COSMIC RESET, INCOMING WAVE, SHIFTS 7/3 ❤💜💚🧡💛💙❤💜💚🧡💛💙❤💜💚🧡💛💙


Published on Jul 3, 2019

#NewGalacticSpin #Eclipse #FiveDayVayeb

Monday night 7/1, the night before the Total Solar Eclipse, my daughter’s Father passed away. Even though it’s something that I intuitively knew was coming with me getting messages about this nonstop over the last 5 months & my daughter also knew this was coming- she has been dreaming about this for the last 4 months over & over again and would wake up crying or have constant anxiety worrying about him. It was still unexpected. Still the shock of everything. Still processing it all.

Many of you know, I lost my Mom mid January 2019 so theres been alot of change in our lives recently. And I know many of you have been undergoing so much change as well. My daughter is handling this so well, it’s almost like her Soul feels at ease knowing she doesn’t have to worry anymore & he is free. We both have our moments- she set me down and said she needs me to be strong for her and keep moving forward, so I won’t be taking a time out from the channel (other then the time w family, services, going through his stuff, etc..) or unless she says. I paid for his cremation yesterday so it should be within the next few days. We have family flying in over the next few days as well. My daughter wants to plan the service/funeral -so that will also be part of my time, not sure exactly when- haven’t gotten that far yet. I’m just doing whatever she wants, whatever I can for her right now. This is all just making me want to become the absolute best Mom I can. And it’s also just making me have so much more compassion for everyone.

I appreciate all of the love, all of the kind thoughts- I apologize if I’m not able to respond right now (I’m not really reading any emails or messages) I didn’t want anyone to worry or assume anything if im not posting- and you guys are my family. So everything is OK.

Honestly, I am so glad we are both Aries right now 😂 an Aries is determined to keep moving forward.

As difficult as thing can be or seem in the moment- we are moving forward and things are changing so quickly. We are bringing in the New Age, New World, New Earth – together. We are always supported, but even more so when we uplift others.

We have to be aware of our thoughts/emotions as the arise- think of that feeling or thought manifesting & focus on the opposite direction. I just want anyone to know that is struggling with depression- or dark night of the soul, that you are not alone. Even though this is an individual experience- it is also a group experience. We always have a Free Will choice while we collaborate with our Soul with what is best for our growth and the growth of all involved. But if you ever get too far in despair- please let people know you need them to believe in you. Rehearse in your mind what you want and BELIEVE. There is ALWAYS a brighter side. Things can change within a second or day into your best life. There is a purpose in everything. I left a link in the comments, which is one of my favs… helpful to listen to things that uplift you over & over..and before bed. And I love you guys.

I wanted to say thank you to anyone that has donated, joined Patreon, watches/likes/shares my videos- it’s one of the reasons I’m able to continue this path.





Clarity in Release

portal-woman hidden portal
Clarity in Release

Well, it’s Groundhog day, why not repeat a bit? This is my progression of emotion that swept over me tonight.

It’s been a long week for the community of people who follow Cobra’s blog. Awakening change has never been without challenge, but this week has been geopolitically polarizing, and energetically intense, despite Divine Support and progress made. It’s a good time to get out in nature if you can (It’s rather cold here, and I got stuck on the phone all afternoon, and have been working on the warmer days).  It’s a really good time for self-care practices and counting our blessings.  Shifting a paradigm does not come without growing pains, but this, too, shall pass. 😔  ~PB

the above was an intro to this:

Recent brief posts by Cobra | The Portal


Phoenix Boulay
1 hr

Inexplicable crying jags tonight…😓
Some of it angst, some of it release,and some of it joy and connection.
Tomorrow I will be laughing at my self for this…but for now,
I am just going with the flow~ 💧🌧️☔💧


A fb friend I really didn’t know too well sent a video of a young singer in a direct message. Her voice was incredible, so I thanked my friend, and this became an opening to know her better, where she confided that that I am “kind of a star here in Oklahoma”, where she lives.  Unbeknownst to me, she and her boyfriend enjoy my posts, read them daily and draw inspiration as they help young, confused, lost teens and kids who can’t relate to the strict Bible belt mentality they are immersed in. She says they are reaching kids more and more. I was truly floored. It brought tears to my eyes to learn that sharing the things that resonate with me, and my thoughts, really is helping many other people.

I had no idea I made a difference in anyone’s life, beyond my massage clients. I always do my best to understand, discover and treat the client to the best of my ability. I know sometimes with a new client, I really have no idea if I am helping them until they get off the table, transformed for the better. Even if they are not, I take solace in knowing I have done my best, with an open heart.

Considering the ultra-sensitive day I had, and spending the entire afternoon on the phone, sorting out my new health insurance enrollment, it was humbling to hear that my efforts are not in vain. In the process, I was lamenting the loss of my respected doctors/hospital affiliation that I’ve had for over a decade. But then of course, I had to count my blessings for the roof over my head, food to eat, and access to medical care if needed.  The doctor assigned as my new PCP is a woman, and in walking distance from home, so that’s a plus. While I was on the phone today, I missed a text from a client who wanted to come in. I would have been that much closer to making rent, so that was disappointing, but it turned out I really needed the whole afternoon into the evening, and a number of calls, to get things sorted out.

