Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Messages, January 17, 2020 + January 10, 2020

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,

January 17, 2020


The big clamp down on members of the Illuminati continues and inevitably takes time as thousands of individuals are involved. There is no quick answer as matters must be handled in accordance with the law of the land. Be assured that things are on the way to reaching a conclusion, but even so there are other matters that must also be attended to. Originally it was intended to release information little by little but in view of the delays experienced a complete disclosure is now envisaged. It means that as so much has been held back, the changes to come may well be overwhelming. Your whole way of life will ultimately change for the better as things such as free energy will put a completely new way of life into being. The Alliance is prominent amongst those who are pushing for changes to be introduced, and are now in a more powerful position than the Illuminati, so progress has become well advanced.


The period of moves to introduce the changes is well advanced , but bear in mind that it also covers events that will affect the way big business is being run and it will be some time before such matters settle down. In essence it is the size of the changes that are taking so much time to come to fruition. However, in the end you will be more than satisfied and after such a long wait all will be to your liking. The old days of lack and bad distribution will disappear and smaller units will ensure that all will equally benefit from the changes. Understand that for a long period of time you have benefitted from new technology much of which has been back engineered from alien craft. It has given you the basis for even better and more advanced knowledge that has taken you into deep space. You have also been given great advancements where computer knowledge is concerned. It has all lifted the quality of life and taken you part way to a new way of viewing it.


The future is taking shape and the benefits for you will be enormous, and they will come and cannot be held back indefinitely. Some changes will feel uncomfortable and possibly result in people having to move to a new location, as Mother Earth carries out her own cleansing in preparation for Ascension. The Earth has been subjected to so much damage due to wars and adverse use of her resources, however the coming changes will help rectify the problems, as for example when the use of free energy will overcome the necessity to use the Earth for that purpose. There are other resources in use that are not harmful such as wind farms, but these are inadequate to meet the demands involved. Be assured that we are doing our best to encourage the introduction of new methods that are harmless to the Earth’s environment.


To be forewarned is to be prepared to meet the challenges that are yet to come, and we would like to see more co-operation between countries, as the challenges that are to come are best dealt with on a world-wide basis. Those who hold most of the wealth need to help those who are unable to handle major problems, and we would remind you that you are all affected by what happens on Earth. You are all One and the time for individual growth at the expense of others is past. You have to grow as a world and bring harmony and cooperation to the forefront. The quicker you can bring peace to the world the sooner you will completely open up the path to Ascension, yet even so it is approaching quite speedily.


The believers and non-believers alike are all following a preordained path that is each souls agreed life contract, so respond to whatever comes across it in a way that accepts the challenges involved. Your spiritual growth and well-being are at stake and your conscience should come into play, prompting you to take the right action that is positive and in no way harmful or injurious to another soul. Listen to the promptings of your Higher Self that is the “other” you that knows your soul plan and helps you keep to it.


Your experiences on Earth are far removed from those of the higher vibrations and dimensions. Earth as you are no doubt beginning to understand is a school for spiritual growth. You grow by your experiences and take that understanding with you to your next life, so whatever you learn that enhances you is most important. Can you begin to understand that because you are experiencing within a hologram, it is something prepared for your evolutionary experiences and is not your true reality. It is amongst the stars and if you successfully raise your vibrations to an ascension level, you will be returning to a wonderful realm quite beyond your present understanding. Your Earth as a hologram is being used to give you the conditions and experiences that you need to evolve. It is presently in an outer protective energy placed there by the Blue Avians who are still present and oversee your evolution. At this important time those who are on the path to Ascension will not have to wait much longer to reach that point, and it is important that no interference is allowed. So currently no one can get out or into your Universe which is protection for you.


Understand that you are living an “unreal” experience inasmuch that you are being held back, whereas you could have been enjoying a more advanced experience. However, changes have been taking place because of advances gained from back engineering spacecraft that have fallen to Earth. They have enabled progress to be speeded up through things like fibre optics and new materials used in space technology. There are other advances that the military have kept to themselves, but ultimately these will have to be made known.


As we have often mentioned, you have been denied many advances that would have made life easier but when you ascend you will more than be compensated. You will be free from the effects of aging and remain as a young person, being able to change features as and when you wish. You will live much, much longer than present and enjoy life without the prospect of disease or illness, but instead enjoy absolute good health. The Universe will be open to you to follow your hearts desires and still evolve even further, as it does not stop until you reach the ultimate – the Godhead. That is how ever a long, long way into the future.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message,
January 10, 2020


Dear Ones every effort you put in now to continue evolving will be well worth it, mainly because every soul has an opportunity to ascend based on to what degree they have lifted up their vibrations, because at a certain point they will realise that the ultimate is to not only be in control of your ego but to take full control of your emotions. In so doing you will find that no matter what assails you, you can maintain a calm and peaceful outlook, thus ensuring that you keep your vibrations at their highest level at all times. Slipping back into the old ways will delay progress and a great opportunity to ascend could be lost.


Understand that the end of the last cycle in 2012 meant just that, and whatever gains you will have made will go with you into the next phase of your life. The Great Solar Flash that is yet to come will signal the end of that period, and only those that have reached the required level of growth/evolution will remain in the higher vibrations and go through to the new Earth. So you will realise that there is absolutely no picking or choosing as ascension is automatic if you are ready. As with all aspects of your evolution be assured that you are always helped once you show that you are ready to take the path to Ascension.


Help extends to “arranging” meetings with other souls who can help you on your way and protect you from interference by the dark Ones. It does not mean that you will not be tested on the way, but if you are dedicated to being successful there is no reason why you should fail. The higher forces want you to succeed and will do everything that they can to help you achieve it, but are always mindful of your life contract and any karma that you still carry. The fact is that so much is done to help you, that you are not even aware of most of it. But please remember that you must first show the intention to take the path to ascend before help can be given, as your freewill is ever in mind and care is taken not to impinge upon it.


If you could but envisage what a marvelous life lays ahead for you, you would have no hesitation in putting all of your effort right now into achieving your goal. However, do not be disappointed if you do not yet feel ready, as another opportunity to ascend will come your way in due course. Understand that soul’s do not all evolve at the same rate so there is no disgrace in being behind others who are well on the way to Ascension. Your spirit helpers will give you a prod if they know that you have the capability to ascend, as they are there to help you in all aspects of your life.


