-discovered country, many times.

And once you Ascend into a higher dimension in this particular lifetime, most of you will choose to never again experience the travails and heaviness of a third dimensional life.


Yet something interesting has occurred in this particular third dimensional life.

For unlike all the others, you are no longer on that karmic wheel so many refer to.

And while the genuinely hard work of sorting through both past life issues and the challenges of this Earth life can take more strength and ingenuity than you may feel to have some days, you are nonetheless moving up that Ascension path, reclaiming your higher and most authentic self, while releasing everyone and everything that does not resonate with your new, far higher vibration.


And so you may wish to enact a few changes, in celebration of such.

To periodically go through your home, going over your belongings and deciding which items were appropriate for your old life, but do not hold a high enough vibration for your new life.

You may wish to look at your friendships, your daily work, the town where you live, and even a marriage or other partnership, and ask, “Does this situation reflect who I AM now, and who I AM becoming? Or does this belong to a chapter that has ended?”

We have noted in other Messages to you, that much in your world is in a powerful state of transition now, which at times can appear calamitous.

So that it may feel as if you are experiencing a very great earthquake or flood—a cataclysm of some sort, that is shaking you to the core, removing or replacing whole aspects of your outer life and revising much of your inner life.

Of course you are exhausted, angry, sad, or fed up many days.

And yet—you came for this!

You came for the thrill of this adventure, of remembering and reclaiming your co-Creator status in this Universe, from the seemingly impossible vantage point of living behind the third dimensional veil.


“What sane person would do such a thing?” you may be wondering.

And yes, it is so that many have suffered on the Earth plane.

And yet, the great mountain climber does not look for the next great adventure in a children’s sandbox.

The great explorer does not row across a calm lake whose shoreline is clearly visible on all sides.

The great scientist does not rerun the same experiments every day, because “I already know how they all turn out, so there is no stress involved!”

You came forward for the great challenge—even those specific challenges—that you are now facing, including a planet that feels to be imploding some days.

And yet, the frequencies of Lady Gaia Herself, as well as the overall frequency of human consciousness, are rising to the point where calamitous events will soon enough find no foothold on the Earth.

There have already been countless attempts by those who plan and carry out these events (who have not been correctly named by your news media), to stage many more events of a similar nature, to convince one country or another, and by extension the entire planet, that there is an invisible evil waiting to ambush you at every turn.

And of course, you know this is not true.

What is true is the unseen presence of billions of Galactic ships and trillions of higher beings, including many legions of Angels, circling the Earth and answering calls for help.


And our interventions are occurring more and more often now, as humanity’s vibration continues to rise to levels where the third dimensional veil—the tiny, narrow vision imposed upon you at birth—is no longer a factor.
Most of that veil is a matter of induced fear.

And it is fear that you must release, as you allow yourselves to realize that as you create new and higher vibrational realities inwardly, you also begin to create them outwardly.

None of this is being held back from you. It is a mechanism of your Universe that awaits your awareness of it, as it always has.


And so one of the practical methods enjoyed by the bi-weekly Abundance Group is the practice of “pretending” that you already have whatever is on your “Things to Manifest” list.

You do that by feeling the reality of a particular situation, such as a new form of work, sum of money, monthly income, or event.

In that deeply held moment of inner experience, this thing already exists.

It is already a part of your outlook and outer life. You feel it as already real—so that in that moment, it is no longer separate from you, but a natural part of your day.

Use this method, in which you are imagining or visualizing with real heart, with anything you wish to create for your Earth.

Do this as you inwardly experience the joy of the full enactment of NESARA Law, as well as the landings of your Galactic family members, of world Peace and the end of all weaponry, of free energy devices being used by everyone on the planet.

You may wish to add to that list your own beautiful visions and plans for a New Earth, and your own experience of that.

None of this is accidental, nor are your visions particular to you, so that you are selfish in desiring and requiring a life of full Abundance, Peace, Freedom and Equality for all.


You wait a moment of a grand intervention, as you have been programmed to expect.

Yet we are awaiting your own determinations to remake your planet, and believe us when we say, you are doing so, more and more each day, beginning with the state of your own consciousness, and your determination to rise higher on the vibrational scale.

And all of us and the transitioning souls of those dear ones who this week returned as planned to a Home of great beauty wish to say that Now would not be the time for fear, thoughts of division, or feelings of tragedy or loss.

Now would be the time to proclaim that indeed, death has no sting, no threat, no hold upon you, no place in your reality.


And so we hold the door open as widely as your present consciousness will permit.

Step through it, to the next level! One where you actively engage in what you have been told are only “dreams and visions.”

And know that more power, beauty, and joy awaits than even you have dreamt of.

You are such stuff as Universes are made on!

You too began with a dream, and a vision.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author and speaker who channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

UPDATE: FOUR YEARS AFTER 2012by Ute Posegga-Rudel | Messages from the Realms of Light

Monday, December 5, 2016

UPDATE: FOUR YEARS AFTER 2012by Ute Posegga-Rudel
| Messages from the Realms of Light

VIDEO (recommended)


Where are we now? What is the reality of planet earth? And where are you standing?