I am wondering if anyone else is feeling ultra-sensitive on this Friday night? Often I feel energy shifts and Full Moons early, so it could be coming for you. But this crying I had also seemed like I was dropping density, surrendering to things beyond my control, and making my peace with my circumstance, which, after all, I created.  I have not been allowing myself the rest I need, nor the time in nature I crave.  After some stretching and sleep, I should have the energy and fortitude to persevere, and continue my efforts to make positive changes for myself.

Oh, yeah, I read #TheMemo,  but it was not as scandalous as we had hoped for!


Still, it is great to be alive during this time of #TheGreatAwakening, to usher in that paradigm shift and witness Victory of the Light!

In Lakech

The Arcturian Group Message for OCTOBER 8, 2017 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL 54

The Arcturian Group Message for OCTOBER 8, 2017
by Marilyn Raffaele

There is taking place a tremendous shifting of energies on earth at this time and most of you are well aware of it. Still, there are some even among serious truthseekers that are allowing fear to keep them locked in what is known and familiar. Many of these dear ones are now getting “wake up calls” and being forced through various circumstances to open their eyes, acknowledge the truth they know, and begin to make choices that reflect their level of awareness, not someone else’s.

You chose to be on earth to experience and assist during these powerful times as old, false, and finished creations dissolve from a depletion of the energy needed to feed and sustain them. This is creating fear in those who do not understand that the only thing that can ever dissolve is the false sense of something.

The spiritual reality hidden within everything never dissolves because it is forever held in place by Divine Law. It is only the false concept of some spiritual reality or Divine Idea that dissolves because the false concept has only the energy of belief to hold it in place.

For instance mankind’s’ desire for perfect health is in reality a seeking for the wholeness and completeness that is everyone’s birthright as an expression of God. It was not so long ago that only physical treatments were used for disease. As mankind evolved, “snake oil” solutions were recognized as being useless and are no longer used. (by most) New and higher ways of understanding health as encompassing more than just the physical body began to be recognized allowing healing modalities of much higher levels to manifest.

Spiritual evolution manifests as ever higher and better forms of everything that appears to the human mind as material and this will continue as individuals realize that they are consciousness with a physical body and not a body with a consciousness.

There could be no material form if there was not a spiritual reality behind it to be interpreted by mind. You cannot make something out of nothing. Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the material universe is actually spiritual in its purest essence, held infinitely in place by the energy of Love. How those spiritual ideas (completeness, wholeness, abundance, intelligence,etc.) are interpreted by the human mind directly relates to the attained state of consciousness of the interpreter.

New waves of higher consciousness sweeping the earth are serving to awaken many into the realization that Gaia as a living planet meant to be protected and honored by those on her. Many are now finding ways to do this through means as simple as recycling and yet there remain those who lash out in fear and ignorance, seeking to dominate and control all aspects of your living planet.

Do not despair for Gaia, because she is going to do whatever she needs to do with or without humanities’ help. She is a living soul with higher dimensional aspects the same as humans, but it will be much easier to consciously join her in her ascension journey rather than attempting to harness and dominate.

Those living fully in three dimensional consciousness get all their pain and pleasure in the physical. They fear losing what they have accumulated in the material world because they identify themselves as being their wealth, appearance, accomplishments, education, and actions. These dear ones hold great resistance to any change especially if the exploitation of Gaia’s has played a part in their financial gains.

You who are awakened automatically assist the evolution of planetary consciousness simply because there is only one Consciousness. As your personal state of consciousness becomes imbued with truth, it flows automatically to all who are receptive. You need not speak or lecture, your energy does the work, reaching even to someone on the other side of the world who may be seeking exactly what you have in your consciousness–the many within the ONE.

Because of oneness, thoughts reflecting your state of consciousness are being broadcast into world consciousness and can be felt and received by those in alignment with them. Those of a totally different state of awareness than yours will not even notice. The statement; “Birds of a feather flock together.” is a perfect explanation of how energetic alignment works.

For example, a person who carries cellular memory of many lifetimes involving physical suffering and disease, will automatically draw to themselves (alignment of energy) impersonal thought forms regarding disease. However, thoughts and beliefs are impersonal and never become yours until you allow them into your consciousness as truth. Every thought and belief no matter how ridiculous is simply floating about in the universal world consciousness until accepted as one’s reality.

When a “war” on some disease or issue is launched in the effort to defeat it, it simply intensifies it because this “war” is promoting and broadcasting the “power” of the particular issue to the world, firmly planting fear in the consciousness of all who are receptive. You are creators and must become ever more aware of what you are creating.