As you begin to learn more about your bodies needs you will adjust your life style accordingly. Sensible eating, fitness and attending to your bodies needs will give you the basis of a platform from which to launch yourself into preparations for your upliftment and Ascension. You will feel all the better for it and enjoy good health that will help you successfully follow your chosen path. Success comes from dedication to it whilst allowing others to follow their own path of which of course there are many. There is no right or wrong path inasmuch that some souls are for example brought up in religious surroundings yet can still find their way to the higher vibrations. Normally an expanding mind set comes when a soul can begin to see the broader picture without prejudice and can break out of any older restricting beliefs.


Be assured that when you are on the correct path things will flow smoothly and be consistent with your level of understanding. You will also find a deep satisfaction and peace that has no limits. You will have time to explore other ideas on subjects that interface with your own, and expand your store of knowledge. The more you get to know the more you realise that there is so much more to learn. Keep an open mind at all times and if something is presented to you that does not seem to fit into place with what you know simply set it aside until you can, knowing that in one way or another you will find the answers you seek.


In some respects there is a parting of the ways as whilst you may be continually lifting up, those around you may be much slower to evolve and see you as becoming distant where they are concerned. This is to be expected and you will naturally seek your friends amongst those who have progressed much the same as you have. In the same way that you respect other people’s beliefs you should quite rightly expect others to treat you the same. Try not to get into arguments about your beliefs and allow others to have theirs, as you are not competing with others who also seek the truth. It is different if someone seeks your opinion, but even then only go as far as answering their questions. Remember that they too have Guides who are assisting them, and will know how to help with answers to their questions.


Everything is speeding up to such a degree that Humanity is getting further behind, but it cannot go on indefinitely and some revelations are on the verge of being released. The greatest changes in progress have been made in respect of robotic development and you are experiencing some of the first real changes that they bring. Yet the knowledge exists to make robots that can completely replace people in some basic requirements. However, within the next ten years your progress will have shot ahead so much so that everyday life will have become largely automated and require no humans to participate.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


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Mike Quinsey Message, November 03, 2017

Mike Quinsey Message, November 03, 2017

It is important that you bear in mind that as you are in a new cycle, a new paradigm will begin to take shape. It will be formed in such in a way that as time passes you will begin to see how the future is being laid out before you. It will bear little resemblance to the previous cycle, as the new energies that have been created are bringing harmony and peace to the planet such as not previously experienced by you. Out of the chaos of the present there will come a great awakening as to the true potential of the Human Race. People will demand a new way of living, and desire a coming together so that there can be a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas that will lift all Humanity up.

There will be an emphasis on fairness and sharing where the Earth’s bounties are concerned, and the making of a peaceful co-existence between all people. The weapons of war will be disarmed and peace will be foremost in people’s minds and hearts. Co-operation will be the watchword as Human Beings are by nature a peaceful Race, and will set differences aside. Love will abound everywhere as it is realised that all Humans are made in the image of God.


How long it takes for permanent peace to settle upon Earth depends on how quickly you can overcome your differences, and recognise that you are All One. You all have the same desires for peace and happiness, and have a natural instinct to want to share and help each other to uplift your quality of life. Hitherto you have been led to put Self first and hold onto the bounties of Earth with little thought of sharing. Your systems of business have encouraged selfishness and greed, which is why the greatest amount of wealth is in the hands of so few people. You do not need excessive wealth to live well and all it does is deny it to others, who often need help just to exist.


Already the new energies are awakening people to the truth, and the demand for equality in all things will become paramount. Centuries of war have caused so much death and destruction and now Man has weapons that could easily destroy the whole Earth and its people. However, that will not be allowed, and it is time to talk of making world peace and put a total end to all wars. Just think how much wealth is used for destructive purposes, and how it could instead quickly transform the Earth to a modern paradise. Think peace and the vibrations will continue to lift up and speed up, and likewise the changes that are coming that nothing will be able to hold back.


Be assured there are many good people on Earth who have the right ideas that will bring about the necessary changes. They will emerge when the time is right and when it is safe to do so, and they will be protected. Like the dying beast it is the energies of war and all it encompasses that are no longer able to dictate or alter the path that lies ahead for Man. The glorious Light of Peace and Gods Love are ever present and woe behold those who choose to stand in the way of world peace. It is time for changes and they are beginning to happen right now. The dark Ones will try to stop them but will not have any success, as the future has already been written in the annals of Heaven and Earth.


You the people can take credit for having lifted the vibrations upon Earth that have enabled the new cycle to commence. Having come this far you will already have noticed changes in the energies that are beginning to bring people together in a common purpose. They understand that in the long run it is the people who determine the future, and that their collective energy for peace is so powerful it cannot be stopped. So Dear Ones do not be dismayed if you cannot see the overall picture, and know that the changes for the good of Humankind are unstoppable. It also means that the higher forces can also assist you as long as their actions are in accordance with your wishes. In time you will fully understand all events that have or are yet to take place, and the part you have played in them. It will not be too long before it will become apparent which direction you are travelling in, and it is sure to lift you up and raise your expectations. Perhaps some of the first signs of actual change will be the appointment of suitable people into roles of great importance, giving them responsibility for bringing them into being.


The focus at present is on all Lightworkers to keep spreading the positive energies of love, and create harmony where ever they go. People are becoming more open to guidance and seeking answers to help them through a very testing period. It requires great faith to not be affected by the negativity that is upon Earth, as many issues are now being brought into the open so that they can be cleared for all to see. There is no doubt that people are awakening to the truth and questioning the misleading and often untruthful information they are being given. No longer are people going around with their eyes shut and realising how much of the truth has been kept from them. However, it cannot be kept concealed forever, and we are entering a period when it will come out much to people’s astonishment and anger. The difference is that even people in high positions are beginning to insist on the facts becoming open to the public. Hold tight and expect the unexpected in the near future, as the lies and untruth will be exposed as such negative energies cannot be carried forward into the higher vibrations.


The terror attacks are very distracting but do not let them take your focus off the future, as it is the last attempts of those who care not for human life or work for peace on Earth. Their time is running out and actions to bring an end to their atrocities are under way. The people of Earth are defiant and will not give in to the misguided ones, who do not understand that they are the pawns of those who seek to prevent Ascension. It will fail miserably and the determination of the people will ensure that they experience victory over the negative Ones. Because of freewill they had to be allowed to test the Light, hoping to overcome it and eventually imprison all souls upon Earth. They have failed, and already the dark ones have been subdued and can no longer achieve their aims of world domination. Love and Light have persevered and grown stronger, as more souls have discovered the truth and the power within and nothing can now stop their onward march to Ascension.