Almost 4 years have passed after the great events in December 2012!

When I remember the time of increasing excitement, leading to the December 2012 climax, the difference I notice is this:

While we enjoyed the crescendo of the time BEFORE the 2012 event, the fire of expectation and inspiration, the initiation and aspiration to a steep ascension process  into new heights of experience, has settled. And many thought, nothing has happened in spite of all of this. Because the world seemed to continue without drastic changes, and the global affairs in the following years have become even more difficult and dramatic for the vast majority of us.

As life in 3D became altogether more complicated, everything NOT in agreement with the vision of a new humanity and earth, became more obvious. The dark and decadent ground  of the old world came to the forefront so that it seems the times got worse.

But what really happened: as the hidden started to play out in the visible for everyone, everybody could finally see it, who were true to themselves.

What became now conscious through the appearances in the visible world, suddenly started to become the new reality and offered thereby the conscious choice for change and evolution. First inside oneself and then in the world around us.

The thing with manifesting the outer world is a bit more difficult, as 3D density needs time for change, if the level of conscious energy is not fluent and highly vibrating enough.

But what we did: we have changed inside! For many the external and ever worse appearing world lost the impact it once had on our spirit, and inner freedom from involvement with outer events is now expanding. 3D world in its old fashion dribbles along for us, but in many cases really without us! We have become more and  more detached, inside and outside the free space of peace and bliss.

The blessed new light and energies we felt up to 2012 evolved within us, while the outer world is now showing everybody its nasty head, which gives us the opportunity to recognize this reality to go beyond with love.

The bubble of the illusion of a world that seemed liveable, burst, and people needed to realize that this world is not what they thought it is. And so they started to ask questions, in order  to last not least enter the great path of changing within, understanding how each one of us is responsible for the world from inside out.

The ingenious plan of evolution is a most perfect happening. It makes sure we first change from inside, to then allow the world to change. Confirming such the power of our Divine Creatorship. And this power is Unconditional Love.

We are now still in a phase where we need to fully integrate our growing consciousness with the constantly increasing frequency on our Beloved Earth Mother, and our own expanding light and a deeper felt love.

It can happen as we are Divine Beings, Whose True Nature Is Inherently Timeless, Happy and Radiant. The old world cannot persist, if we live the innocence of That. It must take the shape that reflects What We Are.

Ceasing to identify with the old world is necessarily the disintegration of it, as we no longer wish to own it.

This is the graceful process we have inherited from the Infinite Source and Eternal Existence That We Are as Consciousness.

But it is us, who must change first fundamentally, breaking away from the deadly stupidity of the dark matrix.

Let us allow Eternity to Radiate from inside out, let us merely BE without concern about global problems, guided by that BE-ingness to right actions. Such expanded, structures that do not comply, must crumble away.

We do not need to  fight with them. Fighting confirms their existence. We just need to put our attention somewhere else,  where our True Happiness Is. Where our Truth is. We do not need to surrender any longer to an artificial world that has nothing to do with us. Because it is us, our Divine Consciousness, our Love, that makes the “rules”.

Love and Blessings to us all!


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 11:42:00 PM

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 18, 2016



THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full Moon Phase: clarity, revelations

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 12:35 pm ET/4:45 pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: navigate dualities

True Alignments:  imagination, transitions, a shift in what one truly values, inner change, flowers and flowering, magnetic, opportunities, uplifting, turning something over to a Higher Power, realignment

Catalysts for Change:  avoidance, interrupting a process by trying to move it forward too quickly, tantrums, inflexible, insensitive, anti-human rituals, forcing things onto others or forcing things out, fearful of change, anger, overcomplicating

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “an evening lawn party of adults”  (gathering, reflecting, expanded perceptions, ease)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the course of humanity’s renaissance)

Today we have an operation of opposites.  Instead of feeling pulled apart, we can navigate straight down the middle and avoid the bipolarity.

Here is the mix:

1- FULL MOON – The Moon is Full, which heightens emotions and brings things to full expression.  People can become afflicted with “Full Moon Fever.”  The light of truth can be blinding; it can hurt.  This Full Moon puts things to the test: testing limits, testing worthiness, testing capability, testing truth, testing waters.  We have a much better gauge and grasp on things by the end of this Full Moon phase.

2- VENUS AND MARS MAKE MASSIVE CHANGES IN STATUS – Today Venus and Mars are discharging two of the most powerful energetics among the 360 degrees of the zodiac.  Venus is discharging “a volcanic eruption,” and Mars is discharging “deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed.”  This tells us there is potential for big changes, especially with romantic relationships since Venus and Mars are the characters.  These changes are not bad; in fact, they renew things, making them better.  Things that have been held back come out.  Within this, what we truly value is revealed.

This combination of Venus and Mars’ energetics today could result in a surge of geologic activity.  Also, the Sabian symbol of “deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed” is the Sabian symbol for the Sagittarius lunar cycle of November 11- December 28, 2016, so events that occur today will be amplified then.  It may be a good idea to note what is happening today for reference later.