This can be difficult for an awakened person who finds themselves struggling with some disease or human situation while at the same time trying to reconcile the spiritual truth they know with the experience. Desiring wholeness drives most people to seek vast amounts of information about the situation but this can cause feelings of confusion and guilt for the spiritual student because they now understand “problems” to reflect the third dimensional belief system.

Never doubt that help is provided on all levels of consciousness. It may very well be that the most perfect solution at the time will seem to be material. Never, ever, feel that you have failed in your spiritual journey if you go see a doctor, or need to use some three dimensional tools. To pretend a state of consciousness that has not yet been attained is fruitless because truth must move from intellectual knowledge to being an attained state of consciousness before it can express outwardly.

Follow whatever protocols resonate with you all the while listening to and trusting the guidance of your intuition and not what others may be telling you. Do what you are guided to do but do it with an awareness of yourself as being pure spirit with a Light body that never dies, but who is having a human experience. Living on a third dimensional planet is a matter of being “in the world, but not of it”. Resist nothing for resistance only gives power to something that has no power other than what you give it.

You the awakened ones, are no longer being allowed to stand on the sidelines and watch. It is your work to hold truth in consciousness at all times while weaning yourselves away from the 24/7 news, gossip, and the promotions of duality and separation that bombard you from every direction. Remember, what you feed your consciousness with, will be reflected in your experiences and add to world consciousness.

Truth either is or is not, and only you can choose which to believe. The days of going to church on Sunday and then fully resuming a three dimensional life Monday through Saturday, are behind you. Although many try, the old ways will simply no longer work for those who have or are now ready for the deeper truths.

Your energy is no longer aligning with many long held illusory beliefs as well as with certain foods, friends, entertainments, etc. You are now aware that you and everyone else are not just human beings living only one life ( an excuse commonly used to justify doing whatever one pleases regardless of its affect on others.)

You have awakened or you would not be reading these messages, but it is your choice as to what you do with information now coming from many reliable and high resonating sources. Free will is a powerful gift that allows every soul to choose. However, choosing to remain in some outgrown situation simply because it is familiar never changes the truth of who and what you are, and will serve only to delay one’s spiritual evolution.

Everyone regardless of appearances, is a Divine being–an expression of Creator Source and all that is embodied within IT. This is absolute truth in its simplest form and will never change regardless of how inconvenient it may be to three dimensional concepts and standards for living a “perfect” human life.

All power lies in realizing that God alone is Power and that that Power is you regardless of outer appearances or the beliefs of family. friends, governments, religious leaders or “experts”. It is time to reclaim the innate power that through ignorance you allowed others to take. It is time to balance your feminine and masculine aspects, and it is time to stand in the highest levels of truth you know even if that stand is simply holding silent awareness in the face of some difficult circumstance.

You are ready to claim your Divinity dear ones, you have done the hard work necessary to emerge out from under the world’s umbrella of duality and separation expressing as– rich/poor, sad/happy, in relationship/alone, peace/war, sick/well, employed/unemployed, gay/straight etc.

It is time to accept that you already are and always have been everything you have sought lifetime after lifetime.


We are the Arcturian Group 10/8/17

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Selacia: Tips to Thrive in June

Tips to Thrive in June

With several months of chaos and craziness behind us in 2017, it’s helpful to look forward with new eyes and a new resolve based on hope for a better world. In this article I’ll outline context for energy shifts and provide some tips for thriving in June. Yes, you can thrive in the face of uncertainty and daily doses of negativity out-pictured in our world.

As I mention in my “2017 Predictions,” hope is essential to move forward. We must strive to connect with hope, regardless of how dire our world appears. We must remember that there is goodness in humanity and love at the core of all beings.

Context for Energy Shifts

In June we will experience a combination of (1) tricky planetary transits likely to stir emotions and (2) helpful alignments for making progress with creative projects and mending fences in troubled relationships. On some days you may feel the effect of both – emotions (yours or other people’s) more on the surface and your finding you have the energy to create positive changes.

Enhance your success potential by being present and mindful. You will thrive by noticing changes in energy or circumstance, and responding with divine timing. Sometimes the window for timely action is minutes, or even seconds.

Example: you are at a conference and meet someone indirectly connected to your field of interests. You may have only a moment to exchange information before going your separate ways. Trust your intuition. If you get a strong nudge to connect with someone, act on it. You don’t need to have the details of “why” in the moment – just do it.

Most likely you are already sensitive in nature. The energies and events of these times can be quite challenging for sensitives. Keep in mind, though, that you have inner strength and other resources for coping – more than many people around you can access. Remember this in those moments when you feel pushed to the edge. Apply what you know and make an effort to tap your vast inner strength. The more that you do that, in fact, the stronger you become.

As June begins, polarity and division energies continue to catalyze an underlying sense of tension and stress in society. Do your best to be aware of these undercurrents but keep your perspective big picture. With a higher view, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to be a calm and conscious voice for constructive changes. This is part of your role, after all, as a divine changemaker.