Remember that very evolved souls await in your Solar System to oversee your transition from the old energies to the new ones. They are the Blue Avians who will ensure that no entities outside of your Earth can interfere with your progress. There are also others that stand by, such as the Pleiadians who are your ancestors, and will ensure all goes well.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.




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Mike Quinsey Message, July 28, 2017

Mike Quinsey Message, July 28, 2017      


Everything proceeds well where your evolution is concerned. Your Guides continue to do their best to keep you on your path to Ascension that was agreed before you incarnated, but honor your freewill to take whatever path you choose. You who are on Earth at such a wonderful time can feel privileged as many other souls would have liked to join you. They are aware that evolution comes much quicker as a result of overcoming the lower vibrations. However, those chosen were selected because of what they had to offer those needing help to break the hold of the lower energies. Without such help they may have floundered and lost the opportunity to rise up into the Light.

The time you are in is so close to Ascension, and many necessary changes are in hand in anticipation of the time shortly to come when the dark Ones will have been removed. They have already seen events turn against them and no longer have the power to dictate how they work out. They were planning for total world control from which position they would have severely reduced the world population. That aim is no longer possible and at this time they are being arrested and imprisoned. There is also much work taking place to clear their underground bases, until they no longer present a threat to the Human population.

Much has already been prepared in anticipation of the time when all matters can openly proceed without fear of interference. That time is not far away and at most is merely a few years, but likely to be less. Already some changes of a minor nature are in hand and bigger ones are being planned well in advance. Once the threat of interference from the dark Ones is removed, all can openly proceed and at an unimaginable speed. You have waited far too long, but time has not been totally lost, but spent in preparation. The dark Ones will then have been moved to places where they have no influence or ability to change the outcome.

When you look around you there seems to be so much that needs attention or renewing, that it would appear to be an insurmountable task. However, with help from your Space Friends you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly things can change. They will have the advantage of much more experience than you and the use of advanced methods. The land and seas can be renewed and cleared of all that has no use in very short time. For obvious reasons your methods are primitive compared to ours, and they leave no residue that needs to be cleaned up afterwards.

In relatively short time all major changes will have taken place, enabling you to happily live in peace with much leisure time in which to follow your own pursuits. You will meet Beings from nearby planets, and they will take you into Space and through the Solar System to visit other planets. No more will you be confined to Earth and will be one with other Galactic Beings. They have been patiently waiting for you to become of age and allowed to travel off-planet. So you see that eventually your lives will completely change for the better. In time your present experiences will seem just like a bad dream.

Your dreams will be fulfilled but in the meantime your thoughts must be focused upon what you need to do to fully prepare yourselves for Ascension. Keep focusing on all that is positive and keep control of your thoughts and energy, and only give them out when it is necessary. You may for example like to help those who are sick or injured, and your loving thoughts and wishes in this connection would reach those concerned. Even better and more effective would be group healing as it carries more power. If you are new to the idea, consider that a meditation prior to sending it out would bring all into harmony and ready for it.

Even a kind thought sent to another soul carries a healing energy and lifts people up. So when you consciously wish someone to receive your blessing, it will go to them. Perhaps first and foremost is self-healing and to prepare yourself for it meditate on positive feelings or colours if you know how to use them. The main objective is to make sure your aura is close to the body and not open, and fill it with clear colours that have a vibration that you need. For example in the hustle and rush of everyday life you need to learn how to relax, and the colour green is recommended for that purpose.

When you progress as you will after Ascension, you will find that there are healing chambers that will completely cleanse your body and boost your energy levels. In fact with high vibrations you will not in fact be prone to illness and will enjoy perfect health. Meantime however, you may need healing, as on Earth you are continually being surrounded by all kinds of energy, but know that like attracts like. This applies in many respects and is why you attract similar souls to yourself, and obviously you feel more comfortable and at ease with them. Naturally it also works the other way around when you can feel uncomfortable when you meet totally opposite energies to your own.

Your Solar System continues to enter the higher vibrations and they are being carefully monitored by the Blue Avians who are present to ensure your progress is not interfered with, and that they do not overwhelm you. In such an event people would feel agitated and uncomfortable, whereas given a gradual introduction to them they will adjust accordingly. The Blue Avians are in your Solar System in great numbers enabling them to stop any intruders probing the Earth. They are also ensuring that the dark Ones do not escape justice for all of their crimes against Humanity.

You have an excellent web that has so many links that you can follow up on almost any subject that interests you. There are also many souls who write up on matters concerning the future events that will affect you. If you are reading this and do not have access to the web, books are available on most subjects, and of course talks are given in most localities. So hopefully you will find some link that you can use to further your interests.

Keep your heads up and do not feel downhearted as we know you have had many disappointments of late, but know that behind the scenes so much that is positive is happening. Your Press is restricted on what it can reveal to you which is why you read little about the wondrous and astounding finds in the Antarctica. They should be on the top of the list for news, but be assured you will learn of their finds eventually.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



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Mike Quinsey Message, June 02, 2017

Mike Quinsey Message, June 02, 2017 

Matters are progressing well and the Illuminati can no longer dictate the course of Humanity’s progress towards Ascension, or prevent it from taking place. Meanwhile many aspects of the preparations for it have been completed, including the most important need for a new U.S. Congress that is ready to take over immediately the present one is dissolved. As you can imagination, there is still much work to do to curtail the activities of those secret groups that are working towards a one State Union. It will not come about as the power of the Illuminati can no longer dictate your future. Perhaps your main concern would be about Humanity’s future and you can be assured that it is in safe hands. Once the real changes commence you will realise that the Forces of Light have set up the foundations for NESARA to be announced. At the appropriate time when the emphasis is upon your safety it will happen, and from thereon beneficial changes will come in quick succession.

So go about your work with the knowledge that great powers oversee your lives, including the Blue Avians. Their numerous craft are stationed throughout the Solar System to ensure that no other entities are allowed to interfere with your evolution. They are very advanced Beings that are closely monitoring events to ensure that you are given every opportunity to fulfil your life plans, and assist Mother Earth with her own changes. The result will be a successful period of changes that will ensure both you and the Earth are fully prepared to ascend. Consequently, many of you are leading a hectic life by facing your final challenges to clear all old karma that you are carrying with you. Naturally you are not alone as you prepare yourselves for Ascension, and you will be guided in such a way as to give you every opportunity to be successful.