3 – PURITY AND BACK TO BASICS – While Venus and Mars are causing things to erupt from the depths, the Earth and Mercury are working softly and gently.  The Earth is discharging the energetic of “an ancient pottery bowl filled with violets,” and Mercury is discharging the energetic of “Mary and her white lamb.”  Purity, innocence, and true intent are running right alongside of the eruptions from the depths.  We find that “keeping it simple” works best.  This perspective will refresh things, not deride or dilute them.  We want to maintain high standards of respect for all, sensitive to the fact that tantrums and outbursts of emotions ultimately will bring a shift or change to what is of pure heart and foundation.

4- BREAKING ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE – The Sun discharges “daybreak – the luminescence of dawn in the Eastern sky.”  The keyword with this symbol is “luminescence.”  What a great word!  Luminescence is certainly what we get with the Full Moon.  What dawns on you today?  What enables a new beginning?

And another note:  We are moving into an astrological window of time beginning tomorrow and open through September 11 when Mars, Saturn, Neptune (and for a few days, the Sun) will be in significant aspect.  It is a massive event and will produce many more changes in the world.  Even more light is going to enter.  The primary generator of the dynamic is Neptune, which will move tomorrow to “men traveling a narrow path seeking illumination,” the energetic it will discharge while all of these planets aspect it.  Mars, Saturn, and the Sun will be empowering the theme.  The mass awakening continues… (More on this tomorrow.)

But for today, wise owls, we stay out of the tug of war.  We take away the lessons and wisdom that today offers.  Whatever erupts needs to erupt.  Whatever simplifies and refreshes situations needs to simply and refresh.  Ultimately, this takes us to a new place, and new places are exactly where we go on a magic carpet ride.  Watch for those volcanoes today, and remember to stop and smell the violets.

Weekly LightBlast: Creating Problems (and Solutions) ~ a message from Jamye Price

Weekly LightBlast: Creating Problems (and Solutions)

You can watch video version here.

As you begin to allow more, you are opening to your powerful heart.  Your biomechanism is complete in its ability, though ever changing in its details of availability.  Humanity is moving from mind focus to heart integration – a profound change in the availability of new solution.  Any nature of problem that is in your Earth experience has available solution. It is merely your ability to connect to it that changes.

Your ability to problem solve is in-built into your functionality. As all things, it is a balancing.  Through Time, you move from imbalance to balance, the seeking such a compelling that it is natural to you and often unnoticed.  Whether you seek peace, excitement or any other sensation, you are on a path of Life progressing that is honored by your willingness to consume it into new experience.

Your brain naturally forms habits and patterns of understanding that become so natural, you hardly notice them.  This is part of the mechanism of creation, for it requires new data to progress.  New data is available through the timeless connection of the heart, the vast connector of Life.  As you open to the power of your heart, you are allowing new information into the details of the brain and new solution is formed.  As you love yourself more, you change the experience of your life and all those around you.  As you love life more, as you love challenges more as you open to the potentials of yourself more, Life and Love flow through.  That is Allowing new solution to flow into Earth experience.

As we sit to Blast Creating Problems and Solutions, we are reminded that we are a brilliant diamond that has formed within an alchemy of experience through Time.  We are appreciating the challenges as opportunities.  We are recognizing that a problem is merely the past meeting the present vibration that is no longer compatible, thus the future is calling for benevolent change.  We are open to the imbalances that occur, for we hold solution in the heart, the great potential of Love awaiting form through our allowing grace.  We are bravely shining brightly, illuminating the Light of Love from within.  Blast on!

DAILY OM ~ February 15, 2015 Body Language: Listening and Responding

“Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening and increases our intuition….”

DAILY OM ~ February 15, 2015
Body Language: Listening and Responding
by Madisyn Taylor

“So much can be revealed to us when we listen to the language of our bodies. Our bodies are always speaking, sending us messages through the way we move, the sensations that arise from within, and the gestures and expressions that we make when we are communicating with others. Tuning in to the language of our bodies can be very enlightening, especially as most communication is believed to take place nonverbally. It is also believed that the body never lies, and that if we want to know the truth about ourselves and others, then we should listen to what our bodies have to say. Anyone who has ever flirted with someone they are attracted to has probably, at one point in time or another, brushed their hands through their hair or found themselves leaning forward to get closer to that person. Someone feeling defensive will tend to cross their arms over their chest, while a person who wants to withhold something may look away when speaking.

If you want to know how you truly feel about a person or a situation, then it is a good idea to tune in to what you are feeling inside. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety, and fear are just some of the messages that your body wants you to hear. Your body can also be a very reliable compass. Anyone who has ever been somewhere they don’t want to be has probably experienced their bodies trying to move them away from that particular circumstance. And while it can be very easy to talk ourselves into and out of choices we may make with our minds, it isn’t so easy to change the truth of our hearts that reside within our bodies.

To begin tuning in to this subtle form of communication, start taking the time to notice what your body is telling you. Greet each feeling or sensation as a message carrying wisdom from your body. Tune in to what your body is telling you about the situations and people you encounter and listen to what others are communicating to you through their bodies. We already are subconsciously receptive to the language of our bodies, but when we choose to consciously pay attention, we hear and understand so much more about ourselves and the people around us.”


HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE ~ January 18-25, 2015 | The Rainbow Scribe

~ January 18-25, 2015 | The Rainbow Scribe

Beloved Ones,

You have all struggled to maintain equilibrium as the new energies brought out thoughts, feelings and emotions that you had no idea you harboured within and you are now ready for a greater refinement of your four lower bodies. It will become much easier to navigate in the days ahead as most of you have almost completed the cleansing, clearing and purging of all that is not love from your deepest and innermost self. Now the way before you becomes filled with a greater spectrum of light that presents a greater perspective than you previously embraced. A greater understanding of self is at hand which in turn enables a greater understanding of your sisters and brothers with whom you share space in this world. Life takes on a new momentum filled with unlimited possibilities. Your greater clarity and focus now brings your thoughts and creative ideas into quicker manifestation than ever before.

That which used to take years to bring what you desired to you into your experience now comes about in an effortless and harmonious manner. All the good you have desired to experience in your individual lives is being created and brought to you by the universe and the Creator. You now begin to understand what life lived in harmony with the universe and the Creator was meant to be, an ever flowing river of joy, delight, light, color and creativity. The gifts that you developed and practiced throughout your sojourns in physical form now begin to come to the surface. You have the great opportunity to allow these to come into expression through you now. Talents that you had only wished you had begin to arise within you and to surprise you with their emergence in your daily expressions. Each of you have unique and marvellous talents and skills that have lain hidden beneath the surface of perceived personal limitations and these are now dissolving into oblivion.

There will be surprises and unexpected events that occur that will bring each of you pivotal flashes of insight that causes everything to change in a moment. All that occurs brings a total paradigm shift and you must endeavour to not resist what comes forth. Stay open and willing to contemplate and embrace the new directions that can propel you to new heights. Success will come to you from the fruits of your heartfelt intentions and your greatest good begins to manifest for you. Remember to give back to the world in gratitude and humility as you receive your good. Things will come together as if by magic to create the reality you have been seeking. Stay enthusiastic about the new possibilities and potentials and be optimistic in your belief in others so they too, will prosper, grow and expand. Everyone around you will see the positive and beautiful aspects of your true being and will mirror these back to you.

Allow yourselves to reach out into unexplored areas of self expression and look at your projects with a new and more creative approach. Take more risks and open up to new and different ideas. Release any remaining old fears and limitations you may still be holding and open more fully to creative inspiration. To broaden your perspective, choose to be peaceful, quiet your mind and allow the universe to bring to you more options that you may not have been aware of. Let the universe support you and allow its influence to bring to you possible solutions to help direct your outcomes. Be openly receptive, patient and flexible and stay willing to receive in surprising and imaginative ways. Keep moving forward and keep an open eye for new and unexpected opportunities. You could be delightfully surprised where they lead you.

Know that all is well and that only love surrounds you. Embody a new way of looking at life and the world around you. You are a radiant, luminous beacon of light to all around you and you empower others with your love, wisdom and presence. It is time for you to shine even brighter and show the world your true essence.

Until next week …

I AM Hilarion

©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.



Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


The manuscript of survival – part 431 | Aisha North

Even cognitive dissonance will pass, as new understanding carries us forward…

The manuscript of survival – part 431 | Aisha North
December 27, 2014 in Channelings

For now, you have already attained so much of what you came here to do, but there is still a while yet before you can see the full scope of your accomplishments. Indeed, you will all find yourself wallowing in frustration at one time or another in the time ahead, and the reason for that will be the simple fact that you all know at a higher level of your being that what you see around you in no way resembles the reality you have already stepped into energetically. In other words, what you SEE is not what you have, and as such the gap between the two is one that will be difficult to navigate for many of you in the time ahead.

For now is when the challenges arise, the ones that are born from the certitude that you already know that your mission to this planet has been a success, but as yet the fruits of your labours may seem to be invisible to you. Therefore we say to all, prepare yourself by allowing that inner core of yours to step to the forefront in any way you can, for as long as you maintain the connection between your human self and your own true self inviolate you will at all times find a way to navigate through what at times will be very choppy waters indeed. You see, the effects from your successful energetic endeavors over this last period of time will soon make its appearance known to all, but it will do so in what can only be described as some unexpected ways and at some seemingly inopportune moments. You see, this is a period of fluctuations that will bring with them what may seem on a superficial level to be upheavals in every connotation of the word, but as long as you maintain that inner connection, you will feel literally in your very bones that this is not about tearing apart, this is all about starting to settle in to some very new patterns indeed. And as such, what can be easily misconstrued as demolition for the sake of demolition itself is simply all about reaffirming what has already been set into motion.

For now, the wheels are well and truly set in motion on this new playing ground that you have already designed, the place where your origins will play a vital role in your everyday life in a manner that has not been possible before. For earlier, mankind has been held within an energetic environment designed to withhold so much information in such a way, the friction and frustration it created has driven you all into either a search for an inner truth or towards what seemed to be a higher ground but turned out to be a one way street towards destruction. But thanks to the likes of you, the number of people rejecting that headless run towards the latter, the entirety of mankind has been given the opportunity to think again, and to do so in a space of energetic beneficence that will enable every single one to have the opportunity to hitch their wagon to this jubilant group of intrepid explorers that you count amongst, the ones who have already turned their back on the old world, and by the very act of deciding to do so has opened up the unexplored hinterlands and crossed over the lines demarcating the known from the unknown, and you have made what was once not only inaccessible but also unimaginable become a fact of life.