Energy Dates to Watch

June 9 is a Sagittarius Full Moon. The energies of this Moon can help bring more truths to light and catalyze breakthroughs. A project in development could receive a nice push forward under this influence. Tip: make and energize intentions for your goals at this time.

June 20 is Solstice. This is a change of seasons, but more than that, it’s a powerful energy gateway. The potency of this gateway continues to unfold throughout the week and into the weekend of June 24-25. Tip: use the time period June 20-25 to do inner work, reflection on your next steps, and energizing of your heart-felt dreams.

June 23-24 is a Cancer New Moon. Happening soon after Solstice, this New Moon is a significant moment for catalyzing new starts, updating approaches, and finding new partners. Tip: meditate on what you want to manifest, getting clear about specifics and the connections between things. Be open to the new.


Set Your Own Thrive Bar

June can be a month of opportunities to express your light. Decide now that you will be present and looking forward, rather than looking backwards.

This means that you begin anew daily. See yourself and your life path in a fresh way. Let go of how last month was, or what you have accomplished (or not accomplished) so far this year.

Recognize that you alone determine what it means and how it feels to thrive. Set your own thrive bar. Don’t let the world tell you what it is.

Don’t let others, through comparison, make you feel small or not enough. Simply be your best self each day, one idea and one action at a time. Trust that you are enough even before you make the first step, and take that feeling of confidence into your next steps.

When the state of the world gets you down, remember that love will win as we humans are wired to love.


L’Aura Pleiadian: Full Super Moon in Taurus, November 14th, 2016 ~ Marriage of Spirit and Matter + 11:11 Portal ~ The Unleashing of Your Destiny ~ The Overseers | New Divine Unity

L’Aura Pleiadian: Full Super Moon in Taurus, November 14th, 2016 ~ Marriage of Spirit and Matter | New Divine Unity


This Full Moon Super Moon (pedigree) in Taurus (22 degrees) is at 9:52 am AST (Atlantic Standard Time) and this will be a powerful One.

This Full Moon will be 30 percent brighter and is the largest fullest Super Full Moon since 1948. Stay up or get up early to take in the full impact (as close to the Full Moon as possible) if it is a clear sky where you are.

Anyone with Taurus (Ascendant, Sun or Moon) close to the 22 Degrees Taurus will feel this even more powerfully.

This Full Moon is in Taurus opposing the Sun in Scorpio, trine Pluto and sextile Chiron is a powerful and illuminating Full Moon and Super Moon. Bringing to Light the emotional balance within you (or not) through all that arises.

The Moon is happy in Taurus. This is a DEEP time, One that activates, the Love of the Divine, deep into the sensual Earthy Taurus. Where spiritual and physical ARE ONE. Already.

Your emotional (memories) connected to beauty, physical comfort, money and love may surface now. This is part of your process and your Evolving. Mass consciousness is going through this SHIFT in a Huge Way (impacted today 11/11 and every moment) as the Ascension process continues in a huge way.

The LEVELS available now, through this process will bring to Light, through all that are ready (as part of their Destiny) the revealing as true Spiritual MASTERS ~ beyond anything seen before.

It is through the Physical vehicle that all this takes place. The Love of the Divine and Physical, is the unified Love, where the spiritual and physical MERGE.

This Full Moon in Taurus may be emotional for many. All old beliefs opposing the marriage of spirit with matter will arise to be cleared, WITHIN. Till all is dissolved and loved through the Ascension process. This is the process of mastery.

Go DEEP within. It is all within you. The impact is within you. The transformation is within you. Let go of how things appear externally and embrace how you FEEL within you.

Connect more deeply to the Divine You. Your Higher Self. Trusting the process. Feel the Beauty of the Divine. The Love of the Divine. The Abundance of the Divine, within you.

Prepare to be activated. To merge spirit and matter within you. In the Divine Light of your Higher Self. Your Divine Presence. All Now.

In the Glorious Beauty of All That is. The Beatific Radiance of the Higher Self. In the PURE innocence of Divinity and Divine Love. Always Now. And so it is! I love you!


Eternal Love and Bliss!

11:11 Portal ~ The Unleashing of Your Destiny ~ The Overseers


You are inside consciousness. This vast holographic playing ground functions through Light as Consciousness. Immersed inside this 11:11 Portal ~ which activates within you, greater levels of your conscious Ascension.

This 11:11 portal Graces You with Higher Frequencies of Light, that you will receive within your DNA. Your Blueprint. Your unique life plan.

This Power of Divine Light will bathe your awareness with Higher Dimensional frequencies, and downloads.

Take time to consciously acknowledge this Presence, this Activation, as the 11:11 Portal activates, within you.

You have experienced many Shifts. There is more, that you are now ready for.

Parallel worlds are shifting also, all in Unison, with the Divine Plan. The Cosmic Plan. In which you are within.

The ever-present Divine Eternal Light, which is eternal Love, orchestrates the activations, through the Divine Council of Overseers, based on your unique Soul Plan and Destiny.