Having come this far do not look back but focus on your future, as this is one of the most important times you will ever face. In fact if you can live in the now and take things in hand as they come to you without any pre-determined outcome, you will be moving into your “new” Higher Self. However, do not worry if you cannot seem to make that move into the higher vibrations now, as at the right time it will happen for you. Every soul has numerous helpers and it illustrates how important your evolution is taken. You are very special souls even if you cannot comprehend how that can be, so just keep looking ahead and take things as they come. Everything is proceeding in good order in spite of the apparent chaos on Earth. All life has opportunities to progress and indeed is involved in preparing for the changes that are inevitable and unavoidable.

In time you will come to realise how powerful you really are, and already some are sensing that they have the power to determine their own future. You become what you think, and no doubt you have experienced events in your lives that will bear this out. So even now you should exercise care when empowering your thoughts. They are real and will come back to you at some time for completion or change. Fortunately as you evolve so you grow in your ability to control your thoughts, but the sooner you accept responsibility for them the easier it will be. Your present aim should be to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind, or at the very least do not embody them with the power to materialise. No doubt it all sounds so hard amidst the daily challenges you face, but that is for your experience and is a fast track to success. Do your best and know that you will never be chastised or punished for trying to do better. All experience is of value and never wasted, so regardless of whatever you go through try to see the positive aspects of it.

“Where do we come from” crosses most people’s minds and the answer is very simple, you come from the Godhead as Sparks of Light, and to there you shall return when your travels have finished. You might ask why it is so, and it is because God sent you all out to experience so that the Godhead could grow as a result. You ask is that the end of your travels, and the answer is that you are most likely to be sent out again for new experiences. You are immortal so you will always be conscious of Self as part of God. There is no doubt a lot more that could be told, but at this stage you only need to know that your future is secured. The immediate importance is to evolve so that you do not have to again experience the lower realms. Be lifted up into the Light and enjoy the harmony and beauty of perfection. It is where you came from when you volunteered to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations.

Humans find it hard not to “interfere” with other people’s lives, as the ego believes it knows best. There is also the other souls life plan to bear in mind yet people will try to dictate to others how they should live their lives. Help and assistance is welcome when called for, but often a soul will prefer to tackle its challenges in its own way. It is a difficult subject to approach because each soul may see it in their way that can be quite different to yours. Offer help by all means but withdraw if it is not accepted, otherwise you may inadvertently get involved to your disadvantage. However, according to your degree of understanding you may be guided into situations where your help would be ideal and just what was needed.

The maxim that you should treat others as you would be treated yourself is very much to the point. It means that you ask nothing in return for living in such a way, yet it brings its own rewards. Each act of kindness helps lift up your vibrations, and it is what you desire as you live your life with Ascension in mind. It is a great feeling to have the ability to live day to day in harmony with all else and not be perturbed or upset by events happening around you. In fact, your mere presence helps bring calmness into being, and people will feel better for being around you. In the rush and noise of people going about their daily work tempers are sometimes frayed, and your energies can make a positive difference. Never under estimate the power of thought as in such situations it can bring about a beneficial change.

Your ancient history is being rewritten as a result of astonishing finds in the Antartica, and most importantly regarding the Human Race. It has become quite obvious that Man has evolved in many forms originally brought to the Earth many thousands of years ago, and the proof has been found under several miles of ice. It has also become apparent that Man has experienced in many different forms but clearly human like in appearance. More recently your present civilisations were brought to Earth from different planets to continue evolving, and it explains why you have distinctive Races that are quite different to each other. Learning to get on with each other and respect their beliefs has caused much friction and even wars, yet after many years peace has still not come to Earth.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.



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Mike Quinsey Message, December 09, 2016

9th December 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Events are unfolding quicker than ever and there is no doubt that the truth of matters is coming to light. Nothing can stop the general feeling that it is no longer possible to stop what has been hidden from being revealed to the people. As you would say “the tide has turned” and as it does the truth is setting people free from being manipulated and the lies that have been passed on as the truth. They are so much wiser and no longer trust those whose word was considered honest and reliable. There is the commencement of the rejection of those who have been found to distort and twist the truth to suit their own ends. In some countries it has resulted in demonstrations against those who are guilty, who know the power of the people. When it comes to voting they are now strongly expressing their opinions, and removing those who ignore them.
Now more than any other time, the people need to exercise their right to demonstrate against those who do not follow their wishes. There is a strong desire within the Human Race to make necessary changes to their lives, and if their representatives ignore them it will be to their detriment. People power should be noted because it can if necessary remove Governments that do not comply with their wishes. History will show you that revolutions may result, if the people continue to be ignored and are down trodden by the Authorities. Peace is sometimes hard to achieve when those in power seek the use of force to keep people down. However, the battle is far from one sided as the Galactic Forces always seek non-violent ways to gain peace and their guidance will help those of the Light.
Where incarnate souls have difficulty in accepting what life has to give them, bear in mind that very few know of their life plan. It is often best that you deal with things as they come up, knowing that your Guides are always on hand to try and keep you to the agreed plan. The experiences you need to evolve are carefully planned and are only presented to you when it is known that you are capable of handling them. At this time more than any other one, it is important that you end your life having been successful. For many souls this will be their last incarnation in the lower vibrations, so it is in their interests to make sure they successfully deal with any uncleared karma. In your quieter moments your Guides will draw nearer to you, and you will be able to “talk” with them. That way they will learn of your needs and providing they can fit in with your life plan, will do their best to assist you.
Life in the lower dimensions is not your permanent home, and it is very demanding and quite correctly referred to as a School of Life. You volunteered to have such experiences knowing that no matter how much you dropped down, you would be given every help to recover. You came from the level where you were a Light Being, and it is the one that you return to when you rise up again. By comparison the Earth vibrations are very heavy, and Spirit Beings find them very uncomfortable to be in. You do however move out of the body when you are asleep, and sometimes your best work for Spirit is carried out at such times. After leaving the physical body you will find yourself in your etheric body, seemingly exactly the same as you normally see yourself. In the higher dimensions you are no longer subjected to the extremes experienced in the lower ones. In fact existence is much more pleasant and completely different to what you were used to when you could travel instantaneously by using pure thought. Contact with others is also by thought and as you are in an energy body if you wish, can “think” yourself into a different one that serves your purpose. These are levels that you are familiar with already and are your natural abode.
The fake alien attacks have begun in a small way, but so far the craft involved have been destroyed before they could carry out their mission. The activity is taking place off planet, and the Forces of Light have intervened in the “war in heaven” and are your assurance that mankind is protected from any major occurrence. In your recent past at the end of an Age, there have been negative happenings resulting in an almost complete collapse of the fabric that has kept Humanity going. However, this time you are going to be successful in achieving your aims. The journey for some of you may be hazardous, but you will come out on top and enjoy release from the clutches of the dark Ones.
You have already been informed of the presence of the Blue Avians who are overseeing all activity on and around Earth. They are Beings of the Light and specifically present to ensure that no outsides can intervene or interfere with your path to Ascension. A protective shield has been placed around you and Mother Earth, through which none can either leave or join you. There is much taking place of which you are unaware and it has been so for a very long time. Man has been protected so as to ensure that whatever the outcome, the end times are in accordance with the higher plan. This is why you sometimes feel as though you receive no assistance at all, when in fact immense help is given that you are often completely unaware of. Bear in mind that all of you have been given freewill, and in the ultimate it is you who decide your future, and you will be encouraged to follow a certain path that leads to fulfilment and Ascension. Realise that you who are Lightworkers have been chosen to be here for the end times because you have the skills and experience to fulfil your tasks. You have in fact well prepared for this period of time and what you are doing will naturally seem easy to handle. It is a beautiful aspect of life when one is awakening and realises that “service to others” is the path that evolved souls follow. Rewards for such work are not sought, as the doing of it is a reward in itself. Yet as like attracts like, you will find that as you treat others so you too will be treated.
Keep sharing the Light with others as a kind comment or wish for a souls awakening, and to pass blessings on to that person. If you were to know the truth you would realise that thoughts are powerful, and as the vibrations lift up you must be careful not to impose negative ones upon another soul. However, as you rise up and absorb more of the Light, you will become a much stronger Light Being, and less likely to stray from your path. For example it is normal to be an emotional person, but there is a possibility you could be caught unawares and momentarily lose control of yourselves. As long as you are aware of it, you should be able to exercise the necessary care and caution to avoid any errors.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.