For you have already crossed over that high range hiding the promised land from view from the old version of you, and as you all know, that trek has not been without its challenges nor its sacrifices. But you have made it, and as you ventured ever higher and ever further away from your humble origins, you literally opened up a path for every single individual still waiting out the remainder of their lives back in the land of lack and fear. And now, the path ahead for them is clear cut and well lit, and so, many will in the upcoming weeks and months suddenly find themselves under the spell of an urge to explore that will be so strong, they will see no other option than to act upon it. And as a veritable flood of light, they will toss aside the old millstones that kept them weighed down and chained to the old world and they will set off on a trek that will be a much smoother and far less daunting one than the one you, the true pioneers, had to endure.

But again, that is why you came here in the first place, to be the pioneers, the roughnecks, the ones that knew that no thing would mean more to you than to follow that inner calling from your heart, the calling that will send you spirit soaring up, up and away from the life you had been living up until that moment in time. And one by one, you heeded the call, and you packed your bags and set off, tossing off your old belongings one by one as you by and by realized that where you were heading for, there was no need to bring along the old baggage that you once thought was essential for you. And so, as you continued ever onwards, you did so more and more unencumbered by the weight of the lessons from yore, while at the same time you started to see that these lessons were indeed essential in themselves for your preparation for this exodus. But then, the time came for you to step away from them in order to make this pilgrimage feasible. And so, here you stand, on the shores of what can be termed as the promised land, but a more accurate description of it would be the chosen land. For where you are, is where you have chosen to migrate towards, and what has drawn you to this space in time, is the inner calling, that constant vibration within, the tuning fork that has led you to take every single step and every single decision you have ever taken, not just in this life, but in all of the previous ones. For you just knew where you had to turn at every crossroads that was offered you, and so, step by step, by dismissing every single option that was not in tune with this, your true north, you have made it all the way here.

But now you stand here, and you look around, and you will say “is this it?” and if you take a cursory look around you, we do not fault in you in thinking just that. For what you see, will look eerily similar to everything you think you left behind. So we say look again, and this time, look with your heart, and we think that what you see will be a very different landscape indeed. For then, you will see the potential, and then, you will see the love and then, you will see the approaching multitude of enlightened beings coming towards you from all sides. For then, you will know in your heart of hearts that you are HERE, you have arrived, and now, it is time to roll up the sleeves and get to work, pitching up your camp and starting to get things in order. For now, much will be set into motion, actions and ideas, connections and configurations, and as you begin to settle into this very new energetic environment, you will feel how everything literally kicks into life, inside and outside, in every single way you can think of. For now, you have truly arrived in the land of plenty, where life will spring forth in a manner and at a speed that is unlike anything you have ever witnessed, and as it begins to pour forth, it will only serve to increase the speed of everything around it again. And so, what may look like a barren field devoid of both life and promise at this exact time frame will show itself for what it really is, a blank canvas vibrating in anticipation, ready to spring into action at the first conscious touch from your newly emerged powers.

For you are here to create it all, and even if the framework, the grounding if you will, is already in place, all the rest needs to be constructed from all of the bits and pieces you have all carried with you on your journey, waiting for the right opportunity to come into light again. For as you jettisoned all of the old baggage on the long journey that brought you here, you also freed up the necessary space that all of this hitherto unclaimed potential could latch itself onto. And so, like a magnet attracts iron filings, your very being attracted piece after magnificent piece of this for so long untapped potential, and even if this added luggage carries so much weight, it is not a burden to any of you. Far from it, for it is this willingness to let go of the old and allow the new to step aboard that has lightened the load sufficiently for all of you to arrive where you are at now, and it is your willingness to not stop and turn back to wait for stragglers or to pick up any left luggage for others that have enabled this mass transition to take place. And so, you are the true creators of this new land not just filled with promise, but also flowing over with already manifested potential. For even if you will find it nigh impossible to even perceive any of this newly minted reality just yet, know that it is already here, and it is here because you have already created it – in your hearts and in your higher aspects, but as yet, little or no traces of it will seem to be readily available to the more down to earth human parts of you. Again, this will be apt to cause frustration to blossom in so many of you, so know that this is simply a stage that needs to be endured, and the best way to do so, is to try to close your eyes to the way the outer world still appears to you and to do what it takes in order to help yourself to see it all through your heart.

We know that these words are more than apt to cause frustration themselves, but be that as it may. We are simply doing what we are here to do, namely to remind you all that you are far, far greater and far more accomplished than what you are currently able to discern yourself, apart from the occasional small glimpses of this greatness some of you get at irregular intervals. So again we say keep your focus where it should be, and it is not on something that will cause your heart and you vibration to drop. We know that you all know what we are talking about, for it is indeed imperative that you do not allow yourself to wallow in the old mud. For now, the best thing you can do in order to help your own soaring spirit to stay aloft, is to allow yourself to find a way to not struggle to find a new wave to ride. All you need to do is to relax into the seemingly empty void that surrounds you on all sides, for you have all the support you need now, so just try float freely in this endless energetic sea.