We are seeing many transformations come to the Light for all to see.

The anointing of this consciousness, is the Beatific Glory of All That is. Always present, living as the Living Light, that you are held within.

Receive, Acknowledge your Divinity. Your Presence. Your place in the grand Design of it all, as it continues to play out perfectly.

We the overseers are with you. As the Light that anoints. That shines through all experiences of consciousness. That lifts you up and holds you in Divine Love, within the plan. As the Divine connected Source of Light. That has always lived eternally within you and you within it.

Activate Fully your awareness within this 11:11 Portal.

Being the witness of all that takes place.

As all changes within you and all around you.

The manifestation of Divine Qualities and Virtues, poured upon the Earth.

Now ~ we enter the levels of consciousness that surpasses any previous held beliefs. That showers you with the Divine Blessings, of the Eternal Gods. Of the Overseers. Of the Ones that guide this Plan. The creators of the Design of consciousness.

In this 11:11 Portal. Your Ascension. Your awakening fully to your Divinity.

The UNLEASHING of the Light within. That Light you are held within. The Eternal Grace and Love that activates this 11: 11 Portal.

WE are with You. Awakened and Activated, as this profound shifts Grace you. Acknowledging your Divine Place, in this Divine Plan. And So it is. Beloved Ones. We are with You. All Now.


Eternal Heaven on Earth!

To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

Unexpected events and dramatic transformations | Dana Mrkich


September, seriously, are you still here?

This has been one of the most intense months I can remember, ever. Almost every day I have heard about something huge happening to someone we know, and same goes for a lot of family and friends who are either going through massive changes or having it happen in their circles this month. And it covers all bases: celebratory, challenging, emotional, traumatic.

Unexpected deaths, marriages, pregnancies, illnesses, operations, break-ups, quick, short overseas trips, huge family reunions, plans changing ten times, being invited to three things on the same day over again, monumental moments in people’s businesses and home lives. It is like a running news feed of dramatic events.

We’ve had two eclipses plus Pluto stationing and Mercury retrograde which explains some of it, but not all of it. Beyond astrology, there is the energetic fact that personally, and collectively we are continuing to go through a major evolutionary shift. Sometimes the waves are relatively gentle, other times they come crashing like a tsunami. Even if you personally are not experiencing anything life-changing, or feel you have had your fair share of tsunami-like waves for this life thank you very much, it is only human to feel the impact of those waves on those around you.

If you are personally “wave-free”, months like this offer an opportunity to be that calm, steady, stable rock for others. If the waves are lapping at your shore (or crashing you over), find something that is that rock for you: a routine of morning yoga, meditation, journalling or walking. Something that centres you, and reminds you of what is real, and what is important.

It is like there are realities super-imposed on realities right now. You might be watching something that is playing out politically and think, this just seems like a staged reality show. It’s because in a way it is. Vibrationally speaking, there are (at least) two worlds existing now. (Okay, technically there are billions of worlds, but this is about two of them). There is the awake, conscious, authentic, heart-based world, where everything may not be perfect, but people are at least striving to do good, to live healthily, to take care of their families, to look after their communities. Then we have the manufactured world. It is not run by the heart, rather it is a world of warped power, control and fear. It is an old, dying world with very little life-force left. It used to be a world that most people accepted as the ‘normal’ world, but it is far from normal.

With every thought, word, action and choice, we give our energy to one of these two worlds. More and more of us feel repelled every time we give energy to the old world, and are tuning out en masse. Conversely we feel happiest and most alive when we switch our antennae on to the new world and new ways of living.

This isn’t about a polarity war, it is about vibrational, collective evolution. As a collective we are ready for a new chapter, and so it makes sense that the old world is gradually becoming defunct.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

Today Mercury goes direct, so where things have been going a bit haywire with scheduling and electronics, they should start to settle now.

On Monday Pluto goes direct. If this year has been one of heavy duty transfomation for you, this is a good time to ask yourself: what has Pluto been wanting to teach me? Have you got the lesson yet? Hopefully yes, so Pluto can go gentle on you as he treks forward going over already worn ground for the remainder of the year.

Today also marks the Equinox, when the day and night is of equal length. Traditionally it is a day of balance, a good day to reflect on where we might need more balance or are out of balance. Today Sep 23 is also 14 years since our mum passed. I cannot believe we’ve been here for 14 years without her 😦 It’s also Christian’s birthday, happy birthday to the best partner and daddy ever! ❤

How are you all trucking at this point in September? xx

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

We love a good chat! Scroll down to share your thoughts and stories, and join the conversation. Thanks for your comments, likes and shares.

Thank you for all of your messages letting me know how much you appreciate the blogs and energy reports. If you would like to make a donation to support them being freely provided you may do so here.


Life & Soul

Humanity Rising

The Shift

Judith Kusel: Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.