VIDEO (recommended)

We are here, as you know, to support your ascension process. Meaning to support your endeavors to rise your frequency which is equivalent to raising your consciousness. One without the other is not possible, both belong to one single phenomenon: the evolution of your planetary situation, that is you, the species on your planet, including your planet itself.

This is only the beginning. As you evolve, more events are evolving out of the then present situation in an exponential manner.
What you are now not able to see yet, is a state of being that is evolving into a new awareness and state of creation that comes out of your present situation like a new evolved appearance that elevates your heart in a benign and awesome deepening process, not yet experienced by the majority of mankind.

This can happen as you and many other star people, now incarnated on earth, are spreading the seeds of evolutionary cosmic possibilities, of which not even us know the exact outcome.

The process requires a consciousness with a heart and brain that is far beyond even ours and that has humanity on its agenda. It is a pure Divine Agenda, that is born from Pure Divine Intent.

We care about humanity as a whole, and we respect the lower developmental state of human beings who are not yet able to ascent, still too closely attached to their present state of consciousness and awareness, not yet ready to open their eyes and leave lower densities behind.

Our message for now to you is: do not be concerned about the current global affairs and how they present themselves to humanity. There are countless variations of levels of positive consciousness-units that each bring forth different aspects of truth and possibilities how to change present circumstances. And in fact most of them are well-minded. Do not underestimate the positive forces on your planet.

Unfortunately they are not as much supported by the majority and as much propagated like the almost unisono voice of the media of your slowly disintegrating establishment. The positive voices that bring  the news of advancement and human growth to your awareness, are more or less single personalities, without the power of large groups behind them and actively supported by them. So there seems to be a split in the communities of those souls that are more advanced than most of humanity. But if you look from a higher perspective, this is mistaken.

Their encouraging voices count in a manner that raises the earth’s frequency potentially unlimitedly, as they find those who support them in their heart, because they feel the truth of what they bring to them and what they desire to change and how. Please be aware that heart-felt support weighs much more than superficial and ignorant fellowship.

We would like to ask you to focus on that Divine power, the power that is already finding new channels and ways of positive more enlightened creations within the Pure and Divine Creation that has not been falsified, altered and polluted by those that are not interested in your free joy and happiness, the love that unites all hearts.

If you can find that energy in your heart that propels you forward and towards a new, inspired vision and feeling of Divine Creation in all areas and levels of human life, you are indeed blessed, as you are serving humanity with this immensely.

Humanity is indeed on a crossroad right now: whoever will pick up now the road of evolution will catch the train, so to speak. Even jumping on it although it is already set in motion, will enable you to participate in the ever more powerful current of evolution. Blessed is your heart.

We are here to support this, reminding all of you of the love you can always choose under all circumstances.

We are the Blue Avians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 10:54:00 PM



Thursday, January 28, 2016
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The time has come when you must prepare to take action.

This is our loving advise to you. It is about you acting now without fail for the betterment and unity of your world which begins within.

It is wise to no longer hesitate deciding NOW what your own future and thereby the future of your planet and of humanity will be, or better – should be, because you are the co-creators of your own destiny, surrendered to Divine Will.

Although this is not a new idea, most of you still deny your creative powers, presuming – or rather pretending that you are mere endurers of somebody else’s destiny or what they decide what should be your future.

We ask you to look inside your heart, without delay, and discover your true impulses, not those that an artificial social belief and value system has forced upon you, but those that are truly your very own and unique impulses, you are here to fulfill in this incarnation.

To contribute your part, by participating in the great and beautiful human musical accord of human sanctity.

You, the majority of humanity, have forgotten, who you are. Rise now, allowing in every moment the message of your heart to govern you life. Even if in the beginning this inner voice and power of knowing is weak, please follow it, test the waters and it will become stronger every day.

It must happen now. And you have always known that you were destined to live an inspired and happy life from inside out, no matter what. But you despaired at one time and since believed that you have been in error and gave up.

Your outer world is the mirror of that. Your doubt in love was your fall.


Understand now that this was not your fault but consider it to be a test, how far you would go in your trust and self-love, how strong your love was. You did not lose, you only made experiences, to understand love better and your own Divine Self, when you consciously would return to It, knowing what Love and Self-Hood is not.