For even if it may seem to be dead calm, it is quite simply teeming with life, but for now, you are all required to just BE in this energetic bubble for a little while yet, until all the factors are again readied for a new spurt of growth. For remember, this is a highly complex operation, and even if you think you are just bobbing around in a backwater, you are in actual fact being readied for all of the tasks that awaits you a little bit further down the line, so again we say that patience is indeed of the highest importance now. It is no use to try to force things, for that will only serve to heighten your frustration. So just allow this to unfold at the designated pace, and know that even if you at times will be hard pressed not to find the seeming inaction of things more than a little annoying, know that you are at all times in the middle of a beehive of activity, and even if you cannot perceive much of it yet, so much is happening at literally lightening speed at all times.

So allow yourself to simply BE, and if need be, allow yourself to be frustrated too, but know that all of this seemingly pent-up energy that will be nipping at your heels like an impatient dog is just a signal that at a higher level, you just know that you have arrived at the place where ALL of your potential will finally be allowed to step forwards. So know that all is well and everything is happening at the exact time and in the exact sequence that it has been designed, so just trust your own inner voice, for that will continue to send out the same signal of reassurance if you allow yourself to listen to it. And soon, this period of seeming inertia will come to an end, and you will all be catapulted out into a veritable feast of energetic activity that will bring you not just elation, but also instance after instance of opportunities to say “well done”, not just to yourself, but to the collective. For then, you will all be engaging in acts and in deeds that cannot be described in any other way than moments of bliss. For then, you will begin to truly DO all the things you came here to do, and that is when your heart will finally begin to sing in earnest.

aisha north

For now, you have already attained so much of what you came here to do, but there is still a while yet before you can see the full scope of your accomplishments. Indeed, you will all find yourself wallowing in frustration at one time or another in the time ahead, and the reason for that will be the simple fact that you all know at a higher level of your being that what you see around you in no way resembles the reality you have already stepped into energetically. In other words, what you SEE is not what you have, and as such the gap between the two is one that will be difficult to navigate for many of you in the time ahead.

For now is when the challenges arise, the ones that are born from the certitude that you already know that your mission to this planet has…

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DAILY OM ~ Beyond the Physical: We Are Beings of Light + Staying in Pain: Stuck in the Mu

We Are Beings of Light

DAILY OM ~ Beyond the Physical: We Are Beings of Light

by Madisyn Taylor
November 14, 2014

It is through our connection to our light that we know things
beyond what the visible world can tell us.

We are all beings of light. Put another way, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As children, most of us know this, but other human beings who have forgotten what they really are and who cannot help us to know ourselves train us to forget. As a result, we are led to believe that magic is not real, that our invisible playmates do not really exist, and that we are limited beings with only one earthly life to live. There is enormous pressure to conform to this concept of ourselves and so we lose touch with our full potential, forgetting that we are beings of light.

At this time, many of us are reawakening to the truth of who we are, because we are living amidst such large-scale changes in the world. We need to access this light in order to not only survive but thrive as we shift into a new order of consciousness. As the changes around us proceed in rapid progression, we will want to be able to trust our own ability to sense what is happening and how we can best respond. We are no longer living in a predictable world in which we can trust external authority figures and prior ideas about reality to guide us. We need to be able to access the information that will help us navigate these uncertain waters, and the ultimate authority resides in our awareness of ourselves as beings of light.

It is through our connection to this light that we know things beyond what the visible world can tell us, and we see things beyond what the physical world reveals. In order to access this wisdom, we can simply allow ourselves to remember that we are not limited, as we have been taught. In fact, we are filled with divine grace and power that is ours for the asking. A daily practice of tuning into this vast potential, conversing with it, and offering ourselves up to it opens the door through which we can reclaim our true identity, taking ownership of the calling that the time has come to create bliss on earth.


DAILY OM ~ Staying in Pain: Stuck in the Mud

by Madisyn Taylor
November 14, 2014

Pain can serve as one of life’s great teachers, but it is important
to move through it and not become stuck in our pain.

Pain comes and it goes. It is just one component to the grand cycle of life. And when experienced as such, pain can serve as an important teacher. It is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development. If you notice that you feel closed-off, resentful, heavy-hearted, or that you try very hard to avoid being hurt again, there may be a part of you that is still stuck in pain.

We can get stuck in our pain for many reasons. As children, it was natural for us to cry, throw a tantrum, and let the experience move through us. By fully feeling our pain in this way, our emotions would wash us clean, leaving us open and available to new experiences. With age, though, we might have determined that expressing emotion was no longer appropriate, and so we developed a variety of coping strategies to deal with our discomfort. We may have learned to stuff our feelings down or to run away from them. Perhaps we began thinking that staying closed and unwilling to try new things would keep us safe from heartbreak, safe from rejection, and safe from failure. We may have even gotten so used to being in pain that the thought of being without it scares us. But, if we continue to hold onto it longer than necessary, we are expending a lot of energy that could instead be channeled into making our life experiences more positive.