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Important information regarding the current massive shifts in energies and the human body. ~ by Judith Kusel

Intricate portals move into activation in the next few years, as the planet is being revamped and revitalized.  Therefore there are massive fractures in earth crust and with it the inner stirring of mass liquid mass, which will bring about volcanic activity, even in those volcanoes which have been dormant for some time and with the eruptions in the inner earth, as liquid mass explodes this will cause earth eruptions, earth quakes and in some cases the sea will start boiling.

It is therefore imperative for mankind to understand that as the earth is reinventing herself, so human beings are being reinvented as they too are being re-formed, reinvented and even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline in nature and therefore contain higher frequency bands.

Most human beings are not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies, nor are they aware that a lot of changes are happening in the way the chakras and the spinal cord energies now move into higher octaves of being.

A lot of discomfort in the body is not caused so much by what we human being term “DIS-EASE” but rather by blocked particles of energies within these centers and therefore now are being worked on galactically to prepare mankind for the massive shifts with the portals opening up.

It is known to the Intergalactic Federation of Light, that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely, as the portal energies open up, as the normal human is not consciously aware enough to know about energies and energy centers and are not consciously seeking to activate these, do not work on the daily cleansing and clearing process, the healing of the emotional body, and more than this the healing of the mental body as well.

BOTH the emotional and mental bodies need to be healed and in balance with each other, as the last 26 000 year cycle has separated the heart (emotion/feeling) from the mind (rational, dissecting, fixing, creating/inventing without love or feeling).

Most people concentrate on the balance between the masculine and feminine WITHIN, but fail to understand the importance of the balance of heart and mind.  One cannot step into full co-creatorship without there being balance between the heart and mind, between the feelings and rational, for if the heart is not fully opened up and the vital energy flow of Love is not in balance with the mind, one is imbalanced and it was imbalance which caused mass trauma since the fall of Atlantis.

When the heart energies and mind energies, are in balance with each other, a state of balance reigns within and without: –  One starts then creating within the Universal Laws, as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance reigning elsewhere in the cosmos.

There are higher energy centers which work on the higher 36 chakras which were shut down after the fall of Atlantis, because human beings went out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sunk Atlantis.  It was done as the 3rd dimensional form of the lower DENSER physical form, could not hold the immensely high vibrational frequency which the opening up of 48 chakras would entail.

In the previous civilizations before Atlantis 72 chakras were fully opened up which meant that they lived in a much higher frequency band and therefore their physical forms where of much higher light body form.  In Atlantis this was shrunk to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis this further shrunk to 7 only.  There are 330 chakras in all, and the more one activated the higher chakras the more one evolves by octaves of Being.

It speaks for itself then how far mankind has sunk into the sea of density and forgetfulness.

However the chakras are not the only energy centers held within the body!  The nadis and meridians play a huge role, and these are not just held within the physical body, but also within the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  To only treat the physical body, is the lowest form of healing there is.  When one starts treating ALL the bodies, disease cannot sustain life within the bodily form.

Take this one step further, and it was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated.  It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated.  Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.

Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated.  There is more to the spinal column here, than I will divulge now, but to confuse this energy with the Kundalini energy is to play down the importance of these energy centers.

The Kundalini rises yes, through center energy channels in the spinal column, however it is but one single energy force, and not the whole.  It is but cog in the Universal wheel – not the be-all and end-all as some would have it be.  Again, forgetfulness and the wrong interpretation of ancient scripts and the handing down orally of teachings, has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of vital truths.

As mankind sunk into forgetfulness a lot of the teachers, could not understand the greater whole, and therefore started sharing only what they knew and could understand.  What went beyond their own understanding they could not teach.  They might have handed down certain texts, or what was recorded in such, but the earliest civilizations recorded such not in the form of writing, but in the form of ENERGY.

As the human body is this massive and very sensitive energy field, in combination with the emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve lightbodies, so is the earth.  Every single aspect of the human body reflects within the body of the earth.  She is as much a living, breathing entity as we are – it is just that we tend to forget that.

To me the earth changes and the opening up of the portals brings in a higher understanding of just how linked our physical forms are to planet earth.  But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are linked – OUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS ARE ALSO LINKED THE PLANET’S!

Consciousness and awareness levels are not only linked to the earth’s but also to that of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.


What is exists in the macrocosm exists in the microcosm and vice versa.

The portals opening up, come from the energy beamed down from the Centrals Suns, into the consciousness energy center of the planet earth.  The Central Suns are one vast energy center of highest Consciousness and the Highest Mind/Heart pulsation.

As human beings our whole energy systems are geared to PICK up the cosmic and earth’s frequency bands and the more consciously aware we become, the more we have the ability to TUNE into the cosmic and earth energy fields and systems!

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions.  If the earth energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the earth energy transmissions.  BOTH have to be equally activated and opened up, before we can truly step into the 5th dimensional state, and this is even truer stepping into the 6th – 12th dimensional states.

Most people are not even aware of the earth’s energies, let alone the cosmic ones: -The walking, living, sleeping dead.  They will not be able to hold the higher frequency bands as the earth moves more and more into higher activation and with it shifts into higher cosmic frequency gear.