Not waking up now to your true Self and Divine Authority and taking the destiny of your race and planet into your own hands, would delay your freedom to a later time, as it then would seem you still need more time to explore your prison and seeming helplessness, to experience more of  lethargy and your choice to passively be governed by those with a will.

You are now tested whether you want to be alive and demonstrate that life is a creative process in which you participate in unity with your creator that is your Eternal Self.

This is all about the Breakthrough of the Eternal One in His own form that appeared to separate itself for a time from its Source.

When the Great Moment of universal Sacred Union comes, when Source and Creation snap together in a second’s moment to truly become One – your world will turn around, changed forever, as the Great Mover resumed His governing Force in all creation, and in the consciousness of mankind.

When you begin to see yourself again as a part of the Great Happening that is the Universal Consciousness, this is because you remember Yourself as a Force of Love and Joy. In this moment you no longer will allow to be held captive by limiting forces of weakness, but recognize the Divine Power that desires to become active in you.

As long as you believe the whispering of the seducer that you are separate from the Whole, you have not understood Yourself. And it is actually your false identity that you must question now to awaken from your mortal dream of being merely flesh. To awaken from your false belief that you are just compressed and dense frequency and nothing more.

There are so many more levels of existence that are making up your true humanness that is Mere and Unlimited Consciousness. When you are willing to re-discover them, you will take into your hands again your Divine Destiny. And like a Giant who wakes up from the dream, all chains he wore in his sleep break, to give room to infinite inspired movement and freedom.

Do not despair. Because the Divine always moves to Victory, as It always Wins.

We have this time given you some poetry to reach your heart so it may listen to the Eternal Song and remember.

We are the Blue Avians.

Message conveyed by Ute

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“QUANTUM ~Healing~Transformation~Evolution”
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That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2015. All rights reserved.


Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 9:18:00 AM

Corey Goode about Earth’s Ascension (+ Disclosure process)| Lost Knowledge Interviews

Insider Corey Goode gives us an enlightening, straightforward description of what to expect in the near future when we experience a Full Disclosure Event (not just confirming the existence of ETs, but full data dumps about the crimes against humanity by the elite) that will catalyze humanity into a mass awakening, turbulent times and tribunals that ultimately lead us into a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity. ~PB

Lost Knowledge Interviews
Corey Goode about Earth’s Ascension

Published on Sep 30, 2015

In this interview, Corey Goode discusses the Blue Avians, a galactic group here to assist humanity during Earth’s ascension in part by revealing the untruths and deceit of a faction who has tried to control Earth thru deceptive means. His extensive knowledge of our space programs and the message of hope from our Galactic neighbors inspires us to make our own decisions based on discernment about our evolutionary path during Earth’s ascension into the fifth dimension. Many star nations who support Earth represent a vast universe of sentient life. Our duty as sovereign citizens on Earth is to restore peace and civility and join the Galactic Community in Peace. Banning Space-based weapons and disclosure will lead to the Earth joining the Galactic Federation of Light.


Corey Goode: Ancient Earth Break-Away-Civilization Subterranean Council Meeting & SSP Alliance Debrief Part I – “Honeycomb Earth” | Sphere Being Allliance

Corey Goode: Ancient Earth Break-Away-Civilization Subterranean Council Meeting & SSP Alliance Debrief Part I – “Honeycomb Earth” | Sphere Being Alliance

Meetings of September 3rd and 4th, 2015

Corey/GoodETxSG    23 Sep 2015 : 10:10
 swastika, gods, disclosure    785

The existence of a secret space program has been meticulously and carefully hidden from the American public, and the world at large, for well over 75 years.

As you know if you have read this site or watched our weekly Cosmic Disclosure series on Gaiam TV, I grew up in a world that is so far beyond the limits of most people’s imagination that they would immediately write my experiences off as fiction.

Most UFO enthusiasts believe the US government acquired working ET spacecraft from the Roswell crash of 1947 – almost 70 years ago. Many also believe these craft were successfully “reverse engineered,” giving them the ability to effortlessly travel throughout our solar system – and beyond.

Even with the crude rocket technology of the 1960s, we were able to send people to the moon, land craft there and drive rovers around on the surface.

However, people still hit a severe mental roadblock in imagining that our own reverse-engineered craft were flown to the Moon, Mars and elsewhere, and were used to build bases there out of local materials.

Is it possible that a secret space program could have existed without us knowing about it? Absolutely.

The Manhattan Project developed the nuclear bomb. It was in operation for seven years, employed well over 120,000 people, conscripted multiple secret facilities all over the US, and hardly any of its own employees knew what they were working on until the bombs detonated.

Remember: not one person in the Manhattan Project squealed. Not one. Not ever. The penalty for speaking out was terrifying enough to ensure complete compliance. Therefore it is absolutely possible that an even more advanced program could have been generated, on a much larger scale, and still exist to this day — without any public awareness.

Let me assure you: the Secret Space Program [SSP] is an absolute fact. The bases are out there. They are vast in size, scope and technology. Our planet is now crumbling in a Greater Depression because a majority of our wealth has been siphoned off to build this vast, interplanetary infrastructure.

Did it really cost NASA 209 billion dollars to launch the Space Shuttle a few times a year? No. Did the Stealth bombers really cost 2 billion dollars apiece to build? No. Did the Pentagon really “lose” 2.1 trillion dollars, as Donald Rumsfeld announced the day before 9/11? No.

I have seen the vast, glittering facilities our money has built with my own eyes — through the windows and transparent panels of advanced spacecraft. I have landed in those craft and walked in those bases. I have met the people who live and work there. I have seen their faces and spoken to them just like I am speaking to you now.

There are millions of other people, originally born here on Earth, who have shared my experiences. Regrettably, hardly any of them have spoken out thus far – since the threat of doing so can very easily be lethal, and it is nearly impossible to return to Earth once you enter into this world.

Many have been a part of this world only to be “blank slated”, have screen memories implanted then returned to live out rather mundane lives. Some of the people who have been robbed of these amazing memories and experiences are some of the strongest skeptics of these topics.

We quickly discovered that our own solar system is literally teeming with intelligent civilizations — from many different points of origin. Some of them are extremely benevolent, some are extremely negative and others are just visiting, without really picking a side.

The reason so many different types of UFOs have been seen is that there are many, many different civilizations operating in our airspace – with a tremendous diversity of technologies available to them.