If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain, consider embracing your feelings and letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from childhood or from an experience last week, see if you can give it room to move. When it does, you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy.


New Message from Archangel Michael: The Rhythm of New Beginnings ~ by Meredith Murphy | Expect Wonderful ~ 22 October 2014

The rhythm of new beginnings

New beginning

The Eclipse Cycle Completes Tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Thursday, October 23 we have a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse. This eclipse completes the very intense energetic upgrade of these past two weeks, in which we were assisted as Archangel Michael put it, in “Encountering Ourselves Fully.”

For most of us this meant discharging a lot of lower frequency energies. It’s good to remember that ultimately we’ll arrive in an elevated state of homeostasis, more refined and more able to experience our capacities and wholeness.

If you’d like more information on what time the Eclipse takes place and where it is visible,

this is for you.

The message linked below gives us some beautiful, liberating perspectives to become a more masterful ascending human & that speaks perfectly to tomorrow’s New Moon & Eclipse.

I hope it’s deeply inspiring and helpful.

Here’s to your never-ending beautiful life! And all things playful, positive and wonderful.



New Message from Archangel Michael:
The Rhythm of New Beginnings
~ by Meredith Murphy | Expect Wonderful ~
22 October 2014

New beginnings
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Telepathic Transmission – 19 October 2014, Daily Message Day 11
This transmission was given as part of the Focus Fest: Generating Pure Presence. For details on upcoming Soar Fests click here.


“Hello beloved friends.

Today we wish to speak of new beginnings.

You are in the midst of generating a very powerful new beginning. You are experiencing new beginnings frequently in your life but you are approaching a very powerful new beginning.

The theme of new beginnings is in the air and we want to talk today about the incredible positive energy of this and also about your awareness of your own experience as a means of generating more unlimited experiences. You are becoming more fully present. That creates a new beginning in your lives. You are becoming more concentrated in the present moment and that is altering the potentials of what’s available to you.

Now there are more and more pathways open to you. How you choose? How do you deepen your experience? How you select the pathway that will give you the greatest joy? How you know which way to go amidst so many options.

We spoke recently about living from your inner knowing. We would encourage you to operate from that guidance system. But in truth it doesn’t matter what specific pathway you choose my friends. For what you experience and what is available to you is not reliant on the outer world it is based on and created by your energy presence and what you can allow to arise from within.

This is a radical way to relate to life to really realize that everything is generating within you. It is radical to become so neutral that you realize that all paths in and of themselves are neutral. Not that all paths are the same but that you can get the same depths of experience and further your evolutionary progression and have the emotional experiences you want while being on many different paths. This is because each path is expressing multidimensionally and everything you experience in connecting with that path is arising within you.

As you bring forth more and more of all that you are, the energetic quality of your blended being is changing. This is initiating new beginnings in the world for you – that have different qualities than new beginnings in the past. Do you feel how fresh everything is becoming?

You are living in an experience that has been recently created. This was not something previously known and these are not just words, they are observations about something very concrete which is occurring.

We invite you also at this time, to consider how do you relate to new beginnings?

Your mode of relating to new beginnings will affect your interaction with these new situations as they present.

Many of you are actually more comfortable with endings and completion than you are with beginnings. New beginnings conjure up a sense of innocence. They feel light and many of you are not feeling that light right now so we are just speaking of this to help you shift a little bit and tune to what’s emerging and in a sense become more aware of how your own participation in your process facilitates you taking full advantage of new beginnings.

You have lived within duality for so long that you tended to approach things with effort and hard work. When a new beginning occurs, and we say this with love and the tonality of a big smile maybe even the energy of giggling – yes giggling, imagine us giggling because what we want to say to you is you approach new beginnings and make them into a project.

When something new and fresh occurs to you, you turn it into a project and we have to love how devoted and industrious you all are … But … These skills of determination and the willingness to stick with what you care about have served you so well! But it is time now to let yourself have a new experience, a new beginning. These experiences while they may be unfamiliar to you in some ways are what you’re really ready for and calling forth.

A new beginning is an opportunity to receive and an opportunity to experience wide open potential. A new beginning is an opportunity to choose anything, anything. When you approach a new moment, a new day, a new start of anything with this kind of awareness you feel so powerful and joyful. You feel a sense of all possibilities being contained within this newness. You have no idea how it will go but there is this sense of excitement about it. The unknown aspect of it and the newness of it in a sense promises everything to you because nothing is yet defined. There is something truly magical about the beginning of something, the moment when you commence or anticipate commencing. That too is very sweet.

When you let yourself feel these feelings you remember what it is truly like to be you. When you allow yourself to relate to something with a sense of total possibility, you are then wide open. You are not defining things by limiting them with any idea of what is, what has been and what is not possible. You get to feel the juiciness of your being! The incredible strength and confidence, the purity of focus and awareness that plays across and throughout creation with the pure potential through all the different ways you are being.