It is not only human beings who will not be able to hold their physical forms anymore as this happens, the same applies to animal and plant life – indeed any living organism.

It is the dying of the Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race.

It is the dying of the Old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH.

It is the dying of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birthing of a new galaxy now being born.

We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirthing, revamping process and therefore should not fear the changes, but rather embrace them!  Whether these are earth changes or bodily changes or a total clean-up of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – and all the rest.

One only fears what one is not consciously aware and part of.

The more consciously aware one becomes, the more COSMICALLY aware becomes. 

Our souls are intricately linked to the Central Suns and to the Divine. 

Our SOULS are immortal, eternal, and therefore KNOW all of this.

There is truly nothing new under the Great Central Suns!

Photo credit  Visionary Artist Jean-Luc Bozzoli


(Judith Kusel)

For Twin Flame and Soul Readings:

It’s Perception Time by Brenda Hoffman | Life Tapestry Creations

Sometimes those who are hard on us are even harder on themselves. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and extend that to yourself as you would to others. A little love goes a long way.<3 ~PB

It’s Perception Time
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations April 27, 2015

Dear Ones,

You are adjusting to the almost overwhelming energies you experienced throughout March and early April. Perhaps you feel little or nothing. Perhaps it has been impossible to ignore related physical, spiritual or emotional issues. It does not matter for you processed what you needed to process.

For some, their new you role remains hazy or cloudy. For others, pieces of their role are forming a concise vision of who they are or are becoming. Even though neither sensation is better than the other, this message addresses those becoming comfortable with their role label(s).

The most difficult piece for you now is how to achieve that role. Third dimensional techniques are not adequate to create your new you role. But since you are not yet familiar or comfortable with New Earth techniques, you feel as if you are in a never-never land. You know where you want to be but have no idea how to get there.

Why would you know where you are going without resources to achieve that goal? Ah – your role label is a bit of a carrot. Even though the techniques necessary to fulfill your dreams have been outlined for some time, those techniques were ignored, misunderstood or denied. So the process was revamped a bit to re-address what you need to create a path to your new role.

Your path is self-love. Even though you have heard that phrase often, you need to truly internalize self-love before you move one inch closer to new you. Such is your stopping point.

For some, self-love might be easy, “I do what I want when I want to do it.” But for most, self-love completely shifts your current life. For you might express self-love, you might even seem to practice self-love. But are there not times throughout the day in which you berate your body, finances, relationships, actions, interests?

You are spouting the words, but your inner thoughts and actions do not synch with how you treat/think of yourself.

This phase is not about shoulds projected by others who feel they know what is best for you. Nor is it platitudes and pretend thoughts radiating from your being of how you think you should function. It is you discovering who you are.

You have welcomed many new segments into your being in recent months. Not all of them have been easy to be with. Hence, your needed to cleanse or eradicate those pieces of your being difficult for your new segments – your climb up the mountain.

Now that you are creating new you – continuing to merge new segments while discovering the perfect path for the totality that is new you – you are once again clearing. Such happened for many the past few weeks.

It is time to address the totality of new you. Something you have not yet achieved or perhaps thought of.

When you had the flu in 3D, you only thought of how your head ached and your stomach was in flux. You had little concern about your hair or fingernails – unless they also hurt. That was yesterday. Today is a new approach to you.

It is time for you to address all your elements as one being. A being in which if one piece, segment or cell is uncomfortable, the rest will stop until that piece is comfortable and feels love. Such a thought seems overwhelming for most. For how is it possible for you to check in with every cell or segment of your being throughout your awake time?

So it is you have created a shortcut. A simple key that allows you to know that all cells and segments feel love and are moving your being along your path. That key is joy or happiness. Even though you have read of that thought over and over, you fudge here and there, “This is ok to do because it makes a person I care about happy, so I should be happy also.” Yet when performing that act of self-sacrifice, you find no spark of joy or happiness.

Many think you cannot be happy all the time. Wrong – even that thought negates your happiness.

Your intent, your end goal in this transition is ongoing happiness/joy is it not? Yet, you continue to believe it is not possible. An indicator you have not internalized self-love.

Does that mean you will become a lonely maverick – isolated and anti-social or odd? No. Merely that it is time for you to change your perceptions.

Perhaps someone wishes to spend the day with you so you agree to their outline of boring activities because you feel you should. You can pout and point out the discomfort you are feeling. Or you can approach the day as an adventure. What piece of that person or activity is lovely, fun or a learning experience?

At this point in your transition, you are learning to perceive your world/being in joy instead of pain or fear. Reading those words is easy. Internalizing them remains difficult for most.

The personal intent you created recently is tied to your perceptions of you and your path. Is your path easy and in self-love? Or is it difficult with thoughts of, “I don’t think this is possible, but I’ll try anyway.”

The difference between easy and difficult is how much you love yourself.