The SSP has been owned and controlled by a very dark aspect of our planet for some time – an intergenerational cult dating back to at least the Roman Empire. Many have called these “Secret Earth Government Syndicates” the Illuminati or Cabal.

Their main business is building hyper-advanced technology – and they have gotten quite good at it. As impossible as this may seem, I was told they are now engaging in regular trade with over 900 different intelligent civilizations.

If anyone shows up who has something newer and better than the old stuff, they will quickly find a way to acquire it and mass-produce it – no matter how unethical or brutal the methods required.

Since these secret earth government syndicates have very negative spiritual beliefs, they ended up allying with the most evil and powerful ET group of all – a confederacy of reptilian humanoid races collectively known as the Draco.

It is a sad but accurate fact that the vast majority of those who have joined the SSP are made to take part in brutal and terrifying situations intended to ensure they can never escape, and will never speak out even if they did. I was personally forced into many situations that were deeply traumatic and have forever altered my perspective on reality.
Several years ago, an alliance formed within this group to restore peace and freedom to our planet, and release the marvelous technologies that are being held back – but they faced towering obstacles.

For many years, Hollywood movies, financed by these same corporate interests, inundated us with film after film of an “alien invasion.” Any and all such visitors were portrayed as brutal, terrifying villains who must be destroyed at all costs.

These films were intended to seed our collective consciousness with fear and terror – a xenophobic hatred of all intelligent civilizations other than our own.

The plan was to eventually strike us in a mass “Alien 9/11,” with huge armadas of reverse-engineered craft. In this event they could wipe out any opposing areas or countries they wanted – just level them flat. The phoenix they hoped to rise from these ashes would be a global “New World Order” to fight this so-called “alien” menace.

Of course, they would own and control the whole thing themselves. That was the plan. However, they failed to realize that benevolent ET civilizations held them on a very tight leash, and they would never be permitted to carry through with these plans.
A giant, Neptune-sized sphere visited the outer planets of our solar system in the 1980s. It was confronted by our people and asked to leave, which it did willingly. Many more spheres began appearing in the late 1990s into the early 2000s.

Then, in approximately the year 2012, another 100-plus spheres arrived. These spheres were of colossal size – with three approximate size categories corresponding to the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter in circumference.

The beings associated with these spheres were very highly advanced. They do not require technology to travel throughout the universe or accomplish any of their goals. Even to the most advanced ETs in contact with our SSP, these new folks are on an entirely different level – and far more advanced.

The SSP believed that the benevolent ETs were bound by a “Prime Directive” that forced them not to interfere. For many years, that was true. As it turns out, the Prime Directive was always intended for our own protection – so these negative groups would never actually be able to completely conquer and overthrow our planet.
David Wilcock worked since the mid-1990s to spread the word about the greater reality we live in, and along the way came in contact with many high-level insiders with a surprisingly deep knowledge of these classified subjects.

After I began disclosing my knowledge to him, and finding countless connections with what other insiders told him, a wild rollercoaster of unforeseen events led to me coming forward and revealing my true name and identity to the world – at great personal cost.

Only a few months after this was done, the beings within these spheres contacted the SSP and asked for me by name. I had not worked for them for many years and this was the most profoundly life-altering event I have ever been through since I was first contacted by the Blue Avians a little over four 4 years prior.

Protocol and paperwork was thrown to the side as I was brought back into a world I had only had seldom, brief contact with since the 1980s.

Suddenly, I was being asked to speak on behalf of these beings – the Sphere Alliance – as their delegate. This included addressing the SSP as well as a group of over 40 different intelligent civilizations known as the Super-Federation, who have been running 22 different genetic programs on humanity for thousands and thousands of years.

Again… I understand that this story seems extremely farfetched. Let me remind you that I had everything to lose – including a six-figure-a-year salary – and nothing to gain by coming forward.

The Gaiam TV job does not pay enough to support my family. It has only been through your conscientious donations that I have been able to continue doing this at all.
The people in the SSP Alliance had a team member who we are calling Lt. Col. Gonzales, who had been in contact with the Sphere Alliance for about four years – roughly the same length of time as I had been.

Gonzales was the SSP’s choice for a delegate. I was an outsider – a has-been who lacked the training and expertise to be brought into such a role. That was their feeling. As a result, I was ridiculed and harassed when I was brought back into their world.

Tensions mounted as they continued to look for flaws and see me as unworthy of the role I was given. I suppose it is human nature to look for character defects in others, particularly if they have been given some position of authority – whether they wanted the job or not.

In order to fully understand the background of all my experiences, it is necessary to read previous articles on this site and / or to watch the Cosmic Disclosure series.
I had found myself in an awkward position in recent weeks after I had some meetings with the SSP Alliance Council that became very heated and personal.

They told me, flat out, that they did not want me to be involved in future delegation meetings — and that Gonzales had proved to be far more adept as a diplomat than I had.

Furthermore, I had upset some of the Super Federation members by providing detailed information about some of them at our most recent Gaiam TV recording of Cosmic Disclosure, which hasn’t even aired yet. It was made pretty clear that they were trying to force me out of the position I was in, and have Gonzales take my place.
Recently, the Sphere Being Alliance indicated that they would not honor the SSP Alliance Council and the Super Federation Council’s requests that I be replaced. This led to a meeting with explosive tension where I really lost my cool, as did they. There was yelling, aggression and cursing. I am by no means spiritually superior, and this has been as stressful on me as it has on them.

We had a couple of meetings after this first explosive one where things settled down, and we exchanged mutual apologies. Ultimately we all want the same thing – to free humanity, and our entire solar system, from the rule of these corrupt secret earth government syndicates, and the highly evil groups that have been controlling them.

As a group, the SSP has now been sharing ideas and guidance to help shape my own future, as well as that of humanity as a whole, in a more constructive manner. I am simply the first of many insiders who will be coming forward and revealing the full scope of what has gone on for so long.

As I have said before, the NSA held a vast treasure-trove of SSP documents for blackmail purposes. Snowden captured all of this data in his epic hack. The encryption was only very recently broken.

Once the public is aware and angry enough to hear the truth, such as in the aftermath of a highly upsetting economic collapse, this documentation will be released in a vast data dump. And it will utterly transform reality as we know it in a matter of days.