We want you to remember what this is like and we want you to find the part of yourself that started something new in the past with this kind of freshness and openness and reconnect to this part of you. You may be in the midst of something right now but that something is creating the platform of a new beginning.

Today we are orienting your eyes to the horizon of life emerging in the material for you and because of all that you are transforming in this experience we are speaking of this to prepare you so you can greet the new dawn of this new beginning in a different way.

Many beings are leaving the planet these days. You may have noticed that. They want a total new beginning and those of you who are staying you want very much at a deep level new beginnings that have substantially more impactful than new beginnings have ever before. There are layers to creating this. Part of empowering this evolution to fully unfold is recognizing that you are in the midst of creating a very different and very new start for yourself in encountering and working with your pure presence as you have been.

Your pure presence is becoming more familiar to you. The expansiveness of this and the implications of your total perfection are sinking in and this is transforming your energy system.

You are recalibrating to accommodate these changes. You are revisiting the creation of your energy system from increasingly higher perspectives of light and as you do this you create endless new beginnings. It is important to recognize and embrace them.

Just because these beginnings repeat, because they come in waves does not in any way diminish their beauty or their gifts to you. What we are really talking about here is learning to orient to what emerges. This is something we have been talking about more and more lately, learning to be aware of your own process of unfolding.

We have suggested you learn about and recognize your own creative process. How you use focus to generate experience. We’ve talked about learning to live from inner knowing. Now we’re talking about acknowledging and living from the powerfully positive expectation of pure potential that are available at each new level of expression that you are creating which you experience as a series of new beginnings.

These new beginnings are similar to the clear slate we have spoken of. A mindset of being fully in the present moment but it is also more than that. What we are talking about today is sensing and understanding and keeping track of in your awareness where you are in your own evolutionary process. Sensing what’s going on with you at any given moment so that you can relate to yourself with skillfulness.

You are experiencing a rhythmic unfolding in human form of your essence energies. There is a process to this awakening and you know it well. It begins with upliftment. You encounter higher frequency energies from a multitude of sources. You feel uplifted. These energies are integrated and circulated as you are able to meet them so they may trigger a revision of your energy system or they may just be easily assimilated and begin to emanate from you. Then these new energies that you have been infused with or encountered loosen up congested energy within you. You begin to recalibrate. You are releasing or as we said recently discharging energies that are not going to be part of your new beginning, your new energetic homeostasis. As you release these energies you then emerge into non-definition. You emerge into a pure spaciousness and you allow your presence, if you’re really open and in the flow you allow your presence not to be created from ideas in your mind but to be generated from within. This is the ideal way of relating to your flow.

Given this, where are you at this time in your evolutionary process? Do you know?

Once you arrive in this spaciousness if you can let it be wide open then there you are in a new beginning, in a space of all possibilities.

If you relate to this spaciousness without rushing to define it the definition will take shape and arise from within from your own harmonics. You will experience the inspiration and knowing that comes from an expanded connection to all that you are.

This is the life process that is taking place in the awakening ones in your realm now. It is how all of this is taking shape and it is how the world and the energy fields present here as human, planetary, animal, nature, it’s how everything is evolving. It is happening by infusions of higher frequency light into the energy systems here and this is all happening and being supported and facilitated by earth’s proximity to the photon band.

Light is carried over space by photons, photons. And you are being routinely, continually infused by cosmic light through the earth’s closeness to the photon band. Photons are creating the momentum of light that is uplifting your world. Light is created when energy hits an electron with electromagnetic force. This energy can be in the form of heat or light. This pushes an electron up a level within an energy structure and the electron like you seeks homeostasis. It returns to the lowest common stable structure. So you too are discharging excess energy happens in the form of heat or light. You’ve all experienced this right? Gradually you are conditioning yourselves so that the lowest common stable structure is an uplifted one, a refined one, an ascended one. You are conditioning yourselves to exist as the uplifted states you are entrained into. This is living evolution and it is generating an endless stream of new beginnings.

Why are we talking about this? Because the ego tends to present you with limited ideas and options in life and these options actually tend to decrease as you live longer rather than increase which is counter-intuitive because all of you are evolving in capacity.

Why not break free of all that? Step outside of the ideas of life that can only come from the more limited, local perspective of your external experience.

You do this by getting to know your own evolutionary cycle so that you can at any time know where you are in that very natural and most empowering process. And most of all so you can prepare yourself to skillfully meet these powerful new beginnings with readiness and openness.

What is going on inside of you at this moment?

I am Archangel Michael.”

Copyright © 2014 Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful All rights reserved.
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A short update on the energies

Surf’s up!

aisha north

You have by now ridden many an energetic wave on this, your journey to completion, but what you are traveling on now, cannot be likened to any of them. You see, not only have you been lifted far past the high water mark already, this wave will not cease to move forward and you with it anytime soon. As you have seen earlier, a wave such as this usually comes in, for then to seemingly cease and pull slowly out again after having pushed you all one step further along. But this time, you can think of it more as a permanent river of light continuously pushing you all ever further inland into this vast and still mostly undetected and unexplored landscape.

And so, for much of your time, you will still feel unsettled and unsure as to just how and where and when you will know anything certain about…

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