New you is not a weak entity waiting for others to step on, over or around. New you is an extremely powerful god/goddess fully capable of creating what you wish when you wish. But such is so only if you love yourself enough to believe it.

You have approached new you with 3D limitations of, “This might be possible if I think the right thoughts and act correctly according to the Universes standards.” New you is, “Of course this is possible because I have the skills and I am fully capable of doing or being what I wish. It does not matter what others think is possible or how they think I should achieve this goal. I am me. They are them. And because I am creating my path without restrictions from others, I am loving myself.”

The piece you have missed is redirecting your energies/focus to that which gives you happiness – creating the path right for you. Perhaps that last thought seems nebulous. It is all about perception. Perception is how you shift from 3D to new you. See the beauty and your are on your path. See the drudgery in even one piece and you remain stationary.

You are you. Allow that to be in love. And each entity you connect with is also a unique being. If you project anger and displeasure, others will attach to that frequency, not because they have to, but because that is the 3D they are comfortable with. If you project love, joy and yes, fun, that is the frequency they will experience with you – perhaps not at first, but eventually. For all are moving to that place.

Be yourself in self-love and you will be the beacon of light you wish to be, in the role correct for you. Be 3D you in even one segment of your being and that is what others will attach to – because it is easier and more comfortable than changing their thoughts and actions to love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Summary of Brenda’s April 24, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D you learned to establish a goal and to not deviate until you achieved that goal – a little box of restricted creation. In New Earth, you’re tossing aside all boxes and creating free-flow – much as you’ve done after each of your earth deaths. You, and all earth entities who choose to participate, are beginning to experience the free-flow of 4D and beyond.

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 24, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  In 3D you learned to establish a goal and to not deviate until you achieved that goal – a little box of restricted creation. In New Earth, you’re tossing aside all boxes and creating free-flow – much as you’ve done after each of your earth deaths. You, and all earth entities who choose to participate, are beginning to experience the free-flow of 4D and beyond.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for ” Are Your Dreams of 3D?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are adjusting to the almost overwhelming energies you experienced throughout March and early April. Perhaps you feel little or nothing. Perhaps it has been impossible to ignore related…

View original post 1,292 more words

Mass Shifting + Solar Carwash | Dana Mrkich – Evolution Revolution

Mass Shifting | Dana Mrkich – Evolution Revolution
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

“I hear the train a comin’, It’s rolling round the bend” – that’s Johnny Cash speak for there’s another strong sunspot coming around the Sun’s horizon. It has delivered 4 M class solar flares in the past 24 hours – however according to Space Weather, due to the fact this sunspot hasn’t quite come into full vision yet, the flares were most likely stronger than Earth’s satellites were able to pick up.

It’s called a ‘hidden active region’ which pretty much describes what these flares have been doing to us lately – and still are! Anything and everything within us – and outside us – that needs to come up and out from under the carpet (and beyond the veil) is being triggered. This includes everything from old wounds being seen in a new way for the purpose of release and transformation, to new (ancient really) potential flaring and ready to be activated.

You may be feeling, sensing or even seeing forms, orbs, shadows in the corner of your eye, or beings around you. We have shifted into a higher vibrational state and so we are going to start connecting in a much stronger way with energies around us that have previously been unseen by us. This can feel disconcerting, so if it makes you feel uneasy just ask that your senses are opened in a gentle way. Know you have the power to protect your own energy field from anything that doesn’t serve you. A simple affirmation is: I am filled with love, surrounded by love, protected by love and guided by love.

People often ask starships, other-dimensional beings or those in spirit to show themselves. It is not that they are not here, it is that we have to raise our frequency to a certain level in order to be able to see/feel/hear/sense them. It’s just like a radio or tv, the frequency has to be right or you can’t connect to certain channels.

There has been a mass shift over the past few weeks, and it is still unfolding so you may feel like everything is just…very…strange. In a good way. In a weird way. In a challenging at times way. But most definitely something is happening. How are you all feeling?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Posted by Dana Mrkich – Visioning the Dream Awake at 1:01 am

Labels: Lifting the veil, Solar flares, Star People, Starships, The Shift

Solar Carwash | Dana Mrkich – Evolution Revolution
Wednesday November 5, 2014

So much for our solar flare break! Sunspot 2205 has come around the bend into view with a strong M class solar flare a couple of hours ago – not quite X class but close.That is the 5th M class from that spot in just over 24 hours, so it seems he’s playing tag team with his brother Sunspot AR2192 who is still on the non-visible side of the Sun doing whatever he is doing, unseen by us. (Yet felt on some level!).The flares of the last 24 hours have felt very different to the ones of the past few weeks. We’ve been through quite a wash, spin and rinse cycle (and repeat), while today I’ve felt very clear, energised and focused.

We’re integrating the multiple realisations we’ve experienced recently, and I’d like to think this sunspot is coming in to support that…kind of like the Polish part of a carwash cycle! Here’s hoping…..!!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014