The AD or “After Disclosure” society will be so radically different that every film, every TV show, every blog, every YouTube video, every book, every article, everything from before the event will be as antique and quaint as a black-and-white silent film with a scratchy, bouncy piano soundtrack.

We will realize the awesome scope of deception that worked against us for not hundreds, but literally thousands of years. It will be a time of grief and healing as we are forced to accept the truth of our past, and direct our attention towards co-creating a much bigger and brighter future.
In these same meetings, I found out Gonzales had attended a couple of Super Federation conferences without my knowledge. He had also attended a newly formed council of Ancient Earth Breakaway Civilizations.

I was aware that advanced civilizations had come and gone from Earth’s surface in our distant past. They used their own advanced technology to terraform vast pockets inside the earth with all the comforts of home. This provided them with a protective barrier against whatever enemies, both natural and extraterrestrial, threatened them on the surface – including cataclysmic natural disasters.

In my time at the SSP, I had access to “smart-glass pads” that were similar to an Ipad, which revealed some of the civilizations living and warring inside the earth. Some of them were more humanlike and familiar, whereas certain others were reptilian. One particularly nasty race was called the Raptors, and had hideous reptilian features as well as a scrawny plume of feathers running down their backs.

This Ancient Earth council, by comparison, was comprised of the more humanlike groups. They were aware of some of the other opposing factions, but were not in alliance with them. The humanlike groups decided to sort out their differences with one another out of necessity after a rise in conflicts with various other subterranean groups.

I was informed that I would be attending meetings with this Ancient Earth council in the near future. This very much excited and intrigued my curiosity. At the same time, these meetings have brought me face to face with highly negative groups, including the Draco “White Royal”, so I always have a certain sense of dread when facing any new experiences of this type.

Not long after I found out I would be meeting this unforeseen new group, I was contacted and given a date and time for when it would happen. I was given no other information about the groups I would meet or what to expect, which I have started to become accustomed to.
On the date of the meeting I expected to travel via a blue orb, as I would normally do for any meeting. This is not how SSP people usually travel by any means. It is a portal system used by the Sphere Alliance that seems to involve the use of a living, conscious being – the blue orb – as the facilitator of a nearly instantaneous journey to wherever I need to go.

I made sure I was up and out of bed at the proper time, in the middle of the night. I expected to experience the travel procedure that has now become a normal occurrence. Ten minutes passed and nothing had happened. I walked into my living room.

I stood in the living room for a few more minutes and nothing happened. There have been times in the past where meetings were scheduled and they just never occurred, and only later would I find out there had been interference or problems that necessitated their delay.

I decided that since I was already awake, and the meeting was not going to happen, I would get on the computer and catch up on emails and Facebook posts.
I was standing at the foot of my couch when there was a bright flash of light. I felt a strange static electrical sensation for a moment and then noticed I was not in my house any longer. My eyes were a bit blurry, both from it being very early morning and from the unexpected flash of light.

I found myself in a very large and perfectly polished granite room that was round, with a domed ceiling.

There were two men in beautiful silk robes and silk fabric sandals standing there. They were standing on either side of an arched doorway. There were similar doorways on all four sides of the room with two men standing sentry. Each of the two men looked slightly different in ethnicity and build. Each man was also wearing a large gold pendant with a different symbol on it.

I stood there and looked from door to door. None of the men acknowledged me or acted as if they even noticed that I had just appeared out of nowhere in the room with them.

I stood there silently, not knowing whether to call out to them and ask any questions. I once again found myself in a situation with no preparation or intelligence on what to expect or how to engage those that I encountered.
Soon afterwards, I heard the sounds of people coming down what sounded like a corridor in the direction of one of the doors. I then saw five figures emerge from the doorway and head in my direction. They all removed their hoods at the same time as they approached me.

I immediately saw…….

Read the entire article here

Usage Policy: Please post 1/3 of this article and a link back to this page for the remainder of the article. Other portions can be quoted from. It would be appreciated if all those who re-post this information would follow this standard.


Note: I have only posted less than 1/4 of the lengthy and fascinating report. ~PB

Ute Posegga-Rudel: THE BLUE AVIANS: UNITE AS THE ONE HUMAN FAMILY | Messages From the Realms of Light


Thursday, August 6, 2015

VIDEO (Recommended)


When the Blue Avians are contacting me, it happens in the heart, as a warm, soft touch and I recognize their presence. I am telling this because who could think of an A.I. creation that feels warm and would touch us directly in the heart.

The touch feels very familiar to me and appears to be an old memory. This alone brings tears to my eyes. Like I would meet family.

It is interesting, I discover more and more family in the universe, obviously from places, galaxies and stars where I have been existing on my journey through the cosmos, learning and experiencing, discovering and evolving in understanding denser realities and painful separation. To understand the nature of creation, consciousness and how it expands and differentiates in different places and dimensions.

While I am writing this, the soft touch in my heart continues and becomes even more intense, like a kind of confirmation. I am an explorer of possibilities. And bring these, as member of a dedicated group, to all kinds of star civilizations to help them to evolve. Who knows whether already now in parallel worlds. ‘Yes’, it says.

The Blue Avians now tell me, that I am here on this planet, to study this place – with all its highest possible heights of ecstasy and joy and love to the lowest possible deep of sorrow, desperation and terror, –  which is only possible if one fully incarnates here. Besides that, it is a very lonely journey here in this place.  I am also here as a messenger to bring their spiritual presence into the awareness of humanity.

This is not, they say, to be our new gods, but to remind us of an old relationship humanity once had with them. They say:

“We have been always friends with humanity. Especially at the time before the fall of consciousness. We have been eager during all these millenniums to reconnect with humanity, as soon as you wake up sufficiently.

Now is the time when you  will remember this connection in your heart. We are like fuel to help you to awaken and return to your heart, where you once came from. We inspire you to release your sole identification with the thinking mind and return to the greater intelligence of the heart.

Our message is brief: Humanity, you are on your right path. In the near future things will happen that will bring you together, helping you to unite and rediscover unity and love for one another. Whatever will happen on your planet, it is not to confuse you but to unite you more profoundly than ever before. To rediscover your happiness at heart, when you leave the old ways of alienation from one another behind for good and find new and great energy and joy joining  together as the one human family that you always have been.

We are here to reflect this to you, we are from this moment on the helping presence for you to remember who you are. Not as your spiritual leaders, but as your friends who did not loose what you once lost.”

This is the end of their message.

Much love!

In La´Kech,



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Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

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